Sex, gender two different things – a 'foundational lie'
Category: Health, Science & Technology
Via: xxjefferson51 • 7 years ago • 186 comments

Anatomy at birth may prompt attending physicians or nurses to check the "male" or "female" box on a birth certificate, but according to The Associated Press , sex and gender aren't always the same thing.
On Sunday, The New York Times reported the Trump administration is considering rolling back the Obama-era expansion of Title IX – a move that essentially redefined the word "sex" in the statute that bans sex discrimination in education programs that receive federal funding. LGBTQA groups decried the proposed rollback, believing it's a violation of their civil rights.
In a follow-up report published on Tuesday, AP asked the following question of Dr. Jason Rafferty of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP): Aren't sex and gender interchangeable terms?
"Sex typically refers to anatomy while gender goes beyond biology," Rafferty told The Associated Press . "Gender identity is more an inner sense of being male, female or somewhere in between – regardless of physical anatomy. It may be influenced by genetics and other factors, but it's more about the brain than the sex organs."
According to Rafferty, transgender is a term "accepted across science and medical groups" to mean people whose gender identity doesn't match what Rafferty calls their "sex assigned at birth."
OneNewsNow spoke with Dr. Michelle Cretella, executive director of the American College of Pediatricians , who sees things differently.
"The lie is that people have sex and that they have something else called gender," she begins. "That's the foundational lie – and Dr. Rafferty is the author of the American Academy of Pediatrics' pro-transgender policy statement that was just torn to shreds by an openly gay psychologist who looked at the AAP's policy statement, authored by Dr. Rafferty, and pulled all the references."
According to Cretella, the references that Rafferty cites for the AAP do not support the claims that he makes.
"He claims, and the AAP claims, that every child – regardless of how young – must be accepted for whatever gender identity they declare and that we need to go ahead and raise them as the opposite sex, whether they are two or sixteen or eighteen," she continues. "That is demonstrably false [and] that's what the AP story is basing their so-called science on."
The truth, says Dr. Cretella, is that every human being is conceived with a biological sex, which is determined by an individual's DNA alone.
"Our identity, our self-awareness of being male or female, is something that is learned, and it develops over time," she adds. "It is not until the child is seven years old that a child's brain is capable of understanding that sex does not change when you change your appearance. That is the science ... the psychological science, the neurological science ... that the transgender activists – including the transgender activists who wear white coats and stethoscopes – are ignoring."
Enough with the madness
As for the Trump administration's possible "rolling back" of the Obama-era expansion of Title IX, it was never a change in the law – as implied by the reaction and protests of LGBTQ activists.
In 2010 the Obama administration wrote a letter that added "non-conforming genders" to the Title IX civil rights law passed in 1972, redefining the concept throughout the entire federal bureaucracy. A memo from the Department of Health and Human Services, referenced in Sunday's New York Times article , would simply put the original, scientific definition back. As columnist David French writes , the proposal would be simply "applying conventional rules of statutory construction to correct at Obama administration overreach."
American Family Association 's Sandy Rios says the madness has gone far enough. "We've allowed that to happen because we have not spoken back firmly and said, No – this is biology. This is the way God designed things ," she exclaims.
But she contends there are signs many Americans are ready to stand up to those who continue to peddle the "gender identity" lie.
"I think that's one of the biggest reasons why President Trump has taken the imagination of the American people, because he's willing to say the things that the American people have been afraid to say," she shares.
The Times reports the HHS memo was drafted and has been circulating since last spring.

“As columnist David French writes , the proposal would be simply "applying conventional rules of statutory construction to correct at Obama administration overreach."
But she contends there are signs many Americans are ready to stand up to those who continue to peddle the "gender identity" lie.
"I think that's one of the biggest reasons why President Trump has taken the imagination of the American people, because he's willing to say the things that the American people have been afraid to say,"
FYI, the "American College of Pediatricians" and the AFA are both anti-LGBT hate groups based in primitive superstitions, they're not medical organizations of any kind. They don't conduct, fund or publish any peer-reviewed research on any topic.
Their loony and bigoted views are ignored by the scientific and medical communities, just like the racist and homophobic views of the KKK are ignored.
I think you saw a temporary typo. It's the "American College of Pediatricians" and the AFA which are hate groups, not the AAP.
The actual medical organization known as the " American Academy of Pediatrics" is entirely opposed to the transphobic and completely ignorant comments which you and the seeder have made here. In fact as the seeded article itself notes,
In other words the seed itself debunks the bigoted and ignorant claims made here by transphobes like Rafferty and the seeder.
The Trump administration is moving forward with efforts to define gender on the basis of biological sex, reversing decisions under the Obama administration that essentially allowed individuals to choose their own sex for federal government purposes. A new memo from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services argues federal agencies need a definition of sex and gender that is defined “on a biological basis that is clear, grounded in science, objective and administrable.”
The changes are to take place under Title IX section of a 1972 law that bars sex-based discrimination in federally funded education institutions, but could have far broader implications, in areas such as single sex settings and set aside programs.
Progressives are predictably outraged by the fact that the Trump administration will no longer allow pseudoscience to define the words “man” and “woman,” but this is a common-sense move that will help the government better protect women’s rights.....
Title IX prohibited discrimination based on sex. If Congress wants to do something to protect against discrimination based on something else, that's fine. They can write that law. I know Congress can be depressingly inefficient, but it's not up to the White House to change the meanings of words and sabotage the intent of a good law.
If the law is changed to include the same protections based on things like gender identity, perceived gender roles, or even sex reassignment surgery, it jeopardizes the mission of Title IX, which was put in place to protect a population (i.e. half the human race) that needed the protection because of their physiology.
Once upon a time, women and girls didn't have the same opportunities as men and boys to play sports because they simply lacked the physical development to make the team. Now, girls and women routinely enjoy the benefits of participating in competitive sports. That goes away if we allow biological males to participate as females. There's nothing wrong with seeking an appropriate accommodation, but it's not fair to allow someone who wields the advantages of developing as a male to compete against females.
All that’s happening here is that the Trump Administration is simply rolling back some rules and regulations that the Obama regime put in place to where it was before he made the changes he made.
What is the goal of rolling back legal protections, unless conservatives don't believe that these people don't deserve to be protected from being discriminated against or attacked? What happened to the idea of do unto others as you would have done to you?
The protections were overly broad and unilaterally imposed without input from Congress. If Congress wants to revisit once Obama’s impact has been erased, that’s its prerogative.
Why shouldn't they be protected because they are the victims of violent crime far more than average? Does their existence violate your religious beliefs?
Sex is the physical act of mating.
Gender is the physical male or female of the body
Gender identity is the innate male or female of the person's brain as they see themselves.
Sandy Rio is a religious wackadoodle,
Careful: you might confuse those who think it's all the same thing.
That says it all right there.
This is one of the most discussed subjects on this forum and on the former Newsvine, but there are still more than a few people who would lose a debate about gender identity to a brick. We have tried to educate them on the basics of the subject but when their mind refuses to put aside emotions, religious beliefs and unsupported opinions, you can only do so much.
Some people just refuse to learn or prefer to be willfully ignorant. I just cannot comprehend such a mindset.
I can only imagine that when they learn something new they must be able to change and adapt to the new information. Some people feel threatened by change and cannot adapt. Change is very threatening to some people, especially when their life is built around a religious belief.
I get bored if I don't learn something every day because I know that despite what I have learned in the past that there is a lot more that remains to learn.
I love this meme,
This is true. Some people prefer belief over fact and staunchly resist any change.
I'm the same way. Failure or refusal to learn anything new only makes one mentally stagnant and/or ignorant.
I feel like that almost every day, despite spending an hour a day reading and learning.
I feel your pain.
I knew that I could count on you. I wonder where Shrekk is because he knows even more about this subject than I do.
I don't know. I haven't seen him around in a while.
I've been at a site where I can't use the internet.
Ah, I see. It's good to see you though. You are sorely missed when you're not here.
Thanks, it's been a real pain in the butt. Until yesterday I've only had enough downtime when I'm off-base to catch up on the work stuff I have to do.
I guess mirrors are out of the question ?
A transgendered person has a biological gender that is out of line with their psychological gender identity. Why are you attempting to discuss a subject if you don't understand the basic concept?
Biologically. Except, however, for the mental aspects.
That is the psychological conundrum of being transgendered. Their physical body doesn't align with their psychological gender identity (who they see themselves as) Imagine feeling like a woman but seeing that you have a penis.
Before you ask. They aren't delusional because the medications to treaty delusions disorders don't work.
The next question is why do you think that you get to inject your beliefs into the medial decisions of others and why do you want to? Do you feel threatened by trans people? Can they inject their opinions into your medical decisions, or is this a one-way street?
Why are you trying to inject your beliefs into their lives and intimate medical decisions by supporting the government repealing equal rights protections that they rely on to survive? You seem to lack the knowledge to understand or even the will to educate yourself about gender identity, but you have no trouble forming opinions about them, despite that lack of knowledge.
Medical science can prove that the gender of their brain is at odds with their physical gender via MRIs. Our brains do have a male and female physical gender. A person's sexual orientation can also be seen on an MRI because there is a structure at the base of the brain that is larger in males than in females, so in homosexual guys it is simialir in size and shape to a hetero female.
The assigned sex determination was based on either DNA or their external genitalia when they were born, both of which ignore psychological gender identity.
Their assigned physical sex at birth ignores their psychological gender identity that is more more important in determining who they are. You cannot change the psychological gender identity so medical science treats the condition by changing the body to match the brain as much as possible. The DNA cannot be changed but it is irrelevant in daily life, especially to how others see them.
Humans are more than our physical body. Do you know more than MDs and Ph.Ds about this subject? Do you have a similar opinion of people who are gay? Is it also irrational that they are attracted to people of the same biological gender?
You seem quite obsessed about human sexuality for someone who appears to know so little about the subject. Maybe you should learn about it before you begin to make sweeping judgments about others.
Yep! Just like is irrational to be attracted to children and animals.
I have possibly posted more in this thread than Jeffersonxxx-Palin-Nebraska so I have a very sound argument on the issue of gender identity. You have made broad sweeping claims that they are irrational or just stupid because they don't know what gender they are. Trans people know what gender they are but that gender is not the same as their biological body.
There is a very obvious reply to this statement but I will leave it unsaid because it would be a borderline Coc violation if not an outright TOS ticket.
Why are you trying to link trans people to pedophiles and bestiality?
Pedophilia and bestiality are criminal unequal relationships with children and animals. What is your opposition to someone needing to correct a birth disorder of the psychological gender identity and their biology gender being incongruent? Does it bother you that transgendered people exist?
You should ask for an impasse if you feel you are not being responded to regarding what you really posted....imo.
I'm not putting words in your mouth and I'm certainly not running away.
Do you want to deny that you claimed that trans people are irrational?
I quoted your in post 4.2.18. You wrote that statement in 4.2.9. You made similar claims in 4.2.7.
Just covering all the bases. There are those that think one or both of those activities are normal.
Homosexuality used to be a criminal act at one time also and still is in some .
Of course you probably think the white woman who says she is black is rational too. (I am having a senior moment and for the life of me can not remember her name) There was a guy in I think it was San Diego that thought he was a cat was he rational too?
So you admit they gave a mental disorder.
Trans people are not irrational. They are screened for mental illness at the start of the process.
No they don't have a mental disorder. Their psychological gender is at odds with their physical biology.
If you know so much about human sexuality and gender then how would you treat this situation Dr Arkpdx?
Not even if they are a Sumo wrestler. That sounds like body dimorphic disorder.
You have yet to prove that transgendered people are irrational.
Do you often look at a person's genitals when you meet them? Are there nudist colonies in Texas? I cannot see their psychological gender identity, so that is not something that I think much about. We tend to gender someone by how they present themselves instead of by their primary or secondary sexual characteristics that we cannot see.
You cannot see a person's psychological gender identity that is central to this discussion, so your question is irrelevant. Most people are not trans, but there is a +/-1% of the population that is trans.
In my opinion, it's bullying, too.
I didn't put words in his mouth. I sourced every one of those claims from his replies.
You claimed he wanted to inject his beliefs into the medical decisions of others. He never said he had any interest in involving himself in someone else's medical issues. He didn't say anything like that. Then he asked you to quote where he had said that and you still haven't done it - because he never said it.
All he did was ask a very general, very reasonable question about transgenderism. In fact, it's the obvious question: i.e. "isn't it logical to assume that a person is male if they have a penis?" And of course the answer is "yes, it is logical." It's not reasonable to get all offended by that. From there, we can say that even though it's logical, it's not the end of the story. Reasonable people can explore the issue of gender dysphoria without freaking out., but you don't seem to be interested in that. You're just interested in shaming him for not being as "woke" as you.
I'm not freaking out, despite your claims.
The fact that a person was born with a penis or a uterus does not conclusively determine their gender identity. You are the one who seems to have a problem with the subject.
I'm not shaming anyone for not being "woke".
You'd think.
gender identity disorder (GID)
There is a new term for the situation,
I already know that. Wouldn't want to hurt the feelings of the actual "Disordered". That's all it was "Changed' for.
Nothing like changing "one" word to make a "Disorder" acceptable huh !
If you know so much about it why are you posting pedantic replies?
What is your core opposition to gender identity disorder, if that is what you prefer to call it?
I haven't seen much in the way of facts from either of you.
Is this the best that you can do?
I never said it did. Once again: Reading!
I said it was logical to assume a person with a penis is male. That means biology, not self-identity. For someone who claims to know the topic, you sure don't act like it.
I prefer to call it exactly what it was always called, before the PC movement set.....Gender Identity Disorder (GID)
That is fine with me if that is what it will take to make you happy. Can you accurately describe the med-psych situation in question?
Our external biology or our DNA does not determine our psychological gender identity because of it did the situation would not exist. The body is controlled by the brain so we must follow the gender identity of the brain. We do not know the persons gender identity at birth so that is what makes the initial decision but the action is not always accurate, so it must be open to change as we gain more information about the person in question.
so you are assuming biological sex - but the topic is gender ?
True enough.
You're just rambling. That's completely non-responsive to anything I said.
Your point is not clear to me.
Don't you try to be intellectually dishonest and attempt to misinterpret what I said because you don't have a coherent reply for it. My reply is quite clear and is not different from what I have posted previously What is your problem with either gender identity or transgendered people in general? There seems to be something about this situation that greatly bothers you.
How is my reply 4.2.47 not clear?
Why do you think that you can limit who and when someone can respond to you?
Don't be intellectually dishonest. You previously said that you only want an answer from me when you ask me a question.
I'm still waiting for your evidence that my previous post (4.2.52) was rambling in any way?
Now you are trying to turn the claim 180°. This exchange is bordering on the Monty Python "Argument Clinic" skit.
I suppose not. But a person wishes that people would read and respond to what you actually write rather than just rant whatever their agenda is.
Good God, you can really sling the garbage. Do you spend your days hanging on to the back of a truck?
From this point on, Tacos! Epistte and Texan do not talk to each other any further. Only warning.
Sounds like you know virtually nothing about this topic. That means you're eligible for membership in the ACP hate group.
Isn't that statement a violation of the ToS? I'll report it and see if it is.
It seems that conservatives haven't evolved much on that issue either - they still want homosexuality to be illegal and the national GOP platform still seeks to harm both gay and trans folks.
It's like the world moved forward and left those regressive and bigoted dimwits behind.
Given that not all such people are male it seems like a rather stupid basis on which to make that presumption, unless of course you're a crotch-grabbing bigot like our Fuhrer.
Our Fuhrer left office on Jan. 20, 2017 and his political mistress was denied possession of that rank. We now have a pro America President of the United States 🇺🇸 of America.
This kid has a penis and isn't male , and represents only a very small fraction of the penis-endowed non-males in the country. Apparently your state didn't teach anything about fetal development when you grew up.
Strange though that you apparently go around grabbing people's crotches to determine their gender. In the more enlightened states that would constitute a sexual assault.
You a Med. Doc. or Psych. Professional ?
I would or I would be a partisan in the paramilitary term and resist for real if it were an actual fuhrer that took office .
I am a mechanical engineer, so that would be neither of those possible terms. I was assigned to write a 5000-word term paper on the subject in college in lieu of a final exam for a human sexuality class that I took. This was at the time when there was very little information, even in the medical field so I spent time with 2 psychologists and a trans support group to get the source material that I needed.
Do you have any formal knowledge of the subject or are you are a graduate of Fox News U.? Do you know more about this subject than the American Psychological Association and the American Psychiatric Association, both groups of which I cited in my replies?
Do you understand that my major was not psychology, so obviously I wasn't in the position to do research on the topic of gender identity? Undergrads don't do research. Did you go to college or did your formal education end with your being a homeschool valedictorian?
On what knowledge you base your beliefs that are in opposition to the medical community?
E.A And need to add that has a long long history of " Not Believing in the Writings of Man"
Dig Baby Dig!!!

Trans people are proven to exist, unlike your god.
E.A WOW!!!
You Surprise me!!
What is an Aberration is Genetics?
removed for context
removed for context.
I repeat
continue arguments from one article to the next.
This is your only warning, THANKS. [SP]
Jefferson-XX, why did you vote up a reply that was so aggregious that it was deleted?
I have an Engineering …… AND ……. an Architectural lisc..
Any other questions.
Civil engineer? PE license?
Apparently, you have no knowledge of human sexuality or psychology.
As much as you....the "Mechanical Engineer".....does !
Psych' courses were an easy way to boost my GPA because I liked the material.
What courses did you have that covered this material?
Why not discuss the actual issue instead of attacking another members standing to be able to discuss it?
E.A If I may ask::
Is that the same " engineer " that thinks that the OUTSIDE casings of Wells do NOT leak?
Could be to size an A/C system based on Total S.F., insulation factors and Window UV ratings.
E.A Ahaaa Ahaaa AHHAAAA
That's okay. Seems "Electives" in school makes one an "Expert".
E.A Excuse Me Sir::
Is that the right Spelling??
Or is it Ex Spert?
Not sure....will have to "Fact Check" that.
E.A Please for THIS is of Immense Interest to the " Pu Blic "
Merijanetitsucking inclusive!
I was discussing the thread subject.
I never claimed to be an expert.
What formal education do you have of the subject of human sexuality?
Did the subject of the discussion change from sex and gender to HVAC design specifcations?
E.A Do you think that a Pandemic of these Might help awaken the WORLD to the effects of " Gender Dystopia "??
DR Congo Ebola outbreak: Death toll passes 200
E.A Link to the Above and:::
More than 200 people have now died in the latest outbreak of Ebola in the Democratic Republic of Congo, according to health officials.
About half the victims were from Beni, a city of 800,000 in the North Kivu region, the national health authority said.
A vaccination programme has so far inoculated about 25,000 people.
However, health minister Oly Ilunga said armed rebels were continuing to harass medical teams.
What is gender dystopia and where do they plan to migrate to?
Since when did formal education in one field prevent participation in message board conversation on any other topic outside ones field of study?
If he believes that I am wrong then I'd like to see the facts to support those beliefs. If he knows more than I do on this subject than prove it. I have never claimed to be an expert, but I do understand the ideas put forth by the med/psych community.
Perrie, if my reply was judged to be off-topic then the replies at 108, 109, and 113 are equally off-topic. If those replies get to stand then I would like my reply to be restored.
He is right. What more need be said?
The Department of Justice (DOJ) on Wednesday told the Supreme Court that it is lawful to discriminate against transgender employees based on their gender identity, according to Bloomberg Law .
In a brief to the Supreme Court, the DOJ wrote that federal civil rights law banning sex discrimination in the workplace does not extend to transgender people.
Now we have a brief by the DOJ. Don't like it? Write your Congressman. That is supposed to be how it works - through the will of the people!
If you are willing to admit that the actions of the DOJ are discriminatory then how is it legal to do it? Not only have you stuck your foot in your mouth, but your ankle, knee, and hip as well. You are a yoga guru.
As long as you got the body for it, and shave your legs go for it. I don't want to see a guy in yoga pants that looks like Sasquatch.
For guys, they are called running tights.
Make certain that you are properly attired when you go,
Being discriminatory is not necessarily an illegal act .
Please explain.
I think he meant indiscriminate.
I'm not sure if I am speaking the same language as some people.
You're speaking logically, rationally, and intellectually. Clearly not everyone speaks your language. It's like Latin or Klingon to some.
Should I investigate the possibly of a switch to disable my frontal lobe when I reply to conservatives?
Nah. You shouldn't have to dumb yourself down.
I shouldn't have to remind you but the rights of a minority are not determined by the approval of the majority. That act is tyranny on the majority and it is the reason why we have the Bill of Rights and the 14th Amendment so that all people enjoy the very same rights, whether they are one of 150 million or 1 person. Racial discrimination laws as well as DOMA laws were the vote of the majority on the rights of a minority and they were also struck down by the courts because they were unequal. The US is not a democracy, but we are a constitutional republic with a Bill of Rights to protect the rights of all people equally.
The left always says that when they can't get what they want. When they are on the winning side it is just the opposite and the majority rules.
The Bill of Rights is proof that they aren't determined by majority consent. How are you impacted by transgendered equality?
Maybe we should put the 2nd amendment to a popular vote?
Seems like there are a lot of butt-hurt elderly conservative white guys around who can't stand it when minorities get equal rights.
Yes, and not to long ago there was no law banning discrimination against black Americans in the workplace. We made some progress, sadly this administration is taking us backwards repealing law abiding tax paying American citizens freedoms. This should make anyone who cherishes their own freedom and security from being discriminated against in the workplace very sad.
ah.. so someone please define what Gender Identity is .
Plus.. i'm not shocked that the seeder supports a group like American College of Pediatricians :
These homophobic groups are never truthful about who they are and what their religious agenda is, despite the Bible demanding that Christians are not to bear false witness.
ACP is right on. They are the go to group on pediatric issues. AAP is a misguided pc organization. The American College of Pediatricians are a great American organization.
This claim is a confirmation bias. The ACP is a splinter group with a religious agenda.
It always amusing to see you vote up your own posts. It is assumed that you like the idea that you put forward because you wrote it, so why do you go to the trouble of voting it up as well?
Because they support your bias, is that it?
Hardly. They are a credible and recognized medical and scientific organization.
They were founded only 16 years ago, have only about 500 members, and have an anti-gay stance. They are at best a marginal group who engages in dishonest tactics. Even the U.S. National Institution of Health (are you going to call the NIH a "misguided pc organization?) have called out the ACP about misusing or misrepresenting other scientists work. Yeah, a real great organization >sarc<
It's not surprising that you support and admire them.
oddly you provide no proof - yet i have and my proof definitely contradicts your opinion. But i understand why you love them so much - they are enamored with mythology and help keep up the "persecuted Christian/Conservative" complex.
The ACP is merely an anti-LGBT hate group based in primitive Bronze-age superstitions, they're not a medical organization of any kind. They don't conduct, fund or publish any peer-reviewed research on any topic. They play the exact same role as the KKK in regards to medical science.
They're also tiny and have only a few hundred members compared to the 60K+ members in the real AAP.
Social Conservative and evangelical Christians are persecuted in a variety of ways even here. The Alliance Defending Freedom, Family Research Council, Liberty Council, American College of Pediatricians, The Stream, Christian Broadcasting Network, and much more are proof of it.
How exactly? What civil rights have those groups of superstitious bigots been denied?
I'll admit it makes good sense that those dumb bigots should be ridiculed by the general society in much the same way that their buddies in the KKK are ridiculed, but apart from that they don't seem to be "persecuted" in any way whatsoever. In fact they have a major political party which goes to bat for them and tries to use our secular government to enforce their twisted and evil agenda.
It certainly true that those specific hate groups advocate for special rights for Christian extremists and lobby against the civil rights of LGBT folks and certain other minorities, but that fact doesn't support your first claim at all. None of those hate groups or their members face any persecution in the US, which is very much unlike the minorities they seek to harm. What you're doing is exactly like the KKK whining that they're being "persecuted" simply because most folks outside the GOP no longer support their vile agenda.
provide actual factual proof please. you just seem to be upset that those organizations and websites that prefer their mythological beliefs over scientific facts are being called out on such including taking science and twisting it for their own purposes as i have already pointed out. You can believe anything you want - but you are not entitled to your own facts and neither are they.
This seeds been up 3 weeks or so. It’s closed.
I get the last reply.