Jerry Verlinger Has Passed Away

Rest in peace.
I have just heard that long time member and friend, Jerry Verlinger has passed away due to several medical issues. He was a wonderful person and an asset to the community here. He always tried to bring people together and was the founder of the first NV group here.
I will miss him very much.
I am so shocked to hear about Jerry's death. He really cared about this community and those in his life. He will be missed. Rest in peace old friend.
Sorry to hear it. He was a gentleman
That is sad. Jerry always wanted more for Newstalkers (I believe he is the one who started the 'Newstalkers Community' group), and always had an interest in finding new members for this site.
He was a vocal and forceful fighter for his liberal ideals.
I think he has had health struggles for at least a few years.
RIP Jerry.
This is disheartening news indeed. He will be missed by many of us.
That's terrible. God Bless his Family !
He was one of the good guys.
RIP Jerry.
I am so very sorry to hear that Jerry has walked on. We were Friends on NV and he was the one who invited me to come to NT. I will truly miss him.
He was a great asset to NT and to its Members. He was a straight shooter and called it like it was.
He was very heartbroken by the death of his young Grandson and it seemed to take a toll on him.
May the Creator hold him in His hands are he moves on to the next steps of his own eternal journey.
nv-wa-do-hi-ya-dv (Peace) Jerry
Jerry was the 2nd member to welcome me when I joined in 2016. He did not participate too much during my time but when he did I found his comments could be thoughtful, silly, and genuinely caring but always Jerry and never hateful or hurtful.
A great loss to the community. Condolences to his family and all those he touched.
Remember Jerry from NV and when we moved over here, he was here to welcome all of us.
You will be missed Jerry - R. I. P.
He was a great guy and fun to read. I will miss him very much
RIP Mr Verlinger
RIP Jerry V
This is terrible news. I've known Jerry since way before NT, over on a forum that has since disappeared...
Jerry was someone worth talking to... and that's perhaps the highest compliment I know how to make.
I am sad for the loss of Jerry, he was a very wise and helpful and a great asset to this community .Perrie, thanks for passing this on.
So sorry to hear this. My condolences to his family and friends, I always enjoyed his posts.
It takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, and a day to love them, but it takes an entire lifetime to forget them.
RIP Jerry
No No No No No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No!!!!!! I need to collect myself before I can make a more appropriate comment.
Jerry and I were long time cyber friends. Not only did I view him as a talented writer, I considered him to be a true journalist. He could be surprisingly compassionate and caring on both a personal and public level, but he could also be the biggest horses arse on the planet when defending a position. We laughed, we fought, we made up, and then we laughed again. We had many shared interests, and many opposing interests, and I valued them all.
Words can't convey how much I will miss him.
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear it. RIP, Jerry.
May the Source of all peace, consolation, healing, solace and warm memories grant all these and more to his family.
A fellow Upstate New Yorker, Jerry and I were in contact from time to time.
The loss of all who knew and interacted with him is profound.
As In This Life, to Jerry V. Peace and Abundant Blessings In The World To Come.
RIP Jerry
Sad News...
RIP Mr Verlinger.
A class act.
Well said.
he will be missed here
Because of our time difference, I just woke up to be saddened by this being the first thing I saw on NT this morning. Another one on my Friends List is now gone. Jerry and I had many dialogues, and although we didn't always agree on issues, he was usually right. Not having seen his comments for a while, he was already being missed - a loss to NT and to his friends and family. RIP Jerry.
I'm sorry to hear of Jerry's passing.
So sorry. Sending peace and comfort to his family and friends.
RIP Jerry
RIP Jerry, you will be missed..
Never really knew Jerry. I did notice he made poignant posts.
Really, condolences to family and friends. RIP.
There are from time to time people that you meet online that make you step back and evaluate how you see the world. Jerry was one of those people, and I will miss him.
Very sad news. Jerry was one of the first members to reach out when I joined, loved his welcome to the community posts.
Jerry was a great guy. He will be missed.
Perrie, have you had any word on how his son came out on his medical issues?
I've been away due to moving. So sorry to hear this. Always liked and respected Jerry.
God speed Jerry.
Sorry to hear the news about Jerry. I always had a lot of respect for Jerry and admired his passion.
A caring gentleman always attempting to make the world a better place, see you on the other side Jerry.
RIP Jerry. You are missed buddy.