Poll: Obama 'worst president' since World War II

President Obama has topped predecessor George W. Bush in another poll, but not one he would like.
In a new Quinnipiac University Poll , 33% named Obama the worst president since World War II, and 28% put Bush at the bottom of post-war presidents.
"Over the span of 69 years of American history and 12 presidencies, President Barack Obama finds himself with President George W. Bush at the bottom of the popularity barrel," said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll.
Of course, Obama and Bush are the most recent presidents; historians will tell you that it takes decades to truly measure an individual president's performance.
Ronald Reagan topped the poll as the best president since World War II, with 35%. He is followed by presidents Bill Clinton (18%) and John F. Kennedy (15%).
Obama received only 8% in the best presidents poll.
The Quinnipiac poll also reports that 45% believe the nation would be better off had Mitt Romney defeated Obama in the 2012 presidential election; 38% say the country would be worse off with a Romney presidency.
For those of you who totally believe in "POLLS", this one's for you.
The Quinnipiac poll also reports that 45% believe the nation would be better off had Mitt Romney defeated Obama in the 2012 presidential election;
And, that my friends, is scary as shyte.
If the mere prospect of an Obama Presidency is still, "Scaring the shyte out of you", beyond this point then you must have a problem. It is all over now. Obama and Bill and Hillary are all in retirement. You don't have to be scared anymore. It all turned out just fine. Your long nightmare is finally over...
Our problem today is Trump!
Sorry to see that you don't read or understand much posted in the comment ahead of yours. The highlighted area VERY SPECIFICALLY states that 45% of the NATION believed Romney was better than Obama.
Trump is not the point of discussion.
And your long nightmare is just beginning.
After Trump's glorious years in office, will come Nikki Haley as America's first female president.
Trump's approval rating has soared to 48%
I seriously doubt it.
What IS the point of the discussion 1st?
You seed states:
Yet the linked poll and the statement you think is so poignant is 5 YEARS OLD.
That's false. Your link doesn't say anything SPECIFICALLY about the NATION. The poll you cite surveyed a whole 1,446 registered voters 5 YEARS AGO.
'His' WHO? Where is your quote from? Oh and how does he know what the rating is "boosted by"?
HOW does that answer my questions?
Hint: It doesn't.
Why deflect?
You obviously copied the quote from SOMEWHERE. Post the link.
Oh and BTFW, since it seems to be copied verbatim, you should have posted a link per the CoC to avoid copyright infringment.
Voted up! BTW that was a very interesting election. One that Obama pulled all the stops on and ya, the 45% are right, we really got to see the real Obama in his final term!
Except the one overarching fact you are steadfastly refusing to acknowledge is that this year, just as in each of the ten last ten years, Barack Hussein Obama is The Most Admired Most Respected Man in the World and Donald Trump is not and he never ever will be...
History will be the final judge. In the case of our two controversial recent Presidents, the liberal media had a lot to do with public perception. Ultimately, Presidents will be judged by their performance in office. Trump hasn't completed his term/terms as of yet. Obama on the other hand, ruined whatever legacy he might have had by over reaching in his attempt to transform the nation. When Hillary Clinton failed to win in 2016, any chance for Obama's Presidency having any lasting effect was over, the Obama vision of America was quickly gutted by Donald Trump.
Tessy - your hate for Trump is well known. Please keep it off my thread.
You are posting a five year old poll.
I doubt you could find a LEGITIMATE poll today that would show Obama was a worse president than Trump is.
Are you referencing the 2014 or 2017 poll?
2014 Quinnipiac poll
A Quinnipiac University poll taken June 24–30, 2014, asked 1,446 registered voters in the United States who they thought were the best and worst Presidents since World War II . [41]
Best President since World War II:
Worst President since World War II:
2017 Quinnipiac poll
Four years later, a Quinnipiac University poll taken January 20–25, 2017, asked 1,190 voters in the United States who they thought were the best and worst Presidents since World War II. [42]
Best President since World War II:
Worst President since World War II:
You forgot to include the most recent:
2018 Quinnipiac poll
A Quinnipiac University poll taken March 3–5, 2018, asked 1,122 voters in the United States who they thought were the best and worst Presidents since World War II. [45]
Best President since World War II:
Worst President since World War II:
Polls sure are interesting - and SO reliable. eh? They put Obama as the second best President and the second worst President out of 13 simultaneously.
Surely, by now, nobody is so naive to not realize that polls are so easily manipulated depending on the bias of the pollster, the questions that are asked and the demographic of the persons questioned. I consider that Gallup and Pew may be the most reliable and least biased.
It was the best of days, it was the worst of days....
wow i just was watching game 2 of the NBA finals and President Obama stood and waved after being introduced and the crowd chanted MVP.
My point is that he is out of office and having a great time going here and there, doing this and that, and traveling the world.
And here you are posting this crap..........can we move on .....1st ? ugh smh
Only saw the last few minutes of that game. Come on, Raptors, you won the first one, go go go!
Interestingly enough most Native American leaders and tribal members see Obama as one of the best Presidents for Indians.
Since this poll is 5 years old, do you have anything a bit more in time with today?
Yeah - right now, it's 1600 hours on 3 June 2019.
Yes, and now it's 2300 hours on 3 June 2019.
And the majority of Indians still think that Obama was a good president for Indians.
For the Indians - he did his best. For the U.S. as a whole - not even close.
Actually he did better then the majority of American Presidents for Indians. And a hell of a lot better than anything the current administration has or is doing for Indians.
Have to call BS on that opinion. Facts certainly dispute it.
I think he was a good President for all Americans..
Poll: Obama 'worst president' since World War II (2014)
Poll: Trump 'worst president' since World War II (2018)