Rush Limbaugh blames Hillary Clinton for failed ‘coup attempt’ against Trump

The failed “coup attempt” to take down President Donald Trump was “95%” Hillary Clinton’s work, Rush Limbaugh said.
Citing a Federalist article by H.A. Goodman, Limbaugh broke down how Clinton was the No. 1 figure behind the so-called “Deep State” conspiracy to sabotage the Trump campaign and, failing that, to thwart his presidency. While the likes of James Comey and John Brennan played important supporting roles, Clinton was the “architect.”
“I actually think that the architect of all of this is Hillary Clinton, that Hillary Clinton is responsible for this coup — and then people like Comey and others in the [Barack] Obama administration,” Limbaugh said. “It’s hard to separate Obama and Hillary. But this was a Hillary bought-and-paid-for, led-by operation. And it incorporated the Obama DOJ.”
Placing the blame
With the end of the Mueller probe and the beginning of Attorney General William Barr’s review of the origins of the Russia hoax, familiar players have been in the spotlight, from former FBI Director James Comey to former CIA chief John Brennan. But while the FBI, DOJ, and CIA played important roles in the “coup,” they did not supply the “intelligence” that formed the basis of the probe, Limbaugh said.
The radio host said that “every news item, every little bit of information that fed this narrative the past two years or three now — that Trump colluded with Russia — came not from American intelligence, not from British intelligence. It didn’t come from FBI intelligence,” he said. “It came from the Clinton campaign.”
Anti-Trump “coup”
Limbaugh traced how the whole operation — from the FBI’s exoneration of Clinton, to Democrats rigging the primaries against Bernie Sanders, and then Clinton funding the dossier that formed the basis of the Russia hoax — was done at Clinton’s behest. Limbaugh noted that Clinton-linked officials in the Obama administration first had to exonerate her of wrongdoing in her misuse of a private email server, which Comey did in July of 2016.
From there, the conspirators turned to denying Trump the presidency. Again, helping Clinton was the motivating factor, and Clinton played a key role in getting the coup off the ground by funding the dirty Russia dossier.
“After that, the project became, ‘Make sure Trump doesn’t win, make sure Hillary does.’ And when that didn’t happen, it was focus efforts on somehow getting rid of Trump,” Limbaugh said. He went on to acknowledge arguments that “you can’t take [Obama] out of this because all of this happened while he was president. And all these institutions — FBI, CIA, and all that — were run by people he’d appointed.”
But Limbaugh stressed that Clinton, more than any other figure, was the focal point behind the “coup.” Sure, Obama’s intelligence officials played key roles, but Clinton’s traces are everywhere to be found in the operation.
“This was a Hillary Clinton inspired, motivated, bought-and-paid-for operation, everywhere you look in this thing,” Limbaugh said . “[Andrew] McCabe’s wife got money from the Clintons and her campaign in Virginia. [Christopher] Steele paid for by the Clintons. [Andrew] Weissmann — Mueller’s guy — was on stage with Hillary during her concession speech and was a big donor. Alexander Downer, the Australian ambassador that supposedly nails [George] Papadopoulos? These people are all part of the Clinton Foundation or the Clinton campaign.”
Minding her business? Not so fast
Clinton was not “minding her own business,” while the Deep State went to work, Limbaugh said; far from it — that’s just not Clinton’s way.
“That’s not who Hillary Clinton is,” Limbaugh insisted. “We know who she is. We know who she’s always been, and this is exactly the kind of operation Hillary Clinton always mounted when her husband was in the White House. She was always a humongous left-wing activist. In fact, when Bill Clinton was in the White House they played the roles.”
Rather than stand idly by, Clinton had the Democratic primary rigged against Sanders, much like she expected the general election to be rigged in her favor with the help of the FBI, DOJ, CIA and other agencies, Limbaugh said. All the officials involved in the “coup” were “linked and tied back to Hillary Clinton, including Mueller’s lead negotiator, lead investigator.”
But the biggest connection of all was Clinton’s involvement in funding the Christopher Steele dossier. With the dossier, the Clinton campaign leveraged the power of the American intelligence apparatus to spy on a political rival — an unprecedented abuse of power. Limbaugh himself cited a piece from John Solomon of The Hill that describes the Steele-Clinton collusion as “arguably the most devious political dirty trick in American history and one of the most overt intrusions of a foreigner into a U.S. election.”
“Screw Russia. How about Steele?” Limbaugh pressed. “You want to talk about foreign intervention in an election, Solomon’s right. Christopher Steele, a British spy who went out and was fed phony items of intelligence by Russian spies that were friends of his, and that’s what made up the Steele dossier.”
It all started with the dossier
The real collusion was between Clinton and Steele, not Trump and Russia, Limbaugh said. Clinton’s funding of the Steele dossier was a campaign contribution that she kept hidden using multiple layers — hiring law firm Perkins Coie, which in turn hired opposition research firm Fusion GPS, which in turn hired Steele.
“Trump didn’t do any of the collusion. Hillary did, with Steele. The foreign collusion was Hillary and Steele using Russians,” Limbaugh said. “A lot of people think this thing all started because somebody really thought Trump was colluding. And that’s not what happened.”
Although the FBI, DOJ, and CIA played important roles in the “coup,” their intelligence had nothing to do with the genesis of the investigation, according to Limbaugh. It all started for one reason only: Hillary Clinton and the salacious dossier she paid for.
“The CIA didn’t find anything. The FBI didn’t find anything. The only thing anybody ever had was what Hillary Clinton gave them,” Limbaugh said. “And every one of these people, apparently an uber-loyalist to Hillary Clinton, then took that ball, the dossier, and ran as far as it would take them.”
“But the biggest connection of all was Clinton’s involvement in funding the Christopher Steele dossier. With the dossier, the Clinton campaign leveraged the power of the American intelligence apparatus to spy on a political rival — an unprecedented abuse of power. Limbaugh himself cited a piece from John Solomon of The Hill that describes the Steele-Clinton collusion as “arguably the most devious political dirty trick in American history and one of the most overt intrusions of a foreigner into a U.S. election.”
“Screw Russia. How about Steele?” Limbaugh pressed. “You want to talk about foreign intervention in an election, Solomon’s right. Christopher Steele, a British spy who went out and was fed phony items of intelligence by Russian spies that were friends of his, and that’s what made up the Steele dossier.”
It all started with the dossier
The real collusion was between Clinton and Steele, not Trump and Russia, Limbaugh said. Clinton’s funding of the Steele dossier was a campaign contribution that she kept hidden using multiple layers — hiring law firm Perkins Coie, which in turn hired opposition research firm Fusion GPS, which in turn hired Steele.
“Trump didn’t do any of the collusion. Hillary did, with Steele. The foreign collusion was Hillary and Steele using Russians,” Limbaugh said. “A lot of people think this thing all started because somebody really thought Trump was colluding. And that’s not what happened.”
Although the FBI, DOJ, and CIA played important roles in the “coup,” their intelligence had nothing to do with the genesis of the investigation, according to Limbaugh. It all started for one reason only: Hillary Clinton and the salacious dossier she paid for.”
You go on vacation for two weeks and this is what you bring us back ???
I may not have been here but I seeded and commented more than I do here on a competing site during my time away here. I also had a positive home change to keep me busy. I’m glad that you all missed me.
Except for the fact that there were more than 140 highly inappropriate and possibly illegal meetings and clandestine interactions which were documented in the Mueller Report between high ranking officials of the Trump campaign and known agents of Russian State Intelligence Services which the Trump campaign has since felt they had to lie about this might be plausible. Yeah, except for that. Hmmmm...
So, you've got nothing? Who was this imaginary coup supposedly against?
Seems pretty spot on to me, and, Trump is in the article more than once, so he is fair game, SORRY!
Anyone accusing Trump or anyone associated with his campaign of colluding with the Russians has less than nothing. No evidence of any American knowingly colluding with Russia or Russian intelligence assets. Of course that last part could change now that Hillary and Obama and their henchmen are being investigated.
Do you really believe all of those ranking Trump campaign associates who had all those 140 plus highly inappropriate meetings with known Russian State Intelligence Services agents were really truly unaware that conspiring with a foreign enemy to defraud the American electorate is highly illegal?
Looks like someone didn't read the Mueller report, which said that while trump didn't seek out help from the Russians, he did accept their help when it was offered.
Be careful, you were singing his praises when he said there was no collusion, right? Or are you going to walk that back?
[Discuss the seed]
Mueller agreed. Hsi conclusion was that Trump, and basically everyone in his campaign tried to, but was just too fucking stupid to do it successfully.
Except for everyone who has been indicted and sent to prison.
please name the americans who got indicted and then went to prison for colluding with russians to influence our elections in 2016 as a result of the mueller investigation.
it will be fun to watch how many people go to jail for colluding with russians to frame trump.
if all ya need is just one name? hillary
if all ya need is just one govt entity? fbi
If you feel you were given a bias ticket use a private letter to Pierre about it.
Why are you asking for proof of something that wasn't even claimed 8?
I stand by every word of what was arbitrarily deleted in 2.1.3 that you quoted above and double down on the intent of what I said. Those who accuse Trump or anyone associated with his campaign have absolutely nothing to stand on. Nothing at all. There was no collusion. Period. End of subject.
Which states:
Most of the rest of the time that collusion is cited in the report, it's Trump saying 'no collusion'.
What's looks foolish is citing a source and then deny what it says.
Are you on the clock?
You cited the Mueller report Tex. I QUOTED the Mueller report, which IS what Mueller says on collusion.
Now you what to deflect to other sources. Why?
This looks like collusion to me,
Like this gem from your first link Tex?
Your second link has 'Mueller report says' in it's title. Link is fucked up.
Your third is a fackcheck on what Trump said.
That's fucking hilarious Tex. You should take that on the road.
Don't like what your own cited source says do ya Tex? That's okay neither does Trump or his lawyers.
I forgot the link,
Yes I know Tex. You've done your best to deflect from the QUOTES that I posted from the Mueller report. This one is worth repeating.
A statement that the investigation did not establish particular facts does not mean there was no evidence of those facts.
You'd have to understand it yourself first. You made it painfully obvious that you don't.
You should learn not to post supercilious clap trap.
Nothing surprises me any more. That anyone would believe lush rush is laughable.
I dunno, apparently, according to the right wing, she flew half way around the world and ran through the streets with an AK-47 and murdered 4 people, then flew back home and went to sleep...all in the course of two hours. /s
Don't worry about the eye roll, I got ya covered.
She is multi talented. At the same time she scattered, smothered, and covered her server.
It was around the same time she was coordinating Bill's off shore adventures with underage girls.
And still managing the local DC pedo ring.
At least she got free pizza...I think.
Now you know why she was stumbling around and fainting.
It can be very stressful.
Plus add on trying to find a dress.
I remember some nutjob burst into the joint waving a gun. Demanded they open the basement door and it was a janitor closet.
That some people actually believe these ridiculous conspiracy theories is kind of scary.
This pizza joint in question was reviewed on the Food Network.
You are correct, I recall that as well.
And a bit of bleach?
That’s because she thought that 4,000,000 extra votes in California were worth more than 100,000 extra votes in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin were worth.
They absolutely should be, 4 million is bigger than 1 hundred thousand. Either way, we will see if those 1 hundred thousand stick with dumb ass bow that he has started hiking their taxes for no reason.
You mean she actually wore one recently?
We had 48 state races and one district where the person winning the plurality of votes in that state or district won all the electoral votes for the given state or district. Whether won by one vote or 4,000,000 doesn’t matter. You win the state or not and the vote is not cumulative. Hillary won all the ev’s for Ca. Trump won all the ev’s for Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Trump competed according to the rules in place.
Which 'blue wall states' didn't Clinton visit?
Actually Xx, Clinton got over 400,000 less votes in CA than Obama.
It would behoove you to follow the thread Tex.
Here, I'll help. My comment was in reply to this one:
I cited the FACT that Clinton did not get 4,000,000 EXTRA votes in California.
Well gee Tex, since you want to take 55 electoral votes from Clinton, how about I take the 46 EV's of MI, WI and PA from Trump? What other states would you like to disenfranchise? I'm still 9 short...
False. Follow the thread.
Did I misquote your Tex?
Yes, you want to disenfranchise a state. Turnabout being fair play, I get to do some too.
It must still matter to you since you continue with juvenile name calling and try to 'level the playing field' for Trump by disenfranchising the most populous state in the nation.
I wasn't the one who brought up the bullshit about the numbers...I'm just the one citing the facts about them.
There were Clinton Rallies in Wisconsin. Clinton was scheduled for a rally in Green Bay with Obama but it was canceled because of the Pulse nightclub shooting.
If winning a state was all about campaigning there, Clinton should have won PA and FL hands down.
Clinton visited states that she lost, so did Trump.
I live in WI. Many people were upset with Clinton's lack of love shown in WI and has been attributed to vote loss. The good news is that Trump love is disappearing in the Dairy State as WI farmers are losing badly here. Suicide rates for farmers in the area are going up. The Foxconn thing hasn't gone away either. It's a total fuckup for Trump and Walker there too.
Punted and still missed...
I saw an interview with Sen. Baldwin and she was talking about the disappearing dairy farms. I spent my summers as a kid on my great grandfather's dairy farm in western WI.
I took my mom back there to visit his grave and was surprised about how may farms were 'gentrified'. Some still had horses but hardly any cows in sight. It was sad to see...
California was not disenfranchised. We had a popular vote for all of our 55 electoral votes to go to the winner of the vote within our state. That happened. Hillary won our electoral votes. Our popular vote is of no effect on the popular vote of any other state. Trump won the popular vote counts in enough states to win the majority in the electoral college. I love rubbing it in on my states liberal population that Trump is our President. Trump did win about 2-1 over Hillary in my region of California/Jefferson
And that moving goal post meme was ridiculous considering who was moving them above..,
No one said they were Xx.
Thank you Capt. Obvious.
You must be the life of the party Xx.
There is no region of California named Jefferson.
Actually I wrote it all.
There seems to be a viral case of strawman infection around here.
That doesn't say that California was disenfranchised, DOES it Tex?
So unless you can site were someone else said so somewhere else, WTF is your issue?
If you feel you were given a bias ticket use a private letter to Pierre about it.
Sounds like rush got some bad Oxy in his last shipment.
Is Rush back on drugs, again? Did he ever really quit? How could we ever really tell?
Well, if his illegal immigrant house keeper gets arrested for buying drugs, I guess we'll know.
trump might give her a pardon, push her up on the immigration chain.
Ya know, just because she was doing the will of a supporter.
You aren't wrong! It wouldn't shock me in the least..
Um, the Russians wanted trump to win, so she was colluding to do what? Help donny win?
No, they wanted the election to be close for a repeat of Bush/Gore and the political turmoil that would cause. Remember Trump was hounded by Hillary and the press because he wouldn't commit to accepting the election results when he lost.
And then Hillary never did accept the results when it was she who actually was a loser.
No. Putin said himself, several times, that he wanted trump to win. Speculation is that the reason is two fold.
1) Putin HATES Clinton, (which also makes the "Clinton colluded with Russia" claim even more ridiculous), which put him firmly in trumps corner.
2) Not a big secret that trump has borrowed hundreds of millions of dollars from Russia to build golf courses all over the world, Putin could use that as leverage to get what he wants from the USA, (mostly sanctions removed that the Obama admin imposed). Our current congress voted unanimously, to impose sanctions on Russia for their interference in the 2016 election...trump refused to impose them.... Why?
That's because he knew then the election was rigged...he said so himself several times, "The election is rigged!!!".
Actually she did, she called and conceded the election the following day. Which makes me wonder why the fake news right wing media is STILL bringing her up? I mean, the right wing was all up in arms saying that they couldn't wait for Hillary to go away never to be heard from again....yet here we are, almost 3 years later and articles are still popping up here and on fox news, (pretty much daily). Weird huh?
Actually she did, she called and conceded the election the following day.
Because she didn't want to look like a hypocrite after demanding that of Trump throughout the campaign. But what was that that happened in Michigan, it seems that a recount was started and by someone who had no chance in, well she barely got a percentage point of votes, Jill Stein, did she petition a recount in Michigan in hopes she could win, did she do it thinking it was her duty to help Hillary, or was she directed by Hillary to do it?
After her massive, destructive, tirade in which she blamed everyone but herself.
Because the left conveniently continues to forget about her. She lost, end of story, she couldn't do anything wrong. Bill speaking to the Russians for hundreds of thousands of dollars a shot. No problem. Clinton Foundation suddenly losing all funding after she lost. No problem.
Only to those on the left that still believe she isn't a criminal. But she is Establishment, and has that all important D behind her name.
Well let the seeder know, he seems to think she never conceded the election.
Proof? Link? Were you there?
1) Is that illegal? LOTS of people give speeches for money.
2) Ain't capitalism great?!!!
Indictments? Charges? Arrests? Prison sentences?
Weird, the right insists on those things when talking about trump, but when it comes to Clinton, they aren't needed to call her a criminal... Hypocrite much?
Jill Stein, the one that went to dinner with Flynn and Putin. Ya, it sounds like she had a ton of loyalty to Clinton.
Jill Stein is a loon. I used to support Green Party ideas but somehow their candidates are always wackos.
Gary Johnson was the moronic libertarian candidate.
No one said she didn’t go through the motions but all her actions since show that she’s never accepted the results...
Is that the truth or is it what you want to believe? My guess is the latter.
Or do you want to admit trump is just mad and cannot accept the results of the mid-terms. Or that people in the South are mad they lost the civil war?
Pro-tip: Stop trying to tell everyone what someone else is feeling just so you can feed your own political agenda.
No, the Russians wanted to sow dissent and turn us against each other. Mission accomplished. Putin is laughing his ass off. He didn't have to spend millions of dollars to do it. Our fucking government and the Establishment morons in it did it for him. Trump
Oh, hiring an outside agent (Steele) to produce a bullshit fake dossier that he funneled to the State Department, FBI, CIA, and never Trumpers on both sides of the isle in Congress. The FBI ran with the ball and used the Steele Dossier to help get FISA warrants against Carter Page (who they have know about forever, and has helped out both the FBI and CIA as an informant in the past). Using the illegal FISA warrants they proceeded to investigate everything Trump. Of course both Comey and Mueller made the bone headed mistake of not questioning, or indicting Carter Page. Some master spy- kind of blows a complete hole in their FISA warrants when they couldn't turn up jack shit on him. Not even something like tax evasion; lying under oath (again have to bother to question him first); or conspiracy.
You are almost too funny. Problem with the plan Hillary, Steele, and the Obama administration cooked up was that it was too damn slow. They couldn't get enough dirt to do anything. Again blowing holes in the whole Carter Page master spy argument. It then turned into a remove Trump from office, since Hillary lost. Trump isn't establishment. Hillary, Obama, and the rest of the career unelected government employees on both sides are as well.
He's British...and you did know that country is an ally of ours, right?
Hey man, whatever you have to tell yourself to get through the day.
You misspelled "Rubio Campaign".
You misspelled "Rubio Campaign".
Been debunked. Next.
Fusion GPS didn't hire Steele until after the Clinton Campaign, and DNC, started footing the bill.
Guess the left is practicing Goebbels “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."
This is too much for some to learn. Dates and authorship is just a lot to ask some progressives to understand.
He's still alive?
Limbaugh is a racist blowhard. He tried to be a sports caster but couldn't keep his racism out of his commentary. So he goes to racist conservative radio where his audience laps up his shit spewing with gusto.
Only another racist would pay any attention to this sad sack of shit.
Pretty sure a lot of people do not know what a coup is.
We know that Obama and Hillary along with their underlings attempted one against Trump.
It worked. We've replaced The Don and Melania with hybrid lizard alien look-a-likes.
it’s been awhile since I watched V.
So Rush thinks that there was a conspiracy with Clinton, Obama and the deep state for a coup but NOBODY released the dossier until AFTER the election.
Rush Limbaugh blames Hillary Clinton for failed ‘coup attempt’ against Trump
Hillary is running again?
I am usually paying attention, this information must have slipped through the cracks somehow or another.
The key word here was failed. Failed is a past tense word. We are talking about what she did, not what she may be doing now or in the future.
Actually the key word is, 'coup'. The FBI investigates people, regardless of who they happen to be, if they suspect a crime has been committed. The FBI investigating someone is not a 'coup', no matter how much you want to frame it that way.
Once again, trump uses extreme hyperbole to get his base fired up. Sadly, far too many people actually bought it. There was no 'coup', sorry.
There was no coup. Only an attempt at one that failed.
Um, no. Sorry.