Rep. Ted Lieu: Trump Proves He’s A ‘Racist Ass’ With Attack On Congresswomen

California Rep. Ted Lieu (D) blasted Donald Trump on Sunday, calling the president a “racist ass” for attacking his congressional colleagues by urging them to “go back” to the countries they came from.
Trump fired off a barrage of tweets condemning ”‘Progressive’ Democratic Congresswomen” who he wrote “originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world.”
Though he did not name the congresswomen, the president was likely referring to Democratic Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts. Ocasio-Cortez, Tlaib and Pressley were born in the United States, while Omar immigrated to America from Somalia when she was eight years old.
“Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came,” Trump continued.
While Republican leaders were mum on the president’s tweet storm, Democrats condemned Trump for his racist and xenophobic attack. Lieu, whose family immigrated to America when he was three years old, said he was outraged by Trump’s rhetoric.
“I never thought I would see the day when the president of the United States is telling immigrants to go back to where we came from,” Lieu said on MSNBC. “Donald Trump once again demonstrates that he’s a racist ass. He is dividing Americans rather than trying to unify us, and I can’t wait to see him leave the office of the president.”
The congressman, a frequent and vocal Trump critic, also reacted to the president’s attack on Twitter, calling his message “bigoted and unAmerican.”
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It's impossible to shame a racist.....
Just look at all the Trump supporters that post here everyday.....
He really could shoot someone in the middle of the street and they people would immediately defend him for doing it.
You're right. Not only would they defend him, they'd praise him for killing "one of those" whatever "those" are, and compliment him on his fine, fine shooting for only killing one or two of his supporters and wounding only six of them. But they died and were wounded for the cause, so it's ok. He thought the kid had a loaded tomato behind her sign, so it was justified.
Two reasons why that will never happen.
(A) only underlings carry weapons, the masters don't soil their hands, that's what underlings are for, and
(B) where the hell would trump learn how to use a firearm, from his extensive military background? Most likely blow his own nuts off, which would be a amazing shot because the targets are so small and well concealed.
Does this asswipe even realize that most of the women he is telling to go back to where they came from were born here?
Don't be silly, TRUE AMERICANS are white skinned only.... /sarc
Whew, that's a relief. After I typed it I was afraid I should have bolded, underlined, and highlighted the "sarc" tag...
Donald Trumps campaign slogan, "MAKE AMERICA WHITE AGAIN", too bad the idiot doesn't realize that America didn't start out white.
My mother raised ugly kids, not stupid ones. I got the s/ right off.
Once bitten, twice shy.
I have forgotten to include the sarc tag before and gotten called out by people thinking I was serious.
I'm not sure what the outrage is about. These congresswomen do actually come from a country whose government if totally corrupt under this President and his Administration. Trump is completely correct to admit that the US needs to be fixed.
Trump was born here but has roots in Germany. If he wants these women to go back to where their roots are, then he should move to Germany.
I doubt any country is going to claim Trump has roots with them. I feel confident Merkel will not be encouraging Trump to come back.
His comment, though not specific, was "probably" directed to Omar, who was born in Somalia and came to the U.S. at age 12.
Somalia is, almost, one of the worst countries to live in with an annual income of $226. About 43% of the population lives on less than 1 US dollar a day, with around 24% of those found in urban areas and 54% living in rural areas.
His comment refers to multiple congresswomen.
It is amazing how Trumpsters can ignore reality like this.
No, he's too stupid to think that way, he meant all four women and, it's really a shame to see that he found a defender on here of such a racist comment.
"They should" is plural. So much for your theory.
Starting with his removal.
Good to see you posting!
I'm going to do what I can, when I can but, I won't be on everyday.
More from the blame America first gallery.
Well, Donald Trump certainly took some of the heat off Nancy Pelosi. And Trump provided the four liberal Democratic activists a politically expedient way out of the cat-fight they started. And every Democrat is coming to the defense of the activists; their political influence grows with the outrage against Trump.
How can only four Democratic activists with far left ideas gain and maintain influence over the Democratic Party? Trump helps them.
So, every Democrat can now point fingers at Trump and completely ignore the political divisions growing within the Democratic Party. Democrats live to fight with each other another day; don't believe they won't.
Democrats approach the Presidential campaign season a divided party. Trump handed Democrats a gift. Wasn't Trump generous?
Isn't that what both parties should be doing? Advancing the policies and agenda that their constituents sent them there to do even if it requires they sometimes not agree?
It's a messy process but any other way would be considered authoritarian which is sadly how the republican party has decided to run their party. Lock step
And that is the fallacy in your argument and you aren't able to see it...........
What? Fighting among themselves?
Yeah, that must explain why Trump has been bashing John McCain and Paul Ryan. It's a unity thing ...
And the blind continue to see what they want to see. Trump has been doing to Republicans what he is doing to Democrats.
Ain't those ribbons and bows pretty?
Hahahahahaha - I once again tried to have a reasonable discussion but you insert silly unrelated or irrelevant points.
No, fighting for their constituents.
You are aware John McCain is dead, correct? You are aware Trump only spoke ill of Paul Ryan AFTER Paul made negative comments about trump in order to sell his book, correct?
Everything else is noise.
Are rank and file Democrats rallying around Nancy Pelosi? Does this mean that Pelosi can reign in AOC's gang and put them in their proper place?
Rank and file Democrats are focusing their attention on AOC and the other three, not Nancy Pelosi. Hasn't Trump gifted AOC's gang the bully pulpit? AOC's gang is in the public spotlight. What's Pelosi going to do? Throw shade?
I do not understand your comment.
Of course not. The congresswomen's constituents have "gifted" them with a platform to push their agenda by voting them in to office (with no help from the Russians I might add). These women were already being heard and had created their own spotlights.
I don't know what this means
Which is why Trump went after them. He fears them for their media power.
Sounds like some illumination would be helpful.
Understanding the AOC vs. Pelosi feud: It's not a "catfight" but a long-term power struggle - Salon
Flame-throwing AOC chief of staff ‘looking for fight’ with Nancy Pelosi - New York Post
Ocasio-Cortez calls Pelosi's 'singling out' of Democratic women of color 'disrespectful' - CNN
Trump is afraid of any women that he hasn't or isn't currently paying for.
Who cares....shrug. This is how democracy works. I am not a fan of AOC or frankly the other 3 identified with her. Many if not all of their views and policies are too extreme for me.
But I'm happy there are those within the party that will debate which side has the better message.
The reason there is no diversity in the republican party is because the party leadership doesn't value diversity or an exchange of ideas. They make a decision on what all members will or will not support without any preference to their constituents. Thank goodness their constituents haven't caught on otherwise I suspect they would be upset that they weren't being considered.
Rank and file Democrats are closing ranks with AOC's gang. They have the public spotlight. Trump handed them the bully pulpit.
Which doesn't have anything to do with the Democrats' internecine fight.
Diversity among Republicans really isn't the issue that Democrats portray. The 2016 Republican field for President was far more diverse than the Democratic field and about as diverse as the current 2020 Democratic field. And Trump has been dividing the Republican Party and interfering with that lock step unity. Remember Trump's tirades against Republicans for failing to repeal Obamacare? Trump was actually making fun of so-called Republican unity.
No, I don't accept that those old political cliches are relevant today. Trump has been working to divide both parties and has been succeeding.
I'm still waiting for one Republican to come out and, tell Trump that he is a racist and, that what he said about those four women was racist but, because, I know him and, the Republicans, I won't hold my breath.
So, I don't understand why this is a negative. Again, democracy is messy.
No, you are intentionally minimalizing what these women have done all by themselves. It does not take a man to create a spotlight for strong women.
Sigh.......if its true then its not a cliche. One of the reasons why the republicans have been so successful in the past is because they stuck to the script given to them by their leadership. That's a fact that can be supported by their own admission.
They have lost their individuality and their souls because of it. This party will go down hard eventually and the country will be all the better for it.
I disagree. Trump supporters have been working to divide the country through their support of trump. The problem happening in the country is not Trump's fault and that has always been my position. It the fault of his supporters because they refuse to hold him accountable. They are the problem and responsible for the sickness that has infected the country.
Used to be it was supposed to be for "All People". Now it's just about "constituents" as being the important ones ! Kinda leaves out a folk or two.
Thank Goodness THIS COUNTRY lets you "Make Your Own Way". Imagine what it would be like if we had a government that did EVERYTHING for you.
Or pussy grabbed and peed on by.
Please, do tell, what is "the gangs proper place"?
I'm guessing you don't know about the unity they, (the Republicans) are showing Trump right now by not calling him out on his racist remarks? Last night in the House there was a vote to condemn Trumps remarks on Sunday, only four Republicans voted for that resolution, two of which are retiring this year. The Republican Party has become the Trumpublican Party.
What the hell do you think constituents means? It means ALL the people in their district, every Congress person has a district in the state they are from, those Representatives are suppose to REPRESENT the interests of the people of those districts in Washington and, that is what these four people are doing, they, together represent about 2.8 million people.
You'll need to ask Nancy Pelosi.
Trump pushed a Democratic hot button and Democrat's responded in a predictable manner. That may be dirty politics but it's not racist.
The continued outrage directed toward Trump is defining the Democratic Party. Democrats are telling the public who and what they represent. All because Trump pushed a Democratic hot button.
Trump is in control of the message; Trump is using the Democratic Party to define the Democratic Party for independents and moderates.
Districts, Race, Religion.....we're all in it together....but "Certain" Districts and "Race" are more important than the entirety and the Whole ?
What's good in "ONE" district, "ISN'T" good in another.
You do know when folks are elected to go to Washington, they are supposed to be there for the "Entire" Country, and NOT just their "Itty Bitty" "District".....right ?
Town, City and County Councils are for those "Itty Bitty" issues.
At least Trump speaks of "America" as a whole, unlike those Itty Bitty Titty needing wannabe's !
No Nerm, you are the one that brought up "putting them in their proper place" so, answer the question.
Sorry, but, it is,
Their proper place is to not challenge the Democratic leadership by calling Nancy Pelosi racist. Their proper place is not to call moderate Democrats racist. Their proper place is not to divide the Democratic Party.
That's the message that Nancy Pelosi was delivering. Nancy Pelosi indicated that the proper place of the 'squad' was to conform to rank and file Democratic politics. Nancy Pelosi was suggesting that the proper place of the 'squad' was to only engage in politics that would support and keep a Democratic majority in the House.
Nancy Pelosi was making the case that the proper place for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, and Rashida Tlaib is to be good little Democrats, keep their mouths shut, and do what they are told.
Everything and anything is racist to Democrats. Democrats are even calling each other racist now.
Fewer people are paying any attention to Democrats screaming racism. Democrats screaming 'racist' has become expected behavior, it's just business as usual.
People are just throwing crap against the wall to watch Democrats foam at the mouth. Democrats really have turned racism into a joke.
BTW, Trump ain't the employer for people in Congress. It's a Constitution thing. Look it up, it's actually kinda interesting.
Federal funds and, district representation are determined by the census, the census tells the size of the district, if ALL residents don't participate in the census then funds can be cut or, the district can lose its representative in Washington.
Some districts are larger than others population wise so, it is important to learn how they have changed over time, some are smaller at one census and, then become larger, some are large and, become smaller, this is determined by the POPULATION of the district at the time of the census, this count is what determines how much money is from the feds is sent to a district. When people answer the "race question" then that triggers a response from another government organization that then sends out a questionnaire about citizenship, all this information is available to the president now, if he knew anything about how the government works.
This is possibly true, consider, a district in Chicago wouldn't need farm funding and, a district in rural Kansas wouldn't need funding for city streets or, at least not as much as Chicago would.
So, why do representatives try to get federal funding for roads, bridges and, other projects in their districts?
Yep, but, they can't do it alone.
No, he speaks of White America, he has no concern about anyone who isn't rich and, white just like him. If you think otherwise you really need to quit drinking the Koolaid.
BTW, Trump ain't the employer for anyone in Congress. It's a Constitution thing. Look it up, it's kinda interesting.
No, that is the "proper place" of the Republicans, to do what Donald Trump tells them to do and, to believe what Trump tells them to believe and, to say yes to everything that Trump wants, no matter what it is, to march in lockstep with everything Trump.
"I don't belong to an organized political party, I'm a Democrat." Will Rogers
Yeah? Democrats counted slaves to get more seats in the House, too.
Check the fucking source Nerm, the EEOC is not a part of the Democratic Party....Damn.
Black unemployment LOWEST
Hispanic Unemployment LOWEST
Asian unemployment LOWEST
American unemployment LOWEST
He's such a racist when it comes to his policies and there consequences.
No, he isn't but, he is the president of the United States and, he should know that the law considers what he said to be a racial slur and, it is illegal to use, both he and, members of Congress are EMPLOYEES OF THE PEOPLE of this country and, they should respect the members of both, using racial slurs should NEVER HAPPEN when it is the president speaking or, writing.
Oh, when did this happen? Oh yeah, that's right back in 18, I don't give a fuck. That's ancient history, I'm talking now.
Today's Democrats engage in the same racial politics of division and intolerance as it has from the beginning. Changing the skin color of intolerant bigots hasn't changed Democratic racial politics.
You do know that George Wallace was a Democrat?
Where's the "Racist" parts of your links ?
Robert Smith Must be a racist extraordinaire, if it's the Big Buck guys your worried about.
So, the fuck what? I remember that racist POS, that has nothing to do with RIGHT THE FUCK NOW, it is your fearless leader who is spreading the hate, it is Trump who is letting his rally goers chant "Kick them out" now at his rallies, it was Trump who made the racist statement, it is one of his buddy's on the Republican side who has racist friends like the Klan that he likes to visit, remember Representative King? These are the current crop of Trump supporters, get use to it because this is the type of people you will be meeting at his rallies for the rest of the election cycle,
You were trying to claim that Trump wasn't a racist because he somehow created jobs for the minority population and, had their jobs numbers drop, I simply provided information that those job numbers carried over from Obama.
Trump pushed a Democratic hot button and the Democratic Party erupted in hate and mouth-foaming intolerance.
Even you have posted a picture of hate to make a cheesy political point. Democrats are giving more free advertising to the Ku Klux Klan than the Klan could ever hope to obtain by their own efforts. The Klan hasn't enjoyed so much national attention since the 1920s and 1930s. That shouldn't be surprising since Democrats set up the Ku Klux Klan to regain political power. The Ku Klux Klan is part of the history of the Democratic Party.
Only in the mind of a Liberal Democrat.
Kinda like Joe Biden making Obama's "Keep your doctor" as if it is now his "New Deal" !
NOTHING carried over from Obama for Trump, just like Nothing carried over to Obama from George Bush, Until things went sour for Obama (which was most of the time). Then it was ALWAYS Bushes Fault.
Sooo, you're saying that all those people at Trumps rally the other night were all Democrats shouting "Kick them out"? Wow.
Nah, the Klan has come out and, said they like the way Trump talks and, that they support him, even David Duke says he supports Trump, I mean with character references like that, Trump should be ready for Saint hood, emphasis on hood.
No, in the statistics that I presented
Yeah, well, that is his problem to prove, he's one of twenty candidates and, I'm still waiting to find one I support fully.
Ok, so, as soon as Bush left office everything reset and, the economy was great because of that reset, we immediately started gaining jobs again and, everything was hunky dory, got it.
He's endorsed a Democrat in 2020.
Kick them out of what? Congress? That seems reasonable at a campaign rally. Just because Trump is too friggin' stupid to recognize a golden slogan that can be used for political advantage doesn't mean much. Trump can't even control what he says, let alone direct and control what a crowd says.
Kick them out (of Congress) could certainly become a rally cry that would worry Democrats. But, alas, Trump is an idiot much to the benefit of Democrats.
So, when Joe Biden shouts 'beat Trump' does that mean he is inciting violence against the President?
Democrats should know all about the Klan since Democrat Nathan Bedford Forrest started the Klan to put Democrats back in political power. Democrats have used the dirtiest of dirty politics since the party was established. Hillary Clinton kept alive that Democratic tradition.
Thank you rt..b.
Which one? Show a link.
Yeah, Nerm, it would but, that is not what they were talking about and, you know it, they were referring to Trumps tweet just a few days before where he said that the four congresswomen "should go back to where they came from" so, don't act like you don't know what folks are talking about, it just makes you look foolish.
Oh please, let him use that slogan, I'm sure he'll get the African American and, Hispanic votes that way.
Nobody can control what Trump says that's what makes it so nice when he is tweeting at 3am.
Yep and, there are those in the party and, running for office this time around that plan on using that idiocy to their advantage.
Oh please, really? You do know that he puts in the sentence, "We will beat Trump in November of 2020", never have I heard him say, "We must find Trump and, beat him silly", of course if he were to say that, it would be hard to beat Trump silly all it would take is a simple tap.
The last I heard, Nathan Bedfor Forrest has been dead for a very long time as has the Democratic party he belonged to, unless you are trying to say that the Republican Party is a Progressive party.