The four noisy horseladies of the Apocalypse -ANALYSIS/OPINION:

Any man who makes it to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is a smart guy, by definition. Climbing a greasy pole is impossible, as anyone who has tried it will tell you, and the presidency is the greasiest pole anywhere.
So how could a man smart enough to do the impossible forget the first rule of politics, that when your opponent is in the act of destroying himself, the smart thing to do is get out of his way.
The Donald, on the other hand, doesn’t pay attention to first rules. He makes up his own, and never lets a thought, however fleeting, go unsaid, but there he is, atop the pole.
But he sometimes makes staying there more difficult than it has to be. Only days ago, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her “squad,” the infamous “four horseladies of the apocalypse,” were well on their way to destroying the 2020 Democratic campaign to keep the House and regain the White House.
These ladies were Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the horselady in charge; Reps. Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, all saddled up and ready to ride. They weren’t sure what the targets of the day should be, but they were eager for bang-bang.
Democrats everywhere were biting each other’s ankles. Nancy Pelosi’s were the bloodiest in town. Something called “Justice Democrats,” a political action committee organized by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s chief of staff to send several senior Democrats to the showers, was making life miserable for Democrats who thought they had been around long enough to have seen everything. But shooting at their own troops was something new in politics.
The “Justice Democrats,” whose very name suggests that only they are capable of delivering justice, are supporting a primary challenger against Rep. William Lacy Clay of Missouri, a stalwart of the Congressional Black Caucus, and they’re looking for a challenger for Rep. Hakeem Jeffries of New York, chairman of the Democratic Caucus. They’re dreaming big, recalling how Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez successfully challenged a previous chairman of the House Democratic Caucus, who had been a member of the House for two decades.
The Horseladies of the Apocalypse, having taken over the House, and generously leaving Mrs. Pelosi with the illusion that she’s still in charge, have taken their strategy from Donald Trump’s playbook: Go big, say mean and offensive things about all rivals, raise all the Cain you can and let the devil deal with the hindmost.
The speaker had let some of her freshmen have their head, and now they’re getting too big to spank.
Only now has she warned AOC and the horseladies, “Do not tweet about our members and expect us to think that is Okay.” She may have waited too long.
When you’re too big to spank, anything and everything is OK. Miss Ocasio-Cortez quickly told the speaker that her remarks were “racially motivated,” which was the nice way of telling her she was a racist, a charge with stinging power back in the day before everyone was called a racist. AOC bewailed “the persistent singling out to the point where it was just outright disrespectful the explicit singling out of newly elected women of color.” She later explained that Mrs. Pelosi was “absolutely not” a racist. Calling her one just seemed like part of the fun.
All the president had to do to get maximum effect was stand aside and watch. On Sunday morning the president played hooky from Sunday School and set off for his golf club in Sterling, Va., but not before a round of tweets. “So interesting to see ‘Progressive’ Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run.”
Well, yes, that’s what congresspersons do, decide “how our government is to be run,” and congressional voices range from dumb to silly to asinine. The four horseladies are all citizens, nevertheless, and all but one of them were born in the U.S.A. They all sound like ingrates, and new citizens of our present day, unlike immigrants in the days of yore, do not always wear their love of country as a badge of gratitude.
Mr. Trump let slip an opportunity to let these silly women hang themselves with their ingratitude. But there will be more opportunities between now and November 2020 to keep the president’s Twitter account busy. Nancy Pelosi’s long night of dread is far from over.
• Wesley Pruden is editor in chief emeritus of The Times.

The Horseladies of the Apocalypse, having taken over the House, and generously leaving Mrs. Pelosi with the illusion that she’s still in charge, have taken their strategy from Donald Trump’s playbook: Go big, say mean and offensive things about all rivals, raise all the Cain you can and let the devil deal with the hindmost.
The speaker had let some of her freshmen have their head, and now they’re getting too big to spank.
Only now has she warned AOC and the horseladies, “Do not tweet about our members and expect us to think that is Okay.” She may have waited too long.
And they really think that they have "taken over". Watch out kiddies - Momma and the voters are getting ready to use the fly-swatter on you.
I'm envisioning three of the four being ousted in the next elections. Ayanna hasn't drawn much attention to herself - she appears to be sitting quietly in the background allowing the other three to cut their own ropes. But, I could be wrong except for AOC and Omar - they will be gone.
Yeah, I thought it wisest to give the horsewomen "free rein" to hang themselves as well.
This crapola should have been labeled "Bad Racist Satire On Crack". War, Famine, Pestilence and Death? Really? You fellas are talking about four very young brown skinned first term congresswoman. More like... Death By Hyperbole! Congratulations! There were some doozys out there today butt this one is by far the dumbest of them all which has to count for, um, something...
All four are "brown skinned"? Guess my computer or screen are not adjusted properly.
Would you please address my point instead of just being impertinent?
Oh, my mistake. You didn't say: "four very young brown skinned first term congresswoman"? Seems you made your own point that didn't require addressing.
I will take that as a definitive, "NO"...
I really don't care how you take it. You can put it in your old kit bag and smile, smile, smile....
My seed about these America hating members of Congress is titled The Jihad Squad. These four are attempting to use jihad to bring an apocalypse upon America.
Utter nonsense.
So that puts them in a bubble where they can't be criticized for making anti-American or anti-Semitic remarks. How about if they kill somebody? Would it be racist to arrest them? Unfortunately, this is where all the PC and leftist infiltration of our institutions has put us!
No, the 1st Amendment puts them in a bubble where they can make any remarks they want. Or are you looking to deny them those 1st Amendment rights?
It is unfortunate that they believe they can say whatever they want and think that they should not be held accountable, yet they hold everyone else accountable.
If you get a chance, the transcript of the interview with the GANG by Gayle King is rather enlightening regarding these reps.
Criticism is fine, but in case you missed Trump's last rally, the chant was "send her back". A chant which Trump encouraged, and revelled in.
Actually the true beauty of the right to freedom of speech IMHO?
Though it gives everyone the right to express their opinion , it does not create a right to make anyone listen or agree. If one listening decides what they hear is horse apples , they can choose to rebut , or simply walk away which is within their rights .
and as you pointed out it does have some limitations , ie slander and libel .
example , had a guy bring a skunk into a bar here , the owner 86ed him for doing so , the guy then got on social media and started asking if anyone else had been hearing the owner of the bar was being investigated for possession of child porn, when it was pointed out that that could be considered slander and libel , he simply retorted , freedom of speech gave him the right to say what he wanted .
I didn't follow up on what happened next .
Indeed it does. There is plenty of criticism the Gang of Four richly deserves. Their squad is on the wrong side of every issue. Besides, America is One squad, under God per our President.
That’s ok, we will defend the 2nd amendment to the fiber of our being every bit as hard as we defend the 1st come what may.
The chant? Yes it is and who cares. However the intention, to revoke a person's citizenship and deport that person, is not. That is the concept they were chanting for, with the encouragement of Trump.
Nope - just requiring them to adhere to their oath of office -
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God."
Then why not admit that when I first said it. The words "women of color" are there to prevent any and all criticism! That's the bubble they get from fuckin liberals!!!
Any remarks? Antisemitism? Inciting violence? Really? Surely there are SOME remarks that will burst your bubble.
Trumps tweets about the "Taliban 4" were for a reason. They just CAN'T stop speaking and making themselves sound even more "Irrelevant". Even his saying that Nancy isn't a racist was a planned reasoned event. Put's Nancy in a really, really, really Bad Spot for sure.
Funny how "the squad" were Somalian, Palestinian, Jamaican-Indian and Puerto Rican until President Trump suggested they go back. Now they are "American"