Op-Ed -------This Isn’t the Madman Theory. This Is a Madman President.

This Isn’t the Madman Theory. This Is a Madman President.
Rick Wilson August 22, 2019
At this moment, on another Earth, a man is locked in a padded cell, nodding to the gibbering chorus of voices in his head and smearing out his manifesto on the grimy walls of the asylum using a jagged fingernail and his bodily fluids.
This chorus tells him things, you see. They warn him of the many hands posed to strike him, and demand revenge for every slight. They praise him, stroke his ego, and feed his rage.
On this Earth, the asylum is the bedlam of 1600 Pennsylvania, the inmate is the President of the United States, and instead of managing this dangerous patient, the staff sings his praises and encourages his worst behaviors.
The recognition that Donald J. Trump—President of the United States, Commander in Chief of the U.S. armed forces, leader of the Republican Party and now King of Israel and Chosen One —is, to use the psychiatric term of art, batshit crazy is dawning even on the slowest members of society. Also, that there’s not a damn thing we can do about it until November of 2020.
The big cons of the first term haven’t just been embarrassing flops but concatenating failures putting our economy and security at existential risk. The tax bill blew out the debt and deficit to unimaginable depths. North Korea’s serial humiliation of Trump proved to Kim Jong Un that he could pants the President of the United States and move the DPRK closer to full nuclear capabilities to threaten our allies and even our own shores.
The cruel nostalgia of Trump’s promises to restore coal, steel, and auto jobs are shattered on the altar of President Bigly Negotiator's moronic shitshow of an unwinnable trade war. The fact that he was spanked by Denmark, a country the size of Delaware, after his absurd “Buy Greenland” campaign was just one more humiliation of a President who clearly likes having his ass handed to him by bijou nations.
The Trump campaign and the early days of his administration were marked by the charming window when most of his supporters—and frankly, much of the mainstream media—believed that the vomitus spraying out of Trump's mouth was part of some clever psychological game, quantum chess to own the libs.
Only idiots and zealots believe that now. The howling vacuum of need within Trump's soul had already distorted every normal human emotion for decades, but now the stress of the presidency and the realities of his lasting failures have pushed him closer to a very public mental breakdown. In business, Trump could paper over his bankruptcies, flops, asinine remarks, and failed cons.
The presidency is different. His rising mania and rage come from the sure knowledge that history’s cold, brutal eye will allow no later revision, no long-term rethinking of his legacy, or even wry nostalgia over the grim era in which he presides. His failures, cruelty, caprice, corruption, and hairstyling tips will be graven in stone as a warning to future Americans.
This isn’t madman theory. This is just a mad man.
Gradually, and then suddenly—as Hemingway said of bankruptcy—came the realization that the lies Trump tells and the claims Trump makes aren’t deliberate or strategic. They are a roadmap of his pocked and scarred mental landscape.
What the boobs defended for three years as sales talk and typical Trumpian bullshitting is more and more indefensible. From economic claims to immigration scare stories to his constant mendacity about the wall, the lies—or whatever they are, given how inclined he is to trust what the voices in his head tell him—are seen as less crafted, and more crazy.
Jeb Bush once promised us that Donald Trump would be the chaos president. Call me crazy, but I’d trade the low energy candidate for President Nutjob in a hot second. Donald Trump is America's Loki, only without the charm and wit.
On that other Earth where Trump is getting the help he needs and the rest of us have a normal President, 50 percent of the nation would disagree that man or woman on any given day.
But no one would wake up thinking, “Hey, I wonder if this is the day that Barack Obama nukes Denmark?” or “Is George H.W. Bush gonna declare war on Belize because they tweeted something critical of him?”
No matter the partisan differences, we had the luxury of going about our lives with the knowledge that the men charged with running the country were, fundamentally, mentally sound.
Only his most deluded followers still buy that the phrase “Stable Genius” can be applied without irony to this president.
Donald Trump, the conqueror of Greenland, victor of World Trade War I, King of the Jews, richest man in the world, number-one lover man of all ladies, and golden god astride the Fruited Plain is the tallest, smartest, most handsome, best-hung President in this or any era.
Just ask him. Or the voices in his head.
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One day these years will be seen as having been a great shame to the United States of America, that we were unable or unwilling to remove a mad man from office prior to the scheduled election. He's not a king who requires a violent revolution to remove, it could have been done with a simple recognition by a bipartisan consensus that he is utterly unfit for the job.
Yesterday Trump started ranting about how the prime minister of Denmark had disrespected the United States of America , and that is why he canceled his scheduled trip to Denmark. He went to why he was personally offended and why he wont stand for America being disrespected by anyone.
A couple days before that Trump had tweeted out this image of a Trump tower dominating over a Greenland seascape.
One can easily assume that Denmark and Greenland were insulted by that, and the Danish p.m. made a comment about Trump's wish to buy Greenland, a negative comment. Trump gets 'offended' on behalf of the U.S. lol.
Only a few people seem to know what should be done with this man, the rest are in a state of cult like obedience to his demands for subservience , or avert their eyes out of a willingness to not care. He should be removed, asap by whatever legal means it requires.
I'm an American and I wasn't offended by what the PM of Denmark said. I laughed out loud
Had I been the PM, I would have simply told him to fuck off.
I would have told him, it's mine and you can't have it!
THIS ^^^^^^ is why we love you.
Well, this...and the MTF ultimate one toke smoke comment.
She's just straight up fabulous head to toe.
I Kind of knew you would say something like that. Do you think the Danish PM did it to score points with leftists world wide?
That's right!
Why stop there! You can't make an Omelette without breaking a few eggs! They'll love you even more!
Like omg, is that a compliment from you?
Yes, she is.
Read all the latest news in The Onion and the Borowitz Report...
Sadly... it is all true.
If it's a leftist organization, I'm sure it's allowed by the NT ratings service!
I think since he sees the writing on the wall, he is deliberately setting himself up for a medical exit because they cannot prosecute a man with a serious illness.
His family won't step in but they may have quietly advised him that is his only way out of his financial trouble, his emoluments issues, and anything that comes from at least a hundred lawsuits ongoing or pending.
What you suggest is possible. But, as he has been a nut case for most, if not all, of his life, it seems that it is just as matter of his mental illness getting more advanced at his age. That might explain what seems like Dementia, or he may be Bi-Polar.
At any rate, he is not mentally fit for the highest office of our country. If he wants to try and use that as an excuse for his criminal actions he may be hard pressed to find a judge and/or jury that will buy it.
But, as he is the great "Deal Maker," he just might be able to make a plea bargain.
Yup. The Reagan defense, though the mental disability was real in both cases.
“Is Reagan Senile?” That was precisely what CBS News reporter Lesley Stahl was asking herself during a 1986 visit with a president she would later describe in her 2000 memoir, Reporting Live , as “shriveled” and verging on catatonic.
“Reagan didn’t seem to know who I was,” she wrote. “He gave me a distant look with those milky eyes and shook my hand weakly. Oh, my, he’s gonzo, I thought.” But a few minutes later, he snapped out of it and from that point on seemed perfectly fine. When asked, White House aides admitted to Stahl that they had witnessed similar episodes.
"Reagan’s own son, Ron, sensed something was wrong at the time. He wrote in his 2011 book, My Father at 100: A Memoir, that he first became concerned that “something beyond mellowing” was afflicting his father three years into Reagan’s first term. Of the latter’s bumbling debate performance against Walter Mondale in 1984, the younger Reagan observed:
"At 73, Ronald Reagan would be the oldest president ever re-elected. Some voters were beginning to imagine grandpa — who can never find his reading glasses — in charge of a bristling nuclear arsenal, and it was making them nervous. Worse, my father now seemed to be giving them legitimate reason for concern. My heart sank as he floundered his way through his responses, fumbling with his notes, uncharacteristically lost for words. He looked tired and bewildered."
I've no doubt we'll see a similar memoir come out in the next decade from Ivanka.
The Chosen One!
It would be hilarious if it didn't have such serious repercussions ... his megalomania just keeps increasing. The Second Coming ... now he claims to be a god. The idiot doesn't even know that Jews don't believe in the second coming ... his ignorance also has no bounds.
King Trump Joked About Trading Brown People For White People
Are you sure he was joking?
Sadly, the excuse of "joking" has been used to mask vile deviant behavior by nearly every bully and sexual predator. The vile sexual comment to a coworker being forcefully rejected, "Hey babe, I was only kidding, jeez! Is every woman at this company a feminazi who can't take a joke?"... or the bully caught threatening another victim when a teacher arrives "I was just kidding, I wouldn't have stuck his head in the toilet, it was just a joke...".
Delinquent Donald is a master of this technique as are many of his high school drop out supporters.
Trump often says things then waits for the public reaction... If it's bad, he says he was joking.
Yesterday, I mocked a direct quote from Trump. In response, one of our NT Usual Suspect stalwarts mocked me for listening to anything Trump says...
Yes... that's right...
Trump supporters are proud of his lying.
That is blatantly obvious.
... and deeply troubling for the future of the country...
What ever. I just wish I knew what Melania really thinks. And if she is teaching Barron how to speak and write in Slovenian. After all, Melania is worth at least $65 million in her own right.
Barron is already fluent. She taught him so that he could converse with his grand parents.
Or take up residence elsewhere if the need arose.
That would be the best thing she could do for her son. The more distance she can put between them and him, the more of a chance Barron will have to grow up to be a decent person. Marla was smart enough to do it for Tiffany.
By all accounts, Chelsea is doing just fine. She is strong, confident, well educated, successful, and a wonderful mother.
All true and i'll admit, she is easy on the eyes.
Yer referring to who?
Hey man, if yer gay that's yer thing... No need to hide. Just saying Chelsey is attractive. If you let politics cloud your vision...that's on you..
I think she grew into her looks.
Nobody can make you gay
Sounds like a personal problem, doesn't it?
She's a hell of a lot better looking than that fatass Trump with his ridiculous hair plugs and sphincter mouth.
When I was younger I looked like Tom Cruise, guess that means he is my dad.
Though I am not a psychiatrist, based on rhetoric, behavior and actions, I would have to say that our POTUS is quite the loon.
I suppose, if you count an article seeded four days ago as "daily".
C'mon John, they need an assole to lick...