
A teen allegedly wanted to ‘shoot 400 people for fun.’ Cops found an AK-47 in her bedroom.


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  krishna  •  6 years ago  •  164 comments

A teen allegedly wanted to ‘shoot 400 people for fun.’ Cops found an AK-47 in her bedroom.
Wilson told the other teenage waitress how much she resented the people at her old school — allegedly adding that she wanted to “shoot 400 people for fun.”

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T


Pittsburg County Sheriff Chris Morris said Alexis Wilson was arrested Monday after investigators saw a video of her shooting an AK-47 and her co-workers reported she had said she would "shoot up" a high school. (Pittsburg County Sheriff's Office via AP)

Alexis Wilson was working an afternoon shift at the local Pizza Inn in McAlester, Okla., on Sunday, when she pulled a co-worker aside to boast about her new gun.

The slight 18-year-old with large brown eyes clutched her iPhone and pressed play on a video of her shooting a newly purchased AK-47, according to an incident report. Then Wilson told the other teenage waitress how much she resented the people at her old school — allegedly adding that she wanted to “shoot 400 people for fun.”

The chilling conversation shook Wilson’s co-worker. She reported it to a manager, who called the McAlester police.

On Monday, the Pittsburg County Sheriff’s Office said Wilson was charged with a felony for making a terrorist threat against McAlester High School.

“In today’s times, you can’t say stuff like that,” Pittsburg County Sheriff Chris Morris told KTUL. “We’re going to take it serious and investigate it to the fullest extent and make an arrest if possible because we do not want any of our schools getting shot up — nobody does.”


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Expert
1  seeder  Krishna    6 years ago

The high school she allegedly targeted had suspended her once for bringing a knife to school and again for displaying swastikas on her personal belongings, a school resource officer told the sheriff’s office.

Her booking photo shows Wilson wearing a T-shirt referencing “The Anarchist Cookbook,” a 1971 book advocating for violent civil disobedience that has been found among the belongings of school shooters. On Facebook,

Wilson had liked a documentary about the 1999 Columbine High School massacre.

Professor Expert
2  seeder  Krishna    6 years ago

“In today’s times, you can’t say stuff like that,” Pittsburg County Sheriff Chris Morris told KTUL. “We’re going to take it serious and investigate it to the fullest extent and make an arrest if possible because we do not want any of our schools getting shot up — nobody does.”

“A female can pull the trigger just as easily as a male,” Morris told KTUL Monday.

Wilson has pleaded not guilty. Her lawyer did not immediately return a request for comment.

Professor Expert
3  sandy-2021492    6 years ago

My son's school has already had a mass shooting threat this year.  A girl he knows told her friend not to show up the next day, because she'd be bringing a gun and shooting randomly.

PhD Quiet
3.1  igknorantzrulz  replied to  sandy-2021492 @3    6 years ago

interesting world, and country, we've come to live in anymore.

totally WRONG, that our children are threatened in schools of all places.

all along, with a pos racist fear mongering asshole in our White House.

total bullshit

Professor Quiet
3.1.1  Ronin2  replied to  igknorantzrulz @3.1    6 years ago
all along, with a pos racist fear mongering asshole in our White House.

Right, it is all Trump's fault. These things never happened before he took office./S

totally WRONG, that our children are threatened in schools of all places.

No one wants to address the elephant in the room- which is a society that has always allowed bullying (both physically and emotionally) in the school system that breeds these outcasts. Speaking as someone who was one of those outcasts; I can truthfully say I was lucky to fall into a much older crowd- late twenties and early thirties when I was 16- most of whom had military experience. They taught me a different way to fight back. It wasn't nice, it wasn't PC, and it sure as hell wasn't "fair"; but it was damn effective. Best of all since they didn't know it was me (there were some that guessed, but had no proof) the bullies had to back off on a few other outcasts to be safe.

Look up how many outcasts are bullied into committing suicide in our supposedly PC school system. 

PhD Quiet
3.1.2  igknorantzrulz  replied to  Ronin2 @3.1.1    6 years ago
Right, it is all Trump's fault. These things never happened before he took office./S

Let me fill you in, these events have the approval of the asshole in the White House, especially when against immigrants. Learn to keep up, some mention his exact words, and try and prove they don't happen more frequently under pussy in chief! (oh , i left out gabber, wtf is our country come to, when i can accurately say what i just did ???)


N F U think i was some kind of an 'acceptable' fckr in school, you have not a clue.

i was crazy enough to not be messed with, tough enough to earn respect, and smart enuff to use these attributes to protect many others from groups who mentally and physically threatened others.


So please don'tattempt to lecture me!

We all have our stories and have paid some dues, n just cause i don't know yours, certainly doesn't mean you know mine.

Professor Quiet
3.1.3  Ronin2  replied to  igknorantzrulz @3.1.2    6 years ago
Let me fill you in, these events have the approval of the asshole in the White House, especially when against immigrants. Learn to keep up, some mention his exact words, and try and prove they don't happen more frequently under pussy in chief! (oh , i left out gabber, wtf is our country come to, when i can accurately say what i just did ???)

So you still think this all started with Trump? Get real. TDDS is running rampant across this country. Remove Trump and things will not change. 

N F U think i was some kind of an 'acceptable' fckr in school, you have not a clue. i was crazy enough to not be messed with, tough enough to earn respect, and smart enuff to use these attributes to protect many others from groups who mentally and physically threatened others.

Wow, Mr Badass. If what you claim is true then you should have some appreciation for what breeds these outcasts; and why they might reach the point of acting out. As one that was bullied constantly from grade school on through high school; and wasn't crazy enough, tough enough, and could never win any fight- people like you don't exist. If they did I never met them. I never claimed to be a champion of the outcasts or downtrodden. What I did I did strictly for myself. The fact that some others that were bullied were left alone because of it was just a side benefit.

I was fortunate to meet the people I did when I was 16. If I hadn't I would have been bullied into oblivion. I am sure the high school would have had a day of mourning for me; and everyone would have been asking themselves why? 

PhD Quiet
3.1.4  igknorantzrulz  replied to  Ronin2 @3.1.3    6 years ago
So you still think this all started with Trump? Get real. TDDS is running rampant across this country. Remove Trump and things will not change. 

Did you read what i wrote ?

I'm sorry you were bullied since grade school .

"some appreciation for what breeds these outcasts" i certainly do, and TRUMP is what IS TYPICAL of what/who

He normalizes un acceptable behavior. Perhaps, YOU should lear to realize this, if you truly want others to not be tortured the way many were, and obviously still are, in school, and in life in general.


My anger is not with you, it is with my inability to reach people with the damn TRUTH !

Think about that, and reread what i've written before you snap back at me

Sparty On
Professor Expert
3.1.5  Sparty On  replied to  igknorantzrulz @3.1.2    6 years ago
Let me fill you in, these events have the approval of the asshole in the White House, especially when against immigrants.

Thats horseshit but i'm sure that you really have convinced yourself that its true.   Fact is there is zero approval there for this sort of behavior.   Real or imagined.

That said, you sound like you were a real bad mammer jammer back in school.   A real guard dog eh?

PhD Quiet
3.1.6  igknorantzrulz  replied to  Sparty On @3.1.5    6 years ago
Thats horseshit but i'm sure that you really have convinced yourself that its true.   Fact is there is zero approval there for this sort of behavior.   Real or imagined.



Mass Shooters from HERE, and in other countries HAVE QUOTED OUR ASSHOLE IN CHIEF !


since , You Know ZERO about my days gone by , WTF do U think U KNOW about WHAT IS TRUE about ME ?


Do i come across as some kinda PUSSY, that Trump would feel he could just grab ...?

Tell me there 'Sparty', what do your Spidey senses tell you about me ? 

Who have you seen me Ever back down from ?

Do Elaborate Mr Eugenix ,  Mr. Big Hurt

Sparty On
Professor Expert
3.1.7  Sparty On  replied to  igknorantzrulz @3.1.6    6 years ago

Always a lot of big talk here on there internet ..... rarely seen in real life so you tell me.

Simmer down with the sophomoric insults and we can talk.   Otherwise i won't bother.

PhD Quiet
3.1.8  igknorantzrulz  replied to  Sparty On @3.1.7    6 years ago


some of US can also walk the walk

Sparty On
Professor Expert
3.1.9  Sparty On  replied to  igknorantzrulz @3.1.8    6 years ago

Never said you couldn't.   You're the one who flew off the handle when i asked a simple question.  

You seem to have a pretty big chip on your shoulders related to the topic at hand.

Professor Expert
3.1.10  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Ronin2 @3.1.1    6 years ago
No one wants to address the elephant in the room- which is a society that has always allowed bullying (both physically and emotionally) in the school system that breeds these outcasts

Excellent point!

And that's why other countries don't have the epidemic of gun violence that we do.


Because bullying is the cause of all our mass shooting-- and other countries don't have any bullying in their schools-- none-- ever!

It Is ME
Masters Guide
3.1.11  It Is ME  replied to  Krishna @3.1.10    6 years ago
And that's why other countries don't have the epidemic of gun violence that we do.

"France" may say otherwise.

They've been on the news due to "Guns", and even "Bomb" issues, and they have this "Really Strict" gun law thingy ! 

"According to the University of Sydney's Gun Policy website, gun control in France is categorized as "restrictive." Keep in mind that, unlike in the U.S., France does not have a "right to bear arms" — the right to privately own a gun is not protected by law. In order to purchase a firearm, one must first obtain a hunting or shooting sport license, which requires a psychological evaluation and regular renewal. Semi-automatic rifles that can hold more than three rounds, as well as rifles and handguns with military-grade calibers, require permits. Fully automatic weapons are completely illegal for civilians. If one purchases or possesses a gun illegally, the punishment is a maximum of seven years in prison, plus a fine."

PhD Quiet
3.1.12  igknorantzrulz  replied to  Sparty On @3.1.9    6 years ago
You seem to have a pretty big chip on your shoulders related to the topic at hand.

I'm a tad irritable, as i'm on a sodium free diet, and my chip was assaulted.

Got bigger problems on my mind than debating anonymous peoples on the internet.

Did not mean to unload on you or Ronin2 , just what i do, when trapped inside due to medical issues. I am in no way sayin i'm the tough guy i used to be, as that is not who i be.

Back then, in my day, and it is no longer my day, and i certainly realize this, but i could hold my own, and then some.

I'm gettin a tad over the hill, but i figure i can coast now, but i still am a worthy opponent physically, as i'm in pretty good shape for my age, and have training in my background.

But these days, i prefer to use my 3rd degree burning Black Conveyor Belt in Verbal JuJitsu over physical confrontation, but i am still quite able, but realize it is a young mans world, when dealing with physical confrontation.

It is a last resort, yet still in my arsenal, as i am still quite physically fit, and not said as a braggarts boast.

As i still have the respect from many, except, the one i would appreciate the most.

That's a whole nother issue, and i'm running out of that econo box of tissue    paper ignited, cause whatever it be, if i believe, i'll fckn fight it.     

That is no exaggeration 

Sparty On
Professor Expert
3.1.13  Sparty On  replied to  igknorantzrulz @3.1.12    6 years ago
cause whatever it be, if i believe, i'll fckn fight it.   

We have that in common.  

I let all sorts of shit go every day, don't even think twice about it but if i'm passionate about the topic ......  its likely go time Mandlebaum.

PhD Quiet
3.1.16  igknorantzrulz  replied to  gooseisgone @3.1.14    6 years ago

Do you DENY that some mass shooters have quoted Trumpp ?

PhD Quiet
3.1.17  igknorantzrulz  replied to  gooseisgone @3.1.15    6 years ago

i won't, but i'm fckn positive i could break anothers 


that reason being, i've done it

Professor Silent
3.1.20  cjfrommn  replied to  Ronin2 @3.1.1    6 years ago
Right, it is all Trump's fault. These things never happened before he took office./S

here is the deal, your clearly a non person of color. because if you were you would notice the UPTICK in racist acts, racist actions taking and confirmed via suspects themselves that committed acts of violence due to saying TRUMP was a motivating factor. 

its not about the fact that racism has NOT existed prior to trump. it is how ever a very high number of racist minded people who are more willing to speak and act freely on those feelings. this can be confirmed by scores of YouTube videos from around the country.

so yes it is trumps fault.absolutely! failing to lead is the issue here!

are you a parent? do you not see the parent that says nothing to a kid acting out in a store and not think to yourself. Why doesn't that parent address that issue, something as easy as saying "inside voices" when a kid clearly is too loud for his / her own good.

same thing here, trump has had enough times to address national incidents where denouncing with STRAIGHT TALK about how racists acts wont be tolerated in this country and has failed to do so. 

that is the issue, at hand. and this is not a back and forth type situation to discuss, it is a fact of living day to day with fellow Americans who feel EMBOLDENED to not keep what should stay in there brains and not come out there mouth. But he has allowed them to feel that way!  

totally WRONG, that our children are threatened in schools of all places.

No one wants to address the elephant in the room- which is a society that has always allowed bullying (both physically and emotionally) in the school system that breeds these outcasts. Speaking as someone who was one of those outcasts; I can truthfully say I was lucky to fall into a much older crowd- late twenties and early thirties when I was 16- most of whom had military experience. They taught me a different way to fight back. It wasn't nice, it wasn't PC, and it sure as hell wasn't "fair"; but it was damn effective. Best of all since they didn't know it was me (there were some that guessed, but had no proof) the bullies had to back off on a few other outcasts to be safe.

Look up how many outcasts are bullied into committing suicide in our supposedly PC school system. 

there is a bit of truth to this comment by you. So i wont dabble with that comment.But will add that bulling is never good.

But in getting back to addressing the topic / story and doers of these mass shootings. it seems to come down to mentality. And in many situations there tends to be a common thread that abounds from these suspects.

it appears to be the inability of these suspects to deal with the word "no" or comply. sadly this goes back to how some people never have to adapt or adjust to there surroundings in life and get over stuff and move on. But they never have to leave there comfort zone.  and that is the white privileged some folks point out when violence like this occurs. The ability to cope and deal to change and difference is never forced upon the lives of a lot of these suspects. And when it is they rebel in such an over the top way and it is so unnecessary. This lady had no shame in her and yet signs are present that no pays attention too unless like this manager, they are tired of this type of mentality. And thank god this manager was! 

PhD Quiet
3.1.21  igknorantzrulz  replied to  gooseisgone @3.1.18    6 years ago

I have no idea what mass shooters have said, but you didn't say that!  You said "these events have the approval of the asshole in the White House" which is a lie.

how do you know it is a lie ?

in your words

"Prove it"

cause they used his own quoted words, and he still hasn't changed those racist, quoted, words.

Professor Silent
3.1.22  cjfrommn  replied to  gooseisgone @3.1.18    6 years ago

lol its not lie.Trump has provided a failed opportunity to lead.

that allows some people to act they way they do, when someone they THINK like trump understands there actions. and so when a president cant come out and say at the first national incident and the next one and the next one. That violence acts committed against any citizen of color or any fellow american will not be tolerated. it  is a sign it is ok to those who commit these types of acts.

A good example of this on a simple local level (i noted above some place) can be seen as such.

trump = parent of screaming kid(=mass shooting acts) in store. You walk by and notice as you shop that this kid has continued to be loud and the parent has not asked the kid to stop it. The parent has not reminded them of "inside voices' or pointed out there behavior has to stop via the stern voice or (cut eyes like my mom did) or even the "do we have to talk in the bathroom" code for hand to butt in my house.

But you observe nothing and continue to shop. as you are ready to pay and exit you notice the kid is behaving the same in the check out line.  And ends up knocking a small end cap display down.

do you not take a moment and in your head and wonder "what if" the parent had addressed this matter earlier, would this poor employee =(victims of racist or mass acts) not be stuck picking up this kids mess.

do you get it. 

Professor Silent
3.1.23  cjfrommn  replied to  gooseisgone @3.1.14    6 years ago
PROVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

According to the  Southern Poverty Law Center , a “Twitter account bearing the suspect’s name contains liked tweets that include a ‘BuildTheWall’ hashtag, a photo using guns to spell out ‘Trump,’” and more.

PhD Quiet
3.1.24  igknorantzrulz  replied to  cjfrommn @3.1.23    6 years ago

nicely done

PhD Quiet
3.1.25  igknorantzrulz  replied to  gooseisgone @3.1.19    6 years ago

Is this Joe Biden.


, it's igknorantzrulz, and i will apologize for going off today on you, and others.

Having a Bad Decade, 

but i'm not some key board cowboy Indian Warrior,

just a frustrated individual, and my frustration is in no way an excuse to be acting out against others with different views.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
3.1.26  Sparty On  replied to  cjfrommn @3.1.22    6 years ago
Trump has provided a failed opportunity to lead.

If i had a nickel for every time a POTUS did that, i'd have a shitload of nickels.

Were you as critical of Dem POTUS's failures to lead when opportune?   I doubt it.

Your comment reeks of TDS.

Junior Quiet
3.1.27  cobaltblue  replied to  gooseisgone @3.1.18    6 years ago
I have no idea what mass shooters have said, but you didn't say that!  You said "these events have the approval of the asshole in the White House" which is a lie

Total bullshit. He also says he's not a racist. Now whether or not you think he's a racist or I think he's a racist; what matters most is that racists think he's racist. 

"I think my rhetoric brings people together," [Trump] said last week, four days after a 21-year-old allegedly posted an anti-immigrant screed online and then allegedly opened fire at a Walmart in El Paso, Texas, killing 22 and injuring dozens of others.

[A] nationwide review conducted by ABC News has identified at least 36 criminal cases where Trump was invoked in direct connection with violent acts, threats of violence or allegations of assault.

In nine cases, perpetrators hailed Trump in the midst or immediate aftermath of physically attacking innocent victims. In another 10 cases, perpetrators cheered or defended Trump while taunting or threatening others. And in another 10 cases, Trump and his rhetoric were cited in court to explain a defendant's violent or threatening behavior.

Seven cases involved violent or threatening acts perpetrated in defiance of Trump, with many of them targeting Trump's allies in Congress. But the vast majority of the cases -- 29 of the 36 -- reflect someone echoing presidential rhetoric, not protesting it.

ABC News could not find a single criminal case filed in federal or state court where an act of violence or threat was made in the name of President Barack Obama or President George W. Bush.

The 36 cases identified by ABC News are remarkable in that a link to the president is captured in court documents and police statements, under the penalty of perjury or contempt.

In many cases of assault or threat, charges are never filed, perpetrators are never identified or the incident is never even reported to authorities. And most criminal acts committed by Trump supporters or his detractors have nothing to do with the president. But in 36 cases, court records and police reports indicated some sort of link.

Federal law enforcement authorities have privately told ABC News they worry that -- even with Trump's public denunciations of violence -- Trump's style could inspire violence-prone individuals to take action against minorities or others they perceive to be against the president's agenda.

"Any public figure could have the effect of inspiring people," FBI Director Chris Wray told a Senate panel in July. "But remember that the people who commit hate fueled violence are not logical, rational people."

While asserting that "fake" media coverage is exacerbating divisions in the country, Trump has noted that "a fan" of Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders opened fire on Republican lawmakers playing baseball in a Washington suburb two years ago. "Nobody puts ... 'Bernie Sanders' in the headline with the maniac," Trump said last year.

And, last week, Trump similarly insisted that the man who fatally shot nine people in Dayton, Ohio, three days earlier "supported" Sanders and other liberal causes. But there's no indication either of those shooters mentioned Sanders while launching their attacks, and no charges were ever filed because they were both fatally shot during their assaults.

In identifying the 36 Trump-related cases, ABC News excluded incidents of vandalism. ABC News also excluded several cases of violence -- from attacks on anti-Trump protesters at Trump rallies to certain assaults on people wearing "Make America Great Again" hats -- that did not establish explicit ties to Trump.

Cite .

Trump is a name calling bully. I wouldn't let my children watch one of his rallies on a bet. He hasn't an ounce of impulse control and he is a name caller. 

Junior Quiet
3.1.28  cobaltblue  replied to  cjfrommn @3.1.23    6 years ago
According to the  Southern Poverty Law Center , a “Twitter account bearing the suspect’s name contains liked tweets that include a ‘BuildTheWall’ hashtag, a photo using guns to spell out ‘Trump,’” and more.

And here's the defense for the man who attacked a kid at the rodeo:

The man’s attorney, Lance Jasper, told the   Missoulian   on Wednesday that his client is a U.S. Army veteran who was honorably discharged for disability after sustaining a traumatic brain injury in 2000 while on active duty in Fort Lewis, Wash. As a result, Jasper said, Brockway believed he was following orders from “his commander in chief” while attacking the teenager.

“[President Trump] is telling people that if they kneel, they should be fired, or if they burn a flag, they should be punished,” Jasper told the Missoulian. “He certainly didn’t understand it was a crime”

Jasper did not return several phone calls from The Washington Post requesting comment on the case Thursday. Brockway served in the U.S. Army for more than two years as a metal worker, said Will Sharp, an Army spokesman. He was discharged in May 2001, though Sharp declined to describe the nature of his discharge, citing privacy reasons.


Sparty On
Professor Expert
3.1.29  Sparty On  replied to  cobaltblue @3.1.27    6 years ago
what matters most is that racists think he's racist.

 .... so now individuals are responsible for what any other individual chooses to think?

That just might take the Progressive/PC comment of the year.


Junior Quiet
3.1.30  cobaltblue  replied to  cjfrommn @3.1.22    6 years ago
that allows some people to act they way they do, when someone they THINK like trump understands there actions.

Woman thrown out of Sesame Street theme park for "go back to where you came from" rant.

Classy .

Junior Quiet
3.1.31  cobaltblue  replied to  Sparty On @3.1.29    6 years ago
so now individuals are responsible for what any other individual chooses to think?

sparty, sparty, sparty. Are you kidding? Oh dear. You may not be weak minded, but then I thought Trumplethinskin basically calling his supporters morons when he said "I could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and they would still vote for me" wouldn't be that weak minded. He used "they" when he meant "those morons" but his supporters didn't get it. If Obama would have said that, I wouldn't have voted for him. 

The Brookings Cafeteria podcast last week discussed the role President Trump’s racist rhetoric has played in encouraging violence in America. Predictably, some podcast listeners responded skeptically on Twitter, doubting the association between Trump and hateful behavior. It would be naïve to think that data will change many individuals’ minds on this topic, but nonetheless, there is substantial evidence that Trump has encouraged racism and benefitted politically from it.

First, Donald Trump’s support in the 2016 campaign was clearly driven by racism, sexism, and xenophobia. While some observers have explained Trump’s success as a result of economic anxiety, the data demonstrate that anti-immigrant sentiment, racism, and sexism are much more strongly related to support for Trump. Trump’s much-discussed vote advantage with non-college-educated whites is misleading; when accounting for racism and sexism, the education gap among whites in the 2016 election returns to the typical levels of previous elections since 2000. Trump did not do especially well with non-college-educated whites, compared to other Republicans. He did especially well with white people who express sexist views about women and who deny racism exists.

Even more alarmingly, there is a clear correlation between Trump campaign events and incidents of prejudiced violence. FBI data show that since Trump’s election there has been an anomalous spike in hate crimes concentrated in counties where Trump won by larger margins. It was the second-largest uptick in hate crimes in the 25 years for which data are available, second only to the spike after September 11, 2001. Though hate crimes are typically most frequent in the summer, in 2016 they peaked in the fourth quarter (October-December). This new, higher rate of hate crimes continued throughout 2017.


Sparty On
Professor Expert
3.1.32  Sparty On  replied to  cobaltblue @3.1.31    6 years ago

I know .... Lions, Tigers and Bears .... oh my!

The truth ..... she does hurt sometimes eh?

Junior Quiet
3.1.33  cobaltblue  replied to  Sparty On @3.1.32    6 years ago
The truth

What truth is that, sparty? Say it out loud. What truth?

Sparty On
Professor Expert
3.1.34  Sparty On  replied to  cobaltblue @3.1.33    6 years ago

Its already there cobalt .... you're a smart girl, you can get it, i know you can .... keep trying ...

Junior Quiet
3.1.35  cobaltblue  replied to  Sparty On @3.1.34    6 years ago

I'm asking you to say it out loud so all others can see what you're talking about. Because I don't think you know. Do you, sparty. C'mon, sparty. What are you talking about? Hmmmmmm? What truth? I don't know what you mean by talking about lions, tigers and bears. Are you saying the incidents aren't true? 

Sparty On
Professor Expert
3.1.36  Sparty On  replied to  cobaltblue @3.1.35    6 years ago

I shouldn't need to say it more than once.   You're not that dull are you?

Junior Quiet
3.1.37  cobaltblue  replied to  Sparty On @3.1.36    6 years ago
You're not that dull are you?

You said lions, tigers and bears, oh my. Then you mentioned truth. What truth are you talking about? Why are you afraid to say it out loud, sparty? Because it meant nothing, pertained to nothing, just something to throw out? Are you saying that my links are false and made up? 

Sparty, man up. What did you mean? You don't know what it meant, do you, sparty. Ha! The truth ..... she does hurt sometimes eh?

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
3.1.38  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  Sparty On @3.1.29    6 years ago
 .... so now individuals are responsible for what any other individual chooses to think?

In old spy movies, when a spy would say "The sauerkraut is in the lederhosen" (from Top Secret, a comedy, but you get the idea) the spy is intentionally giving a coded message to specific supporters. To claim afterward that the spy had no responsibility for the attack that occurred from those who heard his code words for "commence attack" is just silly. "But he didn't say 'commence attack' now did he? Hah! See, no responsibility, he was just talking about how to get all the water out of sauerkraut...". That defense is frankly insulting to anyone with more than half a brain.

Donald Trump knows he has many bigots among his crowds, he knows what they want to hear and he speaks right to them, sometimes in code, other times just flat out racist statements he knows they will embrace like bring up Mexicans at his rally and literally saying "they're rapists". That wasn't a dog whistle or code to the bigots, it was an open call for an El Paso like shooting, demonizing Mexicans and Latino Americans, telling his followers it's okay to hate them and to consider them inferior.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
3.1.39  Sparty On  replied to  cobaltblue @3.1.37    6 years ago

Woman up and stop trying to spin it.   My original comment is there for all to see.   Why do you insist on obfuscation and redirection?

SOSDD for the cobalt in blue i'm afraid .... so sad that you seem to enjoy doing so ....

Sparty On
Professor Expert
3.1.40  Sparty On  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @3.1.38    6 years ago

Here we go, here come the troops to help you out cobalt ....

Donald Trump knows he has many bigots among his crowds

It's great that you know what Trump knows.   Remind me to ask if i can borrow your crystal ball sometime

Junior Quiet
3.1.41  cobaltblue  replied to  Sparty On @3.1.39    6 years ago
Woman up and stop trying to spin it

Spin what? You said:

I know .... Lions, Tigers and Bears .... oh my! The truth ..... she does hurt sometimes eh?

What does that mean? Are you referring to my links that state facts? What are you trying to say? What truth? That you're a fan of The Wizard of Oz? That you are a naturalist? That you have affinity for wildlife? What is the truth, sparty? Talk about spin. You don't know, do you? Sparty, you just don't know and don't want to admit it. Good grief ... that's so trumpian. 

Sparty On
Professor Expert
3.1.42  Sparty On  replied to  cobaltblue @3.1.41    6 years ago

The queen of the redirect working it.   You go girl.

Once you figure out my original comment i'll be happy to explain the next one to you.

And the next one, and the next one and the next one ..... i'm here to help out in anyway i can, really!    But i can't do your job for you blue.

Soory aboot that.

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
3.1.43  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  Sparty On @3.1.40    6 years ago
Remind me to ask if i can borrow your crystal ball sometime

It doesn't take a crystal ball, just more than half a brain, eyes and ears. Then you just watch and listen to his supporters and his speeches. It's not like he's even using many coded messages anymore, he couldn't be more obvious in his attempts to gin up hate and fear among his base.

Junior Silent
3.1.44  livefreeordie  replied to  Sparty On @3.1.42    6 years ago

you need to exercise some pity on her.  After all, as a radical leftist, she is operating with that that mental disability that leftist ideology produces.

Junior Quiet
3.1.45  cobaltblue  replied to  livefreeordie @3.1.44    6 years ago
After all, as a radical leftist, she is operating with that that mental disability that leftist ideology produces.

You support a man who wants to screw his daughter and he talked about the future tits on baby Tiffany. Yeah. You're a pillar of the community. Your god believe in grabbing pussies, does he? 

Junior Quiet
3.1.46  cobaltblue  replied to  Sparty On @3.1.42    6 years ago
The queen of the redirect working it.   You go girl.

Nope. I say what I mean and I mean what I say. What's lions tigers and bears, sparty. You don't know and you're trumpian about it. It's all right here for everyone to see. 

Junior Quiet
3.1.49  cobaltblue  replied to  Tessylo @3.1.47    6 years ago
look at my Latin Americans over there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, his "African American" has denounced him. 

The man then-candidate   Donald Trump   called   "my African American" at a 2016 rally   is leaving the Republican Party and no longer supports the President.Gregory Cheadle, of California, told "PBS NewsHour"   he believes the Republican Party is pursuing a "pro-white" agenda and using black people like him as "political pawns." "I'm just sick and tired of the way blacks and other people of color have been treated by this administration and by the GOP," Cheadle told CNN's Erin Burnett on Thursday on "Erin Burnett OutFront." He said he has been frustrated with Trump's rhetoric on race and the lack of diversity in his administration and judicial appointments.
Cheadle told Burnett he wouldn't use the term "racist" to describe the President, but said Trump has a "white superiority complex."

Cite and video

Junior Silent
3.1.50  livefreeordie  replied to  cobaltblue @3.1.45    6 years ago

can you provide any evidence that President Trump has engaged in or advocated for any such behavior on his part as president?

Making stupid and/or offensive comments are certainly not commendable.  However those things don't affect my life or my liberties.

Advocating marxist totalitarianism like the Democrats embrace does affect my life and liberties.  

Increasing taxes and regulations affects my life

taking away our right to keep and bear arms, including arms sufficient to defend against government affects my liberties

taking away our choice to have or not have healthcare AS WE CHOOSE affects my liberties

Controlling what we eat, drink, or drive affects my liberties.

totalitarian efforts in the name of the hoax of AGW affects my liberties

making taxpayers pay for funding the murder of innocent babies as every Democrat candidate supports affects not only my liberties, but is offensive to my faith.

Junior Silent
3.1.54  livefreeordie  replied to  Tessylo @3.1.52    6 years ago

the ideology of the Democratic party is violence against our liberties and natural rights.  it is the greatest threat to the continuation of our Republic since it's founding

Junior Quiet
3.1.55  cobaltblue  replied to  livefreeordie @3.1.50    6 years ago

Uhhhhh, since Tiffany was a baby in a bassinet in front of him and Marla, not as your president. But it speaks volumes as to his moral fitness. If Obama had said one inappropriate thing about his children, I would not have voted for him.

Trump on infant Tiffany's breasts .

Trump on Ivanka, him and sex .

You support incest. Watch both videos; they're short. Let's see you defend him by saying he didn't do it as president. What a crock of shit if you do. 

Junior Quiet
3.1.56  cobaltblue  replied to  Texan1211 @3.1.51    6 years ago
What other lies have you fallen for?

See my 3.1.55. And watch the videos. I can get you more if you like. 

Your president doesn't give a shit who knows that he lusts after his daughter. The thin one. 

Junior Silent
3.1.57  livefreeordie  replied to  cobaltblue @3.1.55    6 years ago

I don't support incest. Can you show me where Trump has EVER engaged in incest, much less as president.

Neither of those videos show Trump ever engaging in incest as your accusation states.

the one about Tiffany is truly ridiculous. He merely talked about whether she would grow up with the figure that her mother has

The Ivanka ones are certainly not what I would ever approve of, but they again are really about his pride in how beautiful he thinks his daughter is.

The sick mind is the haters like yourself who extend your hatred to conclusions not warranted by the facts.

Junior Quiet
3.1.58  cobaltblue  replied to  livefreeordie @3.1.57    6 years ago
Can you show me where Trump has EVER engaged in incest

Are you kidding me?? You mean you have to SEE him screwing Ivanka before you think he's sick? It's not enough to see he's mentioned it, over and over again? Oh criminey. I'm going into the handbasket business. 

You support the guy lusting over his daughter. Great job. Your god is proud of you. Ha!

Junior Quiet
3.1.59  cobaltblue  replied to  livefreeordie @3.1.57    6 years ago
I don't support incest. 

If a married person should discover that a spouse has read a book or viewed pictures or films containing explicit sexual activity, the assumption is that the offender has lusted, hence has committed adultery—even if there has been no physical contact with another person.

Therefore, it is reasoned, the transgressor may be justly divorced according to Matthew 5:27-28. The innocent victim would then have the option to remarry.

Matthew’s record reads as follows:
“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery’: but I say unto you, that every one who looks on a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart” (Mt. 5:27-28).
A brief analysis of the passage is in order.

Christ quoted from the Ten Commandments, “You shall not commit adultery” (Ex. 20:14). Clearly this refers to a physical sex act by which one violates a marriage relationship.

But the Savior expands the moral lapse by addressing the mental disposition that lends itself to the overt physical act.

He speaks of the man who longingly looks (the verb is a present tense form) at someone other than his spouse — with a sustained desire for intercourse.

This is no passing glance. The lusting person is doing mentally what he (or she) almost certainly would do physically, if given the opportunity.

Yeah. Your god says it all. 

Sparty On
Professor Expert
3.1.61  Sparty On  replied to  cobaltblue @3.1.46    6 years ago
Nope. I say what I mean and I mean what I say. What's lions tigers and bears, sparty. You don't know and you're trumpian about it. It's all right here for everyone to see. 

Aw c'mon blue .... resorting to name calling?   You're better than that or at least that's what i'm told by some of the minions here on NT.

Why you insist on this redirect BS, when everything IS out there for God and country to see, is beyond me.   I can conclude only that this is just some sort of sophomoric internet game for you.

I have no interest in that.   If you want a sincere discussion just let me know.   I will participate.   I'm just not interested in reindeer games.   You can play those with your fellow reindeer but not this whitetail buck.

Professor Silent
3.1.63  cjfrommn  replied to  cobaltblue @3.1.28    6 years ago

funny how you and i and few other NORMAL citizens can find other citizens acting out across the country. And yet members come to the board and seem to be lacking factually documented events, incidents and acts. They seem to be in some other alternate universe where these type of events are filtered out or somehow disregarded by proxy. 

at any rate, even when you break it down to simple examples that can be observed in every day life of a RELATIVE situation to relate to them, it appears to just be like water to a spaghetti strainer. they just cant seem to get it. 

and to as i get older i just think that is such a sad way to exist. but it is a choice to do so. 

Sparty On
Professor Expert
3.1.64  Sparty On  replied to  livefreeordie @3.1.44    6 years ago

Life goes on .... it's waaay too short to worry much about nonsense like this.

We all have MUCH bigger fish to fry.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
3.1.66  Sparty On  replied to  Tessylo @3.1.65    6 years ago

Exactly the type of intelligent conversation we've come to expect from you here on NT.

Fantastic job as usual Tessy!

Junior Quiet
3.1.68  cobaltblue  replied to  Sparty On @3.1.61    6 years ago
resorting to name calling

It's all your president does. And it's very telling you feel trumpian is an insult! Good for you, sparty. Good for you. Sparty thinks "trumpian" means something bad. Ha!

Professor Silent
3.1.69  cjfrommn  replied to  gooseisgone @3.1.60    6 years ago

lets stop bullshiting, members like you do a very good job of it. sadly your reply proves my point and suggests you know exactly what his LACK OF WORDS do. so as much as you want to play ignorant in referencing these events, you will be judged as such via your comments. 

what i have found is that this need for you to have me PROVE something that has been acknowledged by alot of people across the country shows clearly you comprehend exactly what the point of most members reply to you. 

again game playing is not really my gig. my example provided above makes it very easy for any semi educated person to relate it this specific topic.  

Sparty On
Professor Expert
3.1.70  Sparty On  replied to  cobaltblue @3.1.68    6 years ago

Nah but what is very telling is you apparently feel that it's okay for you to do the same thing that you say you abhor.   Very telling.

You clearly don't want an honest, adult conversation.

That's cool but i'm out.   Enjoy your little games .......

Junior Quiet
3.1.71  cobaltblue  replied to  gooseisgone @3.1.62    6 years ago
"APPROVAL" of mass shootings

You're ignoring "perception." Which to you and I under individual circumstances understand completely how approval and perception are really nowhere near each other. Unfortunately, Trumplethinskin appeals to certain masses. I believe there are two types of supporters at this late date. Those that love that he makes "demmies cry"; and those who are thinly veiled racists. The ones that thought he could bring change, keep promises and drain the swamp have jumped ship. In droves. What's left are the two remaining factions. 

His disapproval of the Charlottesville bad actors was lukewarm at best. He doesn't make a strong enough point about neonazis. He makes reference to his "African American." He tells U.S. citizens to go back where they came. He counts on his low IQ base to obsess about the wall that he promised Mexico would pay for. He shut down the government for over two months to achieve nothing. He had the Senate and Congress his first two years and still did nothing about the wall then. It took him months to disavow David Duke. While he doesn't "approve" of mass killings, he should have realized after the first couple of shootings wherein "killing illegals" was a motive should have made him aware that he should tone down his rhetoric. "Shithole countries" didn't need to see the light of day. Surely you agree that while he may not have said, "I approve your mass shootings," he certainly continued to degrade, humiliate (children separated, put in cages) and seem unsympathetic to those he perceives as less than white. 

I appreciate your willingness to engage in civil intellectual intercourse. We no doubt will not agree on everything, but I respect your approach. I don't remember interacting with you previously, so I'm assuming you're always this way. Forgive me if we've traded barbs in the past, but frankly those that arrive at an intellectual duel wielding sporks interest me little, if at all. They're gnats at a picnic, if you will. A piddling annoyance, nothing more. 

Professor Silent
3.1.72  cjfrommn  replied to  Sparty On @3.1.26    6 years ago
If i had a nickel for every time a POTUS did that, i'd have a shitload of nickels.

Were you as critical of Dem POTUS's failures to lead when opportune?   I doubt it.

Your comment reeks of TDS.

lets make something very clear here-- either you dont recognize what failure to lead means or you have decided that it cant have any value since you have not been a victim of violence. 

so my comment stands as is 

his failure to straight talk to the american people in the face of repeated acts of violence which has killed or injured a lot of Americans is something you seem to support. 

i always find it funny how WE need to GO back in history or time, to compare what is going on NOW. 

the reality is that trump has made racist minded white people feel bold by his lack of telling them to stop it because all Americans of any color are valued under our democracy, And on the flip side has allowed some of those types to use guns to deal with personal issues where the feel he can acknowledge there issues. because he points out to them almost daily that non whites are in danger of "gangs' and under threat of "change" that he doesn't like to see. 

in the end, sparty, sadly you also have just a shit load of shit you seem willing to absorb from this trump guy.

Junior Quiet
3.1.73  cobaltblue  replied to  Sparty On @3.1.70    6 years ago
Enjoy your little games .......

Why don't you just say what you meant? There's no games. Good grief, sparty. Just admit you were tossing out crap like you always do. Sheesh. 

Okay, how about this:

Does ANYONE know what sparty meant when he said at 3.1.32:

I know .... Lions, Tigers and Bears .... oh my! The truth ..... she does hurt sometimes eh?

Make sure you read my previous comments. I don't get it and neither does sparty. Maybe someone will let us both in on it.

PhD Quiet
3.1.74  igknorantzrulz  replied to  cobaltblue @3.1.73    6 years ago
Does ANYONE know what sparty meant when he said at 3.1.32:
I know .... Lions, Tigers and Bears .... oh my! The truth ..... she does hurt sometimes eh?

I'd go with, don't be afraid of what is really harmless

PhD Quiet
3.1.78  igknorantzrulz  replied to  Texan1211 @3.1.76    6 years ago

Hard to believe reasonably intelligent folks can be so gullible in this day of instant information!

then why would you prove it so readily ...?

Professor Guide
3.1.79  MrFrost  replied to  gooseisgone @3.1.18    6 years ago
I have no idea what mass shooters have said,

The El Paso shooters manifesto read like a trump speech, you should read it. No joke, if trump read it word for word, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference. 

Junior Quiet
3.1.80  cobaltblue  replied to  igknorantzrulz @3.1.74    6 years ago
don't be afraid of what is really harmless

That part I surmised; it's the "truth" thing that seems oddly out of place. 

Junior Quiet
3.1.81  cobaltblue  replied to  Texan1211 @3.1.76    6 years ago
ard to believe reasonably intelligent folks can be so gullible in this day of instant information!

Hard to believe that you watched those videos. Gullibility has no place when you have video and audio of your president lusting after his daughter. Face it, Texan. You're wrong.

Junior Quiet
3.1.82  cobaltblue  replied to  gooseisgone @3.1.77    6 years ago
might as well said according to Big Foot.

Hmmm. Wow. Hardly equal. But it made me laugh. So much for appreciating the approach. 

Junior Quiet
3.1.84  cobaltblue  replied to  Texan1211 @3.1.83    6 years ago
How's the weather in your little world?

Bright as sunshine. But you're still wrong. 

Junior Quiet
3.1.86  cobaltblue  replied to  Texan1211 @3.1.85    6 years ago
I am not wrong.

You said I'm gullible. I showed you videoS and have provided Howard Stern audio. I deal with fact. If I simply heard that your president said that without seeing and hearing proof, I would be suspect but not gullible. The fact that I've seen the videos, that I have heard the audios, makes me informed. Is there a word for someone who doesn't believe what they see and what they hear? Could it be that they're wrong???

I'm concerned that you don't know the difference between informed, suspect and gullible. I would suggest you check out a dictionary, but they're dangerous. I swallowed a dictionary once, and that was thesaurus my throat has ever been.

Junior Quiet
3.1.89  cobaltblue  replied to  Texan1211 @3.1.87    6 years ago
es, I stated what you yourself continue to prove.

Texan, hon. Why are you ignoring his words on audio and video? Do you realize how absurd you appear? Nah. You never would admit it even if you did. But I like that you're continuing on this ridiculousness. Have you just refused to look at the videos? Are you sticking your fingers in your ears and "lalalala"ing? Ha! 

You're wrong, Texan. There's video and audio. You're wrong. Nothing wrong with that. Ooops. I said wrong again. 

Junior Quiet
3.1.90  cobaltblue  replied to  gooseisgone @3.1.88    6 years ago
I can't control how someone thinks

But trumpthinskin controls mindless lemmings much like Jim Jones, Marshall Applewhite and others. That's where the two remaining factions of the Liar-In-Chief's supporters come into play. Your president knows most are low intellect. He counts on it. That's why he sticks with the wall rhetoric. 

The perpetrators and suspects identified in the 36 cases are mostly white men -- as young as teenagers and as old as 75 -- while the victims largely represent an array of minority groups -- African-Americans, Latinos, Muslims and gay men.

Federal law enforcement authorities have privately told ABC News they worry that -- even with Trump's public denunciations of violence -- Trump's style could inspire violence-prone individuals to take action against minorities or others they perceive to be against the president's agenda.

"Any public figure could have the effect of inspiring people," FBI Director Chris Wray told a Senate panel in July. "But remember that the people who commit hate fueled violence are not logical, rational people."

What you think, what I think, matters not. It's what the group of people who refuse to acknowledge that Trump says things and then calls it fake news despite there being video of the offending comments think. It's frightening that so many are still telling that overweight wannabe emperor that his nonexistent clothing is luxurious. 

PhD Quiet
3.1.91  igknorantzrulz  replied to  cobaltblue @3.1.80    6 years ago
That part I surmised; it's the "truth" thing that seems oddly out of place. 

if Sparty isn't required to provide proof of 'Truth', i didn't realize i had to conceptualize and formulate,

a perceived perception, of that he cannot appreciate.

As the 'Truth' IS, there is much to be 'worried' about, with a FCKN Mental Midget Meglomaniac meandering


meaningful measured rules, 

cause while attempts to park his Leading from his behind

Lead Zeppelin, in the yards of others, he somehow can't find any

Presidentual Parking Meters,

as the yards are always, like Sparty,

coming up a few inches short,

with out enough womb to satisfy your claustrophobic needs, 


Sparty will never satisfy, yours, or a stripped mine, as eye, like you, don't dig him that way, and since you've claimed, and i do believe what you say, and though it saddens me to hear here, you're not gay,

as neither am i, and i'll prefer to bee unhappy that way

honey    bare   naked and aFred of what Sparty has said.


Trumppy truly has shown USAll too much to worry about, 


where but LIES the Truth, when people have an image of a nation,

through their own




PhD Quiet
3.1.93  igknorantzrulz  replied to  gooseisgone @3.1.92    6 years ago


Junior Silent
3.1.94  livefreeordie  replied to  cobaltblue @3.1.59    6 years ago

Trump was not a Christian when he made his comments and I have no idea whether he has repented of them or not.

Regardless, it's not relevant to who he is as president.  NO ONE has accused him of engaging in any such activities as president. I would condemn him if he did.

And finally, all his stupid and inappropriate tweets and comments pale in comparison to the good of his policy actions and in comparison to the danger the Democrats represent to this Republic and our liberties and rights.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
3.1.95  Sparty On  replied to  cjfrommn @3.1.72    6 years ago

Lol, I’m a Marine and have been leading from the front for long long time.   Difference being, I don’t have TDS.

That said, last POTUS I would want in my foxhole is Bush 1.    Unlike many here my foxhole bias is performance based not political.

Junior Quiet
3.1.96  cobaltblue  replied to  livefreeordie @3.1.94    6 years ago
activities as president. I would condemn him if he did.

It doesn't matter if he's president. If your father committed incest and he wasn't president, would he get a pass? Do you think your god gives trump a pass for his incestuous thoughts because he's president now? You're a hypocrite. And you support incest. 

Junior Quiet
3.1.97  cobaltblue  replied to  gooseisgone @3.1.92    6 years ago
So half the country is mindless lemmings? 

Are you sure it's half or are you using your president's polls? 

Junior Silent
3.1.98  livefreeordie  replied to  cobaltblue @3.1.96    6 years ago

Trump's thoughts whatever they were before he was president, whether serious or joking are between him and God. lf he engaged in such things now, I would condemn it.

What matters today to ALL thinking Americans is how the ACTIONS of elected officials affect our lives, businesses, liberties, rights.

Nothing I've said is hypocritical nor do I support incest.  You're just another desperate leftist consumed with hatred of not just Trump, but every American who disagrees with leftist ideology.  That's why you go down rabbit holes that have NOTHING to do with improving our country.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
3.1.99  Sparty On  replied to  igknorantzrulz @3.1.74    6 years ago

I’m done playing blues game .... deja vu all over again but if you really want to know, go back to the post she is purposefully ignoring and tell me what you think I meant.

It’s not really that tough.


I was done playing reindeer games in grade school.    Some adult folks still clearly enjoy them.

PhD Quiet
3.1.100  igknorantzrulz  replied to  cobaltblue @3.1.97    6 years ago
Are you sure it's half or are you using your president's poll

Looking at the size of his tiny hands,

 Trumppy's poll is never gonna satisfy his minions with twisted opinions, for those that support him, really need to learn how to

abort him.

PhD Quiet
3.1.101  igknorantzrulz  replied to  Sparty On @3.1.99    6 years ago

I was done playing reindeer games in grade school

did you sign the

Santa Clause ?

i'll go back, to the future, as it's a pastime of mine, and investigate your claim

but you know, i can appreciate some of your arguments, and your sense of humor, 

on Trump,

we will not be seeing eye to eye, as you're probably taller than eye, at least your tails appear longer,

while via my scents, i could be stronger

and though it stinks

it's sometimes what eye thinks, and it is nothing to fear monger


about.          that job has been spoken for

PhD Quiet
3.1.102  igknorantzrulz  replied to  Sparty On @3.1.99    6 years ago
if you really want to know, go back to the post she is purposefully ignoring and tell me what you think I meant.

It’s not really that tough.


.... so now individuals are responsible for what any other individual chooses to think?"

i'm guessin this be what U R referring to;


Normally i would agree with you,


when one of the 

Individuals happens to be the POTUS, i feel there is influence, and some amount of responsibility, for our President, to condemn, set the best example possible, and to attempt to lead, preferably by example, and unfortunately for USA}LL, i Bleave he is.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
3.1.103  Sparty On  replied to  igknorantzrulz @3.1.102    6 years ago

Personal responsibilities right out the door eh?    Your credibility just took a hit bud.    

And believe me I understand what you are saying.    I had to try and explain to young kids why it was okay for bubba to lie face to face with all the American people.

What “is” the definition of “is” by the way?   Kids aren’t stupid.    They knew exactly what was going on.

PhD Quiet
3.1.104  igknorantzrulz  replied to  Sparty On @3.1.103    6 years ago
Personal responsibilities right out the door eh?    Your credibility just took a hit bud.

Some persons here in the USA are not, how should i say, the FCKN Brightest!

I'm NOT EXCUSING their IGNORANCE<, i'm pointing it out. People have PROVEN they are too ignorant to think for themselves. Thus, the election of Trump.

How N E Thinking individual can still defend this POS potUS, is a sad reflection on them.

Somehow, i think i'll be able to carry on, even though i've disappointed, as you've , right back at me, in no time at all. 

PhD Quiet
3.1.106  igknorantzrulz  replied to    6 years ago
something to think about.

i ponder a tad more than most,


i'll just stand by my existing post.

I'll also agree with yours, 

i'm just sick of attempting to show people, who obviously have chosen the 'it's best not to know' route.

I've also been laid up as of late. Getting fckn cranky.

i apologized a few times yesterday for such.

Again, good advise ,  but i probably have too many already.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
3.1.107  Sparty On  replied to  igknorantzrulz @3.1.104    6 years ago

Nah, you just got caught in one of blues little games that's all.

By the way, i voted for Trump.   You make the mistake of thinking people are ignorant for doing so and you doom yourself to another 4 years of Trump.   Who's the ignorant one now?

Trump wasn't the best choice in the world but he was by far the best choice in November 2016 that had a chance to win.   Capuchin Monkeys would have flown out of my ass before i voted for that nasty sea hag Hillary ....... talk about an ignorant vote ...... how many useful idiots voted for that lying bitch.  

Way too many.

PhD Quiet
3.1.108  igknorantzrulz  replied to  Sparty On @3.1.107    6 years ago

And you, being unable to accept how wrong you were, and continue to be, 

is enough evidence for me, 

as to who ignorance actually rules over

Sparty On
Professor Expert
3.1.109  Sparty On  replied to  igknorantzrulz @3.1.108    6 years ago

Works for me.  

I love it when the opposition underestimates the situation.   Makes it that much easier to kick their ass.

Good luck in 2020 .... you're gonna need it.

Professor Expert
3.2  seeder  Krishna  replied to  sandy-2021492 @3    6 years ago
My son's school has already had a mass shooting threat this year.  A girl he knows told her friend not to show up the next day, because she'd be bringing a gun and shooting randomly.

A lot of those threats are just talk. But occasionally some actually materialize into shootings. So we have to look into all of them-- take them all seriously.

Professor Expert
3.2.1  sandy-2021492  replied to  Krishna @3.2    6 years ago

This one was taken seriously.  I asked my son if anybody had reported this threat to the police, and he didn't know.  It was on social media, so he had it on his phone.  I told him to keep that post pulled up on his screen, and went to get my phone to call the sheriff's office.  Before I could even dial, the superintendent of schools sent out a robocall telling us that the threat had been investigated and found noncredible.

Last year, a kid on his bus made similar threats.

PhD Quiet
4  igknorantzrulz    6 years ago

Damn straight arrest her!

These days, you could be an accomplice to murder, or at least should be, as any threat HAS to be taken SERIOUSLY.

It is an unfortunate necessity in the world we live in today.

Professor Guide
5  MrFrost    6 years ago

So................is she a patriot still or do we have to wait for her to commit mass murder before we give her a label? 

Professor Principal
6  TᵢG    6 years ago

Some people have chemical imbalances that effectively cause them to operate without empathy.   The problem nowadays is that those very rare few can gain access to weapons of great destructive power.

Junior Quiet
6.2  dave-2693993  replied to  TᵢG @6    6 years ago

Not an easy one and very dystopian, but one can't help but wonder if there is a way to uphold the spirit and intent of HIPPA yet flag such ones?

Professor Expert
6.2.1  seeder  Krishna  replied to  dave-2693993 @6.2    6 years ago
Not an easy one and very dystopian, but one can't help but wonder if there is a way to uphold the spirit and intent of HIPPA yet flag such ones?

Actually after one of the recent mass shootings,Trump said something should be done, thet perhaps we should look at stronger background checks.

But then he got "The Call"... and he changed his tune.

Professor Expert
6.2.2  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @6.2.1    6 years ago
But then he got "The Call"

(From the NRA)

Professor Expert
6.3  seeder  Krishna  replied to  TᵢG @6    6 years ago
Some people have chemical imbalances that effectively cause them to operate without empathy.   The problem nowadays is that those very rare few can gain access to weapons of great destructive power.

But...but... but...what about THE SECOND AMENDMENT!!!?!!???

Professor Expert
6.4  seeder  Krishna  replied to  TᵢG @6    6 years ago
Some people have chemical imbalances that effectively cause them to operate without empathy. 


And some of them even get elected to higher office :-(

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
7  Buzz of the Orient    6 years ago


Don't forget to bring your gun.

Professor Expert
8  Nerm_L    6 years ago

Sounds like Alexis Wilson is suffering from PTSD.  Her behavior and actions match symptoms. 

What culpability should institutions bear for simply excluding, expelling, and discarding these individuals?  Are we institutionalizing bullying by kicking out those who do not fit in?

Professor Expert
8.1  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Nerm_L @8    6 years ago
Are we institutionalizing bullying by kicking out those who do not fit in?

Good point!

Those who commit these mass shootings deserve our understanding-- and love!

Professor Expert
8.1.1  Nerm_L  replied to  Krishna @8.1    6 years ago
Good point! Those who commit these mass shootings deserve our understanding-- and love!

Everyone's a victim, after all.  Doesn't that fit with the left's politics?  The left certainly ignores crimes committed by disadvantaged minorities.

The point is that the 'disadvantage' of prejudice and bigotry doesn't respect skin color.  

Professor Expert
8.1.2  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Nerm_L @8.1.1    6 years ago
The left certainly ignores crimes committed by disadvantaged minorities.


Junior Quiet
8.1.3  cobaltblue  replied to  Krishna @8.1.2    6 years ago

Thank you. I'll wait for it too. 

Professor Expert
8.1.4  Nerm_L  replied to  Krishna @8.1.2    6 years ago


How is it possible to find a link for what is ignored?  Are you suggesting the left does not ignore crimes committed by disadvantaged minorities?  Where's your evidence for that kind of suggestion?

PhD Quiet
8.1.5  igknorantzrulz  replied to  Nerm_L @8.1.4    6 years ago

Krishna probably got it from


, who has been linked 

to logs, and other blogs.

Professor Silent
10  cjfrommn    6 years ago

i am so glad people are taking action. The need for these type people to think there words are normal and actions accepted is the break we get in saving others. So i am glad she made the mistake of speaking to the wrong co worker that day. In the end, she should not get a break of the "misunderstood or  i didn't mean it" but should get the time needed for her to feel the impacts of her words scared people. And maybe going to prison will scare her to do better later down the road.


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