Trump Campaign Pastes President’s Head on Greta Thunberg’s Body
Social media users across the political spectrum found the photo at turns amusing, confusing and disturbing.--- this isn’t embarrassing to yall?
Trump Campaign Pastes President’s Head on Greta Thunberg’s Body
The Trump 2020 campaign posted a picture of President Donald Trump’s head pasted onto the body of Time magazine’s 16-year-old person of the year Greta Thunberg on Thursday.
“When it comes to keeping his promises, there’s only one Person Of The Year,” posted the Trump campaign’s “War Room” Twitter account, along with a photoshopped picture of President Trump’s head on Thunberg’s body.
When it comes to keeping his promises, there’s only one Person Of The Year:
Booming Economy
— Trump War Room (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@TrumpWarRoom) December 12, 2019
Record Job Creation
Historic Tax Cuts
#AmericaFirst Trade Deals
ISIS Destroyed
Building the Wall #TIMEPOY #PromisesMadePromisesKept
Social media users across the political spectrum found the photo at turns amusing, confusing and disturbing.
this isn’t embarrassing to yall?
— philip lewis (@Phil_Lewis_) December 12, 2019
Are you fucking kidding me? These people are seriously demented
— Nicole Sandler (@nicolesandler) December 12, 2019
This tweet is the best argument I’ve ever seen for abolishing the 22nd Amendment.
— Michael Knowles (@michaeljknowles) December 12, 2019
LMAO this is a little weird guys
— Cassandra Fairbanks (@CassandraRules) December 12, 2019
normal (looks like E.T.)
— Luke Zaleski (@ZaleskiLuke) December 12, 2019
Not hard to explain. He is jealous of the girl, and miffed he wasnt chosen Time Person Of The Year.
Trump is known for having fake magazine covers of himself framed and displayed at his properties.
Does this mean that you're gonna be known for posting fake stories from "Mediaite" from now on????
Quit while you're behind.
please stop making irrelevant posts on my seed.
The twitter feed is operated by the Trump presidential campaign and most certainly is the official word of Trump and his campaign.
It's not. But then again, you're all gullible enough to believe this was actually done by your President.
Of course it wasn't done by Trump. He's not smart enough to use photoshop.
It was done by his campaign. Deal with that.
Has he said so? I don't see why he would need to be miffed. He was chosen in 2016.
He has hung fake photos of himself on magazine covers at his golf properties.
He's a malignant narcissist, of course he's jealous of this girl.
He thinks it should be every year.
What's your evidence that he's jealous of her? You keep saying Trump is bothered by this somehow but you won't say how you know that.
I guess you know nothing about him. That explains a lot, just from you but from most of his supporters.
He's insanely jealous of a 16 year old young lady, he has been mocking her and disparaging her. I bet her IQ is 100 points higher than the turd in chief. I think the 'president' is borderline retarded, no offense to the truly mentally handicapped and that does not include Ms. Thuneburg.
What a scumbag you support.
You do understand the evidence is HIM? His words, his actions. His campaign. That's how we judge people. It doesn't require translation from you.
I'm sure it is higher than 106.
Hmmm, I believe I predicted something like this.
Don't forget, she was also nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Don't forget that.
Another thing that chaps the 'president's big fat pig stinking ass.
And Mr. Obama got one for nothing. That should tell you something about the once well respected and coveted Nobel anything.
Gee, my fan is following me around again this morning.
Rump is a petulant child.
Let's see if I've got this straight...a person using Barron's name in joking manner and crooked donnie and malaria and all the deporables take offense, but it's okay that crooked donnie mocks Greta who is all of 16 yrs old for making Time's cover and now this and all along the deporables cheer him on....
And don't give me any BS about her being in the spot light but Barron is not.
LIB, Trump is jealous of the girl . His toadys created this fake photo to make him feel better.
Good point.
No ma'am. This is a very poorly fake story. Look at his source - if ya wanna call it that.
So it is fake that Crooked donnie mocked a 16 yr. old because she made the cover of Time. A grown man and president bullying a 16 yr old. how pathetic and yet deporables see nothing wrong with it.
Well it looks like Business Insider and a few other sites have also picked this up.
Not a fake story, posted 8 hours ago. Google the source and sure enough it's on the twitter feed.
TWITTER is not a valid source - period. You want OPINIONS???? Go to Twitter.
stop trolling this fucking article !
It's right on Trump's campaign page, that's not opinion, that's what they posted.
Hey lady, you know how it goes, when ya got nothing', question the source.
Why do you even bother to deny what is right in front of the world?
I think if you're having your picture put on magazine covers and touring the world making speeches, you kind of make yourself fair game for people to support, criticize or mock you. You don't get to hide behind your age.
And anyway, I don't even see her trying to do that. You (and others) are the ones freaking out. Try following the example of the 16 year old and let it go.
Called it, making excuses for a grown man and president to mock a 16 yr old. yet I'm sure you took offense of the Barron joke.
No, it was Trump freaking out he didn't get the cover and she did. So his campaign gave him a fake one. The rest of us think trolling a teenager is pathetic and unacceptable.
OK how old do you have to be before it's ok for a grown man (whatever that means) to mock a 16 year old? What's the magic number? Mind you, we are talking about a 16 year old who has put substantial effort into making herself famous.
I don't think I'm familiar with the Barron joke, but I do know that Trump's kid isn't someone who is trying to be famous.
He was on the cover three years ago. Been there, done that.
His campaign does goofy things with photoshop (or whatever app they're using). They also made one with Trump's head on Thanos wearing the Infinity Gauntlet, preparing to snap his fingers (presumably to make all the Democrats disappear)
Do you think that means Trump is jealous of a comic book character?
Is humor completely dead in the wasteland of far Left politics?
Keep excusing his bad behavior...sheesh, guess it's okay for a grown man to mock a 16 yr. old, DOES NOT MATTER that she is in the public eye, he shouldn't have done it, sorry that you see nothing wrong with what he did. I'm sorry but you will be on ignore, as I just can't deal with you excusing this as nothing.
I only wish you were joking. Trump is actually on record bragging about the number of times he has been on Time magazines cover. If once were enough (been there done that) he wouldnt need to brag about it.
It is depressing to listen to uninformed people make endless excuses for this narcissistic clown.
Yes, I believe he is. He is that dumb and narcissistic. A combination of ultimate ignorance merged with ultimate hubris.
No Donald, our stealth jets are only hard to see on radar, they are not visually invisible.
What a moron.
I mean, how do you even respond to that kind of stupid? His body obviously backs up this fact.
Seriously? Besides being demonstrably false, asbestos wouldn't have done shit to prevent the towers collapse, it's a total lie because the towers HAD asbestos in them!
" The collapse of the twin towers on Sept. 11, 2001, released a plume containing 400 tons of pulverized asbestos"
Ah, that's our President, apparently moonlighting for the Asbestos industry which hasn't existed since 1989.
No. No it doesn't.
"People who sleep less than six hours a night may be at increased risk of cardiovascular disease compared with those who sleep between seven and eight hours , suggests a new study. Poor quality sleep increases the risk of atherosclerosis -- plaque buildup in the arteries throughout the body -- according to the study. "
No Jenny McCarthy, vaccines do NOT cause autism, they save tens of thousands of lives. Dishonest Donald is here claiming something that has no factual basis and could literally kill people if we followed his terrible advice, and he's the guy Republicans elected as President.
No Donald, the poll you cite is completely imaginary. There was one recent poll that measured Presidents "greatness". Let's see where dishonest Donald actually ranks.
"Presidents & Executive Politics Presidential Greatness survey, conducted by University of Houston professor Brandon Rottinghaus and Boise State University professor Justin S. Vaughn, polled current and recent members of the Presidents & Executive Politics Section of the American Political Science Association and asked them to grade each president. President Abraham Lincoln topped the list once again with George Washington, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Teddy Roosevelt and Thomas Jefferson rounding out the top five, similar to the 2014 survey. Trump’s first time on the list knocked Buchanan out of last place. President Barack Obama jumped up ten places in rank since the last survey was conducted in 2014."
So time after time, dirty dishonest Donald proves how monumentally stupid he is, making it easy to believe he's jealous of a comic book villains power.
No excuses from me. I just don't care about photoshopped memes. I think it's incredible that adults who claim to care about important things get their panties in a bunch over something like this.
And anyway, what makes you think this behavior is Trump's? You really think that old fart is working on photoshop? You really think he's the computer-age artistic type? This came from his campaign - and probably some 18 year-old intern at that.
It's depressing to me to see people who claim to care about important things convince themselves that silly photoshop memes are something anyone should care about.
All you have is excuses for this scumbag.
All those contortions, you should see a chiropractor
If you think Trump doesnt look at and approve of everything on that site (The Trump War Room) you are dreaming. It is run by people who are on his 2020 re-election team.
Democratic debate: Kamala Harris delivers sharp retort to ...
Nov 20, 2019 · On Twitter, Trump War Room , an account run by the Trump 2020 campaign , proceeded to tweet a debate sound bite from Gabbard, generating more criticism of the candidate from Democrats …
So, you think Trump reads comic books, has seen the Avengers movies, and knows the characters in them so well. Furthermore, he sat down at a computer and created a photoshopped image of his head on one of those characters? You really believe all that is going on?
You never know. For most people, something like 7 or 8 hours is definitely preferable. 9 or 10 would be even better.
However, some very successful people have been known for getting far less sleep . Thomas Edison is famous for sleeping 3 or 4 hours a night. Other minimalist sleepers include Bill Clinton (5-6 hours), Martha Stewart (4-5 hours), and Jay Leno (5).
Chiropractors are for people who lack flexibility. Maybe you should see one.
Even if that's true, that's a verrrrry different narrative than the one where Trump is so angst-ridden over this girl making Time magazine that he sits down at a computer to create a meme with his head on her body. That's the story you and your friends here have been telling.
Not at all, but I've no doubt he's seen Thanos in all the commercials wielding all that power. But he was so stupid he had his staff put his head on Thanos right before he snaps his fingers and... nothing... That is what all Trumps schemes will amount to, nothing but to be discarded into the trash bin of history as the worst US President, where they will teach classes on how corrupt and vile he was, especially when all the records get released like they did with Nixon.
I've no doubt that when they show Trump the model of the proposed Trump Presidential library he'll respond exactly like Zoolander, asking how all the books and people will fit in it if it's so small... "The Donald Trump Presidential Library for Kids who can't read good"...
This is the HEADLINE of the article -
Trump Campaign Pastes President’s Head On Greta Thunberg’s Body
You never stop true blue defense of Trump.
Thats your problem I guess.
Don't try to deflect. I didn't say anything about the article.
As only John can do. Reliable sources, eh????
Analysis / Bias
In review, Mediaite reports news with a left leaning bias through both story selection and wording such as this, Trump Fumes After Watching MSNBC, Takes Aim at Parent Company: ‘Such Lies’ and Trump’s Bizarre Statement About the Moon and Mars Rockets Across Twitter. This latter story is sourced to just tweets. Sourcing in general seems to frequently come from social media and Youtube video. Story selection almost always favors the left and utilizes sensational headlines that do not match the story. In general, this is a strongly left leaning source that selects stories that favor the left and does not always source properly.
Overall, we rate Mediaite Left Biased based on story selection that almost always favors the left and Mixed for factual reporting due to misleading sensational headlines and use of poor sources.
I would take issue with the rating of Mediaite, which is more center left in my opinion.
Nonetheless, its rating is immaterial. The image in question was created by the Trump campaign and commented on by numerous people on twitter who have nothing to do with Mediaite whatsoever.
Trump trying to steal the glory of a 16 yr old girl who was named Person Of The Year is the issue here, not Mediaite.
How would he be "stealing" glory? That's kind of a weird concept.
John, you know how it goes, when they got nothin', they belittle the poster and question the source.
There are plenty of sources for this story. So deal with the truth about your dear leader.
"in my opinion."
As you have asked others on numerous occasions, "and that counts for what?"
"its rating is immaterial."
Sorry - CoC sez otherwise.
"Fake news will be determined using both Media Bias/Fact Check and Wikipedia."
Trump is not making an effort to steal someone's media headlines. It may be someone else, but IT IS NOT TRUMP.
Have an issue with that? Take it up with Mediaite.
Get a fricking grip 1st warrior.
The photoshopped image was posted on twitter by The Trump War Room, which is the Trump campaign twitter account.
It is NOT fake news.
Here's something else from the tRump campaign.
I’m confused 1st. The story about Trump’s campaign page creating and posting this image is not fake, it is real and that is not debatable. It is from Trumps own campaign page. Are you saying the facts of this story are fake because you don’t like them? Do you believe the account was hacked? Do you have any evidence to back up that supposition?
The Trump War Room twitter page is filled with outrageous stuff like this photo of trump in the girls body.
I guess the people who run the page think this stuff is funny and will benefit Trump somehow.
Their whole thing is just to punk and prank the country. Trump himself does it every day.
When are our people going to wake the hell up?
So this is the freak out of the day for the left. A twitter post. When did twitter become an accepted source?
Some people really need to get a hobby.
Take a hike.
It's nice to see you promoting physical fitness. Hikes are also great for mental health. We should all take a hike. Take a hike John! It'll do you good.
Long or short pier?
Alternative pier.
Donald Trump tweeted more than 60 times today.
Get him a hobby. Learning how to do his job without making a fool of himself would be a good place to start.
And you waited with bated breath for each and every one of them didn't you?
I think he has one. He seems pretty good at it. You all go into batshit crazy mode with every tweet and accomplishment. Initially it was entertaining but it's grown tiresome.
Go gaslight someone else. There are probably a few uniformed people here you can sell that shit to.
And you counted? Wow, you do need a hike. Get some fresh air!
I heard it mentioned on a tv news program. Why dont you find something more useful to do with your comments ?
I read somewhere that his twitter rants, some days, take up five hours of the day. Between that and watching Faux 'news' when is he running the country?
At a 'rally' one time he said he had nothing to do. Quite obvious.
Look how the 'president' is running the country, via twitter.
Anonymous sources...................hahahahaha
When ya got nothin' ...
Where did you "read" it? Just curious.
Why the fuck would I answer your question for you to dispute the source?
I heard on the news this morning that Trump tweeted 123 times yesterday.
One of the Trump fans here has been disparaging twitter.
LOL. Their hero wallows in something they can't stand.
When ya got nothing', attack the poster and the source.
Not my intention at all. Your projection is duly noted. Now, if you would please, I'd be interested in reading and discerning for myself with no question of the source.
Hold your breath while I go find it for you.
What could be more useful than trying to bring peace and humor into your life to improve your mental health?
I'm sorry, I need to get this clarified. You're saying you want Trump MORE involved with running the country? I would think you'd be glad he's spending the day on Twitter.
Clarify this . . .
Well I guess that seals it.
1.) you're embarrassed of the source
2.) you made it up.
You are incorrect on both counts, as always, you are incorrect.
Like Trump should stay off the cable tv and crapper and twitter and actually do the job he has. But don't you have a comment about the pathetic picture?
I'm amazed - but maybe I shouldn't be - at how bent out of shape people are over this. It's funny! It's funny because Trump is ridiculously everywhere. He's been plastering his name on stuff for decades. This is more of the same.
It's also funny because politics is so absurd.
And this time, his "perfect" head is on the body of a little girl. That's kinda hilarious.
Even if you don't think it's funny, why be angry? What a thing to get upset over!
No, it's not. It's sick. It's disturbing. Trumps skin is so thin you can see his cowardly yellow interior which is why he coats himself in orange tanning paste every day, so he looks more human, or so he thinks.
The job of President is deadly serious, it's very sad to see so many Americans shrug their shoulders and just try and laugh off this inept Presidents blatantly idiotic actions as a "joke". Trump being President was literally the punch line to a bad joke, he just wasn't happy about that joke and so decided to force himself on us like a cornered beauty pageant teen.
"Greta must work on her Anger Management problem, then go to a good old fashioned movie with a friend! "Chill Greta, Chill!" - Donald Trump tweet
Why is our President even tweeting a 16 year old girl with Asperger's let alone disparaging her and ignorantly telling her to "work on her anger management"? I knew he was a dense dumb shit full of hot air and bile, but this takes it to new heights of fuckwaddery.
Trumpps heights, are the lowest highlight reel ever cast, as he is threatened by a 16 year old girl, suffering from aspergers,
that's what i REAL MAN would do, attack a 16 year old with a disabikity....WTF yet again.
Dumbfuckery abounds in the support of this 'president'.
Why? How so?
Is it now?
Comedian-in-Chief: Obama's Funniest Moments as President
Yeah, it totally looks "deadly serious."
You really think Trump himself is doing the photoshop work in his campaign?
She's not hiding behind it, though. Why do you show disrespect and insist that she's too frail to take the slings and arrows because of her age or what you call her "disability?"
You really think it would be up on his 2020 campaign twitter page if he didnt approve of it?
I don't trust the internet, and I know it's a cinch to photoshop and with all the fake garbage being sent around and hacking, maybe everyone's just wasting their time on this because it's faked. I mean, does Trump actually have a TrumpWarRoom account?
Does Buzz Of The Orient even exist? If he didnt, would someone have to create him?
My mother and father created me. Do you think I'm a ghost? BOO!!!
so she has aspergers and you have Caspergers...?
You nailed it !
Buzz, you can find this out as easily as I can. Come on. Trump and his campaign really are THAT pathetic.
HAhahahaha! Amazing! The guy runs a tight ship but can still cut up with the best of them. Libs were taking that cover seriously and Trump just trolls them. We need this guy for 4 more years. Definitely.
Nice summation of his political career.
Some people deserve it
Nyet comrade nyet
Demented coming from someone who is supposed to be a leader, you cannot teach your children that this is okay.
Even more demented that his followers do not see anything wrong with him bullying a 16 yr old, so much for his wife's bebest campaign.
Trump is such a failure as a man, maybe he is deciding to pull a Kailin Jenner.