Thank You Democrats for the Best Christmas Ever!
Category: Op/Ed
Via: heartland-american • 6 years ago • 150 commentsBy: Amanda Alvarez

Thank you democrats for all you gave us Americans for CHRISTmas 🎄. We appreciate all they have shown us about their frauds and hoaxes. We are as a result going to re elect our President.

Does any American believe Republicans would have exposed all the corruption in DC and Democrat-run municipalities and States? It’s doubtful that more than a handful of spineless Republicans would ever leave their ‘safe spaces’ long enough to fight for America, right?
Instead, we found overly confident Democrats on the scene exposing it all! What a blessing and a Christmas present wanted by Americans for decades.
Now as the Democrats move forward digging their own graves, Americans will easily understand the real problems in America. They’ll find a Democrat Party steeped in racism, sexism, homophobia, lawlessness, corruption, and lies of massive proportions blaming their feeling on innocents.
From this time forward, Americans can know when any Democrat accuses anyone about anything they do or say, they are themselves the guilty party. Yes, Democrats have proven time after time they are the Party of Liars!
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Democrats are plagued with the ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ yet worked tirelessly to get him elected as President. What does that fact tell us about their mental stability?
Democrats tell us America is now a Fascist country, but it is only Democrats that want to control our freedom, speech, what we consume, how we travel, and how we live. It is Democrats who tell us the uneducated must pay for the expense to educate elite children.
It is the Democrats that want to provide free educations, health care, and citizenship to illegals while they rape and pillage our societies. It is the Democrats that send their ‘stooges’ to disrupt, harm, and destroy open meetings.
It is the Democrats that want to take away Citizen rights in favor of forcing American citizens into submission – not a Democracy. Yes, it’s the Democrats that falsely believe a few of their top politicians should be able to rule America by destroying the US Constitution.
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Sponsored ContentIf one is a liar, facts are their biggest nemeses. At every turn, the Democrat lies are being exposed by facts and they are going mentally ballistic.
Very elementary laws such as ‘innocent until proven guilty’ now evades the brightest and best of the legal minds within the Democrat Party. Rights to a speedy trial has been swept under the carpet. The right to meet and confront accusers remains ‘secret.’
Democrats falsely believe taxpayer funds belong to them to be spent as they prefer. Consider the wasted taxpayer funds spent on the Russia and Ukraine hoaxes! The answers were before them prior to writing checks into the millions of dollars.
So, America is now coming out of its shell and beginning to see the reality of what Democrats do. For them, it’s all about power and money at the expense of we, the taxpayers.
No, they have no shame or conscience. Today, an ethical Democrat is a total oxymoron, right? Consider the reasoning why the biggest Democrat liars get pushed to higher positions?
Does knowing the Democrat leaders behind the Trump impeachment hoax elude confidence knowing they are habitual liars reporting to a Congressional base demanding the Constitution be destroyed and we move into Socialism?
For those hoping to see justice rendered in all the now exposed criminal acts performed by Democrats, please don’t hold your breath. Most of the Republicans are in the same boat and we know they haven’t a spine.
At this time, Americans can only hope process changes will occur to eliminate another possible overthrow of America. Yes, perhaps a few of the low hanging fruit within the Democrat Party may eventually see criminal charges, but it won’t be the fat cats as Republicans step in to protect them in this storm.
After all, these rats are running around DC every day making it impossible to hide their nefarious activities. What have the Republicans done about it before President Trump was elected?
Consider why the Democrat’s Jeffrey Epstein had the teenaged girls and sex party houses around the world. Was this an accident someone rises from the ash heaps to entertain Kings, Queens, Presidents, First-Ladies, Congressmen, and all other sorts of high-ranking officials?
Consider why Democrats went ballistic after President Trump intensified law enforcement against human and drug trafficking! Just coincidental?
Finally, the Democrats due to their own efforts have opened deep wounds and are exposing them to all Americans. There is no such thing as ‘Lady Justice’ in DC, because everything there is politically motivated, never fact-based.
We must expect news shows to continue hosting Republicans wringing their hands and saying how awful all these things are, but once returned to the dark rooms on Capitol Hill, it will be business as usual.
On the other hand, Democrats have dug themselves in such a deep hole, it is doubtful they will be able to survive 2020 elections. After all, if Californians have gotten to the point of tossing them out of office, it must be a very bad omen for them nationwide.
Again, thanks to Democrats for the best Christmas ever. You and you alone have accomplished providing the hopes and prayers of the American people by exposing your corruption, lawlessness, greed, and hatred of taxpayers.
....Recently it was announced that the Trump administration is not putting up with this leftist/Socialist crap any longer and they are reversing the light bulb law and allowing the manufacture of 100-watt bulbs again. When did America go from having a government that celebrated and encouraged a wealthy population that enjoyed life, traveled widely and was happy with their circumstances, who then became a ruled-over class that was told they have to either do with less, or do without, in their miserable lives?
The Obama administration is what introduced the maladies that Americans are experiencing today, from the lie of warming/change, to unisex restrooms, to Obamacare, to gender identity, to open borders and sanctuary cities. There is no doubt the current gang of Democrat candidates for president will willingly step in and continue the Obama legacy of dictating to Americans what they can and cannot have, and what they can and cannot do. If America doesn’t re-elect Donald Trump in 2020 the abuse Democrats have heaped on him these last three years with one phony investigation after another, will be visited on each and every American....
So the former Black President is the symbol of the conservative "boogey-man." Well, it is clear, conservatives miss no opportunity to not grow.
What introduced the "maladies" we, all, Americans are experiencing today, is long-headed conservative folks who did not consider that the rest of the world's people did not enjoy your perpetual sitting on top of them!
So you have 'traded up' you think? What you have inadvertently done is placed a tyrant over yourselves. Because you don't have Donald Trump-he has taken your damn conservatives and is well long into the process of tossing any non-resemblance of himself 'off the island.' Your own arrogance is consuming republicanism from the inside out!
No President Obama is not conservative's boogeyman; Donald Trump is the evil within.
"So the former Black President"
You are the one that added race into the discussion. Nowhere in the article was it mentioned. I wonder who the real racist is!
Funny you went right to that like it had attractant smeared on it. The fact is Barack Husein Obama born from a white woman's womb and a black man's sperm chose of his own free will to classify up as a black American. He is de facto our first black president and history will record it so.
The issue is conservatives can't let Barack go. Clearly Barack occupies space in the conservative mind—if only to give cover while Donald Trump finishes what he has started in building authoritarian rule. Somehow you think you will prosper with Donald Trump as a fake King? Actually, what conservatives have done is shown us why conservatism is an ugly monster.
Now all the liberals, independents, religious people who love truth, atheists, and other outcast citizens of this land who have had their lives ruined and their dreams and hopes repeatedly dashed and bashed need to do is consolidate and whip republican political ass. No, I did not stutter at all.
I think it's funnier that the only ones that EVER bring up race when talking about Obama are liberals?
Sounds like the left are much more obsessed by race than the right. Who really are the racists? Hmmmmm!
Barack is not ashamed of his designation as the first black president of the United States. It identifies him on the dais of history.
Liberals are not ashamed of the color of skin. Skin does a lot of nice things for us! We respect our skin. As for races, we love all races. We celebrate and delight in human diversity.
Now how about conservatives: what do you love?
Nope...That moniker belongs to Slick Willy Clinton
Good question. They always play that card anytime a disagreement with an Obama policy comes up. They think that they can shame us into silence simply by accusing us of racism for daring to disagree with them. No the race card is like the boy who cried wolf too many times.
Wolf! Wolf! Wolf!
Well, . . . okay, where is the black in Bill Clinton? Please point to it. Proceed. . . .
And? Note the first five of your own post—I ignore.
Now the hatred spews forth, excuse me - I'm going to need a bigger pail to catch all that erupts from you. Oh, and while you are at it: Speak about the Trump healthcare plan that is scheduled to replace the ACA. Go ahead, please.
Anytime you throw Barack Obama recklessly into the fire for your purposes and I am around I will speak up. I don't care if you like it or lump it.
What introduced the "maladies" we, all, Americans are experiencing today, is long-headed conservative folks who did not consider that the rest of the world's people did not enjoy your perpetual sitting on top of them!
Deep down inside. He "FELT" it...… up and Down ........ and ………….. ALL over his body !
The " Black Caucus " even fed Bills "Darker" Side !
Symbolism is okay. I will accept that. Now that it makes Clinton, "the first black president of the United States" how? Still waiting.
I don't know/. Ask your liberal black friends of that era. They were the ones touting him as the first black president.
Does the name Toni Morrison ring a bell? She is the one that coined it.
Maybe you need to ask her.
Even HuffPo referred to him as that only 2 years ago. Funny it happened shortly after Obama got out of office.
Can you say: "Symbolism." Sym-bol-ism.
And know the difference between it and real life? Do I really need to state that no one saw the advent of Obama on the horizon in that era? Just how much "chatter" for chatter-sake is called for around here?
Now again to beat this thing until it falls dead at our feet: where is the black in Bill Clinton? Please point to it. Proceed already. And when you can't do it - let it go and move the heaven along!
The "Black Caucus" said so !
"Symbolism is okay. "
Like Obama being the first "Black President" ?
What happened to his white side. Was it "White Washed Away" ?
Well there is that. And do you understand symbolism? Right? Toni Morrison a great poet. And the public understood it as poetry. Indeed, it make have even helped to ease the consciousness for the arrival of the first black president, but now I digress.
If you want to believe that Bill Clinton is the first black president—Just do it! I won't try to stop you.
The fact is Barack Husein Obama born from a white woman's womb and a black man's sperm chose of his own free will to classify up as a black American. He is de facto our first black president and history will record it so. He officially signed his 2010 census as a African-American.
"Now how about conservatives: what do you love?"
In no particular order: Freedom, Liberty, Independence, Our Families, Our God, Our Faith, Our Country, Our Military Personel, LEO 's and Firefighters that sacrafice themselves daily for our safety and to insure our rights and freedoms, Our Fellow Citizens, The Constitution and The Bill of Rights.
"Obama is the nation’s first black president."
So what? That does not make him any better or any worse thant any of the other presidents.
"Now, I am moving on from this use of Obama as a form of distraction."
Your the one that started it in the first place.
"As for races, we love all races."
As long as they think and vote like you. As soon as they start thinking for themselves you will denigrate them as much and as well as any neo nazi out there
That doesn't matter either.
It's not me that cares. It was guilt ridden liberals that gave him that moniker.
That is the oath Senator Mitch McConnell and every other senator will take at some point 2020. In your opinion, will Lindsay Graham and Mitch McConnell and the other senators be impartial justices in the case of Donald J. Trump, president? Or, will they mock your Constitution and your God?
Be honest, plain, and explicit - please.
By the way, The Constitution is the Bill of Rights and all the rest of the amendments. That is. All of the Constitution is the Constitution. There are no separate "Bill of Rights" or any other amendments that is any less constitutional. If you need farther clarification—"ring."
You 'lips' are moving but there is no sound. . . .
There was no line for "half-black " on daddy-side, or "Mulatto" on the 2010 census, Muva. So what's a person like the president to do? Please educate me.
Some conservatives don't think for themselves. They think like Trump. I know this, because Trump only likes people around him or "with" him who think like he does—not the other way around. You are gravely misinformed about your role: When it comes to Donald Trump-some conservatives have a King ruling over his kingdom. Of course, you are a member of Trump's kingdom.
Don't try to deny it. The truth has already identified those conservatives.
Guilt was not it. You're mistaken. I was a need to belong. . . .
You should tell those members to back the heaven off! You define yourself!
I remember him being called that until Obama labeled him racist when he ran against Hillary in 2008
I several democrat senators running for President have said on the campaign trail and or in the debates that Trump should be impeached and removed. They have an oath to follow as well.
Holding an opinion of Trump does not forego impartiality. McConnell and Graham are 'locked in' to acquitting the president. I heard and posted the video of McConnell's firm statement. And Graham spoke partiality into being on two separate occasions (there is video footage). Neither of these men are novices. They mean it to be a partial proceeding throughout.
Tell me you know this in your heart, already. That I am not telling you nothing new—please.
It was white liberal guilt...nothing more.
So what is your view of the House Democrats that have been locked into impeaching Trump for 3 years?
White liberal guilt about what? White people you suppose could give Black people their first 'black' president in Bill Clinton? Wow bugsy - that's desperate.
It was black people and black leaders who accepted symbolism of Bill Clinton, a leader who would allow himself to accept and not reject the moniker.
It was black people and black leaders in the 90's who needed someone to be their voice of belonging, and Clinton became the voice and picture of their belonging. Ideally, President Clinton doing so may have paved the path for President Barack Obama, the official first black president.
That is a republican talking point. Speaker Pelosi is the voice of the democratic house, not Rep. Al Green or any other representative. And Speaker Pelosi acted "that quick" on her call to impeach the president over Ukraine and surely the Ukraine issue only appeared in 2019.
Please miss me with tired old "hang around" republican talking points.
White, black, or polka dot, you have pride in yourself no matter how you identify yourself. It is a quality I wished I possessed.
All of the above...
Yes, they did it again! They are giving us another Merry Christmas!
A very Merry one to all!
Oh no you didn't! LOL
Projection fail. Wishing it so won't make it so. I don't know what kind of fool this writer (or you for that matter) take the United States citizenry for, but it is clear who is delusional ones here. Conservatism is drunk on its own bile. That you name corruption in your list is telling, because your 'King' who you accept to do your bidding is actually flipping and poisoning the grounds whereever he steps, and the article writer is too damn dumb to see it. Enjoy the time in the sun, because conservatism is heading down into the dark!
Democrats will take your good measures unto themselves and fight and leave your fhit in your conservative hands to spite you.
What did Trump get for Christmas? IMPEACHED!
A badge of honor considering the source of it. A ticket to re election. We openly and with all deliberate intent to hold that house of Congress it’s speaker, and intelligence, judiciary majorities in sheer deliberate and utter contempt.
Republican officials are hiding inside the folds of Donald Trump's robes afraid to come out in. . . testify. The world's most innocent man, Donald Trump is his name, is so knee-knockingly scared of what his cabinet officials can say that he swears them to secrecy, and then Trump goes on Twitter and sighs about how unfair he is being treated.
Poor Donald Trump can't get no justice. Boo-hoo. Here's a sob-cloth: wipe his face with it!
Speedy trial? Release the authentic transcript of the Ukraine-US phone call under question. Republicans, the delay in wrapping this up is on you, because you are enabling the hiding of Trump's "impeachment innocence" away on a secured service in the government (even though the call itself is unclassified material evidence).
Trump is screwing Trump's trial.
Right to meet and confront accusers? Compare your 'right' to do so with the right of the people to see documents and hear witness testimonies.
* Conservatives are not the only ones who can use hyperbole.
Trump is simply following the Obama doctrine of obstructing Congress. Or are you pretending Obama didn't extend Executive Privilege over Holder, and Holder's wife, for Fast and Furious to prevent them from testifying in front of Congress? That is after he claimed Holder never never talked to him about Fast & Furious. Holder was held in contempt of Congress; but never faced justice for his obstruction. Neither did Obama.
The Republicans had to sue the Obama Administration to get the documentation they needed and go through the proper judicial procedures. Funny how the Democrats are not willing to do the same. But then the Dems have been promising to impeach Trump since before he took office. They are not interesting in justice, legality, or precedence as evidenced by their slanted, biased, closed door impeachment investigation.
Just imagine the left's outrage if the Republicans had impeached Obama for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.
Part of me really hopes that Biden wins the election; then the Democrats might get their most fervent wish- a president being impeached before he takes office. All the Republicans have to do is follow the precedence the Democrats set.
Take your petty politics of vengeance and stick it . . .where reducio ad absurdium lives. We all are getting just a little bit older now - as politicians play political games- the less advancement in the world you and me will get to see. "Party on!" And as we do watch out for the tipping point where our enemy nations do an end run around the great Eagle!
As for impeaching Obama, heavens republicans never had the case to make for an impeachment. Because Obama was not a stupid, stun king. He worked within the lines not outside of them unlike your guy, Trump. Trump wants to be the damn "line" unto himself. And once he gets into a second term, if he has not realized it already, he won't need conservatives, nearly as much.
Pot meets kettle!
Not enough to process there. So moving on.
I'm not surprised.
Now you are jeering.
Well now aren't you an indulgent little stinker! (Smile.)
Just how does someone impeach a former POTUS anyway?
Hi Paula! This is a modified version of a comment I made on a different article this week addressing this very issue. Please visit the link and note the outrage you might feel after reading it:
I looked it up:
These are some sorry SOB's in republican politics who are waging an unholy war of chaos on the American electorate and citizenry.
I am going to save this article. The next time I meet up with an independent voter here or elsewhere who asks me what the heaven is wrong with republicans I am going to show them this link. That is some prime delusional real estate their Obama "boogey man" dwells on in their minds.
Happy New Year!
So you like compulsive liars, do you? Please inform this group: How do you know when President Trump is telling the truth?
As far as taking offense at my verbiage, stop supporting a blatant liar on the world stage as the face of this nation and I will change my verbiage to reflect something you can approve. Do not expect me to support lies and machismo as if the world requires it for humanity's right order or continued existence.
If you have been paying attention at all, you would know that everything (practically) that Mr. Trump says/tweets is on a "wait and see" it has been shown on several occasions. Like all good businessmen, he throws shit out there to see if it sticks. It is up to his people to pursue or prove wrong.
Google Trump lies. "Abracadabra" does not cut it. Why don't you know about Trump's 14000 lies and counting?
Why do you have your head above telling the truth on the man? It's all over the media. I don't have to lie on him about it.
As for former President Obama he was talking about manufacturing jobs and coal jobs, I even think I saw him in that "presentation" on t.v. And, he was talking about manufacturing being better suited to China, India, and other "developing nations." Also, about the U.S. venturing into new vistas of tech, electric, and solar industries and the like.
Your problem seems to be you you can nah nah. I very seldom take what he says at face value. He blusters. Tough shit. I see what is happening words be damned. The only people I know of who tout the "14,000 lies" BS are the ones LOOKING for something to be offended about because they have nothing else. You cannot deny where the US is today. And that is all that matters to many Americans.
So lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way.
That is the problem with this. Why is he blustering? Do we need lies? Do we need "high-grade" BS to get us through the day?
How do you know when President Trump is telling the truth?
If you support him and can't tell what he is doing that is truthful? How can the rest of us who have taken a wait and see approach and hold a handful of bluster for our time? Largely, leaders are silent in public, because they want their words to have weigh and heft and carry a sense of trust.
As for the ones doing the lie and misleading statements counting:
That's the inherent problem with never Trumpers. They don't take a wait and see approach. They jump. It's all, once again, about feelings.
Liberalism - Feelings over intellect disguised as the latter.
They don't try. PERIOD! It doesn't sell.
Probably not and especially, in your eyes. So what?
And the age old, it seems, question. How have any of his lies affected you personally in a negative way?
Exactly on all your points. Clean energy will make advances upon economic reality. I sold all my shares in clean energy companies when Obama became President and al the subsidies flooded in. I invested in coal, oil, gas, and pipelines. When Obama left office and the subsidies went away, I returned to investing in clean energy again. I’m hardly the only one .
How dare you do that! 😎😂👍👏
What complete nonsense. As most people here know, I am not in favor of trying to come to a meeting of the minds with Trumpers. It is completely pointless.
How has Trump's 15,000 lies effected you personally? he says.
If ever there was a bizarro world where up is down in our lifetimes , hell, in US history, maybe world history, it is now.
When your grandchildren or great grandchildren come home from school in future years and ask you why the president of the United States lied 15,000 times and stayed in office, you can say, because "it didnt effect me and mine personally".
You'll be so proud at that moment, right?
If things keep going the way they are, you fucking right. Neither has any of his lies affected ANYONE I know. Both sides. You see, you give the same deflect that others do and can't name one damned thing.
The majority of Americans dont have enough money to meet a 1,000 dollar emergency without borrowing.
The tax cut is adding trillions to the national debt.
has had no success to date
took pictures of himself with Kim Jong Un and after they exchanged love letters, zero tangible advancement of US goals
now we have no deal with Iran, which , unless they are deterred by Europe, will be free to construct nuclear weapons
again, the US has nothing in place to address climate change (but we do have the satisfaction of knowing that we forced the rest of the world to go it alone)
Greatest president ever? Trumpsters are the most hallucinatory people ever.
If I thought about it, I'm sure I could find some of his lies that have effected me personally.
I dont do that or give Trumpster idiots the satisfaction , because his fitness for office does not remotely depend on whether or not his mountain of lies effects individual people , in an individual way, negatively. The very question ,or the pretense that it makes a difference, is an absurdity.
Opposition to Trump and his policies is by definition absurd.
A fate that the democrats well deserve. Four more years!
We're not doing this today. Think whatever you wish about it.
We're not doing this either. I am NOT interested in bursting this bubble for you. Keep it as long as you want.
Let us flip that: How has any (supposed) lies of former President Obama affected you personally in a negative way?
Yeah, that. Happy New Year, Just Jim!
Opposition to Trump and his policies is by definition absurd.
That is not only ridiculous but totally against the spirit of this country and the very principles of the Framers and the Constitution.
Absolutely foolish! After all, Trump impeached Trump in the House—on purpose. What other president makes a point to do such a thing? The foolish man is attempting to "disenbowel" the people's representative power in Congress before our eyes with both House and Senate republicans enabling.
Happy New Year, Split Personality!
Happy New Years to all of America’s Trump voters!
A Happy New Year to all of mankind, regardless of their languages and religious or political delusions.