Is It Possible-Voting Our Way Out Of The Swamp?
Is it possible to vote our way out of this mess in State Legislatures, Congress, and the White House?
Seriously, can it be done???
I think we could, but it would require everyone to vote for the people who actually represent the values they hold dearest. BUT!!! It would also require that you automatically eliminate the Incumbent politicians. You know, the ones that depend on Name Recognition to win; a.k.a., the Lazy Voter's Vote. You see, we have this thing where we don't actually bother with Politics or Politicians all that much. We go to the polls, we pull the lever or push the button of our favorite Party, and if they are listed as an Incumbent, it makes it so much easier to decide, doesn't it??? It shouldn't!
I want you to vote. Hell I want EVERYONE to vote! I want you to vote whether you are a Democrat, a Republican, an Independent, a Green Party member, a Constitutionalist Party member, or any Party you care to claim--or none at all! Here is the catch though: If you really want Change, you won't get it from those who are already in office! Real Change will only come when you introduce new blood into the mix, so voting for those who are promising Change who are already part and parcel of the problem, just won't happen You simply HAVE to go outside the box.
For the Republican's (and Democrat's can also understand), let me explain it in a way you can really relate to:
A company is failing but it has a long history (think someone like Sear's here--or the Republican or Democrat Parties) that has Brand Identity (Party name and platform), valuable assets (members and supporters of policies), and yet is failing due to not keeping up with the changes in consumer demand (Politicians representing the interest of donors instead of their Party members). Along comes a Buyer (voters) that recognizes that this once great company (Country) is suffering not because it doesn't have what it needs to succeed, but because of a failure in Leadership. Step One is ALWAYS to fire the heads of the company and replace them with those who will listen to the Consumer (voters) and institute the changes needed (demands) to meet the current market. You can't get that with the old COE's (Chief Operating Executives) or the company wouldn't be failing in the first place!
So exactly How can we do this without violating our core beliefs in the Party we have chosen to support?
In two words: You Can't! What we all must learn to do is to examine the entire platform the candidate is running on while ignoring the stupid little letter following their name. If the majority of their message aligns with what you perceive to be needed actions to make your life better, then VOTE for them for God's sake! I know this can get a little complicated at times because we have to weigh just how many points we agree with from each candidate, and how much impact those points would actually have on our lives at the moment--and in the far distant future. After all, what is most important to me when I'm young (like lower taxes and more Take Home pay) may be small potatoes in the future when I get older (like medical insurance and retirement). It's called planning ahead. It is time we demand that we not only want to know what they will do for us in the short term, but what will you do for us in the long term???
For too long now the current crop of Legislators have focused their attentions on getting our votes only on short-term benefits, not how well we will fair further down the road. To be honest, they hope you die or they retire before they have to deal with you again before the next election. They too are focused on the Here and Now rather than the long run. Why? Because they hope you will either become a Lazy Voter and vote for the names you know, or else that you will become disenfranchised and quit voting altogether.
It is a plan that has served them very well so far.
So here we are--we have our current crop of Legislator's who will "indoctrinate" the Freshman Legislator's when they reach the various Capitols in how they need to act in order to get along. They will fill them in on the whole Who's Who in the sphere of influence and will insist that these newcomers not rock the boat or they will suffer the consequences. If they don't toe the Party line, they will see their opponents get funding while they have to scratch for every nickle and dime. On top of that, they will ensure that PAC's are formed to run negative ads against them from within their own Party!
They aren't lying either!
Lofty promises of actual Change that would indeed benefit the entire nation of working class people have been dashed to pieces against the rocks of the Old Boy's Club of politics. It is time we put an end to it once and for all...
Vote the Party or the Candidate of your choice; just make sure that when you do, they are going to be the newcomers to politics whenever possible. It is time to send a message to every Capitol that it is We The People who are really in charge--NOT their Rich friends or Corporate Sponsors!
Let's drain ALL the Swamp's ourselves!
Even if we get a 25% upset this time around across the board, the repercussions will certainly garner a whole helluva lot of attention making the next election very interesting indeed!
Definitely need to get rid of those politicians from both sides of the aisle that have homesteaded for more than three or four terms terms.
What happened? In the beginning we actually had to pass laws to make Politicians go to work. Now we can't stop them.
I don't need you to want me to vote. I was going to vote anyway - I'M VOTING BLUE! I will NEVER vote for a republican, EVER.
Such a long time...
I certainly never thought I would in my youth, but times have changed and I've learned to weigh the promises and proposals to decide my vote instead of being locked into a Party vote for someone I wouldn't want for a dogcatcher, much less a Political Leader. I can look at BOTH sides of the aisle and who tossed their hats into the ring at the beginning or just this race alone and know that if by some miracle one of those Presidential wannabes had made it into the finals, I would have voted for the other person.
That's nice. I still have no intention of ever voting for a republicon
Me neither for obvious reasons to those of us with morals, values, the belief in truth and that facts still matter.
The same day a pu$$y grabber and serial liar became president.
Ah yes........the old "it's the clintons". Read the purpose of the discussion. It's about current elections not the past. I wish I could comment on the lack of intelligence about a certain faction of voters but I'll get in trouble if I point out the obvious reason we have the dumbest dork in the WH.
Funny, I feel the same about voting blue. I won't ever vote for a progressive leftist liberal Democrat ever!
The democrats don't want trump's left overs.
The people who don't want cross-over votes sure do a lot of campaigning.
Where are the cross over votes?
In other words, it appears the trump voter isn't popular or needed unless you're Trump or Putin.
If they believe in and love this country, the choice will be easy. They must choose the democrat to return the country back to decency, honesty, moral values and facts.
Those republican leaders who have turned those heads and enabled a man and administration that refuses to follow our constitution must be run out of our government. They have broken their oath along with this president. If there was a way to run them out of the country I would support that.......and take their supporters with them.
I think you are trying to say that the democratic leadership is just as bad?
No, they are not. They still respect the constitution unlike the republican leadership who no longer pretend to give two shits about the law of the land. They have chosen to embrace openly their disgust for our laws. Those laws only apply to the general population, not them. We are bound by laws but they have decided they are not.
This is what those who support this regime are supporting. Total and complete separation of citizen hierarchy.
Let me be clear. I am not interested in nor do I plan on trying to repair any relationships with those who have voted for or support this president. I have said this for 3 years now. When their grand poobah is finally out of the WH (whether that is 1 or 5 years from now) I will continue to despise them. Stupidity is not an excuse, therefore I do not excuse the damage they have done to this country.
What a shortsighted win.
My father always told me that you can't teach common sense. Every time I come on this site I'm reminded of that little tidbit of wisdom.
what a creative response. I will leave you to it. I've done my charity work for today.
That is sloganeering signifying nothing...
Whether left or right on the political spectrum what we must all actually be wary of are any and all who abuse their lawful powers, especially those who abuse power for personal gain. If you don't support our laws and our Constitution then what are you? Not any kind of American I ever heard of.
It would not be okay if a Democrat abused power and it is not okay that Trump & Co are abusing power now. This isn't team sports. We are all in this together. You cannot excuse abuse of power just because it is your guys doing it.
Spouting party line gibberish about the dangers of "Leftists" and "Socialism" is pure nonsense at this point. America is in not in any danger of becoming socialist. America is in danger of losing our Constitutional Republic at the hands of a greedy corrupt power crazed deranged would be Dictator in the persons of Donald Trump, Mike Pompeo, Bill Barr and Vladimir Putin...
Oh that things were so simple as left and right today. They are not. So, cut the simple minded crap for just once. It should not matter to any of us which side of the political spectrum you are on when the ongoing existence of our sacred Republic is at stake.
How can I insult someone who embraces acts and is proud of the things I find distasteful. If you have no self guilt then my words would not insult you.
Thank You...
Your comment is spot on and is patriotic and worth reflection BUT sadly it takes a united america to make this happen. We are NOT united. Doing the right thing these days doesn't pay off. The republican leadership and their minions lie and deceive every day while the democratic leadership is counting on past precedence and the constitution to support their actions. Laws are only effective if they are acknowledged, followed, or enforced. The republican leadership has refused to do any of these things. This is why democrats always end up losing or falling short. They think the republicans are going to be honorable......they aren't.
The reason our founders devised a balance of powers was to safeguard against the exact sorts of criminal abuses of power, obstruction of justice, rank corruption and plotting with foreign powers against our laws which Trump is now openly flouting.
If this is allowed by the damn gop it is time to take to the streets. BTW, where is the Supreme Court? Those bumps better stand up and stand up now or else they become as low down and worthless as most of the the sellout goppers in the US Senate seems to be.
If Mitt Romney doesn't find his balls he should rot in Mormon Hell! If Ben Sasse gives Trump a pass he is full of gas. If Susan Collins falls for McConnell's crap she should be run out of Main on a rail. The World's Greatest Deliberative Body, The US Senate, is itself on public trial in front of the whole world. It is now or never...
No, by hoping that good will eventually overcome evil is foolish. We have only seen this administration and this republican leadership grab more powers through the courts, through the gerrymandering, and by working with hostile foreign countries to manipulate our voting so they can maintain power. If we wait there will be no leverage left.
Opinion is evolving. I found this interesting...
Max Boot does not represent the majority republican opinion. He has been anti trump since before the 2016 election. The rats are trying to decide whether the republicans are going to continue protecting their crimes. If not, then maybe the rats will jump ship. Until then, we cannot trust that moderate republicans are courageous enough to stand up to this foul evil machine. I'm not sure whether they hold the country's values anymore. They only care about their own party.
I don't "expect" anything from the damn gop!
So is it your contention that one can not truly love this country unless they share progressive leftist liberal Democrat views?
It is my belief that anyone who continues to support this president and this administration no longer hold the values that this country requires.
I am a right leaning conservative Independent. I do not particularly like or support Trump, but I just dislike progressive leftist/socialist liberal Democrat ideologies even more. I love my country dearly. I served it honorably in uniform for 20 years. I shed my blood for it in two wars on two continents. I get very irritated as I have had people question and confuse my patriotism based on their political ideology. Have a good day.
Normally when you tell a leftist you served your country, either they insult you or they put up emojis like the one in 1.2.42.
I serve the country too [deleted.] Some are born to take orders and others like me are born to lead. What makes his service more important than mine.......because he bows to trump?
I'm keeping you safe every single day. I'll take my thank you now.
If you served, then thank you. I am a 20 year veteran as well.
The problem with your use of the emoji as an answer was that it implied dismissal of his service. Saying that he bows to Trump is nothing more than hysterical rhetoric. He, himself said he does not like Trump, but dislikes liberalism more. \
What American see more and more everyday is the sheer hatred coming from the left towards those that do not think like them. I really believe liberalism is an ideology of hate and that hatred, much like the hatred that was displayed by the left in 2016, will be the reason why Trump will easily be reelected this year. .
We all do, MUVA, we all do...
I'm not in the military. I serve another way and it is no less important then those who carry guns. Because we've typically gotten along in the past I don't want to get into an argument with you. Impasse
While I appreciate the attempt to use Impasse to diffuse the situation...
it cannot be honored at this time for the described reasons. SP
PS Thank you for your service
Your words don't bother me. [ Deleted ]
but I would like to thank you for the biggest raise I've received in 10 years! Woo hoo hoo! And I'm up for another promo which it going to jack me up another $12k.
I still ain't voting for your guy though.
Based on my experiences, anybody that brags about their being "born to lead" is automatically suspect to me. Nobody is born to do so. One has to learn to follow orders before one gains the maturity to know how to lead and give orders. It is the same whether in military or the civilian world. Saw my share of people like that in Vietnam. They did not last long for a variety of reasons.
My thanks. You hit the nails right on the head on all counts!
After reading your post I realized my error.......I'm extremely distraught - NOT
Dude - I don't care what you or others think of me. IMO, I will always be a better person because my principles and values can't be bought with a temporary tax break. You think you can toss in your service and I should automatically fall to my knees and thank you? fuck that. I serve too and somehow have also been able to maintain my moral ethics even when it didn't benefit me personally but rather the country as a WHOLE. [ Deleted ]
The reason our founders devised a balance of powers was to safeguard against the exact sorts of criminal abuses of power, obstruction of justice, rank corruption, and spying on then plotting against a duly elected president
trump will not be removed from office and he will be re-elected.
better get your boots on... LOL
I'm hurt. I'm sitting here crying my eyes out because some [Deleted] is offended that I think we should put country first.
I imagine Trump will be re-elected but after that........the republicans can probably kiss their party goodbye.
Enjoy your short time in history. The immoral and unethical actions and support of those actions can never be erased.
we are doing that, which is why the left is pissed off about trump.
what we are not doing is letting the lunatics on the left hide behind the flag while trying to undo an election and turn our country into a shit-hole.
Wow how nice coming from the mouth of someone espousing how moral and ethical democrats [are...Deleted]
o...kay. hahahahahahaha
Ah yes the old Republicans will never win a presidential election we heard from all the left-wing proglibs during obama's presidency. How did that forecast pan out? All them left-wing proglibs turned into triggered snowflakes because their chosen one Hillaryious Hillary lost.
Well.......I'd say the republicans DIDN'T win. The party of Trump did. They're currently pretending to be republicans but if you put up the traditional republican platform against the trump greed and nationalist platform you'll see there is not a lot of similarities.
Just as I suspected - everything you listed can be translated into dollars.
The values this country was created on are slipping away and all you can list are short term financial wins.
I know my anger is part of the problem but I don't care anymore. I have waiting and waiting for you [Deleted] to hold this president accountable for his words and inexcusable actions but it hasn't come. Only excuses and lists similar to the one you just posted. If this country is going down then I will contribute to it's ruin in my own way and NOT by tossing aside my morals and ethics. [Deleted]
You mean the men and women who have MULTIPLE part time jobs to make ends meet?
Here's what you don't get sitting behind your white gated community. People aren't dumb enough to not take what is available, temporary or otherwise, e.g. my big fat pay raise. But they aren't going to vote for the scumbag sitting in the WH when it comes time to vote. I'm going to enjoy my raise that you are paying via taxes but I'm not voting for the asshole.
I cannot help but notice that your comments have been about your thoughts and feelings about the froughtful situation we all find ourselves in while those responding to you have resorteded to ridiculing and demeaning you personally for having the unmitigated gall to express yourself. Such temerity. How dare you!
If everyone who is angry regarding our current state of national affairs is full blown krazy then by my estimation that counts just about everyone who is paying any attention.
The difference is that one side of the isle is standing up for our laws, our constitution, truth, justice, America's historic way and possibly the very existence of our sacred Republic.
Meanwhile, the other side appears to be standing up for lies, corruption, lawlessness and for weakening the very foundations of our democratic form of government.
Do not despair though. Most people are smart enough to see things as they really are. It is disappointing though that so many are blinded to what is happening. More disappointing though is that some knowing they are tearing away at what has made America great all along do so with such gusto!
For what? This isn't team sports folks. This is the real deal. We do not necessarily get a doover. We could lose it all. We cannot take our freedom for granted any longer.
If Trump gets a 2nd term our courts will be so stacked with white ringers our Republic may not recover for two generations. That is, if our Republic survives at all. History is littered with corpses of promising people's republics that were ended by tyrants, dictators and despots...
Two questions...How do you know he is white and how do you know his body shape? Liberals preach that body shaming is a big no no. I guess it just depends on your political views, huh?
If you knew he was black, would you say the same thing but substitute black for white in your comment?
Something tells me that is a big no.
Thank you for your service.
Maybe that lameass tribute to PeeWee Herman's, "I know you are but what am I", routine passes muster on Opposite World or in Moscow but here in America in 2020 we ain't buying it. False grace is less than no grace at all meaningng that crapola you are attempting to sell us is Pure D 100% USDA Certified Grace Free Bullshit...
What is being missed here is that vets did in fact put their country first. Some paid the ultimate price. Many of of us are still paying today. The vast majority of us do not consider ourselves heroes or special. We just did the jobs we were trained to do as best we could. We just want what was promised to us by our government when we joined. We are no different or better than those that did not serve. We just see things differently. The only thing that makes those of us that saw combat special is that we survived.
Definitely, it's possible. We did it with the WH in 2016.
No. There are too many hardcore leftists who, for some ungodly reason, still think the Democrats are going to actually do something.
There's too many hardcore on both sides TBH. I seem to remember reading an article many years ago that stated less than 5% of incumbents are voted out of office, the majority them retire or decide not to run. Too many people will sit and bitch about how badly Washington works and we should vote all the bastards out, but they refuse to vote their own bastard out as "he's gotten us Washington money so he can't be as bad as those bastards from other states".
I don't see any real change happening until we can get rid of the two major political parties, but they have so much power and control that I just don't see it happening in my lifetime.
And there you have a large piece of the puzzle. Everyone bitches about the other guys bastard, never their own. They also don't realize that Washington has no money, it either steals it from us or just prints more, which devalues what little money we have.
It would work if we just eliminate d"Parties" altogether. People would be forced to judge them on their positions instead of who they claim to hang with...
LMFAO. That is supposed to be a reasoned reply? [Deleted] See my reply to your other Instagram reply.
Ack. I don't know what is wrong. This is the second time this month I have voted up someone more conservative. Haha
In my state, one man was in congress for 45 years. It is ridiculous that it ends up being a lifelong career for a lot of people. I don't think that is what the founders envisioned.
John Dingell ended up serving 59 years....I think he holds the record.
If people took the time to vet a candidate, we might not have the dysfunction on the hill that we do now.
They do indeed "do something". They line their pockets at the Government trough like their Republican counterparts do...
No, it's this 'president' and his whole administration who are looting, raping, pillaging the treasury as fast as their crooked fingers allow and also lining their pockets.
Funny that you think the exact same thing hasn't happened during previous administrations.
Politicians line their pockets, and those that finance them, with money no matter who is in charge.
Just out of curiosity, please name all retired Congressional's final worth when leaving office willingly (who worked for low 6 figure incomes) that were not millionaires??? and their party... and any other pertinent information about them.
Name one administration where this DIDN'T happen.
Don't expect a clear or coherent answer. She firmly believes that progressive leftist liberal Democrats are incapable of any wrongdoing and is always more than willing to five them a pass or free ride. When have you ever heard her say something bad about a proglib? Besides, it is just always so much easier to blame the conservative right....
So it is okay to let the practice continue, the old "Well they did it so....."
"Vote the Party or the Candidate of your choice; just make sure that when you do, they are going to be the newcomers to politics whenever possible. It is time to send a message to every Capitol that it is We The People who are really in charge--NOT their Rich friends or Corporate Sponsors!"
No matter how one feels about the guys personality and antics ..... Trump was a start. Both Sides hear from him. He tells them, not the other way around. He is good at getting his "Haters" to chase "Squirells", as he goes about doing the job he was hired to do. The "Good Ol' Boys" System on Capital Hill have had their umbrellas up since January 2017. Even on all these Sunny Days we keep having. The "Sky will fall" with the Newbie in charge . I'm still waiting for that to happen though.
Is he "Perfect" ?
Not even close.
In Politics, like anything else, there is never such a thing as ………. PERFECT !
How he Gets those Big Bad "Political Dinosaurs" to chase little balls around the room, is close to perfect !
only in the deep dark brown eyes, can he be,
not found "Perfect", asz the exemplinary example of
Gone Wild, but, like a child, a Domestic Threat
that even being this odd, When D T, as in D onald T rump/D omesticatd T errorist giving our country the D Ttttt's, but dotted differently, as seen through crossed iiiii'z , christened in Denial, Baptized in fields of excrement a la Bovine, as his coarse, has become an obstacle for US, while simultaniously, not fine is the unholy water, boiled to perfection, after a Putin Place Soap Opera wear the fat lady does a guitar solo to a different Drum
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while allthe whiles
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as in Truly
false hoax news , cause like that hill and inevitable street blues
musician, gthat blew
a hole in the flute
that i kept losing as i whistled past the future former previous one for
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wound found jnfit and untight,
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tally ho Nunz
ore his defenders of n e n all offenses
Read "THE BOOK" !
Voting on name recognition is definitely a big part of the problem. I think a lot of people would be disapointed to find laws and policies they don't like were supported by someone they actually voted for. You actually need to put effort in and do research if you want to make an informed vote. That's why I'm not a fan of the left's push to "make sure every person votes". Honestly I think it should go in the opposite direction. Only competent people should vote who actually understand issues and politicians stances on issues. People who do not stay up to date are easily tricked by talking points.
That's definitely true for most conservatives I know. They claim they support the Republicans no matter what, but as soon as they're informed the guy they're voting for wants to take away their health insurance because they have a pre-existing condition they stand there dumbfounded "Duh huh, which way did he go, which way did he go...".
Par for the course for many fascists. They don't trust anyone not in line with their ideology to have a voice.
Like I said. Not surprised.
Right, by your ideological standards, how wonderful. Maybe you could ask all the fatties to just eat a grenade while you're at it. I mean, why bother letting anyone who doesn't meet your personal standards have a voice or a vote. It's why so many who know their ideology is shit have to push for voter ID laws and other ways to disenfranchise the majority that they know would be their shitty ideologies downfall. Anything to stop the bigots and worthless piece of shit supremacists and white nationalists inevitable extinction. They're the ones truly making this about "identity politics" as the courts have shown.
North Carolina Republican legislators had requested data on voting patterns by race and, with that data in hand, drafted a law that would "target African-Americans with almost surgical precision," the court said.
" In its ruling, the appeals court said the law was intentionally designed to discriminate against black people."
It's what right wing nut jobs rely on for recruitment. It's Fox's bread and butter. They'd never be able to snow so many hapless Americans if they didn't prey on their ignorance.
Fun facts:
Going back to LBJ (53 years), there have been 25 years of Democratic presidents, and 28 years of Republican presidents.
In the 25 years of D presidents, there have been a total of 3 executive branch officials indicted, with 1 conviction, and 1 prison sentence.
In the 28 years of R presidents, there have been a total of 120 indictments of executive branch officials, 89 convictions, and 34 prison sentences.
I hope those numbers include former Congressmen Duncan Hunter and Chris Collins.
... who would not be included as 'executive'.
Not sure. Collins can rot in jail. It sickens me that he was voted back in by the dolts in NY 27 even after it all came out what he did.
Are you missing the point? Do you think reducing the two I added is going to make a difference in the republican's ridiculously high tally? You think it's going to make it look less severe? Okay - take my two off. So instead of 122 it's 120.
You spent the morning splitting hairs and now you're not picky?
Being the charitable person that I am, I've decided that the volume of criminal acts from the republicans doesn't require my help.
your words don't bother me. [ Deleted ]
"In the 28 years of R presidents..."
...which can be taken as an indicator of vindictiveness.
You are probably pretty close to the truth. Including Reagan, every Republican president since has had articles of impeachment filed against them.
Try justice, not vindictiveness.
Until people start voting for the most qualified and not by a D, R, or I attached to the name, the swamp won't drain. I have asked more than one person why they voted for a particular candidate knowing that the person should not be in a position of power and they all answered because it was their party.
Exhibit #1, Muva post 8.1.
Exhibit #2 , Muva post 6.1.6
I can understand why his children feel the way they do with no experience in the real world and not understanding what Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has in mind for them, but the father, Tom Perez, the Chairman of the Democratic Committee, should know what he is talking about. Anyone who thinks Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez should be the future of their party has some grave intentions for this country.
But this fellow does know what he is talking about and his indoctrination has been long and strong, like many before him.