George Soros’ Takes Aim at “Pro-Trump” Facebook, Wants to Rid Social Media’s Exchange of Conservative Ideas

Progressives and mainstream media types aren’t satisfied with the amount of censorship of Christian and conservative ideas on the internet and social media. They are so intolerant of us and our ideas and think IFCN based censorship is not enough. So now Hillary and Soros attack Facebook for not engaging in a total ban on conservatives and Trump items there. They falsely call Facebook pro Trump for not completely censoring us. Thanks to Breitbart for its small role in this expose.

Democrats and their financial backers have already begun spreading false propaganda in a preemptive strike to undermine the credibility of the fast-approaching 2020 presidential election.
With President Trump establishing a proven first-term record of success on the economy, foreign policy, immigration, jobs, wages and the best employment rates in 50 years, even hard-line liberals anticipate he will be re-elected in a landslide come this November.
Plus Democrats have no viable candidates. Sleazy Joe Biden’s family corruption has been exposed , Bernie Sanders campaign has been exposed as wanting to put Trump supporters in gulags , Elizabeth Warren is a liar and the others in the primary field have no plan to build on. That’s why power-brokers such as George Soros and failed candidate Hillary Clinton are targeting Facebook, because they believe it’s a big reason why Trump won in 2016.
“Facebook will work to re-elect Trump, and Trump will protect Facebook. It makes me very concerned about the outcome of 2020,” Soros reportedly said according to Breitbart at the World Economic Forum held at Davos.
The liberal extremist financial backer reportedly went on to personally attack the leader of the free world. “When his fantasy of becoming president became a reality. This has turned his narcissism into a malignant disease.”
If there’s a “malignant disease” afoot, it’s the shadow-funding Soros doles out to violent extremists who try to turn America into a communist dictatorship. His globalist initiatives push open borders that would allow a flood of jihadists to gain traction in Democracies around the world. Not being able to control free speech on social media has stunted his plans and more importantly they have exposed Soros, which is why he fears social media platforms.
“The distinguishing feature of internet platforms is that they are networks, and they enjoy rising marginal returns. They deliberately engineer addiction to the services they provide. This can be very harmful, particularly to adolescents,” Soros reportedly said.
“As Facebook and Google have grown into ever more powerful monopolies, they have become obstacles to innovation, and they have caused a variety of problems of which we are only now beginning to become aware.”
If everyday people need any further evidence that the very limited speech conservatives enjoy on Facebook, Google, and others, represent a determined threat to the liberal extremists’ agenda, Hillary Clinton is walking in lock-step with Soros.
“I feel like you’re negotiating with a foreign power sometimes. (Mark Zuckerberg is) immensely powerful. This is a global company that has huge influence in ways that we’re only beginning to understand,” Hillary reportedly said, claiming Zuckerberg is “somehow persuaded, that it’s to his and Facebook’s advantage not to cross Trump. That’s what I believe. And it just gives me a pit in my stomach.”
Hillary has gone on the record floating the conspiracy theory that the Facebook CEO is determined to help President Trump get re-elected. She has stated that because Facebook doesn’t remove all conservative ads, that “it’s Trumpian, it’s authoritarian,” and that Zuckerberg is “not just going to re-elect Trump but intend(s) to re-elect Trump.”
Zuckerberg has called Hillary’s claims, “pretty crazy,” and most conservatives would agree. In the run-up to the 2016 election, conservative voices were routinely blocked by Facebook censors. The shutting down of conservative free speech was so stifling that Congressional hearings were held, and many Americans may recall Trump supporters Diamond & Silk being censored as “unsafe to the community.”
Facebook, like the rest of its Silicon Valley neighbors, has always been a left-leaning platform. It’s no friend to conservatives. The problem establishment Democrats and globalists such as Soros face is the distribution of fact-based information.
With President Trump establishing a proven first-term record of success on the economy, foreign policy, immigration, jobs, wages and the best employment rates in 50 years, even hard-line liberals anticipate he will be re-elected in a landslide come this November.
Plus Democrats have no viable candidates. Sleazy Joe Biden’s family corruption has been exposed , Bernie Sanders campaign has been exposed as wanting to put Trump supporters in gulags , Elizabeth Warren is a liar and the others in the primary field have no plan to build on. That’s why power-brokers such as George Soros and failed candidate Hillary Clinton are targeting Facebook, because they believe it’s a big reason why Trump won in 2016.
“Facebook will work to re-elect Trump, and Trump will protect Facebook. It makes me very concerned about the outcome of 2020,” Soros reportedly said according to Breitbart at the World Economic Forum held at Davos.
The liberal extremist financial backer reportedly went on to personally attack the leader of the free world. “When his fantasy of becoming president became a reality. This has turned his narcissism into a malignant disease.”
If there’s a “malignant disease” afoot, it’s the shadow-funding Soros doles out to violent extremists who try to turn America into a communist dictatorship. His globalist initiatives push open borders that would allow a flood of jihadists to gain traction in Democracies around the world. Not being able to control free speech on social media has stunted his plans and more importantly they have exposed Soros, which is why he fears social media platforms.
Conservative ideas:
a. forced child birth
b. more wealth concentration
c. no responsibility for corporate damage to ecology
d. hardening of a christian orthodoxy
Soros is correct.
The touting of the 'great economy' and all of that-----that entails-----is a falsehood. The markets are a fraud and the words are a lie. The body of America is crumbling and the populace is weak because of the economic prosperity stolen from it by Supply Side Economics.
Conservative ideas as told by a TDDDDS suffer who wouldn't know a true conservative if they were standing right next to them.
Conservatism is dead. Murdered by Supply Side Economics.
Those four points I made----can you refute them? Or is the Trumpian attack mode the best and only thing you got?
There would have to be some basis in reality to what you said to make it worth our time to bother to refute any of it.
I'll remind you of that statement the next time you claim god is real or such similar claims.
That’s nice! Prove it!
You have a "God" fetish....don't you.
Gordy did not make any claim of certainty in his comment. Your mock challenge makes no sense.
Did I make an affirmative claim requiring proof?
Not at all. Why do you ask?
That's the "subject" you pop up on ….. ALL THE TIME.
Just a Coincidence ?
Not at all. Just calling out claims made, or this making affirmative claims.
He’s a missionary proselytizing for the religion of atheism while he bashes all others, particularly ones that believe in Jesus as The Son of God
Do you not see the contradiction in that statement?
Much like certain conservatives and/or evangelicals who bash "secular progressives" or atheists, or anyone who doesn't follow their brand of BS!
There was no contradiction on what I said. It’s your brand not mine that is baloney.
Not surprising you don't get it.
What "brand" would that be?
Indeed he does! 👍👏
It was establishment politicians who sold America out to China and Mexico that caused the weakening of America that Trump is busy correcting. New tax and regulation as well as energy policies are restoring America’s jobs and wages.
Wrong and wrong. Supply Side Economics 'backchanneled' the establishment managers, opening the door for speculators and those who consume and profit on the difficulties and failures of the American small and medium sized businesses. How you, as an [Deleted] American, defends SSE is beyond my comprehension.
Just another anti-free speecher in the line of Donald and Hillary. So what's the point?
The billionaire bully chafes at the restrictions imposed by the First Amendment.
How Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party Are 'against…free speech'
Give me the name of one political hack that is totally for free speech. That's all I ask, just one.
The Seed is about the liberal bias of the internet against conservatives all across social media and how according to Hillary and Soros it’s not enough. To them only the complete censorship of us and our ideas will do. Soros funded and affiliated fact checkers are already well on their way.
I have no problem with social media trashing far right wing propaganda and lies.
Ok, I spoke to that.
How Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party Are 'against…free speech'
I also pointed out that Trump is just as anti-free speech.
Neither Ds nor Rs give a damn about free speech, until it is their speech that is affected.
So, again, Give me the name of one political hack that is totally for free speech. That's all I ask, just one.
You consider all conservatives that are anywhere right of center tho be “far right”. That you don’t see a problem with social media online censoring and trashing us Soros, ICFN and SPLC style is no surprise to us 1st amendment free speech advocates.
Trump is not anti free speech. Many news and opinions sites are censored because they dare to openly support him such as Breitbart and CNS among many others.
Trump Vows to 'Protect Free Speech,' Yet Trump Favors Censoring the Internet, Silencing the Press, and Shuttering Houses of Worship
"...this is the same Trump who favors government censorship of the internet in order to suppress speech that he finds objectionable. It's the same Trump who favors gutting libel laws in order to make it easier for him to silence journalists who write unkind things about him. It's the same Trump who wants the government to forcibly shutter houses of worship in which people might say, read, or think unpopular things.
Trump is an enemy of the First Amendment and it's foolish to pretend otherwise."
Trump has sued people because they said things he didn't like. He has lost all of those suits. He is a fan of Erdogan because he shuts down all opposition with force.
Please do tell me more about how he is so freedom loving. The only freedom he wants is for him to do what he wants.
"Many news and opinions sites are censored because they dare to openly support him such as Breitbart " Funny, I go to Brietbart at least once and week and haven't noticed any censorship on their site. Now if you are talking about Twit or Face, you gotta remember, those are companies. The 1st Amendment applies to government. Now that doesn't mean that there might not be a lot of pressure from the public to sustain free speech, but that is an entirely different phenomena.
IFCN, The poynter foundation, George Soros, and all associated with any of them are the true mortal enemies of free speech every where
Trumpp has proven to be the real threat to free speech,
by a Mile .
There are many of those, too many to name really, but a certain Devin Nunes does come to mind along with Hillary Clinton.
The enemy is both on the left and the right. A myopic view serves the good of no one.
The real threat to free speech is from groups that call media questionable because they support our President
On that we have no doubt. [Deleted]
And it happened here. Happy now?
Almost all free expression of conservative opinion is considered a sweeping generalization by most of America’s secular progressives
Oh the irony of using a sweeping generalization to complain about sweeping generalizations. It seems you do not understand what a sweeping generalization is.
After all this time having it pointed out to you ad nauseum, one would think you would know what a sweeping generalization is by now. But I guess not. Your inability, or refusal, to understand what a sweeping generalization is, is your problem.
It sounds like it is "Russian Bot" time.
George Soro's? Get more creative tRumpsters. Of course, this the "Keystone Kops" party who panders in Russian Conspiracy theories.
Of Course, tRump and his followers are the living examples of" Corporate Socialism". They run up record deficits and hand out tax breaks to the 1%.
In reality, they are more akin to Corporate Communism" They do not believe in the State, they believe in the Corporate Persons and religion is based on profits. They are pushing for the rule of the Autocrat.
Trump is the defender of fair trade and capitalism. He’s made America strong with our economy and energy independence. He’s cut taxes and regulations to improve the competitive strength of our capitalist economy.
True Conservatism sees all kinds of extreme ideas as being Anti-Conservative. tRump is the symbol of extremism. He is a less polished version of Senator McCarthy in the 1950s and Father Caughlin in the 1930's. The themes are the same preaching hate, fear and above all ignorance.
There is absolutely nothing extreme about Trump or his policies.