Bloomberg is considering Hillary Clinton as his running mate, says Matt Drudge

- According to the Drudge Report, presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg is considering Hilary Clinton as a vice presidential running mate after positive internal polling about the potential pairing.
- According to Drudge, in such a partnership Bloomberg would change his official residence from New York to Colorado or Florida.
- The constitution suggests there may be limitations in both members of a presidential ballot residing in the same state.
Presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg is considering Hillary Clinton as a vice presidential running mate after positive internal polling about the potential pairing, according to the Drudge Report, which cited sources close to the Bloomberg campaign.
According to Drudge, in such a partnership Bloomberg would change his official residence from New York to Colorado or Florida. The constitution suggests there may be limitations in both members of a presidential ballot residing in the same state.
Former First Lady and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ran for president in 2016, losing to Donald Trump in an election that served him 304 electoral votes and Clinton 227. Helping Trump’s victory were his wins in key industrial and Rust Belt states -- Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Michigan. Those states are likely to be key in the 2020 election as well.
Clinton was asked earlier this year by talk show host Ellen DeGeneres if she would consider running as vice president in the 2020 presidential election.
“Well, that’s not going to happen,” Clinton said at the time. “But no, probably no.”
Clinton has been less coy when addressing the current field of Democratic candidates. In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Hillary Clinton slammed Sen. Bernie Sanders, her main competitor in the 2016 Democratic primary, saying “nobody likes him” and accusing him of supporting sexist attacks against his rivals.
Bloomberg has recently has been asked to answer for accusations the company he founded, Bloomberg LP, was discriminatory toward women.
Bloomberg, a late contender in the presidential race, has been pouring money into ads and online memes to support his run. Those efforts appear to have born fruit, with him rising in the polls.
Say it isn't so. If he does make her his selected VP - . . . . . . .
OK folks let's get real. It's not even allowed by the 12 Amendment. And heck, Matt Drudge would have no reason to float this fake news at all. Naughty, naughty Matt... umm errr.. not my hubby, Matt.
Oh! So she is from New York.
She lives here. She's not like me. Born in Brooklyn. Would you like some cawfee, dawgs, or dawters?
dawters = female offspring?
Really? How very cool. My dad was born there in 1933. Where in Brooklyn did she come from? My dad is from Canarsie.
I disagree. The 12th Amendment states that the electors from the electoral college would vote for the president and vice-president, one of which must not be from their (the electors) home state. So the 12th Amendment doesn't prevent both the president and vice-president from being from the same state, but if they were than that states electoral college votes would not be counted.
I have read several different opinions about that. There is a long history of the 12th, and your interpretation is one of them.
I really doubt she would ever accept the invitation. For her, it's president, emperor, or nothing (aka bitter old lady).
Very often VPs are picked because they help to shore up some constituency that the nominee is weak in. Since they're both rich snobs from New York, I don't really see an upside in choosing her.
First of all, she is not from NY. Second, is this your general opinion of NYer's in general? And third, Bloomberg was middle class until his mid 30's. I thought it was no sin to work hard and become successful. Isn't that what you are selling to all those working-class folks who vote for Trump?
She's from New York enough to be Senator.
Did I say it was? I said they are both rich snobs from New York. I'm not wrong.
Yeah, and I still had a six-pack in my 30s. Think I can sell the ladies on that?
It's not. Hard work doesn't keep you from being a snob. You keep trying to argue against a specific case with generalities. That's not going to change my opinion of Hillary Clinton or Michael Bloomberg. Heck, I might be inclined to even for that rich snob Bloomberg come November - but probably not if Hillary is on the ticket with him.
You must have missed all the press where we called her a carpetbagger.
Bloomberg is hardly a snob. I have met the man personally when I graduated from Baruch College CUNY where he gave our commencement speech. Talking to him was like talking to any other person you might know.
We are not talking about appearances. We are talking about core personality. Has that changed with you over the year? I bet not.
What makes someone a snob? To me, it's when they lose touch with the people of lesser status. Yet that was not the man I met. He had no reason to be pleasant and have a chat with me at my graduation. He wasn't even the mayor at that time. He was just the owner of Bloomberg, Inc. talking about how many of his employees were hired from Baruch College and why he thinks that our City University system is amazing. This was a guy who went to Hopkins. I think he is very in touch with the common man.
So what you're saying is, I still have a six-pack on the inside?
Well, that depends on how much beer you had today
First of all, Trump has said plenty of racist things. How come that's OK?
Second, if Bloomberg is so out of touch, why are so many blacks backing him?
Hillary would absolutely run for the chance to be the first female V.P. She is all about legacy. Thing is, she would be a great choice to help Bloomberg defeat Trump. I say that not out of a desire to see her run (I wish she would go away) but rather as an objective conclusion.
I'm not sure about that. She's carrying a lot of baggage, and she's come across as a very sore loser lately. Her views on Bernie especially look bitter.
I think we have to depart ways here Tig. She has been poisoned.
Well I hope we never find out. But her ability to secure the popular win is not something I am going to dismiss when comparing her to what other V.P. candidates might bring in terms of votes.
"Has been poisoned"? She always was and will be poison. It took some far too long to notice is all.
Picky, Picky! You know what I mean.
She is poison. She is such a bad candidate and person that the American people turned to Trump to escape her evil clutches.
So did I. Anybody but Trump. But lately, I wish she'd keep her mouth shut. I don't care much for Bernie, but her attack on him, after he supported her during the general, look petty and mean. If she can't say something nice about her party's potential nominee (any of them), she shouldn't say anything at all.
Thing is, she would be a great choice to help Bloomberg defeat Trum
What does she bring to the table. She is about the only American poltiician who was capable of losing to the most unpopular Presidential candidate in modern american history despite outspending by almost a two to one ratio.. Is it the fact that she mirrors Trump's reputation for lying and self dealing? Or given Bloomberg's me too problems, you believe recrating the dynamic of the abuser and the enforcer who threatened victims would play as well for Bloomberg and Clinton as it did for Clinton and Clinton.
Just consider the states Bloomberg needs to flip from Trump. Do you think adding another New Yorker who just so happneed to ignore those states in 2016 will in any way help win a State like Michigan? Picking Hillary gives independents and Democrats a reason to stay home or vote for Trump. She won't inspire anyone who's already in the Democratic column to vote Democratic. She's basically the dream VP for Trump to run against.
Bloomberg, or any Democrat nominee running against Trump, needs to pick a woman who won't take votes away from him and will mollify the Sanders wing of the party. That's all you want from a VP.
I am aware of Clinton's negatives. I think I made that clear.
Yet she won the popular vote against Trump. How can you dismiss that? I can see why Bloomberg might consider her for a running mate.
Also, since I know how social forums get confused, I do not want to see Clinton ever again. I am simply reacting to the facts at hand.
Yet the gop lost the 2018 midterm popular vote by 8%. Trump pulled an inside straight to win the EC while losing the popular vote by 3% in 2016 but that is mathematically impossible if he loses by five or more percent in 2020...
he won the popular vote against Trump. How can you dismiss that
Because I think almost any poltiician with a D after thier name would have outperformed Clinton. By any metric, Trump was a uniquely terrible candidate in 2016. He was essentially a reality show host with no poltiical experience, beset with scandal, with no money to spend, hated by half his party and his personal approval ratings were the lowest in modern history. He was the definition of a layup. Biden, Bloomberg, almost anyone but Clinton would be President today if they had the Democratic nomination in 2016. Given almost any other Democrat, the electoral college in 2016 probably looks very close to 2008.
Her appeal among Democrats seems to be that Republicans despise her. Which is great in states like California, Illinois and New York where Democrats simply cannot lose Maybe putting her on the ballot slighlty increases margins in those states, though I seriously doubt it. It would be the equivlaent of choosing a Republican VP based on their popularity in Alabama. But as she showed in 2016, she's electoral poison in states where Demcorats traditionally win close elections, like Penn, Wi, Mich etc....
California always over votes for the Ds. You seem to be ignoring the other 49 states. For example, Clinton lost Florida yet she got 47.8% of the vote. Against Trump, those are still likely Clinton voters.
One can speak of Clinton negatives against the untested positives of other yet-unnamed candidates for V.P., but the fact that she was able to draw substantial votes across the 50 states is not something I will disregard even though I would hate to see her in politics again.
I do not. The current front-runner, Sanders, I think would crash and burn in the general. Clinton was a weak candidate, no doubt, but there are plenty who would do worse. One can speculate what some might bring as VP, but we have solid metrics on what Clinton actually did – and at the top of the ticket. I would imagine that a VP candidate who is seen to bring her voters to the ticket would be seriously considered.
∴ I can see why Bloomberg would consider Clinton in spite of who she is.
Logically that should be the case until you factor in the short memories of the electorate.
And I acknowledged that and pointed to the fact that Clinton garnered substantial votes in other states. I gave Florida as an example.
Why turn to snark? I agreed with you on CA, you ignore my point on FL and then return with an attitude.
That can be done for any candidate. Imagine if the media were to go into a constant loop on some of Trump's stuff. I doubt that her poor loser clips would get much traction nowadays, it is old, tired news and she would not be the head of the ticket.
She made two critical mistakes that lost her the election. The first was her using the term "Deplorables" and the second was not going to the battleground states. Those are the very same states she lost by a narrow margin and they went to Trump.
As for running again... that would be madness.
You know what? The people she was referring to were deplorable.
The country just refused to face that fact and the media turned against her for it.
No kidding?
Yes. That is what I am saying.
Clinton's delivery of votes is an undisputed fact. One can ignore that fact and focus on her negatives. I choose to recognize her negatives AND note the fact that at the top of the ticket she won 65,853,514 votes nationwide. And all of her negatives other than sore loser were all well known.
And again, I am not supporting Clinton for VP. I would hate to see Bloomberg choose her. I am pointing out why I can see Bloomberg seriously considering her (in spite of her negatives).
I do not know how to interpret this. I could understand "No kidding!" because that would be basically stating that there is plenty of bad on Trump that the media could pound on.
But what does that comment mean as a question? Could you rephrase?
Yes there are plenty of more admirable individuals than Clinton, no question about it.
Thing is, nobody knows what other candidates might net out. Clinton has a lot of personal negatives contrasted with a ton of votes for PotUS. That nets out to some value. I think that value net is high.
We need to see the other candidates now to make a comparison. Warren, for example, I suspect would be net negative (far less value than Clinton). Sander would net less than Clinton too, IMO. Buttigieg is an interesting prospect. His ability to bring in votes is suspect and untested, but he offers plenty of good personal qualities. Klobuchar is interesting given her gender and a recent sign of life in her campaign. But, again, how many votes she might add to Bloomberg is currently unknown.
Ultimately Bloomberg will make an objective business decision. That kind of thinking sometimes results in a choice that seems wrong on the surface but is correct in terms of the underlying metrics. I will equate this to the use of machine-learning and analytics in modern baseball where we see players leaving massive gaps in the infield based on complex analysis of the current batter's placement under specific circumstances. It is not intuitive, but it works.
Okay by me.
But the way to do an IMPASSE nowadays (see the CoC ) is to click on the avatar of the comment and select the IMPASSE option. But the person you are IMPASSing must have the last word. Thus, with this comment from me, you can now click on the avatar and select IMPASSE. The system will then implement the NT IMPASSE rules.
Also, IMPASSE was intended as a mechanism for stopping a heated exchange that was going out of control. It is not used to try to silence another person, etc. So, in this case, since we were simply disagreeing, the NT policy is to simply stop responding or make a comment such as: ' okay, agree to disagree, moving on ' or something like that.
And I am just offering an FYI here because I have special knowledge of this. Nothing more.
How many times have we seen it used when someone backs themselves into a corner and is losing an argument? Kind of like an escape route. [deleted]
Absolutely, but that is in fact a violation of the impasse rule. So a mod could actually ticket for that. ( They usually do not; probably because that is rarely flagged. )
too funny
In my opinion, it is out of line to attack people for using a basic feature of the site, just as it should always be wrong to assume the worst in people for exercising their rights. It's quite a sanctimonious and arrogant point of view to assume that just because someone declares an impasse against you that you are in the right.
Where did Gordy state that simply using IMPASSE necessarily means the issuing member is in the wrong? He was speaking of times when, in his opinion, that has occurred (I can think of examples too ... probably aligned with his) not that it is always the case. He did not claim that every use of IMPASSE is to escape a losing argument.
Also, Gordy's comment was general while yours went personal. Or did you not mean to deem his to be a sanctimonious and arrogant point of view?
I never said I was in the right. But using the impasse feature to escape an argument (which is not the intended function) because one cannot or will not formulate a counter argument or address challenges made either shows an inherent weakness in their argument or just a degree of intellectual cowardice. It's an attempt to escape a discussion rather than putting the brakes on a heated or out of control argument.
Indeed. Also, many people probably do not realize a misuse of Impasse is in effect either. Once it's declared, it tends to be let go with no further discussion or challenge.
People apparently do not understand IMPASSE. Per the CoC :
An impasse may be issued in a thread during a heated discussion. Issuing an impasse ends all discussion between the issuing member and the target member within the thread. (For example, issuing an impasse for comment ‘2.5.2’ applies to all comments starting with ‘2.5’ between the two members). To issue an impasse, the issuing member clicks on the user’s avatar for the target member’s offending comment and selects Impasse. Both the issuing and target members will now see IMPASSE in place of the REPLY function. Impasses that are written out will not be honored.
Note : you cannot issue an Impasse if you have had the last word. You can only Impasse on a comment that follows your last comment in the thread. Also, you cannot impasse in a thread unless you created the thread or have commented within the thread.
Abuse of impasse to not engage with specific individuals may result in a ticket. [updated on 3/8/19 by ph]
The idea behind IMPASSE is to cease a slap-fest or otherwise abusive behavior, not to try to block other individuals due simply to disagreement or out of spite. That is abuse of IMPASSE.
That would qualify as an abuse of the Impasse.
That is a perfect example of skirting the CoC loki.
You make an obvious personal attack and then with words think you can just claim that is not what you meant??
It would, but loki did not issue a legit IMPASSE. The IMPASSE with words is no longer valid on NT. The mods do not recognize it now that the system implements the rules.
again, too funny watching the initiator of the proclaimed impasse , simultaneously pathetically violating said impasse.
What does this impasse for, except more right winged delusion...?
Only if the proper steps were taken that were listed above,
Before I knew about the new directions, instead of just typing "impasse", I typed the word and was told of the new directions by a mod. Because I never did the steps, the person I was debating with continued to post on me. I ignored the posts. No mod came out and declared an abuse of impasse.
Loki did nothing wrong.
nor right, apparently.
Other than, as you noted, used an obsolete method for calling an IMPASSE. Also, as I noted, in this example IMPASSE was not appropriate because we were not having a heated discussion. Disagreement ≠ heated.
I know. I pointed that out. Fact remains, if one makes an obvious skirting slam and then declares 'but that really is not about you' that is not going to pass the smell test. Why you even bother to try to defend it is odd.
Context matters loki. You went personal and your comment points directly to our 'discussion'. The mods (and the members) are not stupid.
See, of course you are not trying to be insulting or trying to make things personal.
You cannot IMPASSE if you have had the last word. So now that I have made this comment, you can impasse. Don't REPLY or POST, just issue the IMPASSE.
By the way, if you do issue an IMPASSE under these circumstances you are abusing the IMPASSE function. If you do not want to engage a person then simply leave the building. If that person keeps REPLYing to you, then that would be one example of when to use IMPASSE. The main example is if you are in a slap-fest with someone and see no way to end it. Then you do the IMPASSE.
In short, I am not going to REPLY to you unless you give me a reason to do so. So if I am not worth your time then just leave and we are done.
so you must ask 'stupid' members how to...
too funny yet again
Loki, I have answered your question three times: @5.4.23 @5.4.31 @5.4.44
If you are not going to read my answers then ask someone else.
You can't access the function if you've made a comment after TiG's last comment. That enforces the "no calling impasse after getting in a last word" condition. So, if you click on my avatar in this comment, you should be able to select "impasse" from the dropdown menu. That would issue an impasse against me (just using myself as an example).
The function should be used only to end a slap fight, but it should show as available to you at this point. It would be an improper use of the function, however.
i spell IT, IDIOT, and am the last person you would want technical advice from, but the one you seem intent on belittling, is the individual who actually implants programs such as impasse for this site.
Try lightning up with the graveling thunder and just taking his advice, and you will come out much further ahead without embarrassing yourself.
TiG is here to help ones like you and eye, try to see this.
Well, let me say, that if your are using Safari on your Iphone to access Newstalkers, it might explain some of your crankiness and all of the profanity laced comments which I can't begin to imagine, all the extra typing on an iphone, really?
However I did try it on my Verizon Iphone and as predicted, according to the rules, MUVA is the only person I could call Impasse with,
( on the prescription experation date article )
using his, OH so incredibly tiny, tiny icon, and yes the choices were
in that order, so the system works. If you can't see it, there are only two reasons I can imagine.
Operator error, or somethings wrong with the Iphone service provider.
Shows up on my iPhone under Safari. My guess is user error.
You could just type the word, "impase", and move on.
I don't see a violation in anything SP said. First Sandy gave you an explanation and then SP explained the obvious. It can only be two issues, the person using the site, or the device. And since it works on my iphone, you must not be doing something right.
And that was a cheap shot at a moderate/independent.... you know the ones you claim I am letting be chased off the site. Now enough meta. If you have further issues with impasse, contact me by PN.
That is obsolete. Mods no longer accept it.
Written impasses are no longer enforced.
please do expand on how my stating i am an idiot,
when it comes to I T
a,\mounts to a coc, cause i don't dispute coc's, but this one, i must
Why are a string of 30 comments in a row, all of which are "meta", still up on the main forum?
If I make one comment judged to be meta it always disappears within minutes, if not sooner. What the heck is going on here?
That appeared to be what he tried to do in the beginning.
... and he was informed immediately that typing the word is an obsolete method, that the mods do not accept it and how to do it using the system.
You may have noticed that some people are not interested in actually getting an answer but are just here to argue for the sake of argument. Ergo this series of comments.
Please write to me about this in a PN. Thanks.
The dude said "impasse".
Why not just move on?
Or you could have continued to comment on his points by directing your comments to the article in general instead of addressing them to him. I dont see what was gained by 30 meta comments in the middle of this seed.
I actually have to agree with you. Gasp ! Haha
I only get the three as well. Plus it is lower and when I mouse over the three choices it disappears before I can take any action.
So I guess I don't have the option either.
Same here, I have tried to use impasse to see if it works and it doesn't come up.
I would think if you respond to me the impasse option would be available?
Apparently you did not read my response because all I did was explain how IMPASSE works. The stream is a result of subsequent trolling.
I guess so, now I got it.
It still disappears when I put my mouse over it though.
So kind of useless for me.
Well kiss my grits. it worked this time.
move mouse over Trumpp lease
Nobody has reported this before Ender and I cannot recreate it.
Be sure to not go outside of the menu box when you move to an item. The box disappears when you leave it (a normal way in which pop-ups work). If a menu item disappears if you have properly moved to it then contact me via private note and let me know your operating system, browser, machine and I will investigate.
Now, in general, IMPASSE was implemented in the system largely because the rules for IMPASSE (the rules of the site) are complicated (tricky). Because of the complication, people were often issuing invalid impasses (typing IMPASSE in situations where it was not valid).
I have explained the rules, but here they are in scenario form:
Bob can now IMPASSE Amy.
To IMPASSE someone you must have been in an exchange (REPLYing to each other) in the same thread. Plus, and crucially, the person you want to IMPASSE has to have REPLYied to you and currently have the last word. In the above, Bob and Amy have replied to each other in the same thread and Amy currently has REPLYied to Bob and has the last word. Bob can now IMPASSE Amy (on that comment). Amy, however, has no IMPASSE option because she commented last.
Beyond the mechanics, IMPASSE is only to be used to stop a heated discussion. Basically, the idea is that two people are going at each other (slap-fest or equivalent) and one person just decides to stop the carnage. That person will let his/her interlocutor REPLY and then on that reply comment, will select the IMPASSE option. At that point, neither person can REPLY to each other in that thread because their REPLY buttons will now be replaced with the word IMPASSE.
IMPASSE is not to be used to get out of a losing debate (or similar situation). It is to stop a fight or stop someone from trolling you, not to shut down a debate interlocutor.
I have looked through this article and IMPASSE is appearing on my menu for every comment where it is valid for me. If you think you have a situation where a valid IMPASSE is not appearing then send a private note and I will investigate. What is taking place on this thread (by others, not you), however, is pure trolling and I advise against it.
... to illustrate this, I have just IMPASSed Loki. This is just for demonstration purposes.
Since he and I have replied to each other in this thread and he just now replied to me, he has had the last word. I went to his avatar on comment @5.4.77 and selected IMPASSE.
Only Loki will see this, but every comment from me on this thread will show IMPASSE where the REPLY button normally appears. Loki thus can no longer REPLY to any of my comments in this thread.
Similarly, each of Loki's comments show IMPASSE (to me) where REPLY normally would appear. Thus I can no longer REPLY to any of his comments in this thread.
what took ya so long...?
Being serious, I was using this thread to explain IMPASSE. But, yes, using IMPASSE to end trolling is legit. I do recommend that anyone who uses IMPASSE use it as a last resort. It is not a weapon, it is a means to put a lid on out-of-hand aggression.
Can you impasse/ignore a moderator or RA?
I am still old school, using windows 7 on an old laptop.
I can click on someone and the options appear, several inches down. When I go to move to the little menu box it disappears.
Not a big deal really as I don't usually use those features.
It is probably just my old computer.
Edit: One time I did it really fast and tried to click an option, think I hit friend and it took it. So I am just thinking it is my system.
Yes. But make sure you are IMPASSing to cease a heated discussion. When you see Perrie trolling you and being abusive then you certainly would be able to IMPASSE her in that thread. Make sure she has the last word and on her last REPLY to you there will be an IMPASSE option.
Perrie gets IMPASSed all the time due to her highly aggressive and unreasonable nature so there are all sorts of people who can help you put a lid on this troublemaker.
Do I need a \sarc tag?
You're so funny........
I think he'd be better off choosing Michelle Obama to be VP - at least she doesn't have the negative baggage that burdens Hillary.