1980 U.S. Hockey Team Disgraces Itself
I wonder if it was worth throwing away a decades long legacy that endeared them to Americans across the political spectrum, in order to stand for a few minutes with Dobald Trump at a Trump re-election rally, wearing the stupid MAGA hat.
The response to this , on the Miracle On Ice team's own twitter page, was astonishingly negative. I'm not sure I've ever seen such a consistently negative response to something done by a beloved set of athletes or celebrities.
Radical Moderate
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You've gone from heroes to national embarrassments

Tom Baker
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They made it about politics by showing up at a campaign rally. Don't like the blow back, how about thinking before doing something stupid. All respect is now gone.
These people are in disgrace. Who would have expected this?
Pretty sure that Mensa doesn't court hockey players or hockey fans.
Hey JR, how about the team sends you a group photo of them with your president autographed by him. You know you really want one, admit it!
So sad.
The famous 1980 Miracle on Ice hockey team , which defeated the Soviets on its way to a surprise gold medal at the Lake Placid Olympics, is under fire after appearing at a rally for President Donald Trump.
Many members of the team were in Las Vegas over the weekend to celebrate the 40th anniversary of their shocking upset of the Soviet Union and attended a campaign rally Trump was holding the night before the Nevada Democratic caucus. But they didn’t just attend — they appeared on stage, with every present team member wearing a red “Keep America Great” hat.
The team’s Twitter account posted a tweet with photos of the event.
The person responsible for that tweet may not have realized how it was going to play. Juxtaposing a famous quote about unity with photos of the players in hats supporting the most divisive president in recent memory didn’t go over well with many fans.
Good job guys - you turned a nonpartisan feel good memory into a dumpster fire.
You guys just tarnished an incredible legacy that stood the test of time for 40 years:
Representing all of us, for America.
The team was great.
The game was legendary.
The people on the team betrayed America in 2020.
You chose red hats instead of red, white and blue.
Everything Trump touches dies, and now the pristine feel good memory of the 1980 hockey team is dead.
Of course they are under fire! There are Trump hating assholes who go after everybody & anybody who go near the President. We will defeat them!
I looked at the Miracle On Ice twitter page the next day. 90% of the replies were saying how disappointed they were with these guys.
It probably shocked them, but it is what you deserve when you stand next to Trump on a campaign rally stage.
If they had gone to the White House for an official celebration they wouldnt be getting this withering criticism.
Everything Trump touches dies. This hockey team wasnt thinking. And now their legacy is tainted forever. And that is no joke.
Twitter is a good place to go - it's full of those enraged progressives living in mom's basement.
Really? The nation is thriving, John.
Except for the market plunge, runaway deficits and climbing national debt, sure it's "thriving" if you say so, Vic.
And blue is red and gold is grey....Got it!
And President Trump is a big fact liar and the truth is not in him. The country can survive many things, but a willful liar without accountability is its own expense. You know it and you dodge from its admission. You can not know when Trump is telling the truth, as I imagine he does not know when he is telling the truth. Donald Trump has used of any credibility he once had (if any) coming into this office. Now, what does that say about those who enable him?
Actually, only Trump's friends are thriving.
Indeed we will.
Do you want to retroactively give their gold medal to the soviets?
As in the American people not living in bicoastal urban elite areas.
No American owes any part of the country an apology for settling down in-country. Prejudice is destructive and always stupid.
Your party is about to nominate a man who speaks more positively about some of the worst regimes in the history of the world than he does about the USA and you are worried about Hockey players appearing at a rally.
I wouldnt like it if the team stood on stage with Bernie Sanders either.
This was a political event. When you wear the hat and stand on stage with him you are endorsing Trump as the candidate. It's disgraceful, and it's not even debatable.
And that is not even taking into account that Trump is the world's biggest asshole.
Who the heck is Vampire Weekend and what did they beat the Russians at?
I never heard of him/them. I'm not as hip as you are.
Biden? LoL?
Sure, Biden will get nominated as soon he gets out the jail he was put in for protesting with Nelson Mandela and kicks starts his campaign for Senator of South Carolina. In fact, Biden will tell you is he's already President, if you let him speak without handlers for 5 minutes.
Lol! Great one! 👍👏🇺🇸🗽🦅
Good job men!
Don't let the TDS ridden wackadoodles bring you down.
I counted 15 of the team in attendance at the rally, whereas 17 attended the NHL game representing the Olympics.
Of the people standing behind Trump 4 were not wearing MAFGA hats.
So at least there's that.
On the whole, a poor decision by the team, that they had every right to make.
I imagine the memorabilia sales and autograph lines were just affected by the partisan reactions.
I disagree. It's about time Americans stood tall next to this man.
At one time they represented all of us,
regardless of partisan BS.
Like the internet free 1980 Olympics, those days are now gone.
It was nice while it lasted.
You can blame progressives for that. You seem to agree with the southerners of the late 1850's. Do what we want and you'll have unity!
You can't stop for one moment, can you?
And let you and others talk like that? No way!
I don't blame progressives for anything friend MUVA, do you?
In fact everyone I know has so many different labels I don't think labeling is very fair at all.
Just my opinion.
What way would that be Vic?
Ahhh, how disappointing...
And it is a good opinion, too. However, it is not the progressive fault completely. Though I wish all extremists would just go away some wheres. The moderate center is so much what this country is truly about and it develops faster (called stability) at a safe constant 'temperature.'
However, it is republicans and conservatives who have been trying to do end-runs around everything and everybody as they sale books for profits; hold 'pacs,' and continuously launch offensives against liberals wanting to be free of their bullshit. For example, a Rush Limbaugh acolyte, Mr. Golden, is starting up a new 'outfit' hoping to net some poor unsuspecting blacks and other minorities who happen along to it into the Republican Party and conservative "movement" --instead of just getting the party to open itself up to truth, authenticity, and real life. It will be another conservative 'racket' with Donald Trump sitting as the 'fat Rat' at the helm of the party ship. No bigger crook, inconsiderate, and inauthentic person exist today in our country than Donald J. Trump! The lying 'Wonder.'
Fundamentally, homosexuals want to be free to love the one they're will and not be spied, lied, or beat upon; black people and other minorities are sick of the manipulations, frauds, second-class treatment; and, the country as a whole is sick and tired of these doped up culture wars and lying schemes which keep people divided and fighting political scrimmages.
👍👏🎉🎊🎈well said. I stand with you!
Trump is the most moderate candidate that will be in the general election for President.
Trump is a Right-wing extremist. Moderate candidates are not obsessive liars, because this is an extreme type of individual.
'Fan 1,' how do you know when Impeached President Donald J. Trump is telling the truth? Please elaborate.
And with that you lost what very little credibility you had.
wanna have a spelling contest? I was the champion of the 8th grade. And yes, we had a spelling team that traveled around to other parts of the city to be in tournaments. I'm such a good speller that I don't care if someone finds a typo in my comments.
You remind me of this kid.
Was also the champion speller in my grade school. My parents worked with me every night.
So the "Dobald Trump" was a childish jab.
The b is next to the n. How does a typo ruin one's credibility?
It was another stumping event. These are the lifeblood of politicians like shaking hands and kissing babies. They want to be known as toadies, let them.
I agree. Even lying 'wonders' have fans!
The Trump haters may have hit the Miracle On Ice team's Twitter page, but there are thousands who support Trump and the MOI team's appearance with him at the rally. Read the comments on this article ...
I’m glad that the team is standing up for themselves and defending against the partisan response to their appearance with the President of the United States.
Now they can be remembered as some of the country's most famous white nationalists.
Wow just saw this seed. Disgusting. Yea lets harass a bunch of elderly men because they show support for a guy I hate irrationally. Some progressives are incredibly nasty people, not all of them I guess. SMH
Hey man, haters gotta hate.
It's what they do.
At this point I wouldn't be surprised to see the Trump haters punch a baby for wearing a MAGA hat! I can tell you it has never crossed my mind to go online and harass someone for having an opposing view. Even the nasty, loud mouthed celebrities who intentionally take shots at anyone who isn't an elitists progressive. I might do some venting in a forum like this, but nothing directed at a person. Boggles my mind.
Ah yes, the old campaign baby punch ....