Bernie Sanders can beat Trump

Byline: Kirsten Powers
The Democratic establishment is having a mass freakout as Bernie Sanders surges. The Vermont senator capped a week of strong polls Saturday with a commanding, broad-based win in the Nevada caucuses.
For most of the primary season, politicos, commentators and journalists have dismissed the Sanders candidacy at best or attacked and misrepresented it at worst. How often do we hear it claimed with soothsayer certainty, "A democratic socialist will never be elected president in the United States"?
You know who else will "never" be elected president of the United States? A former reality TV star with zero governing or policy experience who attacks war heroes and the parents of war heroes, brags on tape about grabbing women by the p---y and, well, you get my point.
This is not to say that because Donald Trump became president -- after improbably winning a Republican primary attacking the Bush family and the Iraq War, challenging other previously sacred cows on the right, and even having once praised single-payer health care -- that anyone can become president. It's to point out how the ground has shifted in terms of what is possible in politics. The old rules simply do not apply, so we should stop using them.
It's true that at one point, calling yourself a "democratic socialist" would be a bridge too far for many voters, including Democrats. But that was before people began to realize how unmoored the American capitalist system is from any sense of ethics or morality. The level of economic inequality and suffering from lack of affordable health care, crushing debt, and a discriminatory and racist for-profit incarceration system in one of the world's wealthiest countries is astonishing.
Closing the gap
People are exhausted from working nonstop trying to just survive financially in a system that dangles the carrot of financial stability or wealth always slightly out of reach except for a favored few. Nothing about this is normal, and that is fundamentally Sanders' so-called radical argument.
As Bernie's new foil, former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg is waving the "moderate lane" banner of electability and claiming that Bernie's kooky notions (which are considered normal behavior in many industrialized countries) go too far for American voters. These are the same voters who would cut off your hand if you reached for their government Medicare or Social Security.
Still, the premise of Bloomberg as electable slipped seamlessly into the public debate. Of course, Bernie fares just as well, and sometimes better, than Bloomberg in hypothetical matchups against Trump, but the electable moniker has mysteriously eluded him.
What ultimately will make the Democratic standard-bearer electable is his or her ability to excite and turn out voters. This is why the most pertinent issue for Bernie's electability argument has been his weak history attracting African American support. While he made significant inroads since 2016, much of that critical voting bloc has been locked up with Joe Biden.
But that is shifting. Tuesday's NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist found that Bernie has narrowed that gap to just 3points, and he tops Bloomberg by 12points. And in the Nevada caucuses, entrance polls showed he captured about a quarter of the black vote.
Bloomberg claimed recently that Sanders had no chance to beat Trump, because he'll scare moderate voters. But a Buzzfeed reporter surveyed moderate Democratic voters at a Biden Iowa event last month, and one after another said that despite their concerns about Sanders, they'd pull the lever for him if he won the nomination.
Not running for king
There's no doubt that if Sanders is the nominee, Republicans will continue to conflate democratic socialism with communism and pretend that Venezuela is Sanders' ideal society, though Sanders has said that he is a democratic socialist in the vein of the Scandinavian countries, home to the world's happiest people. Republicans will lie about what Bernie believes the same way they will lie about whoever becomes the Democratic nominee.
Ultimately, there's no reason to think voters are being motivated in any meaningful way by ideology this cycle. People who are more afraid of a single-payer health care system and free college than they are of Trump and his creeping authoritarianism are probably not Democratic voters or even Democratic-leaning independents.
Bloomberg suggested that Bernie's views were tantamount to "communism" at the Las Vegas debate, echoing Republican talking points. On the campaign trail last year, Sanders explained his vision of how democratic socialism would work: It's "an economy in which you have wealth being created by the private sector, but you have a fair distribution of that wealth, and you make sure the most vulnerable people in this country are doing well."
Whatever people's fears about Bernie's democratic socialism, the fact remains he's running for president -- not king -- of the United States. Some of his solutions are dead on and others less so. But he cannot enact any of them without the support of Congress. This means he will have to use his bully pulpit to bring the country around to his point of view if he wants to enact change. American voters are capable of grasping this.
It's well past time to bury the "Bernie is unelectable" trope.
Probably the best article I have read about this particular topic all year.
Kirsten Powers is an establishment Democrat, by the way, not a "leftist".
Bernie Sanders will be the easiest candidate for Trump to beat.
It would take a lot of things to go wrong in this country between now and Election Day for Trump to lose to him.
Sanders would put up a very good debate, no doubt about that.
But the electorate is content. Historically a content electorate votes for the incumbent. Especially if the incumbent is presiding over a great economy.
Ultimately, people vote with their local family and friends as priority #1. If it ain't broke, they typically do not try to fix it.
Trump beats Sanders.
The last time I saw it polled, 48% of Americans said they will not vote for Trump under ANY circumstances.
Millions of people will vote for Sanders simply because he isnt Trump.
Your analysis
COMPLETELY leaves out Trump's OBVIOUS unfitness for office as a determining factor, when it may be THE determining factor.
I can understand your belief that the "economy" will make the difference, but none of the previous elections where the economy made the difference featured a candidate like Trump.
And your belief that the electorate is "content" is mind blowing. If the electorate was content you wouldnt have 48% of the population saying they will never vote for that incumbent under any circumstances.
Trump redefined Republican ideology to his own liking. Sanders can massage the meaning of democratic socialist as well.
It does not compare with the big 3 I listed. Trump was unfit for office before he announced. His unfitness was clear during the campaign. He still won the nomination and then won the general. Now he has been PotUS and while he remains an asshole, he now has the trifecta. It is what it is.
People are content with life in the USA. It has been much worse (and recently too). The PotUS is embarrassing but that is not as important as the big three.
He has to first win.
"electorate content." ? ? Content with what? Or has the electorate been Supply Sided for so long that they have forgotten what true Capitalism gave them and have accepted that the crumbs of prosperity is more than they deserve?
Like I said a number of times over this exact topic, you are free to your opinion.
Clearly Trump's "unfitness" is a factor, because he has never hit 50% approval even with the wind from the "great economy" at his back.
The media has helped Trump immensely by touting stock market highs as a be-all of economic improvement.
The fact that wealthy people are making so much money off the stock market is one of Sanders points.
The Percent of Americans who Own Stock Hits Record Low
Jan 04, 2019 · For starters, just 52 % of Americans have ANY money invested in stocks! That low participation rate in stock investing is tied with 2013 for a record low in the 19 years that Gallup has been running this survey. And there has been a downward trend since 2007 (a massive 13 point drop!).
Wage gains lose ground to rises in rent, child care, health care costs and many other expenses of everyday living.
Pretend Trump was not PotUS and we have someone presidential in office. Okay? That takes the Trump factor out of the question.
Now, tell me if you think people are content with the economy, employment, lack of war, etc. What, other than Trump, are people really concerned about and what do they want to keep?
Sanders has to convince people that he will not disrupt the good times. I do not see it happening. And trying to convince people that times are bad is going to be a tough gig. People are comparing now to four→eight years ago. What do you think they conclude?
You might as well pretend Bernie Sanders is Franklin Roosevelt.
Why would anyone take the Trump factor out of the question?
To focus on the question: is the electorate content?
I thought that would be obvious.
I did not mention Trump. You did.
I will stand with what I said in 3.1.3
Besides, this election should indeed be an economic one. It is about time Supply Side Economics is the only topic being discussed and the defenders of it forced to state their reasons and positions. I laughed with remorse when during the 2012 election candidate Romney and his running mate Rep. Paul Ryan both proudly stated they were Supply Siders and not one person in the media or the opposition party possessed the intellect or the nerve to forcefully, without reprieve make them explain SSE and defend it.
Yes, I am aware of that. Is that a problem? Do you not see why? Not interested in doing the analysis on how content the electorate is on all factors other than Trump himself?
Well then there is nothing else to talk about.
I think it will be about the economy. And that is Trump's major advantage. You do not see that?
Economy is Trump's major advantage? Why? Or is it only because he has 'controlled the message' that there wasn't an economy before he slid down the escalator with wife number three?
This too. Are the Stock Markets a reflection of America's economic strength or merely a reflection of the stability for the upper economic strata.
Because the economy is always attached to the presiding PotUS. As incumbent (another advantage) Trump gets much political credit for the good economy. (He would also be blamed for a recession.)
Stock markets are not a good gauge on the economy. The economy is better gauged by unemployment, consumer confidence, business expansion, etc. Mostly it is the psychological view of the economy that ultimately matters. Do you think people in general think we have a good or a bad economy right now?
Yep, traditionally most people do tend to vote with their pocketbooks. Most people are not extremists on the left or the right.
Although the extremists do tend to be the loudest wackadoodle in every group. Look no further than NT for proof of that.
You must be new to NT. John isn't shy about defining it. He does so every day. And PS: He is correct in his daily definition(s).
Sister, I have literally posted hundreds of items on NT as to why Trump is unfit. Sad part he was unfit the day all these Trumpsters voted for him 4 years ago. This is actually why Trumpsters are the biggest single problem in America today. They enable an utterly unfit president.
Thank you for agreeing with me, but it is really just stating the obvious.
I never thought I would live to see the day when someone who has lied, in office, 15,000 times is going to be permitted by his party to run for re-election.
I would vote for Bernie sanders in a fricking heartbeat over Donald Trump, as will many others.
I dont know if it will be enough for him to win, and that is one reason he will not be the nominee. People want a cleaner shot at beating trump than sanders would afford.
Personally I would like a president Klobuchar or Warren, but I think it's going to be Biden. As long as he keeps his attack on Trump and doesnt ramble on about 30 years ago or how much Obama depended on him he will be fine.
Perhaps remembering where, what, and who he is would be a start............
I doubt if many Democrats share your analysis of the candidates , or care.
Why anyone would accept an opinion about politics from anyone who supports Trump is beyond me.
Donald Trump has said hundreds, if not thousands, of idiotic things.
How many of them have you criticized?
Sure you would. You're clearly looking for more free stuff.
Me? i don't mind working for my stuff. Never have.
All of them that deserved it.......and idiotic is a bit of a stretch.........well not for you. I understand.....but Trump
Lol .... hooray angry Grandpa!
You go Bern!!
"Do people think we have a good or bad economy right now?"
Hard question to factually answer. Most people are hopeful their current status will be maintained. However, vast swaths of Americans are unable to 'weather' a costly/necessary expense of even a thousand dollars. The word precipice comes to mind. And yet there others that are doing very well or better than ever before.
Wall Street & The Big Banks are their own economy. Main Street is it's own economy. The question which should be asked is, 'Which of them truly reflects the US Economy?"
Everyway fits nicely.
Well, okay, then let's just ask the Reagan question: "Are you better off today than you were four years ago?" I suspect the overwhelming answer will be 'yes'.
I agree, and healthcare costs are the biggest issue for them.
The economy is best measured in terms of local effect on individuals. Are people employed, making decent wages, etc.
Have you learned nothing from the last election? Polls lie.
I fully agree. But as you note, the political world does not match reality. The question does matter in the context of voting for PotUS.
There you go again equating poll results to a political candidates chance of success. Just think back to the last presidential election where polls had HRC winning by a landslide. How quickly voters forget.
That's exactly what I thought. Bernie would be the easiest and Bloomberg would be the hardest. I believe that if Bernie runs he will never get a single Trump voter, period, and may even lose some democrat voters. His biggest bet would have to be young kids showing up to vote in ways they typically don't. Bloomberg on the other hand I could see grabbing some Trump voters. Maybe the one who doesn't have a problem with Trump policies but hate his personality. While he would still retain all democrats as being the alternative to Trump will guarantee just about anyone a certain base.
Sanders beat Trump? Possible. But hundreds of thousands of voters have been removed from the rolls. The right wing 'info machine' will scream National Socialism-aka the Nazis-with thousands of images from Treblinka, Auschwitz and other places of foul notoriety. The Trumpian base may rise in anger if the election is close. The stakes are high. The concept of America is on the line. The only question will be this----which America will prevail. And the one that ultimately prevails, will it stand?
If Trump is re-elected he will place at least four more Supreme Court Justices and hundreds of lower bench life time tenure judges. Remember, The Constitution like the bible is interpreted only by those who are given the power to do so.
I'm getting deja vu all over again .....
Not in this climate of misinformation. He has too much baggage, like Bloomberg. The maga crew and Trump and the RNC will weaponize every word, every video and every failure and magnify it to set his entire campaign on end. "blue dog" Democrats won't buy him, they may write in another Democrat. I truly think the Democrats as a party should never allow someone who is NOT a Democrat to run using the entire Democrat party as a funding tool to aid a candidacy he could never run on his own without that structure. It really is unfair to actual Democrats who could be using every tool to defeat authoritarian Republicans like Trump. Already the move is underway in conservative southern states to keep Bernie off the ballot since he is not liked and he is not a Democrat.
Well said...
Of course you have a link to that assertion??????????
Top return on Google - Politico (18 hours ago)
Thanks. And two Dems? Wow. I guess they do have a point. Seems he is a DINO and just because he caucuses with Dems, those two at least think he shouldn't be able to run on the ticket. Strange times. I wonder if someone at the DNC is going to get hacked, no wait. I wonder if anyone at the DNC will fall for a phishing scam again and make vulnerable their internal correspondence.......again.
The law suite won't go far.
Being an IT guy - when it comes to computer security people are stupid and lazy, so nothing surprises me any more.
Well you see the problem with that is the comment alluded to conservative states trying to keep Bernie off the ballot. And while Florida i suppose could be considered a conservative state, your example shows that it is Democrats who are trying to block him. Not conservatives. So the comment is not really true..
Like is said above, this is deja vu all over again. Dems are clearly trying to torpedo the Bern again ......
Sparty, Freepress was talking about Blue Dog Democrats in conservative Southern states not excepting Sanders as the nominee.
I hear ya but my point was that the wording is misleading.
It's not the conservative southern states that are against him its the blue dog Dems from those states that apparently are.
I didn't see it, but... (shrug). Say is it warming up yet over your way? Our alley is almost ice free. We'll probably see it gone by the end of the weekend.
We just had a bit of a warm snap but i still have beau coup snow in my yard ..... ain't going away any day soon.
Nice clean blacktop on my driveway though. I really like that.
I'll have some new photos of Lake Superior up tomorrow in the Art group to compare last year with this year.
I'll take a shot of my driveway and post it.
Still lots of snow .....
"the MAGA crew will weaponize every word." Of course they will. But--------------just the recent comments/prophesies of White House Spiritual Advisor Paula White is richer than The Comstock Lode.
is this satire? LOL
seriously? people believe that?
god, I hope bernie is the dems candidate
I have no confidence in the American voters after they reelected Obama knowing what a disaster Obamacare and the promise of free crap turned out to be. I think there is a possibility Bernie can win but I think he is our best shot at a second term for Trump. It's a gamble but I'm hoping enough Americans are feeling the burn from the higher taxes associated with Obamacare and getting stuck carrying the dead weight of the freeloaders that they will reconsider voting for more free crap and bigger government.
I have no confidence in the American voters after they elected Crooked donnie and thinks he's god
The last debate was a riot to watch....especially Bernie's antics.
The best line of the debate came from Pete Buttigieg against Bernie:
"The House turned blue because "Democrats" that were running, ran away from your position"
You could see Bernie acting like some grade school kid, waving his arms, pointing to himself, waving his arms some more, pointing to himself again - "ooo,ooo,oooo, Pick Me, Pick Me" !
He looked like Horshack wanting recognition !
Lol .... you go angry grandpa!