Michael Bloomberg to suspend presidential campaign

Michael Bloomberg, who spent hundreds of millions of dollars to self-fund his 2020 presidential run, announced Wednesday that he is suspending his campaign after a poor performance on Super Tuesday , according to a source familiar.
The state of play: Bloomberg opted to skip campaigning in early states, staking his candidacy on a string of Super Tuesday victories to launch him to frontrunner status, but that plan was ultimately felled by the resurgence of Joe Biden's campaign .
- Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar both exited the race between the South Carolina primary and Super Tuesday and chose to back Biden — along with Beto O'Rourke.
- On Super Tuesday, Biden scored surprise victories in states like Texas, Massachusetts and Minnesota — and racked up huge wins across the South.
- While Bloomberg was viable in multiple states, he didn't win any — and his only victory was in the territory of American Samoa.
The big picture: Bloomberg's self-funding drew backlash from an increasingly progressive party that is skeptical of the role of big money in politics. Bloomberg was one of two billionaires in the race, joined by Tom Steyer, who dropped out over the weekend.
- Bloomberg's record as mayor of New York City drew controversy, particularly his support of stop-and-frisk . He apologized for the policy in November, acknowledging that it unfairly targeted people of color.
- He faced criticism for his use of non-disclosure agreements after being accused of harassment and gender discrimination by former female employees of Bloomberg LP.
- He also faced an ethical conflict related to his ownership of Bloomberg News. The eponymous founder refused to allow his company's journalism arm to investigate him as a candidate, forcing it to extend that policy to all 2020 Democrats .
Bloomberg moved to directly take on President Trump from the start of his run. Both campaigns took out 60-second ad slots during the Super Bowl, and Bloomberg became a repeated target of Trump's tweets.
- Trump gave Bloomberg a signature nickname — "Mini Mike" — and said he "is going nowhere, just wasting his money."
What's next: Bloomberg has pledged to pay his massive staff to continue to work through November to support whoever becomes the eventual Democratic nominee.
As Queen would sing - "And another one bites the dust".
When is Lizzie gonna drop?
Not sure she will as it seems, with the loss in her own state, she isn't popular enough for POTUS but at the same time, she may face an uphill battle. It's her own fault for "putting it out there" on a national stage and now her constituents know more about her than they may have wanted to. She may be waiting for a surprise...........or someone to tap her (ewwww) for the VPOTUS spot. JMHO
Bloomberg thought Biden was faltering, otherwise I doubt he would have got into the race. He was always too Conservative for democrats and was beaten badly in that fist debate with Warren.
If billionaires aren't appreciated by Democrats, then maybe he should switch back to being a Republican....???
And apologize for endorsing Biden, who also has no policies.
He just came up short.
Good! The most vile evil and wicked person to run for President of the United States is done. Let’s celebrate! 🎉🎊🎈🇺🇸🗽🦅
If Mr. Bloomberg had only listened to the Beatles more.................money can't buy you love.
Half a billion bucks...........wow. That money could have been a lot better spent but hey. As long as he can sleep at night and it was his to throw away. Although I am sure all the media outlets just loved it when he placed a buy for time slots.
He did not throw it away; many mouths were fed. And, goodness, if ever there was a man who wanted to be president with excess - Bloomberg is the genuine article. Many people have and will continue to be 'fed' from Mr. Bloomberg's rational, forward-thinking, participation in the democratic party and political process. I like Mike Bloomberg! He is a no-bullfhitter.
500 million plus to win Samoa.
He should stay in the race and hope a miracle happens at the convention. There's a reason Democrats became so cold to Biden over the last few months. He's clearly falling apart mentally and confusing his sister and wife at his rally last night isn't going to help that narrative.
There's a real good chance Biden's condition makes his nomination a mistake by the convention, and you'd think Bloomberg would want as many pledged delegates as possible on hand if that happens. If I were him, I'd just drastically dial back spending and wait to see what happens.
He might catch up to Trump in that department in another hundred years or so.
This is not about Trump John - so don't.
No, you dont. I deleted my own seed about this because I saw you had posted yours a couple minutes sooner.
I can easily make a new one where I wont have someone trying to tell me that Trump is not a part of the topic on a seed about the presidential election.
Besides that, Trump's name is in the seeded article twice. That makes Trump "on topic".
It will be fun watching you defend Biden's rapidly deteriorating mental condition after spending the last three years questioning the mental health of Trump, who is obviously the much sharper of the two at this point in their lives.
Biden is the reality of what you've claimed Trump to be.
Thats funny Sean. What kind of kool aid are you drinking?
At least Bidens not a scum bag.
John - I'm asking you nicely to not start your Trump bashing on my thread. Do your own.
Ain't that the truth ! Hunter Biden has visions of sugarplums dancing in his head. If his dad wins the Presidency Hunter is going to be a very wealthy man. Quid Pro Joe is going to make his family a lot of money if he wins, but there's slim chance of that.
Actually he is worse than that. 💩🧻
Got a link for that confusion?
A whisper campaign in the works, eh? Nobody will believe it this time around. You played that tired on internet meme out on Hillary Clinton. In fact, we've seen all the Russian trolling crap - it's in the Mueller report. What's up next: Sending flyers to black Americans to pick Trump or stay at home this fall? Well, we saw the Cambridge Analytical data 'crunch' videos too!
Now you are a 'tv' doctor? Just diagnose 'em right thar through the boob tube? Hilarious. [deleted]
Well of course I was not writing about a real anything to Sean Tracy thar. But, okay!
It was a nice moment whether they were on the wrong sides or not.
They were behind him as they walked out and he reached back without looking as he started the introduction.
It was laughed off by the people who voted for him.
Of course it was laughed off by his supporters. That's what they do. It's just ole' Joe being confused again.
Watch the video. They walked out in the oder where Jill Biden would be on his right. At the 14 second mark, he turns and looks and his sister and wife. At about the 22 second mark he turns and looks directly at his wife. At no point did the women switch.
At 45 seconds he takes his wife's hand and calls her his little sister.
Get used to parroting silly excuses for Biden's mistakes. His shills have a lot of work a head of them.
Of course you are correct as always Sean.
The man's been senile for over 40 years.
please don't vote for him.
Go get that straw man!
Hurry before they sell out, lol
He better watch out with you around. He's about to get attacked!
OK SP - talk the thread and leave off your jabs at other commenters.
but 3.5.5 is ok?
I guess defending oneself doesn't always receive a "click" - ya think?
And it was his choice to spend 1% of his net worth exactly as he pleased.
Maybe he should be made Ambassador to Samoa.
It's an American territory, it has a Governor.
LOL. I should have realized that. My bad.
I think the thing that did the most damage to Bloomberg was not his looking uncomfortable at the debates, but the fact that he didnt try to talk like a Democrat. He seemed to hold himself out as a separate 'cavalry' coming to rescue the Democrats.
He never made a connection with the primary voters.
I never understood his bid run for president, especially running within a group that says they Hate "Big Bucks", and another Group that's afraid of the "Big Buck haters", and follow a lead they really don't believe in just for votes.
Will Lizzie support Bernie after their Big Tiff ? Only a "Women" would know.
It is likely that Warren will drop out soon. She is meeting about that right now.
Warren has , in theory, a logical reason to keep going. She could offer herself as a compromise between Biden and Sanders, and as the person who could unite both the progressives and the moderates. This is not a bad plan at all.
But, in reality people would consider her as the third wheel and she would end up hurting Sanders more than Biden, and she probably doesnt want to do that.
Warren is "assessing".
That has turned out to be code for dropping out when used by the other campaigns.
I would guess it will happen today or tomorrow.
People now might believe his original claim that his primary goal was to defeat Trump.
If that was the case he would have run as a Republican.
Challenge an incumbent presiding over a healthy economy in the primary? Horrible strategy.
The GoP in many states would not allow any competitors to Trump on their ballots.
Look at SC's ballot. No Presidential candidates, not even Trump. I believe AR, KS are the same.
That makes it hard for a challenger to compete fairly.
or deny Republicans their right to choose, right?
This is still a democracy where everyone gets to vote right?
And the states like MN, SC who did not have a Presidential primary saved not a single penny.
They still held primaries for the Senate, House and all sorts of local seats and judges.
Same computers, paper work, staffers, etc.
So? Isn't that standard operating procedure for any incumbent President.
Apparently not, of the 15 GOP primaries so far
only MN & ME removed the choice of Presidential nominees.
The POTUS has garnered from 85.6% to 97% of the Republican votes.
You would think his campaign would want to know those things...
Five States Have Already Canceled GOP Primaries. Here’s What You Should Know
The GOP is canceling primaries to help Donald Trump
Republicans clear Wisconsin primary field for Trump, angering potential GOP rivals
From your link.......................
When the incumbents are running unopposed....
Your are the one bitching about two states not having primaries for a incumbent president.
I'm just sure you were just as put out for the previous incumbent president when democrats did the same thing./s
This now is a major threat to Trump. In effect, Biden is now better financed than any campaign in history.
The money totals this year will be staggering!
And Trump knew that Biden was a bigger threat to him than Bernie. That is why Trump has been promoting Bernie for his opponent and trashing Biden.
Biden may seem to be a buffoon, but, he really isn't. He has lots of Senate and VP experience up his sleeve that is far more than any of his opponents, and that is what Trump lacks in every way. And....that is what worries Trump.
hate to break the news so early but biden will not beat trump. not even a chance.
Sanders would lose big to Trump. Biden, however, has a chance. Given Bloomberg's backing, if Bloomberg follows through with funding the Biden could have the biggest war chest in our history. Although it sucks that we spend so much money on campaigns, this factor is indeed a threat to Trump. Without such funding I do not see someone like Biden beating Trump because all he offers is 'I am not Trump'. As incumbent, Trump now has credentials of 'I have been PotUS' against Biden's credentials. I do not think the electorate will find Biden's experience that much of an advantage.
In short, Bloomberg could, IMO, give Biden the boost that he needs.
For many people that is more than enough. You simply do not understand that.
The first poll after Super Tuesday showed Biden beating Trump by 8 points.
I simply do not agree that is enough.
General election polls taken in March. Meaningless.
Trump would make Biden look more foolish than he already did during the Democrat Debates.
"In short, Bloomberg could, IMO, give Biden the boost that he needs."
Mo' Money ?
Money doesn't buy "A Good Memory"..... or an election for that matter (See Bloomberg's try at it) !
I see your point. That said. Trump is a grotesque liar, cheater, and is even mealy-mouthing something as important as a pandemic. Biden should have many, many, tools in his campaign-chest, magnified by the reach of Bloomberg's former staffing across the country to exploit the cunning of a mad-president. Trump is a man who simply can not be trusted with four more years of the wealth, information, value systems of this country.
It is time we all get onboard to letting Trump go back out into the private sector, where society has rules and controls to contain him. Apparently, the federal government is powerless to contain a man who does not have the grace to discipline himself. And on that last, Trump is valued by millions of conservatives who for decades have wanted a president who would trample on the rights and privileges of liberals. It is a tired, aging, monster of a political war that Trump has promised the conservatives, he will put their enemies under his foot.
Biden has been eight years Vice-president, he may be about to get the time he needs to show us what being at the apex of governance really can do for one embroiled in the political fight for the soul of the country he loves and wants to see remain existing.
Elizabeth Warren signed off this Thursday morning. Let's hope her immediate silence about endorsements is a signal that she will forsake Bernie Sanders in coming days. Joe Biden would be smart to call her back yet again. And offer her something meaningful at this time.
At this point all we can do is observe Biden in action. I expect Biden will get the nomination. We need to see how he performs as the presumptive nominee. Next we need to evaluate his pick for VP. Also, we need to see if Bloomberg comes through big for Biden with $$$.
Biden's best chance is for the economy to tank. Not how I want this to go.
Should your projection be accurate (I do hope so), Biden will need to forcefully defend his reputation against a mad-president and its surrogates. I am counting, nay, I am even today emailing (will the Biden campaign finally be able to afford a single if not more telephone contact for the public) the campaign to take stock of negative branding by Trump, republicans, and conservatives—everywhere.
The forces against Biden are already fanning out to spread a whisper campaign, rumor, and disinformation to the sum total of making the 2020 election about the election of "the lesser of two-evils." Can you believe it? The lesser of two evils and this Trump we have learned about in the last four years is supposed to be better for the country than well, Biden.
Joe Biden has to protect his brand and the trickier aspect of not letting Trump and "company" drag his son disproportionately into this presidential campaign. Biden will need to be everywhere at once: "All hands On Deck" going forward. Trump already has okayed the political assassination of any democratic front-runner.
I am emailing, next.
Hey John, just got done emailing (again) the Biden campaign about the Trump tactic of "the lesser of two evils." I have not attempted to verify your claim of the point spread, but I will go with that. Impeached President Donald Trump (The 'Mouth') has yet and is gearing up to verbally pummel Joe Biden unmercifully. That point spread will not hold.
As even some of Biden's 'critics' like Bernie Sanders are now complaining about some Biden senatorial votes of long ago and prior the Obama administration which they insist he speak on as early as the next debate, even hoping those matters hold potential to do considerable political damage.
Joe Biden did better in Minnesota than I expected. I thought the race would be closer between Biden and Sanders. But that may have been influenced by Amy Klobuchar dropping out and endorsing Biden. Medicare for All hasn't been extremely popular in Minnesota and Bernie tried to sell the idea with slogans rather than explanations.
I am not surprised the Democratic establishment have gotten behind Joe Biden. I am a little surprised voters are throwing so much support toward Biden. Joe Biden has become a safe 'anybody but' candidate. He certainly has not been campaigning with a policy agenda. Biden is that glass of water with a D on it.
I still root for Bernie. But I've understood all along that the Democratic Party would fight Bernie's nomination so there was little, if any, chance that Sanders would be running against Trump. While a contest between Sanders and Trump is what the country needs, the United States doesn't have the cojones to actually change anything.
The biggest winner coming out of Super Tuesday was complacency.
BTW, Mike Bloomberg fared as poorly in Minnesota as I expected. Bloomberg has been advertising in Minnesota but the message was all wrong. The ads made the case that Mike Bloomberg should have a statue erected for all that he's done. At least in Minnesota, it seemed Bloomberg was campaigning for a participation award.
Yeah. I got all those ads too. I thought I could avoid them when I dropped Spectrum cable and went with Hulu. Nope, it was like Bloomberg central. I don't even live in MN. LOL!
Apparently Bloomberg paid a lot more for less influence than the Russians are touted as obtaining. Mike Bloomberg seems to have actually believed the Democrats' hype about buying influence.
I disagree. Bloomberg lost while the Russians won.
Imagine spending half a billion dollars on something you're not really even that into.
He's pledged to continue to spend as much as it takes to remove Trump from office.
Let's hope the electorate will hate that bombardment of spam commercials as much the 500 million he already wasted annoying people.
Dean, the electorate has said every election cycle the amount of ads sucks, but the candidates raise more and more money every time. This year combined they will spend more than the GDP of many small countries.
as I have said from the start, he never even had a chance.
LOL he spent almost a billion to get the nickname "mini mike"
he'll make in one year more than Trump is worth
Exactly. 5% (for example) of $65 billion is $3.25 billion.
so what? LOL
he will never be president no matter how much he spends. there is not enough money in the world. hillary had the same problem, she outspent trump and had her ass handed to her.
where's the fun at? neither biden or sanders can beat trump either.
the good news is mikes campaign ads have gone away.
"mike will get it done" - my ass/
What I have always thought was funny about all this is that Bloomberg could have just bought Trump's business and be done with it lol. And for less than he spent on campaign ads.