Coronavirus politics – Trump leads while opponents stay on attack
Category: Op/Ed
Via: heartland-american • 5 years ago • 17 commentsBy: Deneen Borelli

President Trump acted on this issue and took early steps such as getting the commission working on it and travel banning from China while democrats complained about the ethnic and racial make up of the panel and belittling Vice President Pence while calling the President names for the travel ban. All democrats cared about was impeaching our President. The lamestream has made no pretense of objectivity attacking our President non stop since he upset the witch in the 2016 election. Fortunately in the daily briefing format the people see that first hand and how he deals with their rudeness and contempt for him.

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President Trump is doing everything in his power to ensure the health and safety of the American people during the coronavirus pandemic. While the president is working tirelessly to save American lives as COVID-19 sweeps across the country, Democrats and members of the liberal media remain committed to destroying his presidency.
To mitigate the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, the president took prudent early actions that saved thousands of American lives. At the end of January, Trump promptly restricted travel from China and assembled the White House Coronavirus Task Force to manage our country’s response to the health emergency. In recognizing the seriousness of coronavirus, the president put Vice President Mike Pence in charge as the task force leader to work in tandem with medical and health care experts and department heads.
To keep the American people fully informed, President Trump and task force members are holding daily press briefings. These briefings include extended question and answer periods with the media in order to ensure Americans are fully aware of the latest information on the coronavirus outbreak. The president wants to guarantee the American people have the most up to date information and stay calm as we get through this public health crisis.
The president’s task force implores Americans to limit social interaction, self-isolate and practice good hygiene as some of the best practices to help combat and slow the spread of the virus. In addition to saving lives, these actions will help mitigate concerns about our health care system being overwhelmed by a surge in hospital admissions.
The Food and Drug Administration is responding to President Trump’s demands to fast track drugs and devices aimed at tackling the pandemic, including approvals that will protect health care workers, improve patient outcomes, and provide diagnostic tools for rapid coronavirus testing.
Unfortunately, Democrats and the anti-Trump media are exploiting the crisis to demonize the president.
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden told CNN that President Trump has “been very slow to act,” over the virus and that “many of the things he says are simply not accurate.”
Following her attempt to load the $2 trillion relief bill with left-wing agenda items, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., accused the president of being responsible for the loss of life. During a CNN interview, Pelosi said, “As the president fiddles, people are dying.”
Democratic strategist James Carville criticized Trump’s press briefings in an NBC News commentary, writing, he “...mixes fact, fiction and hyperbole.”
The anti-Trump media agenda is on full display over the president handling of the coronavirus crisis.
In a bizarre turn of events, some TV hosts want less news by calling for the end of the daily press briefings.
Democrats and their liberal media allies realize President Trump and his administration are doing an amazing job. They’re terrified that the daily briefings will demonstrate his bold leadership to voters.
MSNBC host Rachel Maddow said on her show that if President Trump “keeps lying” that “all of us should stop broadcasting it,” while her colleague Chris Hayes called the press briefings “dangerous.”
The Washington Post story about reporters refusing to attend the daily briefings claims that “reporters are keeping their distance because they are concerned about the health risks,” and are not protesting or “attempting to silence” President Trump.
CNN went as far as not to air President Trump’s comments during the March 31 press briefing.
Ironically, there was a time when the media demanded daily White House press briefings but now, they’ve changed their tune.
Democrats and their liberal media allies realize President Trump and his administration are doing an amazing job. They’re terrified that the daily briefings will demonstrate his bold leadership to voters.
Recent public opinion polls prove the public is responding to Trump’s leadership during the coronavirus crisis. A Gallup poll found 60 percent of Americans approve of the president coronavirus response efforts and an ABC/WashingtonPost poll showed 66 percent of Americans were confident with the federal government’s ability to handle the virus.
Moreover, according to the Real Clear Politics average poll, Trump’s approval rating is on the rise to hitting a record high.
The bottom line is that President Trump’s enemies are afraid that his incredible leadership during this national crisis will result in his reelection this November. Democrats and the media are willing to do anything in order to prevent that from happening — even if comes at the expense of the American people.
Recent public opinion polls prove the public is responding to Trump’s leadership during the coronavirus crisis. A Gallup poll found 60 percent of Americans approve of the president coronavirus response efforts and an ABC/WashingtonPost poll showed 66 percent of Americans were confident with the federal government’s ability to handle the virus.
Moreover, according to the Real Clear Politics average poll, Trump’s approval rating is on the rise to hitting a record high.
The bottom line is that President Trump’s enemies are afraid that his incredible leadership during this national crisis will result in his reelection this November. Democrats and the media are willing to do anything in order to prevent that from happening
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China's efforts to rebrand itself as a global leader focused on humanitarian relief amid the coronavirus outbreak has hit a major snag and perhaps revealed Beijing's true intentions behind their public relations blitz.
After telling the world that it would donate masks, face guards and testing equipment to Italy , China quietly backtracked and sold the Mediterranean country desperately-needed medical equipment, according to a report.
What's worse is that the personal protective equipment (PPE) China forced Italy to buy was actually the same PPE Italy donated to China before coronavirus rushed its own shores and killed nearly 16,000 people.
"Before the virus hit Europe, Italy sent tons of PPE to China to help China protect its own population. China then has sent Italian PPE back to Italy -- some of it, not even all of it ... and charged them for it," a senior Trump administration official told The Spectator.
Beijing taking advantage of Italy's generosity and then flipping it into something more sinister is just the latest example of the country's misdeeds amid the global outbreak.
Thousands of other supplies and testing kits China has sold to other countries at marked-up prices have turned out to be defective.
President Trump acted appropriately on this issue and took early steps to deal with the issues such as getting the commission up and working on it and travel banning from China while democrats complained about the ethnic and racial make up of the panel and belittling our Vice President Mwhile calling the President names for the travel ban. All democrats cared about was impeaching our President. The lamestream has made no pretense of objectivity, attacking our President non stop 24/7/365 since he upset the witch in the 2016 election. Fortunately in the daily briefing format we the people see that first hand and how he deals with their rudeness and contempt for him. America first!! 🇺🇸🗽🦅
Throughout this national emergency President Donald Trump has repeatedly demonstrated that he’s the right person to lead the nation.
From the beginning we have seen Trump’s best attributes.
Some time ago, the Quinnipiac poll asked Americans about the president’s best attributes.
The public said he was a “strong person” (62%) and that he “is intelligent” (58%).
Both of those attributes of his have been on display during this crisis.
Trump has other arrows in his quiver: He’s calm and doesn’t panic, decisive, and follows the evidence, not the hype.
We saw that early on when Mike Pompeo’s State Department recommended to him that the U.S. shut down passenger traffic from China.
On January 31, the president issued a travel ban that restricted entry by foreign nationals who had traveled to China within the previous 14 days.
It was not an easy decision. China had just concluded a trade deal and they swore to us they had the matter under control.
Still Trump made his decision. Soon after, a dozen countries followed our lead and banned Chinese traffic.
China fumed.
But that decision will prove to have singularly changed what was to be a total catastrophe into a manageable crisis.
Trump has been chided for not taking the threat seriously.
But as his congressional opponents focused on a very flimsy impeachment inquiry, he was busy convening a coronavirus task force. And that was back in January.
Since then Nancy Pelosi and company have tried to blame him for the crisis.
Just this past weekend the House speaker told CNN that the president’s “denial at the beginning was deadly.”
And NBC’s Chuck Todd suggested to Democratic presidential front-runner Joe Biden that the president may have “blood on his hands.”
These attacks on Trump are akin to a “blood libel” and demonstrate a degree of political depravity unseen in our politics.
The record shows that in early January and February neither Pelosi nor Todd nor other Johnny-come-latelies were sounding any virus alarm.
Biden, to his everlasting shame, actually decried Trump’s closure of Chinese commercial traffic.
The day after Trump’s China travel ban, Biden tweeted : “We are in the midst of a crisis with the coronavirus. We need to lead the way with science — not Donald Trump’s record of hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering. He is the worst possible person to lead our country through a global health emergency.”
Trump’s cautious approach was based on expert advice and information he had at the time.
The Chinese consistently told the U.S. and others they had the virus under control.
At the same time, Trump was advised China did not have a strong healthcare system, and the U.S. system was far more robust and would handle the pandemic as it had all others before.
Throughout the crisis, Trump has remained focused and level-headed.
He defers to the experts at his task force’s daily press briefings, and has kept the nation informed without being panicked.
He is keenly aware of the facts, not the hysteria:
This initial crisis will be over in weeks. Our manufacturing and health sectors will answer the call. Social distancing will pay off. And ubiquitous testing will prove crucial.
And the warm weather of spring and summer will help reduce transmission.
Still, many are calling for closing down the nation for four weeks, a mantra in the liberal establishment that makes no sense.
Why should states that have few cases shut down? What’s the rationale?
And in states that have cases in the thousands — a drop in the bucket when compared to normal flu infections — why should all businesses shut down?
Last week the country of New Zealand, after reporting no deaths and just 107 confirmed cases, locked down its whole nation for four weeks.
Trump’s approach of focusing federal resources on New York — where yesterday 50% of deaths occurred — is a wise one.
Michael Dorstewitz contributed to this article.
Christopher Ruddy is CEO of Newsmax, one of the country's leading conservative news outlets. Read more Christopher Ruddy Insider articles — Click Here Now.
Donald Trump is a great American President who is ably leading America through all that challenges us.
He thinks there's donuts in that box.