
Trump blew it — not the WHO, Fauci or the Jews


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  krishna  •  5 years ago  •  78 comments

By:   Dana Milbank

Trump blew it — not the WHO, Fauci or the Jews
. . . we also see the pathologies that have surfaced (or recurred in new mutations) during Trump’s presidency: the scapegoating of religious minorities, attacks on science and scientists, and promotion of globalist conspiracy theories.

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T


President Trump at a White House briefing on April 5. (ERIC BARADAT/AFP via Getty Images)

One of my few pleasures during the current misery is the Zoom religious service, a weekly chance in my home to greet the Sabbath and to pray for healing.

But some are so sick as to be beyond the reach of prayer — and it has nothing to do with a virus.

Rabbi Jeremy Kridel, whose flock in the capital includes several members of my family, was leading a recent Shabbat service for Humanistic Jews. About 10 minutes into the service, one man unmuted himself and started shouting “Jewish scum” and “Heil Hitler.” Before he could be blocked from the call, he lifted up his shirt to reveal a large swastika tattooed on his chest.

Other hooligans began interrupting, and while the rabbi shut down the virtual service, another man dropped his pants on camera. Remarked Kridel: “This is just another indication of the fact that the current crisis isn’t the only one we face.”


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Expert
1  seeder  Krishna    5 years ago

We see the best of America in the health-care workers and first-responders risking (and sometimes losing) their lives to help others.

But we also see the pathologies that have surfaced (or recurred in new mutations) during Trump’s presidency: the scapegoating of religious minorities, attacks on science and scientists, and promotion of globalist conspiracy theories (in this case, that the World Health Organization conspired with communist China to conceal the virus).

Professor Expert
2  seeder  Krishna    5 years ago

This country’s woeful response to the virus has an obvious cause: a president who refused to heed warnings and to prepare, instead offering false assurances while the nation snoozed.

Even now, inexcusable delays limit tests, ventilators and respirators, and even now President Trump resists a nationwide stay-at-home order.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
2.1  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Krishna @2    5 years ago

"Intelligence reports warned about a pandemic in January. Trump reportedly ignored them."

"Top health officials first learned of the virus’s spread in China on January 3, US Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar said Friday."

"Trump Was More Interested in Vaping Than the Coronavirus in Late January: Reports"

"President  Donald Trump  was warned about the severity and potential calamity posed by the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) in mid to late January by the White House’s top public health official, but the president reportedly wanted to talk about vaping instead."

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
2.1.2  Greg Jones  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @2.1    5 years ago

When did China's government warn the US and other nations are about the outbreak of this virus in Wuhan?

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
2.1.3  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Greg Jones @2.1.2    5 years ago

Read the articles linked in my comment that you responded to for your answer.  

Thrawn 31
Professor Participates
2.1.4  Thrawn 31  replied to  Greg Jones @2.1.2    5 years ago

There were news report about it as early as November 2019. Numerous US intelligence agencies had been reporting about it and warning that it could become a pandemic in November and December 2019. The fucking WHO declared it a pandemic in early March and had been warning about it since January. 

We knew about it well in advance, but Trump is probably too stupid to understand or care about the information. 

Professor Participates
2.1.5  bugsy  replied to  Thrawn 31 @2.1.4    5 years ago
There were news report about it as early as November 2019.

News reports that the intel community has denied existing.

Professor Participates
2.1.6  Snuffy  replied to  Thrawn 31 @2.1.4    5 years ago
There were news report about it as early as November 2019. Numerous US intelligence agencies had been reporting about it and warning that it could become a pandemic in November and December 2019. The fucking WHO declared it a pandemic in early March and had been warning about it since January. 

"As a matter of practice the National Center for Medical Intelligence does not comment publicly on specific intelligence matters," he said. "However, in the interest of transparency during this current public health crisis, we can confirm that media reporting about the existence/release of a National Center for Medical Intelligence Coronavirus-related product/assessment in November of 2019 is not correct. No such NCMI product exists."

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
2.2  Greg Jones  replied to  Krishna @2    5 years ago

None of what you say is true.

Thrawn 31
Professor Participates
2.2.1  Thrawn 31  replied to  Greg Jones @2.2    5 years ago


lady in black
Professor Silent
3  lady in black    5 years ago

I'll say it again, he is the WORST president this country has EVER had

Professor Principal
3.1  JBB  replied to  lady in black @3    5 years ago

Finally, James Buchanan can rest in peace...

Thrawn 31
Professor Participates
3.1.1  Thrawn 31  replied to  JBB @3.1    5 years ago

It only took a guy who seems intent on doing a shitty job.

Professor Expert
3.2  seeder  Krishna  replied to  lady in black @3    5 years ago

I'll say it again, he is the WORST president this country has EVER had

Ordinarily I might find statements like that to be a bit extreme...but sadly, in this case I'd have to agree with you :-(

Senior Guide
3.3  XXJefferson51  replied to  lady in black @3    5 years ago

Donald J. Trump!  Best President Ever!  

lady in black
Professor Silent
3.3.1  lady in black  replied to  XXJefferson51 @3.3    5 years ago

WORST lying sack of shit that ever graced the halls of the white house

lady in black
Professor Silent
3.3.3  lady in black  replied to    5 years ago

Sorry, I was speaking of the current POS that resides in the white house, crooked lying donnie

Professor Principal
4  JBB    5 years ago

"I did not get the memo", Donald J Trump...

"I take no responsibility at all", also Trump.

Professor Expert
5  seeder  Krishna    5 years ago

But it’s painful for some to put the responsibility where it belongs. Christian broadcaster Rick Wiles, therefore, took a different tack. He blamed the Jews.

“God is spreading it in your synagogues! You’re under judgment because you oppose his son, the Lord Jesus Christ,” he proclaimed on his TruNews platform.

This is the same Rick Wiles who in November called Trump’s impeachment a “Jew coup.”

And this is the same Rick Wiles whose TruNews outlet was granted press credentials by the Trump administration to cover the World Economic Forum in January;

Wiles stayed in a room booked by the administration.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
5.1  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Krishna @5    5 years ago
"But it’s painful for some to put the responsibility where it belongs. Christian broadcaster Rick Wiles, therefore, took a different tack. He blamed the Jews."

So what else is new?  In the 14th century fifty million people died from the Bubonic Plague known as the Black Death.  The Jews were blamed for it 

It Is ME
Masters Guide
6  It Is ME    5 years ago

Democrats wasted December, January and February (3 Months) on "Political Wishes" ! jrSmiley_24_smiley_image.gif

What could have been, if they had concentrated on CV19 possibilities in this country "INSTEAD" ! jrSmiley_48_smiley_image.gif

Professor Quiet
6.2  Ozzwald  replied to  It Is ME @6    5 years ago
What could have been, if they had concentrated on CV19 possibilities in this country "INSTEAD" !

They would have watched McConnell and Trump block anything they tried.  Plus Democrats can do 2 things at once. 

What was Trump and the Republicans doing during those same months????

It Is ME
Masters Guide
6.2.1  It Is ME  replied to  Ozzwald @6.2    5 years ago
They would have watched McConnell and Trump block anything they tried. 

They "Tried CV19 worry stuff" besides "Impeachment" ….. when ?

"Plus Democrats can do 2 things at once."

Apparently NOT ! jrSmiley_98_smiley_image.gif

Did you notice the "Dates on Impeachment" ?

Right when CV19 Started, and when it really started really Growing in this country !

[ deleted again ]

It Is ME
Masters Guide
6.2.2  It Is ME  replied to  It Is ME @6.2.1    5 years ago


Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
6.2.3  Trout Giggles  replied to  Ozzwald @6.2    5 years ago
What was Trump and the Republicans doing during those same months????

Whining about the impeachment process, holding rallies, and playing golf

cue Nero on his fiddle

Professor Expert
6.2.4  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Ozzwald @6.2    5 years ago

What was Trump and the Republicans doing during those same months????

Probably indulging in their own personal "pandemic"... i.e. their own out-of-bounds loony "HDS" ("Hillary Derangement Syndrome").

Or maybe "WGHDS" ...?

(That's " W arren G amliel H arding D erangement S yndrome"... for all you Home Gamers! . . . I wouldn't put it past them!)

It Is ME
Masters Guide
6.2.6  It Is ME  replied to  Texan1211 @6.2.5    5 years ago
[removed for context]


Professor Quiet
6.2.7  Ozzwald  replied to  It Is ME @6.2.1    5 years ago
Apparently NOT !

Are you completely ignoring the second question????

lady in black
Professor Silent
6.3  lady in black  replied to  It Is ME @6    5 years ago

Crooked donnie and the republicans can't walk, talk and chew gum at the same time

It Is ME
Masters Guide
6.3.1  It Is ME  replied to  lady in black @6.3    5 years ago
Crooked donnie and the republicans can't walk, talk and chew gum at the same time

Apparently they can do even more !

Have you ever listened to the "Greatest" Presidential candidate the Democrats have been able to put out against Trump ?

"We are….ummmm…..Free to …… ummm….. CV19 shoulda been stopped …….. eeerrrrrr…… Unchain the "Blacks"..... well ……. And, in addition to that, in addition to that we have to make sure that we, we are in a position that we are, well let me go the second thing, I've spoken enough on that. 

God Bless America ! jrSmiley_98_smiley_image.gif

Professor Expert
6.4  seeder  Krishna  replied to  It Is ME @6    5 years ago


Democrats wasted December, January and February (3 Months) on "Political Wishes" !   jrSmiley_24_smiley_image.gif

jrSmiley_25_smiley_image.gif   jrSmiley_90_smiley_image.gif

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It Is ME
Masters Guide
6.4.1  It Is ME  replied to  Krishna @6.4    5 years ago

So you agree ? jrSmiley_41_smiley_image.gif

Professor Expert
6.4.2  seeder  Krishna  replied to  It Is ME @6.4.1    5 years ago

So you agree ?   jrSmiley_41_smiley_image.gif


Tell me, ME-- question for ya:  jrSmiley_54_smiley_image.gif

jrSmiley_36_smiley_image.gif jrSmiley_97_smiley_image.gif   jrSmiley_20_smiley_image.gif

What time does the balloon go up?

It Is ME
Masters Guide
6.4.3  It Is ME  replied to  Krishna @6.4.2    5 years ago

It's so much fun to watch the "Stumped"....try to "Do Something" more !


Professor Expert
6.4.4  seeder  Krishna  replied to  It Is ME @6.4.3    5 years ago

Well, ME.... funny you should mention that!

From the seeded article:

Others follow Trump’s lead in blaming scientists for our woes.

As The Post first reported, the government had to step up security for Anthony Fauci, the top infectious-disease expert at the National Institutes of Health and the most visible scientist responding to the crisis.

Threats had been made against the 79-year-old doctor, who frequently contradicts Trump’s uninformed happy talk. Fauci has been attacked by pro-Trump outlets such as Gateway Pundit and American Thinker, which labeled Fauci a “Deep-State Hillary Clinton-loving Stooge.”

The dark-web conspiracy theorists from QAnon and the like do worse to Fauci, a loyal public servant under every president since Ronald Reagan.

Professor Expert
6.4.5  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @6.4.4    5 years ago

Yes . . . since the Great One himself!

It Is ME
Masters Guide
6.4.6  It Is ME  replied to  Krishna @6.4.4    5 years ago

NIH's Dr. Fauci: "I've Never Been Muzzled" By The Trump Administration; "A Real Misrepresentation" By Media

Dr. Fauci Lays Down The Hammer On CNN’s Failing Jim Acosta After He Tries To Spread Fake News

Dr. Fauci is also now saying....shaking hands should be a Permanent No, No for the rest of our lives !

Dr. Debra Birx is Also on "The Team" ! She has had a few comments also. Did you forget ? jrSmiley_80_smiley_image.gif

Professor Expert
6.4.7  seeder  Krishna  replied to  It Is ME @6.4.6    5 years ago

Dr. Fauci is also now saying....shaking hands should be a Permanent No, No for the rest of our lives !


From the seeded article:

The scientists issued a report warning that the virus is “spreading with astonishing speed” and called for governments to “immediately activate the highest level of national response,” including immediate and extensive testing and planning for closing schools and workplaces.

And yet, Trump slept. “One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear,” he said on Feb. 28. He blew it. Not the scientists, not the WHO, and not the Jews.

Thrawn 31
Professor Participates
6.5  Thrawn 31  replied to  It Is ME @6    5 years ago
emocrats wasted December, January and February (3 Months) on "Political Wishes" ! jrSmiley_24_smiley_image.gif What could have been, if they had concentrated on CV19 possibilities in this country "INSTEAD" ! jrSmiley_48_smiley_image.gif

So Trump isn't the president? 

Professor Expert
7  Nerm_L    5 years ago

Democrats have dusted off the playbook they used against Richard Nixon.  Now that we are embroiled in a war, Democrats must push to make the war unpopular.  Democrats are even encouraging their base to essentially burn draft cards and bras.  But this time we aren't fighting in Vietnam; the enemy is among us.  Those hippie protests aren't quite as safe when the enemy is among us.

Democrats are relying on tried and true divisive politics used against Nixon by alleging conspiracies, cover ups, abuse of power, and mismanagement of the war.  Democrats have even gone so far as nominating another George McGovern.

It's deja vu all over again.

Professor Expert
7.1  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Nerm_L @7    5 years ago
the enemy is among us.

If that's an attempt at a personal attack its a pretty feeble one.

C'mon Nerml-- you're going to have to do a lot better than that!

Professor Expert
7.2  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Nerm_L @7    5 years ago

One of my few pleasures during the current misery is the Zoom religious service, a weekly chance in my home to greet the Sabbath and to pray for healing.

But some are so sick as to be beyond the reach of prayer — and it has nothing to do with a virus.

Rabbi Jeremy Kridel, whose flock in the capital includes several members of my family, was leading a recent Shabbat service for Humanistic Jews. About 10 minutes into the service, one man unmuted himself and started shouting “Jewish scum” and “Heil Hitler.” Before he could be blocked from the call, he lifted up his shirt to reveal a large swastika tattooed on his chest.

Kridel was a victim in the new pandemic of hate. The Anti-Defamation League  reports  similar “Zoombombing”  incidents  around the country.

Correct Nerm. Same old, same old hate tactics . . .a veritable pandemic of hate mongering style tactics by Trump...and his wacko "base". I think you may have hit the nail on its head Nerm.

Remember Nixon's goofy followers, Nerm?

(Sound familiar Nerm?)

Professor Expert
7.3  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Nerm_L @7    5 years ago
It's deja vu all over again.

No its not!!!

Professor Principal
7.5  JBB  replied to  Nerm_L @7    5 years ago

What a load of crap. And, that is not a question...

Thrawn 31
Professor Participates
7.6  Thrawn 31  replied to  Nerm_L @7    5 years ago

Dude, take your meds. 

Professor Guide
8  Tacos!    5 years ago

This is so right on! If it weren’t for Trump, no one in America would be sick right now and life would be totally normal.


Professor Expert
8.1  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Tacos! @8    5 years ago

This is so right on! If it weren’t for Trump, no one in America would be sick right now and life would be totally normal.

You should read the article before commenting:

One of my few pleasures during the current misery is the Zoom religious service, a weekly chance in my home to greet the Sabbath and to pray for healing.

But some are so sick as to be beyond the reach of prayer — and it has nothing to do with a virus.

Rabbi Jeremy Kridel, whose flock in the capital includes several members of my family, was leading a recent Shabbat service for Humanistic Jews.

About 10 minutes into the service, one man unmuted himself and started shouting “Jewish scum” and “Heil Hitler.” Before he could be blocked from the call, he lifted up his shirt to reveal a large swastika tattooed on his chest.

Professor Guide
8.1.1  Tacos!  replied to  Krishna @8.1    5 years ago
You should read the article before commenting:

You should the comment before replying.

Professor Expert
8.2  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Tacos! @8    5 years ago

No, it's proof that tRump supporters live in an alternate reality bizarro world

Well, some of them anyway:

Rabbi Jeremy Kridel, whose flock in the capital includes several members of my family, was leading a recent Shabbat service for Humanistic Jews. About 10 minutes into the service, one man unmuted himself and started shouting “Jewish scum” and “Heil Hitler.” Before he could be blocked from the call, he lifted up his shirt to reveal a large swastika tattooed on his chest.

Thrawn 31
Professor Participates
8.3  Thrawn 31  replied to  Tacos! @8    5 years ago

Things would be better if a lifelong fuckup weren't calling the shots in a life and death situation. 

Professor Guide
8.3.1  Tacos!  replied to  Thrawn 31 @8.3    5 years ago
Things would be better

How much better? Be specific please.

Thrawn 31
Professor Participates
8.3.2  Thrawn 31  replied to  Tacos! @8.3.1    5 years ago

100% better. 


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