Like Marie Antoinette, Princess Pelosi enjoys luxuries but ignores needs of desperate people

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We are watching the birth of the job-killing, ice cream-eating liberal Democratic Party.
After a week of blocking more money for American small businesses, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi , D-Calif., decided it would be effective to show up on “The Late Late Show with James Corden” on CBS to communicate her human side. It was a bizarre interview with the woman who stopped billions of dollars in aid for small businesses and their employees.
I served with three Democratic speakers of the House: Tip O’Neill, Jim Wright and Tom Foley. It would be unthinkable for one of them to be as tone-deaf as Pelosi. There she was, in front of her two Wolf Sub-Zero refrigerator-freezers. Frankly, my wife Callista knew what a Wolf Sub-Zero refrigerator was, but I sure did not. I Googled it.
Wolf’s own description is: “Find the best luxury refrigerators for your needs with Sub-Zero full-size stainless steel or custom panel refrigerators, freezers and undercounter refrigerators.” They range in price up to $20,000-plus.
So, while voting to starve small businesses, Pelosi wanted America to see her in front of “the best luxury refrigerator.” She then went a step further and explained: “And we just restocked the ice cream for Easter Sunday because we were, shall we say, enjoying – I don't know what I would have done without ice cream."
It was perfectly “progressive Democrat” of Pelosi to want us to share her pain when she was causing pain to millions of small business owners, their employees, and families.
While many Americans were gathered around their Easter tables praying and wondering what they would do without income or a job, Pelosi was blocking small business support and wondering what she would have done without ice cream. By the way, you, too, can get the ice cream she was bragging about having delivered – five pints for $58 before tax.
The Marie Antoinette parallel is a little eerie. You may be pinching pennies and eating peanut butter and crackers, but her highness, the princess of San Francisco, is smothering her anxieties with $11.60-a-pint ice cream while making you go bankrupt.
James Woods tweeted: “Her two refrigerators cost together $24,000 for her specialty chocolate ice creams, but she hates the small business owners of America. Let them eat cake.”
The Marie Antoinette parallel is a little eerie. You may be pinching pennies and eating peanut butter and crackers, but her highness, the princess of San Francisco, is smothering her anxieties with $11.60-a-pint ice cream while making you go bankrupt.
What makes the Pelosi attitude so infuriating is the fact that the small business payroll protection plan has worked far better than anyone thought possible. The Small Business Administration, working with the nation’s banks, has gotten nearly $350 billion into the economy in 14 days.
Before the Trump administration, $30 billion in an entire year was a major SBA effort. Now, it had managed to loan $349 billion in two weeks.
The Wall Street Journal captured the current reality Thursday: “For seven long days, Democrats have been blocking a $250 billion refill for the Paycheck Protection Program, and on Thursday morning the loan fund finally ran out of money. 'Every Senate Republican was ready to act today,’ Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on the Senate floor Thursday. 'But Democrats would not let us reopen the program.'
“On Thursday the Labor Department said another 5.2 million Americans applied for unemployment benefits last week. That brings the total in four weeks to a mind-bending 22 million. The Paycheck Protection Program is meant to blunt this trauma, and so far it has approved 1.6 million forgivable loans to small businesses. The idea is to keep companies stable amid the pandemic, so they can retain workers. Without this cash infusion, it’s hard to fathom how much worse the economic data might look. ...
“The longer Democrats refuse to provide financing for small businesses after government cut off their revenue, the more Americans will have every right to conclude that Mrs. Pelosi and Mr. [Senate Democratic Leader Chuck] Schumer are responsible for the worsening economic destruction.”
Even a knowledgeable Democrat thought Pelosi was profoundly wrong. As Jim Saksa reported in Roll Call: “Karen G. Mills, who led the Small Business Administration during President Barack Obama’s first term, has a message for top Capitol Hill Democrats: Refill the so-called Paycheck Protection Program’s coffers now and ask questions later.
“The SBA program, established as part of the $2.3 trillion COVID-19 aid package to help battered small businesses, ran out of cash to make new loans on Thursday morning, barely two weeks after it began taking applications.
“'Congress has to act as soon as possible,’ Mills told CQ Roll Call in an interview Thursday, adding that she’s spoken recently with Democratic senators and Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office. 'What I’m saying is: Number one, get the money replenished.’”
The Washington Free Beacon also captured the trap the Democrats were drifting into when it said we are entering “the Pelosi Recession.”
A few more luxurious lifestyle appearances by Pelosi, while she’s killing small business, will make the election this fall a referendum on the job-killing, ice cream-eating liberal Democrats. This will be a hard argument for Pelosi and the Democrats to win.
Further, in the midst of this crisis of the economy, small business, and unemployment, where is former Vice President Joe Biden? Does he support the job-killing, ice cream-eating liberal Democrats? If he does not, when is he going to speak out?
The case is being made for a deep repudiation of an elite Democratic Party that now has total contempt for Americans.
To read, hear, and watch more of Newt Gingrich’s commentary, visit .
It was perfectly “progressive Democrat” of Pelosi to want us to share her pain when she was causing pain to millions of small business owners, their employees, and families.
While many Americans were gathered around their Easter tables praying and wondering what they would do without income or a job, Pelosi was blocking small business support and wondering what she would have done without ice cream. By the way, you, too, can get the ice cream she was bragging about having delivered – five pints for $58 before tax.
The Marie Antoinette parallel is a little eerie. You may be pinching pennies and eating peanut butter and crackers, but her highness, the princess of San Francisco, is smothering her anxieties with $11.60-a-pint ice cream while making you go bankrupt.
James Woods tweeted: “Her two refrigerators cost together $24,000 for her specialty chocolate ice creams, but she hates the small business owners of America. Let them eat cake.”
of course she does Newt, she's sitting on one. it's so efficient, it froze her hairdo solid...
Then there’s Nancy eating ice cream as she forces businesses into bankruptcy and forces their employees into unemployment.
I'm eating ice cream, not forced into bankruptcy or unemployment.
The President and Congress have offered two Trillion dollars (so far) to avoid that.
Are yoo claiming that the President is an ineffective clowmn?
all of you
ICE CREAM MAKERS are considered ESSENTIAL workers!
SO citizens of all stripes, eveen you commie pinkoes, BUY YER DAMNED ICE Cream and EAT IT
Keep valuable ESSENTIAL workers employed and paying FICA, SS and other TAXES
To Keep the country going
Different parts were for different needs like state and local governments, hospitals, individual checks, and to keep business and their employees afloat. 2.3 trillion total of which this is 350 billion and is an amazing success. It’s the part out of money and more is needed for it and now. Queen Nancy is holding business owners and their employees hostage until she can add more progressive bs pork she favors to it and is willing to make us go hungry so she can have a green new deal at Dream. Bleep her and all she stands for.
More nonsense from "not a math major" types,
The debt will soon be 25 trillion $$$$$$$$
Pelosi and her ilk simply want to put more checks and balances into this additional 250million
so it doesn't disappear into the Trump Foundation or the Trump Reelection Campaign Fund.
You are all good with honest accountability, right?
Be honest, you aren't going hungry at all. Stop the Chicken Little routine.
Not yet. That doesn’t mean I don’t care about those who are. [Deleted]
More and better checks and balances are needed. This money should not go to hedge funds or corporate law firms, they have the financial ability to withstand the current problems. This money should be going to small mom&pop businesses who are at real risk of having to declare bankruptcy and just disappear. Those are the businesses this money should be going to help.
Problem I have with Pelosi is she is also pushing to get identity politics in to the new money. Take identity politics out of the equation. The only real test is "what is the current state of your books, cash on hand, resources and assets available to help, are you at real risk of closing your doors and never reopening and how does this impact your employees". Show your books, show past tax returns, prove the need. And a brand-new LLC doesn't qualify you for these loans. The program was abused by people who didn't need the help and unfortunately that happens all the time when Washington gets involved with something. This is their chance to do better. I know several small businesses who are in real danger of losing everything they have and just closing their doors forever. They are the ones who should be getting this help.
Attacking your own credibility? smh
Without a doubt!
......"People are taking to the streets, pushing back against some of the more stringent restrictions in some states," Wallace said during the interview, which is set to air Sunday on Fox News Channel. "Can you understand why they're doing that?"
Pelosi responded: "No, not, not really because what we have to do is, is, is shelter in place. That is really the answer."
"Testing. Tracing. Treatment. Shelter in place. And I do think that it's unfortunate," Pelosi told Wallace. "But, you know, people will do what they do. But the fact is, we're all impatient. We all want out. But what they're doing is really unfortunate."
Around 22 million people filed for unemployment over the past month . Only essential businesses have remained open and operational during the various stay-at-home orders across the country, leaving many without work.
It’s always unfortunate when us deplorables rebel against self appointed elites who would rule over us from their gated urban estates eating high end ice cream while depriving many of their livelihoods trumpski is next then?
Then Newt is next. Seen Newt's "Urban Estate"?
Trump is standing with us. The protesting spread to Maryland, New York,and California
newt is living in quarantine in Italy. His wife is an ambassador to a small nation within its borders.
That would be the Vatican. Newty's whore is ambassador to the freaking Vatican !
You can't make this sh*t up !
His wife is ambassador to The Vatican. Yeah, she's the one 'the Newt' was messing around with while his wife was dying of cancer. She is the greatest of choices by Trump for that prestigious position. Of course I am right, right?
Whoever chose her was either pranking us big time or they are supremely ignorant.
Yeah, she's the one 'the Newt' was messing around with while his wife was dying of cancer.
Oh it gets way more complicated than that. I'd elaborate but I find the oleaginous details revolting.
Please share the revolting details. I think we all need to know the merits (or otherwise) of this self-appointed judge of character.
We are judging the complete lack of character of Marie Antoinette Pelosi who has none and is living large while normal people starve.
Nobody was hungry while Trump and entourage travelled to Mar-A-Lago more weekends than not on the taxpayers' dime?
But Trump!!!!
So do you really believe that only 86% of the workers are essential?
Mind boggling...
I am looking forward to all workers being essential to an improving and strengthening economy.
I'm looking forward to november.
I plan on being very happy the night of Nov. 3 and early morning of Nov 4 and spending four more years rubbing it in on those who have hated our President since before he was even inaugurated as President.
"Princess Pelosi." Really, CH4P? Her husband is the real estate magnate of the West except he never had to 'use' questionable Asian or Russian financial sources for his success such as the individual you use in your moniker who pretends to be a real estate magnate of the East.
The refrigerator thing? I do not know. Wealthy people have neat stuff. Hell, some of them even drive Lamborghinis. If you have an actual point it would be nice if you'd share it rather than the incessant excuse driven drivel almost irreverently put forth to shield or protect your incongruous moniker namesake which portends to be the leader of the free world.
Yeah sure. Am sure Mitch McConnell, Jim Jordan or even Sean Hannity and the rest of the 'nip tuckers' have stepped up to that imaginary plate. You ought to get a real job.
'Self Appointed Elites.' Them too huh? Limbaugh and his Viagra on his way to The Dominican Republic comes to mind.
All this excuse making for Pelosi living high while depriving small businesses and their employees of their jobs until she can add more pork to the clean bill while she moans about us protesting in the streets is just sad.
BS. American deprivation originates from the Supply Side conservative GOP.
It the democrat party that is the party of the rich and it is using this pandemic to wage all out economic warfare against the middle and working classes.
The "Commander in Chief" on the other hand,
apparently with the blessing of SCOTUS,
has the authority
to take as much $$ from the military to continue his border wall construction,
so I see no legal obstruction preventing King Donald Trump from taking as much money from any other
government entity
to make whole every single resident of CONUS, regardless of legal status
to ensure the continued status quo of the USA.
That way you get your fresh strawberries and fresh lettuce
monarchy, law and order and racial superiority.
in a nutshell,
God forbid we preserve our national security and prevent anyone carrying that virus or drugs or terrorists, or victims of human trafficking from coming in here now. Building the wall is all the more important now. I’m glad that our President is doubling down on that during this pandemic.
Couple of thoughts:
Have you seen Trump's refrigerator? I can tell from his growing tum tum that it's quite full.
But let's take a look:
Opps... that's his modest living room. Just like the one you might have.
Ahh.. there is that modest kitchen with his Sub Zero fridge, you know the one like in your home, which averages about 14K-16K give or take a K. Nancy might want to upgrade.
Those small business loans that were already eaten up by multimillion-dollar corporations because there was zero oversight.
Wow, even Fox Business found this shocking. And on our Tax dollars!
So while you want to complain about Ms. Pelosi, maybe you shouldn't be throwing rocks. The bossman lives in a glasshouse, too.
Looks like one of Saddam Hussein's palaces.
Trump is really off topic to this seed. He’s trying to help us and we see that. He’s working for us for no salary.
Not since Dec 30, 2006.
No, apparently refrigerators are. I was doing a compare and contrast.
How is he helping? Those small business that should be there but were taken by fat big corporations? All the money is gone because of his lack of oversight and now you are trying to get more?
And the fact that he doesn't need 400K just means he has no idea of what it is like to run a small business, like I do.
Oh and btw, Blooomberg didn't take a dime to be the Mayor of NY, so really, not such a big deal.
I’m just glad that Trump is siding with those who are protesting against governors who are engaged in excessive control freakery and god delusion dictatorship and his administration protecting religious liberty regarding drive up churches and services with proper social distancing. Liberate Michigan and Virginia! Thank you Minnesota Governor for responding to your citizens.
I’m not rich and I took a huge hit in income when the job I had for 33 years ended abruptly and the next job is not as financially good but provides security but you will never get me to engage in class envy or to begrudge the financially better off of what they have unless they do as Pelosi did and lord it over us as she holds hostage funds my friends and neighbors need to stay afloat during this Chinese virus 🦠 situation.
The boss man wants us to have more funds to keep more businesses and families afloat. A lot of the food places are separate franchises. If there were loopholes congress wrote the legislation and we know which house spending bills originate from, right Nancy?
Then where was the oversight when it all went to multi-million dollar corporations? And no there was no loopholes, just no oversight and you trying to pin that on Nancy (and may I remind you I don't like her), is totally disingenuous. Both the House and the Senate were on board.
Reminder, if you don't refer to "her" as a "witch" the kids may not know who you are referring to!
God forbid that corporations the mortal enemy of progressives get any money to keep their undeserving workers employed through this. I guess workers who work for evil corporations that fund our retirement, health savings, and kids education funds are all expendable in blue America
well there is a word that rhymes with it that I wouldn’t use out loud or write that better expresses what I really think of her actions.
The words you use to describe people say a world about you,
them, not so much.
What ever you have in the quote box in 5.2.5 is nothing I said in 5.2.4 that you were responding to
Where in those pictures is he posing with his refrigerator or making videos holding up his ice cream that most people can't afford, especially during these times.
Hint,.....there aren't any
But what about Trump!!!!!! How dare he be the one to side with the working class!
No shit, he doesn't endorse anything....well I should correct that and say that no manufacturer will allow him
to endorse their products because of his branding contracts, NDAs and general reputation
as the scorpion from Aesop's fables.
In all honesty, no POTUS is supposed to endorse any product, period. And they or their staffs usually go to great lengths to avoid any appearance of favoritism.
Rumored............who really knows?
Rumor is he shits gold to match. (-:
We wish,
Now that is a funny thread.
Trump laid golden eggs for the American economy and democrats have been trying to end his administration ever since....
It's all that bronzer that has soaked into his system.
President Trump went after Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) in a tweet late Friday, attacking the Democratic leader as “an incompetent political hack” and calling on her to return to Washington as lawmakers wrestle over another coronavirus relief bill.
Trump shared a tweet criticizing Pelosi over her appearance on “The Late Late Show with James Corden” earlier this week. In the clip, Pelosi shows off a stockpile of ice cream packed in her kitchen freezer in San Francisco, noting, “This is something you can get through the mail.”
The article goes on to state the following:
“An incompetent political hack! Come back to Washington & take care of our great American workers,” Trump tweeted.
Wow, Trump made another insulting tweet. Alert the media! It's so easy to tell other people what to do when from the golf course or bed.
Trump is right on. She is an incompetent hack. Trump and his commission work tirelessly to guide our country through this pandemic to meet science and medical needs and plan to restore our economy and all congressional democrats can do is carp, complain, and try to sabotage from a distance while using this crisis for a vacation.
The total lack of compassion for the small business owners across America and their working class employees by those who are not conservative is noted.
Except I am a small business owner. The daughter of a small business owner. Don't pontificate to me, since you have no idea how off you are.
Why do you take what I said about Nanny Pelosi and congressional democrats so personally? Whether you personally applied for one of those loans or not I have no idea. I do know that where I live there are a lot of small businesses with limited numbers of employees who need that to stay in business and keep people I know from going on unemployment. It’s time to organize a protest in front of one of her houses in California.
“ For years we have been exposing the lucrative travel our leaders enjoy at taxpayer expense. We have long noted Pelosi ’s abuse of the perks of public office that granted her access to luxury military travel,” Mr. Fitton wrote in an op-ed titled “Air Pelosi” for Fox News, providing numerous examples.
“We reported in 2010 that Pelosi ’s jet travel cost the Air Force $2,100,744.59 over a two-year period —
Of the 103 trips that Mrs. Pelosi led, 31 of them included members of the House speaker’s family, said Mr. Fitton , citing one trip to the Middle East for lawmakers and their spouses in 2008 that cost $17,931 per hour for the aircraft alone ."
Yup - let them eat cake sez the Queen.
Her sense of entitlement for herself and her other urban progressive elites over that of us the dirty unwashed masses of deplorables is indeed well known.
Your federalist article by ms. Morabito about Pelosi and the left is prefect . Great seed!
"We needed help, and they were there," Cuomo said. "That is an undeniable fact." Cuomo also said that those who had died couldn't have been saved.
The daily coronavirus death toll in New York dropped again on Sunday, with Cuomo calling it a sign his state was "on the other side of the plateau," saying ongoing social-distancing practices were working to stem the spread of the virus. Cuomo said 507 people died on Saturday, down 33 from the previous day and by 271 since last Monday. Other indicators were going in the right direction, the governor said. Hospitalizations were down by more than 750, to 16,213.
Asked by a reporter what he would say to protesters, Trump remarked, "Some governors have gone too far. Some of the things that have happened are maybe not so appropriate. I think in the end, it's not going to matter, because we're going to open up our states."
He continued, "I'm with everybody."
Other governors, both Republicans and Democrats, have praised Trump in recent weeks over the virus response. Earlier this month, California Gov. Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, told CNN : "Let me just be candid with you. I'd be lying to you to say that [Trump] hasn't been responsive to our needs. He has. And so, as a sort of an offer of objectivity, I have to acknowledge that publicly."
Kayleigh McEnany: Pelosi 'won't lay off the ice cream' but seems fine with layoffs of workers
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White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said on Monday that while President Trump is ready for a “bounce-back” of the economy , House Speaker Nancy Pelosi seems content with keeping American workers at home by delaying the passage of additional coronavirus relief stimulus.
“The Paycheck Protection Program which was just replenished, that funding starts again today so small business owners across the country would get a chance to get that money to pay their workers. It should’ve been here a week ago but, unfortunately, Nancy Pelosi delayed this,” McEnany told “ America’s Newsroom .”
“[Pelosi] was out on late-night television, she was out eating ice cream as literally people were being potentially being laid off or worrying about their paychecks; so Nancy Pelosi, she won’t lay off the ice cream but she’s just fine with laying off workers and that’s a shame.”
McEnany’s comments came after Trump on Friday signed the nearly $500 billion “Phase 3.5” emergency interim coronavirus relief package into law for small businesses and hospitals across the country.
The new legislation will deliver a $310 billion infusion to the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), a forgivable loan program that ran out of money last week amid skyrocketing demand from hurting small businesses. The Senate approved the legislation on Tuesday by voice vote.
The legislation passed 388 to five in the House, with one member voting present.
While both Republicans and Democrats supported the bill, they couldn't help but bash each other on the House floor in the hours leading up to the vote.
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy accused Pelosi of delaying the important aid for her additional demands at the cost of 4.4 million more Americans filing for unemployment benefits just last week, bringing the total up to more than 26 million unemployment claims so far since the coronavirus pandemic broke in the U.S.
McEnany said that there should not have been a week of delay for small businesses to pay their workers and that it was “unacceptable.”
“It’s because of this president, because of PPP, that people are getting paid and it is important, I think, to juxtapose that against the delays of the Democrats to put some fire under them to get back to work,” McEnany said.
Fox News' Brooke Singman contributed to this report.
She is so right on! Another great press secretary for our awesome President!