Op/ED Leftists Don’t Want The Shutdown To End Because They Are Living Out Their Wildest Dreams
Category: Op/Ed
Via: heartland-american • 5 years ago • 85 commentsBy: Scott Morefield

We must stop the other side from using this Wuhan virus as a tool to seize power and control over us that they could never get otherwise. We must get the economy started as soon as possible and get ordinary Main Street America back to work. It’s time to tell the ice cream princess and dictatorial governors where they can shove it.

As the ongoing Chinese coronavirus pandemic turns out to be far less deadly than previously feared , certain segments of the population are itching to get America’s economy rolling again. Except, although we were initially told to hunker down for a few weeks to “flatten the curve,” the goalposts were moved as soon as the original goal was met. Now, a significant chunk of people seemingly want the lockdowns to last forever or until a vaccine is developed, whichever comes sooner.
Interestingly, the politics behind who wants to get back to work and who wants to keep their PJs on and continue their weeks-long slumber party ad infinitum are blatantly obvious. Many on the right were concerned about coronavirus ever since hearing about the strange happenings in Wuhan. They were clamoring for President Trump to close the border with China in January, a step he took to great protest and consternation from the left who, like Nancy Pelosi, Bill de Blasio and others, were busy telling everyone it was no biggie and Trump was overreacting. But now that things are on the downward swing, it seems some conservatives and only conservatives are chomping at the bit to get things moving again in order to save the lives of countless people for whom a second Great Depression would mean the end of their livelihoods and even some of their lives long-term. The left, on the other hand, is in no hurry, and who could blame them? Of late, they’ve witnessed many of their most insane policy goals come either to fruition or within palpable reach, and they aren’t about to let some lame protesters trying to feed their families get in the way of "progress."
Indeed, if some sort of five-headed Demogorgon combination of Che Guevara, Vladimir Lenin, Saul Alinsky, Karl Marx, and Joseph Stalin managed to emerge from the pits of hell to wreak havoc for a few months, it’s hard to imagine how the world would be different from what has happened thus far in 2020. The boon provided by the ongoing Wuhan-flu pandemic has provided a veritable leftist Christmas wishlist so exhaustive that one might be forgiven for expecting some indefatigable independent journalist to uncover evidence that Squad members traveled to Wuhan and brought the virus back themselves.
Here are a few ways leftists are living out their wildest dreams in the age of corona:
Police State Dreams Come True
We all know it. Leftists may seem to take on an anti-police persona when the police are out there enforcing actual laws and protecting the innocent against violent criminals, but what they really want deep down is what every good Marxist knows is necessary to keep a questioning populace in line - a Police State. And when you’ve got would-be tin-pot dictators from New Jersey to California to Virginia to ‘Governor Karen’ ‘saving lives’ by stopping would-be home gardeners from planting seeds up in Michigan, there’s no shortage of THOSE to go around. Pre-corona, who would have ever dreamed that from a civil liberties standpoint things could go downhill this fast and in so many ways? People are literally getting arrested for going to church, taking walks on the beach, picketing abortion clinics, and even protesting the policies of their own government. Sure, it seems sick to us normal folks, but stuff like this is what leftists live for.
Trillions Down The Hole
Leftists have always been big spenders, of other people’s money. Granted, the federal government’s yearly budget has been gargantuan for as long as most of us can remember, but prior to coronavirus even Chuck Schumer might have at least pretended to balk had someone suggested we spend an extra two trillion, give or take a few hundred billion. Yet, here we are. Sure, something had to be done in some way given the enforced government shutdowns, but that’s my point. There’s no way the left doesn’t win long-term when money like that goes out the door that fast.
If leftists are good at anything, it’s moral preening, virtue signaling, and duping some ordinary folks into thinking they are ‘good people.’ And never have more opportunities existed for that than the recent trend of COVID-shaming people for daring to want to keep their children fed and a roof over their heads. If you’ve got to pretend to care about lives, caring about those taken by this virus allows them to look virtuous and still live out their Satanic dreams, knowing full well that the economic devastation that’s to come will kill far more than coronavirus ever would have. (For more on this topic, my column last week was all about COVID-shaming and their most ridiculous arguments.)
Watching The Rubes Suffer
To leftists, ordinary Americans are uneducated, ignorant rubes who deserve whatever pain comes their way, just for being who they are. Insisting they lose their businesses and their livelihoods on the off chance they might ‘save’ a few people from contracting a virus that’s likely only slightly more deadly than the flu is their way of saying ‘screw you’ to the part of America they hate the most. The more suffering the better, so long as they can watch it unfold on CNN from the comfort of their pristine Beltway townhouses.
Running Out The Clock On Trump
While Congress is “fighting” this overblown pandemic from the safety of its members’ home offices, they aren’t in session getting things done for the American people, and Trump appointees and judges aren’t being confirmed either. If you’re a leftist, keeping this going for as long as possible is akin to holding onto the basketball with no shot clock. Keep it up, beat Trump, and it’s ‘smooth sailing’ in 2021, they think.
Given all these reasons and more, why on earth would the left EVER want to get America back to work? Most are either comfortably situated in media or beltway jobs and/or living somehow off the government teat themselves. They’ve got nothing to lose and seemingly everything to gain by burning the whole thing to the ground, which is pretty much what they’ve been trying to do from the start.
As always, when the political left says a policy position is about “saving lives,” you can always reliably translate that to “obtaining power.”
The boon provided by the ongoing Wuhan-flu pandemic has provided a veritable leftist Christmas wishlist so exhaustive that one might be forgiven for expecting some indefatigable independent journalist to uncover evidence that Squad members traveled to Wuhan and brought the virus back themselves.
Here are a few ways leftists are living out their wildest dreams in the age of corona:
Police State Dreams Come True
We all know it. Leftists may seem to take on an anti-police persona when the police are out there enforcing actual laws and protecting the innocent against violent criminals, but what they really want deep down is what every good Marxist knows is necessary to keep a questioning populace in line - a Police State. And when you’ve got would-be tin-pot dictators from New Jersey to California to Virginia to ‘Governor Karen’ ‘saving lives’ by stopping would-be home gardeners from planting seeds up in Michigan, there’s no shortage of THOSE to go around. Pre-corona, who would have ever dreamed that from a civil liberties standpoint things could go downhill this fast and in so many ways? People are literally getting arrested for going to church, taking walks on the beach, picketing abortion clinics, and even protesting the policies of their own government. Sure, it seems sick to us normal folks, but stuff like this is what leftists live for..... COVID-Shaming
If leftists are good at anything, it’s moral preening, virtue signaling, and duping some ordinary folks into thinking they are ‘good people.’ And never have more opportunities existed for that than the recent trend of COVID-shaming people for daring to want to keep their children fed and a roof over their heads. If you’ve got to pretend to care about lives, caring about those taken by this virus allows them to look virtuous and still live out their dreams, knowing full well that the economic devastation that’s to come will kill far more than coronavirus ever would have.
Both by experience and by common sense, we can now see that those who immediately describe Covid-19 as the "Chinese virus" are most often, although not always, the dregs of the political right, extremist anti-government, gun nut militias, racially motivated "nationalists", secessionists, and other assorted crackpots trying to "take back" "their" country.
Their desire to conduct a new McCarthyism by questioning the loyalty of Biden, Pelosi , and other Democrats vis a vis "communism" and China, is quite transparent bordering on the comical.
Two new polls came out over the weekend, both of them showing Americans abandoning Trump's positions on the virus in droves. In the NBC poll, it showed that only 36% of Americans trust Donald Trump when he talks about the virus. What a slap in the face to that clown, although well deserved of course.
It is clear and obvious that the Wuhan virus came from China and was spread due to a cover up there all over the world. It almost certainly got out of the lab and then spread to the people of the city through crowded market places. The lefts denial of Chinese government complicity in the spread of the virus and their parroting of Chinese Communist Party propaganda talking points as real news is what is truly sick in this country.
Poll: Majority of Americans don't trust Trump on coronavirus
36% of Americans say they trust what President Trump has said about the coronavirus outbreak ... as live …
Don't blame ya. You need big print when the comment fails to address the seeded article.
The people who are protesting the stay in place orders are largely crackpots, conspiracy nuts, gun nuts, white nationalists , and anti government fanatics.
And of course many of them are decked out in Trumpism regalia.
Meanwhile, the majority of Americans dont agree with you Vic.
2 out 3 Americans dont trust Trump when he talks about the virus. Thats gotta sting his cheerleaders.
A lot of people are reading this, John. They read your opinion of them. It didn't work for Hillary and it won't work for that comatose horse's ass your'e trying to put in the White House.
If Trump supporters had properly reassessed their devotion to him after observing his absurd presidency the GOP would have a different candidate for November.
People desire a return to pre-Trump normalcy!
No one needs to smear Trump. All they need to do is tell the truth about him.
What "people?" Hate filled progressives?
What "normalcy"? The Peoples Republic of Obama?
Like you have/s
Donald Trump has never for one second had a majority of Americans behind him. Yet we endlessly hear from the right that "the people" love Trump. Bad math.
I'm sure he didn't have the mix of immigrants that voted for AOC or the illegal immigrants that boldly vote in California elections or the hard core progressives who vote for Nancy Pelosi, but alas he did have the support of hard working middle America!
And you know what.....He's going to get elected again!!!
Doesn't it just gall ya!
Any discussion of this President is an open invitation. Over on Twitter it takes place early, as soon as the pampered, entitled progressives wake with their hands shaking with anticipation as they strike the keyboard
Someone closed the article? How am I able to make this comment then?
This seed is absurd pro Trump propaganda that gives NT a black eye.
Why not do like CNN and censor it, then continue with the real propaganda!
The real propaganda is this obvious hit piece that is nothing more than one big sweeping generalization.
Your favorite Pollsters John - Rasmussen - 33 consecutive days 20 Jan to 7 March 2017 - over 50% or better approval rating. Then, 156 other days of 50% or better from 8 March 2017 to yesterday.
" Never for one second ", eh?
OK, I'll wait for your denial.
Feel free to come to my neighborhood and point these people out to me. That is, if they allow you past the gate.
Oh and before I forget, [Deleted] is it safe to say you will be returning the stimulus money when you get it? Or will you leave it in your bank account?
Well they did leave the weed dispensaries and liquor stores open in the blue states for them to spend their checks on. Just so long as they don’t stop by a church for confession on the way home. Might get a ticket from a cop after being snitched on for that...
Obama was not normalcy.
The politically correct outrage won't hide that the pandemic began in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, because of unsafe practices. Open air meat and fish markets are not modern by any 21st century definition. Farming pangolins to harvest scales for hospital provided medical treatments is not modern by any 21st century definition.
Like it or not, China owns the pandemic. While trying to twist that reality as a politically expedient means of obtaining power is understandable, the facts speak for themselves. The politically correct outrage requires denying the facts.
Let's not delude ourselves that politicians aren't trying to use the pandemic for political gain. The more liberal minded seekers of power are utilizing fear to oppose reopening the economy. Yes, reopening the economy may prolong the pandemic. We don't know but that is one possibility among many possibilities. Prolonging the shutdown of the economy may also increase hunger, homelessness, and poverty. That, too, is a possibility. And it's not too much of a stretch to conclude that hunger, homelessness, and poverty will be a bigger problem for minorities.
The remedy being advocated by the more liberal minded 'woke' political factions may well be as bad or worse than the disease. The question is which possibility (sickness or poverty) provides the greatest opportunity to obtain and retain political power?
China may be drenched in guilt, time will tell.
Whats going on now is the unhinged right trying to use McCarthyist tactics to smear Biden and Pelosi and other Democrats. The public is not going to buy it.
What’s not being bought is the liberal biased lamestream media and their democrat party puppet masters attempts to smear Trump 24/7/365 since Nov. 9, 2016.
1 out of 3 Americans , "the deplorables", agrees with you.
1 out of 3 aint that hot.
How is that different than the unhinged left using McCarthy's inquisitorial tactics to smear Trump and Republicans? The grand inquisitors of the Democratic Party seem to be using McCarthy's playbook.
Do you now or have you in the past supported Donald Trump? Joe McCarthy would be so very proud of what Democrats have accomplished.
I only wish you were joking.
How do you figure that? Biden is already way ahead in the swing states Democrats need to win. The whole contest comes down to Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Minnesota, Arizona and Nevada. Trump is TOAST..
"Biden is already way ahead in the swing states Democrats need to win."
Then again where was Hillary in the polls at this time in the race in 2016. You have a short memory?
Voted up!
Scott nailed it! I see the scum on the left through Scott's eyes.
As do I. And they are actually on the defensive now. Check this out if you haven’t seen it already!
Shhhhhh! Iv'e been milking that one!
What A Load Of SHIT! Nobody is happy! Not Today...
These are the worst days of our lives Thanks Trump!
I assume the people making these decisions are making the best ones they can. Maybe that’s naive, but I say that as someone who doesn’t usually trust government much. Perhaps Democrats will tend to lean more toward one path and Republican towards another, but I doubt that most of them are “up to” anything nefarious. The situation is too serious.
One thing that should be happening at all levels of government is a continual reconsideration of the choices made with open minds to adjustments based on the rapidly changing circumstances.
Right. I'd hazard a guess that the people bitching really wouldn't want to be in the position to make a decision. More food for thought. Trump's handling of this is allegedly disastrous. By the same people claiming the former, Trump has no authority to dictate the actions of the respective states. And, continuing with that thread, the Governor of New York is killing it, despite the fact that his state is home to 1/3 of the US infected. Cuomo 2020? My facebook friends have been wearing that out.
He probably has too many connections to the mob to ever run for President.
Wow, that is just a nasty bigoted comment to say, and I'm not even Italian, but my future son in law is.
Not totally.
Don't think you can draw generalizations but while Trump has no authority over the states, he does have a relationship with the governors.
The fact that NY ended up with the most amount of cases has a lot more to do with being an international hub than anything Cuomo did (I can't say the same thing for our Mayor, who is a jackass). I doubt that Cuomo will run. He likes his life the way it is, but I could be wrong.
About as nasty and bigoted as they come. And this from a supposed devout Christian?
It sure makes 'God' look less than kind and loving toward all of His 'Children'.
Not very worthy of someone who promotes himself as a devoted 'Disciple' of his Messiah if ya ask me.
Nice disgusting christian comment, I'm half Sicilian. So you think all Italians are in the mob, lovely sweeping generalization.
seemed to work out pretty well for the gangster wannabe you worship in DC.
You nailed that one dev. Right square on the head!
Perrie, I'm not drawing generalizations. I'm just pointing out what I have observed. Ironically, and at the same time, we are hearing both Trump should have, and Trump has no authority to. I'm getting tired of the damn political finger pointing. I think the truth is, along the lines with what I stated before, all of the damn arm chair QBs are exactly that. Am I saying it is Cuomo or De Blasio's fault. Hell no. Although if it were my decision, I probably would have not held the Chinese New Year Parade. But, at that point in time, the WHO was just starting to assert the seriousness of this.
As for the number of infections in New York, I think it is not surprising to anyone. 57% of the infections are in the Northeast. 41% in NY and NJ alone. Again, I'm not surprised at that, nor am I finger pointing. I am curious as to why the backlash over the suggestion that parts of the economy be opened. The only thing that has changed in my area is that certain businesses are not operating. Our economy is tanking. Social distancing? Maybe a bit more than typical. But, if you didn't know better, you'd think nothing was going on. We are not working, but neither are we staying home. Doesn't seem to be any reason why we can't also work.
Good points.
I am part Italian.
Perhaps but the ramifications are huge. There is no reason lesser affected areas can’t have rules eased before greater affected areas. I for one am tired of the one size fits all mentality that is prevalent in our leaders today.
Treating our area (0.01% of cases) the same as three metro Detroit counties with nearly 80% of the cases, make little to no sense. That’s like using a surgeon using a butchers cleaver to make an incision instead of a scalpel.
As Detroit goes so does all of MICHIGAN. Which is usually ludicrous, as it is in this situation.
Agreed. I think you have to seek a balance while acknowledging that some people are going to be inconvenienced (for lack of a better word) who may not need to be, while seeking whatever flexibility we can. Unfortunately, whether the rules come from federal, state, county, or even city governments, someone is going to be restricted who doesn’t feel like they need to be.
I think all governors and county leaders should be acknowledging that more sparsely populated counties may not need to be shut down as much as densely populated urban areas. On the other hand, I would appreciate if those city people didn’t travel out here to the suburbs to do their shopping for a while.
I do agree that a one size fits all is not necessarily the best way to handle this. But when making decisions, you kind of have to look at your state carefully. Like the NYS map shows NYC obviously as being a mess, but we can also see outbreaks that came from there all over our state.
So I took a look at Michigan since you like us are mostly rural with some smaller cities scattered throughout the state.
You can see your interactive map here:
The UP looks relatively fine, but you have a lot of covid spread around the lower half of your state. So I am not sure how you would prevent that from getting worse without literally cutting your state in half. In many ways your state is very similar to ours.
Compare us to states like North and South Dakota or Wyoming etc, you can see why they should have little restrictions. The maps on that link are very informative.
To me, that is the only reasonable logic to shutting every place down the same. People from highly affected areas who don’t follow the rules and travel to lesser affected areas.
I’ve shared that map numerous times here to little response.
This becomes a relatively simple risk reward/reward analysis. With relatively easy social distancing controls controls kept in place, much could be reopened in lesser affected areas.
Clearly that shouldn’t be done in the 3-4 counties of Michigan with nearly 90% of all covid positive cases in Michigan. The risk potential for the lesser affected areas is much lower as the reward potential from a economic standpoint is still great.
There is room for compromise and it should be done imo. Everywhere will need to bite that bullet sooner or later in the future.
I'm a violator. Working on new construction. Social distancing was never a problem for me before the virus though. If I lived in Wayne county I would probably have a different attitude though. I sure the hell wouldn't be having block parties like they were doing.
WATCH: Trump Campaign Ad Dunks on Pelosi for Failing to Understand the Coronavirus' Devastating Impact on Americans
Source: AP Photo/Andrew Harnik
The Trump campaign on Monday released a new ad slamming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) for not taking the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic seriously. While millions of Americans are out of work and struggling to put food on the table, Pelosi decided to show off her $24,000 dual fridges. The freezers are stocked with various types of ice cream bars and sorbet and she has a basket of chocolate floating in her kitchen.
"They ask for a quarter of a trillion dollars in 48 hours. I don't think so," Pelosi said with a smirk, referring to the stimulus package she derailed.
Small businesses across America have had to close up shop because they are not deemed "essential." They have had to lay off employees. And some are even having to permanently close their business. Going months without any cash flow has ravaged American families and businesses and yet Pelosi seems to think this is all fun and games and politics as usual. It's why she derailed a bipartisan, bicameral stimulus agreement at the last minute. Instead of worrying about Americans, she was focused on pushing her far-left agenda and wish list. Instead of getting things done so Americans could see relief, she tried attaching stupid things, like offsetting airline emissions by 2025, bailing out the United States Postal Service and forcing the federal minimum wage to increase to $15 an hour.
While Pelosi's shoving ice cream and chocolate in her face, Americans are lining up at food banks and rationing food just to survive. This is so many's reality but it's far-fetched for the speaker.
Congrats, Nancy. You're the typical elitist that Americans despise. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Brutal video.
“ .”
I don't disagree. The issue is getting people to agree and are willing to obey who stays and who goes.
Oddly that is not a violation in NYS.
There are always a few bad apples who ruin it for everyone.
Nothing odd about it. That is but one of many of Whitmers ridiculous rulings we were complaining about on the recent 400 plus post seed a few days ago. We were saying her orders went well beyond what the orders of most other governors did. Now we know that the surest way to not get the virus is to be exercising outdoors and the governor of Michigan most severely regulated what one can do put doors. Few activities provide as much exercise as preparing a flower or vegetable garden, planting it and then weeding it.
I was speaking politically. The Detroit metro area tends to drive MICHIGAN politics and has for my entire lifetime. A cursory look at a governors election map by county tells that tale.
That said, you haven’t lived here for 50 years. I have my entire life. Perhaps you aren’t as in touch with the goings on in Michigan as you once were.
Long live the rebellion! On Wisconsin now.its heartwarming to see the protests to get our lives and economy back growing and spreading across the whole country.Viva la resistance! 🗽🇺🇸
I totally agree with you Tacos. Well said.
So true. When the real rubes are the ones who support leaders with illogical, over the top rules and regulations that make little sense.
It’s pretty funny actually. Watching those morons call other people rubes. Funny and ironic.
And threaten to punish us with longer and more severe lockdowns if we dare to protest their rule.
Like so many other topics, no one is against reasonable controls. The problem is how one defines reasonable.
That is the bottom line here. The existing federal recommendations and state social distancing and mask rules were already sufficient. The rest were nothing more than vindictive punishment imposed by a control freak with a god complex.
And for the record even though I did not support the lockdown in Ca. I haven’t gone out and protested against it yet here either.
Given all these reasons and more, why on earth would the left EVER want to get America back to work? Most are either comfortably situated in media or beltway jobs and/or living somehow off the government teat themselves. They’ve got nothing to lose and seemingly everything to gain by burning the whole thing to the ground, which is pretty much what they’ve been trying to do from the start.
As always, when the political left says a policy position is about “saving lives,” you can always reliably translate that to “obtaining power.”
Breaking news: TRUMP executive order stops all immigration into the USA during the remainder of the Coronavirus emergency. This ought to get democrats to want to end the crisis so that they can get their illegal alien invaders back