The Rioting: A Different View Of What's Going On

Believing is seeing something with your own eyes
Black Protestor caught 2 White Protestors tagging Starbucks. — gregarious (@gryking) May 31, 2020
gregarious on Twitter
Black Protestor caught 2 White Protestors tagging Starbucks.
Please watch the video and take note. Black people speaking out against vandalism. White people causing the destruction. Of course, this is not an absolute. We know that there has been looting. But there is something else going on here.
I have been thinking that all along.
Yeah, me too, but who are those people. They obviously do not have the community's interests in mind. I went to the twitter feed to read, but everyone is just guessing.
I posted that video in another thread about 30 minutes ago. It shows what white supremacists are systematically doing to create and reinforce hatred … and there are those among us who will either avoid watching the video, or, equivocate about its revelation.
I would have really liked them to be caught by the police, so we can get to know for sure who they are. They are there to agitate.... I want to know for sure, otherwise it goes into the conspiracy mill.
Antifa, our newest domestic terrorist organization is a largely white group.
Oh yeah they were white so they must be white supremacist to excuse left wing behavior.
Look at these White supremacist in grand rapids....
I read about the people cleaning up the riots in Grand Rapids and it struck me as odd that there seems to be a certain race missing in the pics. hmmmm.
But yeah white people? Should I post videos of the looting in GR and see how many are white?
I mean you all want to make it about race.
There were some black folks helping out. Not in those pics but i saw others where they were.
This really boils down to one thing and it really is independent of race. Either you are shitbird or you aren't. Shitbirds loot and riot, good people help clean up the mess the shitbirds made.
Doom on all shitbirds ... your day is coming and you aren't going to like it one bit.
I seen a video where there were all races helping. Race shouldn't matter...
The fact that someone wants to label what is obviously some left wing cucks as white supremist does.
Your point is irrelevant. Do you imagine only white people have the character trait to clean up after a disaster of some kind? Do you really want to take that approach in here?
As for making it all about race: You just did with your "two-cents."
Thank you for your generosity and truth!
You kind of missed an important video in your link, which I think explains everything really well.
Well said Sparty.
Did I say that?
Do you want to take that approach? I missed your faux rage when Mac calls two people white supremacist with no facts.
LMFAO what do you think it is all about, I don't see the left wing TDS sufferers crying about LEO abuse on white people. Do you want to point it out to me
Save your passive/aggressive BS for someone that cares about your opinion.
What did I miss? You agreeing that two white women dressed in black spraying graffiti are white supremacist? I posted what is going on in GR and pointed out that most of the people cleaning up are white. And you want to point out one video in my seed. FFS she isn't even helping clean. Major fail.
Please find where I said that. I know I said the exact opposite. Do not misrepresent my words, thank you.
Same article and she is talking about stopping the violence and everyone working together, which would include her. But since you seem to need some actual photos of people working together, first a video from a GR report:
And just incase a video isn't good enough:
And these are scenes from Cleavland where there is a larger black community:
I never said blacks where not helping, show me where I said that.
The fact that you have to show the same black men numerous times is also a fail.
I will state it again, a majority of the people cleaning up are white. A majority of the people looting and breaking shit are black. No spin and sputter is going to change that fact.
Well, you said "most of the people cleaning up are white." and then I pointed to the video in your post and you said "FFS she isn't even helping clean. Major fail." Well why do you think she was in that article for the clean up if she wasn't there cleaning up?
I didn't. Do all blacks look the same to you?
And hence we will circle right back to your first comment here. And let's get something straight. The percentage of whites in Grand Rapid is 60% and blacks is 19.7%, so yeah I would expect more whites cleaning up since they are the majority. I am sure that blacks did some of the damage, but it has also been established that there was another presence there doing destruction. That is what my video actually showed. And no spin or sputter is going to change that fact either.
Wow I'm done with you. You delete photos from your post then mock me.
You missed one of your repetitive blacks though 24/76 and 19/76 are also the same guy.
That was a pretty cheap shot there but hey your playground.
What are you here for if you can't pick up the 'load'? If you have something to write to "Mac" you don't need my "rah! rah! rah!" Discuss it with Mac as I do to you.
As to what you care about: Trumpism. I figured it out!
Passive/aggressive is not efficacious on line, because it is not like anybody is going to whip anybody's butt or something. (Smile.) This is not a threat. This is not a threat. This is rhetoric.
Wow, done with me? First of all, I didn't delete photoS. I deleted one photo when I first posted it within my 10 min allotment. I play by the rules. Then I read your post and wondered what the heck you were talking about when you said: The fact that you have to show the same black men numerous times is also a fail. Well, it wasn't numerous, it was once. Kind of an exaggeration I would say. Just like you accusing me of saying that I support looting and violence which is something I didn't say, or calling people white supremacists when I didn't or calling me a extreme left wingers, which I am not. Then you complain that I mocked you, when I use your own tactic back on you. That is a hoot. Yeah, I said what I said. I own it, which is a heck of a lot better than what you have been trying to do to me all day.
I also had plenty of other black people helping which is why I didn't get your comment about the same black men numerous times. Your claim is that I used the same black men numerous times was blatantly false. So yeah you deserved the mocking. That is what you were trying to do to me. You were trying to catch me in a lie, which is why you took note of the single repeat, and that is pretty messed up. I don't lie and this is a case and point why. You always get caught in a lie.
To match the multiple cheap shots you made at me. But if you think you caught me in a lie, try again. And let's face it, that is what you were trying to do, since you actually took note of the one double shot of the guy that I removed and kept a record of it, so you knew all along it was not numerous times but once. I gave as good as I got and not because it is my playground, but because you were trying to play me the fool.
You know I was just reviewing this article and may I point you to this post: 1.1.7 . Photos of people cleaning up after the riots and you say:
So what race would that have been? What were you implying? Hence my photo essay.
Perrie ,there are whites whose hearts are filled with racial grievance (for themselves) .
"White Grievance" has been a thing in America for a few decades now.
We have tens of thousands of people protesting the murder of a black man ,who was lying face down handcuffed behind his back, by the police, on an American city street, and all some can do is complain that blacks didnt sufficiently participate in the "clean up".
There are a lot of white people who will go to their graves one day still believing that they are the real victims of racism in this country.
Sounds like you are speaking from experience JR.
It is not about indifference or grievance.
It is about being the same. It is about treating others as you would want yourself to be treated.
It is about equal in all things.
It is about people dismissing or purposefully ignoring the truth.
You know what you did.
Play the victim hit me with some more CoC.
Oh and by the way, I gave you the benefit of the doubt, Looking at your photos can you plz tell me what they have to do with Grand Rapids? I mean you were refuting that blacks were lacking in numbers cleaning up in GR right?
So yeah I still stand by what I said, Majority of the looters and rioters were black and the majority of those cleaning up where white. You want to paint me as a racist that's fine, I'm sure you will get the likes from your fellow left wingers. You can't handle facts that's on you not me.
Now find something else to flag.
Coming from you that's rich.
Sounds to me like you dont know what you are talking about.
People usually get what they ask for.
Ok, give me a list of my lies.
I will wait.
Victim? I'm no victim. That is why I said I gave as good as I got. I just didn't allow you to twist anything I did or say. And nowhere were you hit with the CoC. Not a single comment of yours was removed. Now who is playing the victim?
You never gave me the benefit of the doubt. Your very first post to me you said that I called people "White Supremacist", which I never said and then you dismiss the video from your very own post, by saying, " I posted what is going on in GR and pointed out that most of the people cleaning up are white. And you want to point out one video in my seed. FFS she isn't even helping clean. Major fail. ". So please tell me how you gave me the benefit of the doubt? By mocking me with "Major Fail"? Oh and if you actually looked and read my photo essay, you will see that the very first photo I posted was of Grand Rapids and there was a black person and a white person working together. Imagine that? Then I noted in the next grouping: "And these are scenes from Cleveland where there is a larger black community, "since the black population of GR is only19.7% which I noted in this post: 1.1.18 . My point was wasted on you. That black people and white people were actually working together for the good of their communities.
Really? Look at this photo. I see a lot of white faces in that crowd:
Michigan State Police in riot gear form a line behind the Michigan National Guard on Monday in downtown Grand Rapids. (Photo: Chris duMond, Special to the Detroit News)
and here:
Protesters march down Michigan Avenue on Monday, June 1, 2020. (Photo: David Guralnick, The Detroit News)
So who knows who did what. And again, GR is mostly white, so I am not shocked to see so many white faces marching on behalf of what happened. I'm sorry that GR got trashed. I'm sorry that NY got trashed. But it wasn't done by these good people but thugs and thieves who used it as an opportunity to wreak havoc and rob.
I never said anything about you and I never painted you as anything. I don't control who likes my posts either. I can handle facts. I gave you facts. You gave me none. What you did give me is snark and twisted my words. And even now you are trying to taunt me. You darn well know I'm not a left-winger but an independent. But I guess to you anything that is not right is left .
Again, trying guilt by innuendo. I haven't flagged a single post of yours. All anyone has to do is read up this thread to see that is true.
I would amend that to...
Anything that is not extreme right is left.
Once cockroaches scatter, it is hard to catch them.
I can't imagine the frustration of seeing this happen, knowing your people will be blamed and vilified for it, and being told by the arrogant vandals that they're doing it for you. Bullshit. They know exactly what they're doing.
This is why Christian Cooper kept recording.
I have to agree with you Sandy. I would be frustrated if I saw this happening. It is total BS. I'm glad she got this on video.
I can’t image living in a community where two scrawny girls can get away with vandalism right in front of grown men and the men did nothing to take the paint away or protect the store.
And get charged with assault and battery?
By whom exactly? Do you expect those rioting and looting to willingly step forward to press charges? It would open themselves up for charges as well.
By the same police department that thought forgery was a capital offense with summary execution.
Police will find out who the girls are in time-if it rises to that level. Much has and is happening with riotous 'cells'— first. Priorities set.
I praise this lady for doing what she did. Very brave and admirable but the black community doesn't have all high ground. Plenty of brothers and sisters hot footing it out of looted stores with beer, booze and flat screen TV's.
Lets not act like that community doesn't have some culpability here as well.
(Black) people who loot may come in two stripes:
1. People who would steal and take what is not properly given to them anytime.
2. People who yield to the temptation of an 'open' opportunity.
In my opinion, the 'occasional' yielding to temptation opportunity theif is harmless, even in accumulation. However, business owners should be able to press charges if presented the chance and they opt to take it. The damnable ones are the organized cells, particularly the 'boosters.' Such people warehouse stolen merchandise in the thousands! The businesses will go after them 'flat-footed.' And states will prosecute them to the ng degrees.
In dystopian fashion, it is so weird to see people at their worse when the 'eye in the sky' is gazing downward. Funny Sunday, to watch a 'heavy-set' woman with her spandex top's 'snaps' open and sticking out the back of her pants - not adorable at all. Then, the 'heavy-set' man sitting on a run about scooter handing out whatever and he gets up and walks into the looted store!
So yes, black people can get caught up in looting. Happens every time looting occurs any where people get caught up.
None of that justifies any rioting or looting and like i said. The black community is clearly participating. And "temptation" won't get you far in defense of such actions.
My kids were tempted to take another cookie from the cookie jar when they weren't supposed to and sometimes they did. When they did they knew there were consequences. Yep, consequences.
The thing that is missing so far for most of the perps doing all this looting and rioting. And when that changes is when this BS stops.
I am not sure where there is a disagreement, other than your not giving me the 'satisfaction.' So be that as it may. . . .
And for the record, there is a lot of dynamics playing out with these adults that your "kids" or anybody else kids for that matter can not be compared to.
Nope, you can try to spin that it is somehow different but it isn't. Not when it comes to looting and rioting. It's as simple as right and wrong and that applies to all.
Protest peacefully? No problem. Thats taking the allowed number of cookies. Riot and loot and you just got caught with your hand in the cookie jar and there should be consequences. Period.
You can't break the law ..... kinda. Either you did or you didn't.
It's really not that complicated.
Whatever is clever, XDm9mm. I don't support looting. I see it as a consequence of protest. Which leads to rioting. Which leads to businesses being 'broken open.' Which leads to people trespassing and entering.
The moral to all this: Stop killing black males unjustifiably under the color of law enforcement. People can see through the veneer to the weirdness and pathology.
I would not loot. I have never done it. I don't ever plan on doing it. That's just me. I hate the concept of jailing. All those filthy, dirty, grinding, beastly, (virus-infected nowadays) men. Nightmarish.
Fascinating. . . you're expressing absolute rights and wrongs now. Tell me, in your worldview does morality count across the board? Or just for poor ordinary folks caught up in the moment?
What is your reality? That it's alright to loot and pillage businesses in your community. That's a real nice stance you are projecting.
There are protesters who are trying to stop the looting, but good acts are rarely reported because it is not sensational enough. It takes the British papers to report it, sadly.
The two peaceful protesters carried posters that said 'We protest, not loot' and successfully spoke with and blocked two looters from breaking into an REI store on Third Street Promenade
I have to agree. There is no excuse for looting or rioting.
Look, I kind of get what CB is saying. That it takes very little to take frustrated protesters to become destructive. That it is human nature. But the law is the law, and if you do something illegal then there are consequences.
As for the looting, there is no excuse. They are thieves.
Nothing fascinating about what i said. Looting is against the law, rioting is against the law. Like i said you can't kinda loot or riot. Either you did or you didn't.
Honestly what is fascinating though is your apparent inability to grasp that simple concept that most of us learn very early in life.
I'm starting to understand what the problem is here.
Yes, what a sad state of affair our media is in these days. .
Can we get back to the police murder of George Floyd and the racist police ?
Really? because this is what he said...
Nope that is your slant or misinterpretation. My reality is this: Evidentially, there is an order to this when it occurs. Looting is at the tail-end of the process. The beginning is unjustified killing of a black man (in this context). The consequence following the cause is an effect of looting.
Police should go out of their way to stop unjustifiable killing (barely legal) of black men on the streets of the United States and the looting (or opportunist looters) won't have a 'cause' to hide within.
Your words, not mine. Anyone who think stealing is okay speaks volumes about their character. You would not be welcome in my house.
Who are you quoting? Not me. Those are CB's words. This is what I wrote:
Then you say to me:
Well so did I, if you didn't pick that up from what I actually said.
No, thanks for proving that you think you know me, try to shame me for something I didn't say, label me, and in the process make yourself look bad. Well done.
I would expect an apology, but I know better.
Apology for what? You are the one that tried to spin what this meant..
If CB isn't saying that he thinks its okay to steal then I guess I woke up in bizzaro world. And you didn't jump in and try to explain away his comment? Where is he hiding, I don't see CB anywhere walking back his statement. Because he meant what he said.
And I really don't see any reason for me to apologize to you for defending the indefensible.
You posted that I said something I never said. Then you made this remark to me: "Thanks again for coming to the defense of your fellow extreme left-wingers.", which I didn't do, nor am I a left-winger.
CB did, and my point was to him. Let's review my comment:
Then you say:
Well, clearly I was not defending the indefensible and for that, I deserve an apology, something I taught my children to do when they are wrong.
I didn't say they did.
But there's no denying that they are the intended scapegoats of false-flag criminal activity. Sometimes, they even get caught by law enforcement.
(I do not speak up for those loser 'boosters' and organized gangs.) They are thieves if only poor people acting out of desperation and opportunity. It pretty much goes without saying that a 'federal' case can be made against these people who loot. However, as we fully know, taking one or two pairs of Footlocker shoes, is not the same remotely as detectives and private investigators rolling up on 'boosters' warehousing footwear and other paraphernalia.
Moreover, parts of our government are built on theft of all kinds. But that is a whole 'nother discussion about the size, proportions, and servings of the financial 'pie' kept in the metaphorical deep-freeze of Washington, D.C.
It is like poor people have to defend why they have to beg, borrow, and once someone is unjustifiably killed by Law Enforcement Officers, to be followed up by a set of organized thieves robbing and breaking down business doors and windows. . . we focus on the poor.
There is major and far more deficit causing theft in Washington, D.C. and the private sector companies treat in rank and file workers like servants in that the definition of a '9 to 5' could be: Somewhere you go to strike a balance between what you need financially to exist plus a miserly "bonus," but never enough to walk away from the employer altogether.
You're starting to understand what the problem is here. REALLY?
Well why don't you share. Don't keep it to yourself, Sparty On. Speak brother. I would love to learn what you are 'starting to understand.'
And while you elaborating, can you for the love of whatever entity you behold answer the question I asked above:
Note: I am giving up on these one-way talks that go round about. And I really don't want to have to let this go.
Is this your very 'first' riot, XDm9mm? Because somebody is working harddddd to make us think naively about this one.
[deleted][]] [[][But for right now (to end my night), care to explain why courts recognize degrees and severity of theft, and yet you wish to grandstand on some system you think you have of absolute morality?]
But for right now (to end my night), care to explain why courts recognize degrees and severity of theft, and yet you wish to grandstand on some system you think you have of absolute morality?
And since you objectified your kids by bringing them into this. Define kids "better than that" as relating to your expression: "A thief is a thief is a thief."
You imply the kids you objectified have never stolen anything. Is that so? And you, have you never stolen anything at all no matter how small or insignificant?
‘No excuse for the brutality’: Protesters, Redding police chief to join for Tuesday march
California protests resumed Saturday, including in Visalia, over the death of George Floyd by police earlier this week. Wochit
A peaceful march is planned Tuesday in Redding that, like other protests across the U.S., brings attention to George Floyd, the black man who died on Memorial Day at the hands of Minneapolis police.
The demonstration, called the Redding March for Justice, is set to start at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday at Kohl's parking lot, 895 Browning St. Marchers plan to walk along Hilltop Drive to Dana Drive and in front of the Mt. Shasta Mall before looping back.
The event is being promoted by Redding residents Jensine Victoria and Tinasha LaRaye and is being organized by the Redding Hope Initiative, which they describe as a collective of Redding citizens.
The Beloved Community Shasta County also is publicizing the march on Facebook. The group meets at the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Center and describes itself as a grassroots movement dedicated to ... "Solidarity. Unity. Respect. & Equality. -- FOR S.U.R.E."
A flyer says the Redding march seeks justice for Floyd, an end to police brutality and the abolishment of racism, adding: "No violence, no looting, bring a mask."
Organizers said they'll have masks available for marchers who need them.
Numerous demonstrations around the country turned violent following the death of Floyd, who died with a police officer's knee holding his neck down while he pleaded that he couldn't breathe.
"Please note that this protest will be peaceful," Victoria says. "We won't be looting or tolerating any criminal activity."
Victoria said Redding Police Chief Bill Schueller will walk beside her at the march as a show of solidarity.
"It's not us against the police," Victoria said by phone Monday afternoon. "They are our friends and allies. They're there also to protect us."
She said Schueller will be one of the speakers on Tuesday's program along with Eddie McAllister, Redding's 2019 Citizen of the Year.
Schueller said he anticipates other community leaders will join the march in support.
"I'll walk with whoever is at the front of this thing," he said Monday afternoon.
Schueller said it's important for the police to be part of the overall, nationwide discussion condemning Floyd's treatment.
Schueller posted a passionate essay on Facebook about the Floyd case.
"George Floyd should be alive today," he said. "I will honor him by ensuring my department continues to serve this community with honor, integrity, respect, and always striving to be better at everything we do."
He said he's angry, frustrated and sickened by what he saw in the police video. "There is simply no excuse for the brutality we all witnessed," Schueller said.
"This unlawful, cowardly act by these officers will tear apart the trust and relationships we have tried so hard to build," he said.
Schueller said there will be a police presence at the march as one of his concerns is the uncertainty of protesters coming from out of the area. "We want to be prepared," he said.
"If you want to march, if you want to protest, please do so peacefully. We will not tolerate violence or property damage, and my staff will be there to ensure your rights are protected during any peaceful protest," wrote the chief in his post.
The Tuesday march will be the second such event in Redding following a separate demonstration Friday evening.
Schueller said about 150 people walked from the MLK Center to Redding City Hall where they stayed for about an hour in a peaceful protest. "There were no issues," the chief said.
"Peaceful protests like the one put on by a young lady in Redding named Memphis last Friday night is a perfect example of balancing the need to be heard with respect for our community," Schueller said on Facebook.
California's COVID-19 guidelines don't prohibit political protests as long as people from different households maintain their distance.
Failure to follow social distancing could result in law enforcement orders to disperse or other enforcement action, the state's regulations say.
The rules also "strongly recommend" face coverings. In addition, demonstrators are supposed to stay at least 6 feet away from police officers and other public safety personnel.
On Monday, Victoria was hoping to collect donations for the #BlackLivesMatter Freedom March through PayPal.
"This money will go to buy supplies for our cause, and any leftovers will go to fund future events against social justice," one of her posts says.
Victoria encouraged people to bring signs with the themes #ICantBreathe, #JusticeforGeorgeFloyd, #EndRacism, #BetterTogether.
Meanwhile, a team of eight Shasta County law enforcement officers went to San Francisco over the weekend to help police there maintain order during protests, Shasta County Sheriff Eric Magrini said.
Five Redding police officers, one from Anderson and two Shasta County deputies went down together and have since returned, he said.
The sheriff took note of Tuesday's planned nonviolent march and said his officers would be available to assist Redding police "if needed."
Mike Chapman is a reporter and photojournalist for the Record Searchlight in Redding, Calif. His newspaper career spans Yreka and Eureka in Northern California and Bellingham, Wash. Follow him on Twitter @ mikechapman_RS . Subscribe today !
This kind of event has happened elsewhere in the Central Valley of California. I endorse this event and intend to attend it. I didn’t know about the Friday event but it went well.
Redding Police Chief joins march for justice, calling to end police brutality.
As protests are a constitutional right, Social Distancing and Respirator Masks are being recommended to allow the event to take place.
Event organizers are a coalition of local church based volunteers led by Tinasha LaRayé and Eddie McAllister, who points out that this is not a protest but a call for unity and healing.
EVENT: IMG_3155.png
A better person than you CB, I don't make excuses for thieves.
Again, your words speak volumes about you.
I'm starting to understand that some people seem to have a need to justify illegal behavior. When it comes to established law and sympathy for those who break it, i'll quote my DI with these very apropos words:
"If you're looking for sympathy puddin, you'll find it in the dictionary between shit and syphilis"
Again, this isn't hard. Rioting and looting is illegal. Period .... full stop .... no need to go any further
So what is your point, besides throwing our a red herring? Police, authority figures and enforcers of the law in states, should not unjustifiable shoot or choke black males to death on the streets of this country. Do you have a problem with that statement, XDm9mm?
Irrelevant. Your pretense at being above it all is noted. Moving on. . . .
I was busy on Monday. Besides I don't owe you a timetable. You go and come as you please. WTHeaven? You won't allow me to go and come as I please? Anyway, I answered you about that comment elsewhere at sometime. Check that out.
And miss me with the 'high and mighty' routine. I don't steal and I don't loot. I wrote that somewhere on this thread. Indeed, where I live there are no rallies or protests which generally happen.
However, I can see (as society and courts do) extenuating and aggravating circumstances in the lives of these protesters. Not the 'boosters,' nevertheless. Much of this theft is petty and you need not try to magnify feigned outrage by trying to suggest I am a thief.
You would be wrong about that. You would miss the mark. The accusation would be irrelevant. And, besides, but Trump!
You're in "bizzaro world." Recognizing as courts do (are they complicit in breaking the law?) that there are causes which bring about the effect of stealing is not approval of stealing or denial that it is morally wrong. (Jesus, the best of humanity, forgave the thief on the cross!) Jumping to the high mark conclusion of implying that I am someone who would be not welcome in your house, is a leap to explicitly calling me a thief who would loot. That's your logical mistake. I would take anything from anybody's home. Indeed, I am more apt to clean and enhance the unit for you!
When you come back from "bizzaro"- just apologize and we can move on.
See @2.3.23. If you have to over-explain the concept somebody is being 'willful' here.
That fool is out there trying to deconstruct the city one brick at a time with all those people watching his silly butt! Hilarious.
White nationalist group posing as antifa called for violence on Twitter
No argument there but it is clear to anyone paying attention that's going on. Like the two skinny white antifa bitches painting BLM on the side of a building.
That said, it's pretty tough to ignore the color of many of the looters. Many from the black community getting their free shit that's for sure.
Interesting that you would pick only White Nationalist groups.
Here you go, for your educational pleasure.
You are most welcome.
A thief is a thief. You take something that isn't yours that is wrong.
Excusing a thieves behavior is just as wrong, period.
They probably have shopping lists from their parents.
You have evidence that they were Antifa?
The same amount the you have on white nationalists.
Basically we are watching antifa’s self documented mission statement in action with all the looting and rioting.
Either group of radicals I’ve noted are not beyond suspicion right now. The other that isn’t mentioned is local gangs. This is right in their wheelhouse as well.
Quote me mentioning them in this discussion.
Okay, my bad. I had you confused with CB.
We've managed to exhaust this 'pony' so I am climbing off. The ride was mediocre, nevertheless.
Police don't need defending right now, XDm9mm. This is about the offense which took place in Minneapolis. But look, I weary of going around in circles on it. You and I can just disagree.
It's been a rather strange long day of happenings for me. I have no more interest in going around in circles about anarchist, 'boogaloos,' Antifa, or whomsoever. Maybe another time when my mind can get into it. For the record, I don't support any violence protest groups. I read about it, I will assume same as you do.
And that was my point for posting about fake Antifa. The article is an FYI (for those who care and know something about it).
Forget it, KD. This is taking a disproportionate about of time and having a long day has taken will it my train of thought and interest in this thread.
Oooo-weeeee a 'gotcha'! I am going to let you enjoy that one on me! Cheers!
You? Confused? Should I be concerned?
I agree with this too!
I guess not, since you've responded to me alone three times after this.
Make up your mind and stop doing the ...... squirrel .....
Who believes only blacks are looting? Or that only whites oppose looting? Quite a strawman.
Other than the "it's all white supremacists" nonsense, I don't think anyone is talking in racial absolutes.
And no one said that Sean. Lately I have the feeling that this is going on between you and me:
I am often reminded of that bit.
You don't post articles claiming the sky is blue today. Or water, is in fact, wet.
"Black people speaking out against vandalism. White people causing the destruction"
Why is this newsworthy? Who is claiming the opposite?
The way some here are continuously throwing disrespect at you and others says a good deal about their reason for being here on NT. If they spent as much time engaging in civil and productive debate and/or conversation their contributions would be appreciated. But, that does not seem to be their agenda.
You really need to read some of the comments on the different articles, Sean. So here is the proof that the is an element of people there that are not from the black community or even from BLM that are making it look like blacks are doing the damage. That is newsworthy.
Apparently not. But thanks for the support.
Been a long time since I saw that. Love Monty Python! I see that as well.
Thanks Ed! Love Monty Python, too. I used to have a group here for it, but no one participated and I dumped it
After seeing all the madness some people are descending into in this country, I am so grateful I live where I do in a small town down on the AZ/Mexico border. The closest big city is Tucson which is two hours away. We have a population of just under 16,000. The majority of said population is largely Hispanic mixed with white and a small percentage of African American and others. We are small enough not to attract the attention of said disruptive elements being discussed. We have had some try over the years and were run out of town post haste. We are also a fairly tight knit community that does not tolerate out of town disruptive elements. We have our share of different political ideologies but we manage to still have polite discussions. We are not perfect but we do try to get along. There are things to be said about small and semi isolated small town living. My prayers go out to those who have suffered through these trying times and I hope perpetrators whomever they may be are brought to justice.
Too bad, I would have. I grew up watching Monty Python!
Next to the dead parrot and SPAM bits, it is one of my favs.
No you're not! (-:
I most certainly am!
Are not! I could do this all night! (-:
No you couldn't.
Yes, he could
Look, this isn't an argument!
Yes it is
Personally, the Black Knight and the carnivorous rabbit from The Goly Grail are two of my favotites.
No it isn’t; an argument is a connected series of statements intended to establish a proposition. It is not the automatic gainsaying of what the other person said!
You win.
Your reply here would be: "It can be" . If so, then my reply would be:
Oh, I've had enough of this!
( Your reply then is: "No you haven't" )
No, it's not.
And this is something different but nice:
A friend of mine posted this on Facebook. They're actually not Amish, although they dress similarly. They're Church of God. There's an article somewhere that names the church.
See, this is why one should never jump to conclusions. I thought they were Amish or Mennonite, but I was wrong.
I'd have thought the same, from their clothes, if I hadn't already seen her post.
I wonder if those who are breaking the windows and doors are doing the looting-------------or are they merely creating the opportunity for others with a 'political effect' in mind?
Who knows? To me, they look like anarchists. They need to be rounded up a justice be had.
That's the fondest wish of some here.
I realize that, but we have to deal with the reality of the situation. I would hope that they would realize that the average American, no matter what color or political affiliation would not want this.
They will be rounded up, I'd imagine. That is if there is video, camera, or "id'-ing going on! The most egregious activities will come to the head. After all this is ended.
Yes and the average police officer would not do what Chauvin did to that man.
That argument really does work both ways.
The pain in this young woman's voice is palpable and heartbreaking. I would have loved it had she snatched their masks and sunglasses off of at least one of them. It would be the best way to learn their identities and expose their true purpose.
It's unfortunate that these two white fools are but drops in a really big bucket. There is no mistaking the ethnicity of those doing the majority of the looting and burning. On CNN just now, they were showing several stores being looted in Philadelphia. There was one store (I'm not sure of the name) where the looters seemed to have zero sense of urgency. They were strolling in and strolling out with armloads and baskets full of booze and toilet paper and whatever. While I feel horrible for the business owners, I feel worse about the message that is being lost with every pilfered item and every business burned to the ground. George who?
My dear Sister, all is not lost really. Anything really essential or of important value to the businesses and it is caught on tape or has hidden trackers in it the videos can be requisitioned by insurance companies detectives—where the police do not investigate further themselves.
I saw some really
stupidity in CNN footage today too. 'Poor' people don't realize that the eyes in the sky are looking down on them and they look really small and pathetic in their attire and ill-fitting 'gear' hauling 'taken' gear. BTW, this will create new work for people in retrievals.
I have to agree with you 100% Sister. You summed it up perfectly!
And I think it is sad that this kind of carnage and looting is being done in the name of a person who would not approve of what they are doing, nor appreciate it being done in his name.
It is sad as well, that his name will ultimately be connected to the riotous protests and wide spread damage instead of the act of injustice put upon him that caused his untimely death.
Just as Rodney King will forever be associated with the Watts Riots far more than the vicious, racially charged near death beating he endured from a protester during the riot.
There is no justice to be had from such violent protests. None. And they are in fact shaming the person they are supposed to be seeing justice for.
It will be interesting to see how Barr handles the case of Mr Floyd. He was also the one how handles the case of Rodney King in the Watts riots.
It's hard to say what he would approve of considering he was trying to pass counterfeit money when the police were called and he has a bad past. Floyd was charged in 2007 with armed robbery in a home invasion in Houston and in 2009 was sentenced to five years in prison as part of a plea deal, according to court documents.
Is that why Derek Chauvin knelt on Floyd's neck for 9 minutes? Or why Chauvin is on suicide watch tonight?
No that’s why it’s hard to say Floyd would not approve of what the thugs are doing.
In a sense you are right, Raven. When I think of Rodney King I think of the beating he underwent and the aftermath where Reginald Denny is pulled out of his truck and tragically hit with a peace of concrete. Those go hand and hand for me after all this time. The fires in LA come in follow-up. But, I never forget the beating and Rodney King beat from 'pillar to post' that night.
Really?! Oh snap! (He will handle it however Trump wants him to! There is no daylight between Trump and his loyal cabinet officials (Trump sees to it).)
Derek Chauvin was no price of a guy either. He had 18 prior complaints against him. All the complaints were "closed with discipline," which means that a letter of reprimand had been issued.
If you don't mind, this might be a good spot to put this thing, which is an analysis of the evidence against Chauvin.
How low of you to try to dreg up Mr. Floyd's past. You're trolling Mr. Floyd. In addition, we all have individual past lives too. Why 'parakeet' for some monster's talking points? We will never know if Mr. Floyd knew the twenty dollars was a fraud. Moreover, this is not about what he may have been in the past anyway. It is about how he was not given due process on the day of his death. You're wrong for what you did just now.
Raven Wing was claiming she knew what Floyd would have approved of. I was providing factual evidence of why we really don’t know if he would approve of the actions of the thugs. You really should go review the post I was replying to so you can see how far off base you are.
Has it ever crossed you mind that sometimes not supplying superfluous or extraneous information is suitable? I mean, when Trump is the topic, his conservatives who I feel should know the ins and outs of his past dealings and doings as well or better than us, run empty and silent. It's not like you don't have discipline in holding your peace in the face of withering facts about Trump.
OK Guys,
Let's not digress off topic...
George Floyd will not be forgotten. We simply need to keep him in memory and remembrance.
Sister the message is lost because people let it be lost.
There are people who only want to talk about the "riots," they dont want to talk about the racism because they have no answers.
Let us know when you solve the misplaced hatred equation for humanity John. Until then you are just pissing in the wind.
By the way, keep hating on Trump now ya hear.
No answers there ... still pissing into the wind there JR
It’s great to see people in Philadelphia defending and protecting store fronts and chanting pro police and USA chants and four more years! A great multiracial crowd defending their neighborhoods.
See any "mom's apple pie" and big ass American flags flying behind them? Are there any Christian hymns and prayers being song and uttered. I mean, we're talking staging right?
No. People are answering the call to clean up messes as well as now to assist police by defending storefronts from being vandalized and or looted and burned. No staging at all. It was a great thing to see. It made me prouder still to be an American!
Well if the hearts are comings from the right place and the focus is on the protection of unalienable rights of all citizens of goodwill Amen. There should be no daylight between people of goodwill in doing good for all humanity. Evil-doers should cease and desist all of their darkest tendencies.
It's good to finally learn that all the riots and looting wasn't done by black people but rather by white people.
If you've been watching, clearly its both but i for one have little doubt most of it is being done or at least driven by disaffected white youth.
Mostly the antifa-jugend in all likelihood.
I might as well go on record about this so here it goes.
Personally I am glad that the officers involved all lost their jobs , and that the main perp has been arrested and charged , as for the other former officers , I am glad the states AG has taken over prosecution , I am sure that he is looking into what statutes can be applied so charges can be handed out accordingly.
I am also glad that I saw a news piece stating this COULD be the catylist for the courts to look into the immunity afforded to LEO that has been upheld by the court system and could possably go to the highest court in the land .
I will always stand with those that wish to peacefully assemble to bring attention to unjust situations , and the right to peacefully protest. Where I draw the line is when a peaceful protest turns to criminal activity , and rioting , looting and property destruction on any level is a criminal activity.
I have seen a lot of finger pointing going both ways , Its antifa , its white sups, I have on this site only seen 3 people even suggest it could be an entity outside those 2 , which I think is likely closer to the truth in my opinion .
Personally If anything good actually comes of all this , it will be the part of the immunity granted LEO being looked at and a lot of those opportunities for bad cops to abuse the system is taken away and that the immunity the courts grant , is more stringently regulated.
It should be. A man is dead and being buried; the nation is burning over a measly $20.00 bill. All you have to do is properly arrest the man ("hog-tie" him if need be). And get him to 'rest' in a jail cell, if appropriate.
Instead stupidity prevailed. A man is dead and the aftermath is well, everywhere. And God help us, I mean HELP US if the coronavirus 'blazes' across the country again because of this Minneapolis catalyst.
I am sure Mr. Floyd would have gladly given all parties a different twenty dollar bill to keep his life. Heavens! I would give all of them a twenty dollar bill to sustain Mr. Floyd's or anybody's life!
You did read my entire post I hope that you quoted, to understand where exactly I stand?
is there something else you want said or have a question about?
Nope, I'm good. I read the thread. I got 'conversant' to your insight. (Smile.)
Spot on, the blue wall of silence needs to be torn down.
I will agree to that. It's well past time for truth to prevail. We're all the same 'blood', including police!
That code of silence has been a problem for a long, long time.
It's how a shitbird like Chauvin survives as long as he did on the force.
Sad part is it gives the remaining majority of the cops, that are very good at their jobs, a bad name. And they clearly don't deserve that.
I personally know many that don't deserve it at all.
It may have to start with the collective bargaining agreements that Police unions are getting municipalities to sign up to. My dad was a Chicago cop in the 60's-70's and the police union protected bad cops and still does. Fellow cops do the same, I know my dad's partner did...
I don't think the police unions have a thing to do with it , the courts set the precedents for police immunity and what they will allow as well as the prosecutors in their choosing to press charges or not , so the courts can change the precedence , of course the union will bitch , but wont be much they can do really as more and more bad cops get weeded out , which is actually the goal ..
and correct me if I read your post wrong , did you just admit that your dads partner covered for his partner? meaning your dad was one of those offensive bad cops?
When municipalities sign contracts that give police officers the right see evidence against them BEFORE they speak to investigators, it's a big issue. Police have rights that no other perpetrator have, all based on their union contracts.
You read my post right. Check out the history of Jon Burge. Dad was an early adherent.
Hmmmm ... a real life Hank Voight eh?
I see the point you have made now , and admittedly something I really didn't consider, but I also can think of a rather simple solution as well and that would fall on the municipalities and different governments legislatures to simply create legislation that would remove such things from the contracts. a simple solution that might be a little harder to make a reality though and I understand that.
and I admit this is not something any single entity of government is going to be able to solve totally on their own , even though some single entities can take steps to mitigate things for the better.
you have given me food for thought , and that's never really a bad thing , and I cant say I can come up with a workable answer .
And yes I looked up the person you mentioned , not someone I would have worked for or followed back in my younger years when I got being LEO out of my system. I doubt he would have let me work for him anyway.
I don't watch cop shows unless you count Gunsmoke. I spent most of my youth steeped in the raw reality of that shit and I got my fill of it.
Perrie -
There is also another view of the protests that I believe is largely being overlooked in the media. Across the country a growing number of police officers and leaders are joining the protests as one can see HERE and HERE . Certainly the vast majority of officers across the country disagree with the way George Floyd was treated and most would agree that the officer(s) should do time for the murder that was committed. Standing/marching in solidarity with the protesters is a good start toward actually making the changes that need to be made to avoid such tragedies.
Perhaps this is the sort of thing the main stream media should be focusing on increasingly at this time. Certainly there needs to be much more of it, but there is growing desire among officers to be part of real change and a concerted effort to end police brutality especially against those who have suffered the most from it. That is what really needs to happen across the country. Good officers like these, with all of our support, need to insist that their departments change, policies change, leadership changes, training changes and officers who do not change need to be released before any more folks of color like George Floyd are killed or treated unjustly. Local authorities also need to work on encouraging greater diversity among the police forces in every community, preferably with close ties to the local community.
This is what did not happen in Minneapolis even though it was supposed to have happened after past events in that department. That was a failure in leadership in my opinion, based on what I have read. From the Governor, to the mayor, to the police chief(s) and the leader of the officer's local union there has been no accountability. New policies need to be created, followed and enforced from top to bottom, and those who refuse or obstruct it should be shown the door.
We can all help by insisting that our elected officials address these issues and show proof that they are adopting and enforcing better policies, training and watchdog policies that include community input in every police and sheriffs department and precinct across the nation.
Stories like these of officers standing in solidarity with protesters is a good start, but we have a long way to go and we need to see it all the way through.
Freewill, that is the perfect post. Thank you for adding it to this article. You made my day!
Great post Freewill!
Change is always best if it comes from inside..... Take care.
More stories on this HERE and HERE .
This really needs more media attention. The more stories like this that are high-lighted the more pressure it puts on other cities and police departments to follow suit. This needs to be front page news and high-lighted by every network.
And yet there are groups saying not to let the cops join our protest . That makes no sense to me. Their excuse is:
Well no shit if you keep pushing them away, and if they don't join the protests and see to it that changes are made, nothing will change. A spirit of cooperation needs to be built, not a spirit of skepticism, distrust, hatred, and political partisanship that has been part of the problem in the first place.