Mitt Romney : Black Lives Matter
I am not a fan of Mitt Romney. His private equity (vulture capital) firm Bain Capital, ruined thousands of lives by "creatively destructing " companies and causing thousands of people to lose their jobs.
But Romney's usefulness now is to be anti-Trump and he does a relatively good job of doing that. Now Romney has done more to make Trumpers heads explode, he has uttered the infamous words that agitate the blood of every right winger in America ,
"Black lives matter".
is marching with a group of nearly 1,000 Christians to the White House. Here he is on video saying why he’s walking: “... to make sure that people understand that Black Lives Matter”
Romney opposes Trump even though he is attacked by the Trumpsters and it has undoubtedly cost him influence and standing in the Senate and within his party.
Romney has devolved into a weak and unfunny joke. You must think he wields some kind of power and clout and influence.
I seriously doubt that he gives a crap or cares about black or brown people, now, or ever in his pathetic life..
But now he, and Shrub too, have become folk hero's for the left.
Too funny!
They aren't heroes. They are at least making a pretense of doing the right thing though. Broken clock and all.
they are globalists who have been selling our country to china for yrs.
there are more never trumpers / globalists on both sides of the isle
I only listed the presidents. and none of them president or not ever supported trump because they knew he would end that globalist crap and now they hate him even more because he did end that globalist crap and set 50yr records in unemployment at the same time.
Romney doing his best to try to stay relevant when he no longer is, or was for that matter.
Ah yes, the old enemy of my enemy gambit ..... which rarely ends well for those who embrace it ......
Nah but your shameful attempted redefinition of the term TDS is noted.
Try harder John, that one is tired enough to be dust by now ....
TDS means different things to both parties.
Nah, some on the left hijacked it because they were not clever enough to come come up with one on their own.
I like how blm makes an appearance a few months before presidential elections.
you can almost set your calendar by their bs.
Derek Chauvin is responsible for the reappearance of BLM at this time.
No, John, the Democrat powers that be are responsible for not getting rid of racist cop Chauvin a long time ago.
He caused problems there for years, while the "leaders" in that Dem stronghold simply looked the other way.
so no other black people killed by cop since 2016 ? ?
amazing if true
I would add that body cam should not be able to be turned off by anyone less than a shift supervisor with a key.
on duty? cam on every minute... no time outs and no exceptions
Fuck black lives matter. White males have died THE EXACT SAME WAY. Blacks are not special. They do not receive any more brutality than any other race. Just of bunch of cry babies. Also Romney does not have the ability to make my head explode. He embarrasses himself every time he opens his mouth. No need for me to say anything about him.
You sound excitable right now.
And you sound like someone avoiding an inconvenient fact.
Yet you aren't embarrassed by anything Trump says or does. Possibly anxious that we've finally reached the apex of Trump's approval and its on a steep slide down.
We'll leave that to the left.
No reputable poll shows his approval rating that low unless of course it was put together by an unreputable polling agency like Dewey, Cheatum and Howe.
According to who? Let me guess, another poll right?
The Black Lives Matter movement will fail. In the United States it isn't possible to achieve equal rights by infringing on the rights of others. BLM has been doomed from the beginning.
Mitt Romney endorsing a lost cause isn't surprising. Romney doesn't understand the United States. Mitt Romney is following the Mormon history of taking a knee and standing apart from the United States. Romney has abused freedom and the rule of law to infringe upon the rights of others for his own self benefit.
The BLM movement is doing the same. BLM is abusing freedom and the rule of law to pursue a limited self benefit. BLM is taking a knee and standing apart from the United States. BLM is voicing a grievance that the black population has been treated differently, with considerable justification for the grievance. The problem is that BLM is demanding that the black population be treated differently as a solution.
Equal rights cannot be achieved by standing apart. The resolution of the justified grievance requires that the black population become part of all of us. All Lives Matter. All Lives Matter describes equality. The only equality that can be achieved by Black Lives Matter is separate but equal; which dooms BLM to failure in the United States.
The US is flooded with "white grievance" at this point in time.
Why is that surprising? The civil rights effort (demanding preferential treatment) has been divisive rather than unifying. The civil rights effort has become a competition between grievances.
If the black population dismisses 'white grievances' as unimportant and irrelevant then the same will happen to 'black grievances'. The BLM movement may achieve equality among the black population but has deliberately excluded the white population so can never achieve any sort of universal equality.
Even if Mitt Romney supports BLM, I do not. Although I might have been supportive at one time, once it endorsed BDS it lost me.
If it drops its endorsement of BDS, I will think differently, but what I DO support is its DOMESTIC purpose and maybe that's the business it should mind.