Obama Demands to See Trump's Elementary-School Diploma
Category: News & Politics
Via: jbb • 5 years ago • 66 commentsBy: Andy Borowitz (The New Yorker)
By Andy Borowitz
Photograph by Mark Makela / Getty
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Former President Barack Obama ignited a firestorm of controversy on Wednesday by demanding to see President Donald Trump's elementary-school diploma.
Speaking to reporters in Washington, Obama called on Trump to prove "once and for all" that he had completed a K-through-five program.
"While the U.S. Constitution does not require the President to have graduated from fifth grade, it would still be nice to know that he had done so," Obama said.
By insisting on the release of Trump's diploma, Obama joined a growing movement of so-called schoolers, who contend that Trump never attended school.
Schoolers' demands to see documentation of Trump's elementary-school attendance have yet to sway the White House, which has released only a short version of Trump's second-grade report card, with the grades completely redacted.
Obama revealed that he had hired forensic detectives to study Trump's utterances and tweets to determine the extent of his verifiable schooling, but, so far, they had found "no proof" of a fifth-grade education.
"Donald Trump claims that he attended elementary school," Obama said. "All I'm asking is, where's the evidence?"
I'm not gonna believe it till I see it with my own eyes!
While Obama keeps all his school records under lock and key. There is also the matter of the photo shopped long form birth certificate
So, Obama doesn't release something that no other President has released.
Meanwhile Trump threatens his schools if they release his, even though he wasn't asked for them.
Trump Threatened Colleges Over Any Leaks of His Grades
Oh for Heaven's sake! Give it a rest Greg. Die hard tRumpists don't get satire I guess.
Do you mean that President Trump lied - again?
Are there still such fucking morons out there claiming Obama wasn't born in the US? Really? You really have to be a bottom feeding nut job conspiracy theorist to believe that sack of bullshit. I can't imagine many 'birthers' actually passed 5th grade either, so they're likely the perfect Trump supporter. Small minds think alike.
.... and he still claims he isn't a birther [deleted]
There is absolutely NO proof that Trump was born in America. Why does Trump refuse to release his birth certificate? Because he was a Soviet anchor baby...
There is a series of videos on You Tube where a digital forensics expert explains, in great detail, why Obama's birth certificate is not a fake. I would refer Greg to those videos, but why waste my time.
He was born in Hawaii, the son of Frank Marshall Davis. Stanley Ann and child never did see Barak Sr off at the airport, and she left for Seattle shortly after his birth.
But in his bio he claimed to have been born in Kenya. Why did he do that?
The truth is out there for those not afraid to look. He was a phony and a fraud.
at his age it's probably the last general election to vote in before strapping on the drool cup
in his bio he claimed to have been born in Kenya
No, he did not.
So why was his father's name listed as "African"?
When was that particular term ever used in the US.
And I have seen videos that contradict what you say.
Just about everything said by and about Obama is a lie.
Just about everything said by and about Obama by hard-core reactionaries and other Republican loonies is a lie...
It wasn't.
His father's RACE is listed as African.
I'm pretty sure that you can find multiple examples of it's use in the writings of our Founders even prior to the Revolution.
Your statements about Obama sure as hell qualify.
At least you admit you are a conspiracy nut by continuing to press it.
And we have a number of NT members that have clearly outed themselves as hard core conspiracy types......
I've met a couple of Qanon types in person and it is astounding how far they will go to try to support their points. They are scary in the quantity of their delusions.
You know eventually they will come out. Just like every previous President, their lives after their Presidency are slowly and methodically researched and recorded and we will get to see his gardes some day. I doubt there will be any of his supporters left defending him at that point because he'll likely be exposed for much worse criminals activity after he "graduated".
History will not be kind to dumb dishonest Donald.
I've got a friend like that, he has stopped watching any network news so he can claim plausible deniability for his support for Trump.
Trump was a German anchor baby.
On his father's side...
It's possible that Trump actually has a university degree........from Trump University.
Gotta love Andy Borowitz!
Hey - some people say he's as smart as a 5th grader - some say he's not.
Just to set things right - let's see the diploma from Ng'esumin Primary School - signed notarized affidavits from all teachers, maids, chauffeurs, janitors, all of his classmates, the school mascot, grounds keepers, and all school vendors.
We still need proof that Obama has a brain.
MRI please.
Only those who have no brain themselves would have trouble recognizing President Obama, a constitutional law professor, has not only a very high IQ but a wealth of knowledge from years of quality education and experience, something Trump will never have.
His only experience was as a political agitator, a state senator, and an unproductive partial term in the US Senate, beating Jeri Ryan's ex husband.
He brought invalid credentials to the game, but got to bat anyway.
You forgot his experience as a community organizer for the Catholic Church.
You conveniently forgot he went to Harvard Law School, where he was president of the "Harvard Law Review". After graduating, he worked as a civil rights attorney and a professor, teaching constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004. But you go right ahead and assume he's a simple uneducated agitator community organizer just like so many racists like to believe simply because their tiny hate filled brains can't imagine a black man being far more educated, knowledgeable and experienced than themselves.
He never held a full time job for more than 4 years before becoming President.
Right, because working as a civil rights attorney and a law professor for 12 years doesn't count since they were both part time jobs he was working concurrently. Are you really that fucking desperate to find any way to try and diminish the record of our first black President? Is that the only way you can sleep at night? To pretend Obama is somehow stupid or unqualified so you can justify your irrational hate of the first black President and pretend it's not at all racially motivated?
Obama was a Illinois State Senator from 1997-2004.
Whoops! Try again.
Why? I refuted your bullshit the first time.
Yes, tRump is and always was a total failure.
No you didn't. You are persisting in ignorance.
The Illinois legislature was not a full time job. Or do you think Obama is a liar for calling it a part time job?
More bullshit.
Prove it.
More bullshit.
Of course not.
Prove it
Can't you prove your point, just once? But here you go:
" I was living in the district, and the state legislature was a part - time position."
I await your apology.
I don't think Reverend Wrights's "hate America" church was Catholic.
You won't get it. The only thing you will get is an internet expert (fill in the blank)spin on what "part time means.
I await your paying for my subscription to the NYTs.
This was while he was also still working as a civil rights attorney and working as a constitutional law professor for the University of Chicago Law School. Thanks for pointing out he was working THREE jobs during that time period, proving he was far more productive than any sniveling little useless pieces of shit who seem desperate to claim themselves superior to a hard working black man.
await your paying for my subscription to the NYTs.
I knew you wouldn't do the honorable thing and admit you were wrong.
But google is your friend.
In the future, as a point of etiquette, if you call "bullshit" on someone, be able to back it up. You know all the many times I've called bullshit on you, I've been able to prove it. To call " bullshit" without knowing what you are talking about as you did is weak and bad form.
Yeah well, Trump never held any job before now and he is about to get fired from that one...
Ten American states have a full-time state legislature. A full-time state legislature is defined as a legislature that meets throughout the year. All other legislators are considered part-time because they only meet for a portion of the year.
The full-time state legislatures are:
That was noted as 'political agitator'
Yes, but they don't want to admit WHO paid him to be a 'political agitator' and how successful he was for them.
Your joke falls flat on its face.
An MRI will show he has a brain. He wouldn't be living if he didn't.
What is conservative satire besides making sexist remarks about Democratic women or yucking it up about black kids getting shot and peaceful protesters getting clubbed and maced? You know? Really funny stuff /S...
Or the silly meme of the guy in the wheelchair holding a leash on a woman.
Where did you get a MRI image for trmp's brain?
Clever humor.
I would not be surprised if Trump were to pull something like this in reality.
Actually his graduation from kindergarten is in question. It's been reported that when asked his name he uttered ''covfefe'' and was sent to the corner for a time out.
The late William T. Kelley, who taught Trump at the University of Pennsylvania, said, “Donald Trump was the dumbest goddamn student I ever had.”
that's a good one