The Reason Donald Trump Might Quit

The basis for this article is not something I concluded on my own , although I think if I thought in this direction I would have reached the same conclusion Joe Scarborough and Donny Deutch did on Morning Joe this morning.
People wonder, would Donald Trump just quit the election and announce he is not going to stand for a second term? On one level it sounds crazy, but on another , the prospect makes a lot of sense.
Trump will do what is best for Trump , and the Trump brand, that is a given. So what is best for Trump, going into the next 10 years of his life as a big loser, crushed by Sleepy Joe in the November election , humiliated by massive rejection of him personally? His legacy shredded by ignominious defeat? Or is Trump's future , AND THE FUTURE OF HIS BRAND, AND HIS CHILDREN'S BRAND, better served by Trump telling the American people that he and the country had three "incredible" years of victories that will last forever and it was only an uncontrollable pandemic that ended that run and that he is stepping down to allow the country to reset.
If he does it by Labor Day he would give his party enough time to choose another candidate and mount a relatively normal campaign for that person, so Trump couldn't be accused of abandoning the country to Biden. He could say that the new candidate should rise or fall on their own merit.
At this point Trump has to be worrying about his brand if he loses. Not just loses but loses in a big rout. And not only his brand, his own self-image will be at stake. He will live the rest of his life as the man who lost badly to Sleepy Joe. If Trump declines to run he can set himself up as the televangelist of Trumpism, start his new cable news channel , and tour the country having rallies where he would criticize whatever he wants and recount how great he was as president. He would have a continuing movement and maintain "power" over his fans. If he gets his clock cleaned in the election his value as a crusader for Trumpism would largely evaporate.
There is also the matter of his vulnerability to criminal prosecution to consider though. How afraid is Trump that a Democratic led Department of Justice will seek retribution on him for his behavior toward that institution and indict him for his multiple crimes? I'm not so sure he's that worried. He has been embroiled in court his whole life and has been a crook his whole life, and it has always worked out for him before. And he knows it's unlikely that any court will send an ex-president to prison.
I don't think Trump will quit the race, but I bet the thought occurs to him more regularly lately. It has to sound appealing on some level.
I think there is a 20% or so chance he will quit the race by Labor Day.
He has to quit and resign. How else will he be able to get Pence to issue blanket pardons?
... and congress can remove the SS protection for he and his crime family afterwards...
By the time the case/s come to trial. Pence will no longer be president.
POS/POTUS has a life long history of running from his problems.
I doubt he'll quit. His ego won't let him. Im of the opinion he only entered the presidential race originally as a goof. A means to get attention. I doubt he was ever serious about wanting to be president.
I agree with that 100%. Just like the rest of the nation, he was as surprised as anyone else when he won. But there were 3 major players that were not surprised: Charles Kushner, Jared Kushner, and Vladimir Putin. They saw an opportunity to put a mindless, bendable, chump into office to do their dirt for them, and they succeeded. Trump might never go to prison, but the Kushner's will.
I can guarantee one thing: He will quit before he lets the decent people of this nation vote his saggy behind out of office. Besides, I don't think he wants to be president any more. If he did, he would have made better decisions in the last year. He's not even remotely interested in doing the right thing in regard to Covid, racial division, and a plethora of other issues that affect us all.
And pardon this off-topic PS: If I see Steve Scalise hold up that stupid stack of papers in the Corona Virus Subcommittee hearing one more time this morning, I'm getting in my car, driving to the airport, catching a flight to DC, and slapping what's left of the hair on his head.
He doesn't strike me as taking the job seriously. Trump seems to prefer spending his time tweeting & golfing. If I were president, I doubt I would have any such free time at all. I would be too busy trying to lead the nation and address any problems.
HI John, It would be a wish come true if Trump quits, he will not, we have known about Trump and his racist father in NY for at least 50 years, Trump knows if he quits, he would be charged for crimes in NY Tax evasion and whatever else the Attorney General of NY has on him and his children, he will hang on to the bitter end. Democrats need to get in the ring and out match Trump , anticipate his moves, three or four moves ahead, only way to land a knock out blow, what other reasons would he be stacking the courts?? he may be in for a rude awakening...
Zero chance! You got yourself into this mode of thinking for 3 reasons.
1) You were watching MSNBC
2) You can't accept the idea of Trump being the President
3) You made a fatal & false assumption - "Trump will do what is best for Trump." Trump didn't subject his family + himself to 3 years of sheer hell if he wasn't thinking beyond himself!!!
BTW, Scarborough & co most likely got the idea from a POLITICO article written by John F Harris.
that's funny. you should do more comedy of this sort. Trump can't think "beyond himself" for more than 10 seconds at a time.
If he loses , say 400 electoral votes to 139 , his "legacy" would be as the man who destroyed the Republican Party (that's most likely his legacy no matter what, but such a defeat would make it official.)
The pandemic is not going to be over by election day, the economy is not going to be recovered by election day, and Trump is a hot mess of a candidate. Most of all "swing" voters have seen him in action for 3 1/2 years and are mainly appalled. That cable news channel with the Trump name on it and a rally schedule of once a month or so in 2021 is probably looking better and better.
Do you suppose they'll let him run his cable show from prison?
Think it only qualifies as 2 years, since he spent almost 300 days (so far) just golfing.
And is still more successful than his predecessor.
Utter nonsense. Trump's whore daughter made 7 million dollars last year.. Yea, the sheer hell of it...
You follow a president that by his own argument in essence has said, "If Herman Cain had not been tested for Covid, he would still be alive".
You follow a president that by his own argument in essence has said, "If Herman Cain had not been tested for Covid, he would still be alive".
The man is a total dunce, The Conservatives used him to stack the courts, unless they need him for others reasons, , they will throw him out like dirty dish water before the election to save their skins, (house and senate) I hope President Biden has the GUTS to remove those Judges that were not qualified to be on the bench, remove them and be ready for a court fight...
It's interesting that Pompeo made the kind of speech he did at the Nixon Library - it reeked with a veiled Presidential desire. Could he be the secret Republican weapon to put up if and when Trump does the most intelligent thing he's done, and do what John suggested above.
When you start your article with "The basis for this article is not something I concluded on my own", it just tells many of us you put no attempt to actually conduct any research and this is more than likely fiction.