We Must Have Donald Trump As President Because Kamala Harris Is A Communist And Joe Biden Is A Communist Stooge And They Will Let Communists And Anarchists Destroy America

We MUST Have Donald Trump As President Because Kamala Harris Is A Communist And Joe Biden Is A Communist Stooge And They Will Let Communists And Anarchists Destroy America
This is , at long last, what it has come down to for the Trump campaign and it's army of faithful followers. Interestingly, it is BECAUSE Trump strategists know that Biden and Harris are not radicals that the Trumpsters call them radicals. The reality of it does not exist, so they must create the perception. If Harris and Biden were committed leftists there would be a history of it. There is none. Trumpism wants to create a fictional history of socialist and communist connections to the Democratic ticket.
Joe Biden had been in the Senate or the vice presidency for 43 years. Never once in that long period was he considered a radical. It is ludicrous to say that Biden will lean toward socialism or communism.
Kamala Harris became a government prosecutor one year after she graduated from law school, and held criminal justice positions in California up until the time she entered the U.S. Congress. Here is her wikipedia page. There is nothing on there about Harris being a member of a subversive, radical, socialist or communist organization. Ever. She spent her entire career prosecuting criminals or managing the Attorney General of California's office, or in the US Senate. These are establishment positions, not radical ones. Harris is a member of the establishment, you know the people socialists and communists oppose.
Trump is becoming like a cornered rat, as are his supporters by osmosis. They have little in the way of Trump accomplishments , that would appeal to anyone outside of his 35 - 40% base, to brag about in this campaign. They are losing, in some polls by a considerable margin, and are down to fear mongering in the worst tradition of Joseph McCarthy, a man whose memory Donald Trump admires. Indeed one of Trump's best friends and confidantes and henchmen was the infamous Roy Cohn, who was Joseph McCarthy's legal attack dog. Trump does not hesitate to employ McCarthy-like tactics, and by all appearances he loves to do so.
I don't really expect Trump loyalists to stop with this insanity, in a sense it is now all they know. It is up to the rest of us to turn out to the polls in mass and send this atrocity known as Trumpism into the political version of the pits of hell.
There are no depths to which Trump and his committed followers will not sink.
Trump's campaign for reelection basically rests upon name calling and the misdefinition of words. SMH...
That's all it was 4 years ago, and that's all he has this year.
"Vote for me or the world will end."
2 of the Last 3 GOP Presidents Signed Larger Tax Increases Than Obamacare
Next lie???
The stock market, at this point, has already factored in a potential Biden presidency. The net message is that losing Trump is not a big concern. Taxes certainly will be raised at some point, but until there is some clarity on the balance of power and the nature of Biden-administration legislation, I would not expect much of a change based on the presidential election itself.
If Biden is elected and the Senate remains R, we will have a conflicted dynamic that will make it difficult to make significant changes. If the Senate goes D (and presuming the House remains D) then biting taxation will be a serious concern and it will likely have a negative effect on the economy. The forces underlying the deals made to rally the various factions of the Ds behind Biden will be able to manifest into some legislation and the economy will take a hit. Good might come out of it (e.g. a sensible, responsible energy policy), but the economy will certainly suffer.
I would prefer, in 2021 that is, to see Biden as PotUS with an R Congress. That way the great many unknowns of a Biden-Harris administration will have a serious check to help prevent destabilizing movements and the nation will be rid of Trump. I suspect that I will favor near gridlock until we see a marked improvement in the quality of those we elect to be in charge.
I'm not "saying" it, I am providing historical facts. Also, Republicans only want lower taxes for the wealthy, not for anyone else, as their tax cuts show.
Increased spending on green infrastructure investments would boost the economy.
The general rule is that taxes are pretty much neutral for the economy. The money that is withdrawn being reinjected.
Emmanuel Saez has shown that the most efficient tax rate is around 70%, and that below 90% taxes do not brake the economy.
I agree. My point was that we do not know what will actually happen if both the Executive and Legislative branches are D given the factions at play in 2021. That is, I cannot go by what I think Biden (the individual) would naturally do because I am confident that he has made deals to rally support behind him. If Congress is fully D in 2021 we have an unchecked system given the prevalence of power-hungry partisans and the absence of states-persons. To wit, given we do not and will not have states-persons, the most effective check remains to be the partisan opposition check.
Depends on who is taxed and the amount of taxation. In general principle, taxing consumers will diminish demand; taxing businesses will diminish supply. In reality this is a very complex, nuanced matter so I have just stated the most basic principles. We do not know what specific taxation might take place, but I would bet on an unsophisticated tax that affects businesses and the middle class. I would be surprised if Congress had the balls to tax the aristocracy of the USA in a meaningful way but it would be good to see some movement in that area since that is one measure to mitigate runaway capitalism (the rare spikes of incredible success that results in leverage multipliers which produce extreme wealth measured in the tens of billions). Again, I doubt Congress has the balls (other than a short-term, sunsetted tax), so we will likely see taxation that goes after the far less wealthy masses who have shown to endure this (and oddly defend runaway capitalism) with no real consequences to Congress.
To be clear, you are speaking of a tax rate on the top 0.1%. Taxing the uber rich will have little impact on the economy. I am not concerned with the upper tax rate but rather taxes on the middle and upper classes (the masses which lack direct pathological political influence).
As I noted:
I think we are making the same observation.
Correct, social democracy requires higher taxation (businesses and individuals) to fund the social programs.
No. On the top tax bracket. Top 15% if there are six brackets. A tax must be applied to a large enough population, if it is to be efficient.
Politically, a rate at 70% is inaccessible. But Saiz's work is important because it explodes the myth that "the rich would just stop!"
True. This is a feature, not a bug.
Higher taxes make redistribution simpler.
Yes, the 70%-90% is regarding the top bracket.
I was not saying that taxation itself would ONLY be applied at the top bracket but that your percentage, per Saez, applied only to the top bracket. He has made other statements such as 75% applied to the top 1%. Point is, he is talking about the top bracket.
Yes I do not think the rich would just stop. That said, I truly doubt we will test that (again).
Certainly. And I agree it is not a bug, it is fundamental to the concept of social democracy.
That's a very telling and interesting expression, "as little as $350,000 a year".
I would have said "as much as $350,000 a year" given that the real medium income is around $63,000 per household.
It's almost like he was unfamiliar with this country.....
Makes one wonder from time to time.....
I doubt it is my imagination that Trump partisans seem to be losing it commensurate with Trump's chances for reelection. The defensive ' arguments ' are becoming increasingly shrill and irrational. One can see Trump supporters using every trick in the book to try to prop up support for Trump. Some have abandoned all attempts at reason and now simply make grand delusional declarations about how Trump will win and the next four years will be glorious.
I will be happy to see November 3 rd arrive to put an end to the ridiculous ' debates ' that are taking place in defense of and attacking Trump.
For me, 2020 is yet another lost opportunity for the USA to elect a qualified, inspirational PotUS. I will reset and hope that 2024 is better.
To be fair, we've been hearing that since day 1.
I'm not so sure. Each election only seems to be getting worse and worse.
I am not optimistic.
Neither am I.
I agree with both of you, up to a point.
It isn't possible to unfairly attack Donald Trump, and people who oppose his absurd presidency are not required by logic or fairness to mention the one or two scraps of accomplishment or decency that are connected to his term.
One can unfairly attack anyone. And every unfair attack reduces the credibility of the attacker and lessens the effect of attacks in general.
Trump puts out so many legit opportunities for criticism, it continues to amaze me that some are not satisfied with the low-hanging fruit. Good grief, it is everywhere.
If I say Trump is a pathological liar he cannot be defended on the basis that once in a blue moon he tells the truth.
You do not understand that anyone can be unfairly attacked? Certainly you must realize that there exists an almost unlimited supply of unfair attacks available. If one were to accuse Trump of being a closet Nazi who secretly desires to complete Hitler's genocide, is that a fair attack in your world?
Extreme positions such as "It isn't possible to unfairly attack Donald Trump" lessen the credibility of the fair attacks.
Well, you go an extreme situation. I am talking about people who attack Trump with the truth but his supporters complain thats its not fair to attack him without also admitting he has done some good. The "good" he has done is insignificant compared to the damage he has done, and thus it is not possible to be unfair to him.
I felt I had to do so to get through to you. Your claim was extreme.
Well that is entirely different. Yes it is quite fair to attack Trump (or anyone) without softening the attack with a "but, he did this well".
Those who attack Biden and Harris do not seem to offer a "but, he/she did this well". When some call Harris a slut, they don't seem to also offer that she is a very smart slut. /s
I almost swallowed my gun when I read a seed here that says Biden is more unethical than Trump.
Oh crap....my GUM not my gun.
Don't worry, Paula, I'm sure most of us knew what you meant.
I believe Biden to be highly qualified. Google his record.
Sad that Trump/Putin propaganda have painted him as "sleepy Joe" with dementia.
Biden is just not as flamboyant and bombastic as Trump. That doesn't make him "sleepy"
I much prefer a calm and sane head administrator. Someone who actually believes in science.
This is not an effing gameshow where making the most money makes you the winner.
Watch the movie "Dave". That's what a president should be. What Biden is.
Obviously you don't pay attention to reality, just far right wing propaganda.
Biden is an intelligent, thoughtful public servant.
So would any rational and intelligent person.
Trump has always been irrational. He has always been a serial liar. So what has changed?
Could some of his TrumpTrueBelieversTM finally be realizing that he has been abusing them? That's hard to imagine, considering how much crap they've taken so far.
I don't dare hope...
Kool Aid toxicity is a bitch.
Those on the bottom of the intelligence curve tend to speak the loudest.
Pretty sure that Fox gave fools/fascists their legitimacy and their marching orders.
Not just taken, Bob, but believing and repeating.
To anyone who thinks I exaggerate, here are a few of the search results related to the topic
Kamala Harris is a horrible person — and a communist too ...
Jul 07, 2019 · Kamala Harris is a horrible person — and a communist too! July 6, 2019 Frank Miele Politics – Down and Dirty The first round of debates may have vaulted Kamala Harris into front-runner status for the Democratic presidential nomination, but it also established that she is a horrible person — a person who will say anything to get elected.
Senator Kamala Harris (D-California) goes full communist ...
Senator Kamala Harris (D-California) goes full communist January 29, 2019 at 11:40 am Robert Zimmerman On Christmas Eve 1968 three Americans became the first humans to visit another world. What they did to celebrate was unexpected and profound, and will …
Kamala Harris Is a Socialist. Here’s the Undeniable Proof ...
Aug 12, 2020 · Yet, after assessing both her words and her actions, reasonable people should conclude that Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA)–who was selected this week by Joe Biden to be his vice presidential candidate in the 2020 race–is a socialist , which means a socialist could soon be just one heartbeat away from sitting behind the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office.
Kamala Harris has Promised a Communist Style Purge After ...
Jun 23, 2020 · Kamala Harris has Promised a Communist Style Purge After Trump Posted on June 23, 2020 by viverlivre DEAGEL WAS NOT BLUFFING . AN INSIDER IS THERE AND KNEW A COMMUNIST PURGE WAS COMING.
Kamala Harris’s Ties to Marxism – Absolute Truth from the ...
Aug 11, 2020 · Kamala Harris is the daughter of a Marxist Professor . And because we know that the apple does not usually fall far from the tree – folks, we have a bona fide Marxist running for VP for the Democratic Socialists of America.
Yeah, the Rs have definitely anchored themselves to this absurd socialist/Marxist nonsense. Don't get me started.
Actually the far right has rooted themselves in far right fascism.
They think that anybody to the left of Atilla the hun is a liberal.
A week or two ago, a NewsTalkers TrumpTrueBelieverTM said that Harris is a commie. I asked what that meant.
I never got an answer.
Well, it is a good thing that TRUMP DOESN'T HAVE TIES TO PUTIN!
The blackmail that Putin has on Trump must be devastating.
He sounds like ''Tail Gunner'' Joe McCarthy.
John Russell:
Have I NOT be telling you from day one about the folks, here, on thenewstalkers.communists?
Now, you know, the truth about Biden, Kamala, and many, right, here, in "River City." Be careful whom you are photographed with, or, chat up!
Maybe because this is the sort of behavior they find acceptable? When will Biden denounce the BLM rioters acting like Mao's Red Guards? Harris and Biden staffers paid to get rioters out of jail and haven't apologized for it.
They might not be communists, but hey certainly are in bed with them and certainly are happy with their support.
Where does this 'communist' angle come from? How do you define the word 'communist'?
The video shows out-of-control mobs engaging in a non-peaceful protest. Tagging this with the 'communist' label makes your comment seem irrational. If you had stuck with the video and noted it as evidence of another case where left protestors went out of control and engaged in crappy behavior, your point would have been more solid.
The co founder of the BLM movement is a vocal communist.
Instead of class conflict, it’s Marxism applied to race. Why is that so hard for some progressives to admit? Just read their manifestos.
You need to define what you mean by 'communist' because that word, unqualified, is ambiguous. Do you mean she embraces the tactics of Chairman Mao and Stalin? Or do you mean that she favors 'power held by the people'? Something in-between?
What, specifically, do you mean?
WTF is 'Marxism applied to race'? Literally, if you are speaking orthodox Marxism, that would mean that people of all races have value and should contribute to society and should in turn reap the benefits of the society they help build? I doubt that is what you mean. So what, specifically, do you mean?
Of course you have dozens of links to support this nonsense claim, correct?
Why should staffers apologize, regardless of who they work for? They have the same rights as the rest of us, do they not?
Actually those committing violence and looting are false flag far right wing fanatics.
Actually it is far right wingers such as Patriot Prayers and boogaloo that are creating all of the false flag violence and looting.
That's funny, I watched an interview with Biden where in his words he specifically pointed out that he did NOT support the looting and destruction, that they were not acceptable. Your accusations are desperate and hilarious.
Let’s pretend the neo-Nazi Richard Spencer was not a Biden supporter and instead was organizing violent riots across America against cops unjustly shooting whites.. . What would you call politicians who refused to condemn Spencer’s movement, refused to hold them criminally liable for the crimes they commit and pay to get those who are arrested out of jail? Let’s say trump refused to condemn them and only spoke out specifically against progressive Counter protesters.
We all know any politician who kow towed to white nationalists like Biden and Harris do to blm rioters would be called neo-Nazis, even if those politicians were not. Neo-Nazis themselves.
So it's still reverse day on your planet.
What he has done, said, or supported over the last 43 years clearly doesn't mean much in 2020.
Joe Biden Denounces Hyde Amendment, Reversing His Position
The Real Reason Joe Biden Won’t Release His Papers
So glad that Biden has the ability to rethink past mistakes. Far right wingers never do.
It's not simply about seeing the light. That, I applaud. He fabricates his past positions. Heck, he has fabricated personal stories. He has a long history of dishonesty that more people should look into. If people think that by picking Biden, they are picking the honest one? They're mistaken.
The rubes fall for Republican fear mongering every time no matter what. They fully accept divide and conquer, even when they are being used and lied to. They fell for Bush and crew and they fall for Trump and a bigger crew of grifters. Trump using his campaign cash to pay his lawyers and Bannon stealing their cash in a "pay for the wall" scheme. It is all one big grift on the backs of Republican supporters who fall for it every single time.