My first thought is that I hope the election results will make it possible to say with some certainty that Trump never had a chance. That would say something positive about the American people.
Was there opposition resistance against Obama like any other president? Certainly. Was there a unprecedented, constant, often openly coordinated attack on him for his eight straight years by the opposition AND the majority of the mass media?
Not even close. Which speaks to the malfunction of those who can't admit that obvious truth.
I hope Biden is elected and can serve a full four year term and then retire. Harris will no doubt run for PotUS at that time so I hope the Rs can muster up a decent candidate.
I hope the Rs at least keep the Senate to provide a partisan check since I have no idea what a Biden administration will wind up supporting given the curious dynamics at play in the D party nowadays.
I hope Trump gets distracted with personal concerns so that we do not have to keep hearing his bullshit.
Finally I hope people realize that the economy is not a function of Trump. But I also hope that Biden does not take actions that hinder the economy. A PotUS cannot do much to improve an economy but s/he can do plenty to harm it.
That is where you and I differ. Republicans have proven themselves incapable of honest governance and should be stripped of their power. I do not believe a Democrat led Senate and House could ever be as irresponsible as the Republican party had been when they had the majority in both and the white house. I think rational legislators will prevent any extremist from either side damaging our nation just like how John McCain who had a spine stopped the Republican majority from completely killing the ACA.
The current batch of Republican senators proved they have no spine and refused to condemn or even censure the Presidents obviously impeachable actions and numerous counts of obstruction. They also have shown themselves monumental liars and hypocrites after blocking Obama's supreme court nominee for tens months claiming the next President should be allowed to seat the justice, then reversing course as soon as it was in their interest to do so. They do not deserve to remain in power, especially when leaving them in power leaves Moscow Mitch running things.
I have to disagree with you here. There are many both in Washington and on this board who call for the Senate to do away with the filibuster if the Democrats take the Senate. I think that would be a huge mistake to do that. The Senate was set up to provide a voice for the states and Congress has gotten so overtaken by the political parties that removing the filibuster would allow for government by the majority and would completely silence the minority. IMO I believe that is wrong and against the ideals of the founding fathers.
After the election I wish we could see a reduction in the partisan bullshit that has overtaking government, but I'm afraid I'm not very hopeful that we will get that. If either side wins a majority in both sides of Congress and the WH I can see a level of vindictiveness possible.
Republicans have proven themselves incapable of honest governance and should be stripped of their political power.
Agreed. They have proven that they will abuse any authority they obtain. The way they blocked a legitimate Obama candidate and then rushed their own is edifying. There's no point in not using all powers allowed by the law... because the GOP certainly will.
The Republicans play hardball, full-time. The Dems have no choice but to do the same.
There are many both in Washington and on this board who call for the Senate to do away with the filibuster if the Democrats take the Senate.
I honestly don't think they will have to, they may end up with a super majority before long.
If either side wins a majority in both sides of Congress and the WH I can see a level of vindictiveness possible.
I disagree. I believe that Democrats will usher in an era of normalcy and getting back to governance instead of slap fighting over the latest Trump tweet with Republicans rolling their eyes and ignoring the constant barrage of stupid being issued by the clown in the oval office while democrats rightly call him out for it. We will finally be able to go a whole week without checking in on the 24/7 news cycles that have dominated everyone's brains since Trump became president and began poking different hornets nests daily with his ignorant or offensive tweets.
I believe this will happen because Trumps ethics violations and criminal behavior will be exposed and we'll all get to see the evidence and Republicans will finally feel ashamed for what they put us through and decide to shut up and work with ALL the American people to get things done instead of demonizing liberals and Democrats and those who live in urban areas as if they don't matter as much as those in rural areas. They will realize it's in their best interest to work with Democrats to actually get something done for once instead of just spending all their time packing the courts with conservatives. They got that win, they should be happy with their many new judges and then get back to the business of governance instead of partisan gamesmanship.
Let's not forget the supermajorities the Republicans hold in many states (thanks to outrageous gerrymandering). If Trump's manipulation of the census is successful, the GOP will continue to hold absolute power in those states.
The Senate was set up to provide a voice for the states and Congress has gotten so overtaken by the political parties that removing the filibuster would allow for government by the majority and would completely silence the minority. IMO I believe that is wrong and against the ideals of the founding fathers.
The founders 'set up' the Senate as a body governed by majority vote, it wasn't changed until 1917. The Senate would not need to remove the filibuster, they could just remove the Cloture rule. Senators would still be able to take the floor and hold it, as the did when some of the founders were members of the Senate.
I disagree. I believe that Democrats will usher in an era of normalcy and getting back to governance instead of slap fighting over the latest Trump tweet
Man I hope you're right. I think we could all use some days of Washington actually working for the good of the people rather than continuing to play that stupid partisan game.
The first session of Congress were over about 7 months and they managed to pass a crap load of legislation AND 12 passed 12 Amendments to the Constitution.
MUCH of that work happened in Committees, just as they are today.
I'm not as optimistic about the future attitude and behaviour of the Republicans as you seem to be. Their gross perfidy did not come about just recently during the Trump era.
The founders were well aware of the social dynamics of small vs large groups Bob. The Federalist papers document that fact.
The Constitution was written with the anticipation of a growing country and the founders were all about 'manifest destiny'. Jefferson and Monroe corresponded about expanding even into South America. Just over 50 years after the ratification of the Constitution, we were at 50 Senators. Based on how many states were carved out of the original 'states' and territories at the time, it's hard to believe that the founders didn't envision 100 Senators.
This map was reality long before the founders were gone.
Did you miss the part of my comment about how many states were carved out of other states Bob? That is what the map illustrates. The founders could have easily imagined many more states JUST from the territory shown on the map. That doesn't even show Jefferson's addition of with the Louisiana Purchase and the additional states they could create from that...
We're envisioning what they could have envisioned after all...
I hope the Rs at least keep the Senate to provide a partisan check since I have no idea what a Biden administration will wind up supporting given the curious dynamics at play in the D party nowadays.
No. The Democrats need to take the Senate so they can pass legislation protecting the health care of people with pre-existing conditions.
I am against either party operating without at least some check. The checks and balances placed in the CotUS have largely been mitigated over the decades by partisan politics and the stranglehold control congressional leaders have over the members of Congress. That is, we do not have independent thinking statespersons faithfully trying to represent their constituencies but rather partisans who largely (that means 'often but not always') kow-tow to the leadership. The only real check is the partisan check which occurs when we have a divided Congress or when the Executive and Legislative branches are controlled by different parties.
With the unrelenting support for Trump’s hideous policies and graft by Republicans at large, insisting that both parties retain some degree of checks and balances on one another is like insisting every hospital includes one flesh eating zombie on staff. It truly makes no sense at this point.
Can you cite something from Biden's platform that you WANT opposed?
I made no point regarding Biden's STATED platform; my concern is what will ACTUALLY take place based on the dynamics at play in the D party today.
In particular, how influential will the Sanders/AOC/ social democracy faction be with the Biden presidency? Nobody can answer that question. We do, however, know that Sanders' forces are supporting Biden.
I made no point regarding Biden's STATED platform; my concern is what will ACTUALLY take place based on the dynamics at play in the D party today.
It seemed to me that you did.
I have no idea what a Biden administration will wind up supporting
That implies that the Biden administration will start out supporting a STATED platform and change because of party dynamics.
In particular, how influential will the Sanders/AOC/ social democracy faction be with the Biden presidency? Nobody can answer that question. We do, however, know that Sanders' forces are supporting Biden.
Sanders isn't a 'team player' or much of an influential member of the Senate. Sanders may have something the say as the Chairman of the Committee on Budget as a member of the Committee on Energy. AOC has yet to sponsor a bill though as member of the Oversight, Environment and Civil Rights Committees she could make herself heard.
It seems to me that they and the rest of Congress will have their hands full with keeping our heads above water addressing Covid 19 for quite a while. Though addressing the Covid crisis can be viewed through a social democracy lens, it's health, safety and reopening safely will be the initial encompassing issues. Based on what Fauci has been saying, that takes us into the middle of Biden's first term.
While the Democratic Party doesn't march in lock step like the GOP, Nancy Pelosi is on record as the most productive Speaker in the history of the House and Schumer has done a good job keeping the Democrats organized as a caucus.
That implies that the Biden administration will start out supporting a STATED platform and change because of party dynamics.
I implied no such thing. I do not know what Biden will do; nobody knows. We can only guess. Some will guess he will be true to his stated platform. Others will guess that the Sanders / AOC / ... factors will heavily influence Biden. Others guess that Harris will be a heavy factor. Seems to me we have to wait until he is sworn in and watch what he does.
Sanders isn't a 'team player' or much of an influential member of the Senate.
I was not referring to Sanders as an individual but rather the Sanders faction. Nobody knows the dynamics at play here (yet) but it is pretty obvious that there are competing factions within the D party and that Sanders' faction is very different from the traditional D positions.
I was not referring to Sanders as an individual but rather the Sanders faction.
My point is that there is little to no evidence that there IS a 'Sanders faction' in the Senate. As I said, he isn't a team player. Of the bills he's sponsored he doesn't get many co-sponsors and in all his time in the Senate only one of his bills became law [I don't count naming PO's].
I admit that Sanders had outsized input on the 2016 platform but since then, not so much. The Democratic Party encompassed some of Sanders' platform in 2016 and rejected the rest in 2020.
IMHO, Republicans have lost their mandate to control the Senate by acting in a purely partisan manner since McConnell became Leader. I no longer believe that they have any desire to do what's right for the country at large.
"Harris will no doubt run for PotUS at that time so I hope the Rs can muster up a decent candidate."
They could run a woman against a woman - Nikki Haley, although I'm sure Pompous Pompeo has his eye on it.
A way that Harris can win is for Biden to at least start a second term with Harris as VP, and THEN retire. Wouldn't Harris be sworn in if that happens? Then she could be the incumbent after that.
I'd like all the malfeasance from this current administration exposed. After Nixon resigned there was a slow steady stream of white house documents that revealed how truly corrupt his administration was and I believe we will find a similar snail trail of corruption leading right back to the lying slug President. Once he is completely exposed I think both criminal and civil prosecution should follow.
The best we can hope for is that dysfunctional Washington will just continue along as it has for years. People think it makes this massive difference who is in the White House, but I don't see it. In my opinion, our biggest problems are not in the White House or the Supreme Court, but in Congress.
I hope that if Biden wins and all the dirty stuff about trmp and his family come out that the ones who have been supporting this freak for the last 5 years finally pull their heads out of their asses and have a come to Jesus moment
I want to see the militia groups who support Trump with threats, intimidation, and physical violence be classified as domestic terrorists. Then ship them off to Sheriff Joe's tent city prison or Gitmo.
I have had the feeling now for a couple of months that no matter whom wins or loses the election, the time from election day on past inauguration will be the most dangerous times this nation has ever experienced in its history with division and strife.
Did you read the story about how the NYPD is talking with ultra-rich and the building owners for the luxury buildings in Manhattan about hiring guards for the post-election period? Some of those stories are just crazy, like any dystopian novel... oy
I don't think whoever wins the election will have as much to do with that as it would with there being a universal adherence to the necessary guidelines. It's up to the people to comply and whoever is POTUS is not going to be able to change the insistence of individual rights and freedoms taking precedence over common sense and a genuine desire not to endanger others. I'll bet there won't be a universality to being vaccinated either.
I know this may not be appreciated by many here, but I believe that if America and China could stop the conflict both countries and the people within them would benefit greatly from the cooperation.
I agree... but China has a huge advantage: it can direct "private" investment to national goals, while American corporations are dispersed. The best example is "reshoring". It would be in the best interest of America and Americans... but not of any particular American corporation. So it won't happen.
America is so fucking paranoid about the possibility of becoming "Number 2" instead of "Number 1" that its antics in cutting its ties, blocking anything Chinese and running around the world trying to get other countries to support it are not just hysterical, but they are beoming hilarious. If this was all to gain support for Trump's election, what's going to happen when he loses?
A significant portion of the American people put their confidence in a carnaval barker. They were foolish, and now they of course don't want to recognize their foolishness.
I would love it if everyone could stop looking past their partisan rhetoric, and realize that both parties are flawed. That would be a good start. Also, I would like a third party would hold all accountable (most western countries do have more than 1 party).
The "first past the post" electoral method doesn't allow third parties. Countries that really want greater variety in their electoral results always use some more sophisticated method. There are many.
Canada's third party, which is at least of a decent size to be viable, is the socialist New Democratic Party. It presently keeps Trudeau afloat by forming a coalition with his Liberal Party, but it can make demands in that circumstance. The New Democratic Party just won the election for the Province of British Columbia. There was a time a while back that even Ontario was governed by the NDP for a while. It was because of the pedecessor to the federal NDP party that Canada enjoys single-payer universal health care.
That Trump finds a modicum of empathy for the country he will be leading until the morning of January 20, 2021 and does everything in his power to help President elect Biden hit the ground running.
That President elect Biden introduces his pandemic team at a press conference and have them tell the American people and state governors what they can do NOW to mitigate the damage already done and explain what the first steps will be on day one to control the virus until a vaccine can immunize enough people around the world.
That President elect Biden announces his Cabinet and has them begin to prepare Defense Production Act orders to key manufacturers and in a press conference requests that Trump consider implementing those orders ASAP.
That President elect Biden releases the outline of a funding bill to address the Covid crisis and instructs the Democratic majority leaders to have a bill ready to pass in the first week of his Presidency. If the Democratic Majority in the Senate has to revoke the Cloture rule to get that done, so be it.
That President elect Biden releases the Executive Order that he intends to sign on January 20, 2021 that instructs all executive branch employees to retain any and all documents and correspondents and informs them that anyone who is found to have destroyed or removed such documentation will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law by his DOJ.
That President elect Biden releases the Executive Order that he intends to sign on January 20, 2021 that mandates masks in all Federal facilities and by all federal employees all over the world and requests that Federal employees take that action preemptively to protect themselves and their co-workers.
Exactly. That's why my hope is Biden will be elected so we don't have to continue this reality show. The media has only helped keep it going for four seasons.
after joe loses, I hope joe will still focus on mobilizing trueinternationalunderpressure. as any failure to mobilize trueinternationalunderpressure in the next 5yrs would be devastating to our society as a whole.
My first thought is that I hope the election results will make it possible to say with some certainty that Trump never had a chance. That would say something positive about the American people.
If he does not win Tuesday, he will probably try to run again in 4 more years....
Like HRC, you just won't be able to keep from hearing about him or the tweets ...
I would hope we unite around the next President...
Never happen if Trump wins .... never.
Which speaks to the real malfunction from the last four years.
tRump is the real malfunction from the last four years.
Thx for more empirical evidence of what speak of, again and again and again and .... so predictable ..... so SOSDD.
and his supporters/enablers.
In all honesty, did it happen under Obama either?
Which speaks to the real malfunction from those four years.
It is simply disingenuous to compare the two.
Was there opposition resistance against Obama like any other president? Certainly. Was there a unprecedented, constant, often openly coordinated attack on him for his eight straight years by the opposition AND the majority of the mass media?
Not even close. Which speaks to the malfunction of those who can't admit that obvious truth.
That is - and always has been - up to us.
I like to see Trump enter all the ''hot dog eating contests'' I'm sure he would be a bigly wiener in that endeavor.
Seeing Orange conman and his entire grifter family in cuffs.
I’d like to hear that Donald dropped his soap in the prison shower.
I hope Biden is elected and can serve a full four year term and then retire. Harris will no doubt run for PotUS at that time so I hope the Rs can muster up a decent candidate.
I hope the Rs at least keep the Senate to provide a partisan check since I have no idea what a Biden administration will wind up supporting given the curious dynamics at play in the D party nowadays.
I hope Trump gets distracted with personal concerns so that we do not have to keep hearing his bullshit.
Finally I hope people realize that the economy is not a function of Trump. But I also hope that Biden does not take actions that hinder the economy. A PotUS cannot do much to improve an economy but s/he can do plenty to harm it.
That is where you and I differ. Republicans have proven themselves incapable of honest governance and should be stripped of their power. I do not believe a Democrat led Senate and House could ever be as irresponsible as the Republican party had been when they had the majority in both and the white house. I think rational legislators will prevent any extremist from either side damaging our nation just like how John McCain who had a spine stopped the Republican majority from completely killing the ACA.
The current batch of Republican senators proved they have no spine and refused to condemn or even censure the Presidents obviously impeachable actions and numerous counts of obstruction. They also have shown themselves monumental liars and hypocrites after blocking Obama's supreme court nominee for tens months claiming the next President should be allowed to seat the justice, then reversing course as soon as it was in their interest to do so. They do not deserve to remain in power, especially when leaving them in power leaves Moscow Mitch running things.
I have to disagree with you here. There are many both in Washington and on this board who call for the Senate to do away with the filibuster if the Democrats take the Senate. I think that would be a huge mistake to do that. The Senate was set up to provide a voice for the states and Congress has gotten so overtaken by the political parties that removing the filibuster would allow for government by the majority and would completely silence the minority. IMO I believe that is wrong and against the ideals of the founding fathers.
After the election I wish we could see a reduction in the partisan bullshit that has overtaking government, but I'm afraid I'm not very hopeful that we will get that. If either side wins a majority in both sides of Congress and the WH I can see a level of vindictiveness possible.
Agreed. They have proven that they will abuse any authority they obtain. The way they blocked a legitimate Obama candidate and then rushed their own is edifying. There's no point in not using all powers allowed by the law... because the GOP certainly will.
The Republicans play hardball, full-time. The Dems have no choice but to do the same.
I honestly don't think they will have to, they may end up with a super majority before long.
I disagree. I believe that Democrats will usher in an era of normalcy and getting back to governance instead of slap fighting over the latest Trump tweet with Republicans rolling their eyes and ignoring the constant barrage of stupid being issued by the clown in the oval office while democrats rightly call him out for it. We will finally be able to go a whole week without checking in on the 24/7 news cycles that have dominated everyone's brains since Trump became president and began poking different hornets nests daily with his ignorant or offensive tweets.
I believe this will happen because Trumps ethics violations and criminal behavior will be exposed and we'll all get to see the evidence and Republicans will finally feel ashamed for what they put us through and decide to shut up and work with ALL the American people to get things done instead of demonizing liberals and Democrats and those who live in urban areas as if they don't matter as much as those in rural areas. They will realize it's in their best interest to work with Democrats to actually get something done for once instead of just spending all their time packing the courts with conservatives. They got that win, they should be happy with their many new judges and then get back to the business of governance instead of partisan gamesmanship.
Let's not forget the supermajorities the Republicans hold in many states (thanks to outrageous gerrymandering). If Trump's manipulation of the census is successful, the GOP will continue to hold absolute power in those states.
The founders 'set up' the Senate as a body governed by majority vote, it wasn't changed until 1917. The Senate would not need to remove the filibuster, they could just remove the Cloture rule. Senators would still be able to take the floor and hold it, as the did when some of the founders were members of the Senate.
The Senate originally had 26 members. I doubt the Fathers ever envisaged one hundred.
Man I hope you're right. I think we could all use some days of Washington actually working for the good of the people rather than continuing to play that stupid partisan game.
How is the number of Senators relevant Bob?
The first session of Congress were over about 7 months and they managed to pass a crap load of legislation AND 12 passed 12 Amendments to the Constitution.
MUCH of that work happened in Committees, just as they are today.
I'm not as optimistic about the future attitude and behaviour of the Republicans as you seem to be. Their gross perfidy did not come about just recently during the Trump era.
The difference between a small club and a big one.
Well that wasn't much help Bob. Thanks anyhoo...
Actually, it was a serious response... Social dynamics are different in small groups and large.
The founders were well aware of the social dynamics of small vs large groups Bob. The Federalist papers document that fact.
The Constitution was written with the anticipation of a growing country and the founders were all about 'manifest destiny'. Jefferson and Monroe corresponded about expanding even into South America. Just over 50 years after the ratification of the Constitution, we were at 50 Senators. Based on how many states were carved out of the original 'states' and territories at the time, it's hard to believe that the founders didn't envision 100 Senators.
This map was reality long before the founders were gone.
We're in a "he-said, she-said". Let's cease.
I posted facts in the context of the discussion.
Your map shows sixteen states. Thirty-two Senators. That's far from 100.
Did you miss the part of my comment about how many states were carved out of other states Bob? That is what the map illustrates. The founders could have easily imagined many more states JUST from the territory shown on the map. That doesn't even show Jefferson's addition of with the Louisiana Purchase and the additional states they could create from that...
We're envisioning what they could have envisioned after all...
We can always envisage...
The population of the largest state was 7 times that of the smallest. Today that ratio is 30 to 1.
LOTS of things change... a lot... in a quarter of a millennium. The Fathers were brilliant, but not omniscient.
Well said Tig.
No. The Democrats need to take the Senate so they can pass legislation protecting the health care of people with pre-existing conditions.
I am against either party operating without at least some check. The checks and balances placed in the CotUS have largely been mitigated over the decades by partisan politics and the stranglehold control congressional leaders have over the members of Congress. That is, we do not have independent thinking statespersons faithfully trying to represent their constituencies but rather partisans who largely (that means 'often but not always') kow-tow to the leadership. The only real check is the partisan check which occurs when we have a divided Congress or when the Executive and Legislative branches are controlled by different parties.
No. The Democrats need to take the Senate so they can pass legislation protecting the health care of people with pre-existing conditions.
You are repeating yourself.
I know.
With the unrelenting support for Trump’s hideous policies and graft by Republicans at large, insisting that both parties retain some degree of checks and balances on one another is like insisting every hospital includes one flesh eating zombie on staff. It truly makes no sense at this point.
I think we should just do away with political parties. Everybody is now an independent in Trout Giggles' world
I am all for that! But parties have been around since our founding.
Do you doubt that Biden will stand by the vast majority of his documented platform?
I do not know what Biden will do if there is no opposition.
Can you cite something from Biden's platform that you WANT opposed?
Please don't pretend that you have a clue about Biden's documented platform.
My comment was about what you don't know and your posts are the clues...
Well many of your posts do have me laughing out loud but not funny ha ha...
I made no point regarding Biden's STATED platform; my concern is what will ACTUALLY take place based on the dynamics at play in the D party today.
In particular, how influential will the Sanders/AOC/ social democracy faction be with the Biden presidency? Nobody can answer that question. We do, however, know that Sanders' forces are supporting Biden.
It seemed to me that you did.
That implies that the Biden administration will start out supporting a STATED platform and change because of party dynamics.
Sanders isn't a 'team player' or much of an influential member of the Senate. Sanders may have something the say as the Chairman of the Committee on Budget as a member of the Committee on Energy. AOC has yet to sponsor a bill though as member of the Oversight, Environment and Civil Rights Committees she could make herself heard.
It seems to me that they and the rest of Congress will have their hands full with keeping our heads above water addressing Covid 19 for quite a while. Though addressing the Covid crisis can be viewed through a social democracy lens, it's health, safety and reopening safely will be the initial encompassing issues. Based on what Fauci has been saying, that takes us into the middle of Biden's first term.
While the Democratic Party doesn't march in lock step like the GOP, Nancy Pelosi is on record as the most productive Speaker in the history of the House and Schumer has done a good job keeping the Democrats organized as a caucus.
I did not. You read wrong.
I implied no such thing. I do not know what Biden will do; nobody knows. We can only guess. Some will guess he will be true to his stated platform. Others will guess that the Sanders / AOC / ... factors will heavily influence Biden. Others guess that Harris will be a heavy factor. Seems to me we have to wait until he is sworn in and watch what he does.
I was not referring to Sanders as an individual but rather the Sanders faction. Nobody knows the dynamics at play here (yet) but it is pretty obvious that there are competing factions within the D party and that Sanders' faction is very different from the traditional D positions.
My point is that there is little to no evidence that there IS a 'Sanders faction' in the Senate. As I said, he isn't a team player. Of the bills he's sponsored he doesn't get many co-sponsors and in all his time in the Senate only one of his bills became law [I don't count naming PO's].
I admit that Sanders had outsized input on the 2016 platform but since then, not so much. The Democratic Party encompassed some of Sanders' platform in 2016 and rejected the rest in 2020.
IMHO, Republicans have lost their mandate to control the Senate by acting in a purely partisan manner since McConnell became Leader. I no longer believe that they have any desire to do what's right for the country at large.
Has he added a page to his campaign website? Last time I checked, there wasn't one.
A page for WHAT?
They could run a woman against a woman - Nikki Haley, although I'm sure Pompous Pompeo has his eye on it.
A way that Harris can win is for Biden to at least start a second term with Harris as VP, and THEN retire. Wouldn't Harris be sworn in if that happens? Then she could be the incumbent after that.
He would then have to again campaign and win ... four years older.
It isn't impossible, says an 83 year old who can still recite the Greek alphabet by memory, and count backwards from 100.
I’d like to see congress returned to rational thinking people, and the Jim Jordans of government neutered indefinitely.
I'd like all the malfeasance from this current administration exposed. After Nixon resigned there was a slow steady stream of white house documents that revealed how truly corrupt his administration was and I believe we will find a similar snail trail of corruption leading right back to the lying slug President. Once he is completely exposed I think both criminal and civil prosecution should follow.
From your fingertips to God's eyes.
The best we can hope for is that dysfunctional Washington will just continue along as it has for years. People think it makes this massive difference who is in the White House, but I don't see it. In my opinion, our biggest problems are not in the White House or the Supreme Court, but in Congress.
The first priority is to add three Justices to the Supreme Court.
As any good dictator would do. Can't have an independent judiciary standing in the way of the party, can we?
If nothing else, you are quite open about your desire for a one party police state. I'll give you that.
You're trying too hard, Sean.
Nah, he's spot on.
Nah, he's not.
I agree, Bob is not spot on
Can't win the game, so change the rules. We see it over and over.
We sure do
What do I want...what do I want.....
I hope that if Biden wins and all the dirty stuff about trmp and his family come out that the ones who have been supporting this freak for the last 5 years finally pull their heads out of their asses and have a come to Jesus moment
I only want to hope for something. The 2020 election isn't offering much hope for anything.
I want to see the militia groups who support Trump with threats, intimidation, and physical violence be classified as domestic terrorists. Then ship them off to Sheriff Joe's tent city prison or Gitmo.
I hope i am wrong , its that simple .
I have had the feeling now for a couple of months that no matter whom wins or loses the election, the time from election day on past inauguration will be the most dangerous times this nation has ever experienced in its history with division and strife.
I just hope i am wrong.
Did you read the story about how the NYPD is talking with ultra-rich and the building owners for the luxury buildings in Manhattan about hiring guards for the post-election period? Some of those stories are just crazy, like any dystopian novel... oy
I hope you are, too!
I wouldn't mind Covid being brought under control for starters.
That would be a good start.
I don't think whoever wins the election will have as much to do with that as it would with there being a universal adherence to the necessary guidelines. It's up to the people to comply and whoever is POTUS is not going to be able to change the insistence of individual rights and freedoms taking precedence over common sense and a genuine desire not to endanger others. I'll bet there won't be a universality to being vaccinated either.
I know this may not be appreciated by many here, but I believe that if America and China could stop the conflict both countries and the people within them would benefit greatly from the cooperation.
I agree... but China has a huge advantage: it can direct "private" investment to national goals, while American corporations are dispersed. The best example is "reshoring". It would be in the best interest of America and Americans... but not of any particular American corporation. So it won't happen.
Meanwhile, Chinese companies build the Silk Road.
America is so fucking paranoid about the possibility of becoming "Number 2" instead of "Number 1" that its antics in cutting its ties, blocking anything Chinese and running around the world trying to get other countries to support it are not just hysterical, but they are beoming hilarious. If this was all to gain support for Trump's election, what's going to happen when he loses?
A significant portion of the American people put their confidence in a carnaval barker. They were foolish, and now they of course don't want to recognize their foolishness.
Who knows what they'll do now.. M
Who's your bookie?
Thanks to Trump, Number 2 would be a step up.
Best wish i've read here so far.
Something we all can agree on.
I would love it if everyone could stop looking past their partisan rhetoric, and realize that both parties are flawed. That would be a good start. Also, I would like a third party would hold all accountable (most western countries do have more than 1 party).
The "first past the post" electoral method doesn't allow third parties. Countries that really want greater variety in their electoral results always use some more sophisticated method. There are many.
Canada's third party, which is at least of a decent size to be viable, is the socialist New Democratic Party. It presently keeps Trudeau afloat by forming a coalition with his Liberal Party, but it can make demands in that circumstance. The New Democratic Party just won the election for the Province of British Columbia. There was a time a while back that even Ontario was governed by the NDP for a while. It was because of the pedecessor to the federal NDP party that Canada enjoys single-payer universal health care.
That Trump finds a modicum of empathy for the country he will be leading until the morning of January 20, 2021 and does everything in his power to help President elect Biden hit the ground running.
That President elect Biden introduces his pandemic team at a press conference and have them tell the American people and state governors what they can do NOW to mitigate the damage already done and explain what the first steps will be on day one to control the virus until a vaccine can immunize enough people around the world.
That President elect Biden releases the outline of a funding bill to address the Covid crisis and instructs the Democratic majority leaders to have a bill ready to pass in the first week of his Presidency. If the Democratic Majority in the Senate has to revoke the Cloture rule to get that done, so be it.
I can see the possibility of all of those save for the first one. But then there is a member here who is going to ask me about my crystal ball.
7. Drains the swamp, starting with Barr.
I hope there will be no more Covid-19.
Happy Hallowe'en
After the election I hope that I don't hear from or about the President unless there is something significant for him to communicate.
is something significant for him to communicate
He hasn't done that in four years so don't expect it to ever happen.
Exactly. That's why my hope is Biden will be elected so we don't have to continue this reality show. The media has only helped keep it going for four seasons.
after joe loses, I hope joe will still focus on mobilizing trueinternationalunderpressure. as any failure to mobilize trueinternationalunderpressure in the next 5yrs would be devastating to our society as a whole.