sorry, I could only watch 16 minutes of this moron go on some kind of greatest election lies he's told in the last 6 months riff. the most tactful thing I can think to say is that he most definitely knows his base.
Even worse to me, is watching him talk. His mouth is such a mess of forms is takes, mostly when it looks like an a-hole as he speaks. (shudder)
I could not stand to hear him talk after the first 3 minutes. His lies and egotistical ME ME I I aggrandisement BS is just sickening. He makes me want to vomit. Although, that is nothing new, it goes back to early 2016.
Emphatically. And he rarely ever self-corrects. "China-virus." He says day, after week, after months. He never tires of his own mind-craft. Four years in and he still gaslights this nation each day.
I can't stand to watch his talk. His mouth and body language is sickening. He likes to see himself as a Mob Boss, and all his followers are his gangsters and thugs that do his dirty work for him. That is, until he has no further use for them, then he just tosses them under the bus and wrecks their careers and reputations, calling them scum and losers.
And they are indeed total fools for ever trusting him. His reputation has been known around the world for decades, so they should not have thought they would make a difference with him.
Donald is an ugly person-inside and outside. He makes no bones of holding the world's reputation as the User of users. This was his big chance to sit atop the world and live the reasons for being the boss on The Apprentice! Now, he has lost an election, and I bet he wonders if Meatloaf along with the rest of those contestants he's fired are laughing at him and his WH cast. There is Ivanka, Eric, and Donald Jr. all lining the table and getting fired by the 'merican voters.
Trump's state of mind and very limited intelligence are irrelevant. Unacknowledged by the Democratic Party and other far right-wing reactionaries, Trump's thinly veiled call for insurrection and overthrow of the US government is driven by objective class conditions which have been in mounting crisis for years. If not Trump, it would be another reactionary figure doing the bidding of this section of the ruling clsas.
Trump intention to proceed exactly as he says is deadly serious. I've indicated this in articles I've seeded and which were routinely poo-hooed on this forum. That said, recall that in 2015 as well, people made the disastrous blunder of not taking Trump seriously then. This time around, the crisis is more advanced. The stakes are higher. And the COVID-19 pandemic is functioning as a trigger event, an accelerate of already explosive conditions lying under the surface. Little time is left to prepare resistance to führur Trump's post-democracy regime .
The media is noticing it, but they are caught in the same trap that Trump has always created: How do you call out a liar when that will necessarily be amplifying his lies?
The WAshington Post led there online daily yesterday with an article entitled
The most petulant 46 minutes in American history
If you google " Donald Trump most important speech " you see that he is not being ignored, and his alternate facts are being labeled more properly now as lies.
I just visited Facebook. If my little corner of the country, or maybe the summation of my FB friends, there is an agonizingly large segment saying that they can not see anybody else in office and that it will be a travesty if he isn't re-elected. This was today!
Sometimes I think that the whole country has lost it's mind.
If the media is noticing, it's about time. Yet I doubt that the larger point -- that objective class conditions have been building toward crisis for years -- won't gain serious recognition any time soon.
'Sometimes I think that the whole country has lost it's mind...'
Sometimes, I also think ... When I do, I come to the conclusion NOT that the masses have lost their collective mind, but that they are dispirited by decades of attack on working class living standards, and are thoroughly confused and politically disoriented by ongoing political attacks in the form of two ruling class factions spin competing narratives neither of which articulates working class interests. But the working class is/will/must awaken. The only faction which can defend working class interests is the working class itself. The way forward is that a united proletariat enter directly into the stream of civic events with its own demands.
As soon as the people see the "S" by your name, they are going to conjure pictures of Lenin and Chairman Mao, purely as a reflexive instinct of being acculturated in this country.
I agree that the two parties have got to go. I would further recommend that parties in general be done away with because they are the genesis of the downward spiral that we have seen in the political discourse over the past 50 years.
The only faction which can defend working class interests is the working class itself.
Agreed. The problem seems to be that whenever a grassroots political movement is started, it is diluted and co-opted by the larger, entrenched parties.
'As soon as the people see the "S" by your name, they are going to conjure pictures of Lenin and Chairman Mao, purely as a reflexive instinct...'
This demonstrates the extent to which the US socialist movement deteriorated. We have a plethora of 'experts' pontificating nonsense about 'socialism.' They have never read Marx. They have never read Engels. They have never read Plekhanov. They have never read Lenin. They have never read Debs. They have never read Trotsky. They have never read Canon. They have never read North. With a gun pointed at their heads, they couldn't name three titles produced by these eight people together. They can't explain Marx' theory of labour, of surplus value, or the tendency of profits to fall in relation to Capital's development. To save their own lives, they couldn't articulate the basis upon which Marx categorized society. They cannot explain Hegel. They cannot explain dialectics, materialism, historical materialism and certainly not dialectical materialism. Absolutely everything these self-styled/self-proclaimed 'experts' 'think' that they know about their so-called 'socialism' is, by definition, hearsay. They have never once consulted original sources for their 'knowledge' of socialism.
Well guess what! I do not shy to take the name 'socialist.' I do not hesitate to declare for the toiling classes who are the real producers of all the real wealth which the indolent wealthy extract from them by coercion. I bear gladly the epitaph, 'socialist.' Even though in the great majority of cases the ruling class has no comprehension of what it says concerning socialism, the word is in the news again. And the working class which is the 90% is awakening to the reality that it isn't doing particularly well. Increasingly, it is willing to entertain the possibility that it is time for systemic change. The ruling class sees the proletarian class consciousness awakening and it is terrified. That is why every nut-job, pundit and talking head babbles about 'socialism' with increasing hysteria. The point not to be missed is that the ruling class has no alternative but to conjure up post-socialist apocalyptic imagery because it has NO workable solution to any of the multitudinous crises now withstanding the great lordly kakistocracy called CAPITAL .
I will tell you this 'thang' is trying to incite a national insurrection. This is the opening 'salvo' to it. Our constitutional crisis is underway in this stupid creature. Trump literally wants to 'turn over' the election. At what point does this mean a sitting president has gone too far?!
What we are listening too is a very frightened man trying to signal to his supporters far and wide, you know what.
he complains about the thousands of ballots that were sent to dead people, yet fails to mention that most were the people he was responsible for killing in 2020 with his incompetent pandemic response.
he complains about the thousands of ballots that were sent to dead people, yet fails to mention that most were the people he was responsible for killing in 2020 with his incompetent pandemic response.
Trump just provided a video today (this seed) where he spent 46 minutes lying his ass off to the world (further embarrassing this nation) and you choose to play gotcha games with a member on NT.
Please share the link where you came by that information.Assuming you have one, of course.
You get an A for maintaining your faith in Trump. Quick question: How much money have you donated to Trump's continuing beg-a-thon for $$$ to fight the 'fraudulent election' results? Asking for a friend...
This seed shows the President of our nation making a 46 minute speech to the world after losing an election wherein he claims massive fraud capable of changing the results of the election. He offers no evidence, just anecdotes. He exaggerates, repeats, makes his same old platitudes 'tremendous ... never been seen before ...'.
This is serious Texan. This is actually important. Millions of naïve followers believe this guy.
Yet in the context of this seed ... the context of his video ... you choose to play gotcha games with a fellow member.
The point is that I think your priorities are out of whack. You are silent on Trump's international embarrassing charade but instead (within the context of the very video containing his 46 minute national embarrassment) you play petty games with an NT member.
Did you get a gander of Trump's newest star witness? She was obviously impaired, spouting lies, false data and of course no evidence. She sounded like Kate McKinnen (SNL) if Kate were doing a bad imitation of herself. Even farting Rudy tried to get her to pump her brakes to no avail.
Did you get a gander of Trump's newest star witness?
I had read about her, but only just now watched the video. She was unhinged. I mean, if Rudy can recognize the degree of unhinged-ness, it's pretty bad.
He actually had the nerve to complain about Durham not coming out with what he wanted before the election.
The irony of that is that US District Attorneys don't file 'reports', they file indictments. Durham indicted ONE person and that was through a criminal referral from the Horowitz investigation.
Considering the FACT that the Mueller and Congressional investigations already contained a ton of "discovery" one has to wonder WTF is taking Durham so long. After all, Trump and his sycophants have been making allegations since 2017.
It COULD be a useful 'whataboutism' when the right whine about the cost of Mueller's investigation even though he made a profit and indicted more than a dozen people.
The "right" has no problem though with the insane millions it cost us for Trump to play Golf.
Mueller report cost.
Between May 17, 2017 —through Sept. 30, 2018, his office spent $12,287,852. This includes $7.3 million on salaries and benefits, $1.3 million on travel and transportation, and $2.2 million on rent and utilities. The Special Counsel’s office also says it spent $15,618 on printing and copying needs.
Not included in these figures are “component expenses” incurred by the Department of Justice at large. These additional costs totaled $12,928,000, though the DOJ says it was not legally required to report them, and that they are approximate to what the DOJ would have spent elsewhere if the Special Counsel’s Office didn’t exist.
Wait till we get the bill for 'fortifying' Mar a Lago for Trump's 2024 'headquarters'. Wonder how much they'll charge the Secret Service for lodging of Trump's detail?
As a former President, he already will have a detail constantly. Just like all of them do. Not seeing what you are insinuating. Do you have anything further?
I just saw a video that sheds some light on Mar A Largo as his new home. He signed an agreement that said he can only stay there for 21 days a year with no more than 7 days in a row. Trump has already violated that agreement having spent 121 days there this year. Where I doubt the city would evict him, they can revoke his permit to conduct any revenue generating business operations conducted there.
I don't think it is a zoning law problem, but with the variance he agreed to and has violated continually. His neighbors can't stand Trump because of his constant landings of his chopper. These neighbors have mega bucks and the monetary means to go after him. The pad was finally removed due to pressure. The city itself is in constant turmoil due to jackboots disrupting their business every time he shows up. It is even worse when dignitaries visit.
Trump has no evidence that will change this election so he is doing what Trump does. He is trying to appeal to his gullible supporters with exaggerated claims based solely on anecdotal evidence. He is taking normal problems that occur in elections of this size and claiming that this year the differences were sufficient to change the results of the election.
He has no evidence. Just bullshit. So that is what he is going with.
And his followers on talk radio say the same thing over and over again. If it comes out of trmp's mouth, be sure to tune into your radio at drive time because it will be the same thing coming out of the speakers.
Why are these people so intent on insisting that the Democrats "stole" the election? If they did that, then why are McConnell and Graham holding on to their seats?
TG I am flabbergasted by what is taking place a month after the election when all the swing state results have been certified and Trump has decisively and demonstrably lost the election. I thought I understood the depths of partisan irrationality but this goes beyond what I thought capable. This is borderline insanity.
plus he managed to blow 4 racist dog whistles by my count, after I went back and lost an additional 30 minutes of my life by watching the rest of it. it reminded me of 8th grade debate club for some reason ...
It reminds me of a man "imploding" or nearing a nervous breakdown. He is truly coming unglued. Everybody needs to be ready for the "big Kahuna" of a melt-down. The man who would be king of the United States is unnervingly coming to the realization that 74,000,000 screaming sycophants is 6M plus to short make it so.
Now he is pathetic. "Chairman Kim" and Vladimir are laughing out loud behind their presidencies for life! "Better luck next time, Donald!"
He has investigators in Hawaii looking for the birth certificate, they're finding a tremendous amount of information, like you've never seen before, believe me.
Nothing other than continue to work his remaining irrational lunatic supporters into a frenzy.
(Note: I am referring to a subset of Trump supporters. I think most Trump supporters are shaking their heads and wishing the asshole would just STFU, but even a small minority out of 74 million is a powerful force.)
At this point, I'm not sure. I guess I could imagine a lot of things - from reasonable to terrible - but I don't think I want to speculate too wildly. At the very end of the speech, he said,
We will restore honesty and integrity to our elections.
He made it sound like he was going to conduct some kind of extensive review of all the different voting systems. I mean, I guess he could ask DOJ to take on a project like that, but I expect it would take a while - far longer than he has in office. I also suspect all 50 states might not cooperate fully.
If he did start an investigation like that, would a Biden administration halt it? That might not actually look very good.
If he did start an investigation like that, would a Biden administration halt it? That might not actually look very good.
If you think any of this has to do with election reform you are a lost cause. Donald Trump does not have sincere bone in his body. You have spent the past 4 or 5 years giving Trump the benefit of the doubt 95% of the time. How the hell do you explain that?
For someone who claims to be objectively analyzing everything, you spend an inordinate amount of time giving Trump the benefit of the doubt. It has been and is bizarre.
Now in an article about Trump denying the election results you pose the situation as possibly being one where Trump just wants to get to the bottom of problems with the nation's vote counting systems. And , you say, if such an endeavor is undertaken and Biden doesnt get behind it, that would look bad for Biden.
Where is the nonsense coming from, other than that you like to paint Trump in the best light possible ?
For someone who claims to be objectively analyzing everything, you spend an inordinate amount of time giving Trump the benefit of the doubt. It has been and is bizarre.
No, you're wrong. I actually don't give Trump the benefit of the doubt. I also don't do what you do, which is assume the worst in everything he does or says (that has been and is bizarre). I come at the issue without a bias or agenda for the man himself. I consider that a prerequisite for objective analysis.
Where is the nonsense coming from, other than that you like to paint Trump in the best light possible ?
Your bias is well documented with all the anti-Trump seeds and your repeated practice of attacking people who don't condemn Trump 100% in all things. 99% is not enough for you. This clouds your ability to have an open-minded conversation about anything related to Trump. I see little point in trying to convince you otherwise in this instance.
I think narcissism is driving him more than probable cause, so whatever he does probably won't result in much of value.
As a political tactic, it could be intended to undermine the Biden administration, and possibly boost Trump for a 2024 run. Although, by that time, I hope and expect that Trump will lose interest and the Republicans will produce a less toxic candidate.
Or, instead of being the Grand Poobah of delusional bullshit, he could direct Americans to review the facts documented by the US DHS, Directed by the guy he fired for telling the truth.
If he did start an investigation like that, would a Biden administration halt it? That might not actually look very good.
Would this be like the investigation into those three million voters that voted illegally and gave Hillary Clinton 3 million more votes in 2016..? I seem to recall, that amounted to NOTHING !
They refused to even publish the results i believe, but do correct me, if i am mistaken.
Would this be like the investigation into those three million voters that voted illegally
That's what I think, yeah. If it were anyone else, I can certainly see why a person could be concerned about fraud or error in 2020, given the unprecedented circumstances. But once the evidence is found to be so lacking, a normal person would move on.
and gave Hillary Clinton 3 million more votes in 2016..?
And I think this is his basic problem with both elections. Even in an election where he won the electoral college vote, his ego wouldn't allow him to accept that he lost the popular vote.
He is losing his damn mind. . . and if he is right about fraud. . . then votes for Donald don't count either. This guy, Donald, is having a nervous breakdown. . . call his family to come take him home. History is going to look UNFAVORABLY on the Trump family. The Republican Party is SHIT now!
I have been reading recently that it is now discovered that neurological problems can occur in persons infected by Covid-19. I have a feeling he could be a victim of that, and that he is now suffering from a deranged mind.
Anoon buzz. Hmm we are starting to wonder if the Chinese President may have had the virus or is he Trump's clone...the amount of garbage that is coming out of China at the moment having ago at us is mind boggling...geez one nutty world leader is enough but now we seem to have got two..we sure have got China rattled and await with hilarity what is yes you could be right re brain damage in some world leaders.. bit of a worry that...stay safe over there...
Trump has already been doing that even before the election. and even more so having his mob boys threatening those who refuse to support his mania about stealing and/or rigging the election with death threats for their wife and kids as well.
Well gee, they tried to hold Hillary Clinton legally liable for the deaths of 3 Americans in BENGHAZI and she wasn't even in the same fucking country at the time. So why not Trump for 292,000 while he was HERE?
Michael Flynn is calling for Trump to declare martial law, suspend the Constitution and civilian control of the election, and have the military conduct a do-over of the presidential election.
And by instigating Trump to commit Treason by doing what Flynn is suggesting, Flynn is committing Sedition against America.
Sedition is a serious felony punishable by fines and up to 20 years in prison and it refers to the act of inciting revolt or violence against a lawful authority with the goal of destroying or overthrowing it.
What Flynn seems to forget, is that Trumps' pardon was for previous crimes, but, does not protect him for any subsequent crimes, such as sedition. Perhaps he feels that Trump will also pardon him again for his sedition, and any other crimes he commits after each pardon. Sort of thinking he is above the law like all the other Trump puppets.
I think he is just plain stupid at this point, thinking he can get away with anything and his master Trump will keep pardoning him. But, he may let his mouth overload his ass and find that he has pissed off Trump by having the FBI and others watching him for Flynn's suggestion about Trump should throw out the Constitution himself as dictator, or hold another election that he can declare himself as the winner, then name himself as dictator, which is what he will do if he wins the Presidency again so that he will never have to leave the WH again.
That is pretty much what Trump has planned to do if he could get back the Presidency again in 2024. However, I don't think he will win again after what he ha done to our country and it's people this time.
Some of the Republicans may be stupid enough to vote for his again, but, there is little chance many Congress Republicans will be willing to kiss his a$$ again at that time, as they will be looking for a new candidate more to their liking.
Everybody has four years to RECORD Donald "the Terrible" and hit playback on the video recorders of time. In the meantime, Never Trumpers, Lincoln Project, and all you true republicans-your golden chance to rid your party of this lying wunderkind is nearly here! Come get your stuff back!
Only as long as Flynn is useful for him, then Trump will throw him under the bus like he has so many of his other Trump boys over the past 4 years. No One is safe from Trumps' vengeance when he no longer needs them. If Flynn is not aware of that, or thinks he is the exception, he will be in for a rude awakening.
Yeah....Trump pardoned him this time, and might let him fry next time.
Add Miss Graham and any member of The Hill who is a Trump toadie who have a military background. All of them have violated the oath they took upon entering the military to protect the US from all enemies, both foreign and domestic. You are bound by that oath even if you leave the military.
entering the military to protect the US from all enemies, both foreign and domestic. You are bound by that oath even if you leave the military.
interesting point actually and it can be argued and debated both ways.
There are actually 2 different military service oaths, one for enlisted members not of the officer corps , which includes that they will follow the orders of the president and the officers appointed over them
And the officer oath which simply states they will uphold and defend the constitution, nothing about following the orders of the president.
when one gets a DD form 214 , a release from active duty commitment , they usually have some form of reserve component commitment left to uphold , so the oath is still legally enforceable in case they are recalled to active duty.
here is where it gets arguable and debatable , once that reserve commitment is filled and a DD- form 256 is issued , which is a complete discharge of military service or obligation , to some the oath no longer applies , it is dependent on the individual actually because there are no legal ramifications if they decide to not adhere to it in the future.
That does not preclude that an individual can not modify the conditions of their oath lets say in the case of someone who was enlisted , to be more in lines with the oath an officer takes , leaving out the following orders part. and simply defend the constitution , again that is up to the individual to decide.
That also brings up a question of which oath takes priority in the case of someone that has to take an oath of office for a position , such as members of the legislature , judiciary , or a member of the executive branch.
an LEO could be a former military member , but also has to take an oath when they become law enforcement so which oath becomes senior and the one that has to be adhered to?
and this can apply to anyone that has to take some form of an oath for office or position.
Lie after lie after lie. Projection after projection after projection. I thought the deceit he displayed on Thanksgiving was unprecedented, but this tops it.
Imagine the kind of mind behind behavior like this. It's disturbing.
Donald J. Trump — the Great Deceiver; the Mad (wannabe) King; Enemy of the Republic.
Donald is having a nervous breakdown in public and in ear shot of reporters! Soon, he may turn on those near and dear to him as he bites in a full-circle movement. BOO!
I am still concerned that power will not be transferred peacefully in January. This presser, Flynn's statements, diGenova's statements...These are calls to arms, and I'm afraid some idiots will answer that call.
While this latest speech makes me question Trump's sanity, I am not concerned about the peaceful transfer of power. The mass of our constitutional Republic will not give way to a lunatic ex-PotUS and a few deranged followers.
I actually wonder how many Trump supporters can cling to the idea that this guy is rational. The crazier his claims, logically the fewer will be his supporters.
I am not concerned about the peaceful transfer of power.
I hope you're right.
I actually wonder how many Trump supporters can cling to the idea that this guy is rational.
I know a few who think the election was rigged, but I live in a bright red county. Final count for my county was 69% and change for Trump. Maybe that's why I'm more concerned about a peaceful transition - a fair number of the Trump supporters I know don't think there should be a transition.
We did not think we should have transitioned to Donald in 2016, but we did. Don't give Donald the satisfaction of wearing us down. Donald Trump is a walking disaster. The time has come for the Never Trumpers to do something about their party's collapse!
I'm with Sandy. I live in a deep red state and the stuff I hear from callers on that radio show I listen for traffic make me want to bang my head on the steering wheel. They are so worked up I fear they may just take to the streets.
The human mind is indeed capable of spinning and then believing an alternate reality that defies both common sense and that which is evidenced.
I watched a show recently on the Salem witch trials and it struck me how similar those religious conservatives beliefs are to current religious conservatives. At that time virtually everyone believed witches existed and were able to curse others and consorted with the devil. Even university scholars of the time accepted witches as a fact of life, yet there was no actual evidence of anything supernatural, just natural events, accidents and coincidences that were attributed to those that the deeply religious community was suspicious or jealous of. It was an alternate reality they lived in that not only defied but replaced common sense and led to many innocent persons losing their lives.
Today we have a similar situation where perhaps millions actually believe in mind numbingly stupid things like all the Qanon conspiracy theories, some fantasy 'deep state' or supposed widespread election fraud. And of course, they blame those they are suspicious or jealous of, those coastal elites, progressives or Democrats and come up with completely unfounded insane nonsense like claiming Democrats eat babies. There are even reports that some of the old religious conservative conspiracy theories like blood libel and other anti-Semitic lies are experiencing a resurgence among religious conservative media. I've no doubt that these crazy folk living in their own alternate reality would be dragging fellow American citizens out of their houses and burning them at the stake for being gay, pro-choice, liberal or progressive if given the opportunity.
While this latest speech makes me question Trump's sanity, I am not concerned about the peaceful transfer of power.
It's going to be pretty fucking hard for Trump and his sycophants to deny after Chief Justice John Roberts administers the Oath of Office to Biden. From that point on, it's on the Secret Service to 'guide' Trump to the exit...
I'm going to wait another 5 days, until after the 'safe harbor' deadline and go to the RW site where I lurk just to see how crazy it will get...
Trump will be escorted out of the building. No doubt about it.
I am still amazed at the level of denial that continues to take place. I really did not believe so many could be so naïve or that so many would serve as agents for Trump to continue this bizarre charade. What on Earth do they gain given the price is to destroy their credibility and make themselves look like utter fools?
I actually wonder how many Trump supporters can cling to the idea that this guy is rational. The crazier his claims, logically the fewer will be his supporters.
Trump may lose a few supporters, but, his rabid ones will still stand with him, if for now other reason than in his demented state of mind they can easily manipulate him into doing what they want him to do for them. That is, until he is prosecuted by NY and perhaps others, and winds up in either jail or prison. By the time he gets out his thugs will have found a new master to follow.
He is not going to lose supporters outright, because they are of like minds. Donald is the tool this kind of supporters have been waiting for to galvanize them into all kinds of actions.Let's face the elephant in the room. If Trump republicans and conservative think they can take this country from the rest of us-they will test the ties that bind. Moreover, it is the only way to process why Donald Trump has been a perfect affront to this nation and why he has not cared to even try to get himself together or on page with anybody not in his "One for All-All for One" reality.
I have tried. Peoples minds are made up for the most part. Need a point of contact or two to start a dialogue from. I think that as time progresses it may be different.
a record 2777 dead americans by covid yesterday, 275K americans dead from covid by lunch today, and this most important speech of his presidency is all about the alternative conspiracy reality in his defective brain. is it any wonder that no mainstream networks carried this work of demented fiction live?
Now we find out that he turned down buying additional doses of a vaccine. Then he has the nerve to sign a worthless EO saying we get the vaccines over other countries. After laughing at this, other countries have already started inoculations.
It's a little campy, but these chillum harmonize the point across the twilight zone. Be prepared to be amazed. And let those speakers rip! These people can 'sang' - honey!
If he does not lose virtually all supporters then our nation is in a very sad state of affairs.
Indeed I need both eye bleach and brain bleach. That is the sadist thing I have ever seen a grown man do and call it dancing. It's more like he is prepping for a boxing match than anything close to dancing. Blech!
I just listened to the whole thing for the first time. I need a drink. A big one. That man is the biggest bamboozler/flim flam man/idiot/nut on the planet. However, he excels at knowing how to scam every penny from people that can't afford it.
He's been taking lessons from his avid Evangelical leaders.
Thank you very much. That's exactly what he reminds me of...a lying swindling chiseling televangelist who needs a second jet so he and his wife can travel to different vacay homes on the same day with their 'neighbor'/'nanny'/'publicist'/'long-time family friend'/'wife's assistant', etc.
You are most welcome Sis. He claims he needs the money to support his 2024 campaign, but, most people are not that stupid. He really knows he has no chance of winning in 2024 after the way he has acted and the awful things he has said and done during the last 4 years.
While there will always be some who will be die hard supporters, there will be even fewer as the next 4 years pass. He is certain to lose a lot of the political pull he had, and his personal reputation is sure to take a dive when he is prosecuted for his many crimes. He may not even be able to run in 2024 if he is in fail or prison.
So his lies about needing the money to his 2024 campaign is just to use those he calls losers and stupid.
I doubt a lot of people can afford it. They are willing to give up money their families need just so they can contribute to a con man. "Sorry my child, but Don The Con needs your lunch money."
I just listened to the whole thing for the first time. I am sorry to hear that you put yourself through that. I can not take all of it at one sitting. It has been more than a week now and I still have not gotten through it.
Great meme, Kavika. Wonder how Trump feels being betrayed by someone she trusted for a change. Barr got the first shot in before Trump could throw him under the bus.
Even his ever loyal Kellyann has thrown Trump under the bus by saying she recognizes Biden and Harris have won the election. That had to really smart for Trump. And I bet her husband is having a great laugh.
"A former commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration and a member of Pfizer’s board of directors said Tuesday that President Donald Trump’s administration declined to secure millions of additional doses of Pfizer and BioNTech's coronavirus vaccines when it had the chance." (AP)
How do you like dem apples Trumpers? Remember this when you can't get the vaccine or have to wait a very long time, assuming that you are still around then.
I am speechless.
I just read about what he says. I can't stand listening to him.
His voice is like nails on a chalkboard to me.
You have to have a head full of shit already to enjoy having more shit shoved in your ears.
I was struggling at the 30 second mark.
I wonder who wrote and filmed that debacle for the comb over clown.
Even worse to me, is watching him talk. His mouth is such a mess of forms is takes, mostly when it looks like an a-hole as he speaks. (shudder)
I could not stand to hear him talk after the first 3 minutes. His lies and egotistical ME ME I I aggrandisement BS is just sickening. He makes me want to vomit. Although, that is nothing new, it goes back to early 2016.
Emphatically. And he rarely ever self-corrects. "China-virus." He says day, after week, after months. He never tires of his own mind-craft. Four years in and he still gaslights this nation each day.
I kept skipping ahead, watched about 5 minutes total, trying to avoid nausea.
At least you all listen to it even for just a few seconds.
I won't watch it at all
His voice makes my teeth itch.
His voice, his facial 'ticks,' and oh my the digressions! Trump is a disaster!!
I can't stand to watch his talk. His mouth and body language is sickening. He likes to see himself as a Mob Boss, and all his followers are his gangsters and thugs that do his dirty work for him. That is, until he has no further use for them, then he just tosses them under the bus and wrecks their careers and reputations, calling them scum and losers.
And they are indeed total fools for ever trusting him. His reputation has been known around the world for decades, so they should not have thought they would make a difference with him.
Donald is an ugly person-inside and outside. He makes no bones of holding the world's reputation as the User of users. This was his big chance to sit atop the world and live the reasons for being the boss on The Apprentice! Now, he has lost an election, and I bet he wonders if Meatloaf along with the rest of those contestants he's fired are laughing at him and his WH cast. There is Ivanka, Eric, and Donald Jr. all lining the table and getting fired by the 'merican voters.
And yet, it doesn't seem important enough to even watch it. So I won't.
Trump's state of mind and very limited intelligence are irrelevant. Unacknowledged by the Democratic Party and other far right-wing reactionaries, Trump's thinly veiled call for insurrection and overthrow of the US government is driven by objective class conditions which have been in mounting crisis for years. If not Trump, it would be another reactionary figure doing the bidding of this section of the ruling clsas.
Trump intention to proceed exactly as he says is deadly serious. I've indicated this in articles I've seeded and which were routinely poo-hooed on this forum. That said, recall that in 2015 as well, people made the disastrous blunder of not taking Trump seriously then. This time around, the crisis is more advanced. The stakes are higher. And the COVID-19 pandemic is functioning as a trigger event, an accelerate of already explosive conditions lying under the surface. Little time is left to prepare resistance to führur Trump's post-democracy regime .
The media is noticing it, but they are caught in the same trap that Trump has always created: How do you call out a liar when that will necessarily be amplifying his lies?
The WAshington Post led there online daily yesterday with an article entitled
The most petulant 46 minutes in American history
If you google " Donald Trump most important speech " you see that he is not being ignored, and his alternate facts are being labeled more properly now as lies.
I just visited Facebook. If my little corner of the country, or maybe the summation of my FB friends, there is an agonizingly large segment saying that they can not see anybody else in office and that it will be a travesty if he isn't re-elected. This was today!
Sometimes I think that the whole country has lost it's mind.
allowed ignorance to rule.
If the media is noticing, it's about time. Yet I doubt that the larger point -- that objective class conditions have been building toward crisis for years -- won't gain serious recognition any time soon.
Sometimes, I also think ... When I do, I come to the conclusion NOT that the masses have lost their collective mind, but that they are dispirited by decades of attack on working class living standards, and are thoroughly confused and politically disoriented by ongoing political attacks in the form of two ruling class factions spin competing narratives neither of which articulates working class interests. But the working class is/will/must awaken. The only faction which can defend working class interests is the working class itself. The way forward is that a united proletariat enter directly into the stream of civic events with its own demands.
As soon as the people see the "S" by your name, they are going to conjure pictures of Lenin and Chairman Mao, purely as a reflexive instinct of being acculturated in this country.
I agree that the two parties have got to go. I would further recommend that parties in general be done away with because they are the genesis of the downward spiral that we have seen in the political discourse over the past 50 years.
Agreed. The problem seems to be that whenever a grassroots political movement is started, it is diluted and co-opted by the larger, entrenched parties.
'As soon as the people see the "S" by your name, they are going to conjure pictures of Lenin and Chairman Mao, purely as a reflexive instinct...'
This demonstrates the extent to which the US socialist movement deteriorated. We have a plethora of 'experts' pontificating nonsense about 'socialism.' They have never read Marx. They have never read Engels. They have never read Plekhanov. They have never read Lenin. They have never read Debs. They have never read Trotsky. They have never read Canon. They have never read North. With a gun pointed at their heads, they couldn't name three titles produced by these eight people together. They can't explain Marx' theory of labour, of surplus value, or the tendency of profits to fall in relation to Capital's development. To save their own lives, they couldn't articulate the basis upon which Marx categorized society. They cannot explain Hegel. They cannot explain dialectics, materialism, historical materialism and certainly not dialectical materialism. Absolutely everything these self-styled/self-proclaimed 'experts' 'think' that they know about their so-called 'socialism' is, by definition, hearsay. They have never once consulted original sources for their 'knowledge' of socialism.
Well guess what! I do not shy to take the name 'socialist.' I do not hesitate to declare for the toiling classes who are the real producers of all the real wealth which the indolent wealthy extract from them by coercion. I bear gladly the epitaph, 'socialist.' Even though in the great majority of cases the ruling class has no comprehension of what it says concerning socialism, the word is in the news again. And the working class which is the 90% is awakening to the reality that it isn't doing particularly well. Increasingly, it is willing to entertain the possibility that it is time for systemic change. The ruling class sees the proletarian class consciousness awakening and it is terrified. That is why every nut-job, pundit and talking head babbles about 'socialism' with increasing hysteria. The point not to be missed is that the ruling class has no alternative but to conjure up post-socialist apocalyptic imagery because it has NO workable solution to any of the multitudinous crises now withstanding the great lordly kakistocracy called CAPITAL .
Join me at The Red Flag !
Another con job by the flip flam man.
He has yet to prove one damn thing that he is carnival barking about.
It's those damn minorities that are illegal and rife with fraud.
Fuck that bigoted POS.
Meanwhile the COVID is out of control Americans dying by the thousands every day. The economy is tanking but it's all about him. The ''Liar King''.
I did not think he could embarrass the USA more on the world stage. Guess I was wrong on that one.
I will tell you this 'thang' is trying to incite a national insurrection. This is the opening 'salvo' to it. Our constitutional crisis is underway in this stupid creature. Trump literally wants to 'turn over' the election. At what point does this mean a sitting president has gone too far?!
What we are listening too is a very frightened man trying to signal to his supporters far and wide, you know what.
he complains about the thousands of ballots that were sent to dead people, yet fails to mention that most were the people he was responsible for killing in 2020 with his incompetent pandemic response.
Straight. Up. Skank.
I guess Donald Trump is the only one allowed to make baseless accusations in your worldview.
Trump just provided a video today (this seed) where he spent 46 minutes lying his ass off to the world (further embarrassing this nation) and you choose to play gotcha games with a member on NT.
You get an A for maintaining your faith in Trump. Quick question: How much money have you donated to Trump's continuing beg-a-thon for $$$ to fight the 'fraudulent election' results? Asking for a friend...
In the US over 7,000 citizens die per day. I wonder if Donald can grasp that. Probably not.
You missed the point.
This seed shows the President of our nation making a 46 minute speech to the world after losing an election wherein he claims massive fraud capable of changing the results of the election. He offers no evidence, just anecdotes. He exaggerates, repeats, makes his same old platitudes 'tremendous ... never been seen before ...'.
This is serious Texan. This is actually important. Millions of naïve followers believe this guy.
Yet in the context of this seed ... the context of his video ... you choose to play gotcha games with a fellow member.
Not the point.
The point is that I think your priorities are out of whack. You are silent on Trump's international embarrassing charade but instead (within the context of the very video containing his 46 minute national embarrassment) you play petty games with an NT member.
I am sure that is clear enough.
Here's your random speculation:
US All Key Metrics | The COVID Tracking Project
Today's totals (as of 7:45 CST)
New Patients 195,695
Hospitalizations 100,226
Deaths 2,733
Trump's only care? His imagined mistreatment. Oh - and his golf game.
And yet, here you are. Still.
Including members on this very site, as we have all seen.
Stubbornly so.
I know of at least one, my father in law received a ballot posthumously.
Most news outlets aren't even airing his speeches any longer because they are so out there and a total lie fests.
… and it is a national embarrassment
Did you get a gander of Trump's newest star witness? She was obviously impaired, spouting lies, false data and of course no evidence. She sounded like Kate McKinnen (SNL) if Kate were doing a bad imitation of herself. Even farting Rudy tried to get her to pump her brakes to no avail.
Stay classy. /s
I had read about her, but only just now watched the video. She was unhinged. I mean, if Rudy can recognize the degree of unhinged-ness, it's pretty bad.
That post reeks with desperation.
She seems nice.
I would have loved to see a cop approach her with a portable breathalyzer.
He actually had the nerve to complain about Durham not coming out with what he wanted before the election.
There is only so many times I can call him a piece of shit without really sounding redundant.
He has only ever cared about himself over the country.
The irony of that is that US District Attorneys don't file 'reports', they file indictments. Durham indicted ONE person and that was through a criminal referral from the Horowitz investigation.
Considering the FACT that the Mueller and Congressional investigations already contained a ton of "discovery" one has to wonder WTF is taking Durham so long. After all, Trump and his sycophants have been making allegations since 2017.
I wondered that too. It seems like it has been going on for years.
Like they are just looking for things, anything...
It's been 18 months. The Mueller investigation was 22 months.
Ah, thanks. I guess I have no sense of time on it as I really don't care. I think it will be inconsequential in the scheme of things.
It COULD be a useful 'whataboutism' when the right whine about the cost of Mueller's investigation even though he made a profit and indicted more than a dozen people.
The "right" has no problem though with the insane millions it cost us for Trump to play Golf.
Mueller report cost.
Between May 17, 2017 —through Sept. 30, 2018, his office spent $12,287,852. This includes $7.3 million on salaries and benefits, $1.3 million on travel and transportation, and $2.2 million on rent and utilities. The Special Counsel’s office also says it spent $15,618 on printing and copying needs.
Not included in these figures are “component expenses” incurred by the Department of Justice at large. These additional costs totaled $12,928,000, though the DOJ says it was not legally required to report them, and that they are approximate to what the DOJ would have spent elsewhere if the Special Counsel’s Office didn’t exist.
Trump's golf games cost
$141 million
Wait till we get the bill for 'fortifying' Mar a Lago for Trump's 2024 'headquarters'. Wonder how much they'll charge the Secret Service for lodging of Trump's detail?
As a former President, he already will have a detail constantly. Just like all of them do. Not seeing what you are insinuating. Do you have anything further?
Revelatory! /s
Your inability to understand my comment is on you. I have nothing further because your comment failed to add anything to the conversation.
Mar A Largo may end up being seized by the banks as I doubt he can come up with the loan repayment. Maybe he can live in Junior's covid cabana.
I just saw a video that sheds some light on Mar A Largo as his new home. He signed an agreement that said he can only stay there for 21 days a year with no more than 7 days in a row. Trump has already violated that agreement having spent 121 days there this year. Where I doubt the city would evict him, they can revoke his permit to conduct any revenue generating business operations conducted there.
pffft, silly zoning laws like that don't mean anything to trump, especially there.
I don't think it is a zoning law problem, but with the variance he agreed to and has violated continually. His neighbors can't stand Trump because of his constant landings of his chopper. These neighbors have mega bucks and the monetary means to go after him. The pad was finally removed due to pressure. The city itself is in constant turmoil due to jackboots disrupting their business every time he shows up. It is even worse when dignitaries visit.
I watched 30 seconds of it, that's all I can stomach....He's a lying POS, worst president in the history of this country. HE LOST.
Trump has no evidence that will change this election so he is doing what Trump does. He is trying to appeal to his gullible supporters with exaggerated claims based solely on anecdotal evidence. He is taking normal problems that occur in elections of this size and claiming that this year the differences were sufficient to change the results of the election.
He has no evidence. Just bullshit. So that is what he is going with.
Emphatically. Evidence is the 'key' that will turn this 'wailer' out into the wilderness. He simply can't produce any! As there is none he can fetch!
And his followers on talk radio say the same thing over and over again. If it comes out of trmp's mouth, be sure to tune into your radio at drive time because it will be the same thing coming out of the speakers.
Why are these people so intent on insisting that the Democrats "stole" the election? If they did that, then why are McConnell and Graham holding on to their seats?
Makes no damn sense
TG I am flabbergasted by what is taking place a month after the election when all the swing state results have been certified and Trump has decisively and demonstrably lost the election. I thought I understood the depths of partisan irrationality but this goes beyond what I thought capable. This is borderline insanity.
TiG...I do believe they have dived off the cliff head first
... into an empty pool.
Not even the pool, just the stakes and lines indicating where the pool will be dug.
How did we miss the chance to rig Miss Graham's and Moscow Mitch's reelections? Boy, we sure aren't all that good at rigging it would seem. /s
At the end, he made it sound like he was going to do something, but he didn’t say what.
This is all he has. Trump utters lies to effect action.
plus he managed to blow 4 racist dog whistles by my count, after I went back and lost an additional 30 minutes of my life by watching the rest of it. it reminded me of 8th grade debate club for some reason ...
It reminds me of a man "imploding" or nearing a nervous breakdown. He is truly coming unglued. Everybody needs to be ready for the "big Kahuna" of a melt-down. The man who would be king of the United States is unnervingly coming to the realization that 74,000,000 screaming sycophants is 6M plus to short make it so.
Now he is pathetic. "Chairman Kim" and Vladimir are laughing out loud behind their presidencies for life! "Better luck next time, Donald!"
He has investigators in Hawaii looking for the birth certificate, they're finding a tremendous amount of information, like you've never seen before, believe me.
What can he do?
Nothing other than continue to work his remaining irrational lunatic supporters into a frenzy.
(Note: I am referring to a subset of Trump supporters. I think most Trump supporters are shaking their heads and wishing the asshole would just STFU, but even a small minority out of 74 million is a powerful force.)
That small minority has control of talk radio
silence is consent.
At this point, I'm not sure. I guess I could imagine a lot of things - from reasonable to terrible - but I don't think I want to speculate too wildly. At the very end of the speech, he said,
He made it sound like he was going to conduct some kind of extensive review of all the different voting systems. I mean, I guess he could ask DOJ to take on a project like that, but I expect it would take a while - far longer than he has in office. I also suspect all 50 states might not cooperate fully.
If he did start an investigation like that, would a Biden administration halt it? That might not actually look very good.
Who knows what that man will do at this point.
If you think any of this has to do with election reform you are a lost cause. Donald Trump does not have sincere bone in his body. You have spent the past 4 or 5 years giving Trump the benefit of the doubt 95% of the time. How the hell do you explain that?
Try not to get too bent out of shape over this. I'm just trying to analyze what the guy said, ok?
OK, great. Glad we got that figured out.
Really? Is that what the science says?
Why would I try to explain your fantasy data? Furthermore, why would I need to explain any such thing to you?
For someone who claims to be objectively analyzing everything, you spend an inordinate amount of time giving Trump the benefit of the doubt. It has been and is bizarre.
Now in an article about Trump denying the election results you pose the situation as possibly being one where Trump just wants to get to the bottom of problems with the nation's vote counting systems. And , you say, if such an endeavor is undertaken and Biden doesnt get behind it, that would look bad for Biden.
Where is the nonsense coming from, other than that you like to paint Trump in the best light possible ?
No, you're wrong. I actually don't give Trump the benefit of the doubt. I also don't do what you do, which is assume the worst in everything he does or says (that has been and is bizarre). I come at the issue without a bias or agenda for the man himself. I consider that a prerequisite for objective analysis.
Your bias is well documented with all the anti-Trump seeds and your repeated practice of attacking people who don't condemn Trump 100% in all things. 99% is not enough for you. This clouds your ability to have an open-minded conversation about anything related to Trump. I see little point in trying to convince you otherwise in this instance.
You are making it personal JR. This seed is about Trump, not Tacos!
I think narcissism is driving him more than probable cause, so whatever he does probably won't result in much of value.
As a political tactic, it could be intended to undermine the Biden administration, and possibly boost Trump for a 2024 run. Although, by that time, I hope and expect that Trump will lose interest and the Republicans will produce a less toxic candidate.
Or, instead of being the Grand Poobah of delusional bullshit, he could direct Americans to review the facts documented by the US DHS, Directed by the guy he fired for telling the truth.
But that is his skill set.
Would this be like the investigation into those three million voters that voted illegally and gave Hillary Clinton 3 million more votes in 2016..? I seem to recall, that amounted to NOTHING !
They refused to even publish the results i believe, but do correct me, if i am mistaken.
That's what I think, yeah. If it were anyone else, I can certainly see why a person could be concerned about fraud or error in 2020, given the unprecedented circumstances. But once the evidence is found to be so lacking, a normal person would move on.
And I think this is his basic problem with both elections. Even in an election where he won the electoral college vote, his ego wouldn't allow him to accept that he lost the popular vote.
Trump would only eat a taco if it came in a Big Mac wrapper.
He is losing his damn mind. . . and if he is right about fraud. . . then votes for Donald don't count either. This guy, Donald, is having a nervous breakdown. . . call his family to come take him home. History is going to look UNFAVORABLY on the Trump family. The Republican Party is SHIT now!
I have been reading recently that it is now discovered that neurological problems can occur in persons infected by Covid-19. I have a feeling he could be a victim of that, and that he is now suffering from a deranged mind.
Anoon buzz. Hmm we are starting to wonder if the Chinese President may have had the virus or is he Trump's clone...the amount of garbage that is coming out of China at the moment having ago at us is mind boggling...geez one nutty world leader is enough but now we seem to have got two..we sure have got China rattled and await with hilarity what is yes you could be right re brain damage in some world leaders.. bit of a worry that...stay safe over there...
Donald Trump was long indulgent before Covid-19 became a disaster. Covid-19 may not be helping, nevertheless.
When someone finally gets injured or killed (as the republicans officials are warning their own party) will Trump be liable for a crime?
Maybe inciting violence or depraved indifference?
Trump has already been doing that even before the election. and even more so having his mob boys threatening those who refuse to support his mania about stealing and/or rigging the election with death threats for their wife and kids as well.
It might under depraved indifference.
Well gee, they tried to hold Hillary Clinton legally liable for the deaths of 3 Americans in BENGHAZI and she wasn't even in the same fucking country at the time. So why not Trump for 292,000 while he was HERE?
Trump should be held responsible. He does not even give a rat's ass that he infected his own wife and two sons.
Trump complains about things that there are no problems with. He's just lying.
Michael Flynn is calling for Trump to declare martial law, suspend the Constitution and civilian control of the election, and have the military conduct a do-over of the presidential election.
He's Trump's boy.
... rent boy.
Butt buddy.
And by instigating Trump to commit Treason by doing what Flynn is suggesting, Flynn is committing Sedition against America.
What Flynn seems to forget, is that Trumps' pardon was for previous crimes, but, does not protect him for any subsequent crimes, such as sedition. Perhaps he feels that Trump will also pardon him again for his sedition, and any other crimes he commits after each pardon. Sort of thinking he is above the law like all the other Trump puppets.
Something is wrong with Flynn. He's a decorated General for chrissakes! He should know what he's advocating is sedition, insurrection, and treason.
Unless he's always had fantasies about himself being a military dictator ala Mussolini or Franco
I think he is just plain stupid at this point, thinking he can get away with anything and his master Trump will keep pardoning him. But, he may let his mouth overload his ass and find that he has pissed off Trump by having the FBI and others watching him for Flynn's suggestion about Trump should throw out the Constitution himself as dictator, or hold another election that he can declare himself as the winner, then name himself as dictator, which is what he will do if he wins the Presidency again so that he will never have to leave the WH again.
That is pretty much what Trump has planned to do if he could get back the Presidency again in 2024. However, I don't think he will win again after what he ha done to our country and it's people this time.
Some of the Republicans may be stupid enough to vote for his again, but, there is little chance many Congress Republicans will be willing to kiss his a$$ again at that time, as they will be looking for a new candidate more to their liking.
Everybody has four years to RECORD Donald "the Terrible" and hit playback on the video recorders of time. In the meantime, Never Trumpers, Lincoln Project, and all you true republicans-your golden chance to rid your party of this lying wunderkind is nearly here! Come get your stuff back!
That is why no charges should be filed against Flynn until 21 January. That way Trump can't pardon him.
Only as long as Flynn is useful for him, then Trump will throw him under the bus like he has so many of his other Trump boys over the past 4 years. No One is safe from Trumps' vengeance when he no longer needs them. If Flynn is not aware of that, or thinks he is the exception, he will be in for a rude awakening.
Yeah....Trump pardoned him this time, and might let him fry next time.
Flynn is one vet I will never thank for serving.
Add Miss Graham and any member of The Hill who is a Trump toadie who have a military background. All of them have violated the oath they took upon entering the military to protect the US from all enemies, both foreign and domestic. You are bound by that oath even if you leave the military.
interesting point actually and it can be argued and debated both ways.
There are actually 2 different military service oaths, one for enlisted members not of the officer corps , which includes that they will follow the orders of the president and the officers appointed over them
And the officer oath which simply states they will uphold and defend the constitution, nothing about following the orders of the president.
when one gets a DD form 214 , a release from active duty commitment , they usually have some form of reserve component commitment left to uphold , so the oath is still legally enforceable in case they are recalled to active duty.
here is where it gets arguable and debatable , once that reserve commitment is filled and a DD- form 256 is issued , which is a complete discharge of military service or obligation , to some the oath no longer applies , it is dependent on the individual actually because there are no legal ramifications if they decide to not adhere to it in the future.
That does not preclude that an individual can not modify the conditions of their oath lets say in the case of someone who was enlisted , to be more in lines with the oath an officer takes , leaving out the following orders part. and simply defend the constitution , again that is up to the individual to decide.
That also brings up a question of which oath takes priority in the case of someone that has to take an oath of office for a position , such as members of the legislature , judiciary , or a member of the executive branch.
an LEO could be a former military member , but also has to take an oath when they become law enforcement so which oath becomes senior and the one that has to be adhered to?
and this can apply to anyone that has to take some form of an oath for office or position.
Lie after lie after lie. Projection after projection after projection. I thought the deceit he displayed on Thanksgiving was unprecedented, but this tops it.
Imagine the kind of mind behind behavior like this. It's disturbing.
Donald J. Trump — the Great Deceiver; the Mad (wannabe) King; Enemy of the Republic.
Donald J. Trump — the Great Deceiver; the Mad (wannabe) King; Enemy of the Republic.
Don't forget the master fleecier to the tune of $170-million of his brainless followers.
And that's just in the 29 days since the election.
That's just Trump change, lol...
Donald is having a nervous breakdown in public and in ear shot of reporters! Soon, he may turn on those near and dear to him as he bites in a full-circle movement. BOO!
I am still concerned that power will not be transferred peacefully in January. This presser, Flynn's statements, diGenova's statements...These are calls to arms, and I'm afraid some idiots will answer that call.
It won't work out for Donald. Wwe won't swear fealty to him and other nations will isolate our fool of a 'leader' and laugh at Donald all the while.
While this latest speech makes me question Trump's sanity, I am not concerned about the peaceful transfer of power. The mass of our constitutional Republic will not give way to a lunatic ex-PotUS and a few deranged followers.
I actually wonder how many Trump supporters can cling to the idea that this guy is rational. The crazier his claims, logically the fewer will be his supporters.
We must remember the visible folks who have served Donald. This must never be allowed to happen again.
That said, the signs are there. Donald is silently asking people to choose him over the President Elect by any means necessary.
I hope you're right.
I know a few who think the election was rigged, but I live in a bright red county. Final count for my county was 69% and change for Trump. Maybe that's why I'm more concerned about a peaceful transition - a fair number of the Trump supporters I know don't think there should be a transition.
Has any activity of this administration borne out logic in any sense of the word ?
We did not think we should have transitioned to Donald in 2016, but we did. Don't give Donald the satisfaction of wearing us down. Donald Trump is a walking disaster. The time has come for the Never Trumpers to do something about their party's collapse!
The human mind is indeed capable of spinning and then believing an alternate reality that defies both common sense and that which is evidenced.
I'm with Sandy. I live in a deep red state and the stuff I hear from callers on that radio show I listen for traffic make me want to bang my head on the steering wheel. They are so worked up I fear they may just take to the streets.
I watched a show recently on the Salem witch trials and it struck me how similar those religious conservatives beliefs are to current religious conservatives. At that time virtually everyone believed witches existed and were able to curse others and consorted with the devil. Even university scholars of the time accepted witches as a fact of life, yet there was no actual evidence of anything supernatural, just natural events, accidents and coincidences that were attributed to those that the deeply religious community was suspicious or jealous of. It was an alternate reality they lived in that not only defied but replaced common sense and led to many innocent persons losing their lives.
Today we have a similar situation where perhaps millions actually believe in mind numbingly stupid things like all the Qanon conspiracy theories, some fantasy 'deep state' or supposed widespread election fraud. And of course, they blame those they are suspicious or jealous of, those coastal elites, progressives or Democrats and come up with completely unfounded insane nonsense like claiming Democrats eat babies. There are even reports that some of the old religious conservative conspiracy theories like blood libel and other anti-Semitic lies are experiencing a resurgence among religious conservative media. I've no doubt that these crazy folk living in their own alternate reality would be dragging fellow American citizens out of their houses and burning them at the stake for being gay, pro-choice, liberal or progressive if given the opportunity.
It's going to be pretty fucking hard for Trump and his sycophants to deny after Chief Justice John Roberts administers the Oath of Office to Biden. From that point on, it's on the Secret Service to 'guide' Trump to the exit...
I'm going to wait another 5 days, until after the 'safe harbor' deadline and go to the RW site where I lurk just to see how crazy it will get...
Trump will be escorted out of the building. No doubt about it.
I am still amazed at the level of denial that continues to take place. I really did not believe so many could be so naïve or that so many would serve as agents for Trump to continue this bizarre charade. What on Earth do they gain given the price is to destroy their credibility and make themselves look like utter fools?
Trump may lose a few supporters, but, his rabid ones will still stand with him, if for now other reason than in his demented state of mind they can easily manipulate him into doing what they want him to do for them. That is, until he is prosecuted by NY and perhaps others, and winds up in either jail or prison. By the time he gets out his thugs will have found a new master to follow.
If he does not lose virtually all supporters then our nation is in a very sad state of affairs.
He is not going to lose supporters outright, because they are of like minds. Donald is the tool this kind of supporters have been waiting for to galvanize them into all kinds of actions.Let's face the elephant in the room. If Trump republicans and conservative think they can take this country from the rest of us-they will test the ties that bind. Moreover, it is the only way to process why Donald Trump has been a perfect affront to this nation and why he has not cared to even try to get himself together or on page with anybody not in his "One for All-All for One" reality.
My public radio station just reported that our local congressional representative, Elise Stefanik, supports the continuation of this non-sense.
So I Googled it .
Pity is, it will most likely raise her support in these parts.
I feel your pain.
Some of his supporters would drink his bathwater if he asked them to. Then he would charge them for the straws.
I think it's been in a sad state.
Are you planning to speak up about her to as many who will listen?
I have tried. Peoples minds are made up for the most part. Need a point of contact or two to start a dialogue from. I think that as time progresses it may be different.
Keep up the effort.
Ummmmm.... To the victors go the spoils?
We will call back and they won't like the results.
To answer your question: Yes. This man is insane.
a record 2777 dead americans by covid yesterday, 275K americans dead from covid by lunch today, and this most important speech of his presidency is all about the alternative conspiracy reality in his defective brain. is it any wonder that no mainstream networks carried this work of demented fiction live?
Now we find out that he turned down buying additional doses of a vaccine. Then he has the nerve to sign a worthless EO saying we get the vaccines over other countries. After laughing at this, other countries have already started inoculations.
I'm just getting this at the 12 hours ago mark:
1979 Manhattan Transfer: Twilight Tone-Twilight Zone @ 432 Hz (non-official recut)
It's a little campy, but these chillum harmonize the point across the twilight zone. Be prepared to be amazed. And let those speakers rip! These people can 'sang' - honey!
I've seen them live every time they came around. Twice in Chicago, once in San Francisco and once in Mountain View CA. They are awesome acapella.
Just awesome! Yes!
It really is a curiosity how trump, as fat as he is, can still kiss his own ass.
Then again, anyone that has seen trump dance understands why he has to pay for pussy.
I have never seen Trump dance. Do you have a link?
I looked up some videos that show him supposedly 'dancing' when the things moving the most are his fists.
NOOOOOOO....look away! LOOK AWAY!
Indeed I need both eye bleach and brain bleach. That is the sadist thing I have ever seen a grown man do and call it dancing. It's more like he is prepping for a boxing match than anything close to dancing. Blech!
He dances like a typical two year old with a full diaper.
I dunno Paula... that kinda insults 2 yr olds. More like a dog covered in fleas trying to find a place to poop.
My bad.
I just listened to the whole thing for the first time. I need a drink. A big one. That man is the biggest bamboozler/flim flam man/idiot/nut on the planet. However, he excels at knowing how to scam every penny from people that can't afford it.
He's been taking lessons from his avid Evangelical leaders.
Thank you very much. That's exactly what he reminds me of...a lying swindling chiseling televangelist who needs a second jet so he and his wife can travel to different vacay homes on the same day with their 'neighbor'/'nanny'/'publicist'/'long-time family friend'/'wife's assistant', etc.
You are most welcome Sis. He claims he needs the money to support his 2024 campaign, but, most people are not that stupid. He really knows he has no chance of winning in 2024 after the way he has acted and the awful things he has said and done during the last 4 years.
While there will always be some who will be die hard supporters, there will be even fewer as the next 4 years pass. He is certain to lose a lot of the political pull he had, and his personal reputation is sure to take a dive when he is prosecuted for his many crimes. He may not even be able to run in 2024 if he is in fail or prison.
So his lies about needing the money to his 2024 campaign is just to use those he calls losers and stupid.
I doubt a lot of people can afford it. They are willing to give up money their families need just so they can contribute to a con man. "Sorry my child, but Don The Con needs your lunch money."
Exactly. And in that regard, they are more shameful than he is for asking for it.
I need a big drink just knowing you listened to the entire thing.
Yes.... very.
We tried to tell people....
That is truly a great meme. I really wish someone would do that, it just might wake up his brain.
Great meme, Kavika. Wonder how Trump feels being betrayed by someone she trusted for a change. Barr got the first shot in before Trump could throw him under the bus.
Even his ever loyal Kellyann has thrown Trump under the bus by saying she recognizes Biden and Harris have won the election. That had to really smart for Trump. And I bet her husband is having a great laugh.
I bet this wasn't in his speech.
"A former commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration and a member of Pfizer’s board of directors said Tuesday that President Donald Trump’s administration declined to secure millions of additional doses of Pfizer and BioNTech's coronavirus vaccines when it had the chance." (AP)
How do you like dem apples Trumpers? Remember this when you can't get the vaccine or have to wait a very long time, assuming that you are still around then.