The 600 Dollar Direct Payment To Americans

Some interesting tidbits about the recently "announced" direct payment to middle and lower income Americans ( it is believed that approval for these 600 dollar checks to individuals will occur in the next day or two as part of the new covid relief bill).
Stimulus checks for "all" were thought to be a dead issue as the weeks before the holiday break by Congress rolled by, but it was revived, apparently successfully, by mainly, Bernie Sanders and the freshman Republican senator Josh Hawley of Missouri.
As the deadline drew near, reports are that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell gave his blessing to the direct checks because he had grown fearful about the effect the issue was having on the special senate elections in Georgia. Kelly Loeffler , one of the GOP candidates in Georgia, was reportedly tongue tied when asked in a debate to give a sum of money she was willing to approve to send to those economically suffering because of the pandemic economy. McConnell knows that most people are willing to spend (as a nation) a few hundred billion dollars to help struggling people.
But there is an ideological component to all this. "Fiscal conservatives" are worried about the addition to the national debt. I heard that Joe Manchin, a senator from West Virginia who represents one of the poorest states in the country , got into a "heated exchange" with Sen. Bernie Sanders yesterday over the prospect of giving individual Americans 600 dollars each. Manchin reportedly told Sanders that the bill should include extended unemployment insurance OR the 600 dollar stimulus checks, BUT NOT BOTH. And Manchin is a Democrat. But he wants to be "fiscally responsible". I also heard that some Republicans involved in the discussions of the covid relief plan wanted to make it so individuals could accept unemployment insurance payments or they could accept the 600 dollars stimulus check, but not both. They called it "double dipping" to accept both.
The truth is that , McConnell's worries about Georgia aside, conservatives have a gnawing fear here. Direct payments from the government to individual citizens have the opening spark of a Universal Basic Income movement in them, or so some conservatives think. The government of the United States is set up to help business and part of helping business is convincing workers that they owe their livelihood to the benevolence of corporations and consumerism. Some conservatives and others who are "fiscally conservative" would rather see some Americans starve, or at least suffer want, rather than use the government to disperse an element of universal economic sustenance to the population.
That's fine, everyone should work, and our national ethic at this time needs to be to require the able bodied to work. But what is going to happen over the next 60-80 years, as many tens of millions of jobs are permanently lost to artificial intelligence and automation?
Are gimmicks like Bitcoin going to prevent poverty and income inequality or exacerbate it ?
IMO, if it is one or the other, we should cut the defense budget in half in order to see the nation through the economic crisis associated with the pandemic.
What half of the defense budget would you like to cut?
We could start by bringing ALL the troops and support personnel home now
Remember, left wing governors and mayors are responsible for the millions and millions of lost jobs, especially small business jobs, many permanently, because of the misguided and ineffective lock downs.
Cut it across the board. Our country is not under military threat. The defense budget is a stimulus to the defense industry.
Because we have a presence around the world and is a deterrence to that threat. If the left got their way and drastically cut the military budget, we would be under threat every day.
Do you really want that?
From who?
The US military mainly exists to protect US business interests around the world, to make it safe for American companies to successfully pursue their business interests and profits in markets in other countries. This has always been the case and it will always be the case in the future. Let the business monopolies and conglomerates pay for that protection rather than the American taxpayer.
Seems like our huge investments in physical deterrents could not stop hackers from breaking into hundreds
or thousands of
government computers and businesses.
Perhaps the Administration is putting the wrong emphasis in the wrong departments.
As for the stimulus checks, they should be seen as an investment in our own blue collar engine.
Uh, no....
Maybe you need to speak to someone who actually served their country....
Wait a I am
I can assure you I was not deployed to protect business interests exclusively. Of course business interests are protected because of the presence of US Forces. All over the world we have forces stationed to keep certain threats in check.
We are in Europe because of a potential Russia threat, however, it may be a bit outdated. That's why Trump is pulling troops out of Germany. However forces stationed in the middle east is a deterrent to Iran, especially now that they are a nuclear power. We are not there for specific businesses, but to mainly be a deterrent from Iran in blocking the straits of Hormuz when they have a hissy fit. If you are unaware, those Straits are detrimental to the world's economies as a major hub for the world's oil....with the exception to the US, thanks to President Trump.
Forces are in Southeast Asia to counter the China and North Korea threat. The China threat is growing every day. You may not know that because CNN and MSDNC does not tell you, but I can assure you, it is real.
Physical deterrents have nothing to do with cyber threats. That is dealt with through other entities.
As far as your stimulus check remark, don't know why you said that to me, as I agree. Don't know where you have gotten any other message.
Are Russia or China going to militarily attack the US ? Not a chance.
The main reason the US military is a worldwide presence is to protect American interests. These are largely business interests. I dont consider this to be even worth debating.
If business wants a huge military costing a trillion dollars a year, they can put up a huge chunk of the money it costs.
And my comment was meant to point out that we are spending our money in the wrong arenas.
(A) I am free to express myself to you without you needing to feel that there is an adversarial relationship afoot.
(B) My point was that much of that money could be spent on stimulus with a better return.
(C) Glad we agree, once again.
Who tells you?
Not directly, no, but our presence helps with avoiding proxy wars with them.
Maybe if you had an understanding of how our military works and why we are where we are, you may have a coherent argument.
It seems that every time you know you are losing a debate, you put something like this up.
Well, not CNN and MSDNC because they want Russia to be the boogy man.
Not my problem that you live in the country that is ground zero to wanting to dominate the world economically and eventually militarily, and not seeing the truth.
I advise you to not watch CCP sanctioned news anymore. However, they probably tell the truth more than CNN or MSDNC.
Oh I watch everything from Fox News to China Global Television Network, and maybe the truth lies somewhere in between, but then I'll bet you've never even been to China so when it comes to China I have a feeling that what I know from my own experiences about China might be just a little more accurate than what you know from your own lack of experience. That is why I discount it when anyone who has never been to China and only knows it from what they read from their favourite biased sources or what Mr. blame-anyone-else Trump tells them tells me what I should believe.
“Let the business monopolies and conglomerates pay for that protection rather than the American taxpayer.”
so you don’t want the American taxpayer to pay for protection for American business, but you’re ok with the American taxpayer paying more than their fair share of nato?
How about the paris accord? The American taxpayer would’ve been paying for countries that could afford to pay their own way in that shitty deal.
We did all that in our earlier days even when we weren’t the #1 economic or military power. We always had a navy and marines. It’s our duty to protect American businesses and persons around the world. Even if we withdrew ground and air bases from foreign nations around the world our forward bases in Guam and Diego Garcia would remain as would the need for a blue water navy 2nd to none.
Well as cyber security goes, it is being up graded and is being expanded along with a hardening of our infrastructure vs EMP solar or otherwise as a part of our one year old Space Force and its guardians.
Don't you get any news in Jefferson? Do they just deliver Trump talking points to your house?
All sides, all agencies and all Departments of Trump's administration including the office of the President have been being hacked since March 2020 without our knowledge...including Space Farce.
That's not what one would describe as an upgrade or expansion. That's called marketing bull shit to the sheep.
The 'Guardians'? What a set up for failure.
32 more days of this dysfunction.
Bringing the troops home is a great idea and I'll bet the troops would be thrilled to be home too. We could cut defense spending by half and still have the largest military budget in the world. The remining budget can be used to focus on military maintenance and research & development. The remaining funds can be reallocated for needed things like imprint infrastructure, education, healthcare, and science. Expanding such projects will help generate new jobs too.
This particular Russian hack was spotted and is being addressed within weeks of launch while a similar Russian hack lasted for years during the Obama/Biden regime.
Maybe if our not so intelligent intelligence agencies weren't concentrating on investigating a politician running for office, and then trying to get him removed from office; they would have time for little things like counter espionage and protecting the government and businesses associated with it from cyber attacks.
My only wish is that those with TDS would get over it in 32 days; but the way they are reacting it will be 8 years or longer before Trump isn't living rent free in their minds.
The only thing we will hear from Biden and his sheeple is, "But Trruuummmmppppp!!!!!!".
In case you missed it, China not Russia is the #1 threat to the US. You know the country the Democrats are literally in bed with!
Well from that ( typical ) biased rant,
I can assure you that I don't need to get over anything.
I know our various agencies are doing the same thing to every other country on earth, friend or foe, 24/7.
That's one reason the reaction has been downplayed as not earth shattering, just embarrassing.
Statements like that just ensure moderates & centrists that you have gone over the deep end and aren't worth the time to engage.
Butt Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush et al /s
The kindest thing I can ask is this.
Where are you getting your news? This particular hack has been going on since March of 2020 - we find in retrospect, and was discovered by one of the private services "like Norton" that the Orion software updates from Solarwinds have been compromised since March of 2020.
Trojan horses named Sunburst and Teardrops have been granting themselves Admin privileges and passwords throughout our government and corporate computers, the most serious breach - ever.
I am sure you can produce links to support that incredible statement./s
What exactly IS the threat? If anyone thinks China is going to attack the USA they need to be put in a strait jacket in a padded cell. Do you think China is going to turn America into a Communist country? Or are Americans actually concerned that China is going to 'RULE THE WORLD? Seriously, what are Americans scared of?
It most certainly is. You've heard of Russia and China, haven't you? China is trying to gobble up as much of the South China Sea as they possibly can. That is of vital interest to us. And Russia is forging military ties to China.
We could also save money if Trump is banned from golf until he is thrown out. He has cost us approx 141 million in 4 years.
If he had to pay green fees at golf courses, that amount could have doubled.
I believe he did courtesy of the taxpayers and the money went right into his pockets. He only plays at his own resorts in order to stick us with the bill.
Right, and Obama, Bush Jr, and Clinton cost us nothing.
Travel and vacation expenses only seem to be a problem when the party someone is not in favor of is in charge.
Trump has spent 293 days golfing as of 12/22/2020. That is almost 1/4 of his entire time as POTUS.
And no one is more aware of that than President Trump. Which is why he vetoed the Defense Bill.
(Never mind half measures,such as cutting it in half-- in his great wisdom, Trump didn't mere cut it in half... he vetoed the entire thing!!!
How the Grinch Stole Christmas, chapter 2020. The GOP is the party of Grinch, they absolutely did not ever read A Christmas Carol or if they did they rejected it's true meaning. To obstruct the process in order that more hand outs are given to corporations instead of equal monthly payments to Americans who need to survive is just the most Un-Christian, immoral and hateful thing imaginable. They are continuing to use their power to wield favor to corporations over helping their own constituents who put them in office. Every single one of them deserves to lose their seat in government and every single one of them needs to be haunted by the ghosts of Covid lives lost and the ghost of Jacob Marley. The chains they are forging in this life hopefully follow them for the horrible things they have done.
Well put freepress.
When I read things like Joel Ostten and his church got over 4 million.
Yeah, something smells rotten.
I’m still trying to figure out how $600 is going to help people who are months behind in their rent and bills because of the pandemic.
I saw a segment on this on a show this morning. How did they land on 600 dollars? The Republicans had put a ceiling on how much in total they were wiling to spend in this bill. It was 900 billion. When negotiations to provide aid to the cities and states fell through they simply took the amount that was going to be spent on the cities and states (out of the 900 billion) and divided it by the number of Americans who would be eligible for the stimulus. That is where the 600 figure comes from. It has nothing to do with need or expectations of actual stimulus to the economy.
Blame the Dems
There you go again with your DDS!
I assume you've seen this?
GOP Blocks House Democrats’ Attempt To Pass $2,000 Stimulus Checks
600 would not even pay a months rent in most places around here.
It barely covers a weeks rent in the Northern Virginia / Maryland / DC region.
I don't think it's designed to. I think it's a feel good measure by Congress so that people can have a Christmas meal...and if people are buying goods, they are stimulating the economy.
Was it Sanders who didn't want the $600.00 payments?
Because I was listening to Rep Ellisa Slotkin on my drive to work this morning and she said that it was her Democrat colleagues holding up the $600.00 payment that Trump proposed.
Where is your link for the quote John?
You are correct. Bernie didn't want the $600. He wanted the $1,200 as was previously disbursed............if I remember correctly from articles in the last week or so. it
The Republicans set a 900 billion dollar limit, which Manchin wants to adhere to. Sanders, and the Republican Hawley, wonder what is sacrosanct about the 900 billion figure? Maybe you can tell us. If the negotiation over the relief to cities and states hadnt fallen through, there wouldnt be any individual stimulus checks at all. Why not? Trump was supposedly willing to give people thousands of dollars each in tax cuts (although the great majority of the benefit went to the wealthy), but the GOP in congress are not willing to add to the covid relief total? Why not?
Do you have a link or not?
I would like to read it for myself.
Google Bernie Sanders Joe Manchin
Your quote in your seed is misleading..
I disagree.
Wow-- you can say that again!
And wasn't it Pelosi who held the package up for weeks until China Joe was elected?
Yup...she said so herself.
Yep she did. Let them eat cake...
But she was doing it for the good of all of us./S
Wonder how much China gave to her "reelection fund"? Not that she needs it with the district she represents.
The Democrats don't care about us any more than the Republicans do. The media just gives them better PR; and hides their short comings- until Democrats open their mouths that is.
McConnell is all for throwing billions of dollars at any big business for any reason... but as soon as working class Americans need money to get by? "Well we cannot afford it!!!".
I guess that now that it won't buy him any votes, Trump won't send out the stimulus cheques in a personalized Christmas card.
And all it takes is one A-H GOP Senator to negate the stimulus payments of whatever amount, as if he gives a damn about anyone but himself.
He looks like he is either 6 sheets to the wind in alcohol, or on some mighty high drugs that he can afford.
Disgusting is too nice a name for him.
They are never worried about debt when giving corporations or the wealthy tax breaks.
Funny how they ever only worry about it when it comes to giving something to the peons.
A bunch of people making 180k+ a year deciding if working class Americans deserve a $600.00 check, and taking months to make said decision. Sad.
How is this going to help those in need? Nancy sure as hell doesn't care.
Same fucking airframe that Ryan and Boehner used before her.
Same expense for them to fly, BooHoo!
Why post easily debunked BS?
[deleted] Neither Ryan nor Boehner had to face what Pelosi is facing right now. Pandemic? Hate filled Congress over POTUS?? They neither flew to and from their homes on the week-ends in their "personal AF provided taxi".
Why post it?? It causes folks to actually think [deleted] Hard thing to do lately on NT - but give it a try.
So if my decoder ring is working, Ryan & Boehner coasted along flying home most weekends commercial to Ohio which is OK
but Pelosi should stay in DC all the time because of the pandemic, right?
No idea what you mean because all three had a hate filled Congress over Obama or Trump.
True & False, Ryan & Boehner mostly flew non stop to Ohio ( still on tax payer dime ) on most weekends.
Pelosi has been dogged by BS memes like this since 2007, when apparently it was Ok for Dennis Hassert to fly a
nearly empty 757 around the country for security reasons
(the old 2nd in succession to the throne excuse ) since 911 occurred.
The practices of having the C20 and C32 available to the Speaker of the House are no different now,
but it has been reported that Pelosi has traveled commercial since 2011 in order to get non stop flights home as the C20
cannot normally make it all the way without refueling.
Between 2008 & 2011 she was "forced" to use the 45 seat cargo 757 once and has never again requested it...
She still uses the smaller planes for business taking delegates to different states for official business.
A She is entitled by law.
B She doesn't appear to abuse it
C It doesn't stop the regurgitation of stupid partisan memes and misinformation from being repeated on the web.
D She should not be held to a different standard than Hassert, Ryan or Boehner
E At least she isn't golfing every weekday like Mr. Trump
Bush WH defends Pelosi use of various planes
Bottom line = just because a meme agrees with your preconceived partisan bias doesn't make it true no matter how many facts
are included for support.
That said, why don't you try?
Wow-- you can say that again!