VIDEO: Clay Clark Tells Freedom Plaza Crowd to Hug
Category: News & Politics
Via: sister-mary-agnes-ample-bottom • 4 years ago • 76 commentsBy: Zachary Petrizzo (Mediaite)

Pro-Trump speaker Clay Clark at a Washington, D.C. rally on Tuesday afternoon encouraged fellow Trump supporters to hug each other at the event in Freedom Plaza.
"So what do we do, I am going to give everyone three action steps," Clark concluded his speech, which was centered on themes including overturning the 2020 election results and a series of other claims such as touting that he has "irrefutable proof that Dr. [Anthony] Fauci is wrong all the time."
Clark's "step one" featured the baseless claim that the coronavirus pandemic is a hoax, which led to the speaker encouraging the pro-Trump rally-goers hugging one another.
"Turn to the person next to you and give them a hug. Someone you don't know, go hug somebody. Spread it out, mass spreader. It's a mass-spreader event! It's a mass-spreader event!" Clark yelled. "It's a mass-spreader event!"
"There you go, hug it out," he added.

I don't have the words for this one.
I can't open the video but I'm dying to know, did the crowd do as it was told? Did they really hug each other? And were they wearing masks or not?
OMG, yes. It was off-the-chain disgusting. No masks.
I've been trying to find a non-Twitter vid to post, but have been unsuccessful thus far. You have to see it to really get the feel of how unbelievable insane this guy is.
Also, if there is any humor to be had about this latest idiotic nightmare, it's in the comments on the Mediaite article...especially this one::
The Lyin' King - Felony Remix • 14 hours agotrump had planned to go to his property in Scotland on the last day
of his presidency to avoid both the inauguration and incarceration.
Scotland declared a total lockdown and banned international travelers until Feb. 1.
Well played, Scotland, well played!!
See if you can open this one Buzz...
Indeed it was well played. They told him that traveling to his gold course in Scotland was a non-essential trip. So he is banned from entering Scotland until Feb 1st.
Thanks for posting it, Raven!! I gave up trying to find one about an hour ago.
You're welcome Sister. I told Buzz that I would convert the YouTube and other videos that he could not open to a MP4 format and post them for him so he can open them. It only takes a few minutes to do and that way he can stay in the loop, and there may be others that can't open those thy of videos.
There is an article in Help that has instructions on how to convert videos other than YouTubes to the mpg format which will work in NT as well. It's called...
and it works for other types of videos too. But, I use a third party converter on the Internet that works very well.
I knew I liked the Scots for some reason
LOL. It worked perfectly. Thank you. When it is early morning here the internet is not clogged up and everything works better for me. As the day goes on everything slows down, even the response when I click on anything.
Okay, Raven provided an alternate video that I watch, and you're right, it was unbelievable, but not so unbelievable as what has been happening since that I have been watching on news TV and news source videos.
Is that a magazine in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
It's just my tactical gear.
Ooh... You are a proud boy.
I do: Stupid!
MAGA trash are trying to start trouble outside the capitol building
some trying to breach the security barriers around the capitol
some arrested for carrying firearms
None of this should come as any surprise-- after all (as Rrump has so frequently said)-- they are THE PARTY OF LAW AND ORDER!
Best tweets:
Thanks for posting those, Hal.
I'd bet $100 that fool didn't let a single person near him, let alone give him a hug.
Meanwhile, in the real world, the US had 229,055 new COVID cases and 3755 deaths yesterday.
Keep right on hugging you stupid fuck.
hell yeah. go to the ICU covid wards in the nearest hospital and hug those people trumpsters.
If only they wouldn't reproduce.....'s not too late to stop this dickhead....
Eff's plural!!
May they all get the CV.
The National Guard has been deployed on the streets of Washington DC, to keep the peace as Trump prepares to speak at the "Save America" rally.
America was saved on Nov 3, and then again yesterday in the state of Georgia.
Yet these POS which includes Trump is out there in their alternate reality believing a flim flam man.
cool. operation kent state - lock and load. live ammo, full auto. target gadsden, nazi, and confederate flags, proud boys, and any "Q" paraphernalia. /s
Thank you for your comment. Do you have anything to say about the subject at hand?
does he ever?
You're tough at home, too!
LOL! anybody looks tough compared to jello dick.
If you consider this:
Thank you for your comment. Do you have anything to say about the subject at hand? be whining, then I don't think whining means what you think it means.
Thank you for your final comment.
This is truly sad, they are willing to reduce Trumps base by volunteering to take on the risk of getting a deadly virus. So this is what "winning" looks like?
Yeah, they should burn small businesses, loot and kill people like respectable people do during a pandemic.
Thank you for your comment. Do you have anything to say that relates to the subject at hand?
Never does.
Yeah, they should burn small businesses, loot and kill people like respectable people do during a pandemic.
That Hail Mary overshot the field and landed in the nosebleed section.
It seems more of a fumble.
You do know that it was the Proud Boys who engaged the DC police in violence, don't you?
thank-you for posting that article
That's because Trump-- and all of his supporters-- are true advocates of "Law and Order"!
Ms Julia Sugarbaker was always one of my favorite characters
I crushed on her husband for years.
Mine, too. Here's the whole thing:
Hal Linden? Is that his name? I saw him at the U of Alaska in Fairbanks doing a one man show where he played Mark Twain. It was awesome
Hal Holbrook. Hal Linden was Barney Miller.
Than-you, I knew I got it wrong
Speaking of the Devil:
Twin composers is off the charts awesome. Great song also.
a series of other claims such as touting that he has "irrefutable proof that Dr. [Anthony] Fauci is wrong all the time."
Clark's "step one" featured the baseless claim that the coronavirus pandemic is a hoax, which led to the speaker encouraging the pro-Trump rally-goers hugging one another.
One flew East , and one flew West, and one Flew over the Cuckoo's nest .....