Gina Carano Off of Mandalorian Following Online Outrage Over Analogizing Republicans to Holocaust Victims (UPDATED)
Category: News & Politics
Via: john-russell • 4 years ago • 241 commentsBy: Andrew Shuster (Mediaite)

Actress Gina Carano is under fire for suggesting Republicans face similar persecution as Jews during the Holocaust.
The former MMA fighter, who appears on the Disney+ series The Mandalorian, received backlash on social media Wednesday after sharing a controversial post on her Instagram story. The outspoken conservative actress shared a post comparing the persecution of Jewish people in Nazi Germany to those experiencing hostility for sharing political views.
"Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbors…even by children," Carano wrote in a since-deleted post. "Because history is edited, most people today don't realize that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbors hate them simply for being Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views."
In the time since she shared the post, #FireGinaCarano started trending on Twitter, with thousands calling on Disney to remove her from The Mandalorian.
This isn't the first time #FireGinaCarano has trended on Twitter. The hashtag first emerged last year when she shared misinformation about voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election and discouraged mask wearing amid the COVID-19 pandemic. In November 2020, she was accused of being transphobic when she poked fun at people including their preferred pronouns on social media by writing her own as "beep/bop/boop."
Gina Carano is saying that being a Republican today is equal to being a Jew during the Holocaust.
The level of cognitive dissonance is appalling. #FireGinaCarano
— Santiago Mayer (@santiagomayer_) February 10, 2021
Hey @Jon_Favreau defending nazis is super gross, maybe do something about it? — Someone's failed-clone's daughter/granddaughter (@MarienneMaid) February 10, 2021
that moment when a transphobic, antisemitic, police bootlicker, covid denier and trump supporter plays a character who fought her whole life against oppression and tyranny. lucasfilm should be ashamed. fire her. — zen (@zenskywaIker) February 10, 2021
#FireGinaCarano for believing racism isn't real, for mocking trans pronouns, for spreading covid conspiracy theories, for supporting the white house insurrection, for being anti-mask, for posting anti-semitic pics and comparing being a trumper to being jewish during the holocaust — Kala Elizabeth (@kalaelizabeth) February 10, 2021
#FireGinaCarano for her unabashed anti-semitism, transphobia, open support of sedition and insurrection, and COVID denial @disney@starwars — Ian Wilmoth (@CydonPrax) February 10, 2021
I'm not about to support a franchise whose star compares being a Republican to being a victim of the Holocaust, sorry. #FireGinaCarano — jeeno (@jeenonamit) February 10, 2021
She's transphobic, anti-mask, alt-right who parrots QAn*n conspiracies, doesn't believe in systematic racism, and now shares anti-semitic images. — Ara • she/they (@DinsDarksaber) February 10, 2021
When her nonsense first started cropping up over the summer I was realistic about it being too late in production to have much influence on Mando S2-but with the next season a year or so away there's never gonna be a better moment to #FireGinaCarano than right now. — Eleven-ThirtyEight (@eleventhirtyate) February 10, 2021
UPDATE 10:00p.m, 2/10/21: Lucasfilm announced in a statement obtained by io9 on Wednesday night that Carano is no longer part of the Star Wars spinoff show, although it's unclear if she was fired or will simply not be rehired after having completed her contract.
"Gina Carano is not currently employed by Lucasfilm and there are no plans for her to be in the future," the statement read. "Nevertheless, her social media posts denigrating people based on their cultural and religious identities are abhorrent and unacceptable."

Never heard of her. If she's so Trumpy, maybe she can get in line to have her p---- grabbed by him.
Another blatant lie title.
She compared how the Nazi's encouraged hatred for the Jews, so they could eliminate them with what progressives are doing in America with their cancelling & smearing. Demonizing people is always the first step!
"Because history is edited, most people today don't realize that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbors hate them simply for being Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views."
It looks like Disney proved her correct.
The title was taken directly from the seeded article . Take up your complaint with Mediaite. I did just check the source and it seems they have updated the story and it has a slightly new title so I will update the headline here too.
That is my biggest problem with her idiotic comment. She seems to imply that hatred against Jews was kinda a new or fringe thing in 1930s Germany. The comment betrays a total ignorance of the entire history of anti-semitism, and reveals why she doesn't think what she is saying is wrong. That statement right there proves to me she has absolutely no fucking idea what she is talking about and probably shouldn't talk on the subject at all.
The title was correct from the publisher.
Fine, but ignorance of history is just that, ignorance.
The history of antisemitism is as old as Judaism itself.
So the Germans need no help from the Nazis for something they were all raised in.
It rarely rises to the same level of hatred as does race or religion.
Like Rosanne, Paula Deen, the Dugars, the Hoffman twins, Jon Gosselin and countless others who offended societies norms
Carano lost her job or her show for her expression of dubious beliefs at an inappropriate time in history.
That is the bottom line here. American secular progressives are indeed beginning to take on that role in this country now as they objectify Christians and conservatives and talk of de platforming, re education, de programming, canceling, and the like. The slippery slope...
Like her co star who equated the Holocaust to our border in 2018 even though those were Obama’s cages in 2014 and he still has a job?
More like the conservative sweeping generalization.
Just the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. So help me God!
Still a sweeping generalization, no matter how you try to justify it. Especially since you offer nothing to support your so called "truth."
I enjoyed watching her get her clock cleaned in MMA. At least she was smart enough back then to walk away gracefully. Now, not so much...
She was a MMA fighter before, or it was a publicity stunt?
She was a MMA fighter but she was outclassed and got her ass kicked. Never went back into the ring.
If it was a stunt, she paid the price of admission:
Looks like she sucked at it.
She started out in Muay Thai with a 12-1-1 record before taking the MMA by storm in 2006 and retiring to pursue an acting career with a 7-1-0 record after her only defeat to Cris Cyborg in 2009. Not so sure "outclassed" is a fitting description for a career that really set the stage for many great up and coming female fighters.
SportsCasting writer Luke Norris says of her,
So either climb in the octagon with her and backup your words, or perhaps do a little research next time before you make such ill-informed statements.
I never heard of her before yesterday . I dont watch MMA and I dont watch The Mandalorian. I have seen some of the recent Star Wars movies.
I have seen every one of Carano's fights in real time. How many have you seen Freewill?
Tell you what, go watch her last fight with Cyborg. It should be all the backup I need to prove that she did indeed get her ass kicked and was totally outclassed, nor was it a surprise. Carano never should have taken that fight.
Oh and BTFW, I was glad when Carano was defeated and I felt the same when Cyborg was defeated too. Neither was good for the 'sport'.
Now, do you want me to spit across a hunk of wood [re the Searchers]?
Yes and unlike other fighters NEVER stepped in the ring again.
I was obviously talking about her last fight Tex. Go watch the fight for yourself, it will only take up 4:59 of your precious time. Then come back and tell me whether YOU think she was outclassed or not.
BTW, Carano wouldn't have that record in today's MMA. The women fighting now would eat her alive. Did her pretty face get guys to watch women's MMA fights? Ya. Was Carano a fighter? No, since she walked after losing ONE fight...
Been awhile, but I do recall her first several fights when she first came to MMA, and I do recall her Strikeforce defeat to Cyborg (which was at HP Pavillion in SJ with some other good fights, and I actually tried to get tickets for it but did not), and I've seen some of Cyborg's fights since as well. If you are the MMA fan you represent yourself to be then you know that a single defeat does not define the career of a fighter.
By the way, HERE is the video of that fight that was called by somewhat controversial TKO with 1 second left in the first round. After Cyborg had been warned for punching the back of the head and attempted eye rips, she actually did land some great ground and pound punches on Carano. As you well know, one good hard punch can ring your bell and change the outcome of a close fight in an instant, and Cyborg did just that. But the rest of that round and the announcers build-up to the fight clearly did not fit your description of " getting her ass kicked and was totally outclassed, nor was it a surprise " . Not even close. They were fairly evenly matched and fighting for a featherweight championship. Watch it again and tell me how you can stand behind your words with a straight face.
Bullshit! I don't know about Cyborg, but Carano was a good fighter and a good sport as well. Look at how she carried herself in that defeat to Cyborg (it's right here for all to see). Gracious in defeat and happy for her opponent. Why would you say she wasn't good for the sport? I know that those close to the sport, other fighters like Rousey , and sports writers, who know a hell of a lot more than you, all say what Luke Norris said of her in the link I provided previously.
Your turn to spit across the hunk of wood... (-:
Some folks just know better than to misrepresent another member's comment. And clearly some don't know any better
Where did I say it did? Hint: NOWHERE.
What her defeat by Cyborg DID define is the END of her career as a fighter.
Right- she had a winning record at MMA. Her record is below.
The "woman" that did that to her runs under the moniker of "Cyborg"- a name she has aptly earned. Her record is below.
You might not like Carano, but her run in MMA was definitely not a "publicity stunt". She worked her ass off to get into MMA.
Professional trainers like Kash the Flash Muay and Randy Couture wouldn't have trained her if she wasn't willing to put in the hard training it took to succeed.
This pretty much sums up your shameful, deceitful misrepresentation of Gina Carano's MMA and fighting career. You posted a known doctored photo in a lame attempt to bolster your false narrative about her being outclassed or having her ass kicked as though she didn't belong in that ring.
Here is the real photo taken after the Cyborg fight. Disappointed but clearly not battered.
Here is a link to where the fake photo you posted was exposed . A shameful publicity stunt used by a suspended Cris Cyborg to goad Ronda Rousey in 2012. Shame on you Dulay!
Looks like a fake photo . Oh wait, it is.... imagine that ...
Yay. If you want to defend a nazi, that's your choice.
She’s certainly not that! She’s simply correctly warning that secular progressives are beginning to walk down that same dangerous path here and now by objectifying Trump supporters as they have been doing.
LOL! I dub thee knight of the strawman arguments. The discussion in this particular thread is about her career in the MMA and the lies being told about that. If you want to defend those lies, that's your choice.
This may be the very thing she was trying to say, although I agree she said it very poorly. Clearly you and many others have been convinced that she is a Nazi or a person worthy of hate and destruction of her life, even her previous life. What is your end game here?
See comment #2.2
I see it, what about it? Perrie made some very good arguments as to why Carano's statement, "How is that any different from hating someone for their political views." was a ridiculous comparison to what happened in Nazi Germany. And I agree. Yet in looking at Carano's entire statement, it was clearly not meant to diminish or minimize the horrors of the Holocaust, she was clearly indicating how horrific the growth and result of that systematic hatred must have been.
Where she went horribly wrong is comparing the current state of today's political animus to what happened there. A gross exaggeration that defies logic and reason. For that she should own up to her mistake, and/or make her point in a more rational and reasonable way. She fucked up, but that doesn't make her a Nazi. If she were a Nazi or anti-Semite she would either be denying the holocaust or she would have supported or defended it. Clearly she has done none of those things, despite what those who hate her continue to try to fabricate.
So those who insist that she is a Nazi, or who twist her words out of proportion, or seek to destroy every part of her life, or who try to lump all Republicans into the same target of hate and derision are engaging in the same sort of ridiculous exaggeration and lack of logic and reason as she did. Not to mention the outright lies about her, her previous career, or even about what she actually said. In what way shall we hold those people accountable?
I saw a few episodes of The Mandolorian when I visited my son in FLA.
She must be a special kind of stupid. I'm beginning that Hollyweird conservatives are all a special kind of stupid.
She had a role that was perfect for her: big and kick-ass. She wasn't a great actress: a female Arnold.
Spoke her mind, lost her job.
I mean it's like Lucas Films and Disney is trying to prove her right.
Hating someone for their religion isn't much different than hating someone for their political beliefs.
I guess I'm just more tolerant than most people. I don't assume people are evil because of what god they worship or who they vote for.
People can change their political beliefs , they can't change their ethnicity or heritage. And to say the government has trained people to hate republicans is bizarre. Republicans have been the government for the past 4 years.
When did Republicans become such snowflakes? When Trump took over the party.
"If you are defending Gina Carano but still against Colin Kaepernick, you are literally what is wrong with this country. Just saying. Fight me about it."
Derek Lewis
Yeah Sean, that is exactly what happened in Nazi Germany. (rolls eyes).
Get that strawman Perrie!
No, not really. When they start rounding up republicans and putting them on trains I might. Otherwise, it's pretty insulting to those who really suffered.
perrie your talking about the end result or the results towards the end, big difference from when it actually started out , it didnt start with being rounded up and shipped off.
I imagine it started more like this in the begining.
And if you see anybody from that group in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd.”
“And you push back on them,” . “And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.”
i changed one word from cabinet to group, but we all know who said that in 2018.
Mob intimidation and threat of perceived mob violence to change political direction.... not sure but i think thats pretty close to the definition of terrorism.
This post just justified every comment comparing Trump and his ardent supporters to Hitler, which is something to which most of his supporters have objected over the last four years, shouting "Godwin's Law!" Trump "othered" Latino immigrants, Muslims, and those who opposed him, urging his mobs to engage in violence by promising he'd pay for their legal defense.
Domt understand what a straw man is, huh?
let me ask you this, how many other people did Disney and other corporations fire for making hyperbolic comparisons to Nazi Germany the last 4 years?
it’s classic discrimination. One group can engage in a behavior, a member of another group gets Fired for doing the exact same thing.
Trump's tweet at 6 pm on Jan 6th sounded pretty early Hitlerish to me .
Comrades and great patriots, this is what happens as retaliation for them stealing our great victory from us. Remember this day forever.
No, I am just making a comparison. That is not exactly what Trump said either, but it is very similar. I was too lazy at the moment to look up Trump's exact tweet. What I said above is close enough for this purpose.
In his earlier days Hitler was very much into self-victimization . He was among those who thought that Germany's rightful victory in WW1 had been "stolen" from people like him by the politicians. He thought the Nazis like Germany itself were the victims of the communists and the jews. HItler absolutely would have said something like "Remember this day forever !" after his failed "beer hall revolt" in 1923. Wanna be dictators use such flowery exhortations .
Here then is Trump's exact words
“These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long, Go home with love & in peace. Remember this day forever!”
You are probably right.
I think you're missing an essential point, Mark.
A few Republicans have been accosted for deeds they have done.
Not for being who they are. They need only cease their xenophobia (for example) to be left in peace.
Jews were persecuted for being Jews, not for anything they had done.
A comparable contemporary case is Trump's persecution of non-Whites.
You know that is a pretty obnoxious remark. Of course, I do. I just don't see how it applies.
I have no idea, and I would have to look at those comments to see the context. Context is everything.
Behavior? This is about a dumb comment, not a whole dissertation on the misuse of bad comparisons to Nazi Germany.
That could be because of the different way we see things Bob and possibly some of the reasons we do see things differently is individually based , and the fact that people make preconceived notions about other people that are not firmly "in their camp " be it societal or political.
they only need to stop( any example ) to be left in peace.
why should anyone have to stop being themselves , in order to left in peace? knowing that isnt going to happen today with the divisions already in place? sounds a lot like surrender and go away to me because one camp has the majority ever how slight it might be.
Because what they're doing is wrong. Racism is wrong. Xenophobia is wrong. If ''being themselves'' is being racist and xenophobe, then they should change themselves.
Yup! Those words sure do invite a riot!/s
The riot had been going on for hours when Trump made that tweet. What love and peace was he referring to?
Every company in the world holds its employees to certain standards.
People are fired daily for violating those standards. Why should Disney be any different?
No arguments from me on that point Bob. but you already know there is no amount of legislation or public pressure that will change a person.
two things are needed to change a persons way of thinking( their essence) ( yes Im quoting a movie here , but that does not make it any less true.).
One is time , a person needs time to change , some people that could take a lifetime from when they were first taught racism or Xenophobia, both are learned behaviors.
The second and more important one , is the willingness to want to change , and that would be affected by how much negative re-enforcement is applied to the two learned behaviors.
My situation as it is I get to see those two things on almost a daily basis It.s not as bad as when i first moved here , but i attribute that mostly to what i mentioned above , the taking the time to and the willingness for change.
In this case, Disney's actions are public. Their standards are up for discussion. If anyone wants to disagree, they can.
We agree.
Before even ''willingness to change'' comes recognition of error. That's HARD!
We're going to need more FEMA housing units and barbed wire.
How so?
I can think off the top of my head of 3 proven fascist dictatorships from the 20th century, Hitler , Mussolini , and Franco, all became dictators and fall under the definition of fascists. Im sure there are others that people are free to name if they choose I invite them too .
there have also been a number of military dictatorships not associated but could be defined as fascist , Sadat , Idi amin , daffy khadaffi.,any number of past military juntas that turned into dictatorships , im waiting to see if myanmar falls in that catagory. seems we couldnt turn around in the 70s and 80s without some 3rd world dictatorship popping up.
here is the ones i really like though .
there was a recent article about fascism , so i read it and decided to delve a little deeper , seems the main opponent of fascism is marxism, and all the little offshoots it presents , and there are a lot . such as socialism , communism , leninism, stalinism , maoism and on and on each with its own little twist added i dont want to fail to add that progressivism and liberalism was also found under marxism and its offshoots as opponents of fascism.
historically, from the numbers . nazi fascists were pikers and amatures when it comes to inflicting death and misery compared to the marxists and those that followed marxs ideology , how many died under lenin and his purges of political dissent?
the bad one for marxists is Stalin , how many died in HIS purges of political or military dissent? he went so far left he ended up on the right and could be called a fascist marxist.
havent even got to chinese marxism , known as maoism and the great leap forward of the late 40s through the 70s .
thing all 3 of them have in common , they started out as socialist/communist entities for the betterment of the people but all ended up under dictatorships that killed the very people they were suppose to be helping .
I havent even touched on pol pot in cambodia and 99% of the people on this site would have been executed as educated and able to teach contrary to what the dictator desired. you would all be dead , myself included , castro in cuba . and a few others that ended as dictator that ended up is nothing more than misery and death to those they lorded over using basic fundemental marxism as their spring boards with their own added little twists. and the thing is more and more are added if not generationally , daily to the lists .
thing i really laugh at is every single ideology mentioned comes back to a single form of society, even if it is highly regulated against the individual, and that is a capitalist and free market basis.
Because you're defending the comparison, Mark. Basically, if you state, as you seem to do, that "well, maybe she has a point", then you must, if you're being fair, admit that those who compared Trump to Hitler also have a point. You justify their comments.
Except those making the comparison between Trump and Hitler have one point in their column - Trump had the force of government behind him, to some degree. Disney does not.
The rest of your reply is irrelevant to my comment.
Trump didnt say that, that quote is from the esteemed progressive representative from California , Maxine Waters.
Since you didn't link, I can't answer the article you seem to be citing. Whoever the speaker, they mixing their metaphors.
There are economic systems, and political systems. They are different animals. They can be mixed and matched differently.
Fascism & capitalism = Nazi Germany
Fascism & socialism = Soviet Union
Democracy & capitalism = USA
Democracy & socialism = ? (I don't think it has ever existed.)
There's also ''means of distribution of resources'', primarily ''supply and demand'' or ''central planning'' which can be attached to any of these pairs. For example, ''cental planning'' ran the economies on both sides during WWII.
Ok, yeah, I never said that Trump said that.
You are holding that up as a defense of Carano's statement. If you expect anyone to accept it as such, then you have to accept that every time Trump has gone after Mexicans, banned travel from Muslim countries, or told his supporters that he'll pay for their legal defense if they physically assault people who protest against him, he is every bit as guilty as Waters. If you're holding up Waters as an example of why it's ok to compare getting canned with being a Jew during the Holocaust, then Trump's threats and actions are at least as Hitleresque.
And yet, any time Trump opposers here mention that, they're shouted down, accused of breaking Godwin's "Law", accused of hyperbole, and similar bullshit.
Trump supporters and Republicans who aren't Trump supporters aren't suffering anything like the Holocaust. There is no defense for what she said. It was hyperbole at best, and at worst trivializes the plight of people who actually suffered torture and murder. Surely, we can agree that torture and murder for one's ethnicity are a much worse fate than getting fired from a job for being a dumbass?
If the riot was going on for hours, how could the quote be considered to have incited it?
Bob the article speaking of what fascism was , was your own in the beacon group a couple days ago, i did have some questions that i looked up the answers myself to my own satisfaction.
and why should i not defend the comparison if I can back it up with reasonable historical facts if i see the parallel?
Can you tell me that you havent seen both sides just on this site shoot down , shout down and denigrate those that oppose them , sometimes and usually in the most disgusting ways?
Was this country ever in the danger of falling into a dictatorial situation that the people themselves could not put a stop to? NO then the rhetoric meant to inflame and instigate needs to be addressed and disposed of . and knock that shit off, while we are at it maybe veiled deathwishing on this site should be banned as well , inciting violence
Trump had no more ability to become hitler 2.0 than i do of crapping out a unicorn snuggling a kitten , reason he didnt have that chance is the checks and balances that have been in place far longer than either of us have been alive . Not mentioning the military wouldnt put up with it , the states nor the people themselves , so the comparisons there are nothing more than hyperbolic politically motivated extreme BULLSHITE designed to evoke a desired response.
Although I dont think Trump had a good chance of becoming Hitler 2.0 he had, and perhaps still has , a much greater chance of that than you have of crapping out a unicorn. Your chance is absolute zero. His chance was and is more than zero. The very fact that he could get tens of thousands of people to rally and then some of them assault the seat of government on his mere say so is proof the figure is not zero, as is his ability to get millions of people in this country to believe the election was stolen from him with absolutely no evidence. And Trump tried to act on Hitlerish impulses. He wanted to invalidate tens of millions of votes in various states and instead have those states represented in the electoral voting by "alternate" slates of electors that would be pledged to him, not the winner of the popular vote in those states. That is actually what he was openly calling for in some of the states. That is an approach to an election that Hitler would have been proud of. Because Trump's public persona on twitter and in his speeches is essentially that of an ignoramus and buffoon, it is easy to overlook his fascist inclinations. I agree he cant succeed in America at this point, but its not impossible the way you shitting out a unicorn is.
soooo, your telling me that it might be a better idea to be more afraid or concerned of those who do not politically align with my beliefs because they are easily manipulated and can be tricked or goaded into doing acts of violence because they are oppressed and disenfranchised and cant take action on their own and have to be told what to do?
Oh and you forgot the huggy kitty , never forget the kitten.
That could be interesting.
What sources did you use, and what did you find?
January Sixth, 2021.
That's setting up a strawman. You're better than that, Mark.
I bolden the part that makes what she says so silly. Our government is not singling out conservatives to be removed from government, universities, or having businesses taken from them. That is what happened by the Nazis to the Jews and by making this comparison, is an insult to all those who had to either flee losing all their possessions, or die.
Then what just happened to her?
That is a piece of BS of Biblical proportions.
Is Disney the government, Vic?
There isn't one iota of evidence that Water's comments incited ANYONE.
Secondly, 'the beginning' is documented in the Nazi Party Platform presented by Hitler in 1920. It's quite a bit more 'detailed' in describing the Nazi's intentions on how they were going to address the Jewish Question...
So who decides what is mob intimidation and/or a threat of perceived mob violence?
I for one would point to armed protestors taking over the Michigan Capitol building as an example that qualifies under your standard. That type of event, to a lessor degree, has occurred in multiple states, some during and some after the election.
Ummm... Perrie??
Fascists lie.
The Bible is not BS. You should not say so.
Disney is in total sync with the Biden government and the msm and just because American big business is doing the demonizing, censoring, blacklisting and taking a person's livelihood away, does not detract from Ms Carano's valid comparison. The Nazi party was out demonizing German Jews, even before they took power. It is the necessary step before the government marks people for "re-education or extermination.
And don't say I'm just defending busty women.
She was 100% right.
Did she work for the government or a private company?
One group is being demonized and censored for political beliefs and all parts of the ruling class is united against them. Are you really siding with the totalitarian state?
No, she was wrong Vic, as are you!
Actually, it is BS. Just a collection of stories written by ancient men with pens, and largely lacking veracity.
Do you promote fascist propaganda?
While Newstalkers has taken the position that any speech is acceptable, quite a few other sites consider that giving a pulpit to hate speech is wrong.
Do you defend hate speech?
Such melodramatic paranoia.
Evasion, Vic. To further a false equivalence.
Not from me. From those who want to use the Constitution.
But it isn't the state that it did this if indeed this did even happen. It is a private company. There have been no state edicts that would encourage such action and that is the big difference. In Nazi Germany, it was the state that was making these edicts and laws.
It is truly offensive to all those who died at the hands of the Nazis to draw such comparisons. It is offensive to me, whose family died at the hands of the Nazis.
Of course from you. That's why you can't answer the question. If you do so truthfully, your false narrative/persecution complex falls apart.
I am very much paying attention. Please show me how our government is encouraging it. The MSM is not our government and the same goes for social media. They are private. And there are counterparts to what is called the MSM, like NewsMax, Breitbart, etc. And both parties are constantly telling their members how to take aim at the opposing side.
No they are not. They are trying to prove a case against Trump. How is that different from what the Republicans tried to do to Clinton after 6 years and millions of dollars were spent on Whitewater, which turned out to be a nothing burger.
I am not a partisan. The political aspect is not upsetting to me in the least. But I am sick of these false comparisons to Nazi Germany since I know first hand what the Nazi's did.
Perrie, The Nazi's prepared the way for their program against the Jews before they came to power:
"Even before they took power in 1933, Hitler and the Nazi government set about implementing a series of four specific steps designed to result in the complete and total dehumanization of Europe’s Jewish population"
It is truly offensive to all those who died at the hands of the Nazis to draw such comparisons.
It is not a holocaust comparison. It is a comparison of demonizing by the Nazi's with our all powerful left and make no mistake about it - an insurrection has taken place in America and it took place very quietly. This is no longer a free country.
Democrats oppose Republicans?! Stop the presses, this is huge news! Political parties have never in the history of history opposed each other before! How dare they?
No, no they didn't. He didn't die till the next day for starters and the cause of death has yet to be determined. I would wager to say that it won't until after this impeachment circus is over.............and I'm sure for good reason.
Since the Republican Party will vote in lock-step to aquit, they are all accessories after the fact.
Sandy, if you could support your "argument" you wouldn't need to attack me personally.
I'm pointing out the inaccuracies in your comments. If you can't handle that, don't engage in tactics such as false equivalencies and evasion. If you post a comment you can't support, that's on you. It's not on the rest of us to just nod along so you don't feel attacked by disagreement.
But he wasn't beaten to death. He lived to see another day. And, as said, the cause of death is still under investigation. Period
No Sandy you're already down to your personal attack mode. I have yet to see anyone contradict what I said in Post 1.2.
What I have noted in most of the comments I see here is an attempt to distort Ms Carano's very accurate comparison into something to do with the holocaust. That's what the leftwing media did. The other thing I see some doing here is to try and use the Constitution.
So far progressives are only good at demonizing people and taking away peoples jobs and intimidating people into silence.
Winning debates are not their forte
I didn't
That was by the government, not a privately held company. There is a huge difference.
Oh come on Vic. The only thing that happened here is that corporations were given too much power. You can thank the conservatives for that with "Citizens United". When corporations are handed power, they influence and do what is in their best interest.
Obama was there and beat him? Wow!
Actually it was before they became the government.
There is a huge difference.
When every big Corporation is willing to punish a particular view it equates to a totalitarian state. 1984 has arrived!
Oh come on Vic.
I'm sorry Perrie, that's how I see it. Maybe as time goes by you'll see it as I do.
Have you heard that Biden is actually considering banning flights from Florida?
In actual fact, she didn't have her contract renewed. That could have been for a lot of reasons. But let's say that it was because of what she said. A company can discharge any person they like, if they feel that public comments go against that companies standards, and that is what happened. That happens every day all over this country.
No, incorrect conclusion.
So you agree that Hollywood acted justly in blacklisting anyone suspected of sympathizing with communism, and that it was wrong for those blacklisted to complain about it?
Wrong. The Nazi's came to power in 1933 and started with these edicts and laws. Here is the complete list:
Anti-Jewish decrees
The persecution of the Jews began systematically almost as soon as Hitler came to power. The Nazis established many new anti-Jewish laws. These were introduced slowly at first, so that the civilian population would not realise the extent of the Nazi party's anti-Semitism. Below is a chart showing a small selection of the 2,000 Nazi anti-Jewish decrees passed between 1933-1945. It is uncertain whether Hitler planned to murder the Jews when he came to power. Originally it seems he intended to force them out of Germany but this eventually led to a plan to exterminate the Jews.
I'm sorry Vic, but that is not going on here in the US, and to make such comparisons is insulting to all those who died by the Nazis, including over half of my mother's family.
But that isn't the case, is it, nor can it be, since it is the consumer who determines what is and isn't going to affect a corporation.
I didn't realize that Disney was having a witch hunt, and btw, ours was held by our government, not a corporation. And please stop putting words in my mouth. I never agreed with anything you wrote up there.
Those were private companies. So nothing wrong with blacklists. Disney's obviously fine with hyperbolic Nazi comparisons, unless they are made by Republicans. So it's one standard for progressives , and one for Republicans.
Maybe in 25 years corporations will decide that no one suspected of supporting abortion should be employed. That's cool too, huh? If people want to work, they shouldn't speak out, right?
That's right, people should keep their mouth shut if they don't want to risk repercussions of what they say. If an employee of a company speaks against or in opposition to the company's values, mission statement, policies, ect., then the company has every right to counsel the employee, up to and including termination. Especially if there's a contract between them addressing such stipulations.
Vic, I try to respect you, I really do, but then you pull shit like this....
"news" networks is dedicated to them, conservatives are the majority in the judiciary, and they are one senator away from control of the senate. In what fucking universe is what you say true?
I see when you can't formulate any logical rebuttal you instead make it personal.
When your argument is "people should keep their mouth shut", there's no rebuttal needed. I couldn't improve upon that as an example of how authoritarians approach dissent. There's really nothing else to say.
Then you should read mu posts more carefully rather than cherry pick. Perhaps then you might understand. Although I'm still not expecting any logical rebuttal.
Is Disney the government, Vic? It's a yes or no question. You seem unable to answer it without equivocating. That's apparent to all here.
I never said that. By law, you can not have blacklists. It's call discrimination.
Really? Please provide information showing me that. Otherwise, that comment is hyperbolic.
I also never said that. Again, you are putting words in my mouth.
Again, I never said that but if they are a corporation, they have the right to do as they see fit as long as it isn't discriminatory. Btw... your statement isn't a fair comparison. Ms. Carano actually said something and she wasn't fired. Her contract lapsed. I am sure there are a lot of conservatives working for Disney. And yes, a corporation does have the right to let go anyone, for things said in the public.
It's certainly apparent to me. It's also apparent that some people don't know the difference between a government agency and a private one. Or that there may be consequences associated with whatever one says, especially if done publicly.
Long as Disney and big business do your bidding, you are more than happy to silence half the nation.
You fool nobody
You're dodging the question again and getting personal with a libelous statement Vic! Who are you trying to fool?
Strawman? only if i decide to go forward with and use it as a strawman.
the statement i made without using a sarcasm tag , is the equivalent of a cheap off the rack suit to me , something anyone can buy and be made to look presentable , more importantly can be made to fit anyone , in this case and with the statement , it can equally be applied to in this case either side politically IMHO.
thank you for the compliment of thinking i am better than that .
Still evading, Vic. Nobody is being silenced. She can still say whatever she likes.
You know, it strikes me that conservatives are all for right-to-work and work-at-will. Until they're not. When conservatives' asses get bitten by that whole "you can be fired for anything" thing, suddenly they're against it.
i tried to stay true to your article Bob, i remember you do not like people vandalizing your articles. and used the links within your own article .
example i read your link on what defined a fascist, question was after no disagreement of what a fascist or fascist dictator was , what groups or entities , have historically or typically oppose fascism. the answers were in the definition link itself.
This of course led to other questions about of those opposing ideals of where how and when they were used and the results of those ideals being used on the populus. of course the answers were all in the links led to, by the origional definition link.
Keep in mind i also limited the time frame from 1900 to 1999, reason was because that was the time period that the most glaring examples of fascism and its opposing parties were active so far , and likely the best and most researched period on record that was accurately recorded.
What did i find out? Found out im not a fascist or even a fellow traveler of fascism.
And here i admit my bias , i am also not or a fellow traveler of marxism or its offshoots, as i pointed out and can be deduced from an above response .
What i have concluded is the best definition of myself , for myself , is a center oriented with leanings both left and right depending on the issue, whether we use the linier scale commonly used or the circular clock faced based scale or presentation we have discussed in the past, is that i am a capitalist. One that happens to live in the USA , and lives under the laws , afforded as such.
with that i think we have gone far enough "off topic of the article we are on to say we should not vandalize anothers article.
Notice whenever someone evases a challenge, they try to turn the argument back on you while getting personal. Such a debate tactic is not only intellectually dishonest, but also demonstrates the weakness of their own position.
Disney is not private. And as for the cover our government gives media, it is equal protection for both left and right-wing media. Social media is member generated. If you don't like the platform you are on, you can always move to one that let's you express yourself.
I am going to have to disagree with you. The major networks only report. If they have a bias, it is barely there. Now MSNBC and CNN have a bias. But so does Fox...
None of the media outlets you cited are covered by Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act.
A Blacklist is cancel culture by another name. I notice you can't make an argument why its wrong for private companies to blacklist communist sympathizers though.
t's call discrimination
It's not.
? Please provide information showing me that. Otherwise, that comment is hyperbolic.
I already did. Here you go, again.
I also never said that. Again, you are putting words in my mou
Disney did. You are defending them.
ever said that but if they are a corporation, they have the right to do as they see fit as long as it isn't discriminatory .
That's the world you want to live in? Corporations deciding what political speech is acceptable, and which get you fired? Doesn't seem like a good idea to me, but the neo-McCarthyites are gaining prominence on the left.
d yes, a corporation does have the right to let go anyone, for things said in the public.
You say that because you don't think your opinions would get you fired. Everyone loves censorship when they don't think it applies to them.
... that bears repeating ...
Good lord...
Please tell me you don't believe that.
Do you ever watch the major networks. Must not if you can make that claim.
Thank you
The Democrats generally tell the truth because they expect to be fact-checked, and do not want to be found wrong.
Republicans lie because they don't give a fuck about the truth. (See events currently unrolling in the US Senate for confirmation.)
So we see media that don't give a fuck about the truth, channeling the Republicans, while media that at least tries to report the truth channels the Dems.
Of course... viewers who themselves don't give a fuck about the truth cannot this.
A blacklist is a hit list. When you are blacklisted, it means you can't participate. There is a difference, subtle as it may be. And we were not talking about communists. I am sure there are companies that will not let them work for them if you are a communist sympathizer. I know because my dad worked for one.
Context matters: You said:
Then I said:
And what you are doing now is making a dishonest argument. I am only stating the facts. How is that a defense?
That is and has been the world we have been living in, Sean. It's just done more in the public eye since social media. The fact that you can reference McCarthyism is proof of it. The only thing that was different then was that it was done on the QT.
First of all don't make this personal, which is where you have been going lately. You know nothing about me. I worked for a CPA Firm that defended people from the IRS for 5 years and then after that, I was a teacher for over 20 years... do you actually think I could state my views and keep my job? The answer is NO.
Yet, there were books written about German antisemitism as far back as 1879, so it was not the Nazi's at all. They were just the boldest of the bold.
Sure it is. Every attempt to minimize the Holocaust by comparison to current events is antisemitic and dispicable.
Exaggeration, victimhood and more demonization.
By the way, quoting from Bahai ? Really? They claim to be the second largest religion in the world.
Do you think that is true? With credibility like that, anything they publish about Judaism is suspect.
Cops died on the steps of the capitol when Obama was president? Who were they? Names?
It is the opponents of Trump voters who are acting in a way to justify in full the comment the actress made.
You like to invoke Godwin's Law, as I recall.
I dont think any of the actors or actresses on the mandalorian , have much more than a season to season contract except maybe the lead mando unless there are definite plans to use them in a spin off, and even thats iffy
the way i understand it , the show was a short timer only to last 2 or 3 seasons anyway , but , the surpise popularity , mostly due to baby yoda / grogu , kept people watching, and now that the little guy is out there in a galaxy far far away with Jedi Luke , there MIGHT be another seasons worth of material delving into other aspects of the star wars story that was somewhat erased by disney to begin with. The star wars galaxy is actually more than the 10 movies we have seen and have different sub plots and takes place at different times , through books and animated story lines
So if disney/ lucas film canned her or her contract simply expired remains to be seen
It was rumored that the spin off , rangers of the republic , MIGHT have had a part for her character Cara Dune , but it was never verified over the summer and fall.
rosario dawson has supposedly signed a couple year contract to continue to play ahsoka tano , so there is another un named spin off thats possable , katee sackoff who played bo katan , stated she thought the live action part would go to Scarlet Johanson who played the black widow in the avenger movies sackoff voiced bo katan in the animated series .
the guy who plays Bobba fett, got his own spin off called the book of bobba fett, and has been playing the part of either bobba or his father jango in the prequel trilogy movies .
One thing everyone i talk to about the movies agrees on , the last 3 made by disney sucked balls, they were not happy with them, but then again , Lucas and the ones in charge of the mandalorian didnt have a hand in those 3 .
Disney is saying she wasn't under contract anymore, and I wouldn't be surprised if that were true. They sure went out of their way, though, to make sure everyone knew how properly offended they were.
Of course they are offended , they are properly "woke" and modern.
Just saw in my news feed a new hash tag , #cancel disney +., just more posturing.
also saw that disney is moving some of the HQ positions out of california , to florida earlier today for whatever thats worth.
"Gina Carano is not currently employed by Lucasfilm"
She was apparently an unemployed actress at the time of this tweet. Perhaps she lost future work because of her callous statements and attempt to claim victimhood, but she did not lose her current job as the series had completed its second season and she had not been hired on for a third. In fact, she only appeared in 7 of the 16 episodes so far so it's not like she was integral to the show.
So Lucas Films and Disney are "the government" she claimed "made their own neighbors hate them because they were Jews"?
She and you are wrong on so many levels it's not even funny. First, the equivalence of conservatives being held to account for their onerous views and actions to 7 million Jews being rounded up, starved, abused and murdered is beyond the pale. To make such a false equivalence is beyond ignorant, its down right stupid and callous. Second, Lucas Films and Disney are privately owned companies, not the government, and they didn't make anyone "hate their neighbors", they are reacting to one of their former actresses callous and stupid comments. Media companies and the film industry have always taken into account their actors image and will hire based on who's popular and who is not, it's their industry to create image entertainment people want to watch. If one of their actors does something reprehensible that makes them believe the public would reject any project they were a part of, then it's in their interest and that of their investors to avoid casting that actor in future roles.
The fact is this is just one more example of a conservative claiming victimhood when in reality they're just complaining their views are not being celebrated and repeated by the main stream media, and to equate that to what the Nazi's did to the Jews is disgusting. The claim by conservatives of "cancel culture" or some "war on Christmas" or "war on Christians" is completely out of touch with reality. What they are really complaining about is that they feel Christians and Christmas used to be held up on a pedestal by America and now that other marginalized groups are getting some of the limelight the conservative Christians whine and complain, cry and gnash their teeth like some dejected temperamental primadonna desperate for attention. Well Gina got the attention she was asking for, it just didn't work out the way she likely thought it would. Free speech means you can say what you want, but it doesn't mean the speech is free of consequence.
It's both funny and amazing how some people do not seem to understand that speech can come with consequences. Free speech, like any other right, should be exercised responsibility. Otherwise, there may be repercussions. And when those repercussions bites someone in the ass, people love to complain about it. In today's day and age, where anything and everything we say (or do) can get "out there," it's best if one keeps their mouth shut. Especially if what is said can be controversial.
“The Revolution will be complete when the language is perfect.”...George Orwell (1984)
A little melodramatic. Buy that doesn't change the fact of my statement.
It's all about where progressives are.
No, it's more about conservative faux outrage and whining.
Well since Carano did indeed express herself, that statement is moot.
Will admit that I know little about Gina Carano, but her interpretation of the history of Jewish treatment during the reign of the Nazis leaves out more than it leaves in.
The general German population were helpless under the Nazis and the Nazi Party and it's governance highest approval ratings among the German public was in 1935 at 38%. By 1936 German elections were ended and on this very day, Feb. 10th, 1936 The Reichstag decreed that Gestapo personnel and German Security forces could not be arrested, indicted or held to trial.
I suspect there is little Ms. Carano knows about what life was like for Jews or ordinary Germans under the yoke of the Nazi Regime. Perhaps she could have kept her misinformed opinions to herself.
She has a point
She has a point on top of her head... and nothing inside.
She was probably kicked, hit and choked out once too many times.
Indeed she does!
She'll probably turn up as a part time host on one of Fox News many bs shows.
Republicans are treated like this?
Is that a Republican about to be roasted like a pizza?
I wonder if Gina Carano could find any Republicans among those.
Just another example of an ignorant fool trivializing The Holocaust.
Spot on!
No. But then neither was anyone else under the Trump administration (or Obama or Bush, etc). And yet the Hitler comparisons flow non-stop.
None of them incited a mob of supporters to attack the Capitol of the United States of America.
You missed the point or are just offering a non sequitur.
Valid point.
I would say though, that coming from the party that includes the KKK and Neo Nazis, this is particularly insensitive.
would it have been better if she had used what happened to the armienian christians at the hands of the ottoman turks in turkey around 1911? What they did and got away with , and still get away with on the world stage( they have never been made to admit it even happened) convinced Hitler he could get away with the "final solution". because the world governments turned a blind eye to it then they would do so again , and they did for a number of years during those times.
Buzz as a jew , you have every right to be disgruntled and angry at ANY trivialization in your eyes as it pertains to the nazi holocaust .
can i see parallels in what this actress said with today? To a degree yes, on this site in certain members postings , do i see it to the extent and the extreme you just posted above? No because what you posted was well after things got started and were underway when the common citizen didnt have a way to stop it if they wanted.
The scapegoating of the jews , started long before there were any round ups to camps , it started with them being blamed for the loss of WW1, and the conditions the country of germany were subjected to as conditions of surrender and after 10 years of reparations and misery , the german people were ripe to blame someone other than themselves ., but you and every one here knows that. and they were being treated as sub humans which made it easier down the road to do what was done. One dehumanizes another human being for any reason , it becomes easier day by day to justify how one treats them.
As you demonstrate, there is no reasonable comparison, here. The important point is that being unreasonable is obviously not a problem for this woman.
She, and her ilk, are oblivious to logic.
''Republicans are persecuted in America. They are just a few degrees away from being exterminated.''
The absurdity of that position should make anyone laugh... or weep.
When having to deal with deadheads, sometimes exaggeration is necessary to make a point.
And I am FULLY aware of the Armenian genocide. An Armenian client of mine who bacame a good friend, even bought a house close to mine to make it possible for us to spend more time together, told me stories that his grandfather had told him about what happened back then, and his resentment was deep. Besides my opinions from then, my feelings about Turkey have not changed about Turkey and Erdogan since the Mavi Marmora incident.
That's nowhere near what she said.
That is the left's narrative
As I said: "When having to deal with deadheads, sometimes exaggeration is necessary to make a point."
I might have to use my space laser on anyone who disagrees with me.
Lol damn.
She is a fucking idiot. She clearly has zero knowledge of the Holocaust, or anti-semitism in Europe generally.
I haven't looked at her whole twitter, but the quote in the seed doesn't mention Republicans, so I don't see a reason to assume she was only talking about Republicans.
And either way, I'm not seeing the problem. She proposed an analogy. So what? How many times have politicians been compared to Hitler? It happens every day.
Not to mention, I've been seeing the "First they came" poem quoted for years on political issues. No outrage, though.
But this is somehow beyond the pale? Whatever!
I long for the day when people stop making such a big deal out of random tweets.
I don't even know the contents of Twitter until it's posted here.
Anderson Cooper compared the events of January 6 to the Rwandan genocide. I wonder if the same people are offended by that? Or even know about it?
That is gross too. But two wrongs don't make a right.
I never said they did. My comment was about the reaction. Anyone outraged by Gina Carano should be just as offended - if not more so - by Anderson Cooper's remarks. It is his job to make rational analyses of political events and he has a national television audience relying on him every day for exactly that. Gina Carano is a little known actress (although considerably less little known after Mandalorian!) with a Twitter account.
Getting people cranked up that an isolated - albeit awful - riot is just like a genocide that killed 800,000 people is the kind of the thing people are mad at Trump for right now. This is a big problem we have in our society and our politics. i.e., What is outrageous and horrible for some people is totally fine for others - if they are people we agree with and like.
Cooper compared the events only in terms of what it could lead to. I've posted on enough sites to have seen a multitude of comments suggesting Smith & Wesson solutions by one side and it sure as hell was not coming from the 'lieberal-neo Bolshevik-ChiComs'.
That makes it different? That makes it ok? So, you're on board with the idea that Republican rhetoric could reasonably lead to the genocide of nearly a million people? Really?
Actually, taken as a percentage of the total population - it would be more like tens of millions.
It falls in line with a fave line of many on the right ... something to do with not remembering history and being doomed to repeat it? I'm sure you know it.
As to: "Republican rhetoric", Republicans still exist?
Never heard about it but that is equally, actually far more, retarded.
It wasn't like she wasn't warned. According to insiders Disney warned her repeatedly to stop being a douchebag online, but she couldn't help herself. Jon Favreau wanted to spin off her character into her own show and interceded with Disney to keep her on as long as they did.
Those of you who butt hurt about this are free to boycott Disney. That might make my streaming experience smoother without so many people trying to watch WandaVision at the same time.
That would be like spitting at the sun to cool it down.
Truth, but it might make some tiny brain bigots feel better about themselves for a hot minute. Perhaps they can commiserate with the uber Progressives that are pissed with Disney's push into Chinese market at the expense of Hong Kong and others.
I’m dumping Disney +
I'm going to subscribe to it.
Im thinking of it , but not over this kerfluffle.
i have been looking at what they have planned for release and when, seems nothing that personally interests me is slated for release or new episodes until later in the year( nov -dec time frame of 21 or into 2022) .
and not much has been said about the Nat geo programs i watch either. so why not save the monthly subscription price until something im interested is available.
Nobody cares...
Disney + crashed last Friday morning due to heavy system traffic just after the newest WandaVision episode dropped at 3:00AM Eastern. I don't think anyone is up at night because you're dumping it.
She works for a private corporation and she can be fired for cause, period. In this case, it isn't clear if she was terminated or if her contract wasn't renewed. Either way, she will no longer be in the show if she feels she was terminated unjustly she can sue.
According to the article, this is not the first time that she has made controversial comments.
It's not the first time that Disney has fired someone for making controversial comments.
Here is another list of celebs that got fired for their tweets.
I thought all the people bitching about this were right to work kind of people? You know...the company has the right to hire and fire anyone they want to?
Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner!
And many of the ones that is are saying it was right to fire her are the ones that bitched and moaned about the Dixie Chicks being blackballed.
Getting blackballed for being against racism is exactly the same as getting blackballed for being for racism.
You wouldn't understand.
You need a refresher, as they weren't blackballed for being against racism. It was about being against the Iraqi war, and bashing Bush. When their fan base is country music fans, what else did they expect? They were playing for the "God, Country, and Guns" crowd.
Oh. OK.
It's OK to blackball musicians for opposing a war. Perfectly cool.
My bad.
Totally different. Being blackballed by the consumer is not the same thing as being fired by your employer. But I wouldn't expect either you or Texan to know that or even figure it out for yourselves
The Dixie Chicks, now known as the Chicks and what happened to them is a little more complicated than the simple excuses given.
I still have all my cassettes and cds made as the dixie chicks in what is considered the country genre, and still listen to them .
now whats posted above is accurate , but it fails to mention that at that time the group was also talking about and experimenting in crossing over to different types of music , of course what was said didnt help with their fan base in country resulting in the fans didnt follow them when they changed their style .
Music fans can be really fickle , just like middle of the road voters , they change their minds and tastes as often as the wind changes direction.
problem was and is no one is required to change their tastes as a fan and no group or person can reasonably expect them to .
Now i still like the old stuff they did , the new stuff, not so much or even at all, now if they announced a concert , and said it would be all new material in the style they are doing now , i would not pay to see it , if it were announced they were doing a concert with all their old stuff? i would likely go and see that for the memories .
bottom line is , they will choose what they will play , and that choice will help fans decide if they will pay to see it or not , affecting how much the group or promoters make and if its worth it. its their choice and i accept it.
now is there a "Dixie Chick curse" where artists who speak out politically against a politician their fan base is behind? i think it can be proven there is . BUT the other part of the curse would be artists changing genres and music styles away from that which has made them famous and rich, is a very risky move , because their fan base , just might not like the change .
For me , the little they did put out , during the time , did change in style and format compared to some of their older stuff they got famous on , but that is simply my own opinion and observation, as well as tastes . Like i said i will still listen to their old stuff , its what i like.
but as i stated , thats risks that any artist or musician takes , or anyone for that matter in the entertainment industry.
another good example of a well known and liked artist changing styles , anyone know who chris gaines was ? came out with a rock genre album a number of years back, and it did so-so, that was also garth brooks , his try at a different genre didnt work , but he did it in such a way that it did not affect , what he already had established as a fan base .
Wow! You sure know how to tee one up. But I wouldn't use the word "moron" to describe someone who sees things differently than me. So, in the case of the actress who is the subject of this article, I will rephrase your observation with:
She just dared to speak her mind and some people who think differently didn't appreciate it, took it out of the intended context, labeled her a Nazi, and saw to it that she was fired.
Fair enough?
By the way, yesterday on Ben Shapiro's show, she did somewhat explain her latest controversial post and that she in no way meant it to minimize the horrors of the Holocaust. And she did offer an apology (of sorts) for her very poor expression of her point about hatred in general. I will agree she could have been clearer with the apology as well. There are also reports surfacing that she has apologized behind closed doors to Disney executives, most coming from Hollywood insiders up to this point. Will be interesting to see what comes of that.
CA—Disney has apologized to Gina Carano and rehired her after she announced today that she identifies as a problematic, abusive, toxic male director.
Frankly , her acting left a lot to be desired IMHO, her staying or going wont affect this SW geek , I am more interested in what is in the mill for current and future story lines . and i will judge for myself if i will watch them , just like wanda vision , IMHO not worth my time .
I did get to watch her in the MMA a couple times , which is likely why she got the acting gig anyway , the sheer physicality of the part.
Disney's & Lucasfilm's double standards for Mandalorian actors:
It's okay for some Disney employees to make Nazi comparisons
" Not okay at Disney+: making overwrought Holocaust comparisons on social media Totally okay at Disney+: working with governments shipping people to concentration camps where women are forcibly sterilized"- Ben Shapiro
boo hoo hoo, everybody has turned against the poor misunderstood fascists in america ...
See? It's ok when you do it.
[Deleted] She's in one of the most popular streaming SciFi shows on right now.
Some things just never change and you sure follow that idiom to T ......
According to [deleted] fascists, opposition to fascism is...fascism.
If that seems both illogical and self-serving... well... what do you expect from fascists?
Lol what an idiot.
I realize that her original Instagram post was a train wreck, ill conceived and poorly worded (especially the last sentence). And if it was the last straw for the Disney executives who let her go, then so be it. But what if we read it in the way that she likely meant it, rather than in the way that all of those who want to see her burn would like to interpret it? Bear with me here, I am not trying to defend her in any way, just perhaps looking at it from another angle.
One of the commenters below at the seeded article wrote:
He is right, nowhere in the post did she mention Republicans at all, that was made up by several of the subsequent posts or tweets by those in favor of #fireGinaCarano. And perhaps she wasn't making a direct comparison at all, simply indicating that demonizing people (for any reason) can result in some really horrible consequences. Clearly she was appalled by the hatred of the Jews and how it had grown over time in Germany, starting with neighbors being encouraged to hate their neighbor, eventually wishing for or engaging in harm against them, then culminating in the support for the Nazi troops who rounded them up and took them away to camps. All of that is true, and saying it is neither offensive nor is it anti-Semitic in any way.
How could something as horrible as the holocaust ever be allowed to happen in a modern society? It starts with the demonizing of large groups of people and the fomenting of hatred toward them. Whether that hatred be advanced by the propaganda of a dictatorial regime, an opposing party, the media, an activist mob, it doesn't matter. It can still lead to some real horror down the road. Is anyone here really going to take the position that nothing horrible has ever happened to anyone in the world for simply expressing their political views? What if that is all she was trying to say, rather than all of the other monstrous things some people claim she meant?
Anyway, food for thought.
It's nice to see someone approach an issue like this with an open mind instead of looking for a way to be offended.
She was making a legitimate point. Will it ever develop into the kind of horror she referenced? I doubt it. I certainly hope not. I'd like to think we're better than that.
I think we should be hearing the call to be better to each other rather than assuming - based on very little evidence - that she was trying to diminish the holocaust in some way. That was clearly not her goal.
Seriously? Copy/Paste?