A Meeting of Diplomats

A Chinese delegation met with a delegation of Biden administration diplomats yesterday in Anchorage, Alaska. China's representatives wasted no time in demonstrating to the Biden crew who was the world's new super power. The Biden team claimed that the two sides had agreed on two-minute opening statements, yet the Chinese delegation's statement ended up going for more than an hour. Chinese state media called the U.S. presentation "inhospitable" and claimed that it was U.S. officials who had spoken for too long.
It seems that U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken thought he was going to walk in and take a tough stand with China as President Trump had done.
"Blinken said the U.S. would bring up its "deep concerns" about issues related to the government’s repression of Uyghurs in Xinjiang, as well as anti-democracy efforts in "Hong Kong, Taiwan, cyber attacks on the United States [and] economic coercion of our allies" during the first official talks of the Biden administration."
"China, for its part, accused the U.S. of meddling in the country’s domestic affairs, claimed the United States has a human rights problem and said the U.S. military uses its might to suppress other countries.
A third meeting is scheduled for Friday morning."
Unfortunately for Blinken, China has already sized up Joe Biden and they got exactly what they wanted - a senile weakling backed by progressive weaklings. The pandemic really paid nice dividends, didn't it? It is Xi Jinping that stirs the drink and the world better get used to it! If they get angry enough, who knows, maybe some rogue Chinese Army Colonel might just unleash another pandemic.
Has a CCP delegation ever treated a US delegation like this?
So what are Joe's handlers going to do about it?
Something tells me they'll get used to it.
So much for "getting tough."
how many trademarks have they awarded to biden's daughter so far?
How many has she applied for? There would be your answer...................ZIP. Doesn't have anything to trademark.
China grants 18 trademarks in 2 months to Trump, daughter
Donald Trump’s China Tariffs Don’t Apply to Ivanka
You mean to say that Biden's daughter hasn't stolen any Italian designs yet?
So much bias bullshit. Your usatodaysun link merely regurgitates the article from the fox link.
Too bad neither chose to report the story as well as Reuters did:
So the US meet with allies in the region FIRST, released our intentions to take substantive action and then laid out an agenda. ALL of which pissed off China.
Gee I guess you and yours would have preferred that Biden invited Xi to his home in Delaware in February so he could tell him about HIS missile strike on Syria.
Tell us what that is?
Is he going to have Hunter return the money he was paid?
It's linked in YOUR seed and I quoted it in my comment Vic. READ it.
Sorry, I didn't see any actions listed. Explain YOURSELF.
China just humiliated the US delegation and Putin just challenged Biden to a debate. What are the consequences?
You might have to pull his own seed apart to show him
Then you're avoiding what's right in front of your face.
There will NEVER be a day when I take orders from you Vic.
That's delusional and contrary to the vast majority of the reporting on the meeting.
Of what Vic?
Hell, I can't even get him to READ what he's already posted.
What he stated really happened. Does this show that Biden and his band incompetent morons were unprepared and in over their heads.
What WHO stated Greg?
WHAT are you talking about Greg? Be specific.
BTW, Every Democrat is now on the record: They just voted to keep Eric Swalwell on the House Intelligence Committee—despite his long-standing relationship with a reported Chinese spy.
bwah ha ha , oh that's right, FOX viewers have no idea about all the traitors in the trump administration that's been in the headlines for 3 days now ...
Pure partisan BS
Why do you insist on character assassination like this? The FBI told him she was suspicious in 2015,
he and other officials stopped seeing her and she skedaddled back to China to disappear under her real name 6 years ago.
In 2014 Fang was reportedly involved in fund raising for Swalwell,
even the most partisan observer can't describe that as a "longstanding relationship"
Fang was actually a part of Tulsi Gabbard's campaign in 2013 also. Should we ban Tulsi from politics as well?
“Pure partisan BS“
coming from one who is as partisan as anyone here,,,,,oh the irony, lol.
right back at ya, lol.
The difference? I don’t accuse others of being partisan while acting like i’m bi-partisan.
WHO was 'acting like' they are bi-partisan in this thread?
Accuse? The man is legendary for his eviscerations of the progressive, liberal human scum. ( his own words )
He's proud of it. He wants to "teach" "our readers".
Me? I don't believe a single person can be bi-partisan, it takes two people by definition, and I'm certainly not neutral.
I just try to be as reasonable as possible, while disagreeing without being insulting and rude as possible.
It is a challenge, I 'll admit, lol.
To everyone in this thread. These comments are bordering on the personal. Please talk about the comment and not the person. Next comment will get a ticket.
More bad news:

Russia’s Putin challenges Biden to a live public ‘discussion’
Kinda like the "public discussion" Trump had with him and came out wiping his chin?
Only in your wet dreams.
Lol! Good one!
It's nice to see that the GOP is rallying around the party leader....Tru....I mean, Putin.
Nice to see Democrats pulling the same double standard as always, and never admit when their leaders fuck up.
[deleted] Why should the Chinese pretend it is anything different? The Chinese know exactly who they are dealing with.
That's the paradox for Biden - How does one bluff while holding no cards whatsoever?
They are dealing with a pathetic moron now.
Unfortunately for Blinken, China has already sized up Joe Biden and they got exactly what they wanted - a senile weakling backed by progressive weaklings.
Pretty much sums it up.
It doesn't say much for Blinken either. He should have left that summit as soon as the CCP representatives attacked the United States.
Right because what America needs most are Diplomats that RUN from mean WORDS. /s
What are these actions YOU mentioned?
AGAIN, it's linked in YOUR seed and I quoted it in my comment Vic. READ it.
AGAIN, YOU have failed.
At WHAT Vic? Hand feeding you information that has ALREADY been posted?
I can't FORCE you to read your own fucking seed and follow the links. NOR can I FORCE you to have a cogent understanding of the block quote that I posted.
Adult and READ the article you seeded Vic, I DID.
If they don’t show is the respect America deserves we should walk out on their asses. They can deal with America with respect or not at all. That’s not too much to ask. They freaking wouldn’t have done that to a Trump delegation
You bet they wouldn't!
Why would they Vic?
Xi says "he would partner with the new U.S. President “to uphold the principles of non-conflict, non-confrontation, mutual respect, and win-win cooperation.”
Then Tillerson says " “the U.S. side is ready to develop relations with China based on the principle of no conflict, no confrontation, mutual respect, and win-win cooperation.”
Rinse and repeat...
No you walk out to defend and uphold the honor of the United States of America but our so called leaders there had and have no clue as to what that is.
Since when is using a NT authorized emoji a ticket Charger?
HOW does walking out do that Xx?
BTFW, I suggest that you review the importance of 'saving face' in Asian culture' and make an attempt suss out the effect of the US 'walking out'.
The AP celebrated the statement from Team Biden that “Diplomacy is Back”.
Meanwhile, it's back to Delaware...
What happened is that Joe tripped on Donald's toilet paper. Do I need to dredge up that video?
It's just his stutter. Nothing to see here.
Um, so?
Seriously, can you tell me why this is an issue?
that sums up the present situation perfectly. Great words well said.
By all reports, China took a tough line at its first face-to-face meeting with the Biden Administration. Without a clear U.S. strategy, huge risk for the U.S. lies ahead. A return to Obama policies would be a big win for China....John Bolton
An OPINION piece by John Bolton.
Gee Vic ... does Kabuki theater escape you?
used in political discourse to describe an event characterized more by showmanship than by content.
What has happened here is that China has rightly used progressive rhetoric against the US. If America is an evil racist country, it has no right to criticize China or anyone else.
As for the Biden administration, it's foreign policies have it under siege. China feared Trump - they never knew what he might do. They don't fear Joe Biden and his progressive handlers.
Most ominous is what Vladimir Putin said after Biden called him a killer. Putin wished him "good health!"
You seem to be cheerleading for China and Putin. Kinda odd.
That would be a switch!
Can you name for me, the US leader that paid $186,000.00 in taxes in China?
No, but I can name the Secretary of State who apologized to China - Antony Blinken
Here, let me help.
While doing business between 2013 and 2015 Trump paid $188,561 in taxes to China. He paid $750 in taxes to the US in 2016 and 2017.
That's false.
Cy Vance will be documenting the answer to your question soon.
Why would I bother Tex?
No worries Tex.
No, it really isn't. Maybe you should look it up for yourself.
So did Americans.
Neither did Americans.
LOLOLOLOL. Following this seed and discussion is more fun than watching a Marx Brothers comedy. Forget the movies, the acting on the world stage is much more interesting.
More like a meeting of autocrats than a meeting of diplomats.
Joe Biden is going to revive Obama's pivot to Asia and the Trans Pacific Partnership, in some form. The Chinese belligerence coupled with the current liberal focus on the Asian race card in the US only strengthens Biden's negotiating position around the Asian rim. Kim Jong-Un only needs to begin throwing another tantrum to seal the deal.
The immediate problem Biden will face is with the political left in the Democratic Party. Chinese socialism appeals to the political left. Biden has to create a distinction between 'good' Asians and 'bad' Asians. We shouldn't be surprised that the Biden administration will begin some sort of media campaign to plant the idea that either the Chinese are no longer Asians or that the other people around the Pacific rim are Eastern Pacific Cultures and not Asians. Democrats are masters of creating racial distinctions so that shouldn't be too difficult.
No doubt the Chinese understand Biden's intentions. (As do the die-hard neo-liberal deadwood in the Republicans Party trying to protect the Chinese gravy train.) China has already lost the United States so now the Chinese must attempt to create fear around the Pacific rim. China will also redouble efforts to create discord between the US and Europe using neo-liberal free trade as a weapon.
Only just begun the neo-liberal war has.
I have decided at this point to take issue with the frist paragraph of the introduction to this seed that criticizes China of "grandstanding", whatever that means. Let's try to be a little more objective as to what happened.
Just before the meeting, America meets with the "Quad" to gather support for its confronting China. Immediately before the meeting it sanctions 24 Chinese officals over Hong Kong. As the two sides sit down, the Americans immediately smear China for its domestic policies in Hong Kong, Xinjiang, Tibet, and Taiwan, crossing all of China's red lines. Biden cogratulates his staff for their wonderful opening. What was expected that China would do? Get down on its hands and knees to grovel and kowtow to the Americans? China asked if this was the way America wanted to welcome them to the USA. China pointed out that maybe America should first look in a mirror before it criticizes others, like the genocide of the American Indians, like the racism and human rights violations in the USA. And to that I'll add the Indian residential schools, the internment of Japanese Americans, the separating immigrant children from their parents and putting them in cages, and the world's record incarceration rate, the shooting deaths damn near every day, and America thinks it's so perfect it can dictate to and interfere in the domestic affairs of other nations.
Maybe all that was for show, to sate the public because it was meant to be publicized. Apparently, however, that was followed by private meetings where there was at least SOME cooperation, and at least SOME things benefical to both nations were accomplished.