Facts First? CNN Host Don Lemon Insists Biden "Misspoke" On Georgia Election Law . . . Repeatedly
Category: Op/Ed
Via: vic-eldred • 4 years ago • 113 commentsBy: President Joe Biden (JONATHAN TURLEY)

The White House is not the only outfit struggling to explain the false statements repeatedly made by President Joe Biden about Georgia's election law. Biden's false claims have been widely refuted, including by the Washington Post. Yet, CNN's host Don Lemon mocked those raising the false statements and insisted that Biden merely misspoke. The problem is that he repeated the false claims after they were refuted and White House Press Secretary Jan Psaki has insisted that Biden was speaking truthfully in the Biden version of "alternative facts." What was also not explained on CNN was how the Georgia law is "Jim Crow on steroids" if these two objections are untrue and states like New York and Delaware (and Colorado where the MLB is sending the All-Star game) have stricter provisions. CNN ran the slogan "Facts First" throughout the Trump Administration, but it seems that facts are more fluid in 2021.
Lemon lashed out at critics of Biden as "incredibly dishonest and openly partisan" for his statements on the election law. Lemon mocked those raising the issue:
"Get this, Republicans have a new talking point, trying to turn Trump's big lie onto Joe Biden, saying Joe Biden is lying about what's in Georgia's new voting law that restricts ballot access. New GOP talking point: Trying to turn Trump's 'Big Lie' on to Biden for misspeaking about Georgia's voting law."
The problem is that Biden and the White House have continued to assert the statements as true.
During an interview on ESPN, Biden repeated his claim that the law is "Jim Crow on steroids" and added: "Imagine passing a law saying you cannot provide water or food for someone standing in line to vote, can't do that? C'mon! Or you're going to close a polling place at 5 o'clock when working people just get off?"
As we previously discussed, it is hard to "imagine" because it is not true and the White House knows that it is not true. I will not repeat the clearly false claim about closing polling places early. As the Washington Post noted, "the net effect [of the Georgia law] is … to expand the opportunities to vote for most Georgians, not limit them."
Even CNN eventually called out the claims as untrue. CNN's fact-checker Daniel Dale noted that Biden's statement "is misleading for two reasons. First, the new law does not change Georgia's Election Day voting hours, which still end at 7 p.m. Second, while the law does set a default end time of 5 p.m. for early voting on weekdays and on Saturdays, counties were already allowed to end early voting at 5 p.m. under the previous law. The new law gives counties the option to offer early voting as late as 7 p.m. if they want to."
Biden and the White House have also pushed the claim that Georgia will not let voters receive water at polling places, which is demonstrably untrue. The law does not prevent people from giving water to those standing in line. The law allows "self-service water from an unattended receptacle" for voters waiting in line. It also allows anyone to give water or food to any voters outside of limited area around the polling place. The change in the language followed complaints in the last elections that campaigns were circumventing the rules by distributing water and food within the limited area. It makes no sense to bar people from politicking in the area if they can display the same political identifications in approaching people in line for the purpose of giving away free food or drink. Instead, it allows for non-partisan distribution of water in these receptacles. If the concern is truly for the waiting voters, it should not matter that the water is distributed without a political affiliation. States like New York ban any water or item worth more than a dollar. Period.
It is hard to maintain that Biden misspoke repeatedly when his Press Secretary is still trying to claim that he spoke truthfully. The first evidence that Biden misspoke could be Biden correcting his statements and saying that the Georgia law actually expands the guaranteed hours for voting and that voters can be given water while standing in line from non-political self-service bins.
Moreover, the claims on the hours and water were the primary reasons cited for claiming that the law was worse than the Jim Crow laws — laws that mandated racial segregation. The law does mandate voter identification but so do many "blue" states like Colorado. New polling shows that, even after this campaign, Americans continue to overwhelmingly support such mandatory identification rules with almost 75 percent in favor of such rules. Indeed, over 50 percent of Democrats support such voter identification rules. Some polling shows 63 percent of Democrats supporting such mandatory rules.
So if Biden misspoke about the hour and water changes, what in the law is worst than Jim Crow? If it is the voter identification, then blue states like Colorado are equally guilty as are most Democrats who support such provisions.
These issues have been rallying cries for seeking the unprecedented federalization of elections, including a preemption of state voter identification rules. The campaign was successful in prompting companies like Delta and United Airlines (which require photo identification to fly) to condemn the law as well as the MLB (which requires photo identification to enter the game).
There are legitimate issues to debate on these election laws. Let's debate them but, as CNN once said, "Facts First."
Jonathan Turley

Instead of correcting his false claim Biden is tripling down. Lemon tried to offer cover, yet this attempt at justifying the H.R. 1 bill is beginning to backfire. The new GA voting law changes how an absentee ballot is verified. There is no reason for all the progressive outrage, other than to use the new law to promote the H.R. 1 bill which is nothing more than a democrat power grab. The constitution grants state legislatures the right to make voting laws, not the federal government or judges.
Trump and his supporters are off topic
I am off topic
Who didn't see this coming? The media using words like "Misspoke"; Mislead"; "Biden's version of the truth"; or anything else except what it really is, a blatant lie.
The media have been less than forth coming calling out China Joe for his lies. Those few voices on the left are easily drown out by the Biden false (liar) narrative that the media picks up and airs.
Four years of this BS to go. Expect it to get much, much, worse.
"It included an ESPN interview; he said he would “strongly support” pulling the All-Star Game out of Atlanta to protest new voter laws in Georgia. It ended with an extended rundown, caught between angry fans and legislators. The White House now insists, contrary to fact, that Biden never weighed in on where the “Midsummer Classic” should or should not be played.
As they say in a certain section of Boston... "He done fucked up!"
The decision to move the game is only hurting the people of Atlanta. The stadium workers, vendors and numerous small businesses in the area. It’s a shame!
As will all of those same people and businesses across the county by the GOP endorsed boycott of ALL MLB games, Delta, Coke, et al.
IMO it’s not the same thing. Atlanta and it’s people have lost the All star game and any money that those people and businesses were counting on.
A call to boycott MLB games, Delta, Coke etc... doesn’t stop any of those things from happening in a certain area. The games will still be played where scheduled, the planes will still fly and people will still drink coke. Maybe fewer people, maybe not.
Exactly, it stops or reduces the profit for all of those entities EVERYWHERE.
BTW, the GOP is also proposing repealing MLB's antitrust exemption. Cancel culture?
So is it your posit that the GOP boycott is pure theater?
I don’t really care if MLB, Delta or Coke lose some profit. The people who work these venues and have restaurants etc nearby will still be able to go to work, do their jobs and earn money.
you can take my statement anyway you wish but my point is we have no idea how or if it will effect any of those corporations or their profits.
That's what happens when Corporate leaders bow to the left. Republicans need to know that the radical left has now poisoned Corporate boardrooms as well as the Pentagon. They are no longer GOP allies.
As for the people & businesses of Atlanta, they will suffer the consequences. The All Star Game has been moved from a city that was about 56% Black to a city that is only about 9% Black.
Will it change their votes? NO
Maybe it will get Georgia Republicans to come out and vote this time.
7AM - 7PM. Biden is a liar
It’s always the little guys that suffer. MLB will still make their money without a second thought of how their decision screwed the people of Atlanta.
I’ll go with hypocrite!! He is only concerned with his own pocketbook.
If MLB, Delta or Coke lose revenue, THEIR employees are effected too. As are all of ancillary businesses that supply those companies and service their employees, such as the restaurants at the airport, concessions at the ballparks and restaurants outside of the ballpark.
Well by that standard, 'we' don't know if the MLB moving the All Star Game will effect any of the businesses in Atlanta or their profits, do we?
Maybe by the next election, Republicans in Georgia will come to their senses and recognize that their elections were indeed fair and they should ignored the former guys lies.
9 AM - 5 PM. Truth.
No more than the former guy gave up Diet Coke.
If, being the key word. I guess time will tell.
So it is your posit that moving a major sporting event out of Atlanta will have no effect on the people who work in that venue, the vendors or the small businesses in the Atlanta area? Do you honestly believe that someone saying boycott this has the same effect as actually removing it? Come on man.
Someone? The GOP and the former guy called for the boycotts.
Do your think K street lobbyists will take heed and cancel their sky box corporate palm greasing at the Washington Nationals games? Will they want to be seen violating the paleo-conservative call to arms? I'm pretty sure that we can count Rubio out. How about the rest of the GOP Congressman and Senators?
That effect will last ALL season [if the GOP is to be taken seriously]...Looks like DC could have much harsher 'lasting' effects.
How so Vic?
You have attempted to equate an option with a hard rule. I really don't know how many times it has to be pointed out.
That is EXACTLY what YOUR 7AM - 7PM post did Vic.
The SO is yours.
He lied and others are trying to conflate the choosing with closing at 5.
I'm not letting anyone get away with it.
It's you, just like when you told us that Michael Cohen was in Prague. It didn't work then and it won't work now.
I understand, you don’t want to answer.
My OP showed concern for the people and small businesses of Atlanta whom you don’t seem to care one bit about. You do however seem concerned with corporations possibly losing profit and ranting about the GOP so I think we are done. Have a great day.
Miss Doe, that was a great question. I'm waiting too!
I take it he is sleeping the rest of the time?
Biden's hours? Nobody seems to know for sure. After the morning Tapioca, he's good for at least a few hours. He manages to follow instructions and don't forget he carries that card with the number of covid deaths on him. That was a nice touch, don't you think? It shows "empathy."
You're about 12 hours short, but then he might be, likely is, napping or looking for Kamala to she has yet gone to the border or spoken with any of the leaders of the nations she wants to in order to eliminate the residents desire to leave.
My comment isn't a critique of Trump so much as a critique of his hypocritical supporters.
Wow Tex, it sounds like you are agreeing that my 2.1.14 comment WAS truth.
MMmmm Pepsi.
Oh you want YOUR questions answered while ignoring mine.
Fine let's look at them:
No and I have no fucking clue how you came to that unfounded assumption from anything I posted.
BTW, I answered that question and posed some of my own.
I understand if you don't want to answer.
I also pointed out that the boycott has the potential of a long term effect while the MBL cancelation is a one time effect.
Being from Indiana, I have some experience with stupid laws passed by stupid legislatures and signed by stupid Governors who failed to recognize the economic consequences.
Oh I do care about the effects on them and as I said, I have some experience in being forced to absorb the consequences of stupid state government.
I see you're conveniently ignoring my comments about their employees and the ancillary effects on those who service them. Well done.
There is a difference between ranting and making a cogent comment. Learn it.
Bub bye...
So 9AM - 5PM IS truth. Thanks.
Never said it wasn't.
You're welcome.
Ranting takes talent, making a cogent comment requires nothing more than staying within the lines.
I agree, yet staying within the lines challenges those without talent to at least TRY to make a contrary point. As you can see, they usually fail miserably.
Your first question
Your second question
My first question
So it is your posit that moving a major sporting event out of Atlanta will have no effect on the people who work in that venue, the vendors or the small businesses in the Atlanta area?
unanswered until your last post which ignores half of the question.
My second question
Do you honestly believe that someone saying boycott this has the same effect as actually removing it?
replied to with some hypothetical questions but not answered.
So who is the one wanting answers but not suppling any?
I came to that conclusion by reading your own words.
I think that most people realize there is no way that moving the All-Star game, where players, their families and fans are traveling from all over, utilizing hotels, restaurants, shops etc... would not affect their profits.
No, I read your hypothetical comment about what if’s.
I know the difference. IMO your comment was a rant, in your opinion it was a cogent comment. You know what they say, opinions can vary.
That must be some Indiana slang.
Now I realize there are some people with over inflated egos that have to believe they are always right and get the last word or insult in. You can continue if you like. I won’t be responding anymore, so enjoy yourself.
Me either Kathleen.
I adjusted pretty quickly.
This is your 'answer' to that question:
Nope, never answered. BTFW, why truncate my comment?
You ignore the THREE other questions I asked. WHY?
NO is the answer to ALL of that question.
Well since we have already established that 'we' don't know the effect on Atlanta, HOW can I judge whether the GOP/former guy boycott will be 'the same'?
I'm pretty fucking sure that the GOP/former guy WANT their boycott to have a BIGGER impact.
As I already said, you.
Well since some of the players have already stated that THEY would boycott the game if it was held in GA, it's doubtful that their families and fans would be going either.
Oh and since the game isn't scheduled until mid July, much of the damage COULD be mitigated. In fact, paleo-conservatives should all flock to Atlanta and make up the difference if they are so concerned.
The boycott isn't 'hypothetical' nor is the fact that the boycott is INTENTED to have an economic effect on the companies and through them, their employees. ALL those businesses you cited, the 'hotels, restaurants, shops etc' will be effected by the GOP/former guy boycott of the MLB in EVERY city they play, NOT just Atlanta.
You should review your own comment as a reference.
Must it?
That's quite self reflective of you.
I believed you the first time, this time, not so much.
Bumbling Biden is morphing into Lying Biden. Lie after lie after lie after lie.....
And they tried to convince us that his predecessor was a master prevaricator
Yeah, you still defend trump, your opinion o. This matter is less than meaningless. In truth, if you do t like something Biden says or does then it is most likely true or beneficial.
We stop beating the dead horse when all our members man up and admit that BIDEN LIED!
All this pearl clutching is laughable. Four years of lies and only defence of lies.
Now pouncing on anything they can grasp their tiny hands around.
Hypocrites be thy name.
The comment referred to the subject of your article. How is that off topic ?
Nicely done, Stevie. We can all see who is on now. It's ok Stevie, another hour or so and we'll get it all straightened out.
That must be how Joe Biden feels? People in power take good care of him, don't they?
Nah, he didn’t lie, you are spreading fake ass fucking news and Biden tells the truth all the time about everything. Good for the goose good for the gander bitch.
Did Biden exaggerate, yeah, of course he did, and he probably shouldnt have said voting hours but specified shortening voting periods, but dont expect me to treat you with anything but scorn when you whine about someone else lying. Not after your and Trump’s fucking bullshit over the last 4 years. You are like a pedophile talking about how bad child abuse is.
MY NAME IS STEVE Please do not try to slight me again VICKY
............................................................................................................................................................... Thanks Vic
CNN is everything progressives claim fox news is.
Except fox won a lawsuit where they said they lie and said that people watching should know that. Basically calling their viewers stupid if they don't know what they are peddling is bullshit.
Bah, facts. Who needs’em?
Thread 10 deleted totally off topic
Drat, did I miss the best part again?
How does Jonathan Turley , an allegedly independent and moderate legal and political commentator , always end up siding with the right ? I can't remember the last time he wrote an article attacking a conservative, and he has regularly defended Trump on various things.
Maybe it's because the woke fucking left needs an intervention?
And Trump and his flock don't? ROFL.
It happens to be a well earned critique.
Haven't they deployed the race card against their opposition (most notably over post-pandemic voting legislation.) ?
Prove that ridiculous slander!
Neither of you have any proof? Do either of you know what the law is?
Those who know nothing of the law shouldn't be charging "racism."
Thanks for playing.
Desperation? in the choice of words? 'Jim Crowe on steroids' is not a 'desperate' attempt at being 'woke' - a desperate attempt to fire people up and disregard the facts .. and the crap continues flow down hill ... personally I thought 'Jim Eagle' was just adorable.
It has always been interesting to me how lies are qualified .. once again 'we' view things by degrees . it is okay to do this, just do not do that .. i.e alternative facts are fine, just as long as 'they' come from the 'correct' side of the aisle.. ?
Is anyone actually woke ...? I do not know any longer - the defense in the George Floyd trial blames COVID for the rioting and demonstrations after Floyd's death / murder .. interesting alternative fact for sure, yet some will believe it - just hopefully not anyone on the jury
Peace my friend - off to get my second Pfiser shot : )
Thread @6 locked - it had more purple ink than black.
Funny but I know it makes it harder on the moderators. Sorry