Would Someone Who Wants The World To Know They Are Not A White Supremacist Go On Tucker Carlson's Show ?

A ways back, young Kyle Rittenhouse was photographed sharing a moment with Proud Boys
Rittenhouse drank beers, flashed the “ok” symbol co-opted by white supremacy groups, and was “serenaded” with the official song of the far-right group Proud Boys on the same day he pleaded not guilty to charges , according to a filing obtained by WTMJ-TV .
Prosecutors Seek to Modify Kyle Rittenhouse's Bond Conditions | Law&Crime (lawandcrime.com)
Rittenhouse went to the bar with his mom on the day he made bail, where she evidently bought him a celebratory beer. In Wisconsin 17 year olds can drink liquor in a bar if one of their parents is present.
Presumably it was a "wink wink " coincidence that the white nationalist group the Proud Boys of "stand back and stand by" and Jan 6th fame had a couple representatives in the bar at the same time . In any case Rittenhouse seems happy to have posed with them.
Now, after his acquittal, Rittenhouse is heading straight for the pinnacle of white nationalism in the mainstream media, the Tucker Carlson Show on Fox News , for his first big post verdict interview. This undoubtedly will be a much hyped event in MAGA world.
Would someone who actually wanted the whole world to know that he is not a vigilante, not a strident advocate of militia activity, and most importantly not a new symbol of "white" power choose the notoriously problematic Tucker Carlson Show as the place to go and make peace with the many lasting questions about his behavior in Kenosha?
I find that hard to believe.
Maybe the youthful Rittenhouse is being led along by forces beyond his control and doesnt really want to be seen as the same ilk as Carlson, but if that is true he sure is making some bad PR decisions.
Rather, I think what the future will show us is that Rittenhouse is MAGA all the way and most likely Carlson is a boyhood hero of his. Just as Trump is. It just hasnt come out yet.
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Rittenhouse will be on Tucker Carlson's show on Fox News on Monday night.
So what?
Well, after three hours, this hasnt gotten a single comment.
I guess I was completely correct.
That’s interesting since you just posted this two hours ago
Time is not on John's side.
All one has to do is kill several people and be a right wing celebrity...
They have been shielding his true self. Now the fat piglet is free to wallow in the mud.
I bet anything him and is mother are far right conspiracy theorists.
What mother in their right mind would drive their child to a protest like that (with a weapon).
I bet we see his name pop up again for doing something that gets people hurt.
He was given free reign.
look on the bright side. he's worth more dead than alive to the domestic terrorist cult now. give it time.
followed by
hat mother in their right mind would drive their child to a protest like that (with a weapon).
Within days of the shootings, then-presidential candidate Joe Biden referenced Rittenhouse as a “white supremacist” despite no evidence supporting that widely repeated claim. Here we see an attempt to support that terrible smear.
I suppose him partying with the proud boys was just....well, it can only be one thing.
Your truth to that is ???????
Would you party and take pictures with them at a bar?
Lol. you think Biden can see through time?
Crazy how a picture four months after the shooting somehow proves what the FBI couldn't despite looking through his phone, computer etc..
I think it is fair to say that the Proud Boys and Kyle Rittenhouse (and his mother) didnt show up at the same Kenosha bar by coincidence.
Now he goes on Tucker Carlson? lol. Tucker Carlson is the poster boy for white nationalist sympathy in the mainstream media. If Rittenhouse wanted to allay concerns he is "white" oriented he would go on with George Stephanopoulos or Lester Holt, not Tucker Carlson.
I just love your conspiracy theories John - keep'm com'n.
I'm not in his shoes but as I sit here now I would not go on any program. Not until after I finished suing the socks off everyone who defamed me and maybe not even then. I would not want to be anyone's poster boy. But Rittenhouse appearing on Tucker Carlson doesn't make him a white supremacist.
He's not in charge of who likes him. While I think Tucker makes a lot of good points he also, like most pundits, hyperbolizes them into exaggerations or even untruths, sometimes, which is why I generally don't watch him any more.
Maybe. I don't know a lot about those guys. My guess, though, is he's likely to be wary of being ambushed, as so often happens, and sees Tucker as the least likely to do that. That's just speculation on my part, though.
I'm sure he went with whomever offered the most money and wasn't going to attack him.
His lawyers weren't cheap.
Please post a link to that quote Vic.
Major fail Vic. That all you got?
Nice link Vic ...... spot on.
They ask and they recieve!
The delusion continues.
Rittenhouse lawyer slams Biden for calling teen 'white supremacist' (nypost.com)
Yet ANOTHER link that doesn't prove what the headline claims.
Y'all are on a roll...
Exactly? What more proof do they need?
And the liberal gaslighting continues ....hilarious!
So liberals are so persuasive that they are responsible for you questioning your sanity and perception of reality?
Oh, are we talking about me now?
Interesting ...... but not unexpected.
Are you claiming that you are speaking for others being gaslighted Sparty?
Please link the testimonials they have shared with you.
Your reply is obtuse. Did you bother to look at Biden's tweet?
I claimed no such thing, you brought me into this not i.
Now, answer my question please.
from your link. He "suggested" doesn't mean he actually said "Kyle Rittenshouse is a white supremacist.
All y'all need some writing lessons
Well you claimed that liberals were gaslighting. WHO are you alleging they are gaslighting Sparty? You seem to be claiming that it isn't YOU, so you MUST be speaking for others. I presume you have some evidence to support your claim in the form of some kind of testimonial from these 'victims' of liberal gaslighting.
I presumed that you are speaking for yourself. Logically, you ARE speaking for yourself or for others who are questioning their sanity and/or perception of reality.
PICK ONE and support it Sparty.
It's really amazing how you can present them with direct evidence and they suddenly became unable to process basic information. Playing stupid isn't a winning strategy in my book, but some progressives have proudly adopted it.
I don't think that word means what you think it does.
Yes and NOWHERE did Biden call Rittenhouse a 'white supremacist'.
I didn't know I was so good at manipulating people's thoughts!
Seems like Biden said he was hanging with a militia, which seems to be true.
How people can change that, I don't know.
My comment was clear enough for most.
See above, the proof is in the comment itself.
Wrong presumption .... not even close actually
That comment is very illogical as nowhere was i speaking for myself. Keep spinning Dulay.
So there you go Dulay.
Some have reached a new level of disinformation.
They are attempting to gaslight their gaslighting.
It's hilarious to watch.
Spin baby spin, you are only fooling useful idiots .... no one else.
As it was to me. I am merely asking you to support your 'clear' allegation.
Please proceed.
GREAT, we're getting somewhere.
So you aren't speaking for yourself. Then logically you ARE speaking for others.
Now, please post a link to some testimonials from the innocent victims of this liberal gaslighting that you allege is occurring. It's YOUR assertion after all...
The only one who has posted disinformation is YOU Sparty.
You posted an allegation that you can't support.
It's hilarious to watch your failed attempt to tap dance your way out of it.
I have no need to 'fool' anyone. All 'our readers' need do is READ the links and decide for themselves who is telling the truth.
Now I heard that fox news was with him for the entire trial and filmed a documentary...
That was not a trial. It was a 3 ring circus. The judge should have worn a red rubber nose and over sized shoes.
I had to laugh when he pulled out the magnifying glass to read something on his desk.
It was indeed a fiasco. That buffoon of a judge should not be allowed to judge a dog show, much less a court of law.
While Kyle may walk free by the jury's decision, but, he will still have to face the court higher up for what he did, and what he knows full well what he did.
What he did is what the world and God recognizes as self defense!
You got a Bible verse expressing that belief?
That judge should only judge pie eating contests.
Does anyone else think that this judge has had a stroke? If you watch the video of him the left side of his face and mouth droop and don't move when he talks. His periods of forgetfulness and blank expressions are symptomatic of a stroke. It makes me wonder if he is fit to sit a bench. has he lost higher functions? Is there damage to the right frontal lobe? (My wife has had a couple and I know what they look like, I'm her PCA)
no that would be the prosecutor with all the hijinx he attempted and failed at .
Oh and lets not forget , the judge ? was appointed by a democrat , is a member of the democratic party , has donated and voted democrat most his life , the MSM has really dug into this guys past ....so it appears democrats have a runner ......
Haters gotta hate Mark ..... it’s nothing more complicated than that.
Paula and Raven Wing? Haters? Get outta here!
Lead prosecutor should have worn a court jester's costume because he sure acted the part!
And I see you are still illiterate as always on the subject, [deleted]
Since it's your c!aim something is made up, PROVE IT, [deleted]
I see you are trying to inject race into something that had nothing to do with race. Even included a picture with a bullshit statement.
How "woke" of you.
Considering your avatar, that's pretty hypocritical.
And what does that have to do with my statement? Oh, BTW, mine isn't the one showing violence against a former president.
It's a picture with a bullshit statement Jeremy.
That's pretty fucking hilarious since your party just spent hours claiming that a cartoon image isn't threatening.
That seems to have triggered you. That's a plus.
When did independents do that?
Nope, just pointing out the hypocrisy.
There isn't an 'Independent' party Jeremy.
That's my point. Don't wrap me up in your sweeping generalizations.
Sure it is...
How is stating the FACT that there is no Independent party a sweeping generalization Jeremy?
With an avatar like that, YOU have no means to call yourself an independent. You clearly have made you bed with the radical right.
I've "made my bed" to not put up with incompetence. But if that's the way you think, that's on you. Not my concern in the least.
I try to be very straightforward with my comments. I actually think I am pretty good at it.
Right after the verdict, during an impromptu press conference, Rittenhouses lawyer Mark Richards told reporters that his client is not a white supremacist and that he was upset that anyone was calling him that.
So, this seed has the question "Would Someone Who Wants The World To Know They Are Not A White Supremacist Go On Tucker Carlson's Show ?"
Given Rittenhouse's statements, and his lawyers, why is he going on a show that has been repeatedly connected to white nationalism?
The question is straightforward.
Being straightforward isn't the problem. It's that most are TDS driven.
And exactly what does race have to do with it?
Right after the verdict, during an impromptu press conference, Rittenhouses lawyer Mark Richards told reporters that his client is not a white supremacist and that he was upset that anyone was calling him that.
Ok. Now I get it. This whole thing is in response to the blithering idiots who THINK the Rittenhouse case is about race. Which, again, is injecting race into something where it's irrelevant.
Ritty should've taken the stance of his lawyers when they stated they reject him being offered internships, a new AR from Trump Jr. and the rest. You would have beleived this kid's mother, worshipers would have advised him to lay low, but then again, the pic above... Let the Proud Boys, Trump, Carlson, Ingram, KKK and the rest celebrate. Play the defense team's game, stay low, let the crap boil over. Even sensible righties have to admit this is a dumb play.
I know some on here and other forms, blogs, networks state he should sue for defamation, but is it defamation if it is true? And isn't that protection under the 1st Amendment? I mean, that's always put up by person / group A when they trash talk person / group B. Just as with the 2nd Amendment "right to bear arms" and that's it. Funny how none of the loudest, strongest proponents of those amendments never seem to get past those two half-sentences...
The joke will be on all the triggered media and government officials who tried to adversely influence justice.
Rittenhouse will own them all if he wants to and i hope he does,
Then he can use their money to hire a full time SEAL protection detail to crack any skulls that might try to get frisky with him
Bad moon risen for the triggered ....
Modern SEALS suck!!. Worthless fucks that protected a war criminal. I have lost all respect for SEALS, there isn't any tier 1 or tier 2 unit that want to work with them.
How did you get on the subject of SEALS?
Day drinking maybe??? I was wondering the same thing................
Hey, I like Duck Hawk. I thought maybe he accidentally posted in the wrong seed. I was giving him a chance to explain
Guess I should have put this
in my comment. Sorry.
Actually my bad. He was responding to Sparty's comment
Hate it when people just respond out of the blue and you don't know who they are addressing. It's almost as bad as one responding to ones self to avoid addressing the person directly ..........hehehehe
That's why I like this "please remember to quote the person(s) to whom you are replying to preserve continuity of this seed." in your seeds.
Usually just thinking they're being cute, in a juvenile sort of way, I guess.