More consequences for democrats

An amazing thing happened in 2021. Not only did the political candidate who campaigned on being a moderate unifier, govern as a wildly radical, woke extremist, but for the first time in the history of the country, the theories being taught at American universities were actually put into practice. We saw the effort to teach CRT to our military and our young children, defunding of police departments, DA's refusing to prosecute certain crimes, vaccine mandates used in tandem with virtue signaling, the weaponization of the DOJ & FBI against American parents, a two tier system of justice, an attempt at passing the green new deal under another name, an attempt to end the filibuster for one party rule, an attempt at making election rule changes permanent under the disguise of voting rights, abandonment of the nation's energy independence in the name of climate change, and a wide open southern border.
The immediate consequence to all these radical policies is that democrats will suffer a major defeat in the next election. The polls show that, the recent elections in Virginia and New Jersey dramatically indicate that and the fact that 25 democrat House members have decided not to run again point directly to that. However, there is another consequence for the democrats year of radical rule: Polling by Gallup now shows that the democratic party is losing members. The moderate wing? The old guard of traditional democrats?
Here is the results of Gallup's latest poll on party affiliation:
"These results are based on aggregated data from all U.S. Gallup telephone surveys in 2021, which included interviews with more than 12,000 randomly sampled U.S. adults.
Gallup asks all Americans it interviews whether they identify politically as a Republican, a Democrat or an independent. Independents are then asked whether they lean more toward the Republican or Democratic Party. The combined percentage of party identifiers and leaners gives a measure of the relative strength of the two parties politically.
Both the nine-point Democratic advantage in the first quarter and the five-point Republican edge in the fourth quarter are among the largest Gallup has measured for each party in any quarter since it began regularly measuring party identification and leaning in 1991.
The Democratic lead in the first quarter was the largest for the party since the fourth quarter of 2012 , when Democrats also had a nine-point advantage. Democrats held larger, double-digit advantages in isolated quarters between 1992 and 1999 and nearly continuously between mid-2006 and early 2009.
The GOP has held as much as a five-point advantage in a total of only four quarters since 1991. The Republicans last held a five-point advantage in party identification and leaning in early 1995, after winning control of the House of Representatives for the first time since the 1950s. Republicans had a larger advantage only in the first quarter of 1991, after the U.S. victory in the Persian Gulf War led by then-President George H.W. Bush.
Party Preference Shifts Follow Changes in Presidential Approval
Shifting party preferences in 2021 are likely tied to changes in popularity of the two men who served as president during the year. Republican Donald Trump finished out his single term in January, after being defeated in the 2020 election, with a 34% job approval rating , the lowest of his term. His popularity fell more than 10 points from Election Day 2020 as the country's COVID-19 infections and deaths reached then-record highs, he refused to acknowledge the result of the election, and his supporters rioted at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, in an attempt to prevent Congress from counting the 2020 Electoral College votes.
Democrat Joe Biden enjoyed relatively high ratings after taking office on Jan. 20, and his approval stayed high through the early summer as COVID-19 infections dramatically decreased after millions of Americans got vaccinated against the disease. A summer surge of infections tied to the delta variant of the coronavirus made it clear the pandemic was not over in the U.S., and Biden's approval ratings began to sag . Later, the chaotic U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan caused Biden's ratings to fall further , into the low 40s. His ratings remain low as the U.S. battles rising inflation and yet another surge of COVID-19 infections, tied to the omicron variant of the virus.
With Trump's approval rating at a low point and Biden relatively popular in the first quarter, 49% of Americans identified as Democrats or leaned Democratic, compared with 40% who were Republicans or Republican leaners.
In the second quarter, Democratic affiliation stayed high, while Republican affiliation began to recover, increasing to 43%.
The third quarter saw a decline in Democratic identification and leaning, from 49% to 45%, as Biden's ratings began to falter, while there was no meaningful change in Republican affiliation.
In the fourth quarter, party support flipped as Republicans made gains, from 44% to 47%, and Democratic affiliation fell from 45% to 42%. These fourth-quarter shifts coincided with strong GOP performances in 2021 elections, including a Republican victory in the Virginia gubernatorial election and a near-upset of the Democratic incumbent governor in New Jersey. Biden won both states by double digits in the 2020 election.
The GOP advantage may be starting to ease, however, as Gallup's latest monthly estimate, from December, showed the two parties about even -- 46% Republican/Republican leaning and 44% Democratic/Democratic leaning.
2021 Shifts Occurred Among Both Core Party Identifiers and Less Attached Leaners
The shifts in party affiliation in each quarter of 2021 were apparent in both the percentage identifying with each party and the percentage of independents leaning to each party, but with more changes among leaners than identifiers.
Between the first and fourth quarters, the percentage of Democratic identifiers decreased by two points, while the percentage of Democratic-leaning independents dropped five points. Republican identification increased by three points from the beginning to the end of 2021, while Republican leaners increased by four points."
It has been a horrific year for the nation. We have to wait an entire year just to rid congress of this evil ideology and another three years to rid the country of the feeble minded scoundrel that made it all possible. The verdict is in for Biden's radical policies. Polls show him losing astounding levels of support from virtually every group of Americans who voted for him just a year ago. That would include Hispanics, moderate Democrats, African-Americans, and by big double digits, independents. The next time some jerk says we have to vote against somebody because of the way he talks, be sure to remind them of their complicity in all that happened this past year.
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Biden who is the face of all that has happened is even losing the people who helped campaign for him: the dishonest media:
BRIANNA KEILAR, CNN: President Joe Biden has had a very tough week with setbacks for his agenda. COVID complications and the Supreme Court blocking his vaccine mandate.
CHUCK TODD, NBC: One year in Mr. Biden has the second-lowest approval rating ever measured in the White House. And it has never been less popular nationally.
MARGARET BRENNAN, CBS: 2022 is not exactly off to a good start for the Biden administration.
JOHN KING, CNN: The country is frustrated, his party is frustrated, we are two weeks into a midterm election year, a few days away from a one-year anniversary, and it is very dark for him right now.
ERIN BURNETT, CNN: Now he’s in the midst of what famous children's book writer called "a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad" time.
Seems like Biden is almost single handedly managing to alienate almost every special interest group that helped get him elected in the first place.
I don't know who got a hold of Biden or when, but they led him down this radical path and despite all that's happened, he has never altered course. Do you remember when Bill Clinton went too far left early in his presidency? Clinton got the message and he changed course. Not this guy.
Yep I remember it, Hillary and Al Gore were driving it... I heard rumors from friends that were still there that the arguments were legendary.... Bill understood the presidency the other two did not... It's NOT a political office... you HAVE to hang up the politics when you walk thru that door, they can guide you but they cannot dictate to you... No president since Bill has understood that.... pretty much everyone prior, (with the exception of Jimmy Carter perhaps) did though...
The presidency is bigger than one man...
When you think about it, Bill Clinton was the only moderate democratic president in our lifetimes.
Democrats have simply gotten overconfident in their ability to control the message, because they have been given a pass for so long. Don't get me wrong, they still have the ability to control the message. But, on display is the democrat arrogance in believing that whatever message they want to send out will be accepted all of the time.
They only have two modes: gaslighting and cancel culture
Oh, that reminds me.....some of them spill the beans
It would be very interesting to find out the identity of people in the cabal pulling his strings that’s for sure.
We don't know for sure, but the big giveaway was who showed up after the beans were spilled. It's not a big surprise.
Can you please define "alleged conservatives". Honest question, no snarkiness or sarcasm intended.
Nah. He's got all sorts of help.
Bill understood the epic ass-whipping in 1994.
And they forgot the "Shellackin" (Obama's word) they got in 2010 for their policies and how they went about it....
Joe Bidens policies = Obama's policies on steroids' (or better put, what Obama wanted to do but couldn't cause of the 2010 midterms)
It's shaping up to be another "shellackin" and extended one much worse than 2010 for the democrats...
What's different this time? In 2010 the democrats were all bought in and rolling forward with great anticipation, not realizing as they are wont for how they were about to have their political butts tanned by the voters... Exposed just how out of touch they really were, what Obama was voted into office for is not what he provided... He wanted to fundamentally change this nation... and the people directly responded....
Today, the democrats remembering what happened to them in 2010, are leaving at least those who don't want to go through it again... this means they are not all bought in like they were in 2010... Biden was elected as a supposed uniter, a moderate who would bring the two sides together, but it's clear now, he isn't that... what he is is "Fundamental Change 2.0" which means the democrats didn't learn their lesson from the last time they tried the Fundamental Change Doctrine....
And the democrats from 12 years ago, want no part of it.... Obama said that the people were frustrated with the pace of recovery as the reason, I wonder how frustrated they are with the economy going straight into the tank the moment Joe took office....
CNN: Obama: GOP victories 'a shellacking'
I say, it will be an extended shellackin this time, since they sure as hell didn't listen the first time....
I should have known a civil answer to a civil question was too much to expect. Now I'm pretty sure the answer to my question was no.
One year ago today, as Joe Biden was about to assume the presidency, 49 percent of Americans described themselves as democrats. That according to the Gallup organization.
Today, 42 percent cop to being Dems. While self-described Republicans rose from 40 to 47 percent. So, all you math majors, that is an incredible swing in 12 months.
The reason is twofold. President Biden is a public policy disaster, and progressive leadership in the states is literally killing people.
An absolutely amazing turnaround in a year.
It's staggering how quickly Democratic leaders destroy good will with their inept leadership. Just like Obama did in 2009. It doesn't matter how much the media praises you and props you up, the rubber eventually hits the road.
For all those who thought those crazy things happening on campus would never happen in the real world, 2021 will always be a watershed year!
Actually, it doesn't.
Gallup would have had to ask the SAME people in the first and fourth quarter for that to be true.
Since the data is 'based on aggregated data from all U.S. Gallup telephone surveys in 2021' it isn't.
BTW, I'm a Gallup member and have participated in their surveys for decades.
I'm sorry to hear it.
Why, you're relying on opinions like mine for your seed...
Do you know why? Because I think that you are the best spokesperson the left has.
All kidding aside. You are their best! I don't care about the other democrats in the survey.
I know many Democrats that are far better spokesman than I Vic. Many of them truly grassroots, boots on the ground people.
Maybe you just need to get out more.
Mark Green or John Kenneth Galbraith? I think you are being modest.
Many of them truly grassroots, boots on the ground people.
I haven't found such people.
Maybe you just need to get out more.
Maybe I'm not going to the right places?
Three votes for the insult. I hope that's not a sample of grassroot democrats.
Maybe you just need to get out more. Hell, Boston is chock full of them.
If you felt insulted Vic [ridiculous], you should have flagged my comment instead of replying to it.
Oh and BTFW, I never claimed to be a grassroots Democrat.
Boston has many varieties of democrat. Progressive is not one of them.
If you felt insulted Vic [ridiculous], you should have flagged my comment instead of replying to it.
Flag the old wordsmith? NEVER!
Oh and BTFW, I never claimed to be a grassroots Democrat.
Would it be safe to say that you are in the AOC camp?
She knows how to make a case, not always a worthy one, but I give her an A for delivery!
Well since I didn't say anything about 'Progressives', that's irrelevant.
Why lie? You've flagged me plenty.
Why lie? You've flagged me plenty.
The only time I flagged you is when you used to capitalize the word YOU. And it was on very few occasions btw.
How do you see yourself?
Thanks for admitting that your 'NEVER' was bullshit.
Your worst nightmare.
I was speaking of the future.
Your worst nightmare.
Lol. Nicely played! That was like an open net for you!
Me too!
The shifts in party affiliation in each quarter of 2021 were apparent in both the percentage identifying with each party and the percentage of independents leaning to each party, but with more changes among leaners than identifiers.
Between the first and fourth quarters, the percentage of Democratic identifiers decreased by two points, while the percentage of Democratic-leaning independents dropped five points. Republican identification increased by three points from the beginning to the end of 2021, while Republican leaners increased by four points."
It means nothing in the aggregate.
Their methodology doesn't support your claim that either party is gaining or 'losing members' Vic.
It merely shows that a 'randomly sampled' group from the first quarter has different party affiliation that the 'randomly sampled' group from the second quarter. They then COMBINED the data [aggregated] and came up with the percentages you hang your hat on.
Deal with it.
It was a 14 point swing. Isn't that a fire alarm for the democratic party?
You're deflecting. The poll doesn't support your posit. PERIOD.
Again, where did you get 14 from?
Post 4.3.8
To sum up...the Dems are rapidly losing favor..
Especially among independents. Deal with it... or not.
Thank you for your unsubstantiated opinion.
Thank you for your completely erroneous opinion.
Nope, not an iota of substantiation for Gregs comment or yours.
Tell me Sparty, do you ever intend on posting anything meritorious?
It's high comedy.
Wrong again on all accounts.
Tell us, Dulay. Do you ever intend on posting something other than snarky, condescending bullshit just so you can get the last word?
Tell ME bugsy, do you think that posting the equivalent to 'I know what you are, what am I' is a good look for you?
BTFW, I couldn't care less about your opinion of my comments
Yep, just as I thought.
Gotta have the last word.
Very important to you,
If nothing else, you make creatively absurd arguments. [deleted]
42 is less than 49. Or do you want to dispute that too?
What concerns me is all those survey votes over the decades!
Must be the new math ....
It’s just more empirical evidence of how far off “polls” can be.
In this case there is a 14 point swing in enthusiasm by card carrying democrats after many months of left wing rule. I have a feeling Marx was wrong....again!
Where'd you get 14 from Vic?
That shoots down the relevance of this seed.
Mathematics. Seven points going down for dems vs 7 points going up for Republicans = a 14 point swing.
So, you are utterly ignoring the data on independents and assuming that Democrats became Republicans.
Not true. My beloved Momma voted for Kennedy AND Nixon, TWICE!
She was forgiven long ago.
I never assumed they became Republicans. They may have. I'm just stating that the democratic party became too radical for them.
Did she ever explain her conversion?
Which shoots down the relevance of all Gallup poll votes
Then WHY did you ADD the Democratic drop to the Republican party Vic?
Seriously, that comment is bullshit.
Keep spinning, the news is so bad it’s all you got.
Yes, my father's RW influence.
She divorced the bastard in 73.
Yet instead of refuting them, you post snarky BS.
You mean the ones that were circular filed because the answers did not gel with the people that commissioned said poll?
Wrong, the truth is never obtuse.
'The truth' didn't post that comment, you did.
I'm sorry to hear that.
Because as democrats lost 7 points, Republicans gained 7 points. It's not surprising. The "rank & file " (as Jimmy Hoffa might say) found themselves in a socialistic party, rather than the party many of them grew up in.
Sophomoric comments like that don’t change a thing. The truth is still the truth no matter how much it hurts the triggered.
That actually explains a lot.
I do feel bad. It is the kids that suffer.
No doubt about it. Lots of shitty parents out there. It ain’t easy most of the time.
See the question @ 4.2.11.
Really Sparty? Since you're obviously not replying to the content of Vic's comment, you must be commenting on his block quote of MY comment.
IMHO, it's a cowardly practice.
But I'll bite.
Do tell, what are you implying that my comment explains 'a lot' about? Be specific.
The 'kids' suffer living with an abuser far more than living without one Vic.
An abuser is an extreme problem. I'm glad your mother found a way out.
Nah, but real cowardice is coming on here and posting BS partisan propaganda day after day. Newsflash, BS like that changes no one’s opinion so you are just wasting your time.
Be happy to tell you via PN if you really want to know. Just ask for my opinion on the matter via PN and I’ll be happy to tell you. As always, Sparty aims to please.
Yet instead of refuting what you allege is BS, you make snarky, cowardly and juvenile posts.
Newsflash, your opinion is irrelevant to my participation on this forum.
What would you say in PN that you can't share here in this thread Sparty? Why hide?
PN's are not supposed to be used for nasty exchanges. Please keep that in mind.
Lol .... you are missing the button you think you found. Badly. It might be a good time to remind you that I could care less what you think.
Now, let me know if you really want my opinion via PN and I’ll be happy to give it to you. You asked, don’t be afraid now ...
WTF are you blathering about now Sparty?
I asked you to post it HERE, in this thread, do so, don't be afraid now...
OH WAIT, so what you were implying is merely based on your utterly unfounded and unsubstantiated opinion? Never mind then. That renders it unworthy of any more of my time.
"No decent Democrat would ever turn republican."
Decent democrat is an oxymoron
That’s for sure, especially now on the one year mourning over the idiot let’s go Brandon! occupying the fake oval Office.
Lol .... another swing and a miss ..... you are dismissed.
Delusions of grandeur.
I didn't pick the pollster, Vic did.
Then you know who Dick Worthlin was right?
Another cowardly comment.
Lol ... you just accused a combat Corpsman of cowardice. You are now in the early lead for the most ignorant comment of 2022.
You are now in the early lead for the most ignorant comment of 2022.
pffft, insurrectionist supporting trumpsters don't count anymore...
Which is simply more empirical evidence supporting my comment.
Thx Hal .....
See 4.4.8 .... apply liberally, lather, rinse and repeat as necessary.
What’s a congat anyways?
So your posit is that he should get a pass for his conduct HERE and NOW?
Nope, what is ridiculous though is your interpretation.
proof of the overall lack of intelligence in those that think they have all the answers.
No passes for combat veterans behaving in ways unbecoming of officers or gentleman...
Lol .... like the left wing mafia here could judge such a thing.
That said, Navy Corpman are not officers. If you knew that perhaps you could begin to truly understand such concepts but alas you don’t and likely never will .....
More sophomoric drivel from my left wing fan base ...... yawn ....
I appreciate your efforts on my behalf but let it go. As it is they are wasted on those that have little or no clue and obviously their comments prove it. I have those folks on ignore so I have no idea what they are saying except for what others repeat and really don't care.
Oh, then please do enlighten me Sparty.
If you were NOT implying that he should get a pass for his comment because of his PAST accomplishments, WHAT was your intention of pointing out that he was a combat Corpman and claiming that, because of that, my comment deserves an award for ignorance?
Silence ensues.
As predicted, Democrats winning control of the Senate was the worst possible outcome for Democrats. Democrats lost the 2020 election at the Federal level by winning.
Winning ...... barely .... in a presidential election year they should have cleaned up. 2020 was simply the beginning of the woodshed beating coming in 2022.
They’ve more or less insured that by how they’ve tried to legislate since nov 2020.
There was an article in the National Review that made a similar argument. I think the title was the Republicans picked the right time to lose.
Thank you Sir....Charles Cooke from the University of Oxford. Nice Article.
I think i will be kind to President Biden for just a moment.
yes he is the face of the party and the current administration , and because of the dictum from trumans tenure of the buck stops here, he will get the lions share of criticism, and blame , and as we all do realize sometimes the president can be their own worst enemy , my proof of that , one name , TRUMP., i tend to remind myself that not only is the president dealing with their own party , but the opposition and those not affiliated with either .
History is going to show that there will be others that are to blame as well , and mostly its going to be those movers in the legislature both of the opposition and within his own party that have agendas that neither align with or are compatible to the needs or desires of the majority of the voting population and neither party is actually the true majority they both need those non affiliated voters to squeak by ..
i would say at the 1 year mark , it is very apparent that the honeymoon period is over and there really isnt much to show for it .
I remember a year ago being snickered ,and laughed at and derided , for passing the comment that when reublicans are in control of both the executive and legislative branch , it is heralded with incompetence , and at the same time when it is reversed and democrats have the same situation , they end up with the inevitable over reach without the needed support .
SSDD as far as im concerned .
100% agreement Mark....
Republicans being 100% in control next to nothing gets done, heck very little actually gets agreed upon much less actually done...
Democrats being 100% in control can agree only after secret sessions to decide, but what they decide on is usually built upon huge leaps of rationalizations on what they decide what the people wanted was, (usually wrong)
This was a waste of a year...
Your right, SSDD...
So why do we let them control us with fear....
Yep honeymoon over and the pres didn't get any...
Democrats allowing the wing nuts on the far left to take over the party is killing the party. Funny how Biden was elected to "stop the crazy" and bring the country together as a moderate yet has obviously had his oatmeal spiked so he just mumbles along as the far left takes the party over. And most of the moderate democrats just sit by in silence afraid to do anything about it. Well they get what the deserve.