The media made an elephant disappear before our very eyes

How many people realize that f or over two years David Weiss, the U.S. attorney for the District of Delaware has been investigating tax and financial issues connected to Hunter Biden’s foreign dealings? Biden was engaged in some of the most open and raw influence peddling schemes in the history of the world. Social media censored it during the 2020 campaign and has pretty much deep sixed the two year investigation of Hunter Biden. During the Obama years, State Department officials even complained about how corrupting it was to the government of the Ukraine.
There is a difference between what is wrong and what is criminal. It's wrong to influence peddle. It's criminal to neither report nor pay taxes on all that money. What is very unusual is that there is now a leak in this little publicized investigation.
Who leaked the story?
What has become one of the most trusted newspapers in America: The New York Post!
"The grand jury considering evidence in the Hunter Biden tax probe heard nearly five hours of secret testimony from an ex-girlfriend who’s furious she got dumped after urging him to get off drugs, The Post has learned.
Zoe Kestan, 28, appeared before the panel in Wilmington, Del., on Tuesday, a source familiar with her testimony said.
Her turn on the witness stand came immediately after an appearance by the former stripper with whom Biden, 52, has an out-of-wedlock child, the source said.
Kestan — a lingerie and textile designer who uses the online handle “weed slut 420” — was asked about Biden’s whereabouts and spending habits during 2018, when they were seen attending art show openings and parties on Manhattan’s Lower East Side, the source said.
Specific questions included what hotels Biden stayed at and whether Kestan knew where his money came from, the source said.
Kestan testified about shacking up with Biden at high-priced hotspots including the Four Seasons, Mercer, SIXTY SoHo and Soho Grand hotels in Manhattan and at the Hollywood Roosevelt, NoMad and Jeremy West Hollywood in Los Angeles, the source said.
At one point, the source said, Kestan recalled a month-long stay at LA’s celebrity-friendly Chateau Marmont, the scene of former “Saturday Night Live” star John Belushi’s fatal 1982 overdose .
It’s also the place where Biden admittedly “learned how to cook crack” before being “blacklisted” over complaints tied to his drug use during a five-month period in 2018, as revealed in his 2021 memoir , “Beautiful Things.”
Kestan testified that Biden directed her to withdraw “thousands of dollars at a time” from ATMs and gave her cash to purchase clothing, meals and other items, but said she had no idea how he obtained the money, the source said.
Biden didn’t mention Kestan by name in his memoir, but a 48-minute audio recording of the two of them was posted online in October.
The source of the recording is unclear and it appears to combine two conversations held at different times.
Kestan, who’s around the same age as Biden’s eldest daughter, said in the recording that “one of my flaws, one of my devilish sides, is that I like to talk about things like you because I like to show off. Duh.”
“Do you think that the night that we had sex I wasn’t texting like three people being like: I’m lying in bed with this incredible man?” she said.
Federal agents tracked down Kestan at her apartment in New York City and slapped her with a subpoena to testify before the grand jury, saying her name had surfaced during their investigation, the source said.
Biden revealed that federal prosecutors in Delaware were “investigating my tax affairs” in December 2020 — about a month after his dad, Joe Biden, was elected president but before he took office — and he told CBS News in April that he was “being completely cooperative” but denied seeking a plea deal .
Neither Hunter Biden’s lawyer nor the US Attorney’s Office in Delaware returned requests for comment. Kestan declined to comment.
The probe reportedly involves Hunter Biden’s controversial, overseas business dealings. Last month, a partial copy of a subpoena surfaced that showed JPMorgan Chase Bank was ordered to turn over records related to any transactions involving him and the Bank of China.
On Tuesday, Lunden Roberts — who successfully sued Hunter Biden for paternity of her 3-year-old daughter — was photographed leaving the federal courthouse in Wilmington by the Daily Mail , which said she testified before the grand jury for several hours that morning.
Roberts declined to discuss her closed-door testimony, the Mail said.
The source familiar with Kestan’s testimony said Hunter Biden apparently impregnated Roberts shortly before meeting Kestan, whose 2018 birthday preceded the birth of Roberts’ daughter by two days, and that he never told her anything about Roberts or their child.
In 2019, Page Six exclusively revealed that Roberts was a stripper at a Washington, DC, club that Hunter Biden frequented around the time he was dating his late brother Beau’s widow , sister-in-law Hallie Biden.
In his memoir, Hunter Biden claimed to have “no recollection” of what he called his “encounter” with Roberts, saying, “I was a mess, but a mess I’ve taken responsibility for.”
Kestan also felt “super-crazy” when she found out Hunter Biden married his second wife , Melissa Cohen, following a whirlwind, six-day romance in May 2019, the source said.
Kestan believes she’s responsible for Hunter Biden’s professed sobriety and his new career as a painter because she was “with him at the craziest point of his life” and told him that “art was a great way to see a hopeful future, rather than using drugs,” the source said.
Thus far Joe Biden's AG has refused to appoint a Special Counsel. Most of the msm has refused to cover the story. The investigation in Delaware continues and maybe after the next three years are over, we may have a prosecution.
Somebody here told me that nobody cares about Hunter Biden.
The truth is the people aren't getting to hear about Hunter Biden.
Thus far Joe Biden's AG has refused to appoint a Special Counsel. Most of the msm has refused to cover the story
No surprise. After left wing media not only refused to cover but actively censored any mention of Hunter Biden's misdeeds in the run up to the election, there's no way Biden feels any pressure to investigate Hunter. The media will obviously cover for him, and Hunter Biden could kill someone in the middle of 5th Avenue and progressives will ignore it lest it cause any political issues for the President.
The media focuses on things like trying to ruin the lives of 40 dollar donors to the Canadian Truckers whose identifies were doxxed after a hacking. . International corruption by the President's family pales in comparison to important issues like that.
Did you ever think you'd live to see such America?
I'm sure David Weiss knows how to do his job. When the target of these investigations cooperates with the investigators it's not as newsworthy as going all the way to the SCOTUS to hide documents that are already owned by the people. The Trump show is like Jerry Springer. The Hunter show is like a test pattern. [removed]
Quietly.......For 3 more years?
Trump is off topic.
US attorneys don't usually release details of investigations until they have enough evidence for an indictment.
Correct. This was a leak. The Post somehow got the story.
So if this leak somehow damages the investigation and makes prosecution impossible who's fault is that? I'd say the Post. They printed it.
Then we'll add Hunter Biden to the long list of lefty criminals like Bill Ayers and Daniel Ellsberg who got off on technicalities.
Lots of people get off on technicalities which is why US attys like to keep these things close to their breasts. Why the need for daily pressers anyway?
Why not?
BTFW Vic, if Biden was so fucking worried about Weiss, why not just get his resignation when he took office?
Too late. You failed to flag the comment as off topic AND you replied to the comment.
Trump is on topic.
Whoosh, right over your head.
Yes John, some of us actually care about ending pay for play criminal activity.
Doesn't screaming "But Trruuummmmppppp!!!!" every time an article comes out questioning Brandon get a little old?
The evidence is overwhelming.
Deflection, Projection, Denial at its finest.
And just like the big lie, your overwhelming evidence has yet to be made available to anyone else.
So let's see links directly to this overwhelming "evidence", not your opinion of the "evidence", not someone's opinion piece about the "evidence", links to this "evidence".
Ozzy, there is one thing we can already admit to: Whether or not crimes were committed, there was without doubt wrongdoing. That would make what Joe Biden said in the quote section a blatant lie.
Yeah, no we cannot agree with that. Just because some right wing rag makes an accusation, without evidence, does not mean wrongdoing exists. Years of Hillary accusations have proven that.
How many times did we all have to suffer through "Orange man bad"?
Brandon is what this president is; and Brandon he will remain.
That's all they have. Look at what they're supporting. That's a turd can't even be polished.
OMG the pure unadulterated irony..............when followed by this.
And there's the obligatory "but Truuummmmpppp" comment.
And then there are their dealings with China. After the Republicans win back control of both the House and Senate come November, proper investigations can begin
"Your Honor, we would like to present evidence at this time."

How many trademark requests did China fast-track for Hunter Biden Greg?
Didn't have to. Designing something takes work. Hunter doesn't do work. Hunter cashes in on his father's position to get jobs that he isn't qualified for. Then Hunter gets access and favors from his father for his employer- it is call pay for play.
Right, since they were never asked to.
You're so right Ronin, yet Ivanka doesn't actually design a fucking thing. Her 'brand' contracts it out.
Ivanka doesn't do design, she cashed in on her father's position to get patents approved because of the access and favors from her father's foreign contacts while he was employed by 'the people'- it's called pay for play.
"What has become one of the most trusted newspapers in America: The New York Post!"
That's quite the assertion Vic, can you back it up?
Respected everywhere but the city in which it is printed.
That pretty much says it all.
So, the teacher can't back up his assertion.
Pretty much says it all.
That's your second assertion without proof and it's still morning.
Consider the source of the assertion.