
Trump and right-wing lawyer were part of 'criminal conspiracy' to overturn 2020 election, January 6 committee alleges - CNNPolitics


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  jbb  •  2 years ago  •  183 comments

By:   Katelyn Polantz and Ryan Nobles (CNN)

Trump and right-wing lawyer were part of 'criminal conspiracy' to overturn 2020 election, January 6 committee alleges - CNNPolitics

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

(CNN)Former President Donald Trump and a right-wing lawyer were part of a "criminal conspiracy" to overturn the 2020 presidential election, the House select committee investigating the January 6 Capitol riot alleges in a court filing Wednesday.

The filing is part of an attempt to convince a judge to allow the panel access to emails from lawyer John Eastman, who is claiming attorney-client privilege. The committee said he helped to orchestrate the plot. The filing is the most extensive release to date from the House's January 6 investigators as they try to obtain Eastman's emails -- and comes well before the House select committee releases its final report on its findings on Trump. House members have also signaled they may make a criminal referral to the Justice Department about Trump, depending on their findings, and the House's arguments Wednesday could be seen as a preview of a case that could be made by federal prosecutors. In the 61-page court filing on Wednesday, lawyers for the House wrote: "Evidence and information available to the Committee establishes a good-faith belief that Mr. Trump and others may have engaged in criminal and/or fraudulent acts, and that Plaintiff's legal assistance was used in furtherance of those activities." Eastman and Trump have not been accused of any crime by federal or state prosecutors, and no top advisers around Trump have been charged for January 6-related crimes. The House has no ability to bring criminal charges. A judge overseeing the civil lawsuit will review the emails himself and decide whether they should stay protected.

Oath Keeper pleads guilty to seditious conspiracy and will cooperate with Justice Department

To make its case, the House pointed to Trump's actions to overturn the election, arguing he was criminally attempting to obstruct Congress from certifying his loss of the presidency. "The President called and met with state officials, met numerous times with officials in the Department of Justice, tweeted and spoke about these issues publicly, and engaged in a personal campaign to persuade the public that the election had been tainted by widespread fraud," lawyers for the House wrote. "The evidence supports an inference that President Trump and members of his campaign knew he had not won enough legitimate state electoral votes to be declared the winner of the 2020 Presidential election during the January 6 Joint Session of Congress, but the President nevertheless sought to use the Vice President to manipulate the results in his favor." They also cited an interview with a top adviser in the Trump administration, Keith Kellogg, who overheard Trump pressuring then-Vice President Mike Pence on the morning of January 6, 2021, to block Congress' vote. "Words—and I don't remember exactly either, but something like that, yeah. Like you're not tough enough to make the call," they quoted Kellogg as saying, citing his congressional testimony, which has not previously been released. Laying out their conspiracy argument in the filing, the House committee focused on pressure on Pence. "The conspirators also obstructed a lawful governmental function by pressuring the Vice President to violate his duty to count the electoral certificates presented from certain States. As an alternative, they urged the Vice President to delay the count to allow state legislatures to convene and select alternate electors," they wrote. "The apparent objective of these efforts was to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election and declare Donald Trump the winner. In this way, the conspiracy aimed to obstruct and interfere with the proper functioning of the United States government," the House added.

The House's filing on Wednesday revealed in great detail how officials in the Trump administration were pushing back on the then-President's insistence that the federal government block the election result. Leadership at the Justice Department told the committee, according to transcripts the House submitted to the court, that Trump personally pressured them to investigate election fraud and that they wouldn't hold a news conference he wanted. Richard Donoghue, a former deputy attorney general under Trump, testified that the then-President specifically pushed the Justice Department to label the entire election "corrupt." "He wanted us to say that it was corrupt. And this was consistent with some things he said at other points about. The Department should publicly say that the election is corrupt or suspect or not reliable. At one point, he mentioned the possibility of having a press conference. We told him we were not going to do that," Donoghue testified, according to the House's filing. And Greg Jacob, a top lawyer in the vice president's office, told Eastman in an email on January 6 that he "very respectfully" didn't believe any Supreme Court justice would approve of Eastman's legal theories. "And thanks to your bullshit, we are now under siege," Jacob signed off on the email, at 12:14 p.m. on January 6.

January 6 trial's witness testimony opens with searing Capitol Police audio and emotional testimony The filing also revealed that Jason Miller, a former senior adviser to Trump, told the committee Trump had been advised after the election "in pretty blunt terms" that he was going to lose. Around that January 6, Eastman, a conservative lawyer working with then-President Trump's legal team, was a key voice pushing a theory that Pence could stand in the way of Joe Biden's electoral win. Prominent conservative attorneys as well as Pence and his advisers have largely condemned Eastman's theory as nonsensical and not something that was possible. The House subpoenaed Eastman's emails from Chapman University, his former employer, in recent months, but Eastman went to court to block turning over thousands of the documents -- claiming they are his confidential attorney-client communications. One way the House can try to overcome that confidentiality claim is by showing in court the communications were about ongoing or future crimes, or fraudulent activity. Currently at issue in court are more than 100 emails that Eastman says are part of his Trump representation from January 4 through January 7, 2021, and more than 10,000 total that Eastman is trying to keep from the committee.

The Justice Department has charged more than 750 participants, including some it says engaged in conspiracies, in the pro-Trump riot at the US Capitol, which interrupted Congress from its session certifying the election. The House's argument on Wednesday accuses Trump of conspiring to commit the same types of crimes of which many of his supporters who breached the Capitol grounds have been found guilty.

This story has been updated with additional details Wednesday.


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Principal
1  seeder  JBB    2 years ago

Trump is guilty of conspiracy to defraud the US of A!

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
1.1  Greg Jones  replied to  JBB @1    2 years ago

He is alleged to have committed a "conspiracy to defraud the US of A!"

Like  every American citizen, he is entitled to a presumption of innocence, and due process.

Professor Principal
1.1.1  JohnRussell  replied to  Greg Jones @1.1    2 years ago
Like  every American citizen, he is entitled to a presumption of innocence, and due process.

We have been listening to this jagoff give his side of the story for years, and just as much in the 14 months since Jan 6th happened. He has never lacked a platform to "defend" himself. But its not easy for pathological liars to mount an honest defense. 

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
1.1.2  Greg Jones  replied to  JohnRussell @1.1.1    2 years ago

If the evidence is valid, it will up to a jury to convict.

Professor Quiet
1.1.3  Ronin2  replied to  JohnRussell @1.1.1    2 years ago

Speaking of pathological liars the Jan 6th commission is so damn far off their intended purpose that they need to be reminded what their fucking purpose is. To ascertain why Jan 6th happened and to stop it from occurring again.

Since they have already said Pelosi, her cronies, and the Mayor of DC are off limits for their investigation- how the fuck are they going to get an end result?

This is nothing more than another dog and pony show to get Trump. A way to take the spot light off the human fuck up machine the left have put in the White House.

Mid terms are coming. The beat down the Democrats will receive will be more than justified. Then this waste of tax payer money be shut down; and those on it stripped of their committee positions. Maybe the Republicans can start a commission to investigate the left's "summer of love" and all of the politicians that aided and abetted rioters from BLM and Antifa.  They can even appoint two token Democrats to make it bipartisan.

Professor Expert
1.1.4  Krishna  replied to  Greg Jones @1.1    2 years ago


Professor Guide
1.1.5  Dulay  replied to  Ronin2 @1.1.3    2 years ago

Ronin, your comments never fail to be utterly unfounded and uninformed. For this one, I'll add laughable. 

Professor Quiet
1.1.6  Jack_TX  replied to  Ronin2 @1.1.3    2 years ago
To ascertain why Jan 6th happened and to stop it from occurring again.

That was never the purpose.  

It was always all about Trump.

Professor Participates
1.1.7  bugsy  replied to  Dulay @1.1.5    2 years ago

So in other words, there is zero chance you could refute them.

We already knew that.

Professor Guide
1.1.8  Dulay  replied to  bugsy @1.1.7    2 years ago
So in other words, there is zero chance you could refute them.

Your interpretation of my comment is utterly false. Any review of my participation on NT proves that fact. 

We already knew that.

Who are the 'we' you pretend to speak for bugsy? 

Professor Participates
1.1.9  bugsy  replied to  Dulay @1.1.8    2 years ago
Your interpretation of my comment is utterly false.

My "interpretation" is completely true.

"Who are the 'we' you pretend to speak for bugsy? "

Pretty much anyone with an iota of common sense and clear vision...ie..

pretty much everyone but most on the left.

Professor Guide
1.1.10  Dulay  replied to  bugsy @1.1.9    2 years ago
My "interpretation" is completely true.

That's false too bugsy. I have utterly eviscerated a plethora of Ronin's comments.

If you are unaware of that fact, consider yourself informed.

If you are aware of that fact, you're just spewing bullshit comments. 

The sad irony is that were I to turn my attention to another one of Ronin's screeds, silence would ensue from you and yours. Ronin rarely, if ever responds to one of my replies. 

Professor Participates
1.1.11  bugsy  replied to  Dulay @1.1.10    2 years ago
I have utterly eviscerated a plethora of Ronin's comments.


Kind of difficult to debate someone who automatically declares themself right without even getting an reply from the person they responded to.

Maybe one of these days some on here will realize what they BELIEVE is not in line with REALITY.

Professor Guide
1.1.12  Dulay  replied to  bugsy @1.1.11    2 years ago
Kind of difficult to debate someone who automatically declares themself right without even getting an reply from the person they responded to.

Kind of difficult to debate someone that posts bullshit proclamations, gets refuted and then bails.

BTW, I see that you didn't even try to deny that I have eviscerated Ronin's comment. Good move.  

Maybe one of these days some on here will realize what they BELIEVE is not in line with REALITY.

Give it a try...

Professor Participates
1.2  1stwarrior  replied to  JBB @1    2 years ago

Alleged - used to convey that something is claimed to be the case or have taken place, although there is no proof.

Why do the Dems/Libs continue to hang their hats on "wishes" instead of facts?  'Member Schiff?  "I have PROOF" - and it never showed up.  'Member Whatney??  "I have PROOF" - and it never showed up.  'Member Pelosi??  "I have PROOF" - and it never showed up.

Sad as hell, that's what it is - sad.

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Participates
1.2.1  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  1stwarrior @1.2    2 years ago

Oh please, the Kings of "I have proof" are Trump and Lindel who both claim they have it about the election being stolen when there was never any and they have yet to show it.

Professor Participates
1.2.2  Snuffy  replied to  Paula Bartholomew @1.2.1    2 years ago

Actually I believe they did show their "proof".  Problem is it was all crap and was shot down in every court case they filed.  

Professor Participates
1.2.3  1stwarrior  replied to  Paula Bartholomew @1.2.1    2 years ago

Paula - c'mon - "Oh please"?????  The Dems/Libs have shown over the past 7 years that they have absolutely no idea what "proof" is.  Hell, I bet they tell the best bedtime stories in the world for their children based on their "proofs".

Professor Guide
1.2.4  Dulay  replied to  1stwarrior @1.2    2 years ago

In the context of this seed, the legal definition of allege:

To state, recite, assert, or charge the existence of particular facts in a Pleading or an indictment; to make an allegation. Allege legal definition of Allege (thefreedictionary.com)

So, as you can see for yourself, in this context, alleged means the exact opposite of the definition you posted. 

The entomology of that legal definition dates back to at least the 13th Century. 

Professor Guide
1.2.5  Drakkonis  replied to  Paula Bartholomew @1.2.1    2 years ago
Oh please, the Kings of "I have proof" are Trump and Lindel who both claim they have it about the election being stolen when there was never any and they have yet to show it.

I think they share that distinction with many politicians on the left as well. How many times, for instance, did Schiff, Pelosi and the rest tell us they had the smoking gun on a variety of issues related to Trump but for which there was no evidence? 

The whole thing is like the worst reality show ever. Everyone pointing fingers at the other side, all saying they should go to jail and nothing ever happens. Our government is about as faithless as it gets, in my opinion.  

Professor Guide
1.3  Drakkonis  replied to  JBB @1    2 years ago
Trump is guilty of conspiracy to defraud the US of A!

Crap! How on earth did I miss the trial? You'd think I would have noticed it. Was there a CCP style "secret court" or something? 

Professor Principal
1.4  devangelical  replied to  JBB @1    2 years ago

we'll soon find out why eastman taught law instead of practicing it...

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
2  Buzz of the Orient    2 years ago

Being aware of Solicitor-Client privilege, I'm quite interested to see if their argument about continuing criminality will hold water.

Professor Guide
2.1  Dulay  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @2    2 years ago

From my understanding, the Judge asked the Committee to include the fraud/crime argument in their brief. 

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
2.1.1  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Dulay @2.1    2 years ago

Perhaps the judge does not intend to deal with the privilege aspect, but then may use the fraud aspect to override privilege.  Or else he just wants to dismiss both with one fell swoop.

Professor Guide
2.1.2  Dulay  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @2.1.1    2 years ago

Since Eastman's whole case rests on the privilege claim, the Judge has to rule on it. If the fraud/crime claim has legs [and it's pretty clear that it does], it would null and void any privilege claim. 

Neither Eastman nor Trump have submitted any evidence that they had a 'Solicitor-Client' relationship, so they haven't even managed to meet that low bar. 

Professor Principal
2.1.3  seeder  JBB  replied to  Dulay @2.1.2    2 years ago

Claims of lawyer client privilege are out the door when there is incontrovertible proof that what was being discussed was a criminal conspiracy to defraud the United States...

There is and they were and it is all in writing!

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Participates
2.2  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @2    2 years ago

The privilege can be waived by the courts if that information ties into other criminal investigations.

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
3  Jeremy Retired in NC    2 years ago

All the problems in this country because of Biden, but, you know what, lets focus on conspiracy theories about Trump.

Professor Principal
3.1  seeder  JBB  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @3    2 years ago

It isn't theory if there is evidence it happened.

And, there is...

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
3.1.1  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  JBB @3.1    2 years ago
And, there is...

not. Must be your computer shut down before you could finish your sentence.

Professor Principal
3.1.2  seeder  JBB  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @3.1.1    2 years ago

Take it up with Jan 6th Congressional Cmte...

They say there is evidence to charge Trump.

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
3.1.3  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  JBB @3.1.2    2 years ago


Professor Principal
3.1.4  Tessylo  replied to  JBB @3.1.2    2 years ago

They must have a shitload of evidence on that steaming pile of shit!  Yes!

Professor Principal
3.1.5  seeder  JBB  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @3.1.3    2 years ago

I need not link shit. You need to read article...

Professor Principal
3.1.6  seeder  JBB  replied to  Tessylo @3.1.4    2 years ago


Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
3.1.7  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  JBB @3.1.5    2 years ago

 Read it. Still don't see it. "Could be" doesn't mean he's guilty.

Professor Principal
3.1.8  JohnRussell  replied to  JBB @3.1.5    2 years ago

The Jan 6th public hearings are going to prove that Trump tried to steal the 2020 election. The only question is, will any conservatives care that it has been proven? 

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
3.1.9  Greg Jones  replied to  JohnRussell @3.1.8    2 years ago

Nah, he'll walk.

Just another left wing witch hunt

Professor Principal
3.1.10  JohnRussell  replied to  Greg Jones @3.1.9    2 years ago


Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
3.1.11  Right Down the Center  replied to  JBB @3.1.2    2 years ago

Then they should charge him.  Until then it is nothing more than wishful thinking, a deflection from issues going on now and a way to try and get people to watch MSNBC and CNN.

Professor Principal
3.1.12  JohnRussell  replied to  Right Down the Center @3.1.11    2 years ago
Until then it is nothing more than wishful thinking

absurd comment. 

Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
3.1.13  Right Down the Center  replied to  JohnRussell @3.1.12    2 years ago

It is no surprise that you would think so.

Carry on

Professor Principal
3.1.14  JohnRussell  replied to  Right Down the Center @3.1.13    2 years ago

Let me know any time you want to debate Trump's conduct surrounding the election. 

Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
3.1.15  Right Down the Center  replied to  JohnRussell @3.1.14    2 years ago

Unlike some people on this site I am over Trump.  I have also noticed it is impossible to have a discussion with someone that spouts conjecture off like it is facts and has such twisted logic it would be impossible to untwist it.  As my father would sometimes say "If you are not willing to listen I won't bother trying to talk to you".

Carry on.

Professor Principal
3.1.16  JohnRussell  replied to  Right Down the Center @3.1.15    2 years ago

Feel free to give us some facts about Trumps conduct surrounding the election. And then we will debate it. 

Professor Principal
3.1.17  Ender  replied to  Right Down the Center @3.1.15    2 years ago
 I am over Trump

Good thing he is not planning on running for the office again...oh wait.

Then I am sure all of you will come up with the typical, it's better than the alternative meme....

Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
3.1.18  Right Down the Center  replied to  JohnRussell @3.1.16    2 years ago

Just in case you missed it the first time I will post it again but thanks for the proof that you don't listen (read) what anyone says(posts)

Unlike some people on this site I am over Trump.  I have also noticed it is impossible to have a discussion with someone that spouts conjecture off like it is facts and has such twisted logic it would be impossible to untwist it.  As my father would sometimes say "If you are not willing to listen I won't bother trying to talk to you".

Carry on.

Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
3.1.19  Right Down the Center  replied to  Ender @3.1.17    2 years ago

I don't know who "all of you" are and I won't try to speak for them.  I can only speak for myself,  I will think about him if and when he runs.  The last two elections were pretty much the lesser of two evils, that may be the case again.

Professor Principal
3.1.20  JohnRussell  replied to  Right Down the Center @3.1.18    2 years ago

In other words you dont have the capability to discuss Trump's behavior surrounding the election. Fair enough. 

Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
3.1.21  Right Down the Center  replied to  JohnRussell @3.1.20    2 years ago

"In other words "

Thanks for the proof of twisted logic I spoke of worthy of an eighth grader.  Let me try a third and last time.....I t is impossible to have a discussion with someone that spouts conjecture off like it is facts and has such twisted logic it would be impossible to untwist it.  As my father would sometimes say "If you are not willing to listen I won't bother trying to talk to you".

Carry on.


Professor Principal
3.1.22  JohnRussell  replied to  Right Down the Center @3.1.21    2 years ago

The Eastman memo is not conjecture.  John Eastman took the fifth amendment 140 times when he appeared before the Jan 6th committee. As Trump says, innocent people dont plead the fifth. 

Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
3.1.23  Right Down the Center  replied to  JohnRussell @3.1.22    2 years ago
As Trump says, innocent people don't plead the fifth. 

Trump is wrong.  Taking the fifth as proof of anything is conjecture and twisted logic.  A twofer. 

Professor Principal
3.1.24  Texan1211  replied to  Right Down the Center @3.1.23    2 years ago
Trump is wrong.  Taking the fifth as proof of anything is conjecture and twisted logic.  A twofer. 

Some folks have claimed Trump has been wrong about everything. But THIS they cherry-pick to believe? 


Professor Principal
3.1.25  seeder  JBB  replied to  Texan1211 @3.1.24    2 years ago

Yet a bipartisan majority of both houses of Congress voted Trump guilty, just not enough to remove him from office. So, some people know he is guilty butt they just do not care...

Professor Principal
3.1.26  Texan1211  replied to  JBB @3.1.25    2 years ago
Yet a bipartisan majority of both houses of Congress voted Trump guilty, just not enough to remove him from office. So, some people know he is guilty butt they just do not care...

WTF does that have to do with my post?

Why are you deflecting again?

Trump haters been saying for years he is a pathological liar, but NOW you CHOOSE to believe him on the 5th?

And THAT makes 'sense" to you?


Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
3.1.27  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  JBB @3.1    2 years ago
And, there is...

Where?  It's time to put up or shut up.  We've been listening to you chirp that for years now and you and the rest of the left haven't provided a goddamn thing.  

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
3.1.28  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  JBB @3.1.2    2 years ago
Take it up with Jan 6th Congressional Cmte

The same partisan hacks who oversaw the "Russia Collusion" investigation.  You would think that failure would be enough for them to learn.

Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
3.1.29  Right Down the Center  replied to  Texan1211 @3.1.24    2 years ago

It  is amusing that they can seem to go back to pretty much everything Trump has ever said or tweeted and regurgitate it whenever they believe it proves their point.  They must have a Trump database.

Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
3.1.30  Right Down the Center  replied to  JBB @3.1.25    2 years ago

It is never a good idea to try and declare what other people "know".  It is also a bit arrogant to think you have knowledge about what people you have never met know and don't know.  I think it would be correct if you said like minded people who agree with me know................

Professor Principal
3.1.31  Texan1211  replied to  Right Down the Center @3.1.29    2 years ago
It  is amusing that they can seem to go back to pretty much everything Trump has ever said or tweeted and regurgitate it whenever they believe it proves their point.  They must have a Trump database.

Sometimes they just post random shit for no reason and try to pass it off as debate.

Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
3.1.32  Right Down the Center  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @3.1.27    2 years ago

I think they have proven how powerful and all consuming TDS can be.

Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
3.1.33  Right Down the Center  replied to  Texan1211 @3.1.31    2 years ago

I think it is on page two of the liberal playbook, right before when all else fails call them a racist.

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
3.1.34  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  Right Down the Center @3.1.32    2 years ago

That's ALL they have.  Everything they fabricated as evidence has fallen apart.  

Professor Principal
3.1.35  seeder  JBB  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @3.1.34    2 years ago

That is not what the news is saying about it...

Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom
Professor Guide
3.1.36  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom  replied to  JohnRussell @3.1.12    2 years ago
absurd comment. 

I was thinking 'foolishly absurd comment', but then I'm a little more decorative with my adjectives than you are.

PhD Quiet
3.1.37  igknorantzrulz  replied to  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom @3.1.36    2 years ago
I'm a little more decorative with my adjectives than you are.

oh, please do decorate away, cause its too bland round here...

Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom
Professor Guide
3.1.38  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom  replied to  igknorantzrulz @3.1.37    2 years ago


PS:  Where have you been?

PhD Quiet
3.1.39  igknorantzrulz  replied to  Right Down the Center @3.1.30    2 years ago
It is also a bit arrogant to think you have knowledge about what people you have never met know and don't know.

so your own words say you dont know Jack, cause you never met her...?  Interesting, your own swords can never be construed as you, knowing anything, because you refuse to swallow

these B  s words>? cause like minded peep holes who show how those not actually wishing to see and know, again don't know, don't know Jack, cause theyve never met an accusation against the perp, as in the perpetual LIAR, who's shown he can LIE while sitting up in bed , room, to spare Adam,s Rib, it only depends upon whitch sauce you determine best served width, cause in the times, you ve gone to heights, defending one who lives in that vast area gated community, though like, his offenses know no boundaries, cause when someonme has a tempted, Christ, to have sold so much Proven Bull Ship, we all sink Lower, cause watt if the herd heard that "Jack" was a buoyant, but then declares only Fe mail uncles, can cut through the irony and floated, more bullship lies than there were life boats, do you knoty sea how eaasy it would be to drown in denial aftyer tripping over slippery Pyramids of Green, causer apparently Ass Cidding in Mar Largo is extremely slick, otherwise, one would be, wise denuff to untie shoe laces and stop trippin, over illogical acutely pointing ears directed at the herd that hasnt heard who continue to keerp dropping acid, because it is slippery .....is about your best Defense , F 1 chooses to remain this damn Dense, cause causes & effects can, and are ,  IMMENSE 

PhD Quiet
3.1.40  igknorantzrulz  replied to  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom @3.1.38    2 years ago
Where have you been?

How the Hell would i know....

PhD Quiet
3.1.41  igknorantzrulz  replied to  igknorantzrulz @3.1.40    2 years ago

said in jest in case you missed me, to remind one, to work on aim or gargle, with Scope

Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
3.1.42  Right Down the Center  replied to  igknorantzrulz @3.1.39    2 years ago

Can I have a side of Italian dressing with that word salad?  Make it two, that is a lot of salad.

Professor Principal
3.1.43  Texan1211  replied to  Right Down the Center @3.1.42    2 years ago

That is an example of leftists' "intellectualism".

PhD Quiet
3.1.44  igknorantzrulz  replied to  Right Down the Center @3.1.42    2 years ago

Toss it all you want, and maybe you'll then see there is more to it, than the roughage that you past...

Professor Principal
3.1.45  Texan1211  replied to  Right Down the Center @3.1.42    2 years ago
Can I have a side of Italian dressing with that word salad?  Make it two, that is a lot of salad.

But isn't salad alone rather unsatisfying, leaving us with a hunger for something more substantiative?

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
3.1.46  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  JBB @3.1.35    2 years ago

Don't come at me with a site that can be edited by virtually anybody with internet access.  Bring me actual facts.

Do me a favor and stick with memes.  

Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
3.1.47  Right Down the Center  replied to  igknorantzrulz @3.1.44    2 years ago

I left my gibberish decoder ring in the car and it looks like your post is not worth the effort to go get it.

Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
3.1.48  Right Down the Center  replied to  Texan1211 @3.1.43    2 years ago

Or lots of Russian vodka before logging onto a computer.

Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
3.1.49  Right Down the Center  replied to  Texan1211 @3.1.45    2 years ago
But isn't salad alone rather unsatisfying, leaving us with a hunger for something more substantiative?

Hunger yes, but expectation ...No

Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
3.1.50  Right Down the Center  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @3.1.46    2 years ago
Don't come at me with a site that can be edited by virtually anybody with internet access.  Bring me actual facts.

You mean Wikipedia is not a news site?

Professor Principal
3.1.51  seeder  JBB  replied to  Right Down the Center @3.1.50    2 years ago
You prefer the actual memos then?
PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL January 6 scenario 7 states have transmitted dual slates of electors to the President of the Senate. The 12th Amendment merely provides that “the President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted.” There is very solid legal authority, and historical precedent, for the view that the President of the Senate does the counting, including the resolution of disputed electoral votes (as Adams and Jefferson did while Vice President, regarding their own election as President), and all the Members of Congress can do is watch. The Electoral Count Act, which is likely unconstitutional, provides: If more than one return or paper purporting to be a return from a State shall have been received by the President of the Senate, those votes, and those only, shall be counted which shall have been regularly given by the electors who are shown by the determination mentioned in section 5 of this title to have been appointed, if the determination in said section provided for shall have been made, or by such successors or substitutes, in case of a vacancy in the board of electors so ascertained, as have been appointed to fill such vacancy in the mode provided by the laws of the State; but in case there shall arise the question which of two or more of such State authorities determining what electors have been appointed, as mentioned in section 5 of this title, is the lawful tribunal of such State, the votes regularly given of those electors, and those only, of such State shall be counted whose title as electors the two Houses, acting separately, shall concurrently decide is supported by the decision of such State so authorized by its law; and in such case of more than one return or paper purporting to be a return from a State, if there shall have been no such determination of the question in the State aforesaid, then those votes, and those only, shall be counted which the two Houses shall concurrently decide were cast by lawful electors appointed in accordance with the laws of the State, unless the two Houses, acting separately, shall concurrently decide such votes not to be the lawful votes of the legally appointed electors of such State. But if the two Houses shall disagree in respect of the counting of such votes, then, and in that case, the votes of the electors whose appointment shall have been certified by the executive of the State, under the seal thereof, shall be counted. This is the piece that we believe is unconstitutional. It allows the two houses, “acting separately,” to decide the question, whereas the 12th Amendment provides only for a joint session. And if there is disagreement, under the Act the slate certified by the “executive” of the state is to be counted, regardless of the evidence that exists regarding the election, and regardless of whether there was ever fair review of what happened in the election, by judges and/or state legislatures. So here’s the scenario we propose:
1. VP Pence, presiding over the joint session (or Senate Pro Tempore Grassley, if Pence recuses himself), begins to open and count the ballots, starting with Alabama (without conceding that the procedure, specified by the Electoral Count Act, of going through the States alphabetically is required). 2. When he gets to Arizona, he announces that he has multiple slates of electors, and so is going to defer decision on that until finishing the other States. This would be the first break with the procedure set out in the Act. 3. At the end, he announces that because of the ongoing disputes in the 7 States, there are no electors that can be deemed validly appointed in those States. That means the total number of “electors appointed” the language of the 12th Amendment -- is 454. This reading of the 12th Amendment has also been advanced by Harvard Law Professor Laurence Tribe (here). A “majority of the electors appointed” would therefore be 228. There are at this point 232 votes for Trump, 222 votes for Biden. Pence then gavels President Trump as re-elected. 4. Howls, of course, from the Democrats, who now claim, contrary to Tribe’s prior position, that 270 is required. So Pence says, fine. Pursuant to the 12th Amendment, no candidate has achieved the necessary majority. That sends the matter to the House, where the “the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote . . . .” Republicans currently control 26 of the state delegations, the bare majority needed to win that vote. President Trump is re-elected there as well. 5. One last piece. Assuming the Electoral Count Act process is followed and, upon getting the objections to the Arizona slates, the two houses break into their separate chambers, we should not allow the Electoral Count Act constraint on debate to control. That would mean that a prior legislature was determining the rules of the present one a constitutional no-no (as Tribe has forcefully argued). So someone Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, etc. should demand normal rules (which includes the filibuster). That creates a stalemate that would give the state legislatures more time to weigh in to formally support the alternate slate of electors, if they had not already done so. 6. The main thing here is that Pence should do this without asking for permission either from a vote of the joint session or from the Court. Let the other side challenge his actions in court, where Tribe (who in 2001 conceded the President of the Senate might be in charge of counting the votes) and others who would press a lawsuit would have their past position -- that these are non-justiciable political questions thrown back at them, to get the lawsuit dismissed. The fact is that the Constitution assigns this power to the Vice President as the ultimate arbiter. We should take all of our actions with that in mind.
  2 1   of   2  
Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
3.1.52  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  JBB @3.1.51    2 years ago


Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
3.1.53  Right Down the Center  replied to  JBB @3.1.51    2 years ago

Better thanks.  And thanks to Jim above.

So IMO if he did anything illegal he should be held accountable to the full extent of the law.

If it is determined he didn't do anything illegal and was just looking for legal ways to skirt the intent of election law (or however lawyers define it) I would say he is sleazy like the majority of lawyers.  If that turns out to be the case then I hope congress will look at it in terms of closing any possible legal "loopholes"(that never actually happened).  Hopefully the Jan 6th committee can get their heads out of Trumps ass long enough to give this the attention it deserves.

Professor Expert
3.1.54  Krishna  replied to  Right Down the Center @3.1.32    2 years ago
I think they have proven how powerful and all consuming TDS can be.


Professor Expert
3.1.55  Krishna  replied to  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom @3.1.36    2 years ago
I'm a little more decorative

Decorative is good.

Professor Expert
3.1.56  Krishna  replied to  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom @3.1.38    2 years ago
PS:  Where have you been?

Probably off somewhere...using his decorating skillz! jrSmiley_2_smiley_image.png

Maybe he's actually thinking of doing a Brandon imitation? 

(Whoever this ":Brandon" may be...but so far no-one is sayin'! 'Tis a mystery indeed).

Professor Quiet
3.1.57  Jack_TX  replied to  JBB @3.1    2 years ago
It isn't theory if there is evidence it happened. And, there is...

It doesn't sound promising.

"The evidence supports an inference

Inference.  Wow.  As clear cut as that?  

Masters Guide
3.1.58  Thomas  replied to  igknorantzrulz @3.1.39    2 years ago

Acid low on pH

Litmus high and Slippery Base

What? Vinaigrette....

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Participates
3.1.59  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  JBB @3.1    2 years ago

There is totally a lot of evidence.

Professor Principal
3.1.60  seeder  JBB  replied to  Paula Bartholomew @3.1.59    2 years ago

That is the point yet these denying deniers of denialism deny it though everyone can see it!

Eastman's memo and texts are Nixon's tapes!

Professor Principal
3.1.61  Texan1211  replied to  JBB @3.1.60    2 years ago

Gee, maybe Democrats can impeach Trump, again.

Professor Principal
3.2  JohnRussell  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @3    2 years ago
All the problems in this country because of Biden

That comment is dumber than shit. 

But lets be brutally honest. YOU dont think that a president who lies to the people 30,000 times is a problem. You dont think that a president who was going to withhold military assistance to Ukraine in 2019 unless Ukraine agreed to announce an investigation of the US presidents election opponent is a problem. You dont think a US president who tries to steal an election he lost is a problem.  You dont think that such a president inciting a riot at the nations capitol is a problem. 

You lost your way on these topics a long long time ago.  Its a disgrace. 

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
3.2.1  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  JohnRussell @3.2    2 years ago
That comment is dumber than shit

Not nearly as fucking stupid as your daily hit peices on Trump.

But lets be brutally honest

Yes, lets be.  20 January 2021 Joe Biden takes office and IMMEDIATELY starts signing EO's ending many of the programs that were started by the previous administration. Why?  SOLELY because of who implemented these programs.  Since then we have seen unemployment skyrocket.  Inflation at the the highest level in 40 fucking years.  Illegal immigration is running rampant.  Gas prices have almost tripled.  He ABANDONED US Citizens and allies in Afghanistan only to send US Forces back in resulting in the UNNECESSARY DEATHS of hundresd of Afghani people and 13 Service members.  He's embarrassed this country more times that any of us want to acknowledge.  FFS the man can't even string together a simple fucking sentence.

But you and the the rest of the left, day in and day out blame the previous administration.  All the while telling everybody that Trumps out of office.  Yes.  Trump is out of office.  But you fail to realize you have no ground to blame Trump for a goddamn thing.  The minute that bumbling asshat started signing EO's the took away any chance of any of the blame to be placed on the previous administration.  THIS administration ended the construction of a border wall that would provide more secure borders.  THIS administration CANCELLED needed permits and ended oil leasing that resulted in us STILL relying on RUSSIA and the middle east for oil because the pipelines have ceased.  THIS administration kept relying on a fraud in finding ways to beat COVID resulting in MILLIONS having to quit their jobs, close businesses and relying on the government.  Even by the standard BIDEN HIMSELF set during the debates, HE SHOULD RESIGN.

But lets focus on a PROTEST at the capital.  

YOU dont think that a president who lies to the people 30,000 times is a problem.

Why don't you look at the 50 years of lies from Biden?  Why do you hyper-focus on one person?  I know I've ask you that several times and you run away from the question.

You dont think that a president who was going to withhold military assistance to Ukraine in 2019 unless Ukraine agreed to announce an investigation of the US presidents election opponent is a problem.

you don't think a President withholding military aid until the person investigating his crackhead kids company isn't a problem?

 You dont think that such a president inciting a riot at the nations capitol is a problem.

Want to chirp?  How about chirping about the DEMOCRATS that called for getting in peoples faces.  Funny how your fucking quiet about that.  The whole January 6 "riot" could be attributed to the like of that alcoholic calling herself the Speaker of the House.  Or that dementia riddled loudmouth Maxine Waters instigating more than you could pin it on the previous POTUS.  But, given the whole "Jan 6 Committee" is made up of partisan hacks, those won't get looked at.  They're still in the "BUT TRUMMMMPPPP" whine from 2016.

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
3.2.2  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @3.2.1    2 years ago

jrSmiley_28_smiley_image.gif     jrSmiley_28_smiley_image.gif     jrSmiley_13_smiley_image.gif     jrSmiley_28_smiley_image.gif

Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
3.2.3  Right Down the Center  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @3.2.1    2 years ago

Now that is what I call brutally honest!

jrSmiley_12_smiley_image.gif jrSmiley_28_smiley_image.gif jrSmiley_13_smiley_image.gif

Professor Principal
3.2.4  JohnRussell  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @3.2.1    2 years ago

I dont know how to break this to you, but one's criminal culpability is not removed because a totally different person does something you dont approve of. 

You think that criminal , traitorous behavior by a president of the United States is excused because a Maxine Waters said something on an entirely different subject ?  ROFL. 

Lets say that Trumps attempts to steal the election worked and he was still president. You wouldnt have Biden to bitch about and Trump would still be guilty. 

Its ok, I know all this is beyond you. 

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
3.2.5  Trout Giggles  replied to  Right Down the Center @3.2.3    2 years ago

I think it's just blah blah blah

trmp did the same thing Biden did...undid EO's because of who signed them....AND signed EO's to push one more pin in his wax Obama doll

Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
3.2.6  Right Down the Center  replied to  Trout Giggles @3.2.5    2 years ago

While I agree that is what Trump did ( and other presidents probably did also) the rest of the post was specific to the fustercluck that currently resides in the Whitehouse.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
3.2.7  Trout Giggles  replied to  Right Down the Center @3.2.6    2 years ago

Ya know....things don't happen overnight.

Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
3.2.8  Right Down the Center  replied to  Trout Giggles @3.2.7    2 years ago

Some things don't, some things do, and some things take several months of a bad policy to turn into a disaster.  But I think the point of it being harder to blame the guy before you when the first thing you do when you get in office is try to erase him from history is a valid point.  And that goes for Trump still blaming Obama for any woes he had after being in office a year.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
3.2.9  Trout Giggles  replied to  Right Down the Center @3.2.8    2 years ago

Thank-you. I concede that Biden hasn't done a very good job

PhD Quiet
3.2.10  igknorantzrulz  replied to  Trout Giggles @3.2.7    2 years ago
Ya know....things don't happen overnight.

really...?  I must have slept through that.

Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
3.2.11  Right Down the Center  replied to  Trout Giggles @3.2.9    2 years ago

Fair enough.  Hopefully he decides not to run again and the dems nominate a moderate that Joe was supposed to be.  At least that is my hope.  I am not looking forward to another election of the lesser of two evils. 

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
3.2.12  Trout Giggles  replied to  igknorantzrulz @3.2.10    2 years ago

Good morning, Sunshine!

PhD Quiet
3.2.13  igknorantzrulz  replied to  Trout Giggles @3.2.12    2 years ago

hand me a cold one 

Professor Principal
3.2.14  Texan1211  replied to  igknorantzrulz @3.2.13    2 years ago
hand me a cold one 


PhD Quiet
3.2.15  igknorantzrulz  replied to  Texan1211 @3.2.14    2 years ago

R u nercro feeling what im sayin...?

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
3.2.16  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  JohnRussell @3.2.4    2 years ago
You think that criminal , traitorous behavior by a president of the United States

You keep blathering on and on about this.  Fucking provide the evidence. 

Lets say that Trumps attempts to steal the election worked and he was still president

FFS Give it a fucking break.  Again, you blather on and on about this all the while ignoring that is EXACTLY what the Democrats attempted to do from 2016 right up to today.  What you are doing is what is called HYPOCRISY.  

What I honestly find funny is that EVERYBODY has moved on from Trump with the exception of you and a handful of others here on NT.  And from you and that handful of others, we see an endless stream of unfounded bullshit.  Day in and day out the same garbage from the same people.  And in all that garbage, you get blasted.  Yet you STILL don't see that you are part of the problem.  Deny it all you want but there are far worse problems that have arisen since January 20, 2021.  

Professor Principal
3.2.17  Texan1211  replied to  igknorantzrulz @3.2.15    2 years ago
R u nercro feeling what im sayin...?

I see no point whatsoever in wading through a long word-salad post to garner a nugget of whatever it is you believe you are communicating. It just isn't worth my time and effort.

Professor Principal
3.2.18  Texan1211  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @3.2.16    2 years ago

You are just beating a dead horse now.

I thought things would change when Biden won, but, alas, he is such a poor excuse for a President that the left must continue to malign Trump to deflect from the disaster that is the Biden/Harris Administration.

I had no idea that TDS ran so deep in some fine folks.

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
3.2.19  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  Texan1211 @3.2.18    2 years ago

We all knew things were going to change for the worse.  Nobody thought it would plummet to this.  Sad thing is, because Biden signed all those EO's in his 1st week, it eliminated any change they could blame the previous administration.  And they don't realize it. 

You're right.  The TDS is so ingrained in them that any critical thinking skills they did have are diminished.

Professor Guide
3.2.20  evilone  replied to  Right Down the Center @3.2.6    2 years ago
the rest of the post was specific to the fustercluck that currently resides in the Whitehouse.

Not really. There were at least 3 points (of the 4 left) in that post that can be lain directly at the feet of capitalism and market forces NOT on any one President. The first of which wasn't really true at all anyway. 

Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
3.2.21  Right Down the Center  replied to  evilone @3.2.20    2 years ago
can be lain directly at the feet of capitalism and market forces NOT on any one President

While capitalism and market forces definitely have an effect, policies also have an effect.  How much each one effects it can be debated with no definitive right or wrong.  Ultimately the buck stops with the sitting president and voters are more likely to vote on who is at the top and how their lives are at the time they are voting.  Results and fixing what is not working is what counts and few people are willing to accept an excuse as to why things are worse now than they were.  The same is true in business, no one is interested in why you can't get things done, only if you did.  And if you can't maybe the next guy can.

Professor Principal
3.2.22  JohnRussell  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @3.2.16    2 years ago
You keep blathering on and on about this.  Fucking provide the evidence. 

Here's a thought. You provide evidence that the election was stolen from Trump. Anything. 

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
3.2.23  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  JohnRussell @3.2.22    2 years ago

See 3.1.52 above for a possibility...................................surely changed the outcome to an extent. Not stolen but the rules altered. And I know "but the pandemic" bullshit

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
3.2.24  Hal A. Lujah  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @3.2.23    2 years ago

Democrats are just so goddamn good at stealing elections that no evidence can ever be found.  The evidence is better hidden than all the evidence for Bigfoot, Loch Ness monster, extraterrestrials, and compassionate conservatives combined.

Professor Guide
3.2.25  evilone  replied to  Right Down the Center @3.2.21    2 years ago
While capitalism and market forces definitely have an effect, policies also have an effect.

When posting something one should back it up with specifics. At least the specific policy they believe is at issue and why that is. The repetitive Trump bad - Biden bad articles on NTs is droll most days at best. 

Ultimately the buck stops with the sitting president and voters are more likely to vote on who is at the top and how their lives are at the time they are voting.

The voting public in general is at best dumber than a box of rocks and the non-voting public less informed. I support that with the evidence of the last 2 candidates for President - The last ticket was Old-N-Sloppy vs Old-N-Snoozy. Quite a bit of the "independent" votes were against someone, not for someone. And the other 40% to 60% that couldn't pry their face away from their smartphone long enough to bother to vote should be ashamed of themselves. The current crop of idiots serving as "leaders" are counting on the idiocy and ignorance to keep their jobs and the putrid partisanship of the others to keep the campaign cash flowing. I keep getting emails, texts and phone calls from both parties and none of it is how they are going to solve things. It's all about how the other person is so horrible. 

Yeah... I'm starting to get old and cynical, but I learned that too from a few people here.

Professor Expert
3.2.26  Krishna  replied to  JohnRussell @3.2    2 years ago

YOU dont think that a president who lies to the people 30,000 times is a problem. You dont think that a president who was going to withhold military assistance to Ukraine in 2019 unless Ukraine agreed to announce an investigation of the US presidents election opponent is a problem. You dont think a US president who tries to steal an election he lost is a problem.  You dont think that such a president inciting a riot at the nations capitol is a problem. 


Professor Expert
3.2.27  Krishna  replied to  Trout Giggles @3.2.12    2 years ago

Good morning, Sunshine!

three-five-zero-zero . . . 

Professor Expert
3.2.28  Krishna  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @3.2.23    2 years ago
And I know "but the pandemic" bullshit

So many people are saying that they find that hard to believe (You know...the typical Brandonesque FIHTB* syndrome).

A syndrome that "lives rent free in their heads" as it were jrSmiley_5_smiley_image.png


*FIHTB =  People are saying that they're playing the basic " F ind I t H ard T o B elieve" Syndrome... 

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
3.2.29  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  JohnRussell @3.2.22    2 years ago

Don't try to turn this around.  You have made claim after claim.  I'm telling you to back up your claims or do like the rest of us have done and MOVE ON.

Professor Principal
3.2.30  JohnRussell  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @3.2.29    2 years ago

I've never seen you back up a claim on this site yet.  The only reason I dont rain hell on your ridiculous conspiracy laden opinions , all the time, is because Perrie does not allow it. 

Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
3.2.31  Right Down the Center  replied to  evilone @3.2.25    2 years ago

Wow, and I thought I was getting old and cynical.  I may have met my match.jrSmiley_12_smiley_image.gif

Professor Guide
3.2.32  Dulay  replied to  Right Down the Center @3.2.8    2 years ago
But I think the point of it being harder to blame the guy before you when the first thing you do when you get in office is try to erase him from history is a valid point. 

That's why legislation, rather than EO's should be the goal of any Administration. If Trump can be 'erased from history' [hyperbolic much?] by the swipe of a pen, it's proof that he failed to make any lasting change. 

Oh and BTW, revoking prior EO policy does NOT magically erase the adverse effect of that policy.

As an example, the Military construction projects would have been in progress or even completed had Trump not diverted funding for his wall, won't suddenly appear out of thin air. 

Care to cite a positive effect of a Trump EO that has been revoked by Biden? 

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
3.2.33  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  JohnRussell @3.2.30    2 years ago
I've never seen you back up a claim on this site yet

Then you haven't been paying attention.  Maybe if you moved on from something important like the shit hold the Democrats have turned this country into instead of the fiction you've been seeding you'd see it.

The only reason I dont rain hell on your ridiculous conspiracy laden opinions , all the time, is because Perrie does not allow it. 

Rain hell?  LMAO.  With what, more of the same conspiracy driven bullshit?  We've all heard your "Trump Lied!", "Trump wiped his forehead with his right hand instead of his left" garbage.  You are stuck on Trump for some reason.  Did that man really ruin your lift THAT much?  Like I said earlier, everybody has moved on from Trump with the exception of you and a handful of others here on NT.  Now that I think about it there are many  [removed]    included in that handful of people who can't seem to move past Trump.  

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Participates
3.2.34  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  JohnRussell @3.2    2 years ago

He also doesn't think that kissing the ass of a now war criminal is a problem either.

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Participates
3.2.35  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  JohnRussell @3.2.22    2 years ago

Mike Lindell would love this guy.

Professor Guide
3.2.36  Dulay  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @3.2.1    2 years ago
20 January 2021 Joe Biden takes office and IMMEDIATELY starts signing EO's ending many of the programs that were started by the previous administration. Why?  SOLELY because of who implemented these programs.  The minute that bumbling asshat started signing EO's the took away any chance of any of the blame to be placed on the previous administration on. 

I asked one of your buddies this question and now I'll ask you:

Care to cite a positive effect of a Trump EO that has been revoked by Biden? 

Since then we have seen unemployment skyrocket. 

That one sentence proves just how delusional your comment really is. 

He's embarrassed this country more times that any of us want to acknowledge. 

Cite an example Jeremy, preferably one that is MORE embarrassing than Trump's support of Putin in Helsinki.  

Oh and BTFW, when have you ever acknowledged the embarrassment to this country caused by Trump? 

FFS the man can't even string together a simple fucking sentence.

FFS, exaggerate much? 

You and yours support Trump even though the list of his 'covfefe' is voluminous, which leads me to conclude that being articulate isn't a standard you actually care about. 

THIS administration ended the construction of a border wall that would provide more secure borders. 

THIS Administration ended Trump's redistribution of Military funding to build the border wall Jeremy. 

BTFW, if one can 'breach' the border wall with a $50 sawzall, it can hardly be characterized as 'secure'. 

THIS administration CANCELLED needed permits and ended oil leasing

False AND irrelevant. There are over 21 MILLION acres of undeveloped leases. NOTHING is stopping oil companies from exploring those leases.

that resulted in us STILL relying on RUSSIA and the middle east for oil because the pipelines have ceased. 

RUSSIA only supplies the US with about 4% of its oil imports Jeremy. 

Secondly, Persian Gulf oil imports for Trump's term were HIGHER that they are now. So it looks like your posit doesn't pan out. 

THIS administration kept relying on a fraud in finding ways to beat COVID resulting in MILLIONS having to quit their jobs, close businesses and relying on the government. 

What lead you to that unfounded conclusion Jeremy? Please cite a link to support your claim that MILLIONS quit their jobs because of a Biden policy. I'll wait. 

Even by the standard BIDEN HIMSELF set during the debates, HE SHOULD RESIGN

What 'standard' is that? 

Why don't you look at the 50 years of lies from Biden? 

Mostly because it would be a false equivalency Jeremy. Trump is the hands down 'Lair n' Chief'. I doubt that there is anyone in history who can compete with the proliferation of lies spewed by Trump. 

Why do you hyper-focus on one person?  I know I've ask you that several times and you run away from the question.

Well, I think that John focused on what you think because he was replying to your stated position. 

you don't think a President withholding military aid until the person investigating his crackhead kids company isn't a problem?

Please clarify that question Jeremy. 

Want to chirp?  How about chirping about the DEMOCRATS that called for getting in peoples faces.  Funny how your fucking quiet about that.  

You're back to that whole false equivalency thingy Jeremy. 

If you can't see the difference, I can't help you. 

The whole January 6 "riot" could be attributed to the like of that alcoholic calling herself the Speaker of the House.  Or that dementia riddled loudmouth Maxine Waters instigating more than you could pin it on the previous POTUS.  

That's quite a proclamation there Jeremy. I challenge you to prove ANY that posit. 

But, given the whole "Jan 6 Committee" is made up of partisan hacks, those won't get looked at.

Well, you're here to remedy that right Jeremy? Please tell me all about the how the Jan. 6 riot is attributable to the Speaker of the House and Maxine Waters. 

 They're still in the "BUT TRUMMMMPPPP" whine from 2016.

Delusional clap trap.

I recommend that you READ the filing from the Committee against Eastman's Executive privilege claim. Hint; It has NOTHING to do with 2016. 

Professor Principal
3.2.37  Kavika   replied to  Dulay @3.2.36    2 years ago
that resulted in us STILL relying on RUSSIA and the middle east for oil because the pipelines have ceased. 

Oh man, still trying to sell a lie. This has been debunked numerous times but hey, tell a big lie enough and some morons will believe it.

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Participates
3.2.38  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  Dulay @3.2.36    2 years ago

Talk about hypocrisy.  Trump through his EO's purposely set out to remove anything he could if it had Obama's name on it.  He even threw out the pandemic play book simply because Obama was involved with it.

Professor Guide
3.2.39  Dulay  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @3.2.1    2 years ago

I'm paying attention, waiting for you to answer my questions and for you to back up your claims. 

It looks like neither you nor any of your thumbs up buddies want to 'chirp' Jeremy. 

Professor Expert
3.3  Krishna  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @3    2 years ago
lets focus on conspiracy theories about Trump.

I totally agree! jrSmiley_9_smiley_image.gif

Professor Expert
3.4  Krishna  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @3    2 years ago

All the problems in this country because of Biden

LOL! jrSmiley_10_smiley_image.gif

BTW-- who is "Brandon"?

Professor Expert
3.4.1  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @3.4    2 years ago
BTW-- who is "Brandon"?

And where do you want him to go?

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
3.4.2  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  Krishna @3.4    2 years ago


Professor Guide
3.5  Dulay  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @3    2 years ago

Gee that's pretty hypocritical since you had no issue with enthusiastically participating in seeds that focus on conspiracy theories about Clinton. 

Professor Principal
3.5.1  JohnRussell  replied to  Dulay @3.5    2 years ago

I think a lot of people miss the forest for the trees. Trump did not want to give up the presidency. He didnt care if that was achieved through conspiracy, good legal argument, constant lying, or through good luck. He just wanted to stay in office no matter what. 

He ended up alleging nefarious actions had been taken against his re-election all across the width and breadth of this nation, from New Hampshire to Arizona, because he was willing to believe any and every crackpot theory he heard, as long as they led to the conclusion that he had been cheated. 

He accepted Giulianis theories, he accepted Sydney Powells theories, and he accepted John Eastman's theory of how he could keep the office through Mike Pence. Trump didn't "care" about any of these ideas as a matter of truth, he cared about them to the extent that he thought they could keep him in power. 

In and of itself that makes him guilty of high crimes against the American people. 

Professor Guide
3.5.2  Dulay  replied to  JohnRussell @3.5.1    2 years ago
He accepted Giulianis theories, he accepted Sydney Powells theories, and he accepted John Eastman's theory of how he could keep the office through Mike Pence. Trump didn't "care" about any of these ideas as a matter of truth, he cared about them to the extent that he thought they could keep him in power. 

The only legal 'theory' Trump didn't accept are the ones coming from his own DOJ. Barr said he and Trump went through his 'whatabouts' and instead of accepting facts, Trump just got more pissed off. 

Trump didn't want competent legal advice, he wanted and got yes men to play into his narcissism. 

Professor Principal
4  Tessylo    2 years ago


Professor Quiet
4.1  Ronin2  replied to  Tessylo @4    2 years ago

Remember this. Every last word in that tweet is a lie.

Joseph Goebbels would be in absolute awe of today's Democrats and their shills in the media.

Goebbels says repeat a lie often enough and people will believe it

Democrats have made Goebbels idea a reality.

Oh, and just a reminder of the human fuck up machine in the currently Oval Office also withheld aid that was authorized by Congress from Ukraine.  

The Biden White House has temporarily halted a military aid package to Ukraine that would include lethal weapons, a plan originally made in response to aggressive Russian troop movements along Ukraine’s border this spring.

The aid package would be worth up to $100 million, according to four people familiar with internal deliberations.

The National Security Council directed officials to put the package together, as Washington grew increasingly concerned over a massive Russian military buildup near the border with Ukraine and in the Crimean Peninsula, according to three of the people, who like the others asked not to be named in order to speak candidly about internal discussions. Officials at the State Department and Pentagon worked to assemble the proposal.

But officials on the National Security Council ended up putting the proposal on hold after Russia announced it would draw down troops stationed near Ukraine and in the lead-up to President Joe Biden’s high-stakes summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

One of the sources said the package is still intact, and could be sent to Ukraine quickly. The Washington Post first reported that the administration considered and has now frozen the package. The fact that National Security Council officials froze the aid and the specific weapons discussed for inclusion in the aid package have not been previously reported.

Key items under consideration for the package include short-range air defense systems, small arms and more anti-tank weapons, according to two people with knowledge of the discussions.

Using the Democrats moronic standards; we need to impeach Brandon now!

Professor Principal
4.1.1  Tessylo  replied to  Ronin2 @4.1    2 years ago

What led you to believe that I read your rambling and ranting posts much less remember any of the nonsense??????????????????????????

Why the fuck would I do that????????????????????????????

PhD Quiet
4.1.2  igknorantzrulz  replied to  Ronin2 @4.1    2 years ago
But officials on the National Security Council ended up putting the proposal on hold after Russia announced it would draw down troops stationed near Ukraine and in the lead-up to President Joe Biden’s high-stakes summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

sounds like a sound strategy to me. Y would Ukraine need that military aid if Russia was no longerr a threat ?

Professor Expert
4.1.5  Krishna  replied to  Ronin2 @4.1    2 years ago
we need to impeach Brandon now!

Who is Brandon?


Professor Expert
4.1.6  Krishna  replied to  Tessylo @4.1.1    2 years ago
Why the fuck would I do that????????????????????????????

Why would anyone?

Except for the mysterious Brandon...if in fact he is anyone other than  some mythical character?

Maybe from some obscure movie I never saw..??? 

(Where is Buzz when you need him?)

Professor Expert
4.1.7  Krishna  replied to  igknorantzrulz @4.1.2    2 years ago

 Y would Ukraine need that military aid if Russia was no longerr a threat ?

I think the problem with that might be that over the years there were times when Putin was able to convince people he was no longer a threat. 

But then, once countries let their guards down, he would go back to his previous evil ways/

P.S: ignorantzrulz-- now I'm really curious as to who this "Brandon" may be-- but so far people are refusing to say.

By any chance do you know who he is?

(maybe some NT member from years ago that I have forgotten?  Do you know who?)

Professor Expert
4.1.8  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @4.1.7    2 years ago

(maybe some NT member from years ago that I have forgotten?  Do you know who?)

Maybe ithey mean Marlon Brandon?


Although IIRC he hasn't been in the news for some time now...(???)

Professor Expert
4.1.9  Krishna  replied to  Ronin2 @4.1    2 years ago
Goebbels says repeat a lie often enough and people will believe it

Looks like some people may be having a case of GDS!

(Goebbels Derangement Syndrome)

Professor Expert
4.1.10  Krishna  replied to    2 years ago


[and very ironic...]

OMG-- looks like someone just got cancelled..

...or deleted...

Or whatever!

The anti-Christ? Or perhaps..the Anti-Devil...

Maybe too much of "playing the 'Brandon"" card...(whomever that might be?)

Professor Expert
4.1.11  Krishna  replied to    2 years ago
How so? Do EXPAND Please !

Tellya what.

Let's make a deal, OK?

I tell all and expand it for you..if you agree to tell me who this mysterious  "Brandon" is...OK?

(What's fair is fair)

Professor Expert
4.1.14  Krishna  replied to  Ronin2 @4.1    2 years ago
Remember this. Every last word in that tweet is a lie.

Every last word?

Even words such as: "to", "for", "by", "and" & "the"???

I may have missed it but there's probably a dangling participle, a predicate nominative or a split infinitive in there somewhere???

Professor Expert
4.1.15  Krishna  replied to    2 years ago
Nope !

A simple "help pamphlet" is all.

Go figure.

There's no cure for "Stuck on Stupid", eh Magic?

Professor Expert
4.1.16  Krishna  replied to    2 years ago
I posted nothhing "brandon in the deleted post.



Isn't it interesting that you only mentioned your deleted posts (so we can't check to see if its so).

Actually I wouldn't be at all surprised if you were actually the mysterious Branon after all?
(It was the word "magic" in your nom de plume that tipped us off!)

Or is this Brandon now actually LRF (living rent free)in your head..to coin a phrase?

Professor Expert
4.1.17  Krishna  replied to  Tessylo @4.1.1    2 years ago
Why the fuck would I do that????????????????????????????

Perhaps Ronin2 believes that he has you living rent free in his head...or whatever nonsense...

Professor Principal
4.1.20  Texan1211  replied to  Krishna @4.1.5    2 years ago
Who is Brandon?

No one special, for sure.

Most people who managed to watch the news know who Brandon is.

Professor Principal
4.1.21  seeder  JBB  replied to  Texan1211 @4.1.20    2 years ago

You think the President of the United States is, "No one special"? Well, aren't you special?

Professor Principal
4.1.22  Texan1211  replied to  JBB @4.1.21    2 years ago
You think the President of the United States is, "No one special"?

Oh my God, did you finally figure out who Brandon is?

Good job!

I consider the OFFICE to be special. Not everyone who occupies it is special, as I am sure you would agree.

Well, aren't you special?

Nope, just me. Do you think I'm special?

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Participates
4.1.23  Paula Bartholomew  replied to    2 years ago

As you asked yourself  and not who posted the comment, it is yours to answer.

Professor Quiet
4.1.24  cjcold  replied to  Krishna @4.1.9    2 years ago

Fox has used that tactic since its satanic conception.

Professor Principal
4.1.25  Tessylo  replied to    2 years ago


Professor Principal
4.1.26  Texan1211  replied to  Tessylo @4.1.25    2 years ago


Professor Principal
4.1.27  Tessylo  replied to    2 years ago
"Whose the Stupid again ?"

See 4.1.19 .

Professor Principal
5  seeder  JBB    2 years ago

Eastman's Memos are the proverbial smoking guns!

There can be no denial Trump engaged in a criminal conspiracy to defraud the American electorate now.

Professor Participates
5.1  Snuffy  replied to  JBB @5    2 years ago

We shall see.  We've seen five years worth of the left proclaiming they have found the smoking gun and nothing has come from any of it so far.  I'm not doing anything until there's an actual conviction.

Professor Principal
5.1.1  seeder  JBB  replied to  Snuffy @5.1    2 years ago

After five years of demanding proof, you got it.

You can't deny in your face evidence anymore!

Professor Participates
5.1.2  Snuffy  replied to  JBB @5.1.1    2 years ago
After five years of demanding proof, you got it. You can't deny in your face evidence anymore!

If it's such hard proof then the DOJ will act on it.  As I said, until there's an actual conviction I'm not getting excited.  We've seen this type of article for the past five years and it's always couched in the same language of 'may have'  or 'could have'...   

Personally I think the memo's are more damning for any future plans of Trump to run in 2024 and will turn some people away from him that were still uncommitted.  

PhD Quiet
5.1.3  igknorantzrulz  replied to  Snuffy @5.1.2    2 years ago
Personally I think the memo's are more damning for any future plans of Trump to run in 2024 and will turn some people away from him that were still uncommitted. 

if there are people still FOR Trump, well yes, they should be committed 

Professor Principal
5.1.4  JohnRussell  replied to  Snuffy @5.1    2 years ago

Did Donald Trump try to steal the 2020 election ? 

Professor Participates
5.1.5  Snuffy  replied to  JohnRussell @5.1.4    2 years ago

Instead of deflecting away to Trump Bad like you usually do, why don't you just respond to what I wrote?  Everybody already knows what you believe as  you post it repeatedly on this site.  How about you stop beating that drum and join the conversation for a change.

Professor Principal
5.1.6  JohnRussell  replied to  Snuffy @5.1.5    2 years ago

I asked you a simple question. What we see here , and elsewhere of course, is "conservatives" trying to deflect away from Trump's guilt by saying he has not been convicted, or even charged , with a crime, as if that were the sole standard by which he should be judged (and condemned). 

The first suggestion (the preferred one) of the Eastman memo was that Mike Pence would refuse to count the electoral votes of the seven swing states under the guise that the results in these states were "disputed". If the electoral votes in those 7 states were omitted from the final count , Trump would be declared re-elected with a plurality of the electoral votes. 

Those 7 states were not legally "disputed", and in fact the election results in those states, and in every other state , had been certified by Jan 6th.  

Yet, Trump approved of the Eastman plan and urged Pence to follow it.

Is it  legally a criminal offense ?  I dont know. Was it an attempt to "steal" the election? Absolutely. 

Lets stop all the bullshit and tell it like it is for a change. 

Professor Participates
5.1.7  Snuffy  replied to  JohnRussell @5.1.6    2 years ago

yeah,  simple fucking answer, yes he did try to steal the election.  Now how illegal was it all?  That is for the fucking courts to decide.  But your question was a deflection away from the actual discussion in 5 and my replies.  Are the Eastman memo's an order from Trump to Pence?  hell,  seems a bit of a stretch to me.  They could also be looked at as a conversation...   it's been said many times that there's a good reason why we don't see every scrap of paper and every conversation that comes out of the Oval Office from any president because we would be horrified at what they talk about.  A lot of what they talk about is really in the "what if" category, such as nuclear war plans against almost every country on earth.  

This conversation in 5. started out as a "here's the smoking gun on Trump" comment and that is what I replied to.  

Professor Principal
5.1.8  JohnRussell  replied to  Snuffy @5.1.7    2 years ago

We know what was in the Eastman memo because a copy of it was given to journalists Bob Woodward and Robert Costa , probably by Sen Mike Lee who was appalled by it. 

John Eastman spoke at the Jan 6th Trump rally at the ellipse, and was praised by Trump on that day, during trumps speech where he said it was not too late for Pence to do the right thing.  We also know that Trump has said , in public, that Pence had the opportunity to "overturn" the election but refused to do it. 

One wonders how much evidence you need to draw a conclusion. 

Professor Participates
5.1.9  Snuffy  replied to  JohnRussell @5.1.8    2 years ago

I'm not a lawyer, are you?  So Eastman wrote a couple of memo's where he laid out a plan for Pence to follow.  It was talked about within the group and at the rally where it was said that it's not to late for Pence to do the right thing.  Again,  is that illegal?  Or is it a wish?  That's for the courts to decide.  Anything decided by you or me is all mental masterbation.  All we can do with the info is decide if we would vote for Trump again if he decides to run.  I've already answered that question several times.

But as I point out, we are not lawyers so standing there saying "This is the smoking gun that gets him this time" is just wind.  As I said I won't get too excited by any of this until there is a conviction. And that's not a sure thing either. 

Do you finally understand my mindset?  I'm not supporting Trump in this but it really doesn't matter what I think because I have no standing in determining guilt or innocence. That is for a court to decide and if the memo's are that clear to a lawyer then the DOJ will take it up.  If they don't then it's because there's not enough there to prosecute.  But standing on a soap box proclaiming 'he's guilty' doesn't mean a damn thing, it's just wind.

Professor Principal
5.1.10  seeder  JBB  replied to  Snuffy @5.1.9    2 years ago

Combined with the texts and emails back and forth discussing the implementation of their conspiracy to steal the election, Eastman's memos prove the case incontrovertibly!

Donald Trump lead a criminal conspiracy to defraud the United States culminating in the January 6th Insurrection. LOCK Him Up Now!

Professor Principal
5.1.11  Texan1211  replied to  JBB @5.1.10    2 years ago

Just to be clear, is this the thing taht will really, really, really "get" Trump--as has been claimed over and over and over again over the last 5 years or so?

Or is it just the latest iteration of Democratic wishful thinking?

Professor Quiet
5.1.12  cjcold  replied to  Snuffy @5.1    2 years ago

Many smoking guns (and recovered lead) but the senate Trumpsters wouldn't do their job.

Loyalty to the uber-narcissist Trump trumped loyalty to their country. Off with their heads!

PhD Quiet
6  igknorantzrulz    2 years ago

it is apparent, NO AMOUNT OF EVIDENCE, Hell, Trump Confessing

, would NOT CONVINCE THESE STUBBORN HEAD IN THE SAND BAND, to even play, with the thought of them being caught, DEAD WRONG

Professor Expert
6.1  Krishna  replied to  igknorantzrulz @6    2 years ago

To say nothing of all the "Little Brandons"..living rent-free is the heads of these morons jrSmiley_88_smiley_image.gif .


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