Thank God Trump Isn't President Right Now
Category: Op/Ed
Via: john-russell • 3 years ago • 216 commentsBy: Mona Charen (The Bulwark)

Biden isn't perfect, but he beats the alternative. byMona Charen March 9, 2022 5:30 am
Joe Biden is not a very good president. His communication skills are subpar, e.g. when he found himself praising the "Iranian" instead of the Ukrainian people in his State of the Union speech. His political judgments are sometimes poor, e.g. devoting most of his first year to assuaging the demands of the progressive wing of his party. His stubbornness can be destructive, e.g. his decision to withdraw precipitously from Afghanistan. And his priorities are often wrong, e.g. focusing on voting rights legislation that addressed small problems like the number of days of early voting and dropboxes at the expense of the urgent need to reform the Electoral Count Act.
And yet, I thank God every day that Biden is president. The Russian offensive against Ukraine is the first crisis of his presidency (other than COVID, which was ongoing when he assumed office) and in this emergency he has redeemed the hopes of those who voted for competence. The administration's warnings to Moscow were unambiguous without being hysterical. Our revelations of intelligence unmasking Russian disinformation and false flag narratives were on the nose. Biden's coordination with European allies was neither bullying nor "leading from behind," but a skillful presentation of unity (special kudos to Secretary of State Antony Blinken). Biden's muscular reaffirmation of the U.S. commitment to NATO was crucial not just for Europe but for the world. China is taking notes on how the globe is responding to Putin and perhaps thinking twice about trying to conquer Taiwan.
By proclaiming American solidarity with Ukraine and our democratic allies around the world, Biden has restored our equilibrium. If Ronald Reagan were still alive, he'd find little to criticize in the administration's approach.
There were some missed opportunities. The president should have placed the invasion of Ukraine in a broader historical context and outlined how the struggle between democracy and authoritarianism is the defining issue of our time, whether abroad or at home. And he ought not to suggest or pretend that Americans can be spared any hardship, even higher gas prices, during this fight. On the contrary, he should be preparing the nation for sacrifice. Seventy-nine percent of Americans already favor banning Russian oil imports even if it means higher gas prices, and it's a mistake to discount people's unselfish impulses. Besides, if he promises that all of the pain will be inflicted on Russia, he will be blamed for breaking his word when Americans feel the sting of price hikes, instead of being honored for standing on principle.
Biden is a normal man with normal flaws. He made some errors, but he sees clearly what sort of menace Vladimir Putin is. Only the most obtuse or twisted soul could fail to see it. . . which brings us to the president's predecessor.
The Ukraine crisis reminds us that Trump is no run-of-the-mill fool, but a unique combination of stupidity and venality. A quick refresher on his relations with Putin and Ukraine leaves little doubt that far from deterring Putin, he was Putin's most reliable "useful idiot." Trump's most durable legacy is the Putinesque level of deceit he introduced into the American bloodstream, but he was also a mark.
Trump wasn't the first president to go soft on Putin, of course. Barack "Tell Vladimir I'll have more flexibility after the election" Obama plowed that ground very well. Failing to enforce his red line in Syria and inviting Russia to assert dominance there; failing to impose harsh sanctions after the annexation of Crimea; and mocking Mitt Romney for taking the Russian threat seriously, Obama was hardly a model of fortitude.
But at least Obama knew what he was doing. He chose diffidence and called it wisdom. Trump was a dupe and a dope, a walking refutation of the adage "you can't kid a kidder." An inveterate liar himself, he could never discern when he was being played, at least by the strongmen he admired like Putin, Kim, and Xi.
Having spent the entire 2016 campaign suggesting that it would be great if we "got along with Russia," encouraging Moscow to hack Hillary Clinton's emails, and accepting dirt on his opponent from Russian figures, Trump was under strong suspicion and a federal investigation for his Russia ties. All 17 American intelligence agencies agreed that Russia had interfered with the election to damage Clinton. Yet upon Trump's first meeting with Putin, he accepted the Russian's denials and announced the creation of "an impenetrable Cyber Security unit so that election hacking, & many other negative things, will be guarded and safe." The plan to let the fox guard the henhouse was dropped after GOP senators exploded.
We'll never know how many times Trump spoke to Putin because those records were expunged and Trump often demanded that the translators take no notes, but it is clear from the public record that Trump often repeated Putin's talking points.
At the Helsinki summit, Trump infamously endorsed Putin's version of the election interference story over that of America's own intelligence agencies. "President Putin says it's not Russia," Trump said. "I don't see any reason why it would be." Later, speaking to Tucker Carlson, Trump revealed the other ways Putin had been poisoning his mind, planting ideas about NATO countries. "Why should my son go to Montenegro to defend it from attack?" Carlson asked. Trump responded: "I've asked the same question. Montenegro is a tiny country with very strong people. . . . They are very strong people. They are very aggressive people, they may get aggressive, and congratulations, you are in World War III." Who believes that Trump had ever heard of Montenegro, far less formed views about their supposed aggressiveness, before that meeting?
Trump got other ideas from his conversations with Putin and dutifully lobbied our major trading partners in the G7 to invite Russia back into the fold. They declined.
In 2019, defending his decision to withdraw troops from Syria and Afghanistan, Trump offered this little potted history about Russia's engagement with that country: "Russia used to be the Soviet Union. Afghanistan made it Russia, because they went bankrupt fighting in Afghanistan. Russia. . . the reason Russia was in Afghanistan was because terrorists were going into Russia. They were right to be there."
As with the other Putin nuggets he regurgitated, Trump said this with perfect ingenuousness.
Throughout his presidency, Trump hinted and blustered about withdrawing from NATO, which would fulfill Putin's dearest wish. When his aides objected that this might be harmful politically, Trump conceded the point, as Carol Leonnig and Phil Rucker report, saying "Yeah, the second term. We'll do it in the second term."
As for Ukraine, Putin, like the KGB officer he had once been, had filled Trump's mind with calumnies playing upon his particular obsessions. Trump got the idea that it was Ukraine, not Russia, that had interfered in the 2016 election, and that the meddling was against Trump, not for him. As New York Magazine reported, "Trump repeatedly told one senior official that the Russian president said Ukraine sought to undermine him." Trump further believed in a mysterious "missing server" that was hidden in Ukraine containing the missing emails. In his infamous 2019 shake-down call with Volodomyr Zelensky, Trump alluded to it: "I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say CrowdStrike. . . I guess you have one of your wealthy people. . . The server, they say Ukraine has it."
And because Trump swallowed Putin's lies, congressional Republicans echoed them. In her testimony before the House intelligence committee, Fiona Hill attempted to debunk it:
Based on questions and statements I have heard, some of you on this committee appear to believe that Russia and its security services did not conduct a campaign against our country—and that perhaps, somehow, for some reason, Ukraine did. This is a fictional narrative that has been perpetrated and propagated by the Russian security services themselves.
Yes, and by their willing mouthpiece, the then-president of the United States.
In 2016, Trump suggested that Russian ownership of Crimea be recognized, and again repeated a factoid that seems likely to have come directly from Putin. "The people of Crimea, from what I've heard, would rather be with Russia than where they were," he told ABC News. The GOP platform was changed to omit endorsing arms for Ukraine. Asked about his view of Putin's intentions, he huffed, "He's not going into Ukraine, OK, just so you understand. He's not gonna go into Ukraine, all right? You can mark it down. You can put it down. You can take it anywhere you want."
It was more than ignorance, it was hero worship. Trump is a disturbed human being who is constantly revealing his attraction to violence and "strength." Even as Putin was smashing his tanks into Ukraine, Trump fawned over his "genius" and then boasted that "I know him very, very well." He said it was "wonderful." He backtracked after a day or two, but doubtless only after being advised that it was politically unwise.
But if, God forbid, there were ever a second term, political considerations wouldn't be dispositive and the most sinister and credulous man ever to disgrace the Oval Office would be unconstrained.
Biden hasn't been perfect—but he's a godsend given the alternative.

If Trump were still President: You can trust me because I'm a stable unprovoked attack on civilians in a neighboring country is the best thing to happen. Vlad and I discussed it and we both agreed that Ukraine needed outside peacekeeping measures for their own good. Don't worry about the elementary school that was bombed to smithereens. The fake media is responsible for that fake report. They were just trying to make Vlad and I look bad. blablablablahunterbidenblablablaZelenskyliesblablablastolenelectionblablabla...
In all honesty, I prefer neither Trump nor Biden. Both parties are definitely going to have to do better in 2024.
IMO the last two elections have been the lesser of two evils.
that I agree with
So who would YOU prefer to be heading our country when faced with what we are currently facing, an imperfect bland Biden who's actual candid thoughts, he has difficulty in hiding, cause he speaks from his candid cane sided hip and off script while using a long run of five decades of learning and modifying his schtick, he has wielded rather wisely while rather uncompromisingly, as his stance has reassured our very concerned NATO and World Allies that he is NOT Trump who was All LIES not allies, and doing what Putin put in OUR office, to do, then overdue Putins bidding, as Trumps refusal to even speak negative of about ANYTHING Putin and Putins' Russia did was so damn embarrassing as TRump caved and conceded to any and all of Putns' perverted wants and needs, as Trump the Cockholster's mouth(peace) probably still bleeds as the GOP allowed aloud what the entire world did see, Trump , the Putin Bitch, obvious sniveling snitch, cave to Putin the Sper plunk king spelunking donutz dunkin mini shirtless munchkin, that caused the mental midget Trumpullforeskin to get on his knees , again and again, cause Trump done did re-veal how a tender baby calf pounded repeatedly by the tiny tenacious tyrannical wreckx chopped till too tenderizer $Money$ and freedommdespizer mizer was done well with so much at steak for US , cause Trumpm cooked his books while Putin roasted US and he a lot, while boiling US in the Despot, as the metric did rule especially afterr meters were measured off the meter as we done Sinki to Hell, as how did that not foremore tell, why Trump called Hillary the Kettle, Black and clear as day rioting all the day long, asz YTtrump sangband projected the projection upon others his own in and actions respectfully, Never stated to US, causen whats all the fuss, GTrump be justvlike the rest of US, a Tyranical Rex of an attempted Quart appointed liter or too out spoken about his in security and impurity that as plain and simple for LIED to Americans to choose NOTB TO SEA, How Deep this mental deficiency picture of efficient innefficiency when it came to what was best for US ALL, nbut, thus watt i heard happens when the herd falls for his lines and the GOP did not sheppard the stampede, as it just attempted to impede the Male , "Man" from deliverence of truth delivered via scxience disputed, as Trump pushed by a Putin male in his ballot box stuffed with Bull Shit, as he rounded the sharp bend, very fast while Russia all along, over and overtly with lifting his skirt curtly, and pursued an agenda, authored buy the won who he did it for, asz he sang hisn song all along, while America put its feet up, and toked, then passed the Bong while reflecting, all while sum were capable of seeing this smoke and mirror show, and somehow chose to just let it go,m and go it did, like a strike right down the center of the alley way where Trump did meet in his spare time because of the awesome shoes he was trying to fill, cause bowling for a combine school of thought between US and those Russian round our back door, should leave many of the Good Ole Party not feeling that reach around our countries foundation did feel pof joy, as Putins little puppet boy toy Trumppy and the none condemning GOP certainly of which most were aware of, yet chose not to sea, the depth and implications of Trumpies little insecurity insurrection designed KGB inserted puss filled infection, did, and has done, from his first Russia Putin election, till his second art of the steal deal he did sell, that the GOP allowed aloud, one, who could have not been a bigger LOSER for US, our Allies, and the twisted World,,, cause one day that blowing wind, will cause a House to land and fall on the one who thought he could have it all, and when they remove Trumps shoes, his feet will orange cheese curl, so jamb that in you GOP stolen play book of dirty tricks, cause the GOP was taken over by a BUNCH of dirty Dicks, and if we are fortunate to have the ignorance of this damn country to finally cede, we will be the weed that found the grass is not always greener, when a country is led by a little wiener and a big Dick asz who coulda ever envisioned, the USA consisting of skjulls so damn Thick , led by a little prick, surrounded and supported by a bunch of short and curly Dick supporting non deserving servants, who chose to support those who feel they should be left with it all, as these servants are closer to Pubic Heirs, asz public servants serving only their private interests, and some dicks, we got stuck with even afterr the George Bushes, with some giant ass pricks,that left US SICK and i am, of so many who defended so many allowing our poor country so placentaful,
to be the after birth lives, deeply depressed by this mess men of power created for they so hated to be not in , that
they protected a little Pyrite prick, who wood and could melt, just from a Golden Shower.
a "man' like this, can never again hold our top office, of, Power cause it was never the choice between two evils
it was the choice between a man who loved his country for sure
and a man who loved himself and was completely impure
igz always is
We treasure him and his prose. Read slowly and carefully, then you will understand
No thanks, I don't have faith that is worth the time and effort it would take. But you enjoy.
Thank you I will
My apologies and no offense intended, but to me the above gives new meaning to the words sweeping generalizations.
And your proof of this is? Oh that's right you don't have any because it never happened. It is just what your told to say.
As far as Biden (let's go Brandon) is concerned, he is an absolute disgrace. He isn't taking the lead in the wests assistance of Ukraine. He follows others on when and what sanctions he levies. He asks NATO allies to supply aircraft to Ukraine then when Poland says They will provide, Biden's administration says it will expand the war. Yup. Giving the tools Ukraine needs to fight with is on expansionary and Putin won't like it. Myself I couldn't give a rats fat payout what Putin wants.
Ronald Reagan. Teddy Roosevelt. George Washington.
But as none of them are available, I'd prefer Condolezza Rice, Joe Manchin, Mitt Romney, or any of probably another dozen people over Trump or Biden.
She has been my ideal candidate for the GOP. Trouble is, as with most of the highly-qualified, intelligent, rational adults, she will not run. I suspect she is unwilling to do what is required to win in today's duplicitous, partisan environment.
The same was true of Colin Powell.
Only I am perfect. The rest of humanity are just wannabees.
HA! I don't think I was ever human!
Hey, I spent years serving with the Marines. I know that lets me out!
Mona Charen, by the way, is a lifelong conservative . Those old enough may remember her from the conservative side of the table on the old John McLaughlin show on PBS.
I thought she was so I was surprised to see that she wrote this. Of course, she wasn't all rainbows and unicorns when speaking about Biden
...she didn't want to be labelled or politically excommunicated.
So was George Will and yet he had/has a bad case of TDS as well.
AMEN to that!
trump couldn't find it on a map...
He found the prime minister of Montenegro at his first Nato meeting and shoved him out of his way so he would be front and center for the cameras. trump is such a pig and embarrassment.
Of course they are aggressive - just look at the last two syllables in the name of that country!
If Trump was not running and was not the gop Frontrunner you might have a point, butt he is...
Trump is running and he is the gop frontrunner.
You should probably get yourself new material...
When was that announcement made? Or was this just another unfounded claim?
If he would stop saying and doing the dumb shit, maybe we could get passed him. As it is, he refuses to leave.
I'm definitely and anxiously looking forward to his last news cycle.
Holy bullshit Batman! To move on is simple. All you have to do is QUIT HANING ON EVERYTHING HE DOES OR SAYS. There are far bigger problems in this country to worry about than Trump.
He is the leader of the republican party, you cannot simply ignore him since he sets their policies.
Um, no. That's Kevin McCarthy. Looking through the Republican party leadership, Trump is nowhere.
Um, yes, you can simply ignore him. YOU allow him to have all this control over YOU. Nobody else. Just you. All you have to do is unsubscribe from his feeds and get a hobby. You don't have to react to anything he, or anybody says. You CHOOSE to react.
address the article or i will flag you
the topic is not liberals or democrats who complain about Trump. The topic is Trump compared to Biden.
I'm sure you can muster up a thought or two that is on topic.
I addressed a statement MADE TO ME. You have issue with that then take it up with the person who made the statement to me.
If you want to have a seed about TDS, and perrie allows it, start your own seed. I dont want that crap on my articles.
Then I recommend you reel in your people.
If that is a prerequisite to acceptance you should absolutely hate old foot in mouth Biden.
there is already, it's called natural selection...
let's go darwin!
Will the right wingers please stop spamming and trolling this seed?
Donald Trump makes himself the center of attention. He puts out press releases and or gives interviews many times every week. He greatly hinted to CPAC last week that he is running again for president. No one is unfairly commenting on Trump. He brought it all on himself.
The two articles about Trump that I seeded today are BOTH written by conservatives.
Stop the fricking whining for god's sake.
Why do you listen to/read them? Holy shit SMH
What we need is for Republicans and other conservatives to denounce Trump and run him out of politics once and for all. Then we can start to get back to "normal".
Are you up for that?
I'm already leaning another way. And she's a Dem.
I thought electing Joe was when we would start getting back to normal. That was what he promised when he was running. Now the goalposts have changed because he is an incompetent president and can't keep any of his promises.
I cleared the meta on this article.
Also, TDS is off-topic.
Sorry but TDS is not off topic, not in any rational world anyways
There is no such thing as TDS. You cant invent it just because you want to pout.
You denial in this case is beyond epic ..... it’s astronomical.
If the author says it is, it's off-topic. And it was backed up by Perrie.
Now there's a round or two I would love to see
Doesn’t change the truth in my comment.
Not one bit .....
You may be a brainiac and all but you still have problems with typing like the rest of us. Miss a word in your comment? Because it doesn't make any sense to me and I'm a whole word reader
What’s the problem?
I can't make sense of your comment
What’s the problem?
Be happy to help you understand.
I do have a dedicated fan club here .... true dat.
It helped that you went back and edited your comment. [Deleted]
TDS is on topic. 100%
Then perhaps you should reserve such judgements until after the NT allowed edit period. It’s there for a reason and for my part, I have never claimed to be perfect.
That said, this seed is not about me.
Oh, what's wrong. You don't like it when others use the lefts tactics on seeds?
YOU make him the center of attention. Many of us have moved on. YOU are seem to be the one that waits with bated breath for his next release.
No, they just don’t like it when someone disagrees with them.
Pretty simple ......
When somebody disagree with them that's when the memes and "you're a racist" or "you're a bigot" garbage come out.
Yeah, your comments say otherwise.
The why is it that only the lefties and liberals here continually publish seeds about him and are the first to always bring him up. I fell a bit sorry for you all and you obsession with one irrelavent man.
How can Trump be irrelevant when he is the leader in all the polls for the GOP nomination in 2024? Beyond that he is constantly seeking attention in the news by putting out statements and giving interviews.
You wish he was irrelevant so you ignore all the evidence that he is not irrelevant.
Why do you people put the country through this bullshit ? Denounce him and run him out of politics. That is all there is to it.
At this point he is irrelevant. 2024 is a long way away and a lot can happen.
Last I knew, not required reading OR listening. Only gluttons for punishment do/would just to have something to bitch about.
To all but the severely afflicted, he is irrelevant at this point.
What bullshit would that be John and please be specific.
Why? How will that cease his existence and the fact that he is alive. That some feel the need to listen to and read his shit is just plain fucking ludicrous and self deprecating. Own it.
Personally, I dont give a fuck what the right wingers here do.
But some people want everyone to get along, so crap like TDS claims is an issue.
Who? I'm sorry but if you are saying you, that would only be if everyone agreed with you it seems.
Until one looks at the definition displayed elsewhere today and starts to put the pieces together. Sorry.
And you and the other liberals on this site seem more than willing to give him the attention.
Do you read what you post? Look around the site. EVERY seed about Trump or his family are from you or some other liberal. 99% of them are fictional.
coulda fooled me .....
You were sort of hanging on by your fingernails until you said that. That is simply delusional. If other people want to have patience with delusion, that is their choice. I'm not interested in that level of delusion.
I'll R gue with someone that disagrees, agrees, or , has no fcknm opinion on the subject,
cause i'm boring, usually right through peep holes skullz to view the emptiness i phil in like a ditch witch couldnt take and cast a pole vault filled with emptiness, over the lowered Barr, cause i tunnel over bridges till i fill the gorge till gorged , cause buy George a beer is neer, so im not far, fromm makin it a little more bazar , cause i Ken grab with Kung Fu, those that cant grip the reality, that people misbelieve i spew, into their faceless reason, cause spring is a new season for things to dye inn heir apparent, cause i;ll float something down a stream of unconsciousness till it cause a log jamb on a wood door and possibly open it, and show what might be the bottom floor of the high rise rancher, and quite [popssibly, a little something more, cause i actually N joy playing witt you Sparty On about anything, cause wired like Barbi but hung till i Ken allow my feats to touch the ground i never walked upon water due to it being too shallow, just like many hear here only watts they wish to be, and that is what makews up the GOP, to me, asz i'm an asz who would rather see right through the transparency consistently placed in front of me that cannot obscure a truer view of the reality over due to andn for, so manyu whom need to be educated and de-programmed buy the bullshit brought forth, cause enuff to cause one nto drink a Fifth till im assuming and con summing the sixth n sense that leaves me seven short of ate what isn't benign the ten times eleven dirty dozen bakers who's 14 year old attitude, is so easy do elude cause of at age 15 you are permitted to drive, and i can and will, as i cann drive emm Uber Crazy when they be N are down and need a Lift, so just let me know when you need me to pick you up, cause lately, thats just me and who i be is someone on time to pick U up Sparty, On time i wont be, but hey ;its not too late, cause i can Carnbon Date while Raisin points you will not deflate as you blow TDS out and about like a Maceys Float Tin Man, that just wont stand due to no legs like a King Author Knight of the Oval table of contents, that i enjoy rectangular, cause i am the square that really doesn't care and whenn i have time to spare do enjoy our little chats, erh bate me into a trap, and see if you can escape the table shape i talk around people into out of shapes, but, hey, who doesn't need an escape or two nonn cents inserted, cause the damn truth be damn perverted, like us, ore not, we be who we be, and like a snake, you are not, and that is sad, cause you really should shed that skin knee Hoe so sharp, and grind your poinjts a little finer, cause i took a coarse, and now major in minor, in, and can like a Canary now sing aloud because i allowed me to, so since lonely so low, tell me where you wish not to go, cause your wish.....
is not one of ten
cause it is the same as so many, who wish i would just go, away, and my a way i always will, cause its not the triumph, it is the thrill of the kill in time board, i sound off and upon, well Once..... Have a grate weekend, or, have an aggravated Start
cause , i can play a part that whitch i spell to pick tok tik
Bread, hobo, sticky wicket, methane, chebychev’s method, right turn Clyde, knock knock .... no one is there .....
[Deleted] all while once again, you make me appear to shine, so the shoes please….
Yes, Biden inherited the pandemic. But Biden has created an immigration crisis, exacerbated the supply-chain crisis, contributed to the inflation crisis, created a refugee crisis in Afghanistan, mishandled AUKUS, and certainly contributed to the crisis of a deadlocked Congress. Joe Biden doesn't have the skills necessary to negotiate and compromise.
Trump would have negotiated with Putin which obviously the left wing of the Democratic Party opposes. Democrat's want war so have completely rejected diplomacy. Democrats want to punish Putin and will force Americans to make sacrifices to enforce that punishment rather than try finding a diplomatic compromise with Putin. Putin put forward points for negotiation before invading Ukraine and those negotiating points have not changed. Biden refused to negotiate. Putin is going to pound Ukraine to dust to force Biden to sit at the negotiating table. Biden doesn't want to negotiate with Putin because Biden does not know how to compromise. It's Biden's way or the highway.
Yes, Trump would have negotiated with Putin. And finding a diplomatic compromise would have meant that Putin got something he wanted. Democrats would obviously be upset if Putin and Russia got something they wanted. War is preferable to compromise for Democrats.
Democrats need war. They and Joe are having trouble continue to blame the bad state of affairs on Trump or covid so they need to pivot peoples attention away from what is going on here in the US. Biden is also attempting to blame inflation and the high gas prices on the war even though they have both been on the rise since he took office. I guess his "thinking" is covid is to blame for the first year and war will be to blame the second year, not anything he did. It shows you just how stupid Biden and the democrats think people are. More and more people are seeing through the bullshit every day.
The bad state of affairs can be attributed to Biden's incapacity to negotiate and compromise. The unintended consequence of unwillingness to negotiate and compromise means Biden is unable to confront China. Biden can't isolate China with sanctions because the entire western economy would collapse. Biden has revealed a major weakness and China is watching.
Biden's inept diplomacy may cause renewed tensions in the Middle East. Iran has already been economically isolated and Biden is trying to lift sanctions and reestablish agreements negotiated by Obama. What is Biden going to do if Iran takes advantage of his obvious weakness? Saudi Arabia has already turned its back to Biden because Saudi Arabia knows it can without serious consequences. Biden is begging Saudi Arabia for oil which isn't a strong position for negotiation and compromise.
Funny how Biden and left forget all the people they abandoned in Afghanistan to tender mercies of the Taliban, Al Qaeda, ISIS/ISIL, etc. Media won't report on it; and Biden has "Turned the page".
funny how trumpsters always forget about the kurds...
as many were slaughtered due to Trump givingbPutin what he wanted while our best allies against ISIS were left to die. And by the way, who initiated our withdrawal and set that date for that ugly pullout again? and who decided itvwas a good idea to not just invade and kill the 911 plotters, but to attempt to win the hearts and minds of people who have proven theri hearts and minds are theri own and will remain just that ?
Which faction of Kurds; you know there are three separate factions- two of which are considered terrorist organizations by our own government. Including the one in Syria.
Also, we had no legal authority from the UN or anyone else to even be in Syria.
Yes, those Syrian Kurds suffered so greatly. The second we left they jumped to the Syrian government and Russia's side against the rebels we were backing.
Those poor, poor, terrorist Syrian Kurds- whatever will they do?/S
Also, not one of them are US citizens, green card holders, or special VISA holders. So you are comparing apples to moon rocks.
Biden. Did you forget that he stated the decision was his?
You really need to keep up with what's going on.
It's odd that the left forgets that we entered into Syria and back to Iraq under their messiah, Obama. Not too long after he supposedly ended the war in Iraq.
I think somebody should remove this false statement from the Obama WH site.
Most forget that the US War on Terror is not legally sanctioned by the UN Security Council or the UN. When presidents act using the War on Terror powers granted by Congress they can and do still violate international laws. That goes for Bush Jr, Obama, Trump, and now Biden.
How many of them were American citizens, green card holders or those already old to enter the US?
The people that Biden left behind were all those things. It is funny how the left and Biden are not concerned about them at all. They also forget the brave Marines and Navy Corpsman that were killed during Budens debacle. that I guess out of site out of mind.
If Biden was actually like the moderate he told us he was when he ran we would not be having the conversation we are having today. Instead the country bought into his big lie as he pulled so far left people in the middle could no longer see him. We have Trump supporters saying "I told you so" and more and more democrats and independents having to deal with buyers remorse. Even the progressives are becoming less enamored with Biden every day. A rebuttal by the same party after the SOTU address was unheard of until Joe. The only people still hanging on to Joe being anything other than a bumbling old worthless incompetent fool are the democrats that refuse to see beyond the point of their nose.
John Bolton, who served as President Donald Trump's national security advisor, on Wednesday said that Russian President Vladimir Putin didn't invade Ukraine while Trump was in office because "Putin saw Trump doing a lot of his work for him."
Bolton pointed to Trump's outspoken criticism of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the military and diplomatic alliance established in the wake of World War II.
"I think one of the reasons that Putin did not move during Trump's term in office was he saw the president's hostility of NATO. It was widely reported in American media," Bolton said during an interview with SiriusXM's Julie Mason. "And to Putin's mind, it's a binary proposition: a weaker NATO is a stronger Russia."
Bolton went on, "Putin saw Trump doing a lot of his work for him, and thought, maybe in a second term, Trump would make good on his desire to get out of NATO, and then it would just ease Putin's path just that much more."
Trump undermined NATO during his time in office. In 2018, he privately discussed withdrawing the United States from the alliance, raising concerns among national security officials.
Bolton, in remarks during a virtual event with The Washington Post on Friday, said that he believes Trump would have withdrawn from NATO if he had won a second term.
"I thought he put his foot over it, but at least he didn't withdraw then," Bolton said. "In a second Trump term, I think he may well have withdrawn from NATO. And I think Putin was waiting for that."
Bolton also told Vice last week that he doesn't think the former president would have stopped Putin if the Russian leader had invaded Ukraine while Trump was in office. His comments come as Trump has repeatedly said that Putin would never have invaded Ukraine had he been president and has criticized President Joe Biden over the US response to Russia.
Bolton served as Trump's national security advisor from 2018 to 2019, when Trump ousted him after the two repeatedly butted heads. Upon leaving the administration, he criticized Trump in his 2020 memoir and detailed several explosive claims about the former president, including that he wanted to "give personal favors to dictators he liked."
Pretty sick when the TDS driven left is believing the TDS driven Bolton; who they cannot stand- and never have believed before. Guess Trump is the great uniter among the TDS driven.
You had better look up the definition of TDS.
Never mind, you never back up anything.
Perfect! And they say it doesn't exist LOL
Did it say anything about a cure? Fortunately it doesn't seem to be claiming any new victims but I do feel sorry for the people that are currently effected. It seems to totally consume their lives.
Sorry, no cure.
Those inflicted with TDS will need to figure out how to cure themselves. Though I fear some might like having it.
You cant dispute the facts, so you try to fall back on the mythical "TDS". It is air pollution perpetrated on Newstalkers.
Polling shows even the majority of Democrats believe Russia wouldn't have invaded Ukraine if Trump were president, lol.