Iran also also perceives weakness, fires missiles in the direction of the U.S. consulate in Erbil, Iraq

A series of missiles were fired Sunday from Iran in the direction of the U.S. consulate in Erbil, Iraq, a senior U.S. official told Fox News. The missiles numbered as many as 12, The Associated Press reported. Thus far no comment from the "commander-in-chief. Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman was Bret Baier's guest on Fox News Sunday. This morning she said said the U.S. does not believe the American consulate in Iraq was the target of an Iranian missile strike. Another U.S. State Department spokesperson called the incident an "outrageous attack," according to the news wire.
Joe Kent, a retired Green Beret who is running to challenge Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler in the Republican primary to represent Washington's 3rd district, shared that the attack "is how the Iranians thank Biden for wanting to get back in the Iran deal."
While Iran attacks a U.S. consulate with a dozen ballistic missiles, the U.S. prepares to sign a deal that:
A) lifts restrictions on Iran’s ballistic missiles next year
B) lifts sanctions against the IRGC’s financial arms
C) could de-list the IRGC as a foreign terror organization
Why are we dealing with Iran?
Finally, we are now being told that Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps claimed that it carried out a missile strike on what it called an Israeli “strategic center” in the northern Iraqi city of Erbil, according to a statement on the group’s official news portal, "Sepah News." Not very reassuring for those Americans who work in/on the American Consulate.
Who buys that?
If this report is accurate, and Iran indeed launched ballistic missiles at US targets in Erbil, then this is an act of war, pure and simple.
What should the United States response be?
Why haven't we heard from Biden?

The US isn't perceived quite the same way it was 14 months ago.
Wake up, Donald Trump was an international laughing stock for pete's sake.
Trump is no longer President no matter how many TDS driven pretend.
Brandon the human fuck up machine is in the damn Oval Office now put there by Democrats and people that elected him because he wasn't Trump. He is weak as hell and the whole world sees it.
Would you care to answer the correctly stated question of why the hell is Brandon dealing with Iran?
"But Trruuummmmppppp!!!!!" is not the correct answer.
There is only one laughing stock....the POS you wanted elected regardless of how incapable he was!
And yet still better than Trump, man we suck lol.
Speak for yourself.
Really, things are better now than under Trump?
The left really needs to look at their definition of the word "better".
1. There is no such thing as TDS.
2. Vic brought up Trump with his 14 months ago comment.
If I was claiming that Trump was off topic, a reference to the time before Biden was president wouldn't let you get him in. As It is I'm letting you and the others do it because I want the casual visitor to see how you guys respond to how our enemies are taking advantage of poor old Biden.
Yes, there is- seems the left needs yet another refresher. CNN even admits it.
Several posters on NT have such rampant TDS I am surprised there has been an attempt on Trump's life yet.
And you still haven't answered the very real question of why Brandon is dealing with the terrorist state and trying to get access to their blood oil?
Vic opened the comparison to Trump. Too late to close that door.
For your own mental health, you need to move on from Trump.
it's obviously time for trump and a blue ribbon delegation of republican congressional leaders to fly into iran and negotiate a hard-line resolution to this issue for the state dept....
Is obvious that Brandon should break off all negotiations with Iran and leave the sanctions in place; but the whole world knows Brandon is a weak pathetic jackass.
gee, current alleged weak pathetic jackass versus previous lying pathetic jackass.... hmmm, that's a real head scratcher, huh?
Brandon doesn't lie?
Isn't it great. With Brandon you just didn't give us a liar; but a plagiarist as well.
Not surprising that you would suggest Republicans go in and save the country.
It was recently revealed in a new poll that more than half of democrats would cut and run from this country if it were attacked in the same manner as Ukraine.
Not surprising as I watched many liberals essentially do the same thing after 9/11.
Join the military, then bail to Canada when they found out they actually had to go overseas.
what an idiotic comment.
no shit. ignorant white house scumbags aren't trending any more.
Your seed jumps the shark Vic. It is a new low.
For those who actually want to compare apples and apples, I suggest that you review Trump's reaction to Iran firing 12 ballistic missiles on TWO US airbases, severely injuring 34 US troopers. Of course, Trump's FIRST reaction was to LIE about the injuries to our troops by characterize them as 'headaches'.
How many countries do you want us to fight, or is your announced enemy simply the president of the United States ?
The missiles landed close to the US Consulate !!!!
eeeek!!! how many windows got broken. none. bfd.
That's all that counts.
I hope our diplomats and servicemen who read that give us their opinions on your thoughts.
It seems that Isreal was the target, not the US.
If you consider this an act of war what do you propose we do, Vic?
Remember in January of 2020 Iran launched dozens of ballistic missiles at a US military base in Iraq injuring hundreds. This is the largest ballistic missile attack ever against the US.
What was our response to that attack, Vic?
Says who? Those who shout death to America? Those who shot a missile in the vicinity of the US Consulate?
If you consider this an act of war what do you propose we do, Vic?
Firing missiles at Tehran. We should then say they were meant for the desert.
What was our response to that attack, Vic?
The response came before the attack, remember?
Yes, and it was in response to Israel's attacks.
Brilliant decision, now they fire back then what?
Do you realize how stupid that comment sounds? So after hundreds of American military were injured we did nothing. Now you want to fire missiles at Iran when no America was killed or injured but 100's injured don't count.
BTW this is not the first time that Iranian missiles were fired at the same area.
Then we destroy Tehran
We? When are you planning on signing up?
I'm depending on you!
I doubt they would let trump into the country.
Another brilliant decision, how do you intend to destroy Tehran?
Any response to the rest of my comment above. Let me add this, we lost 241 in Beirut and we did nothing.
Seems they missed the target by a very side margin. Their Revolutionary Guard seems to be quite proud of what they did; as they quickly admitted they were the ones that did it.
I don't see where Israel has an embassy or consulate in Iraq; nor do they have any troops or personnel stationed there.
Remember what Iranian POS general that was organizing Iranian militia attacks on our troops we killed that caused the missile attack? The Iranians do as well.
It sure as hell wasn't to drop all sanctions against Iran; green light their nuclear program; and to buy their oil to help fund it. Either before or after the missile strike.
The attack was in the Kurdish region of Iraq. The Kurds have a very friendly relationship with Israel with thousands of Kurds living in Israel and many of them in the IDF.
Of course, I remember the killing of the Iranian general, and in retaliation, the Iranians launched the largest ballistic missile attack ever against the US, and our response was nothing.
I know, let's wait until they develop nuclear weapons then we can stand by like we are doing with the Ukraine and grit our teeth.
I'm glad you took note.
You're statement of destroying Tehran would be laughable if you weren't serious.
Keyboard warriors abound on NT.
You should take note, Vic. I see that you have nothing to say about the largest ballistic missile attack on the US in history nor the wounding of hundreds of our military. Avoidance of facts seems to be your MO.
Who the hell is talking about fighting Iran? We are talking about not lifting sanctions on them or buying the terrorist state's blood oil.
Seems that the left and Brandon need to learn there is a sweet spot in between all out war and complete capitulation.
Once Iran has nuclear weapons, we will hear Oh God we can't do anything about it!
pffft, they've been producing weapons grade plutonium for over 2 decades, thanks to dick cheney.
Oh it's Cheney? Is that the best you can do?
People are reading this.
guess who else helped NK get their ability to produce weapons grade plutonium with the stroke of a pen and a paycheck? hint - he's dead now.
I know who ignored him for 8 years. That was the other radical who got elected via a crisis.
the GOP has been fellating iran behind closed doors since the first ronnie raygun campaign. fact.
We've heard from Russia and we've heard from Iran. How long before China shows us what they think of Joe Biden?
Nonsense, they come here for the Branco cartoons.
they already ran the numbers and public opinion scenarios and decided against it. they'll straddle the fence politically while they clean up financially, being the only friend with money that russia has.
Who knows, maybe the response of the Ukrainians gave them pause, however Biden has about 3 years left and if they are going to make a military move on Taiwan that will be the window to do it.
I don't think the expense involved is worth the real estate to china. nationalism is their only motivation, and they're getting a primer on how that would play out on the world stage right now. if taiwan is as corrupt and commie contaminated as the right wing makes it out to be, it'll eventually fall into their laps.
Yup, the CCP is worried about the world's reaction, just like they worry about how the rest of the world is concerned about their treatment of the Uyghurs.
IMO, and I know there are members here who have absolutely no respect for it, I think Xi Jinping is a pragmatic person, having seen the world's reaction to Putin's invasion of Ukraine, and having more interest in China's economic growth than in a situation that has not essentially changed for many decades, I really doubt there will be a military invasion of Taiwan any time soon, if ever. As for the concerns about the lure of Taiwan's chip manufacturing, Xi Jinping is encouraging the speeding up the development of that industry at home - certainly the elements needed are plentiful or obtainable.
Let's hope together
certainly the elements needed are plentiful or obtainable.
Like cobalt?
Yes. (LINK) ->
Yes, they want to corner the market.
And they love the green energy movement in the US.
Did Hunter help them with any of those deals?
I don't know anything about Hunter Biden, nor do I even want to. I also really don't care about Ivanka Trump, Chelsea Clinton, or Obama's kids. Don't even bother to ask me about Margaret Truman.
Then I won't tell you.
Let the Iranians know if they do this shit again we will destroy the launch site in retaliation. We still have significantly more first strike capability in the region that they do.
Oh, if they do it again?
I see.
Yes, again. No one was hurt, no one was killed, nothing was damaged. With everything going on in Europe and the possibility of hostilities in SE Asia I would not launch a retaliatory strike against some piss ant like Iran over this.
That is called strategic thinking and prioritizing.
It's like when someone fires a bullet at you and misses. Nobody got hurt that's the bottom line, let's all forget it. / S
Do you suggest we engage in active hostilities with Iran, at this moment? We want to have to potentially deal with 3 fronts?
Lol seriously? You think right now we should attack and invade Iran (ultimately we will have to)?
Invade Iran?
Holy fuck Vic, [Deleted]
[Read the thread.]
They have far more military personnel and resources to fight a war in the area than we do. Or have you forgotten all of the Iranian terrorist/militias operating in Iraq and Syria, as well their normal troops?
How thin do you want to spread US forces?
Lol, you have an interesting view of the Iranian military.
First off I said first strike, which means essentially missiles and stealth aircraft. Our ability in the regard is significantly larger than theirs. Secondly, if the Russian military is struggling this much in the Ukraine, and they are way better armed and trained that the Iranian army, what do you think the Iranian military can actually do?
No more than we already are. I am not talking an invasion, just a retaliatory strike.
Like the Iranians won't react to a retaliatory strike.
Remember their reaction when Trump took out their POS general that was coordinating Iranian militia attacks against out troops in Iraq? They are not going to just sit back and take it. They have more boots on the ground than we do; and they can move more freely in Iraq than we can.
Outside of our love of oil one has to really question what the hell we are still doing there?
meh, we're already shooting at them in syria. a little more military focus on their positions would work. face it, they'll still be pissed off about that iran clown trump blew up in another 400 years.
Biden is your man. I remember when he was a candidate and not one of you could tell us what he stood for.
still way better than the autocratic alternative...
The people who bought that are now kicking themselves. And do they deserve it!
not me. I waiting to kick something else.
In that case, it's going to be a very tough decade for you.
Did you miss the part about there being no American targets? "In the direction of", is meaningless...
I didn't miss a thing. That's Wendy Sherman's opinion or maybe Biden's.
I think you know better. That's why you are so worried about what's happening under Biden.
With no credible source saying Americans were targeted that is just your opinion. A wrong discredited opinion, but it is all yours. If you take a look outside your far rightwing bubble you will find Joe Biden is leading the free world. You are grasping at straws!
Just like your comments....partisan and deceitful, but yours nonetheless.
I am confident in the righteousness of truth!
I've tried to introduce you to it.
LOL, this article is turning into a comedy.
If only they had listened to me.
Exactly, they may have been targeting the US troops at the airport, the US consulate compound, 'secret' Israeli operations or a Kurdish TV station. You never know what those rambunctious Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps is going to target next. They are wacky, dangerous and inept.
Iran is just rubbing Biden's nose in the dirt at this point. Biden, much like Obama, is willing to suffer any national embarrassment and give Iran and Russia what they want so Biden can announce a deal.
Iran is just exacting some final humiliations before it consents to take gifts from Biden.
We need a secret flight with pallets of money to get a deal going, right?
Find those sent to Iraq and reship them.
Iraq, Afghanistan, Ukraine- we are very free with our money and military hardware. We like to try and do the same thing several times; because sooner or later it just has to work.
Our foreign policy is stuck on stupid; but it keeps the our enemies solvent- and our military industrial complex happy.
Are you fucking kidding? Russia is falling into economic ruin and so far being humiliated militarily. That is of course primarily due to the Ukrainians saying "go fuck yourself" to the Russians, but also because of American and NATO support.
This strike in Iraq barely happened, we need to be careful about how we respond because we don't want to potentially end up fighting 3 wars at once.
Fuck the Iranians at this point, they ain't getting shit.
ussia is falling into economic ruin and so far being humiliated militarily.
Russia, just like they did before, is negotiating the deal with Iran. Sergei Lavrov has been calling the shots in the negotiations. The proposed deal had Russia taking Iran's uranium and acting as the arbiter.
What a win for Putin that would be.
w we respond because we don't want to potentially end up fighting 3 wars at once.
We don't have to do anything, just avoid giving the store to Iran for no purpose.
fuck the Iranians at this point, they ain't getting shit.
That would be great, but of course they are.
Proposals are just that, proposals. FOX had proposal to takeover SKY News, it didn't workout and SKY partnered with MSNBC/NBC instead.
So they traded right wing shithead ownership (who at least have a real audience and revenue stream) for really moronic far left wing ownership (who wouldn't know a good business model if it bit them in the ass). I am sure that will work out well for all sides involved. MSNBC/NBC will have SKY on the fast track to the bottom in no time at all.
Russia’s top state-controlled energy company is set to cash in on a $10 billion contract to build out one of Iran’s most contested nuclear sites as part of concessions granted in the soon-to-be-announced nuclear agreement that will guarantee sanctions on both countries are lifted.
Russian and Iranian documents translated for the Washington Free Beacon show that Rosatom, Russia’s leading energy company, has a $10 billion contract with Iran’s atomic energy organization to expand Tehran’s Bushehr nuclear plant. Russia and the Biden administration confirmed on Tuesday that the new nuclear agreement includes carveouts that will waive sanctions on both countries so that Russia can make good on this contract.
"We, of course, would not sanction Russian participation in nuclear projects that are part of resuming full implementation of the JCPOA," State Department spokesman Ned Price confirmed on Tuesday, referring to the original 2015 nuclear accord. Russia’s foreign ministry made a similar statement on Tuesday, saying that "additions were made to the text of the future agreement on JCPOA restoration to ensure that all the JCPOA-related projects, [especially] with Russian participation, as well as Bushehr [nuclear power plant], are protected from negative impact of anti-Russian restrictions" by the United States and European Union.
Biden just can't quit giving things to Iran and Russia.
This article, and many of their comments, confirms that UBH (UNHINGED BIDEN HATRED) is now rampant among many reactionaries.
Apparently, sandy values your comment.
I always value Sandy's opinions and comments.
Thank you, Tessy. I value yours as well.
In Conclusion:
I think it's obvious that current occupant of the White House is weak and incompetent. Iran is a small rouge nation that wants to destroy Israel and the US as well. Allowing such nations to take shots at the US sets a dangerous precedent. More importantly, Iran is determined to develop nuclear weapons. They should never be allowed to do that. At the very least our close ally, Israel should be given the weapons necessary to destroy Iran's nuclear facilities, just as Ukraine should be given all the necessary weapons to defeat Russia's thus far, inept army.
To our Readers:
Apologies for some of the responses to this article.
Israel already has the weapons to do so ... fortunately they also have smarter minds.
Wow, that was clever.
Those "smarter minds" took out Syria's nuclear facilities many years ago.
It's called self preservation btw.
That is an utterly ridiculous comment. Nothing could be further from the truth.
No it is spot on. No doubt whatsoever.
How original
And there is no HATE involved.
How can everything have gone so wrong so fast in our country in one year? Russia is invading Ukraine, China threatens Taiwan, Iran is building nuclear weapons, and we have lost our energy independence overnight.
Things may have changed from what I recall from a few years ago, and that was that because Iran has placed nuclear development facilities deep under mountains Israel did not have the necessary penetrating bunker bombs and the USA would not give them to Israel. Have they done so yet?
We both know that Israel isn't going to sit back and depend on Biden for their security nor will they allow Iran to have a nuclear weapon.
Locking until the seeded article is properly cited.