Mixed messages and cleanups

Thursday saw the ever-confused president of the United States totally confused when asked a question about whether he's considering a delay on rescinding the Trump-era Title 42 mandate. Joe seemed to think the question related to the federal government's mask mandate for public transit. All of which prompted the White House to issue a statement to clarify his position. The mask mandate for planes and public transit, was struck down this past week by a federal judge in Florida. Biden's department of "justice" punted it to the CDC, so that the Biden regime wouldn't be taking any more heat for an unpopular mask mandate. The CDC, as we all know, has notoriously acted in behalf of the administration and the Teacher's union.
When Biden was asked by a reporter if he was considering a delay on rescinding the Trump-era Title 42 covid mandate, he responded this way:
"No, what I'm considering is continuing to hear from my – first of all, there's going to be an appeal by the Justice Department," Biden said after remarks he gave in the White House on the war in Ukraine. Because as a matter of principle, we want to be able to be in a position where if, in fact, it is strongly concluded by the scientists that we need Title 42 that we be able to do that. But there has been no decision on extending Title 42."
As happens on almost a daily basis, his handlers had to clean it up:
"I want to clarify that, in comments at the conclusion of my remarks this morning, I was referring to the CDC’s mask mandate and there is no Department of Justice action on Title 42.” Supposedly issued by Joe Biden
The Week:
A Hostile Tender Offer:
Hostile Tender Offer: Definition
In a hostile takeover , an offer to buy the target company's stock from shareholders . A hostile tender offer occurs when the target company's board of directors has recommended that shareholders not sell , and it will usually try to make a better offer than the hostile tender offer to buy out shareholders and avoid being taken over. The success of a hostile tender offer depends on how high it is compared to what the board of directors is willing to offer.
Elon Musk just announced in a new securities filing that he had secured the $43 billion he would need to acquire Twitter for $54.20 per share, and that he is weighing a tender offer to acquire the company for that price. This one goes around the board and right to the stockholders. It now seems that Musk will succeed and the people who use Twitter will be well served, as will be the 1st Amendment.
A whole new world:
"On Thursday, the Florida legislature passed a bill seeking to dissolve a special district that allows the Walt Disney Company to act as its own government within the outer limits of Orange and Osceola counties. If Gov. Ron DeSantis signs the bill into law, the Reedy Creek special district would be dissolved effective June 1, 2023."
Disney stock is now in a free fall.
CNN pulls the plug: After only 3 years and a massive investment CNN ended it's streaming service called CNN Plus. It was a crazy idea considering that CNN was the lowest rated cable news network. CNN Plus basically featured the same leftist anchors that the failing flagship station provided. Oh ya, Chris Wallace was to be included. Sorry Chris, call it karma for the way you kept interrupting the President of the United States during the 2020 presidential debates.
Yahoo explains the siege of Mariupol:
"After reducing Ukraine’s eastern port city of Mariupol to rubble , President Vladimir Putin on Thursday called the military campaign there a success, something he desperately needs as the war grinds into its third month.
It's anything but.
Russia stopped short of routing hundreds of Ukrainian fighters from the strategic city’s giant steel plant . Ukraine and President Joe Biden rejected Putin’s claim of victory."
Who's right?
Hannity: Oh yes, Sean Hannity became the longest running prime time cable news host in the history of television.
Congrats Sean.
What have we learned?
If we didn't know then, we definitely know now that Barack Obama was right when he said "Don't underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up."
We also saw the determination of those who control this proxy puppet of a president to fill the country with illegal migrants and double down on the war against fossil fuels. Even moderate democrats are starting to defect. As for the front man in the White House, he stubbornly has decided that he is not only fit to be president, but he intends to run in 2024. He told his mentor Barack Obama just that. That conversation was leaked. I'm not sure if it was a concerned Obama or a determined Biden who did the leaking. BTW, Obama was out giving lectures again this past week. Now he wants to change our perspective, That's going to be hard to do after a year of radical policies that hurt so many Americans.
The most laughable thing was the leftist excuse maker "PolitiFact" and others trying to pretend that Biden's extended hand to nobody was a pointing gesture (with a full open hand) or a handshake offer to someone "out there" near the stage!
Cartoon of the Week:
Honorable Mention:
The next President of the United States:
Media credibility is at an all time low and the vast majority of Americans think the country is moving in the wrong direction.
Vic, there was one that was missed:
US Capitol evacuated due to US Army parachute demo before baseball game at Nationals Park
The U.S. Capitol was briefly evacuated Wednesday evening after police identified an aircraft that they said posed “a probable threat” — but the plane was actually carrying members of the U.S. Army Golden Knights, who then parachuted into Nationals Park for a pregame demonstration.
The alert from the U.S. Capitol Police sent congressional staffers fleeing from the Capitol and legislative building around 6:30 p.m. ET.
Apparently the Capitol police don't keep track of what is going on in their city.
Yes, that was a good one. Pelosi defended the Praetorian Guard against the FAA.
Sounds like the plane was doing what it was supposed to. It was the communication that looks like was the problem. Imagine the embarrassment of not being able to track a government owned plane filled with US Army Paratroopers.
Well, we shall find out what makes the Capitol Police tic & everything about Jan 6th as soon as the Republicans get the gavels.
So the republican plan if/when they get control, is to go after the Capitol Police.
The Republican plan is to find out why the Capitol Police were unprepared and why an unarmed woman was shot to death. Also who made the decisions.
It's called accountability. Something the Democrats have been avoiding.
There are too many government agencies that are similarly uninformed. The Secret Service claims that it doesn't keep records of visitors to Biden's DE homes and how many times they've been there.
Republicans also need to find out why unarmed, peaceful protesters were escorted into the Capitol building by police officers. There are plenty of videos of this.
That too. Some people think the Republicans will end that investigation next year. To the contrary, they are going to take a good look at it.
First of all, unless they were searched, you can't state with any credulity that they were unarmed.
Secondly, why do you think that the House and IG investigations and reports from 2021 on the Capitol Police were insufficient?
They already have. You can go watch the hearings and IG testimony on C-Span.
A great and accurate accounting of the week. Well done!
It was a pleasure!
Great wrap up as usual Vic. Hit all the high spots.....................again.
It was hard to narrow it all down with so many important stories. We had the 9th and 10th buses arrive in DC from Texas and Heard vs Depp and Hispanics turning on the democratic party over woke-ism. I just pulled out what I thought was most important to the majority of Americans and our readers!
I'm hearing echoes ... Great wrap up Jody!
Ahhh memories
Time wounds all heels.
How did they ever allow that one. You're living well.
Yikes, nothing about the real mouse, Kevin McCarthy, or are we waiting for the spin cycle?
He told us about what they would run on and what the new committees would be taking up next year. I didn't think you'd be interested.
I guess you were too busy fawning over Hannity's longevity ... so for your edification:
I do admire longevity, along with "stamina."
so for your edification:
So what? That's not going to change anything. Your guys are on their way our - tarred & feathered on a rail!
That's the problem, it's not going to change anything ... lying is now something to be praised.
You only have those who labored so hard to elect Biden to blame. The nation has suffered for over a year, at least now they know what they are against.
Yay, Americans are against Mickey and Maus! Your boy DeSantis is starting to act like a mini dictator and the 'we' cheer him on.
A mini dictator?
You mean like ignoring a sworn duty and opening the southern border? Or imposing federal mask mandates? Or having the DOJ investigate/intimidate parents?
You did a great job on the economy / S
Not to mention the southern border
We? What clean up position are you in Tessylo?
Interesting isn't it? Liz Cheney was secretly recording Kevin McCarthy for the New York Times.
How cute, supposition posted as fact.
After a year, you should know who you are dealing with. A twitter by Matt Gaetz is proof of zilch.
You are not the first to figure out how I utilize Twitter. That line begins with the gardener.
I can see why you're so far behind, if that's what you call wkor.
So, you support your claim by citing that Gaetz did the same?
Jessie Pinkman?
No, he's acting responsible and looking out for his constituents. Something many liberal left politicians have forgotten the meaning of nowadays.
Fat checkers have assured me the video only appears to show Biden not knowing what title 42 is. What you see and hear is wrong, and Biden was correctly answering a question sent to him telepathically by an out of sight reporter.
Per fact checkers, it’s Russian misinformation to claim he botched the question.
"Remember back to the Fall of 2020, right as the original Hunter Biden laptop story broke in the New York Post and Twitter interfered in the election by shutting down the distribution of the story and disabling the Post’s Twitter account? Just hours after the Post report, which turned out to be entirely true and accurate, other media sources began circulating a letter allegedly signed by 51 intelligence officials, both current and retired, allegedly from both parties, who called the Hunter Biden laptop and the information contained therein a sophisticated Russia disinformation campaign."
Every one of them should be called before committees in the next congress.
They didn't say that?
Of course not........................to some folks who live
on a daily basis.
I wonder if DeSantis or the legislative branch thought out who is going to pick up the close to $2 billion in bond debt that currently Disney handles. Oh, that's right the citizens of the county.
That should make them overjoyed.
It's probably going to be paid for in property taxes. It's hard, but DeSantis chose to stand on principle.
Good luck with that and what principle is DeSantis standing on...
The county tax collector said it will raise county property tax rates 15% to 20%, the residents are going to love that.
LOL so that is why DeSantis is attempting to take away Disney's status. How fucking stupid is that since it will cost the citizens of the county a lot of money. Perhaps DeSantis and the dimwits in the legislature can pay it out of their government paychecks.
Stupid is as stupid does.
The leadership at Disney is now comprised of the woke, or should I say the scum of the earth. They are no longer entitled to the autonomy once bestowed on a US company back in 1967.
Well you could always channel Putin's mass grave diggers ... that's where he puts scum.
I don't follow Putin the way you seem to.
For what logical and truthful reason? Has the Disney policing underperformed? Been shown negligent or incompetent?
Cry me a river.
Nope, the scum of the earth are those (DeSantis and republican legislators) that are going to have the citizens of the county pay the $2 billion in bonds and fork up for all of the ongoing provisions that Disney had paid for.
Good to know that you support the scum of the earth and screwing the citizens of Florida.
What government giveth, government can taketh away.
A straight businessman would know that you don't bite the hand that feeds you. Ideologues don't care.
Cry me a river.
So now will they be on the hook for all fire, police service. The electric grid, roads.....
Very totalitarian there. Don't dare say anything against the government. It will strike back.
Just exactly what kind of message are you trying to send?
No, that would be like trying to drive a fast food company out of business for making a private statement.
Just exactly what kind of message are you trying to send?
Just one: Don't indoctrinate young children.
next time don't kick the hornets nest.
I guess the free lunch is over.
So private people going after a company is the same as the government doing so?
Do you know what you are actually cheering on? A government that can retaliate against people and companies that do not fall in line?
This is your idea of what America should be?
Actually, the free lunch in Florida is DeSantis and the legislators drawing a citizen-supported paycheck.
First, wouldn't a Transgender businessman know this? Second, Perhaps you are confused as to the people playing the roles in the above scenario.
Who is lying to you? Children aren't being indoctrinated.
Hornets nest??? More like mosquito swamp.
What government did that Vic?
Since when did Disney start doing that?
Oh wait, since FOREVER.
Do you suggest Raid instead?
What is that we aren't letting the woke have perks?
I think writing those short stories was a better idea.
My guess is DeSantis and Disney will come to some sort of agreement before the law goes into effect in July that stops Disney from being wokes and indoctrinating children in exchange for their autonomy back.
If not, Disney will probably raise prices yet again that will restrict even more low and middle income families from attending, reducing revenue.
It will be a win win for Florida, especially the children.
We shall see.
Let's Go DeSintax!
Nope...I don't think it will catch on.
Nor do I, too derivative.
Right now it's those little stickers we see on gas pumps:

I was talking to a gas station owner last week. He said "I keep taking them off and they just keep putting them on."
How cute, Americans are copying Russians.
Says who? You and Brennan?
There are dozens of links, would you like one?
A link for what?
Now you are being disingenuous ... I have a new book to continue reading, have a nice day.
All the best!
Both DeSantis and the legislature know this will go nowhere. I've read a couple of conflicting reports on how this get finalized - either the county residences vote (about 100 people) - those that will be saddled with that $1B debt bond OR the county land owners vote and that's Disney. Plus it doesn't go into effect until July 2023 AND the legislature gave themselves the option to revote on it.
It's all about DeSantis looking tough - and it's all bark; no bite.
Better than Biden who has neither./sarc
Tried to find a link to that ... alas nary a one.
You are the head checker, I thought it was KP. Here let me fix it:
How's that?
It would have been better if you would have done it correctly the first time, but that's your style.
Then again others here are allowed to post slogans and posters here all the time.
Maybe it would be better if you followed the code and stopped trying to make it about me, but that's your fucking style.
Calling out lies and bullshit is my style, seems that you can't dodge the fact that you posted a fucking lie.
LOL, carry on.
Not since I've known you.
Guys, you are getting way too personal here. Knock it off. Only warning.
TRUMP: "Congratulations to CNN+ on their decision to immediately FOLD for a lack of ratings, or viewers in any way, shape, or form."
So the republicans tout themselves as business first yet here they are trying to harm a company that doesn't follow their narrative.
The state of Florida is repealing a special tax status, which they once granted Disney. If Disney didn't get into politics it wouldn't have happened.
That is your excuse? They dared have an opinion?
From your link above.
So now the counties will be on the hook for all cost involved in this?
Is that what you call it?
Here is where Disney is:
"Disney is pushing critical race theory on employees through a new plan called “Reimagine Tomorrow,” urging workers to recognize their “white privilege,” in a battery of training modules on topics such as “systemic racism” and “white fragility,” according to internal documents obtained by City-Journal’s Christopher Rufo.
Staffers are told to reject “equality” for “equity” and must “reflect” on America’s “racist infrastructure” and “think carefully about whether or not [their] wealth” is derived from racism, according to the documents.
In one anti-racism training course, called “Allyship for Race Consciousness,” workers are taught that the US has a “long history of systemic racism and transphobia” and told they must “take ownership of educating yourself about structural anti-black racism.
Staffers should “not rely on your black colleagues to educate you,” which is “emotionally taxing,” the docs reportedly instruct,
Disney recommends its staffers hit the books, suggesting one essay that encourages parents to commit to “raising race-consciousness in children” and which teaches that “even babies discriminate” against members of other races.
The far-left turn by the house of Mickey Mouse has led to sky-high tensions, but staffers are terrified about speaking out against the ideology, multiple employees told City-Journal.
“There are “almost daily memos, suggested readings, panels, and seminars that [are] all centered around antiracism,” one employee told the outlet.
The company is “completely ideologically one-sided” and actively discourages Christian and or conservative workers from speaking their mind, the worker said.
“I attended several [training sessions] at the beginning just to see what the temperature of the discussion would be and to gauge if I would be able to bring up my own objections in a safe way—safe meaning for my career. And I’ve continually gotten the unspoken answer: ‘no,’” the employee told the outlet.
“It’s been very stifling to feel like everyone keeps talking about having open dialogue and compassionate conversations, but when it comes down to it, I know if I said one thing that was truthful, based on data, or even just based on my own personal experience, it would actually be rather unwelcomed,” the person continued,
The company has also backed a “21-Day Racial Equity and Social Justice Challenge” day where participants are told they “all been raised in a society that elevates white culture over others,” City-Journal reported.
As part of the challenge, staffers learn about their “white privilege” and are asked to fill out a white privilege “checklist,” with choices such as: “I am white,” “I am heterosexual,” “I am a man,” “I still identity as the gender I was born in,” “I have never been raped,” “I don’t rely on public transportation,” and “I have never been called a terrorist.”
The company has recently shown a willingness to embrace the new ideology, adding “content advisories” to films such as “Dumbo,” “Aladdin,” and “Fantasia.”
And it fired “Mandalorian” actress Gina Carano in February after she made what were considered right-wing comments on social media.
“The great irony of this is that the people who are in charge of Disney are some of the richest and most powerful and privileged white males in the history of humanity and they are pushing this divisive, critical race theory based ideology as corporate dogma and the only end of this is division. It’s self-hatred,” Rufo said Friday on Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”
A Disney spokesperson told The Post Saturday that the internal documents are being “deliberately distorted as reflective of company policy.”
“In fact their purpose was to allow diversity of thought and discussion on the incredibly complex and challenging issues of race and discrimination that we as a society and companies nationwide are facing,” the company said, noting its “long history of inclusivity with stories that reflect acceptance and tolerance and celebrate people’s differences.”
Yup. That's twice I've said it....so far.
No matter what you all say, being inclusive and trying to make employees more understanding of each other is not a bad thing.
Stop listening to tucker. He is a nut job.
LMAO....Is that what it's called?
Why do republicans all the sudden want to tell a company what to teach and what not to.
Is that what they are doing?
I thought it related to this:
"Disney CEO Bob Chapek announced that not only did the company oppose the “Don’t Say Gay” bill, but that it would be donating $5 million to LGBTQ rights organizations including the Human Rights Campaign."
So now you want to retaliate against a company because you do not like who they donated money to?
First of all they mischaracterized a Florida law and publicly opposed it. They got into politics and they forgot that they are a guest in the state of Florida.
Since when does the left ever defend a corporation running their own little government, maintaining infra structure, and policing? The left are full on big government for everything.
But since Disney is properly woke; and changing their business model to enforce that wokeness- the left is truly in love with them.
Disney has a special tax status to with the authority; that is going away as well. The left should be thrilled with all the new tax revenue from that big evil corporation that will be flowing in.
Did you read about it? They already pay taxes.
Personally I don't think the State of Florida should have done that. As corporations are people too (at least that's what "they" tell us) then this action is too close to an anti-First Amendment action. Not to mention the expense it will cost the citizens. I would have rather allow the market to play on this. I don't like corporations who feel they have to push into political action but many companies have been doing just that for a great many years. Let the market handle it and let those who support Disney continue to give their money and those who cannot support Disney to be able to find somewhere else to go on vacation.
A guest in Florida?
They have been there longer than a lot of transplants.
So I take it you all are saying it is ok to go after a company if they dare have an opinion about laws.
That is meddling in politics....
Good to know that it is now ok to attack and go after a company and people's livelihoods.
A government institution at that.
Did you read why Disney did it? Gay organizations were applying pressure. How are those organizations part of what Disney sells?
Corporations never pay their fair share, you know that.
Disney has a major investment in Florida. Real businessmen would have kept that in mind.
They're going to have to take it.
So once again, you are ok with a government entity retaliating against a company....
Careful what you wish for.
They are not but Disney has been including more LGBTQ agenda into their movies and shorts for quite some time now. I still feel it's better to allow the market to handle it, if the people don't want to see it in a Disney movie then they won't pay money to see it. Disney suffers in the end. But I don't think it is right for the state government to go after them for this and IMO the optics of this are just bad for Florida and DeSantis. It just looks like retaliation IMO. I don't know how this will impact him in Florida but I believe it's a cudgel that the Democrats will use especially if DeSantis decides to run for President.
You think gay people do not go to theme parks? Don't watch Disney movies?
I think it's the right action for the wrong reasons. Unless you are a fan of corporate welfare to billion dollar corporations, it's hard to rationalize the handouts Florida has given to Disney. That said, Florida's actions are little different than those state and local governments that have gone after Chick Filet for not having government approved moral values.
You know I would never say that. Should I consider that a smear?
I'm saying that children are Disney's customers & audience! That's where they should place their focus.
And that I agree with whole-heartedly. Any and all corporations should stay out of politics and concentrate on their business and audience.
So now gay people don't have families and children.....
I can't tell you how refreshing it is to read something so rational.
If you were the CEO of Disney, would you be listening to the suggestions of LGBTQ organizations?
Yes I would. I would listen to any organization that thought they were being marginalized.
Isn't that what a business should do? Grow the business and be inclusive of all?
The full amount they should?
All large corporations should pay the full amount, yet none of them do.
Ahh the kings of non-sequitur: Tucker Carlson, Christopher Rufo, The NYPost, et.al.
Rufo in particular is good at piling up the facts that may sound speciously good at defining a problem, but when we, as good little readers should, analyze the content of with a critical eye, we find it lacking of substance and correlation. A fine example of this "baffle them with Bullshit" method is on display here . (And, of course, above in Vic's linked article of the Post.)
...and to further this argument, would you say that no children are transgendered? That no children's parents are transgendered? That no child has a transgendered friend?
There is a large spectrum that some don't see.
It is politicly risky, but you know DeSantis motto: "Fortune favors the Brave!"
He really didn't have to take on Disney. He already got his Parents Rights Law passed. He could have avoided this battle, but I guess doing the right thing drives him
Sure he did. He needs something to fight against after his 'win', who better than Disney?
The right has been whining about Disney for decades, it's nothing new. Though the boycotts were a miserable fail, the Pearl Clutchers of Perpetual Virtue aren't done and Disney is their wet dream.
Disney is a trifecta.
Child centric = Pedophile groomers
MSM = Fake Liberal Media
Multicultural content = CRT.
Is that your dictionary?
Exactly, the right started with criticizing "Song of the South" for it's glorified view of slavery. The right-wing wackos remained fixated on the cunning and manipulative Siamese cats Si and Am in "Lady and the Tramp" and they wouldn't forget the jive talking crows in "Dumbo". They hated "Peter Pan" with it's caricatures of Native American culture. The right were incensed that the black protagonists in “The Princess and the Frog” were turned into animals. They wouldn't forget "Aladdin" and it's perpetuation of racial and ethnic stereotypes of Arabs. More recently, the right condemned the remake of "Mulan" for not addressing Uyghur human rights violations. The right also saw sexisms in so many Disney productions.
You got that right, this behemoth corporation knows how to make bundles of money.
Do you need help with the definition of a word Vic?
I don't have a personal dictionary but here's a started dictionary for you:
Oxford Learner's Dictionaries | Find definitions, translations, and grammar explanations at Oxford Learner's Dictionaries (oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com)
I don't remember you having a problem when Obama put the IRS on conservative 501s.
Please post a link proving that Obama put the IRs on conservative 501s.
The IRS did it on it's own? You mean Lois Lerner acted all by herself?
They weren't definitions you gave. Those were antonyms.
The great lesson here is threefold:
1) Disney needs to stay out of these divisive cultural fights.
2) The lesson for activists in the workplace is that their bosses run the office, not the nation.
3) Disney needs Florida more than Florida needs Disney.
There is no need to baffle in your case
Your questions are none responsive AND strawmen.
Please post a link proving that Obama put the IRs on conservative 501s.
Another strawman.
You asked about 'my dictionary'. I use the dictionary for definitions and origins. I don't want to know what YOU use it for Vic.
Seems like you do need a dictionary. Look up equation.
Of course, those equations are from the perspective of the Pearl Clutchers of Perpetual Virtue.
Corporations are people too, right?
You base that on WHAT Vic?
BTFW, now that Florida has rendered their 50+ year old contract with Disney, null and void, WHY would any Fortune 500 company trust any investment deal with Florida?
Oh a poster. Isn't that special.
That's another one out of arguments.
How could I do that?
Those are radical left wing opinions of what normal people think.
Because it's not in the best interest of the stockholders. Neither is putting ideologues on the Board.
You base that on WHAT Vic?
Based on the venue that Florida provides, both in weather and location. Disney has made a major investment in Florida. The company's future depends on maintaining a good relationship with the state of Florida.
BTFW, now that Florida has rendered their 50+ year old contract with Disney, null and void, WHY would any Fortune 500 company trust any investment deal with Florida?
Florida, like Texas is the place to do business.
What they like to do is say prove what can't be proven, but logically has happened. It's only a tactic.
Why pretend that you don't know how to post links Vic?
Nope. Those are my opinions and I am not a radical in any direction.
A lot of people believe in those equations, 'opinions vary' on whether they are 'normal people'.
Really? Then why has the value of Disney's stock consistently gone up even though the RW has been haranguing them for decades?
See above.
Florida just removed any advantages that the location provided.
Yes, and Florida just bit the hand that feed it [5 billion a year in state and local taxes above and beyond the bond payments].
Nope. Disney is WAY more than Disneyworld.
There is no doubt in my mind that Disney will sue Florida over the bill they just passed.
Again, non-responsive.
Since you block quoted my comment for that reply, please cite where I asked you to PROVE anything Vic.
Really? Decades of RW haranguing?
Wasn't it the LW haranguing Disney for decades on racism, sexism and the reinforcement of stereotypes in their productions?
Really. Are you unaware of the multiple boycotts by the RW? They're well documented and reported by the RW media.
I don't know, why don't you tell me all about it. Links?
I'm sorry that you got confused. The question is how does one provide proof of something that however obvious, lacks evidence?
Yes, those are your opinions, but as far as whether you are radical is left to the reader here to decide.
You should talk to your broker so they can explain to you about stock investments.
Yes, we know. Progressives and billion dollar corporations are joined at the hip and work together.
Nope. Disney still has the fine weather, the tourists and that wonderful place the company invested in long ago. I doubt they would walk away from that. There has to be a red blooded businessman somewhere in that organization. I think they should fire every ideologue that was placed on the board.
Somehow these evil individuals have crawled into ever center of power. I think we are finally seeing the magnitude of this tragedy.
So, your posit is that something can be obvious even though there is a lack of any evidence?
I think most of the American people are outraged by the idea of teachers discussing sex and all the progressive derivatives in grades K-3. Any decent human being would be outraged.
How many examples do you need?
Did OJ Simpson kill his wife? Did Bill Clinton have sex in the WH? Did Al Capone have people killed? All are obvious, yet the evidence can't be easily found. In the case you wanted to focus on the IRS showed obvious bias towards Conservative organizations. They admitted it. Lois Lerner was held in contempt of Congress and resigned. It all happened under Obama's watch, yet you are satisfied that there is no evidence linking Obama to the IRS.
Any decent person would demand evidence that such a thing was actually happening before they accused teachers of doing such a thing.
The Florida K-3 curriculum contains NO instruction on sex. NONE. NADA. It's online for your review.
So now, there is a super duper king size, prohibition of something that NEVER existed in the first fucking place.
In short, they legislated against an IDEA that they fabricated.
Who are these ideologues you keep speaking of and what is their ideology Vic?
“…they legislated against an IDEA that they fabricated.”
Some will argue that passing legislation against a non-issue is somehow meaningful, ignoring all the real issues that demand attention.
The disconnect speaks loud and clear.
I thought you'd never ask!
Here you go:
Just ONE that actually meets the predicate I set. Every example you gave has a plethora of evidence to support it. YOU have cited NONE.
Bullshit Vic.
I have made NO claim, YOU did.
YOU stated as a fact that:
Then YOU stated that you lack evidence of that stated fact and that it 'can't be proven' yet you continue to demand that I accept it as a fact.
Your posit is ludicrous.
Yet as per your MO, you post a link that does NOT prove what you stated.
Your link is about a producer, NOT a board member.
Utter fail.
You know, Dulay, it is getting very old teaching you things you should have been aware of years ago.
It has been well known the Obama admin IRS focused on conservative groups with key words that triggered leftist IRS agents.
Before you try and say it is not true, then why did the left wing Reuters report that the IRS settled with conservative groups and apologized for using key words to target them?
BTFW, Dulay...here is your link
I'm very interested in how you are going to spin this to fit the loon left narrative s/
He will leave Tallahassee....by way of being your next President
Why don't YOU provide, for once, some links showing proof of "decades of RW haranguing" of Disney.
This seems to be something you like to demand, yet never seem to do yourself.
Delusions of grandeur.
Oh, and hysterical.
THAT is a wholly DIFFERENT statement than Vic's bugsy.
Your sad attempt at goal post moving is noted.
What's very interesting is your spin of the actual content of your own link.
It clearly states that the Trump JUSTICE Dept. settled with the 501cs and the Trump IRS apologized.
The most famous backlash came in the late 1990s, when the Southern Baptist Convention voted to boycott Disney over LGBT issues, including Ellen DeGeneres coming out as a lesbian on her ABC show, the annual “ Gay Days ” event at Disney World organized by outsiders and the company’s extension of health benefits to partners of LGBTQ workers.
In 1997, the first year of the boycott and part of Disney World’s 25th anniversary celebration, attendance at the signature Magic Kingdom park grew by 3 million, the South Florida Sun-Sentinel reported . Combined attendance at the Florida parks hit records through 2000, according to an Orlando Sentinel report on industry estimates. The boycott ended in 2005.
Conservatives want to cancel Disney over LGBTQ issues. It's not the first time. - The Washington Post
Dozens of Conservative Christian groups joined in.
They have been boycotting Disney for DECADES, there are still boycotts against Disney and there are calls for MORE boycotts against Disney. Go look at Candice Owens website.
Another free educational moment for you, Dulay...
I'll try to dumb it down for you, Kamala Harris style....
The IRS is a segment of the executive branch. The President of the United States is head of the executive branch. Barack Obama was the president and head of the executive branch during this scandal.
Therefore, because the buck stops with the boss, Obama put the IRS on the conservative groups.
If you don't like it, not my problem that facts elude you.
As far as the apology, nowhere did I mention WHAT administration did the apologizing, so fail there.
By the Trump admin IRS apologizing, they recognize the fuck up the OBAMA admin IRS was and tried to make it right.
No more free education for you.
More delusions of grandeur bugsy.
Utter bullshit.
Hmmm. I read your link and can find no proof of your "decades of RW boycotts". Even your own post states the last boycott started in 1997 and ended in 2005. Eight years...Not even one decade, unless 8 years means decades in liberal loon speak.
The other boycott, and even the one of Candace Owens, is recent, over the past couple of months. Again...not decades. Months.
BTFW, Dulay, I have no delusions. When I am correct, I am correct...and this time is no different.
Again, obtuse
Calling something you can't rebut "bullshit" is not a logical argument, but we have seen this increased dramatically from you recently.
Sometimes horses that have been led to water would rather thoroughly dehydrate themselves rather than drink...
Or don't know how to take that drink and simply drown in what is given them.
That too.
From your link:
Obama fired Miller after an internal 2013 IRS audit released found poor management - not partisan politics - led to an “inappropriate” focus on conservative groups.
No criminal charges were ever filed against IRS officials.
Groups seeking tax exemption under federal law may engage in limited amounts of political activity, depending on the type of exemption sought. That and the vagueness of the rules often make it difficult for IRS agents to tell which groups overstep and become ineligible for exemption.
Bolding is mine.
This article provides much more clarity.
The IRS apologized for inappopaitely targeting conservative groups.
The taking of the fifth amendment, destruction of subpoenaed evidence, and the fact that Obama admin refused to appoint a special counsel given it's obvious conflict of interest made a criminal charges impossible. Imagine Eric Holder, Obama' s wingman, acting independently.
Instead the IRS settled million dollar lawsuits with conservative groups.
It's bullshit because of your use of a correlation/causation fallacy.
Not with your comments bugsy. I manage to refute them just fine.
The IRS targeted political groups on the left and the right. AG Jeff Sessions decided to settle with conservative plaintiffs. Big surprise.
No, the IRS apologized for targeting conservative groups. Under Obama, so you can't play the partisan card.
Dishonest Democrats (redundant, I know) started the "both sides" talking point. The difference in treatment between liberal and conservative groups is well documented, if you actaully care. After you prove something 20 times, and the same dishonest talking points pop right back up, it gets tiring. No whack a mole for me.
Read the Newsweek article.
Thanks, but I've read the actual first hand reports. An opinion piece by a hard left progressive pundit isn't worth my time.
Let's say the police in town arrested every black person who jaywalked, held each of them for weeks without trial and sought to punish all of them to the fullest extent possible allowed by the law. The same department ticketed 5% of white jaywalkers and issued fines for $5.
Are the police enforcing the jaywalking laws against both groups the same? After all, some whites were punished too!.
Only in your dreams. You can't rebut it so you try and call it something else so you can try and argue that. Typical leftist response when they have nothing.
Not with your comments bugsy. I manage to refute them just fine.
That's fucking hilarious Dulay. Again, only in your dreams. Calling something bullshit does not make a smart argument.
I'm sure our readers thought you were better than that, but alas, they were wrong.
Yet calling your comment a correlation/causation fallacy IS because it qualifies.
Pounding your chest and claiming VICTORY! isn't a credible argument for you bugsy.
You keep going Dulay.
I made a point that was correct. Just because you don't like it does not change that fact.
We all understand getting the last word is very important to you, no matter how wrong it is.
If you want to see someone pounding their chest in faux victory, might I suggest you hold a mirror to yourself.
You keep going bugsy.
You posted a correlation/causation fallacy,
Just because you think you made a point doesn't make it a fact.
'We' all understand getting the last word is very important to you, no matter how wrong it is.
If you want to see someone pounding their chest in faux victory, might I suggest you hold a mirror to yourself.
That's false bugsy. I block quoted the pertinent portion and linked the article. Members can read it for themselves and see that it says NOTHING about that being the 'last boycott' or even the first for that matter.
You deny delusion by posting a delusion.
I'm still waiting for an honest answer to my question Vic.
Really Vic, you leave it to the readers here to decide what YOU are?
How sad...
You got it.
Don't forget Joe Biden, AOC and Vladimir Lenin
It is sad that we can't all go out and tell people that we are on the side of the Angels.
That is a lie Vic. You posted a link to a producer, NOT a board member. Just stop.
Speak for yourself.
You asked where the ideologues were and I gave you a link. If you are now saying that you restricted it to board members, then you are doing the lying.
I think you should tend to arguments rather than trying creative ways to demonize people.
Actually, I asked WHO they were.
I didn't ask WHERE they were because YOU insisted that they were on the BOARD.
Your comments:
The above comment is the one I block quoted above my request. Stop with the games.
I didn't restrict them to the board Vic, it's what YOU claimed. Every member can see that for themselves.
I think YOU should. You made a fucking argument that you can't support Vic. Now, as is your MO, instead of moving on or manning up, you just deflect.
Guess when I 'tend to arguments', it leaves some speechless...
Evidently, you haven't heard.
Definitially, if it lacks evidence, how do you find it so obvious?
We are into a new week. This article is now in my rear view mirror.
Yet the pile of bullshit that you post here, week in and week out still gives off a stench.
Sorry but Hannity is not a 'news' host.
He is an opinion show.
Then all of his opinions turned out to be true.
Oh I forgot. I see a smear about PolitiFact above. I guess to discredit them.
It's not a smear, it's true. PolitiFact concocted a ridiculous explanation for Joe's extended hand to nobody.
Here is the blatant lie by PolitiFact:
But you know the truth...
Just like Hannity is always truthful aye...
Yup, I trusted my own eyes.
Just like Hannity is always truthful aye...
He was only 2 years ahead on the Russia/collusion hoax.
He was best friends with donald and admitted he talked to him regularly.
He is no where near the bastion of truth you make him out to be.
More than that. Hannity basically staked his career on Trump winning in 2016.
He is no where near the bastion of truth you make him out to be.
You mean because he believes in what Trump wanted to do?
appx 2/3 of Sean Hannity statements rated on Politifact have been determined to be false.
PolitiFact | Sean Hannity
Staked his career on it?
You think that if trump hadn't won, he would be without a job?
That was the point John. PolitiFact is a leftist apologist. They are what Obama calls "disinformation!"
PolitiFact said Joe was pointing with his entire hand. You said he made eye contact with someone in outer space.
Everyone knows better.
I do. I remember the Fox lineup at the time. They had a strong bench, which they eventually needed.
Then you are living in a dream land. They would not have fired him if donald didn't win.
Do you remember the lineup? In those days he was between the two tough Irish bullies - O'Reilly and Megyn Kelly. They had Bill Hemmer and Laura Ingraham all over as fill ins and Tucker Carlson waiting in the wings.
I dont think you would like to hear what everyone knows.
Biden was not shaking hands with an invisible person, he was acknowledging people at the side of the stage. That is as plain as day in video of the event.
Your belief that Sean Hannity is a truth teller is ridiculous.
I doubt it's that Biden was ever a genius.
Biden was not shaking hands with an invisible person, he was acknowledging people at the side of the stage.
So you keep saying.
That is as plain as day in video of the event.
Not as far as I can see.
Thanks for straightening me out / S
He was for a while the highest rated on the lineup.
tucker decided to go full on extremism and took the spot.
Hemmer and Ingraham could never over take him.
Always a close second to the Reactionary O'Reilly and now the Libertarian Carlson.
Believe it or not, I use to watch O'Reilly back in the day.
John, give it the hell up already.
No one believes you, or anyone else dumb enough, to keep pushing this BS.
There is no one close to Biden, the camera has to zoom out to find people sitting in where he is looking, no one steps forward to take Biden's hand or returns acknowledgment in any way. Biden turns with hand still extended to an empty damn wall! Who is he signaling then?
For all the garbage you and the Democrats threw at everyone about Trump not being all there with no proof and wanting him removed from office; the hypocrisy is beyond pale.
Now you have a real cognitive disaster in the White House that Democrats and the left put there. With new damn proof coming in daily of his cognitive decline. But we don't see any of you talking about the 25th; administering any psych tests; or even getting him help he so obviously needs.
Yes, since decimated by misogyny....
What a woke thing to say. No wonder the democrats are going to get their heads handed to them.
Biden was not holding his hand out for a handshake, he was gesturing towards people in the seats off the side of the stage, maybe 20 feet away (not a huge distance. )
That is not a guess, it is obvious from his facial expressions.
Fact checkers have agreed.
Unbelievable. People are still trying to make something out of this? Partisans waste so much time and energy trying to fabricate false facts to fuel political attacks. A totally counterproductive endeavor; that time and energy could be put to so much better use.
Well, you can call credible allegations of sexual misconduct and abuse "woke" If you want to.
Not sure what that says about your state of mind. Regardless, my comment stands as stated.
People, demonstrably, are quite capable of seeing what they want to see. And, laughably, will not question 'evidence' that supports their desires but will challenge the crap out of evidence that upsets their little worlds.
Quite of few conservatives cannot conceive of Biden without presuming Biden is a drooling, senile puppet. A cartoon world.
You mean like what was done to Brett Kavanaugh?
Can you comprehend how that confirms the spin against Biden too?
We could easily live with that if he governed as a moderate, like he claimed he was.
Obviously. Key on the word 'too' and the emphasis on 'against'.
Note that even when challenged on basic clarity you deflect and run.
If Biden were more moderate (per whatever scale you are working with) you would not conceive of him as a drooling, senile puppet? Or do you mean that you could better cope with a drooling, senile puppet if he were more moderate?
Seems like either way you are one of those who has this bizarre alternate reality notion of Biden as a drooling, senile puppet.
Feel free to clear this up.
I'd treat him as I would Bill Clinton in his second term. You wouldn't see anymore Biden articles from me. However, unlike Clinton he seems determined to continue with these radical policies that have hurt many Americans.
Seems like either way you are one of those who has this bizarre alternate reality notion of Biden as a drooling, senile puppet.
Should I now say what you seem like?
Would this be like supporting conspiracy theories like the Russia Collusion? Or one person orchestrating a protest at the Capital?
Could that be due to that is how he presents himself? There's no spin needed. No "alternate facts". That is exactly how he presents himself. A drooling senile puppet.
A perfect example of someone seeing what he wants to see in spite of reality.
Most of these are simply woke opinions of the "fact checkers". Just like the "fact checkers" you always cite concerning Trump's "lies".
I did not know he was on the bench at FOX News. Don't wander away into whataboutism land, Vic.
Now you just have a special day.
That was a national disgrace. A permanent stain on the democrat party.
Don't wander away into whataboutism land, Vic.
That's your territory
Now you just have a special day.
And you too, don't forget John Wagner's advice: "Wipe your mouth, there's still a tiny bit of bullshit around your lips.”.
Good one, Vic. What are you going to type at me next? Another piece of easily disprovable fluff? Or just more of your caustic opinions?
In spite of reality? That is the reality. You actually think the man is competent to even button his own shirt?
Another fine example of a partisan-induced fantasy.
Jeremy, Ronin, Just Jim do you think you influence anyone who is not already drinking the Kool-aid towards your way of thinking when you make ridiculous claims like this?
False facts- prove it.
The same people that went after Trump for every damn little thing and questioned his sanity and fitness for office; are the ones downplaying and making BS excuses for all of Biden's obvious mental decline. Biden's cognitive lapses are far worse than anything the left tried to pin on Trump.
TiG, you think you are influencing anyone by make excuses for Biden?
The evil Orange Man can't hurt you anymore; so there is no reason to continue to protect the current disaster in the Oval Office.
Where do you find me making excuses for Biden? Pay attention rather than (pathetically) invent 'facts'.
Show me where I am making excuses for Biden.
I called out your blindly partisan nonsense about Biden not being able to button his own shirt.
You, et. al. are so extreme at this point it is laughable. And you think that calling out your obviously ridiculous claims is 'defending' Biden.
Foolish delusion.
I respond to absurd, extreme nonsense from people like you. If you think that challenging ridiculous claims like Biden cannot button his own shirt is defending Biden then the problem lies with you; blind partisanship has preempted rational thought.
Criticize Biden for his handling of the border, for example. Don't make up ridiculous crap and think that will accomplish anything other than cause irrational sycophants to do high-5s and get this reaction from rational minds:
In short, invented ridiculous claims make the inventor look irrational.
And I do. So far Biden has the blood of 14 US Servicemembers on his hands because of his failures. 13 from the trainwreck retreat from Afghanistan and 1 from the Southern Border.
This is rich coming from somebody who has done just that against the last administration.
Wrong. Again you make up 'facts' in lieu of the ability to make a cogent argument.
Instead of lying, show me where I have made up any ridiculous crap about the Trump administration.
Since the last time I answered this question it was ticketed as "Taunting" I'll answer again.
Try reading your comments. I mention Biden doesn't have the capacity / ability to button his own shirt and you jump right in defending him. 8.1.44
And apparently the following question is "inflammatory" but I'll ask again: Why are you making excuses for him and this administration? You deluded enough to think this administration is actually doing well?
Apparently you have no concept of what it means to defend someone. My reply to you was to criticize the utter stupidity of your claim. Here, Jeremy, read the reply:
In simpler English, I was explaining to you that it is counter-productive to make ridiculous claims about people. And, yes, it is ridiculous to claim that Biden cannot button his own shirt. When people make such ridiculous claims they paint themselves as witless, irrational and partisan.
Stated differently, you will not influence anyone to change their mind when you make ridiculous claims. In fact, you just discredit yourself and thus any future claim you make. You degrade your own credibility.
In short, I was being critical of your ridiculous claim, not defending Biden.
See? After all, defending Biden from your witless, partisan claim would be: "No, Biden can button his own shirt". That is like responding to a flat-Earther with: "No, the Earth is not flat". No defense necessary when the claim is that ridiculous.
If you are able to comprehend what I just explained then you should recognize that these questions are non sequitur.
Somebody mentioned a "new book." I see that a big package has arrived.....
Indeed, I even posted a review a week ago:
That's sad.
If this keeps up, they'll be shouting conservatives off the stage at liberal colleges.
Shouting or shooting?
Another PAC to pay Trump's attorney fees.
The 'honorable 4' and 'special guest' will pay nothing and pocket how much?
One wonders why they needed to put both the per person and the per couple price on there. Would think they would have basic math skills if they had that much money.
I don't think you need worry about $75,000 tickets.
I wasn't. At all. I was more worried that there might be someone stupid enough to purchase one.
Mariupol mayor: Third mass grave discovered

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