Category: Op/Ed
Via: john-russell • 3 years ago • 86 commentsBy: Dick Polman, Cagle Cartoons Columnist Leave (TheModerateVoic)

April 29, 2022 by Dick Polman, Cagle Cartoons ColumnistLeave a Comment
Just as it's a waste of time for Republicans to refight the results of the 2020 election, it certainly does no good for anti-MAGAs to refight what happened in the previous race. Nevertheless, I wince on occasion when I contemplate how our country would've been far better served if the popular vote winner in 2016 had ascended to the Oval Office.
Wednesday was one such occasion, truly winceworthy.
While eulogizing Madeleine Albright at the Washington National Cathedral, I was struck by these passages:
"Freedom can't be taken for granted. Democracy must be defended. Peace must be won. And there is no time to waste doing any of that…(Albright) continued to issue blunt warnings about the dangers posed by authoritarianism and fascism with undeniable moral clarity…She talked about the importance of what President Biden is doing to rally the world against Putin's horrific invasion of Ukraine and the urgent work of defending democracy at home and around the world. She knew better than most and she warned us in her book on fascism, that yes, it can happen here, and time and courage are of the essence…This must be a season of action. And yes, once again, we must heed the wisdom of her life and the cause of her public service. Stand up to dictators and demagogues, from the battlefields of Ukraine, to the halls of our own capital. Defend democracy at home, just as vigorously as we do abroad."
Albright indeed warned us about encroaching fascism - in 2018, she said: "There are conditions out there that provide the petri dish for something terrible to happen" - but let's not forget that back when it mattered most, with America at a crossroads, Hillary Clinton warned us, over and over, about what would happen if the opposition's demagogue was handed the reins of power. She had faults as a candidate, but ultimately it was not her fault that a small but fatal share of clueless, oblivious, feckless, or willfully deaf Americans stayed home in the handful of states that swung the antiquated Electoral College.
She got it right during the 2016 debates when she spoke directly to Trump: "(Putin) would rather have a puppet as president. (We know) that the Russians have engaged in cyberattacks against the United States of America, that you encouraged espionage against our people, that you are willing to spout the Putin line, sign up for his wish list, break up NATO, do whatever he wants to do. And that you continue to get help from him, because he has a very clear favorite in this race."
She got it right in 2016 when she warned about the MAGA movement's animosity toward people of color: "Trump is reinforcing harmful stereotypes and offering a dog whistle to his most hateful supporters. It's a disturbing preview of what kind of president he'd be."
She got it right in 2016 when she warned that the GOP would target gay people all over again, regardless of "the progress that we fought for, that many of you were on the front lines for. It may not be as secure as we once expected."
She got it right in a 2016 speech when she warned that "a fringe element has effectively taken over the Republican Party. And this is part of a broader story - the rising tide of hardline, right-wing nationalism around the world…So no one should have any illusions about what's really going on here."
She got it right in 2016 when she warned about a fragile future for women's reproductive rights: "The fact that our next president could appoint as many as three or four justices in the next four years (demonstrates) that we can't take (those rights) for granted. Just consider Donald Trump, the Republicans' presumptive nominee…He has pledged to appoint Supreme Court justices who would overturn Roe v. Wade…And that's why this election is so important. The outcome of November's contests is going to be a deciding factor in whether our elected officials and our courts defend or attack a woman's right to health care for generations to come."
She's still getting it right, by the way. Last year she noted: "There is a plot against the country by people who truly want to turn the clock back. They believe that the progress we've made on all kinds of civil rights and human rights, the cultural changes that have taken place, are so deeply threatening that they want to stage a coup."
If that coup is completed in 2024, don't say that Hillary didn't warn us.
Copyright 2022 Dick Polman, distributed exclusively by Cagle Cartoons newspaper syndicate. Dick Polman, a veteran national political columnist based in Philadelphia and a Writer in Residence at the University of Pennsylvania, writes at DickPolman.net. Email him at [email protected]

I saw part of Hillary Clinton's eulogy for Madeline Albright, and she looked great. She spoke forcefully and clearly, and quite obviously showed why she would have been a far better choice that Trump in 2016.
I still remember the smear campaign conducted against Clinton by the right in 2016, because we saw it play out most days during that campaign right here on NT. One conspiracy nut in particular day after day posted the latest "expose" about Clinton's health. He was sometimes using Infowars as his source if you can believe that. Oh, and Gateway Pundit too. These sources portrayed Hillary Clinton as one foot in the grave and the other one on a banana peel. She was having mysterious "attacks" that caused her to struggle climbing stairs and caused her to babble incoherently to reporters, or so the lies went. Someone even forged a letter from her doctor claiming that Hillary was not physically fit to be president. These were not occasional "stories" during the campaign, but constant, and may have tipped the scales against her in the final electoral tally.
Now, six years later, Hillary looks terrific and is still a strong voice for women, center-left political ideology, and our democracy. Meanwhile the "winner" in 2016 has been disgracing our country on a daily basis for years.
Hillary lost because she felt entitled to win and didn't put in the effort. She needs to go away now.
Hillary Clinton is not going to run again.
The last six years show us what a tragic mistake the nation made in 2016.
Why? She's as or even more relevant than the other 'also rans' who pontificate in the media. Chris Christy, Rick Santorum and especially Mike Huckabee are still flapping their gums ad nauseam. Ron Paul hasn't shut up for over 30 years and has been grifting all along.
They should all go away.
Maybe you can send them to the Ministry of Truths re-education camps when they open. China can help you with that.
Next time you want to address me try to have something to say.
You got the year wrong. The country dodged a bullet in 2016. It really screwed up and got things wrong in 2020.
Thing will be RIGHTED starting in 2022 and get even better in 2024.
Holy shit....myself and probably most other Americans agree with this.
She is a two time presidential loser...
If Hillary kept getting it right, She would have at least one term so far in the Oval Office sitting in the big chair!
I'm with you. I want fresher, younger faces. But not the likes of Bohbert. Cawthorn, and Gaetz
I agree with you 110%! I may be a conservative but those you mentioned should never have been elected to any public office! I may be conservative leaning but I am not crazy like those losers are!
You forgot to list MTG...
Oops! Throw her in there for good measure
Can't forget that she, a veteran of the political realm, lost to the "FNG" both times. That should be a clue that NOBODY wants her around.
Just my opinion, but irregardless of who her "Deplorables" comments was directed at, I think that had a large part of her not winning the election. She alienated too many on both sides.
Um, yep.
She lost against a newcomer, and now the loon left's messiah, named Barack Obama and she lost against the left's most hated man in the world, even more so than Putin, Lenin, Mao, etc
Donald J Trump
Your conflating primaries and general elections.
Where does the mention of either in this thread appear.
Seems you are trying to make up an argument for the sake of simply arguing.....your forte.
THAT is obtuse
In comments like yours bugsy.
How could you make that false claim if she had not run in a primary or general election bugsy?
THAT was a primary election for the Presidential nominee for the Democratic Party.
THAT was a run for President and yes, she lost the Electoral College vote.
Seems you think that you I have to agree with all of the BS you post.
It may behoove you to review a dictionary, but you be you.
In spades!
If I'm 'simply arguing', why is it you fail so often to make cogent replies Snuffy?
By your own admission you only reply to the part of the comment that interests you, thereby ignoring the context. Seems clear that all you really want to do is argue and so you're just not worth me spending a lot of time on.
I refuted that bullshit the first time you said it.
You reply to the parts of comments that interest you ALL OF THE TIME. Were you ignoring the context of those comments Snuffy?
I could post some links of example from just this month if you'd like to review the hypocrisy for yourself...
What's clear is that you're incapable of supporting your statements so you post personal comments to deflect. It's becoming an MO with you and yours.
Oh and BTFW, you spent 3 days in our last discussion and then bailed.
If you like harpies
Or to get herpies
That's a insult to harpies!
True and I do apologize to them
Given a choice I would rather look at Medusa than Hillary any day of the week
Don't troll this article.
Madeleine Albright deserved the best speech writers for her eulogy and the Clinton Foundation could afford one.
At least The Clinton Foundation still stands while The Trump Foundation has been dissolved because if it's illegal use of donations.
Hillary Clinton deserves as much blame as anyone for the current state of our country. She spent thirty years grifting , lying and dividing while at the center of American politics, starting as her husbands enforcer, threatening bills girlfriends/victims to sign non disclosure agreements.
she’s left a swath of destruction in her wake: indictments, character assassination and manipulated supporters while walking the fine line between illegal and legal behavior (just like Donald trump) as she made a Clinton inc a financial monster.
She is evil.
She makes Trump look like a Shriner.
How is that? Proof?
The proof is everywhere but one would have to have their eyes open to see it John.
I asked you for links and facts, not more generalities.
Links are worthless to those who refuse to see .... so I won’t waste my time. Get to hacking away now ....
Besides, Durham has the goods on Hillary.
Please post a ink to the indictment of Hillary Clinton. I'll wait.
Please post an indictment of Trump; of course that hasn't stopped 6 years of Democrat and TDS driven bullshit.
Please post a ink to the indictment of Hillary Clinton.
What a sad attempt at deflection. Did you miss this?
"walking the fine line between illegal and legal behavior (just like Donald Trump) "
Why? I made no such claim.
That was YOU right Sean?
You can't support your claim so you're the one deflecting.
u can't support your claim so you're the one deflecting.
Lol. You and your never-ending war on strawmen. I never said she was indicted.
Her friends and allies have been. That's the point. I'm sorry if you don't have the requisite knowledge to keep up.
You lack the requisite knowledge to understand what a strawman is.
Sure is was Sean, that's why you posted 6.2.2.
ck the requisite knowledge to understand what a strawman is.
Anyone who doesn't know what a strawman is need only look at your body of work for a master's class. It is immersive.
ure is was Sean,
Yet after all of my comments that you can't seem to figure out how to block quote, you still used the term improperly.
The bots of the MAGA can't let go of the Hillary Hate Syndrome.
Doesn't matter. She testified under oath in front of the kangaroo republicans, and they got nothing because there was nothing to get.
In a recent deposition less than a month ago, Trump testified that tomatoes and pineapples can kill you. Google it. Unbelievable.
The bots of the MAGA have their Clinton hatred, but the real fear for Clinton lies with Putin. That is why the 2016 election should be audited. Trump did not win.
The gop is still claiming Mrs Clinton will be indicted any day now for something she did even though she has not held any public office since January 2013.
If Trump had another term, the packed courts, the lackeys in the judiciary, sycophants in law enforcement and military, The United States would become a nuclear tipped autocracy that Putin always dreamed of.
Clinton would be jailed on 'trumped up' charges as would hundreds of other Americans. There would be a civil war and America would collapse. Which is the goal of Putin's autocracy.
Fortunately, there is very high probability that the Putin Regime will implode from within. When that happens and if a new government ran by someone such as Navalny takes over, the treasure trove of information from the Kremlin and Russian Intelligence Services could quite probably implicate dozens of legislators, Trump and many 'so called talking heads' of American media, putting them in the spotlight to answer questions concerning Sedition and possibly Treason.
Ukraine must win decisively, and Putin's Russia must fail with the most extreme prejudice not witnessed since the destruction of the Nazi Regime in 1945. This is why there are Americans in media, government and on the streets of America that question, block and harangue US efforts to save and expand democracy in the world. America is infected with 'kompromat'. Many are on this forum doing Putin's work wittingly or unwittingly. But doing it just the same. Our nation is at a crossroads.
Only if Navalny would release that information. And only if Russia does collapse from within.
Even if the Putin regime does implode from within, the big problem is how people both inside and outside of Russia will Putin try to take down or out with him?
Another good question
Yes! Yes he did! ( Thank you God or what ever deity or higher power you care to thank) he won according to the laws of this country and the Constitution of the United States.
And you guys bitch about Trump.
Trump did not win in 2016. Everything the 'Stop the Steal' claims that happened in 2020 did happen in 2016. But nobody questioned. There were no audits. It was allowed to happen because the Putin kompromat was so strong and so flush with money.
That is being as delusional as Bruce Jenner, Jared Jennings and Wiil Thomas, Ellen Page and Chastity Bono.
Proverbs 6:12--15
Who knew you such a God fearing man. That’s good, so keep reading and bear witness.
Proverbs 6:16-19
Don’t be bearing false witness now brother .....
I am not your brother. I do not support a liar, cheat, fraud and probably a traitor.
Sure you are, we are all brothers and sisters on this rock.
Even your dimbulb who occupies the Whitehouse right now.
I thought you supported Hillary.
All you got is the trope?
Show me what you got to support your---------accusation, snark or whatever it is you're implying.
Some people on the liberal left still insist on believing and/or spouting the Hillary won the election by popular vote garbage.
The Moderate Voice!!!!!!! LMAO
I should have used it as my screen name.
I once watched a stoner get convinced that Oregano was actually Pot.
It was funny as hell to watch.
I was wondering if I was the only one who noticed that.
If Hildabeast was always getting it right she would be in her second term of her presidency. Instead she will go down in history as the only person to lose an election to a game show host.