A Completely transparent and devastating political leak which changed the news cycle

Give them credit. Woke leftists are always thinking/conspiring to achieve their evil ends. One of the most audacious vile acts just took place as one of them leaked a majority draft opinion written by Samuel Alito. The documentation was leaked to left leaning Politico.
Here is the way Politico described the leaked info:
"The draft opinion is a full-throated, unflinching repudiation of the 1973 decision which guaranteed federal constitutional protections of abortion rights and a subsequent 1992 decision – Planned Parenthood v. Casey – that largely maintained the right. “ Roe was egregiously wrong from the start,” Alito writes."
Of course, we know that it was wrongly decided, however the reason the info was leaked is best explained in a related Politico article:
"The disclosure of a draft majority opinion that indicates the Supreme Court has voted to overturn Roe v. Wade instantly jolted Democrats from a bout of political malaise Monday night — and many hope it could change the tide of the midterm elections."
Well, it may change the news cycle, so that the leftist media can now focus on the loss of their wrongly decided decision, rather than what plagues the average American, such as skyrocketing inflation, open borders, rising crime, indoctrination in schools and censorship. Right on cue as the primaries begin and voters head to the polls. They'll run with it, but it's not going to work. There are simply not enough woke radical progressives to counter the energized majority, who can't wait for the next election.
There are also those who think the leak was intended to intimidate the Court, yet again.
But what about the individual who leaked the info? Do they ever get caught? Do they ever get prosecuted/punished?
My purpose here is to counter the narrative being presented here without a response.
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Demonstrators quickly appeared outside the Court yesterday and almost on cue, the puppet Biden will speak on this matter tomorrow.
So, reality of this whole thing is, it's the democrats hopes that such a landmark decision would allow them to fabricate yet another fictitious outrage that people would forget about skyrocketing inflation, open borders, rising crime, and the rest of their pathetic existence and vote for them.
That is their mindset.
The irony of your comment.
The implication is that "democrats" would become one issue voters.
That would make them exactly like the pro life fanatics on the right were all these decades then wouldnt it? Maybe only "Christians" are allowed to be one issue voters.
They aren't?
Desperation will reek from the right as this tale unfolds. You've been warned, for years, not to overturn abortion rights when 65% to 70% of Americans approve of Roe v Wade. The potential is there for a devastating response at the polls that could annihilate Republicans in swing congressional districts. But no, the religious fervor to overturn Roe could not be contained , and now the Republicans will rush forth to ban all abortions across America, on the theory that it could be now or never as demographics change and younger voters emerge which will in the future punish those politicians who do not provide choice.
It is still unknown at what level the 70% will engage with this decision , but its hard to imagine that it wont be substantial and big enough to effect who will win in November.
235 years of tradition and integrity has been destroyed by a single leftist POS.
Got a name?
Yeah, right.
Whoever it is will be facing a serious decision. Soon they'll be questioned on it. If they lie to the FBI, they have then committed a crime.
This will be pursued.
Only a very few people would be privy to this draft. The traitor will be identified
The leaker should get a ticker tape parade...
Don't forget it's still Biden's DOJ.
You can hold it on the Grand Concourse.
That doesn't seem environmentally responsible.
Many Dems would disagree. Garland appears to march to his own drummer. It surprises me that the right are not his biggest fans.
Actually I don’t think it’s a crime. I kind of doubt the Court will even ask the FBI to investigate.
Right, because Garland has proven he is so unbiased as AG./S
His overwhelming zeal at prosecuting every last Jan 6th rioter to the fullest extent of the law; while 90% of the BLM and Antifa rioters are released w/o charges.
Also, his eagerness to go after parents protesting public school administrations as terrorists.
The only thing he hasn't done is gone after Trump. How many Democrat state AG's have tried and failed to get Trump? Garland isn't stupid. If the Dems give him an air tight case he will prosecute. But the Dems make evidence up as they go along; so they don't have shit either.
Which is the reason once the Republicans retake the House and Senate there will be calls for them to impeach Garland.
Now that all the pretenses that such a thing will never happen have gone poof, out come the knives of accusations? Why not someone on the right leaking this in order to soften the final ruling? The right is just too 'woke' for their own good.
They'll be forced to speed up the ruling.
Oh no, can't have that!
You mean protecting the integrity of the Court?
I guess only that ideology is important.
I could be wrong and I have few doubts about that, but I am guessing that history will view the current court and how it came to be as lacking integrity.
Ahh, only if Ibram X. Kendi gets to write the history books.
You are on the wrong side of history.
Yours or mine? I would say yours as you are on a mission.
Think of how devoted one would have to be to leak a SCOTUS decision.
Think of how devoted one must be to become a vigilante.
When there is policing, there are no vigilantes.
You heard it here first.
All that means is I am still alive.
That makes two of us.
SCOTUS = thumper majority bench
Why not someone on the right just because they disagree with it? Approval of Roe v Wade, was massively bipartisan, it is only the extreme bible thumpers that are opposed to it.
There has been no ruling from the court.
Nothing has happened except the integrity of the SCOTUS has been forever changed.
Democrats are just inventing a false narrative again.
Desperate people do desperate things.
For some odd reason the right will squeal over the unfairness of this "leak" as if it were treason or something.
I imagine back in the 1760's and 1770's the colonists leaked information to the public that the British government didnt want put out there. The leaks were considered justified by the Americans, Im sure.
Also think Pentagon Papers, leaked by Daniel Ellsberg , which broke government secrecy on the Viet Nam war.
Same principle here.
All is fair in love and war?
I imagine back in the 1760's and 1770's the colonists leaked information to the public that the British government didnt want put out there. The leaks were considered justified by the Americans, Im sure.
So you equate the SCOTUS with colonist rule? How do you feel about the Constitution? Is it obsolete?
Also think Pentagon Papers, leaked by Daniel Ellsberg , which broke government secrecy on the Viet Nam war.
Another lefty who got away with it.
Same principle here.
Far from it.
You sound scared Vic. The big takeaway from this news is not that someone leaked something from the Supreme Court, although I'm sure you wish that was the big takeaway. A right wing Court that many people consider illegitimate is going to make a ruling that will piss off the majority of the American people. That is the main takeaway.
Then why are you the one who's sweating?
The big takeaway from this news is not that someone leaked something from the Supreme Court, although I'm sure you wish that was the big takeaway.
Another first, perpetrated by the woke left.
A right wing Court that many people consider illegitimate is going to make a ruling that will piss off the majority of the American people. That is the main takeaway.
You had 50 years of activist Courts. We get one dedicated to the Constitution and you seem to want insurrection.
PS.....You had the congress...you should have codified "Roe"
We KNOW we have it all in the bag!
Whatever works for John politically being the principle.
The gop will suffer devastating losses at midterms!
We'll talk after the election.
Amazing is it not? The court makes a decision and Congress gets the blame? What bullshit. Congress isn't pushing this. Some groups are. Methinks this isn't the saving grace that the dems are creaming their jeans over LMAO
They never realize how transparent it all is.
And the thing is, they will be leaving it up to the states. NOT making it illegal. Hell California is already talking about putting abortion rights into their Constitution.
Who is to blame? McConnell, and Trump, and Alito, Barrett, Thomas, Gorsuch and Kavanaugh.
one of the very few things I think California is right about
Exactly. It is the SCotUS NOT Congress or McConnell or your fucking go to, "but Trump".
Are guns or speech or religion up to states?
None of the above?
Your point?
Without Trump and McConnell we wouldnt have this far right court.
Generic Congressional ballots were trending in the Democrat's favor, but now the gop will lose seats in both houses during the midterms...
Is that your prediction?
I want you on record!
The Court is "far right?" Couldn't it be that the Roe decision was an absurd ruling?
I'm surprised that you didn't remind us of what they told congress, when being confirmed - that Roe was settled law.
Why haven't you guys mentioned that?
hahahaha okay.................
At least we have a few good laughs out of this.
Ya! Ya! Ya!
Maybe the Beatles.
What was the big protest during the "Obamacare" days? Something about not wanting government to control your healthcare, wasn't it? About how your healthcare should remain between the doctor and the patient, without government getting their meddling fingers in it?
NOW we see that the right really wants to control a woman's healthcare. To get between her personal decisions and her doctor. To legislate what a woman can, and cannot do with her own body.
Actually it was about not wanting to pay for health insurance for those who never bought insurance.
NOW we see that the right really wants to control a woman's healthcare. To get between her personal decisions and her doctor. To legislate what a woman can, and cannot do with her own body.
We want to follow the Constitution. Let Schumer pass an abortion law and it's over.
Nope...the majority of Americans are not one issue voters
Are you seriously contending the Supreme Court could unilaterally outlaw gun rights?
Are you claiming that was the ONLY complaint? Would you like to rephrase your answer to better reflect what was truly complained about back then?
Bullshit. The Constitution says that abortion is legal, and a decision ONLY between a woman and her doctor. Right wing SCOTUS wants to change that.
Incorrect, abortion is not codified in the Constitution.
While access to healthcare and privacy is a basic human right (as stated in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights which was signed by the United States in 1948) , it is not a constitutional right per se. Originalists have stated that outside of what is enumerated in the Constitution there is no other constitutional right to privacy. Starting in the 1920's courts started to read the 14th Amendment more broadly to encompass child rearing, marriage, procreation and termination of medical treatments. However the right to privacy remains an open question legally. SCOTUS is supposed to reach their opinions based on constitutional law.
IMO the court is not the proper place to handle this. This needs to be codified in law. If codified in law we can be assured that there are states who would take the challenge of this to court, very likely going all the way up to SCOTUS. If SCOTUS ruled that the law itself was constitutional (as Congress is the outfit that makes laws) that would be a stronger precedent.
And then vaccine mandates came along and exposed Democrats on that.
NOW we see that the right really wants to control a woman's healthcare.
Why are you sexist. Men can get pregnant!
It's funny that people who've spent the last year calling mothers birthing people and denying they can define what a woman is, now claim this ruling affects woman.
Is that the latest talking point you've received? Roe v Wade was about privacy and a woman's right to make private decisions about her own body, without government interference.
Explainer: Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision hinged on women's right to privacy
Is that the latest talking point you've received
It's been the main criticism of Roe for 50 years. Are you really that ignorant on the subject that you think it's new?
Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973), was a landmark decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in which the Court ruled that the Constitution of the United States protects a pregnant woman's liberty to choose to have an abortion without excessive government restriction.
If we took everything written in the Constitution based on its exact working, you would not be able to own guns in this country (for just 1 example). The Constitution GENERALLY outlines citizen's rights and government restrictions.
The clerk who leaked this should be disbarred or prosecuted if they wind up lying to the FBI............ Right after the Court overturns Roe, of course!
Does anyone think this leak could lead to violence directed at Supreme Court justices?
Scary thought but potentially yes.
Will anti-abortionists quit violence and bombings?
I'm worried about that nasty mob outside the Court right now.
How about you?
I am more worried about inside the court...
Ah, so you protect and defend the violent mob that attacked the capital and the violent mob that has bombed clinics and assassinated doctors but claim the peaceful crowd protesting this disgusting conservative coup of our courts are the "nasty mob". I wish I could say I'm surprised, but this is just par for the course for hypocritical right wing conservative liars and their justices who all lied their asses off during their confirmations in order to get on the court. I'm sure to them, the ends justify the means, but it also exposes them for what they are, spineless pond scum fascist liars intent on forcing their religious beliefs on others while stripping women of their right to privacy contrary to established supreme court precedent and the separation of church and State.
If you thought the number of right wing evangelical Christians was shrinking before this, if they go through with it they will see their pond of religious conservative scum shrink so fast it will make their heads spin.
Did I? When was that?
but claim the peaceful crowd protesting this disgusting conservative coup of our courts are the "nasty mob".
That I did do. I saw and heard a bit of it and they were loud & nasty IMO.
I wish I could say I'm surprised, but this is just par for the course for hypocritical right wing conservative liars and their justices who all lied their asses off during their confirmations in order to get on the court.
How about the justices who claimed to find a "right of privacy" buried in the Constitution and that somehow it was the justification of "Roe?" What did they do to this country, aside from lying and violating the separation of powers?
I'm sure to them, the ends justify the means,
Nope, that is definitely the evil left.
f you thought the number of right wing evangelical Christians was shrinking before this, if they go through with it they will see their pond of religious conservative scum shrink so fast it will make their heads spin.
I couldn't care less.
I would hope the 5 justices have armed guards to protect from left wing terrorists.
Inciting violence may well have been the point of the leak.
Hopefully there will be some security for Justice Alito.
The puppet reacts:

“I believe that a woman’s right to choose is fundamental, Roe has been the law of the land for almost fifty years, and basic fairness and the stability of our law demand that it not be overturned,” Biden said.
He also said this:
President Biden on Monday mixed up his job title, telling a crowd at the White House that he was the nation’s first senator from Delaware when he meant to say president.
And the former 'n still wannabe can't remember the names of those he recently endorsed.
Does it matter? They are both running as MAGA candidates.
It's a little too early for that stuff.
It matters the same as when Biden misspoke.
Does it?
Biden is supposed to be the president.
Donal-doh still wants to be. Hopefully he and De Sandwich will confront each other in 2023-4. It should be a Dagwoodian hoot.
The fact that Trump stumbles through his endorsements names is not about who is or isnt MAGA. It is about people like you attacking Biden constantly for being forgetful and then when your own hero does the same damn thing you are suddenly not interested.
Although he STILL lives in your head rent free 24/7/365, he is no longer PotUS. See the difference there?
I will attack him constantly. He is unfit for the job, only ran to defeat Trump and is doing what the most radical elements of the democratic party wants.
Dream and I'll dream with you.
I'll take peek when Hillary or Obama are evicted from their free nesting places.
What's this, something new?
Hardly, it's older than you or I.
Schumer is now calling for abortion legislation.
He seems to be reading from John's script, blaming Republicans.
The gop never accepts responsibility for their BS!
Does that include the 5 Republican appointed Justices that voted for "Roe?"
Are those 5 safely interred? Wouldn't want one of those "deadly tomatoes" taking them out.
The crowd out in front of the Court may have more than tomatoes.
May have? You will of course let us know if they have what the 1-6 crowd had.
The conservative majority that voted for this.
First Schumer said that the leak was wrong. You somehow forgot to say that.
Then he said that it needs to be legislated. What did you think would be requested?
And yes, this is a Republican issue... they made it that way. They became the anti-Roe v Wade party.
And somehow, forgotten is the fact that if this court rules this way, they could do the same to Brown V Board of Ed. Both of these were decided the same way.
As an independent, who is pro-choice, I find it ironic that other people's religious beliefs are being forced on those who differing opinions while screaming my body my choice when it comes to vaccinations and mask-wearing. Holy hypocrisy.
I guess it will be back to back ally abortions. What a step forward/ not.
That makes no sense. First, the Court can always overrule any case. So nothing's changed.
Second, they "weren't decided the same way."
find it ironic that other people's religious beliefs are being forced on those who differing opinions
That's dishonest.
while screaming my body my choice
You mean the people who scream my body my choice when it comes to abortion and supported government mandates on vaccines, restricting movement etc etc..
Holy Hypocrisy!
Reread the Politico article.
How is that dishonest? The 5 conservative judges are all Catholic and have stated their personal opinions on abortion.
I never said that it didn't rub both ways, but there is a fundamental difference. Human interaction and a health crisis would bring these items into play. But abortion hinges on the belief that 6 week old fetus is a person, which is not held by many including the medical community. I could have lived with an adjustment to the limitation of weeks, but to overturn the whole law, is to affect even those who do not believe that.
By all means, point out where in that article it claims Roe and Brown were "decided the same way"
How is that dishonest?
First, and foremost there is nothing in the proposed ruling that is premised on a religious argument. Zero. You are projecting your own bias.
Second, Gorsuch isn't a Catholic.
Third, as a Jewish person, I would assume you wouldn't be so quick to use the type of bigoted argument that is often employed against Jewish people.
and have stated their personal opinions on abortion.
Even if that's true, so what? But can you point me to where Alito, for instance, said he opposes abortion because he's a Catholic?
What other religions do you believe have members who are incapable of putting aside their religious beliefs and serving as justices? Or is it only Catholics?
Why do I have to note that? After all he threatened Justices by name. He is hardly a man of integrity.
Then he said that it needs to be legislated. What did you think would be requested?
I'm all for the elected members of congress legislating an abortion law. He needs 60 votes in the US Senate.
And yes, this is a Republican issue... they made it that way. They became the anti-Roe v Wade party.
Roe v Wade was wrongly decided. Even RBG agrees:
“My criticism of Roe is that it seemed to have stopped the momentum on the side of change,” Ginsburg said. She would’ve preferred that abortion rights be secured more gradually, in a process that included state legislatures and the courts, she added. Ginsburg also was troubled that the focus on Roe was on a right to privacy, rather than women’s rights.
“ Roe isn’t really about the woman’s choice, is it?” Ginsburg said. “It’s about the doctor’s freedom to practice…it wasn’t woman-centered, it was physician-centered.”
And somehow, forgotten is the fact that if this court rules this way, they could do the same to Brown V Board of Ed. Both of these were decided the same way.
They absolutely weren't. Brown was deeply linked to the Constitution. Roe had zero ties to the Constitution.
I find it ironic that other people's religious beliefs are being forced on those who differing opinions while screaming my body my choice when it comes to vaccinations and mask-wearing. Holy hypocrisy.
It has nothing to do with religious beliefs or woman's rights. It has to do with following the Constitution. The SCOTUS is not supposed to enact legislation - they are to INTERPRET THE CONSTITUTION. There is no right of privacy mentioned there. The "Roe" decision is nothing more than a shoddy & shameful joke. A decision that has divided the country.
I guess it will be back to back ally abortions.
Most states allow abortions. Each state should have their own laws on it.
Brown said that separate but equal was not constitutional by the very idea of separate. That blacks had the same rights under the Constitution. Roe says that it was a woman's right to her body as a man does. Otherwise, she is unequal.
You can't say that religion has no bearing on our court. If it didn't they wouldn't ask the religious question to every justice. This is not a bias. This is a fact.
He is both Anglican and Catholic and went to a Jesuit prep school, so I would say, his views are pretty much in line with that.
Yes as a Jewish person I know how it goes. Maybe something like this:
My comment was not meant as anything other than the justices bring to the court not only their industry but also their own personal beliefs. If it was not true, then the above video wouldn't have happened.
Justice through the centuries has been metered out by faith. The Talmud stands as an enormous book of Jewish law and discussion, including on abortion. So no, it is not only Catholics, and you should know me better by now to know what my statement meant, but you decided to try to paint me a bigot instead.
Because he did the right thing that you decided to ignore, and you should do the right thing.
And yes I know what RBG said. It doesn't mean that she was right. This reversal removes a women's right from her own body. I thought that was guaranteed under the Constitution.
So removing the right over my body has nothing to do with the Constitution? I find that shocking. And if you want to see division in the country, you will see it now.
Only half the states support abortion politically, so no not most. And what will now happen is that this will make it harder on poor women who are living in a no allow state, who will have to choose between becoming criminals or dangerous hidden procedures.
The Constitution never gave you any such right. Seven Justices did. They were wrong.
I find that shocking.
Then write to your congressmen to enact such legislation - oh wait, Chuck Schumer is trying to do exactly that.
I have no idea what you are tryign to say and that's not in the Politico article. Brown was decided on equal protection grounds. Roe on substantive due process. They are not the same.
can't say that religion has no bearing on our court. If it didn't they wouldn't ask the religious question to every justice. This is not a bias. This is a fact.
What religious question? Religious tests for office are explicitly unconstitutional. Do you oppose that and want to go back to the 17th century where only members of certain government favored religions could hold office?
My comment was not meant as anything other than the justices bring to the court not only their industry but also their own personal beliefs.
Of course all justices have personal opinions on subjects like abortion, the death penalty etc. Why do you believe Catholics are uniquely unable to set aside their personal beliefs and members of other religions aren't?
o no, it is not only Catholics, and you should know me better by now to know what my statement meant, but you decided to try to paint me a bigot instead.
It's a bigoted statement to claim a legal opinion, which is undeniably a secular one, is really Catholics (even though one is a protestant) forcing their religious beliefs on others.
Moscow Mitch is such a 'wordsmith'.
He just gave an even better speech. The one where he points to the day Schumer threatened Justices by name.
I think you'd enjoy it.
9.3 above is a snippet.
oh wow. Rubber glue...deep thinker you are.
Good, let that fool pretend the leak is more important than the contents of the decision. It will only serve to discredit the Republicans even more.
This could eventually be a majority opinion; however, as of now, there are a ton of people jumping to conclusions on that point. It would be an assumption to say that there are no competing draft opinions being circulated. This could quite possibly wind up as the dissenting opinion. Nothing is actually decided.
Bingo...............released to light hair on fire......
None that have been leaked. Remember this is a left leaning blogger site the published the draft. They're not going to release anything that goes against the narrative.
So many squirrels to chase ... and my peanut costume is at the cleaners, oh well.
Politico is not a blog. Is there something wrong with you?
You keep saying that. Who are you trying to convince?
“This could quite possibly wind up as the dissenting opinion.”
Possible, but given the make up of the court, it would be a surprise. Roberts will be the key persuader in either upholding precedent or turning it over to the states. It will be a land breaking decision either way.
Maybe "quite possibly" is too strong. Nevertheless, the opinion, as far as I know, has not been issued. Until that time, this remains a circulated draft opinion. Each of the other justices have an opportunity to write their own, any of which, theoretically, could become the majority opinion. That's the point.
How do we know this purported draft is even real? It's rather obvious that the 'leak' has been a coordinated political effort. We do know the press will disseminate disinformation and blatant lies for political purposes.
According to Chief Justice Roberts, the draft is real.
Thanks! That's the first confirmation I've seen.
While we're in an investigating mood, let's investigate Clarence Thomas and his traitor wife.
I believe the proper place for that is the United States Committee on the Judiciary. So reach out to your House Representative to get that ball moving.
Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts announced Tuesday that he has called upon the Supreme Court marshal to investigate the leak of a draft opinion in an abortion case before the court.
When they start leaking from the Supreme Court, it makes you wonder if they could even fix an election someday?
Obamas issue strong statement on leaked Roe v. Wade opinion

http:// hill.cm/o7eJmtZ
An opinion piece directly from the original great divider. Obama doesn't think it should be left to the people.
The best considered opinion is that the leak came from the Republican side on the Supreme Court in order to lock in the conservative justices' votes. Alito, as a hard-core reactionary judicial activist, doesn't want any wavering, especially by Gorsuch and Kavanaugh, both of whom called Roe v. Wade established judicial precedent in their confirmation hearings. Note also the discussion in Comment 13 above and the comments following it in that thread.
Justice Alito’s opinion is reasoned & rational. It quotes many liberal critics of "Roe."
As Yale scholar Alexander Bickel put it: "The Court “simply asserted the result it reached.”
Alito's opinion is neither reasoned nor rational. It is dripping with contempt for democracy, precedent and for several Republican appointed justices who preceeded him. It's as if it was written by Alex Jones.
Alito does cite as an authority a source from England who believed in burning witches.
It's about nothing more than promoting a reactionary agenda in pursuit of pure power politics.
You enacted a law with "Roe." It has now been corrected.
I enacted a law? What a weird comment.