A prime candidate for impeachment

Barack Obama once presented him as a moderate when he was hoping Mitch McConnell would put him on the Supreme Court, rather than risk a heavily favored Hillary Clinton nominating a far left activist when she became president. That little gambit failed. McConnell took a big gamble and won. However we really didn't dodge a bullet. A president Joe Biden would bring him back to be Attorney General. Little did we know, Garland's records as Justice Brennan's clerk were sealed.
Thus far, Garland has run the DOJ along the lines of the infamous Obama wingman, Eric Holder. We all remember when Garland responded to the leftist National School Boards Association, which claimed to be threatened by parents who showed up at hearing involving what their children were being taught. Despite the lack of evidence of any danger to the school board, Garland, as we all recall ordered the FBI into action. He clearly intended to intimidate parents.
Now we have the left in clear violation of the law protesting outside of the homes of Supreme Court Justices. Garland has now switched gears. He has no interest in protecting Supreme Court Justices the way he protected school boards.
The law:
18 U.S.C. § 1507 - U.S. Code - Unannotated Title 18. Crimes and Criminal Procedure § 1507. Picketing or parading.
"Whoever, with the intent of interfering with, obstructing, or impeding the administration of justice, or with the intent of influencing any judge, juror, witness, or court officer, in the discharge of his duty, pickets or parades in or near a building housing a court of the United States, or in or near a building or residence occupied or used by such judge, juror, witness, or court officer, or with such intent uses any sound-truck or similar device or resorts to any other demonstration in or near any such building or residence, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both."
One Justice left his home and moved into a motel. What has Garland done? Not a thing. Where is the FBI? Nowhere to be found.
On Easter Sunday, church services were interrupted. What has Garland done? Not a thing. Where is the FBI? Nowhere to be found.
Jen Psaki was given many opportunities to condemn the lawbreaking. Here is her response:
“Look, I think the president’s view is that there’s a lot of passion, a lot of fear, a lot of sadness from many, many people across this country about what they saw in that leaked document. “I don’t have an official U.S. government position on where people protest.”
There is no US government position? Doesn't Psaki or Biden know about 18 U.S.C. § 1507 ? More likely they don't care. They are getting away with it, just like they are getting away with flooding the country with illegal migrants. It will be up to the coming Republican congress.
We can only hope that we wont see the same timidity we saw the last time Republicans controlled congress
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Grounds for impeachment: Refusal to enforce the laws of the United States.
So all the 'pro-life protestors' outside of the Supreme Court should be prosecuted? Is that your posit?
You apparently didn't read 18 USC §1507
What lead you to that ridiculous conclusion Jeremy?
Are you trying to claim that the Supreme Court in DC does NOT qualify under that statute?
Or is your posit that 'pro-life protestors' haven't picketed that building?
Please clarify.
That is the text of the law. If you have a problem with it take it up with your representative.
I did forget to add the link:
That is non-responsive Jeremy.
I asked you a question based on the text of the statute that you insist I haven't read. Do you have an answer?
Only because it's not the answer YOU want. Not my problem.
a hilarious comment coming from any supporter of the previous loser that occupied the white house.
If the laws were enforced in the US 2/3s of the Trump Administration would be quartered at Fort Leavenworth Military Prison.
And for the first time in our nation's history the SCOTUS is threatening to use The Constitution to take away a right and privilege. You should be thankful they're not showing up in camo and assault rifles. Count your blessings.
Hell, the MAGA crowd defecated in the Capitol for lies and fraud.
Vic, your incessant whining for 'the Mar-a-Lago man' is redundant.
No more faith in the abilities of Attorney General Merrick Garland than AG Loretta Lynch or AG Eric holder to prosecute previous administration criminals?
Have no idea. Perhaps what is happening here the term--"Too Big To Fail" applies.
If the Putin Regime collapses----hard to say what the info coming out of Russia by the new people in charge will reveal. That could be interesting.
Because the Democrats tried so damn hard; and failed to come up with shit. [deleted]
Again, for the who knows how many times- point out where abortion is even mentioned in the Constitution. It is not, nor has it ever been, an enumerated right. The Supreme Court made a law when deciding Roe vs Wade- they are not allowed to do that. Their over reach; and the Congress at the Federal level caused this entire mess.
But hey, another keyboard warrior threatening the government. But it will be OK; Garland doesn't have the brains, morals, or courage to turn the FBI loose on you or any of the leftist Brownshirts.
Less damage, less deaths, and far less destruction than the BLM and Antifa riots; but those were Democrat sanctioned and approved. [deleted] Garland isn't prosecuting 90% of them. Of course he is too damn busy trying to track down every last person in the capital on Jan 6th and prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. And threatening parents that have the audacity to voice their opinions over what their children are taught at tax payer funded public schools. Which is the reason he is so damn deserving of impeachment.
That entire comment is hilarious.
Protection for Trump is real. Do not know why. Cult. Pelosi is right. With Trump all roads lead to Russia.
And that comment 2.2 is not only absurd, but it is also absurd.
Well said!
We'll see how funny it is next year.
Yep, and the butt hurt reaction of the left will make 2016 seem like a Strawberry Social.
After the Democrats investigation into the Trump campaign, Trump's business, Trump's personal life it appears that is only true with the democrats. Every thing the left and the Democrats alleged were based on Russian "inteligence" and dealings.
And yet you haven't shown WHY it's "absurd". I wonder why that is.
It'll be just as funny as it is now.
Apparently, they don't know the difference between state charges and federal charges.
To the contrary, team Trump gets away with nothing.
And exactly what would be the charges? Remember your hurt feelings aren't' chargeable offenses.
bbl-1 makes a common mistake, confusing the United States Disciplinary Barracks on Ft. Leavenworth for military prisoners with the U.S. Penitentiary Leavenworth KS for federal, non-military prisoners. Two separate facilities about 5 miles apart.
bbl-1 often forgets that there have to be chargeable offenses filed with evidence to have a trial that could result in a person being a resident of one of those facilities.
"And exactly what would be the the charges?"
And there in lies the rub so to speak. Lots of accusations, some of which may be valid, but no real charges that the liberal left has been able to make stick in a court of law so far.
So far every investigation has resulted in zero evidence. Hard to file charges, have a trail or put somebody in prison when there is nothing to back up the allegations.
One of the biggest problems is that a great many people on the hard core liberal left are more interested in the court of public opinion than they are our real justice system.
That court of public opinion is mostly based on false / wrong information based on what they think should be. No facts to back it up. Just their emotions. So they push that and start crying when the results aren't what they think they should be. A lot of it now are all based on "what if" scenarios.
What makes it funny is they think this will distract from the bigger problems for the mid-terms.
Yep, what they fail to forsee or recognize is that the proverbial hammer of Thor Mjolnir is going to fall hard in November and the leftist liberal Democrats will have nobody to blame but themselves. Oh but to be a fly on the wall when the moaning, whining, and blame shifting begins when the losses start being counted.
When The Democrats and Biden come out on the 1st day with a stack of EO's cancelling what was working it eliminated any chance they had anybody but themselves.
You assume the protesters are breaking the law because you want them to be.
I think such protests are counter productive, but it may well be that they are not illegal. I dont see proof that the protests are trying to "influence" the justices. And for sure they are not "obstructing justice".
I'm not a prosecutor offering proof. I just cited federal code to someone that seemed uninformed.
I was actually talking to Vic.
Sorry, it wasn't clear to me from your post.
Do you think that the federal code actually means a Justice's personal home? That in and of itself will have to be litigated. Based on how the SCOTUS ruled on employees of women's clinics, they will have to give themselves more rights that the rest of the American people.
The fact is, the SCOTUS is 'picketed' ad nauseum. Another fact is that people have a Constitutional right to petition their government for redress.
I'm not a lawyer, what do you think the words in bold mean?
"pickets or parades in or near a building housing a court of the United States, or in or near a building or residence occupied or used by such judge, juror, witness, or court officer, or with such intent uses any sound-truck or similar device or resorts to any other demonstration in or near any such building or residence, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.
They didn't write this federal law nor did the law include "woman's clinics".
That question doesn't answer MY question.
However, I will answer yours.
It's obvious that the SCOTUS in DC qualifies as "in or near a building housing a court of the United States" yet there is no call for protestors outside of that building be prosecuted for picketing or parading, are there? Instead, they installed fencing.
So, it's ridiculous to decry protestors outside of their homes when they allow it outside of their court. Unless of course you think that they should just prosecute the PART of the statute that you posted in bold. You don't think that do you?
I haven't decried anything, have you confused me with someone else?
It can be frustrating when laws aren't consistently enforced.
So you're posit is that the SCOTUS will place themselves above the rest of us peasants. Got ya.
No, The US Department of Justice has the mission to enforce US law. Remember from Civics class the three branches of government.
Apparently not.
About the responsibilities that each branch of government has and hasn't? No. I'll be happy to clear up any confusion that you might have.
Seems you aren’t very good at seeming.
When I was a commander, I liked to hold a brown bag lunch and let folks ask questions and discuss roles and responsibilities. Maybe we could do that here with a virtual brown bag session.
Were you CG or Navy?
Actually, based on the US Code you pretend to exalt [40 U.S. Code 61], the Marshal of the Supreme Court enforces regulations, approved by the Chief Justice, which govern the SC building and grounds.
So, it isn't up to Merritt Garland who or what is allowed on the grounds of the SC. Nor is it up to the DOJ to police the streets of Chevy Chase, MD or Alexandria, VA. No arrests were made at the homes of Alito or Kavanaugh.
You confused copy/past or link for exalt.
I pasted nothing about enforcing regulations governing the SC building or grounds. I copied a federal law which makes a felony any protests near a residence occupied or used by a judge, juror, witness, or court officer with the intent of influencing the discharge of his duty. I can resend the link if you've lost it and can't remember what you read about the law.
Of course not: "In the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups: The police, who investigate crime, and the district attorneys, who prosecute the offenders. These are their stories."
Not yet.
The US Code you cited clearly includes the SC building or grounds. Why are you so desperate to ignore that fact?
You stated:
As my comment proves, the DOJ does NOT enforce the regulations governing the SC building or grounds in DC.
Then WTF do you expect the DOJ to enforce? No arrests were made therefore there is no one to prosecute.
Do you have information that authorities are pursuing the arrest of protestors at a later date? If not, your comment is irrelevant.
I didn't ignore it, why can't you remember that it also includes the residence or don't you know what that means?
"Whoever, with the intent of interfering with, obstructing, or impeding the administration of justice, or with the intent of influencing any judge, juror, witness, or court officer, in the discharge of his duty, pickets or parades in or near a building housing a court of the United States, or in or near a building or residence occupied or used by such judge, juror, witness, or court officer, or with such intent uses any sound-truck or similar device or resorts to any other demonstration in or near any such building or residence, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both."
I didn't say that I expected them to do anything? Have you confused me with another comment? The DOJ doesn't prosecute every suspected crime, it's selective.
Unlike yours, mine have been factual.
Yet you failed to highlight that part in bold.
You sure as hell DID ignore my question:
You and yours are demanding that those 'picketing or parading' outside of Justice's homes be arrested and prosecuted while ignoring the FACT that the Chief Justice FAILS to do so to those doing just that outside of the SC building in DC.
WHY prosecute one set of protestors under that statute and not another?
That's a strawman. Never happened.
That was you right? Why pretend otherwise?
For THAT comment to be factual, you should support it with a block quote of a comment that I made that is fictional.
Please proceed.
Why highlight what you all ready know?
Your question was rhetorical since you already knew the answer.
I haven't demanded anything, you must keep confusing me with someone else. I don't really know what authorities the Chief Justice has on the sidewalks around the court.
What is WHY an acronym for? Regardless, I don't understand your question
What never happened?
I'm stunned that you were unaware of that.
I am he as you are he as you are me
And we are all together
I just did.
Your entire comment is obtuse and unworthy of addressing.
I'm sorry that you didn't understand it.
I understood it perfectly. Hence my characterization that it is obtuse.
Dulay hasn't self identified to you?
Points, game? I'm still relatively new here and don't know all the options on NT. I didn't know anything about a game with points. Appreciate your help in how to register or sign up.
Thank you, You're one of the most empathetic here on NT, always thinking of others.
You assume your far leftist Brown shirts aren't breaking the law; because their corrupt Democrat enablers at the federal level hold power.
Educate yourself- the videos don't lie.
Also, please show us where the Supreme Court has announced a decision and released their written verdicts? You don't know where this is in terms of drafts; chances are there have been several more drafts since the very old one by Alito that was stolen and released. Until the decision is released it is not decided; which is why these pathetic leftist Brownshirts are trying to intimidate and coerce the conservative Justices.
You damn well know that if positions were reversed and it was far right anti abortionists threatening the liberal judges and planned parenthood; you would be screaming bloody murder for Garland, the FBI, and the states to take action and charge every last protester with a hate crime.
I see nothing wrong with peaceful protest outside of the Supreme Court building, but protesting outside of the Justices' homes is intimidation pure and simple. But go ahead. I've already posted my opinion about backfiring as comments on two other articles and shouldn't have to repeat it here.
I agree.
The law is posted. It's clear that the protestors are in violation.
I dont see proof that the protests are trying to "influence" the justices.
Under that standard, nobody would be in violation. Even Mad Sam DeStefano would go free.
Peaceful protests involving only passive resistance and free speech are constitutionally guaranteed. If the Supreme Court is inspiring people to take to the streets in peaceful protest then they should reconsider...
Reconsider what?
That's obtuse.
I thought the same but didn't want to be that explicit with JBB.
I mean YOUR comment.
Your BS is getting old.
I just turned 68, how old are you?
BS never dies, it just smells that way.
Yeah you should probably have that checked out.
I think they make medicines for that...
If they are protesting in front of the justices home to get the justices to reconsider , isn't it obvious that the protestors are attempting to influence the court members to change their vote therefore engaging in an unlawful protest?
Oh those nasty protesters even drew on the sidewalk with, oh the horror, chalk and Suzie Collins had a meltdown. Seems to be quite a few folks around here who need to stop pearl clutching and that includes the master clutcher himself, Teddybear Cruz.
Publish your address please, so someone can send a group of crazed right wing extremist to protest your opinion, in front of your home.
Shouldn’t be problem, even in Canada ...... right?
Here ya go:
Hal & Lux
113 Lewis Av.
Westmount, Qc
Good, if genuine, it’s doubtful anyone will waste any time on your unimportant ass but you already knew that.
By the way ..... Quebec ..... figures
Stop projecting your anger onto others and by the way, didn’t you put me on ignore ..... again?
Care to digress?
It’s really sad to see how angry you are.
Nah, I’ll leave that to my friends on the left here
My ass is 72, it's only important when I sit on it.
You appear bothered that you never obtained a position as important as SCOTUS. It’s okay, not everyone does.
I'm one of many:
Monty Python and The Holy Grail Monks (with subtitles)
Too each their own.
Myself I don’t feel that level of self-flagellation is necessary
“Myself I don’t feel that level of self-flagellation is necessary”
Self-congratulatory responses are more than sufficient. Hence the ‘my pillow’ model…whatever gets one through the night.
If that works for you, go for it. I’ve alway lived by the old adage: “it ain’t bragging if it’s the truth” but ymmv.
I’ll never understand why success angers so many on the left. It helps pay for all those social programs they love so much.
This is all ridiculous in a country that holds itself as a model to other countries of what they should strive for.
Really .... I mean it’s baffling why so many want to come here ...... right?
Really? Who is coming here?
You must have missed the current news at the US southern border .....
That was my point.
Desperate people.
Really, do desperate people all have top of the line suit cases and designer clothes?
I am sure all of the Chinese coming to the US and not leaving are desperate as well?
Things really suck in the US./S
I was replying to the statement about the immigrants crossing our southern border.
I am in favor of controlled immigration with a point system for age and education to fill the job vacancies that can't be filled with US citizens.
That is not what is happening at the southern border. The majority, if not all, are economic refugees with little education or job skills.
Looking for free Biden bucks
And being an "economic refugee" is not a reason to either ask for or to grant asylum.