It's Showtime

As we all know, whether we want to admit it or not, the democrats are facing an absolute beating in the coming midterms. What will they do? It appears they are doing what they always do. They are plotting & scheming to get out a message of abortion, guns and the Jan 6th sham committee "findings." It is the latter that the dems have decided to release during prime time (Thursday night at 8 PM ET) as a kind of grand Hollywood production. They have no shame you say? No, they never really did.
Recently Axios let the cat out of the bag on who is producing this propaganda blockbuster. It's ABC's "News chief" James Goldston. In case you don't remember, he's the ABC executive who killed the ABC story on Jeffrey Epstein - for whatever reason.
The Thursday night extravaganza is meant to capture the public's attention. It will feature the selected findings of Nancy Pelosi's handpicked Trump-hating committee. It is designed to, at the very least deny Donald Trump another run for the Presidency and at most will be a kind of a third impeachment of Trump. There is no ambiguity about it. The same people who have lied and cheated as duly elected representatives will provide every bit of evidence that will cast Donald Trump in a bad light.
The same people who ignored the riots of 2020 won't tell you everything.
Here is what you won't hear:
Donald Trump approved 20,000 troops to bolster security that day. This was rejected in writing by fat ass, radical DC mayor Muriel Bowser (no relation to Sha Na Na singer Bowser). Trump authorized those troops on Jan 4th. After the President signed off on it, jurisdiction then went to the Speaker of the House and the DC mayor. There is ample documentation on all of it, but you won't be seeing it Thursday night.
The DOD planned appropriately for the defense & protection of the Capitol. The National Guard was authorized if needed. Former Defense Department Chief-of-staff Kash Patel has already admitted this.
Trump said in his Jan 6th speech: "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."
Anything to do with Nancy Pelosi is off limits. No questions to be asked and the minority was prohibited from placing anyone on the committee.
It's hard to believe that democrats think this obvious political stunt will somehow influence voters who are suffering from the left's obscene policies. As a matter of fact, the radical ideology which they have championed has left a chill over America. Few will ever trust democrats again. That may be a good thing, but it came at the cost of so many American lives destroyed.
Enjoy the show.
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If your predictions here go the same route as your Durham investigation predictions you might wanna exit stage left right now. Showtime indeed.
My predictions, beginning with the democrats enlisting someone to lie about Kavanaugh, have been spot on.
That was a gimme, doesn't count. Happens with every scotus nominee. Try again.
It does? what world are you living in.
They got an activist to lie about Kavanaugh and tried to disgrace him before the entire nation.
Only the God damn fucking left does that!
isn't that the sunday school theme that got the southern baptist church in the news a few weeks ago?
Actually it was the Harvard Law School class.
I'd ask for a link but that statement is so galactically obtuse it isn't even worth it.
The TOTAL strength of the DCNG is just over 3000. So unless you have documentation that Trump called in NG from other states PRIOR to Jan. 6th, your comment is a gross fabrication.
Utter bullshit Vic.
First of all, at the request of the Mayor of DC, the DCNG stated that 340 troops were mobilized to support MPD. THAT is a documented FACT.
Secondly, when the fuck are you and yours going to get it through your heads that the Mayor of DC has NO jurisdiction, authority or responsibility over FEDERAL buildings or land, including the Capitol? How many times do y'all have to be told that fact for it to sink in?
The reason you won't see that Thursday is because that is MORE bullshit.
Trump delegated the decision to deploy NG troops to the Acting SECDEF for Jan. 6th Vic. THAT is a documented FACT too.
Even though Trump claimed to have ordered the NG to secure the Capitol, the Acting SECDEF Chris Miller didn't support that statement and stated that he "spoke separately with the Vice President [Mike Pence] and with Speaker Pelosi, Leader McConnell, Senator Schumer and Representative Hoyer about the situation at the U.S. Capitol." Note that Trump isn't on that list.
Per the Pentagon, the first request from the Mayor for additional NG support was @ 1:34 to the Secretary of the Army. The Capitol Police made another request @ 2:22. It took them over 4 HOURS to mobilize the NG and get them to the Capitol.
What you and yours are desperate to ignore is that the Senate has ALREADY investigated the security shortfalls of Jan. 6th. There were LIVE hearings and open testimony. PLENTY of questions were asked and answered about Nancy Pelosi.
Oh, and BTFW, the minority was NOT prohibited from placing anyone on the committee. Why lie?
You know damn right well that the President can only authorize the use of the National Guard. It is up to the Mayor of DC & the Speaker to accept it.
Here are your EASY TO FIND LINKS:
Oh, and BTFW, the minority was NOT prohibited from placing anyone on the committee. Why lie?
They certainly were. You are lying.
You know damn well that is bullshit [or maybe you're just making shit up for fun]. Why do you think that posting the uninformed opinion from Townhall supports your claim?
From your first link:
I've ALREADY told you that the DCNG is only about 3000 strong. Don't believe me? Here:
As I have told you enumerable times Vic, unlike you and yours, I don't just swill the pablum spewed by authors of articles linked here. I do my homework and the research it takes to find the FACTS. I won't waste any more of my time debunking the bullshit from your Townhall Op/Ed, suffice it to say that it lacks credulity.
Now for your World Socialist Website link:
I encourage other members to actually READ it for themselves, but I will post this part of it:
Note that Miller cited Walker, who is the Commander of the DCNG. As I said, it's documented that the mayor called the Secretary of the Army @ 1:34, so the meeting didn't happen until about an hour later. I invite you to review the video of what was happening between 1:34 and 2:30 @ the Capitol on Jan. 6th.
Note that Miller didn't say a fucking word about the Speaker.
More on that later.
YOU stated that:
Yet from the testimony from Miller cited in YOUR link, it's pretty fucking clear that they did NOT have a fucking plan at all.
Members can read the linked article about the DCNG mandate being about protecting the protestors and NOT Congress.
There you go Vic.
Miller authorized the mobilization of the DCNG 19 minutes before he said he heard from the Speaker . Then it took another hour and a half to formulate a plan and another 36 minutes [32 minutes MORE than it took for the initial authorization] for the Commander to get the order.
Again, I invite you to review the video of what was going on at the Capitol from 2:30 to 5:28 on Jan. 6th.
The willful ignorance of that comment is galactic Vic.
Here, from The Hill:
McCarthy WITHDREW his nominations to the committee.
So, as you can see, you are WRONG about EVERYTHING you claim to know 'damn well' about.
I'm right and you fabricate.
Then PROVE IT Vic.
It should be obvious to 'our readers' that I have used YOUR links to refute your claims.
WHAT are you claiming that I fabricated Vic?
You pretend to be here to teach. What is it that you are teaching Vic?
How to make unsubstantiated claims?
How to post links that fail to support your comments?
How to proclaim you're right even after being proven unequivocally WRONG?
Your claims lack all credulity. OWN IT.
Let us start with your implying that a President can only authorize NG troops from DC.
The President may call into Federal service members and units of the National Guard of any State..."
Then why did he not?
They (Congress and DC Police) have to ask for and approve the call up. Just like what happened in Hurricane Katrina. FEMA was ready but the Governor thought he could handle it and delayed the authorization. There is protocol to be followed in these situations. Trump authorized 20,000. "They" asked for zip.
From SP's timeline in 4.5.5
Huh. Seems like DJT could have called them into service at will as soon as the protesters started to breach the security that had been set up. Certainly, the Capitol Police and the Mayor called and asked for that to be done. If you are saying that they did not do this, how come the timeline says that they did? There are records of the stuff in the timeline, so I would tend to believe it. Why did the Acting Sec. of Defense wait? I know that there were probably a whole lot of people sitting around their devices wondering, "Where is the Military?" I know I was.
Where does it say he was made aware and notified. All I see is communication by the mayor to the guy who didn't have the authority.
All of this is under the presumption that the Acting Secretary of Defense did not know that the capitol was under siege and that Army Secretary did not direct the Mayor to call him and that DJT also did not know. All of this meets the real world and gets a great big "Gimme a Break," because it strains credulity to the point of breaking. All of these channels of communication that were supposed to be there were somehow mysteriously non-existent? That quite simply does not pass the bullshit test. They were all aware of the situation, America was aware, it was all over the internet and TV and cable, and yet somehow we are supposed to believe that these people, the ones who were supposed to be in charge, were somehow oblivious and/or constrained by the chain of command? That is preposterous on its face.
The appropriate calls were made, but for some reason, no action was taken. Go figure.
Well if all those people knew and were acting in other ways, especially shock and awe, do you think they were readily available? Perhaps the mayor did call or perhaps, took it for granted that the Army Secretary would pass along the message. Perhaps the Army Secretary thought the mayor would just call herself so he didn't bother. Who knows why nothing happened. Certainly not you or I and we can practice partisan hypothesis bickering all day. Doesn't answer but I expect the shitshow will expose all kind of stuff we don't know yet...............or possibly not.
Have a good day.
He did! Final approval must come from the DC mayor. She declined, as did all those blue state governors & mayors during the 2020 riots.
I already block quoted that bullshit from your townhall link:
The dipshit you used to support your bullshit stated unequivocally what I highlighted in RED.
My point, which any thinking person would recognize, is that the dipshit that wrote your linked article is full of shit because the DCNG is only about 3000 strong.
What else you got Vic?
I have to wonder if you realize just how incompetent that makes Trump.
That is a lie and you know it Vic.
Your own fucking link states that the DC Mayor made a request for NG deployment for Jan. 6th on Dec. 31st. Don't you even read your own fucking links Vic? Would you like me to block quote that part of the article for you?
BTFW Vic, the DOD authorized 340 DCNG pursuant to the Mayor's request. If you'd like a link to prove that statement, just ask.
Why do you try and disprove what we all know is true?

Here the Mayor put it in writing:
Sorry, Vic. You Lose.
An active situation demands attention and calls made after supercede prior proclamations. Everyone knew what was going on, yet nothing was done. Trump did nothing to stop the riot. As noted last night at the hearings, Mike Pence called in the military very vociferously. Thank god there was at least one true American in the room who realized what he was saying when he took the oath of office.
Pence called for the military during the riot and after the mob had broken into the Capitol.
And according to Liz Cheney last night, Washington knew in advance that there were plans to invade and occupy the Capitol Building. Why was nothing done beforehand to be set up for such action?
Why, when the Trump administration called Capital Police to offer up National Guard were they told that the NG would not be needed?
Washington new? Who in Washington knew? Somebody was unclear in their communication and the threat was not given the weight that, with hindsight, it should have been given. If Pelosi or other national figures are found to have somehow been responsible for any of this, that is great. Let the hammer fall where it will. I have no love for any politician because I think that by the time they get to the levers of power they have been corrupted. That said, some of them are there out of an honest desire to help and serve their country, but some of them have no true allegiance to anything but money and power. IMO, of course.
Obviously, they thought that they had enough manpower to handle the situation and obviously they were wrong, realized they were wrong, and called the people whom they were supposed to call to get help. No help was forthcoming, at least for several hours.
Link from Gulliver 2.1
Ask Liz Cheney. She's the one who last night stated that they had advance intelligence about the plans to attack and occupy the Capitol Building.
It's obvious that Trump fucked up majorly during the attack and sat on his ass rather than do anything that he should have done. I don't forgive him for that. But my problem with this entire commission is that they have laid out what they are going to present and it's all around putting the blame on Trump rather than a full investigation on what went wrong so to prevent it from happening again. As the Democrats are currently in power in both the House and the Senate, they are the top dogs when it comes to Capitol security as well. The Sargent at Arms answer to them, the Capitol Police answer to them, etc. All this advance intelligence, the offering of NG troops to assist on the day of the 6th.. And it was all ignored or rejected by leadership. Why is that not also part of the Committee investigation?
AGAIN Vic, your own link refutes your misinterpretation of that document.
From the townhall article YOU linked:
But WAIT, there's MORE:
So, whoever the fuck your 'we' are, 'they' are either willfully ignorant or delusional or BOTH.
Patel is an idiot. He doesn't even seem to know that Mitch McConnell what the Senate Majority leader on Jan. 6th.
Because the Senate ALREADY investigated the Security failings LAST YEAR! Here, I'll link their report AGAIN:
Jan 6 HSGAC Rules Report.pdf (
BTFW, that is a bi-partisan report.
Here is the 'Purpose' of the House Committee as stated in Res. 503:
I hope that answers your question.
Trump is at the bottom of whichever hole you look down to find the causes for January 6. All roads lead to Trump. Do some of them catch other garbage along the way, sure. Great. Glad to see them all go. But Trump and his Big Lie are at the root of it all.
See above. The first and largest thing we can do to help prevent this type of activity in the future is to not allow Trump access to public office. What really needs to happen is for the two party structure to be disentangled from the election process.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and venture a guess that this will fail just like everything else they've done.
Of course you won't hear that. Gotta keep the narrative going.
I'm reserving the A+ for you today.
Of course you won't hear that.
They continue to be predictable & shameless.
There is no doubt whatsoever that the facts of Jan 6 are devastating to Republicans and of course Trumpsters.
What is unknown is how successful the right will or wont be in trying to muddy things up with lies, booshwa, propaganda and nonsense. The ignorance of the average American cant be overestimated.
The author of the article claims Trump wanted peace at the Capitol. There will be testimony at the committee that this was not true. Trump was cheering on the violence and lawlessness at the Capitol as he watched it on television from his oval office break room.
He also made a twitter message to the rioters in real time, telling them they had been cheated in the election and they should remember their actions at the capitol for the rest of their lives. This is after Trump knew that the mob had tried to enter the House chamber and one of the rioters had been killed.
By any objective measure this hearing will be a disaster for Republicans. But they will lie about the facts and attempt to distract and distort.
What will the "moderates" say?
Let's settle it then:
Never happen. Can’t control the narrative that way.
are you suggesting that would prove Trumps', and his accused GOP enablers innocence ? I have no problem with EVERYTHING being released, but i am curious, as to how YOU think it would bode better for 45 and the GOP jive, cause putting ones head in the sand, might locate where the cat buried his shit, but it doesn't off the hooker , Trump take, cause it sounds more like a light bulb went off in the GOP cafeteria above the EZ oven bake, as the Trump/GOP LIES are now embedded in their flakey crusty heads, under wear they where a hat and mask, as their "Face Grows to Fit It", because bullshit it, doesn't mean bovine excremeant wasn't fermented to make the GOP wine, as they again prove, "Pearls Before Swine", for "Pigz in Zen" can attempt to deny reality via verbiage spoken or a pen, as they never can face the reality of their being taken, and if and when, they are taken yet again, for not approaching these hearings because they just don't wish to see, the actuality of what the actual truth be, it is rather apparent, they wish not to know, for to not take in all of the evidence is the stupidest way to go, cause WHY would one not wish to hear ALL of the evidence, except to NOT KNOW the real truth, so be careful in the pool your groups do swim, cause that aint No Baby Ruth....
I'm saying BE HONEST and release all the documents.
We know them all too well.
Here are the primary Tweets from Trump on that day that were removed/blocked by Twitter:
Aside from the asinine repetition of the stolen election crap, sure sounds to me "by any objective measure" that he wanted peace at the Capitol. Most of the characterization of these tweets in the media and by Democrats like Ted Lieu is that Trump showed no remorse in his statements/tweets and that his statements somehow praised the actions of those doing the actual violence, which simply is not supported by the actual statements made. Furthermore, expressing remorse would require accepting culpability for what happened from a man who felt that he had repeatedly asked for no violence from the demonstrators (not to mention from a narcissist who does not understand the effects his words have on other people). Indeed the next day Trump said:
Kayleigh McEnany followed in a press conference with:
If there is additional evidence that may come of the hearing, I'm all ears. But in looking objectively at the actual tweets/statements made, I think it is clear that his appeal was for no violence, and after that started happening his appeal was to go home in peace, and that he and his administration were unequivocal in their condemnation of the violence. In my opinion, it takes some emotional and perhaps illogical interpretive gymnastics to characterize what he said as "cheering on the violence and lawlessness". But given his narcissistic insistence on the stupid stolen election gambit and his just being oblivious to the impact of his words, I can understand why some wish to paint anything he says in the worst possible light despite the facts. But facts are facts.
We could talk about this for days.
After there had been considerable violence at the capitol, and Trump knew it , he told his followers "remember this day forever".
And what did he expect them to march to the Capitol to do? He asked them to go up there (from his rally) and "fight like hell".
What kind of fighting? A protest outside the Capitol building is not a "fight" , is it?
How were they to fight that day, to conform to Trump's command?
The idea that Trump actually wanted peace is ludicrous.
You missed the first one he sent after his rally and finding out about Pence's letter:
I'm sure it was just an oversight. /s
Oh and BTFW, the tweets that you quoted were NOT blocked/removed by twitter. They were retweeted hundreds of thousands of times.
What is the timing of those tweets relative to the other actions of the day?? I think that both of those came after people were imploring him to say something. In my opinion, that doesn't count.
Anything that the press secretary said is not worth the time it takes to read. She spent her tenure spinning Trump's lies by lying some more and holds zero credibility, or maybe as much as Goebbels.
Besides, the committee is looking at what led up to Jan 6, and what led up to January 6 is a clear and persistent pattern of lies and a continual refrain "Fight To Get Back What Was stolen" . I cannot see how a cogent and minimally aware person would have a problem seeing that, given the entirety of the evidence, the former president wanted the thousands of people who he called to DC on that specific day to pressure Mike Pence and the congress to install him to a position which he clearly did not deserve.
That subverts the will of the voter, and more importantly, the word and Spirit of the law and the CotUS.
Simple question, what time were those tweets?
Great minds, lol.
I don't remember that. Very convenient of him...And then people blame the Mayor...
Thank you for presenting, with context, the actions and inactions, cause they paint quite a different picture than Freewills picked Cherry's.
No, it wasn't an oversight. It simply had nothing to do with JR's specific concerns to which I was responding, namely:
1. "The author of the article claims Trump wanted peace at the Capitol". Based on the other tweets that specifically addressed that issue, it would appear that this is ACTUALLY what Trump said. And,
2. "Trump was cheering on the violence and lawlessness at the Capitol as he watched it on television from his oval office break room". The tweets before and as it was happening were clearly asking for no violence and respect for law enforcement, and when the violence continued anyway the words were appealing to people to stop the violence and go home in peace. Granted they were peppered with his bullshit stolen/fraudulent election rhetoric as well, but as to the claim that this is tantamount to "cheering on the violence and lawlessness" when his primary words were clearly calling for no violence, peace and eventually for people to disburse, I'm just looking at it objectively.
Trump's Pence tweet was a fucking lie, but says nothing about being un-peaceful at the Capitol, nor does it cheer on violence or lawlessness.
And as I pointed out, the next day he and his administration clearly condemned the violence and lawlessness. Whether some feel it was insincere or coaxed is another matter, but does not change the facts regarding what they ACTUALLY said.
I have learned in other threads to address specifically what Trump said rather than speculating on what he likely meant, or whether or not he was sincere. Just the facts ma'am, that is all I am addressing here with respect to JR's SPECIFIC statements above. If that causes some consternation here I am truly sorry. I really dislike Trump myself and have never and would never vote for him. He is a self-centered narcissist and opportunist of the worst kind and has never had the temperament appropriate for the presidency. He never should have been elected in the first place in my opinion, but that does not change the facts with respect to JR's specific comments I was addressing.
See SP's excellent timelines in 4.5.5 and 4.5.6.
That is your opinion and I respect the hell out of it, but I was addressing ONLY JR's statements about what Trump ACTUALLY said about remaining peaceful and about the violence and lawlessness.
Again, that is your opinion but it does not change the FACT that what was actually said was a clear condemnation of the violence and lawlessness.
I do not dispute the ridiculous stolen election lie/drum beat that Trump perpetuated. It was truly nauseating and his continued insistence on that without a shred of evidence is infuriating. However, that does not prove that his repeated calls for peace and respect for the law while the events of Jan 6 were unfolding never happened, nor that they were insincere or coaxed. That part is speculation, and that is the only point I am making.
Indeed, I agree with you completely on that.
Yet you predicated your response with this statement:
As I stated, the first two tweets you cherry picked were NOT removed/blocked by Twitter. Ironically, the tweet you insist is irrelevant to the discussion WAS removed by Twitter later that day.
Yet you fail to do so. From your comment:
The tweet you block quoted was sent a 6:01 ET after over 4 HOURS of violence at the Capitol, after a long list of people BEGGED Trump to DO something, say something to STOP the violence.
Instead, what Trump specifically said was a sad attempt to JUSTIFY that violence and characterize it's perpetrators as 'great patriots' rather than the criminals they proved themselves to be.
Then you post part of Trump's statement from the next day:
That's a day late and way more than a dollar short. THAT is what Trump should have said on the 6th instead of his 'great patriots' tweet.
Yet since then, what Trump 'specifically' said was that 'those who broke the law' are being treated 'unbelievably unfairly' and that if he won in 2024, he would pardon them.
So, there is no ambivalence about whether he was sincere when he said 'you will pay'. Since we're addressing 'specifically what Trump said', it's obvious to any thinking person that he wasn't.
I honestly had not heard that. Can you show me where he said that?
You can cut that shit out. I have not spoken to you in that manner and have tried to keep my comments and analysis respectful and polite. I would appreciate the same from you.
Trump: Jan. 6 Rioters Are 'Being Treated Unbelievably Unfairly' (
What 'manner' is that?
BTW, claiming that other's opinions ' take some emotional and perhaps illogical interpretive gymnastics' is hardly respectful or polite.
They're just not. Nobody cares anymore.
That people who are having to choose between putting gas in the car or feeding their kids because both have doubled in price do not have the luxury of obsessing about another failed riot, and that the people who are obsessing about it (still) have completely lost touch with working Americans.
The facts are not devastating because "nobody cares" . Is that what you call logic?
Facts are either exculpatory or incriminating (devastating) whether anyone "cares" or not.
Jan. 6 hearing will preempt ‘Young Sheldon’ — but not Tucker Carlson - The Washington Post
All three major American broadcast television networks will preempt their popular prime-time entertainment programs Thursday night to air the first public hearing of the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol — among the biggest live spotlights granted to a congressional hearing in decades.
The announcements by CBS, ABC and NBC that they would relinquish time blocks usually dominated by “Young Sheldon,” “Grey’s Anatomy” and spinoffs of “Law & Order” were a significant early victory for members of the Democratic-led panel who want to draw public attention to what they have determined was a deadly plot, with connections to the Trump White House, to overturn the results of the 2020 election and undermine American democracy.
In one sign of the stakes involved, the committee has tapped former ABC News president James Goldston to help hone its presentation, a source with knowledge of the situation told The Post. Axios first reported Goldston’s role on Monday.
All three networks will turn to their marquee evening news anchors — Norah O’Donnell for CBS, David Muir for ABC and Lester Holt for NBC — to lead coverage.
The president of the United States at the time tried to steal the last election. That is as important as any transitory economic issue.
You keep contending , like some sort of cracked cuckoo clock, that Trump is irrelevant to American politics and elections , and no one pays attention to him anymore.
You of all people challenging anybody else's logic is hilarious beyond measure.
You said "devastating to Republicans". Please do at least try to keep up with your half of the conversation.
In order for facts to be "devastating to Republicans", they will need to influence a significant number of people in their voting decisions. This means those facts have to actually reach the small percentage of Americans who are likely to vote but not already committed to a political tribe, and must be presented in a way that they are received as something other than just more feeble partisan bickering.
There is almost zero chance of that happening.
I'm sure you'll enjoy it. I'm excited for you.
It's important to you. But let's face it, every morning when Trump gets out of bed, you believe he's committed a crime against humanity by failing to die during the night. You have a well-documented and generally hilarious hysterical Trump obsession, so I'm sure there is nothing more important in your mind.
But most Americans do not suffer from your affliction.
This Just In:
Fox News Channel won’t carry coverage of primetime Jan. 6 hearing live
Oh well, there goes cable news biggest audience.
ABC main channel (broadcast) is carrying it live. I imagine CBS and NBC will then also.
Don't forget, an ABC executive is producing it.
Thank God the nation is no longer confined to 3 networks.
The idiots and mouth breathers will be watching it ABC.
Useful idiots ... worker drones from the liberal hive ..... buzzing away ...
Wait!!! They're useful? To who?
To their elitist masters who run the hive.
Soros, Clinton, Rice .... you know .... tyrannical pieces of shit ....
So nobody important.
they'll probably be too busy destroying complicit documents, video, and other evidence.
That sounds like the left's media. Then they get Nobel prizes for it.
The stupidity of this political stunt is unbelievable.
Way to go Avs!
Percentage of Americans who say Trump was responsible for Jan. 6 drops: poll
Is that who they polled?
I think it's time you started reading the links.
LMAO. You know they don't read.
I keep trying to educate. It is tiring.
I think the problem is that as you try to educate, you use words with more than one syllable. You know they can't handle that. We have to break it down "Barney Style" to them.
If I can get through to even a few people it will all be worth it.
Do you have stock in Crayola?
Ain't nobody got time for dat LOL
Disclaimer: This is not a taunt, it is a general joke for all to enjoy.
And obvious.
The Times headline says it all:
Raskin says Jan. 6 panel has found more on Trump than "incitement"

With a face only a mother could love, can we ever trust him?
Former DC officer on Jan. 6 hearings: "I don’t believe that it’s gonna move the needle"
No, I don't think so either.
Hah!. . ..Well, that's sad.
Oh, I know. Isn't it too bad that people don't put what bothers lefties above the welfare of their families.
Now there you go with the non sequitur again.... Do you think before you type or is it more visceral than that?
It's just a fact of life, Thomas. People simply don't put aside the daily struggles they face right now, to vote for abstract ideas. It's going to be about inflation, gas prices, crime and that open border.
Indeed, and I note that the headline is all the poster seems to want to address. From the link:
Considering the poster's avatar and his posting of seeds that deal with related events that occurred over 6 YEARS ago, the pretense that 'moving the needle' is of any relevance to the validity of an investigation is pretty fucking ironic and in no small way hypocritical. After all, 'everyone is pretty well encamped' on their side of the political aisle relating to that topic too and I'm pretty sure that most people don't rate it 'above the welfare of their families'. Yet that hasn't kept the topic that obviously 'bothers righties' from being rinsed and repeated here and elsewhere ad nauseam.
I promise you one thing. It wouldn’t be a non sequitur with our friends on the left if Trump was POTUS right now.
Given even the slightest actual thought, the obvious truth dawns on one. Caring about one's own financial issues and caring about the fact that a president tried to subvert our democracy by stealing an election are not mutually exclusive subjects.
Such a stunning realization though would ruin the right's talking point , so they run in the other direction.
That's an ironic statement coming from you Vic. You chastised another member because you believe that she didn't read your linked poll. Based on your above statement, neither did you.
I suggest that you review question #10 on page 13 of that poll. Crime doesn't even make the list.
BTFW, the data for question #11 is quite telling too. The top issue, by double digits, for one issue registered voters is abortion.
Here, I'll post the link to the poll for the convenience of 'our readers':
220222 NBC News May Poll with Jan 6 questions - DocumentCloud
Stefanik: GOP to Provide Counter to ‘Illegitimate‘ January 6 Committee
https:// 06/04/exclusive-rep-elise-stefanik-gop-ready-to-provide-counter-programming-to-illegitimate-january-6-hearing/ …
Stefanik has no credibility with me. At first I waited to see how she did, but partway through her tenure she went to the dark side, and hard.
Her office does not accept calls requesting comment or interview with my local public radio station. You would think that if a person truly wanted to know their constituency, they would talk to all of their constituents.
Apparently not.
She is only interested in power for power's sake. At first she seemed so promising and fair. Now she is a phantasmagorical succubus, saying,"No. I got my maga base, screw the rest of them," and they like her because she pisses off the people they don't like. Not really the best formula for good governance, IMO.
She amplifies hate and division.
Only to the chronically triggered.
Speaking of credibility problems. Has AOC figured out if a garbage disposal is environmentally sound yet?
You mean like calling people "clingers" and "deplorables?"
Or calling states terrible?
When did she do that?
You did.
North Country Public Radio
"The media offensive against Donald Trump begins again in earnest on Thursday when the network news will put the House January 6 committee on in prime time. Cable News will do it too, with the exception of Fox.

Now, everyone knows this hyper-partisan committee is out for just one thing: to damage the former president by accusing him of contriving the attack on the Capitol Building in 2021. This entire exercise is to sabotage another Trump campaign for President.
There is no other reason for this exposition.
So, we can expect to see and hear non-stop attacks and allegations concerning Trump, followed by lots of knitted brows by the anchors and "experts" who will gleefully pile on.
As a journalist who has closely examined the awful January 6 situation, I have one simple request for committee members. If there is new, verifiable evidence that President Trump engineered or even condoned the riot, state it upfront. Let's see what you have before the partisan bloviating overwhelms us.
Is that too much to ask?
If the January 6 committee has facts I, as a loyal American, very much want to examine them. As the Ghostbusters once said: "We are ready to believe you."
But only if the evidence is delivered in a clear, disciplined way.
Place your bets now. I'm taking the over-the-top, underwhelming odds.
I could be wrong."......Bill O'Rielly
O'Reilly is throwing a bait and switch.
The main allegations against Trump dont have to do with the riot, but rather his attempt to overthrow the US government by stealing the election. O'Reilly doesnt even mention that.
Oh they've moved the goal posts?
Are you sure of that John?
The Jan 6th commission wasn't founded to look at the election John. More to the point Trump didn't steal anything. Non TDS driven people can see that.
From the House's own damn website.
Read it and weep. The Jan 6th Committee has so far overstepped the bounds of what they commissioned to do that it isn't even funny.
Also- notice Pelosi violated the terms of the foundation of the committee by not seating two Republican nominees- and naming two of her own TDS driven Ex Republican lap dogs that would do what she said.
Democrats can never follow the damn rules. Just like they didn't on either of the Trump impeachments. Even the rules they plainly lay out themselves!
Talk to McCarthy about that.
From the link:
Lol .... the fuck off rules strikes again.
To NTer management I say genius.
Such conversational genius that idea is.
No thx but you are welcome to knock yourself out.
Wait. Could this mean that the Committee is, technically, invalid? Given the fact Pelosi hand turned down selectees from the Minority Leader and hand picked members.
That might overturn (and expunge) EVERY "conviction" they've handed out.
If Trump is ever re elected you can count on it.
After consulting with the minority leader, the minority leader said," neener-neener, I am playing with you anymore."
After inserting members who were cozy with the idea of scuttling any substantive review (and most likely to be subject to investigation anyway) and being told" no, you can't," he basically said he was going to deprive the committee of any representatives. Two members? GMAFB. He's got a lot more than that. Pick a couple. To not do so shows not only disrespect, but a purely partisan objective to call anything the committee finds (quite ironically), "partisan" and tainted with the tyrrany of the majority.
And who the fuck made him chief cook and bottle washer? Ohhhh, he isn't! My mistake! It says "After consult" it doesn't say that he can have whomever he wants. Acting like a little, spoiled brat. Hope he remembers that day when he called the President "Daddy! Make them Stop!"
I'd say NO. Since the SCOTUS ruled that the Committee to get Trump's documents. I doubt they would do so for an 'invalid' Committee.
But hey, keep dreaming.
Seems you can't read. Queen bitch Pelosi refused to seat two of the Republican appointed members. Not within her power; but since when has she ever cared about that? McCarthy refused to kowtow to the queen bitch; and pull all of the Republican members. Leaving only Pelosi appointed Democrats; and her two hand picked TDS driven lap dog ex-Republicans on the committee. All of which would do exactly as she wanted. The committee is not bi-partisan in any way shape or form.
Which does not include the elections- which were already fully investigated by the FBI. If they would have found anything; you can bet the highly partisan AG and DOJ would have already filed charges.
Which is why Pelosi declared herself and the Mayor of DC off limits for questioning. Since they both turned down Trump's written offer of 20,000 National Guard troops. The Mayor of DC did so in writing. They are really striving hard to have a fair investigation when they ignore a major key fact that Trump wouldn't have made the offer if he was planning sedition. What isn't off limits is for the highly partisan committee to call in their Republican opponents for questioning. Knowing full damn well there is no evidence against them.
Which they have not done. Both the FBI and Senate have conducted full investigations. Seems the House lost the findings of both of those investigations. But then this isn't about finding out the truth, or facts; And it sure as hell isn't about preventing it from ever happening again.
Pelosi and the Democrats can have their little dog and pony show on prime time. Mid terms are coming; and it is past time for Democrats to voted out of power.
It won't even take Trump being re-elected. This could happen after mid-terms. I don't see many of this partisan shit show of democrats being re-elected.
I would agree with you, but then we would both be wrong. Did you miss the part that said "5 of whom shall be appointed after consultation with the minority leader."? Pelosi turned down the Minority Leaders appointees and hand selected people. That's not what consultation means. But then again, Democrats and the left aren't good at keeping track of what things actually mean.
It is you who has the problem reading, not I.
The election was the reason they were there in the first place: To "Stop The Steal". At who's behest? DJT
She consulted him. He Basically told her to shove it. To follow the letter of the rules
, she then appointed the remaining five.
If he had in good faith wanted to influence in any way or register objections to the process, he would not have took his republicans and went home. His refusal to seat anyone was, as I stated, an attempt to frame the committee and taint any of its findings as partisan. Look how well it worked with you.
Congress, evidenced by both the Republican and Democratic members, is quite obviously broken. To all appearances, the body can no longer function properly due primarily to partisan influences on both sides. The answer is not readily apparent, but would seem to reside somewhere along the lines of reducing or eliminating the parties' influence as gatekeepers to the elections.
If I am wrong, I'm in the company of the SCOTUS.
False. See
Save your supercilious crap for someone who respects your opinion.
...another disgraced right wing clown with a ridiculous comb over.
that fool has already implicated himself 6 ways from sunday in the media. he's ready to move on to the 10 second head start at an open air desert gun range segment of the legal process.
It is obvious you do not have a good relationship with anyone's truth.
I think you're overlooking how much traction they hope to gain with this during the midterms.
I haven't overlooked it. I dismissed it. They have a record of one party rule now. Nothing is going to alleviate that!
For those people that will not be tuning in on Thursday or may not make it to this site on Friday let me share the highlights and comments that will be here Friday (no need to wait for the actual event).
This is the smoking gun we have all been waiting for. As a matter of fact there is so much damning evidence this is a 21 smoking gun salute.
It is much worse and ran deeper than was thought. This was waaayyy worse than Watergate. It was constitutional crises and a threat to democracy all rolled up in a conspiracy of Biblical proportions
Donald should be taken straight to jail, we will worry about actual charges and trial at a later date.
Donald should not be allowed to run for any public office for the rest of his life, which should not be long since he should be executed as soon as a progressive can figure out how to use a gun .
Any republican elected official that is saying anything good about Donald should not be able to hold office for 12 years.
Any republican elected official saying bad things about Donald but has said good things in the past can not hold office for 8 years because they did not say bad things fast enough.
Any republican that has voted for Donald in the past must be publicly shamed and ask for forgiveness that they will never get because you can't forgive evil.
Liz Chaney and Adam Kinzinger should be chastised for being traitors to their party by the committee and all dems since they are no longer useful.
Anyone not sharing in the outrage felt by the left should be sent to one of China's brainwashing camps for indoctrination. A test must be passed to get back in the United States. It will be administered by Adam Schiff in a hot tub.
Anyone that voted for a republican in the past 4 elections should not be allowed to vote in the next four elections because....well just because.
The committee said some other stuff and made a few other recommendations but none of those were memorable or important since this was all about Donald from the beginning.
Yea, it would be silly to take one attempting to stop our transision of power seriously, cause stopping the lawfully elected POTUS from becoming POTUS, is all, is all just one big joke, sorta like one claiming to be right down the center, when stated is only (what isn't}, right ?
comparing these riots, which i absolutely did not agree with, but did most certainly agreed with the far greater majority of peaceful protests, to the almost cessation of peaceful power exchange after a duly elected United States Presidential Election , is not a comparison at all, for this set of anarchists did spring into action whence motivated by Trump LIES duly stated, as so many great women and men gave life and limb to our/a country they created, and to watch a LYING SCUNBAG try and do away with all that Great People had created, was far and away enough to make a cogent case for any intelligent Americans, to hate it.
Bullshit. A bunch of idiots meandering around the capital wondering what to do next or if there is any place to go to the bathroom or buy a drink does not make a coup. Leaders of real coups are not happy about our defining this as a takeover attempt of a government. It is the commission and the number of liberals trying to make it more than it was and whining about the people that don't share their outrage that is one big joke.
asz do cows, but do you actually comprehend the fullstory around 1/6 ? It's not just about the rioters, it's about the LIES, and the story of how so many Republicans, knowing Trump LOST, still tried, as they LIED, to subvert our rightful transition of power, by spreading these LIES and CONSPIRACY THEORIES , in an all out, any which way they thought they might, keep Trump, in power, and people DIED that day, because of these LIARS !
unlike their homes, there were too many people hanging around all the open doors and windows.
My guess would be , no, they dont.
Bad guess.
They didn't even have bricks or Molotov cocktails to throw. Of course that would take organization- like the not so peaceful BLM/Antifa protests of 2020; who never seemed to run out of those. Nor concrete milkshakes.
Democrats are risking serious blowback from the public over this prime-time political stunt. Of all the issues on the table, the Jan. 6th storming of the Capitol is old, stale news. The press has already informed the public, made public disclosures, and shaped public opinion.
The public response to this political spectacular could very well be 'why is Congress wasting time on this?' The bigger and more important issues are energy and food inflation, empty shelves, an epidemic of gun crime across the country, ongoing COVID fears, war with Russia, deteriorating relations with China, stock market volatility, and fears of a recession. Another migrant caravan is headed for the southern border and it could be the biggest migrant caravan in history.
The world is turning to shit and Democrats are focusing their attention on Donald Trump? Really? The public has seen all they need to see about Jan. 6th and Donald Trump; this is old, stale news that isn't very important at the moment. It's quite possible that what the House committee is planning to do will only piss off the public because they're not doing their job and addressing real problems.
The public is already expressing doubts about Biden's competence. This public spectacle risks the public questioning the competence of Democrats in general. What does revealing dirt on Donald Trump have to do with the price of gasoline? How does prosecuting Donald Trump fix the epidemic of gun violence? How will sending Donald Trump to prison deal with the migrant caravan headed to the border? Joe Biden is President and Democrats control Congress. And this is what Democrats think is important?
it was the most crucial day in our history since 9/11 in my humble opine, but you go on and keep proving how ignorance has become the rule, while i'll go on breaking those rules, cause pretty sick up and fed, by LIES and DENIAL so damn vile, cause too many can't accept they done fckd up. OWN IT, cause you ALL DO, No matter what you say and state, for the truth is something to embrace, not hate, especially when it is smack dab in your face, as you shut eyes and put fingers in ears, as so many label 1/6 a sum of some with irrational fears, as so many whine, i'll be bar b q uin and sloshing down beers
fck the popcorn
You do realize you can't force people to take responsibility for something just because you say they are responsible don't you? If you could I would be blaming all the democrats that nominated the only person that a game show host could beat in an election responsible for getting Donald elected in the first place. OWN IT!
i own enough, so i need not add you
How can the public be ignorant when the press has reported all of this? The press has already informed the public of the import of the Jan. 6th storming of the Capitol. The press has been reporting the conviction of rioters. The press has been revealing and disclosing details of what was happening in Trump's inner circle. The press has reported what Trump was doing as the events unfolded. This is old, stale news.
A House committee rehashing what the press has already reported won't change anything at this point. A prime-time political spectacle won't change the likelihood of Trump being indicted and prosecuted. The politicians on the committee certainly won't be indicting and prosecuting Trump. The outcome will be that the committee won't do anything tangible to address their outrage because they can't.
If what happened was that serious then indict Trump, prosecute Trump, and throw Trump into prison. The committee failing to indict, prosecute, and imprison Trump will only create a public perception that this was nothing more than a political stunt. These politicians tell the public this is a problem and then fail to do anything about it.
The risk is that this prime-time political spectacle with only strengthen public perception that politicians are incompetent blowhards who only talk but don't do anything. And Democrats won't be able to dodge that they are only talking and doing nothing.
You are woefully behind on this subject. The public will be seeing testimony, brand new testimony not yet seen, and in real time. Plus, testimony that they've only had "Right" wing filters present. Instead of allowing someone else to interpret it for you, WHY NOT WATCH IT UNFOLD IN REAL TIME ? What are you people AFRAID OF, THE DAMN TRUTH FOR ONCE ????
Is that like when "Star Wars " was re released with 25 second of never seen before footage?
No, but you can show the world, the public at large who the responsible parties are. But, really, the rest of the world knows who was responsible for the riots.
Gawd ..... the blatant ignorance contained in that comment is epic.
People without TDS have moved on.
The whole world also knows this commission is nothing more than the dems desperation holy mary play before the midterms.
Well there was a little bit of truth in that comment you replied to. The show will have previously unseen by the public testimony all carefully laid out to spell out the story they want told. The Thursday night spectacular is something like 3 hours in length, and they have how many hours of pre-recorded testimony to go thru? Forget Hollywood showing us how a man can fly, I expect the show to lay out not only why Trump is guilty of Jan 6th, but that he also was involved in so many other dastardly plots against the country such as planning Dec 7th, planning the assassination of both Lincoln and Kennedy, and that his father owned the metal work shop that made the nails that were used to hang JC on the cross.
Exaggeration aside, I fully expect to see a very one-sided carefully crafted show that in reality as one purpose. It's been quite clear from the beginning that this entire process has been to further poison the name of Trump to head off a potential run in 24. And a part of me hopes it does work as I really don't want to see him run again. It's time to put that entire mess behind us and get some new blood into the political world. But while we will see part of the truth, it will be carefully crafted to show only what the Democrats want us to see and will never reveal the total truth.
How can I be woefully behind when the press has already reported every angle? Are you suggesting that what the press has published isn't the truth? Press coverage of Jan. 6th has already been recognized with a Pulitzer Prize.
Somehow an expectation that politicians will be perceived as more trustworthy than the press seems extraordinarily unrealistic. People don't watch the State of the Union and this committee hearing will more like deja vu all over again. A more realistic expectation is that the public will tune out pretty quickly when these politicians begin making an ass of themselves. That's pretty predictable.
The news cycle is going to be highlighting the viewership numbers. We'll probably be hearing more about how the number of viewers is a worrying sign for Democrats' prospects during the midterms than about how soon Trump will be indicted, prosecuted, and imprisoned. There'll be a plethora of journalist opinions about how Democrats running against Trump in the midterms won't move the needle. It's more likely Democrats will be forced to do damage control from the blowback.
I thought that until I saw the likes of AOC and Cawthorn...
Every angle ?? You have declared Trump innocent yet again, without even taking in ALL of the evidence. Do you believe Liz Cheney, a Republican Congresswoman that voted with Trump 93% of the time is now, suddenly, somehow, a Democrat, with an agenda? Cause i see her as a TRUE AMERICAN, as she is putting Country, before Party, just as Mitt Romney had done, and a handful of other Republicans. The GOP today, to me, stands for
G- roup O- f P- ussy's !
Yes, every angle. The press has already tried and convicted Trump. Didn't these politicians get the memo? Or do they just ignore what is happening out in the real world.
The big question concerning Trump is why he hasn't been indicted, prosecuted, and imprisoned? The razzle dazzle TV show isn't going to touch that question. A Biden appointed and Democrat approved Attorney General has refused to indict and prosecute Trump. Why?
You know, the Jan. 6th rally wasn't a surprise. This wasn't a spontaneous protest that burned a city block. The rally was planned and organized well in advance. The press reported that there was going to be a rally and protest. People didn't show up on a whim or on the spur of the moment. Someone in charge deliberately left the Capitol building unprotected. And it wasn't Trump. The prime-time Democrat show absolutely will not tell the public who is responsible for leaving the Capitol building unprotected. That would be an inconvenient truth.
Where was LIz Cheney and Mitt Romney (who is not in the House, BTW) when the rally was being planned and organized? Were they so completely clueless and out of the loop that they knew nothing? Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney could obviously not do anything to protect the Capitol building but we're supposed to believe they're protecting democracy. Yeah, right.
It's not necessary to convince the public that Trump is guilty. It's only necessary to convince 12 people on a jury. Apparently the gutless wonders on the House committee are not sure they can do the only thing that matters. So, they're wasting public money and the country's time to cover up their own incompetence. Since these politicians can't dazzle the public with competence the only alternative is to baffle the public with bullshit.
Tell us again who is running this circus. And it ain't Trump.
No. That was interesting.
The Heard-Depp trial was just a warmup for this circus.
Taking bets on how many clowns pile out of the clown car before it is done ......
gee, I thought it was a trump train, not a clown car...
Am I the only one that hears 'at the Apollo' every time I see It's showtime....