
A Primetime Dud


Category:  Op/Ed

By:  vic-eldred  •  3 years ago  •  286 comments

A Primetime Dud
“Reminder that the Jan. 6 committee is being led by Rep. Bennie Thompson, who voted to overturn the 2004 election, Rep. Jamie Raskin, who voted to overturn the 2016 election, and Rep. Adam Schiff, who claimed for years that he had proof of Russian collusion.”....Mercedes Sclapp

For anyone who had the misfortune of watching the democrat's latest propaganda production, it was a tedious few hours. First we had the inarticulate Chairman Bennie Thompson of Mississippi. For those who don't remember, he was the man who refused to certify George W Bush and was accused of trying to extort campaign donations from credit card companies. He's going to tell us about democracy?


The man who told us last night that Jan 6th reminded him of the old south has been up to his eye balls in corruption:

"The apparent arrangement between Thompson and the business, Chic Productions, at once allows private interests to get closer to the congressman's office and gives the staffers a way to dip a straw into the river of outside money flowing through Capitol Hill.

It seems the party planning business run by Thompson staffers had pretty cozy connections to big name lobbyists:

In a six-week period in late 2008, four companies paid Chic $22,500 to plan events to honor Thompson, according to lobbying disclosures reviewed by TPMmuckraker. The companies were private prison contractor Corrections Corporation of America ($10,000), lobbying powerhouse Patton Boggs ($5,000), Pepsico ($5,000), and software giant Oracle ($2,500)."


Another of Nancy Pelosi's hand picked committee team was the lame duck representative from Wyoming Liz Cheney.


Ms Cheney, one of the two Republicans on the committee, all of whom were picked by Pelosi, read from Trump statements made on Jan 6th. The  quotes were displayed on the screen. In the very first one she did not read the final sentence, where Trump says "Go home with love." Unlike all other committees it had no other side to it, no rebuttal, just the Pelosi narrative. We also learned from Cheney that this was just one installment of 7. Later one of the Republicans that Minority leader McCarthy wanted on the committee, Rep Jim Banks called it A Primetime Dud!

REP. JIM BANKS : Last night's hearing was a primetime dud. Nothing came out of it that we didn't know before, and it didn't change anybody's minds. At the end of the day, this committee is trying to prosecute Donald Trump for crimes that he did not commit. And last night proved that they don't have any evidence that shows anything that's different than that. They want to put down [Trump]. They want to throw Donald Trump in jail. If they can't get that done, they want to prevent his name from appearing on the ballot. They want to continue to use this committee process as a way to attack their political opponents. 


The Week:

US Inflation hit a new 4 decade high:

"U.S. consumer inflation reached an 8.6% annual rate in May, its highest level in more than four decades as surging energy and food prices pushed prices higher.

The Labor Department on Friday said that the consumer-price index  increased 8.6% in May  from the same month a year ago, marking its fastest pace since December 1981. That was also up from April’s CPI reading, which was slightly below the previous 40-year high reached in March. The CPI measures  what consumers pay for goods and services ."


Biden's Summit of the America's goes bust: Mexico and other countries decided not to attend. A major snub of Joe Biden. Meanwhile the border has been overwhelmed by illegal migrants and drugs and another caravan is on the way.

Fears of more violence: 

"For Republican congressmen targeted in the 2017 mass shooting at a congressional baseball practice, the revelation that a man was arrested and charged with attempting to murder Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh has sparked fears that the charged political climate could lead to more assassination attempts.  

James T. Hodgkinson, a far-left former volunteer on Sen. Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign, opened fire on a group of Republican lawmakers in June 2017 as they practiced for the annual Congressional Baseball Game.  House Minority Whip Steve Scalise , R-La., was shot and critically injured during the attack, requiring surgeries to save his life."


Gas prices have reached another record high:

"By Wednesday afternoon, the national average price for a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline was $4.955,  according to data provided by AAA .

It was a new national record, and was  35 cents higher than the national average just three weeks before ."


What have we learned:

Much of what we learned we already knew. Democrats hope they can use Jan 6th to change the coming disaster they face in the midterms. It is hard to see how something they made all about Trump could be used to hurt other Republicans. They do have one trick up their sleeve as far as these sham hearings are concerned: they alone have the info they collected and they can hold back to use it whenever they want.

Cartoon of the Week:


Honorable Mention:

Rep Jim Banks


jrDiscussion - desc
Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1  author  Vic Eldred    3 years ago

Eventually we'll get the truth about Jan 6th. It may be a year away.

Professor Principal
1.1  devangelical  replied to  Vic Eldred @1    3 years ago

Professor Principal
1.1.1  devangelical  replied to  devangelical @1.1    3 years ago

Professor Quiet
1.1.2  Ronin2  replied to  devangelical @1.1.1    3 years ago


Professor Principal
1.1.3  devangelical  replied to  Ronin2 @1.1.2    3 years ago

removed for context

Professor Principal
1.2  TᵢG  replied to  Vic Eldred @1    3 years ago

Do you think this first installment was all lies??

Are they lying when they show Bill Barr speaking, when they show the violence of the insurrection, when they report advisors urging Trump to act during the three hour delay when he did nothing to mitigate the insurrection?

All lies?

The truth is that the acting PotUS engaged in a campaign to discredit the electoral system of the nation.   He started well before the election and then, when he lost, pulled out all the stops and engaged in absurd rhetoric replete with lies, frivolous lawsuits, attempts to coerce officials to find votes, engage in recounts, etc. and the public and private attempts to suborn Pence to commit an unconstitutional act to steal the election.

All lies?

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.1  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  TᵢG @1.2    3 years ago
Do you think this first installment was all lies??


Are they lying when they show Bill Barr speaking, when they show the violence of the insurrection, when they report advisors urging Trump to act during the three hour delay when he did nothing to mitigate the insurrection?


The truth is that the acting PotUS engaged in a campaign to discredit the electoral system of the nation.   He started well before the election and then, when he lost, pulled out all the stops and engaged in absurd rhetoric replete with lies, frivolous lawsuits, attempts to coerce officials to find votes, engage in recounts, etc. and the public and private attempts to suborn Pence to commit an unconstitutional act to steal the election.

There is a caveat to that. A lot was done to that man. I'm sure he thought he was cheated.

Now I think it's my turn to ask a question:

Was that simply a political narrative last night or are they seeking to charge Trump with a crime?

Professor Quiet
1.2.2  Ozzwald  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.1    3 years ago
There is a caveat to that. A lot was done to that man. I'm sure he thought he was cheated.

In 2016 election, Trump stated that if he lost it would have been because of election fraud.

  • Trump claimed “people that have died 10 years ago are still voting,” citing a report that found 1.8 million deceased people remain on voter registration rolls. But the report did not find evidence of wrongdoing, and numerous studies have found such voter fraud is virtually nonexistent.
  • Trump claimed there is a massive problem with “illegal immigrants [who] are voting,” citing research by Old Dominion professors who say noncitizen voters may have benefited Democrats in 2008. But a Harvard professor who manages the data used in the Old Dominion study said the data was misused and the study’s conclusions are wrong.
  • Finally, Trump broadly claimed that “voter fraud is very, very common,” and he has called for poll watchers to look for people impersonating voters or voting numerous times. However, numerous academic studies and government inquiries have found in-person voter fraud to be rare.

Again, the above claims were made in 2016 , then promptly discarded when he won.

Professor Principal
1.2.3  TᵢG  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.1    3 years ago
Was that simply a political narrative last night or are they seeking to charge Trump with a crime?

I think it is motivated by patriotism (Cheney in particular) but of course partisanship is at play — it always is even when acting properly.   I doubt this will end up as a criminal lawsuit since our nation tends to provide cover for upper echelon politicians.   

Do you think Trump supporters will acknowledge the truth?    ( The answer, IMO, is a resounding no.   They will deny it with absurd rebuttals. )

Professor Principal
1.2.4  Ender  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.1    3 years ago
I'm sure he thought he was cheated.

So that makes it all alright? Holy Hell.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.5  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  TᵢG @1.2.3    3 years ago
Do you think Trump supporters will acknowledge the truth? 

They may have, but people like Pelosi are making him a martyr.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.6  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Ozzwald @1.2.2    3 years ago
then promptly discarded when he won.

Then Clinton claimed she was robbed.  

Professor Principal
1.2.7  Ender  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.5    3 years ago

No, you all are making him your own martyr. 

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.8  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Ender @1.2.4    3 years ago

There were many things that weren't right. It would have been more reasonable for him to finger the media for blaming the pandemic on him or better still, China for letting the virus out to the world.

Professor Principal
1.2.9  Ender  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.8    3 years ago

So what wasn't right? List them. We have heard the donald call of the terrible media that lies about him...

Bullshit. If all you have is blaming the media, you have nothing. 

Professor Principal
1.2.10  TᵢG  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.5    3 years ago
They may have, but people like Pelosi are making him a martyr.

I want the truth to be stated and done so repeatedly.   It is terrible for our nation that so many are influenced by a lying sack of shit.

Professor Principal
1.2.11  Hallux  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.1    3 years ago
There is a caveat to that. A lot was done to that man. I'm sure he thought he was cheated.

I guess that caveat also applies to H.R.C.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.12  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Ender @1.2.9    3 years ago
So what wasn't right? List them.

The Russia hoax, the double standard given to Republicans and democrats, the NY investigations of Trump, the leaking of Trump's tax returns, the terrible treatment of Kavanaugh, the 2020 riots, the blaming of the pandemic on Trump and two faux impeachments.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.13  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  TᵢG @1.2.10    3 years ago
I want the truth to be stated and done so repeatedly

So do I.

It is terrible for our nation that so many are influenced by a lying sack of shit.

Joe Biden? Nancy Pelosi? Adam Schiff?  Which one?

Professor Principal
1.2.14  Ender  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.12    3 years ago

Wow, every right wing talking point. 

Really sad that you all will sell your souls just to protect a criminal.

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
1.2.15  Perrie Halpern R.A.  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.13    3 years ago
It is terrible for our nation that so many are influenced by a lying sack of shit.Joe Biden? Nancy Pelosi? Adam Schiff?  Which one?

Vic that is total deflection. None of them told a domestic terrorist group to "stand down and stand by."

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.16  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Hallux @1.2.11    3 years ago
I guess that caveat also applies to H.R.C.

Starting in 2008 when any democrat could have waltzed to victory after the financial/housing crisis burst upon the scene.

That was the one she should have won. However, a strange thing happened. Somebody else entered the race and even Clinton supporters felt a tingle up their legs.

Poor Hillary!

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.17  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A. @1.2.15    3 years ago

They all lied to us. One is no better than the other in that regard.

Right now which would you rather have the lying Trump or Joe Biden?

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.18  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Ender @1.2.14    3 years ago
Really sad that you all will sell your souls just to protect a criminal.

That's what I've been waiting for:


Professor Principal
1.2.19  TᵢG  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.17    3 years ago

Category error.   All lies are not equal.   Further, a single lie does not compare to a multi-month campaign of lies that seek to undermine confidence in our electoral system and violate the results of same.

Professor Principal
1.2.20  TᵢG  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.18    3 years ago

Attempt to coerce officials to change the results of an election.   Attempt to suborn VP Pence to engage in an unconstitutional act.   Refusal to act to mitigate violence at the Capitol and to give aid and comfort to the insurrectionists.

Ultimately the crime is attempting to steal the presidency.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.21  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  TᵢG @1.2.19    3 years ago

I'm going to ask you the same question I asked Perrie:

If you could vote today between Trump the liar or Joe Biden, which would you choose?

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.22  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  TᵢG @1.2.20    3 years ago

Then what the hell is taking them so long?  They all hate Trump.

Where is the indictment?

Professor Principal
1.2.23  Ender  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.18    3 years ago

He has been a crook his whole life. Something you all dismiss. All the vendors he has screwed over the years, the lawsuits for racism from his company, the bankruptcies to get out of debt.

Why is it the The TV couple Todd and Julie Chrisley get convicted of the same things donald has done yet donald has not.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.24  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Ender @1.2.23    3 years ago

You get the same question:

If you could vote today between Trump the liar or Joe Biden, which would you choose?

Professor Principal
1.2.25  TᵢG  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.21    3 years ago

Biden.    Assuming I was forced to pick one of those two.

The reason is that Trump clearly has no concern for the USA or anything other than himself and that he is demonstrably willing to engage in lies and actions that harm the USA for his own personal benefit.

If one comprehends Trump (blinders off), a patriot would always vote for a poor politician who cares about the nation over such a malignant narcissist and pathological liar.

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
1.2.26  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  Ender @1.2.23    3 years ago

For one thing they have proof against the Chrisleys. Try as they might, they cannot get anything solid on Trump..........at least yet.

I think you'd better look at the Chrisley file again. Not quite the same as what you plant on Trump.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.27  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  TᵢG @1.2.25    3 years ago

Very good. I want everyone to see that.

TiG hates Trump so much, that he'd rather see the American people suffer like the Russian people suffered during the 70's, 80's and 90's.

Are you that immune from the economy, that this personal vendetta comes before the well being of the American people?

Professor Principal
1.2.29  Ender  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.24    3 years ago

Biden in a second.

Professor Principal
1.2.30  Ender  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @1.2.26    3 years ago

They did the same things. Over and under valued property.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.31  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Ender @1.2.29    3 years ago

Yup. In other words to hell with the American people.

Professor Quiet
1.2.32  Ozzwald  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.6    3 years ago
Then Clinton claimed she was robbed.

She made a statement on primetime television.  Perhaps you would like to point out her "legal" claims that the election was stolen, that she made to the courts.  Saying she was "robbed" simply meant she was expected to win, she won the popular vote by several million, but still lost because of the electoral college.

Context is everything.  And a BIG point is that she made this prime time "robbed" statement, AFTER SHE HAD ALREADY CONCEDED!!!

Professor Principal
1.2.33  TᵢG  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.22    3 years ago
Where is the indictment?

Good question.   Like I noted, the system tends to protect upper echelon politicians.

Professor Principal
1.2.34  Ender  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.31    3 years ago

Only in your dreams. The fact that you admire donald and think of him as some paragon of virtue is really frightening.

Professor Principal
1.2.36  Ender  replied to  TᵢG @1.2.33    3 years ago

Hell, they still get away with insider trading.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.37  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Texan1211 @1.2.35    3 years ago

Ideology comes first with some.

Professor Quiet
1.2.38  Ronin2  replied to  Ozzwald @1.2.2    3 years ago

Now flip that the hell around.

Obama and Democrats were screaming that the 2016 election was pristine, pure, absolutely on the up and up until election night. Until Hillary lost that is. Then it was Russian collusion, election interference, and 6 years and counting of get Trruuummmmppppp!!!!!!!

So Democrats and the left can go fuck themselves. 

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.39  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Ender @1.2.34    3 years ago

The fact that Trump was a great President and that Biden has been a disaster is enough for most people.

Have you seen how Biden now stands with independents?

Professor Quiet
1.2.40  Ozzwald  replied to  Texan1211 @1.2.28    3 years ago

Because, despite years and years of investigations, no one has found evidence to charge Trump with anything.

That's a lie.  Trump has been charged multiple times, with multiple crimes.  He has just gotten away with plea deals and fines, his wealth has kept him out of jail.

Professor Principal
1.2.41  TᵢG  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.27    3 years ago
TiG hates Trump so much, that he'd rather see the American people suffer like the Russian people suffered during the 70's, 80's and 90's.

This has nothing to do with hatred.   You need to cut that shit out right now Vic.   

I explained in clear terms why I answered the question as I did.

In short, the USA should NEVER have as PotUS a person like Trump who is willing to harm the USA for his own good.   

You refused to acknowledge that and instead spin utter bullshit that I would knowingly prefer to see the USA in economic misery.   That presumes that our economic troubles today are solely the result of Biden and ignores (blindly) the fact that our economy is a consequence of COVID more than any other single factor.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.42  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Ronin2 @1.2.38    3 years ago

That is correct.

Professor Principal
1.2.43  Ender  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.39    3 years ago

That you think he was a great president says a lot. Then have the nerve to blame others for sticking to an ideology...

The true TDS is right here on display. The ones that would rather make themselves look a fool than claim he did anything wrong.

Professor Principal
1.2.44  TᵢG  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.39    3 years ago
The fact that Trump was a great President

Great??   You must be focused exclusively on his stated policies (disregarding what he failed to accomplish) while utterly ignoring all the damage he did due to his character, personality and his resulting words and deeds.

It is one thing to state that you liked his policies.   But to categorically deem Trump a great president is delusional.

Professor Quiet
1.2.45  Ronin2  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A. @1.2.15    3 years ago

Democrats just release their leftist Brown shirts in BLM and Antifa w/o charges. 

If they can't get that done; then they work on getting them bail money and legal representation. 

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.46  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  TᵢG @1.2.44    3 years ago
disregarding what he failed to accomplish

What would that be?

Professor Quiet
1.2.47  Ronin2  replied to  Ender @1.2.29    3 years ago

Tell that to the US citizens Brandon abandoned in Afghanistan.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.48  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Ender @1.2.43    3 years ago
That you think he was a great president says a lot.

That you don't think so, says even more.

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
1.2.50  Perrie Halpern R.A.  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.17    3 years ago

I would rather have neither, but at least Biden didn't threaten our democracy. 

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
1.2.51  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  Ender @1.2.30    3 years ago
They did the same things. Over and under valued property.

That has always killed me. I can't get a mortgage without a certified appraisal. I don't know how ANY reputable, legitimate, financial establishment takes ANYONE'S word for the worth of something. It's mind boggling. Especially when  it comes to taxes. Property gets appraisals too. 

Well shit, maybe I'll shop around and see if I can get $200K equity loan on my $750K home. (It's really only a little under $300K in value)

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.52  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  TᵢG @1.2.41    3 years ago
You refused to acknowledge that and instead spin utter bullshit that I would knowingly prefer to see the USA in economic misery. 

Anyone who would now vote for Biden DOES PREFER TO SEE THE US IN ECONOMIC MISERY.

Professor Principal
1.2.53  Ender  replied to  Ronin2 @1.2.47    3 years ago

No matter what I say you will cling to your partisanship until the bitter end.

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
1.2.54  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  Ender @1.2.34    3 years ago
admire donald and think of him as some paragon of virtue is really frightening

Who the hell does that? Paragon of virtue? Hardly. But I did like his policies and the things he did while in office.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.55  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A. @1.2.50    3 years ago

He needlessly left us with 8.3% inflation.

He deliberately caused the price of gas to close in on $5 per gallon

He deliberately removed every obstacle to illegal immigration

How could defend such a man?

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
1.2.56  Perrie Halpern R.A.  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.52    3 years ago

You are comparing apples and pears.

Biden does have economic issues, but he didn't threaten the peaceful transfer of power. The very essence of our democracy. Don't like what he does, vote him out.

But Trump incited a bunch of criminals to try and overturn an election. No president before has ever done that.

Professor Principal
1.2.57  Ender  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.48    3 years ago

The simple fact that you all cannot see that he has bamboozled you all is really weird.

It is like a cult mentality.

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
1.2.58  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  Ozzwald @1.2.40    3 years ago
He has just gotten away with plea deals and fines,

Like millions of others. I am sure you think you have a point there................please share.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
1.2.59  Sparty On  replied to  Ender @1.2.7    3 years ago

I’m not.    I just want the truth and we ain’t gonna get the whole truth from the selective Jan 6th committee.    

They have no interest in providing both sides.    A committee full of TDS ridden Dems and never Trumper Reps.

Only a fool would expect the entire truth from this kangaroo court

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.60  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A. @1.2.56    3 years ago
but he didn't threaten the peaceful transfer of power.

Was the transfer of power ever in danger?

 The very essence of our democracy.

That has become a progressive slogan. If you go on Twitter you'll see Marc Elias using it every day. He's the one who got election rules changed in 2020.

But Trump incited a bunch of criminals to try and overturn an election.

That is highly debatable. Last night Liz Cheney cherry picked his Dec rally speech. Too many people remember Trump saying "Go in Peace."

Professor Principal
1.2.61  Ender  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @1.2.51    3 years ago

I wondered about appraisals myself. I have seen people that did that here. There is a dispute between a family I know about a house they inherited. One sibling that wanted to buy the house found an appraiser that severely under estimated the house. Valued it at 75k when the same houses in the neighborhood were going for 150k.

I guess if one looks hard enough they could find someone to say what they want.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.62  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Ender @1.2.57    3 years ago

That word went out of style with Cutaways.

It is like a cult mentality.

I'd rather see cult mentalities among the harmless than among the ruling elite.

Professor Principal
1.2.63  Ender  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.62    3 years ago

Yep, the harmless cult mentality that lead to people breaching the capitol...

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.64  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Ender @1.2.63    3 years ago

Those weren't harmless people. They were comprised of two groups: The Proud Boys and The Oathtakers, at least according to the "Jan 6th committee."  Neither of those two groups has competent leadership. I don't think NT would want me giving them advice. Right mow, however, both groups have been rendered "harmless." They are probably defunct.

Professor Principal
1.2.65  Ender  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.64    3 years ago

Their leaders are in jail.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.66  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Ender @1.2.65    3 years ago

They are out of business.

Professor Principal
1.2.67  TᵢG  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.60    3 years ago
Was the transfer of power ever in danger?

If someone tries to rob a bank and fails miserably in the attempt (the bank was never in danger of actually being robbed), do we forget about it or do we charge the attempted robbers?

Professor Principal
1.2.68  Ender  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.66    3 years ago

You actually think that because their leaders are in jail, all the followers are just going to turn their backs and get employed at a flower shop...

Professor Principal
1.2.69  TᵢG  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.60    3 years ago
That is highly debatable.

One would have to be blind to not see how Trump's words and deeds inspired his supporters to act against a stolen election.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.70  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  TᵢG @1.2.67    3 years ago

We can charge them with attempted robbery.

May I ask a question now:

Did you think Harry Truman was a good President?

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
1.2.71  Perrie Halpern R.A.  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.60    3 years ago
but he didn't threaten the peaceful transfer of power.
Was the transfer of power ever in danger?

Indeed it was. When you try to pressure the VP into overturning the results, that is interfering with the transfer of power. No President has ever asked for that before. 

That has become a progressive slogan.

If you are implying that I am a progressive, that is beyond annoying. What I am saying is a fact. How you can deflect from the obvious is very upsetting.

But Trump incited a bunch of criminals to try and overturn an election.

That is highly debatable.

Facts are facts. Trump did tell the Proud Boys to "stand down and stand by". He later said to go in peace, after the events... long after the events.

Professor Principal
1.2.72  TᵢG  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.70    3 years ago
Did you think Harry Truman was a good President?

Given how you dishonestly spun my last answer while ignoring my clear explanation you have a lot of nerve asking me to give you the benefit of the doubt that your question is sincere.

Professor Principal
1.2.74  TᵢG  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.70    3 years ago
We can charge them with attempted robbery.

And thus one could charge Trump with an attempt to steal the presidency.    Pretty much what I have been writing.

Trump attempted to steal the presidency by exploiting the influence of his office, by inciting supporters, by suborning his own VP to engage in an unconstitutional act, by coercing officials to find and change votes, by filing 60+ frivolous lawsuits, etc.

All attempts that ultimately failed, but the attempts are the 'bad behavior'.

Professor Principal
1.2.75  Ender  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A. @1.2.71    3 years ago

Not to mention the 'fake electors' some were trying to put in place or the stealing of voting machine hard drives. 

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.76  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A. @1.2.71    3 years ago
When you try to pressure the VP into overturning the results,

But it is clear that Pence thought it was insane and would NEVER do something like that. Barr resigned!  It was never going to happen.

If you are implying that I am a progressive, that is beyond annoying.

To the contrary, I'm trying to keep your skirt clean!

Facts are facts. Trump did tell the Proud Boys to "stand down and stand by".

He said that to the Proud Boys?   Or they thought he said that to them?   Better still didn't he simply mean STOP?

He later said to go in peace, after the events... long after the events.

He said it in his rally speech before the riot. I know that because I listened to the speech and then had to leave the house. It wasn't until later when my son-in-law texted me with "What did he say to those people?", that I got an inkling that something had happened.

Professor Principal
1.2.77  TᵢG  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.76    3 years ago
It was never going to happen.

The attempt is the crime.

Professor Principal
1.2.78  Ender  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.76    3 years ago

So if Hitler had uttered the words 'go in peace' everything would have been ok?

Professor Principal
1.2.79  TᵢG  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.76    3 years ago
He said it in his rally speech before the riot.

Think this through:

  • Fight for your rights
  • Stolen election
  • Rigged
  • Go in Peace
  • I won, you won
  • Disenfranchised 
  • Last chance to stop this
  • Patriotic to fight against these results

What is the net message?   

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.80  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  TᵢG @1.2.74    3 years ago
And thus one could charge Trump with an attempt to steal the presidency. 

Everyone who has ever investigated Trump has been a Trump hater from the stacked Mueller team to Pelosi's stacked committee. There are plenty of prosecutors, judges & juries who would convict Trump without much hesitation. So where the hell are the charges?

Professor Principal
1.2.81  TᵢG  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.80    3 years ago

Again, good question.   My answer remains that the political elite tend to be protected.

Do you not see charges that should be raised against Trump?

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.82  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  TᵢG @1.2.77    3 years ago

Again, Where are the charges?

Professor Principal
1.2.83  TᵢG  replied to  Ender @1.2.78    3 years ago

This is the basic defense for Trump from day one.

In spite of all the obvious bad things Trump has done and said, his sycophantic supporters point to selective good words and deeds as if this erases all the bad.

It is pure delusion.

Professor Principal
1.2.84  TᵢG  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.82    3 years ago

Okay, Vic, I have told you repeatedly that this is a good question.   And I have offered my opinion on why we have yet to see the charges.

In spite of that all you do is keep repeating the question.   

Go ask someone else.   If acknowledging the validity of your question and providing an opinion that partially explains it is not enough then you clearly are not paying attention to what I am writing.   

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.85  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  TᵢG @1.2.81    3 years ago
 My answer remains that the political elite tend to be protected.

That's only true of one side. Many of Trump's associates were maliciously prosecuted. The most recent taken to jail in leg irons for refusing to testify. It wouldn't take much to get a conviction on Trump. All one needs do is to put it in front of a DC jury.

Do you not see charges that should be raised against Trump?

I don't, but I hope that he is charged and convicted.

Professor Principal
1.2.86  TᵢG  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.85    3 years ago
I don't, but I hope that he is charged and convicted.

You do not see that Trump could be charged with encouraging acts against the government, attempted suborning of his VP, attempted coercion of election officials, etc????

But even though you somehow cannot comprehend these charges, you hope Trump is charged and convicted??

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.87  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  TᵢG @1.2.84    3 years ago
Okay, Vic, I have told you repeatedly that this is a good question.

That's good. I think we can both agree that at the very least, the enthusiasm for it is clearly there.

We can only hope they pull the trigger.

Professor Principal
1.2.88  TᵢG  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.87    3 years ago
We can only hope they pull the trigger.

You write that, yet with everything you know about Trump, you would willingly give that abysmal individual the powers of the presidency???

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.89  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  TᵢG @1.2.86    3 years ago
You do not see that Trump could be charged with encouraging acts against the government, attempted suborn of his VP, attempted coercion of election officials, etc????

I clearly see it.

But even though you somehow cannot comprehend these charges, you hope Trump is charged and convicted??

That's right. I want the way clear for DeSantis and Trump to be enshrined as a martyr.

Professor Principal
1.2.91  Ender  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.82    3 years ago

I could turn this around like some of yall like to do. You all know for a fact that Hillary was corrupt and crooked, so where are the charges?

No matter how you want to frame it as an us against them mentality, pit the masses against each other, the elite has been protected for a long time.

It is us, the peons that pay the price as we are sitting here arguing about which politician is more crooked. Defending one while condemning another.

And it works, people flock to the polls to deliver a partisan vote and the same crooked people get voted back in.

You are doing nothing more than what you claim others do.

Freshman Participates
1.2.92  Revillug  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A. @1.2.56    3 years ago
But Trump incited a bunch of criminals to try and overturn an election. No president before has ever done that.

The coup that was attempted on Jan 6th has been embedded in many levels of government now.

Don't like what he [Biden] does, vote him out.

The ironic thing and perhaps unfortunate on many levels is that the GOP won't even need to steal the next couple of elections because the Democrats are so unpopular right now. That is going to let the post Jan 6 operatives embedded in the system go undetected and unchallenged for a few years. 

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.93  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  TᵢG @1.2.88    3 years ago

Absolutely!  Like William Barr recently said "I hope he doesn't run again, but if he does I'll have to vote for him.

Barr was asked why?

He said because as far as he was concerned the left is the clear & present danger to this country.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.94  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Have Opinion Will Travel @1.2.90    3 years ago

They have tried too often. If they convict Trump of anything, the American public will view it as malicious prosecution.

I say, let them do it!

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.95  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Ender @1.2.78    3 years ago

You compare Trump to Hitler?

That says it all.

Professor Principal
1.2.96  Ender  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.93    3 years ago

Yep Barr. The one that was instrumental in getting the people involved in the Iran-Contra affair pardoned.

Professor Principal
1.2.97  TᵢG  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.93    3 years ago
"I hope he doesn't run again, but if he does I'll have to vote for him.

A fundamental failure on Barr's part.   If Trump runs again, Barr should be doing everything in his power to get someone else nominated.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.98  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  TᵢG @1.2.79    3 years ago
What is the net message? 

Were you better off under me or Biden?

Professor Principal
1.2.99  TᵢG  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.95    3 years ago

A cheap dodge by you.

Professor Principal
1.2.100  Ender  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.95    3 years ago

You see what you want to see in order to not have to deal with what was actually said.

Professor Guide
1.2.101  Dulay  replied to  Ronin2 @1.2.38    3 years ago
Obama and Democrats were screaming that the 2016 election was pristine, pure, absolutely on the up and up until election night. Until Hillary lost that is.

That's delusional. 

There were reports all over media about the Russian hacks on the DNC and state election systems from June 2016 onward. 

Selective memory or just willfully spewing bullshit? 

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.102  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  TᵢG @1.2.99    3 years ago

I think he made what is known as freudian slip.

Professor Principal
1.2.103  TᵢG  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.98    3 years ago
Were you better off under me or Biden?

You got that from my bullet points??    That is just deflection.

Professor Principal
1.2.104  Ender  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.102    3 years ago

No, I see it as you ignoring what I said and trying to add some false comparison.

Now take what I said at face value...If Hitler had said during one of his speeches, to go in peace, would that discount every other thing he said?

Professor Principal
1.2.105  TᵢG  replied to  Ender @1.2.104    3 years ago

Your obvious point will be ignored.

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
1.2.106  Perrie Halpern R.A.  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.76    3 years ago
But it is clear that Pence thought it was insane and would NEVER do something like that. Barr resigned!  It was never going to happen.

This is all true. But if they were different people things could have turned out differently. But this is beside the point. The very fact that POTUS asked for them to do that, is beyond the pale.

He said that to the Proud Boys?   Or they thought he said that to them?

Vic... it's on video. Had he just said "stand down" that would have been fine. But he added to "stand by", which makes his comment totally different.

He said it in his rally speechbeforethe riot. I know that because I listened to the speech and then had to leave the house. It wasn't until later when my son-in-law texted me with"What did he say to those people?", that I got an inkling that something had happened.

I checked and you are right... but he also said:

And we fight. We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore.

So holy mixed message.

Professor Principal
1.2.107  JBB  replied to  TᵢG @1.2.67    3 years ago

The entire Congress, both the US House and Senate, had to be dispersed to seek shelter in tunnels and safe rooms to escape the mob.

Trump's mob definitely succeeded in delaying the peaceful transfer of power unlawfully!

PhD Guide
1.2.109  Thomas  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.52    3 years ago


PhD Guide
1.2.110  Thomas  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.64    3 years ago

Wrong.  Those two groups led the charge, followed by a lot more people.

I doubt that NT cares who you give your advice to.

PhD Guide
1.2.111  Thomas  replied to  Have Opinion Will Travel @1.2.73    3 years ago

You win the award for turning reality on its head.

Professor Principal
1.2.112  TᵢG  replied to  Texan1211 @1.2.108    3 years ago

Obviously (meaning that you clearly know this too) JBB was referring to the insurrection delaying the proceedings in the Capitol on Jan 6th.

Faux obtuseness is a lame tactic.

Professor Principal
1.2.113  TᵢG  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.52    3 years ago
Anyone who would now vote for Biden DOES PREFER TO SEE THE US IN ECONOMIC MISERY.

That is a failure to comprehend a reality that is not merely black or white.   It is cynical and ultimately a pathetic spin.

One could take that same bullshit tactic and claim that anyone who did not vote for Biden wanted to have the office of the presidency occupied by a malignant narcissist and pathological liar who cares only of himself and is willing to harm the nation if it helps him.

Don't play these stupid games Vic.

Professor Principal
1.2.115  TᵢG  replied to  Texan1211 @1.2.114    3 years ago
I'm not one for arguing what I think someone said or meant--I go by their actual words.

Seems that you read what you want to read even if it goes against normal interpretation of English.

Clearly the insurrectionists delayed the proceedings yet somehow that did not even cross your mind?  


Professor Quiet
1.2.116  Ozzwald  replied to  Texan1211 @1.2.49    3 years ago
List them.

I have, multiple times for you and the other right wingers.  The fact that you keep asking for them over and over, changes your request from a query to simple trolling.  So here is the last time I will indulge your trolling.

Donald J. Trump Pays Court-Ordered $2 Million For Illegally Using Trump Foundation Funds

Will you be requiring some additional time, perhaps a year or so?

Nope, just will scroll back to the last time you guys requested the same evidence, then copy and paste from that last response I made.

Professor Quiet
1.2.117  Ozzwald  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @1.2.58    3 years ago
Like millions of others. I am sure you think you have a point there................please share.

The point, which you are CHOSING to ignore, is that Trump HAS committed crimes, which Texan denied.

Seriously, don't you guys even bother reading the comment thread before issuing some ignorant challenge to what was said???

PhD Guide
1.2.119  Thomas  replied to  TᵢG @1.2.113    3 years ago

It is the presentation of a false dichotomy and seems to be one of his favorite strategies. Why? I don't know. I keep telling him about it yet he seems to persist. 

Professor Principal
1.2.121  TᵢG  replied to  Thomas @1.2.119    3 years ago

Well, what does one do if one cannot rely upon facts and reason to make a point?    

When I am faced with that situation I do not make an argument (or I argue the counterpoint).   I prefer to argue from a position of strength.   I prefer to not make a fool of myself by making clearly wrong / weak arguments.

Seems like a good way to operate.   Too bad many seem to recklessly allege and then stumble all over themselves trying to argue that which is demonstrably false.

Professor Principal
1.2.123  TᵢG  replied to  Texan1211 @1.2.120    3 years ago
Gee, don't you?

No, I try to read what people write using the most natural interpretation of their words.   And then, if they object, I ask them to clear things up by rephrasing.

Okay, let's hear your 'normal' interpretation of English for this line:

Wow, you cannot even see that I provided the interpretation in my first comment to you?   And you even quoted it.  Unbelievable.   

I am sorry, but I can tell the difference between a delay in some proceedings and a delay in the transfer of power. I

Gotta break this down for you?   See you make these statements that invite us to explain what should be obvious and then you whine about condescension.   You bring it on yourself.

The transfer of power is a process.   One can, as you are trying to do, also limit the meaning of that term to be the actual event (a few minutes on Jan 20th) when the PotUS is sworn in.   The insurrectionists did absolutely delay the process;  the session was halted as the members sought safety.   They failed to stop the process thus the transfer-of-power-event took place as normally scheduled.

Note also what JBB actually wrote @1.2.107

The entire Congress, both the US House and Senate, had to be dispersed to seek shelter in tunnels and safe rooms to escape the mob. Trump's mob definitely succeeded in delaying the peaceful transfer of power unlawfully!

He explained this to you in his first sentence.

Professor Principal
1.2.124  JBB  replied to  Texan1211 @1.2.122    3 years ago

If you really do feel that way, then how do you explain that stunt you tried to pull in 1.2.108?

Professor Quiet
1.2.125  Ozzwald  replied to  Texan1211 @1.2.118    3 years ago
A lawsuit is far different from an indictment and conviction.

Once again, you never bothered reading the article you asked for....  Why am I not surprised.

And one 'example' that doesn't include an indictment is not lots of "  Trump has been charged multiple times, with multiple crimes. " 

My one example was in response to your claim :

Because, despite years and years of investigations, no one has found evidence to charge Trump with anything .

I only needed to provide 1 example to prove you wrong AGAIN ...

Professor Guide
1.2.126  evilone  replied to  TᵢG @1.2.123    3 years ago
The transfer of power is a process...  The insurrectionists did absolutely delay the process;

Let's not forget that Trump's Administration's refused to let the Biden team access to departmental information to start their process.

Professor Quiet
1.2.127  Ozzwald  replied to  evilone @1.2.126    3 years ago

Let's not forget that Trump's Administration's refused to let the Biden team access to departmental information to start their process.

Part of the process is documentation, so let's also not forget the cases of classified info that went to Mar-a-Lago with him.

Professor Guide
1.2.128  Dulay  replied to  Ozzwald @1.2.2    3 years ago

You don't have to go all the way back to 2016. 

Trump in August of 2020:

“We have to win the election. We can’t play games. Go out and vote. Do those beautiful absentee ballots, or just make sure your vote gets counted. Make sure because the only way we’re going to lose this election is if the election is rigged,” Trump told the group of supporters at the outdoor campaign event. “Remember that. It’s the only way we’re going to lose this election, so we have to be very careful.”

“The only way they’re going to win is that way. And we can’t let that happen,” Trump said just hours before Democrats are set to begin their 2020 convention to formally nominate Joe Biden as the party’s presidential candidate. 

Trump: ‘The only way we’re going to lose this election is if the election is rigged’ | The Hill

Trump was sowing the seeds even then; he was hedging his bets.

Everyone knows that Trump couldn't possibly lose fair and square right? /s

Professor Quiet
1.2.129  Ozzwald  replied to  Dulay @1.2.128    3 years ago
You don't have to go all the way back to 2016. 

You are correct, but I went all the way back to make a point.  Claiming election fraud was Trump's only strategy if he lost.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.130  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  TᵢG @1.2.113    3 years ago

You've been called out. 

Don't tell us about democracy or virtue or patriotism. Biden severely damaged this country and you'd vote for him again.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.131  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Thomas @1.2.109    3 years ago

The response of someone who has nothing.

Professor Principal
1.2.132  TᵢG  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.130    3 years ago

You presume too much as usual.

You asked if I had to vote right now for either Trump or Biden (no abstaining) who I would choose.   Given those conditions I would vote for Biden because even a poor politician is a better choice than knowingly giving the power of the presidency to a pathological liar and malignant narcissist who proved via his Big Lie campaign that he would trash the nation if it was to his perceived benefit.

It is beyond disgraceful and unpatriotic for you to choose to give Trump the presidency given what we know.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.133  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  TᵢG @1.2.132    3 years ago
I would vote for Biden because even a poor politician is a better choice than knowingly giving the power of the presidency to a pathological liar and malignant narcissist who proved via his Big Lie campaign that he would trash the nation if it was to his perceived benefit.

Real bad choice. Biden ruined the lives of Americans and Trump was a great President.

pat wilson
Professor Participates
1.2.134  pat wilson  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.130    3 years ago
You've been called out. 

pfft, you're out of your league.

Professor Principal
1.2.135  TᵢG  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.133    3 years ago
Real bad choice. Biden ruined the lives of Americans and Trump was a great President.

Your position is unpatriotic, irresponsible and flat out stupid.  

Trump has demonstrated that not only was he NOT a great president but that he should never be allowed to hold a position of power.   He has demonstrated in clear terms that he is willing to trash the nation just to spare himself the embarrassment of losing an election.   And knowing this, you would actually vote for this abysmal character ... you would knowingly vote for a pathological liar and malignant narcissist who for the first time in US history as PotUS actually tried to steal an election and to this day continues to insist that the nation's electoral system is rigged.   He thus continues to inflict damage on our nation.

You should be ashamed to even think about voting for such a person much less to the office of PotUS.    Sickening.

Professor Principal
1.2.136  TᵢG  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.133    3 years ago

You omitted "Given those conditions ..."

You continue to engage in cheap, dishonest spin of my clear and carefully qualified words.

That is lying.

Professor Principal
1.2.137  Ender  replied to  TᵢG @1.2.135    3 years ago

That is why I call it cult like. No matter what anyone says, it all comes right back to their original thought.

Biden ruined the lives of Americans and Trump was a great President.

Almost like if they just keep saying it over and over, that will make it true.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.141  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  TᵢG @1.2.135    3 years ago

How much name calling do you want to engage in?

Donald Trump served 4 years as President. He gave us a robust economy, secure borders, fair trade deals and Judges who respected the Constitution.  Joe Biden has thus far served almost 18 months. He caused the inflation the nation is struggling with and the high gas prices and the crime and division which has hurt so many. Those are the issues responsible people vote on. 

You should be ashamed to even think about voting for such a person much less to the office of PotUS.   

It's a joke that you get to use those words around here, while others get tickets for. I guess it's more liberal privilege. Don't bother telling us that you're an independent. Real independents deeply regret giving Biden their vote last time around. Progressives announce they will vote for him again despite what he has done to the American people.



Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.142  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  TᵢG @1.2.136    3 years ago

I'm not a liar, nor do I need to engage in cheap word games and most important of all, I don't need friends in management to come bail me out.

That is lying.

Go get your biased friends, before you call people liars.

Professor Guide
1.2.143  Dulay  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.141    3 years ago

Biden must be all powerful since there is record Inflation and high gas prices in other countries too Vic. 

BTFW, is Biden responsible for the highest profits for oil companies in 50 years? 

Professor Principal
1.2.144  TᵢG  replied to  Texan1211 @1.2.138    3 years ago
Ah, so you actually agree that the transfer of power wasn't delayed--which was my point all along. Ah, progress!

Then you cannot comprehend the difference between the transfer of power process vs. the actual swearing in event at the end (transfer-of-power-event).

Professor Principal
1.2.145  TᵢG  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.142    3 years ago

You omitted "Given those conditions ..." from my comment.    This is you again dishonestly removing qualifications from my words to spin a lie.

You continue to engage in cheap, dishonest spin of my clear and carefully qualified words.

That is lying.

Professor Principal
1.2.146  TᵢG  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.141    3 years ago
How much name calling do you want to engage in?

I criticized your position:  "Your position is unpatriotic, irresponsible and flat out stupid."    Quit whining.

Those are the issues responsible people vote on. 

Yes, Vic, Trump's policies were bread & butter GoP.   That is why some people would vote for him and ignore all the factors that show he should never hold a public office.   It is absolutely irresponsible, unpatriotic and stupid to do so.   There are plenty of GoP members who, if elected to PotUS, would enact the same policies.   Drop Trump ... he is a parasite on the GoP and support someone who is at least a partially decent human being.

Don't bother telling us that you're an independent. Real independents deeply regret giving Biden their vote last time around.

You clearly have no clue of what comprises an independent.   I doubt that it is possible for a partisan to put themselves in a position of truly making decisions regardless of the influence of a political party or its associated ideology.

Professor Principal
1.2.147  TᵢG  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.141    3 years ago
He caused the inflation the nation is struggling with and the high gas prices and the crime and division which has hurt so many.

How naive.  

On this, here is what I offered @6.1.5 regarding energy prices:

TiG@6.1.5 ☞ The key factor is that the pandemic caused the energy industry (especially oil) to cut back on production.   It takes a while to shut down production so they were over-producing for months.   Then when demand started picking up they would —if they believed it was a good business decision to do so given the potential of another rogue variant— need to ramp up.   Ramping up takes time, money and involves risk.   On top of that they are faced with labor shortages.

And then we have the influence of the stock market which does not work well with risk.

None of these factors, except the stock market to a limited degree, have anything to do with Biden.   The problem is ultimately that the business conditions are not favorable for oil companies to ramp up to current demand and these companies have a great excuse to shield their self-interest choices — the pandemic.

It is blind partisan 'thinking' that concludes that current energy prices are merely the result of Biden's policies.   Similar with inflation in general.   A rational analysis would conclude that inflation is a result of supply-chain weaknesses, lower production levels, lack of staff and all of these are side-effects of the pandemic.   Including, by the way, the bullshit excuse some companies use to raise prices more than they need to and cut back on quality to cut costs.

Biden's policies affect the future, if at all.   He likely will be gone in two years and will be simply a blip.  Oil companies are free to ramp up production right now and they could even drill new wells if they saw the business need.   If I were in oil I would be thinking of alternate energy routes because the long-term trend is obviously towards renewables and that trend is way bigger than a single PotUS.   (Renewables accelerated under Trump even though he talked them down.)    Neither PotUS had a significant effect on contemporary prices.   One must go beyond the uber-simplistic:  "who was president at the time" to have even a basic understanding of economics.

And you blame Biden for current crime too?   And Biden is more divisive than Trump??   Good grief man, buy a vowel.

Professor Principal
1.2.149  TᵢG  replied to  Texan1211 @1.2.148    3 years ago

You demonstrate to everyone with your comment that you do not comprehend the difference between a process and an event.   This is not a difficult distinction to make and I do not expect one needs superior intelligence to comprehend it.

My position is that you are pretending to not understand because you think, somehow, that is to your advantage.   The tactic is faux obtuseness.

Pretending to not understand a basic concept while expecting your post to be respected as intelligent is a bit misguided.

Professor Principal
1.2.151  TᵢG  replied to  Texan1211 @1.2.150    3 years ago

Wrong about what?

Do you claim that the transfer of power is not a process that takes place for months when a new PotUS is elected?

Do you claim that the transfer of power is strictly an event which occurs during the few seconds when the president elect is sworn in to become the new president?

It is both.   You are trying to deny the obvious.   That makes your comments look foolish.

Professor Quiet
1.2.153  cjcold  replied to  JBB @1.2.124    3 years ago


Freshman Participates
1.2.156  Revillug  replied to  Tessylo @1.2.154    3 years ago
You've never answered my question that the dems. would lose fair and square in 2022 and 2024.

Sorry, I didn't notice it.

To answer your question the polls look really bad for Democrats.

Biden’s approval rating as of today is (Jun 13, 2022) is 53.7% disapprove vs 39,7% approve.

Biden Approval Rating

The gallup party affiliation poll looks like a bit of a wash:

Gallup Party Affiliation Poll

But Democrats used to have an advantage in this area.

And more directly to the mid-terms:

Do Voters Want Democrats Or Republicans In Congress?

Republicans 45% Democrats 42.6%

FiveThirtyEight Generic Ballot

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.157  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  TᵢG @1.2.147    3 years ago
It is blind partisan 'thinking'

That sums up your comments perfectly.

Professor Guide
1.2.158  Dulay  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.157    3 years ago
That sums up your comments perfectly.

Your use of a truncated statement to post a snarky reply perfectly sums up your bad faith participation here. 

Professor Principal
1.2.159  TᵢG  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.157    3 years ago

A Pee Wee Herman style jab in lieu of a thoughtful rebuttal.   Pathetic, Vic.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
1.2.160  Sparty On  replied to  TᵢG @1.2.159    3 years ago


Professor Guide
1.3  Dulay  replied to  Vic Eldred @1    3 years ago

Again, Rep. Banks is an idiot who doesn't know WTF he is talking about. 

But hey, I'm sure that Banks will release a fascinating report 'next year' about his investigation. /s 

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.3.1  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Dulay @1.3    3 years ago

He should have been on the committee.

Now do you understand why Trump feels paranoid?

Sparty On
Professor Expert
1.3.2  Sparty On  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.3.1    3 years ago

Axe yourself one question ..... if their case on Trump was such a “slam dunk” why wouldn’t they let Banks and Jordan on the committee?

It stinks to high heaven.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.3.3  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Sparty On @1.3.2    3 years ago
It stinks to high heaven.

Of course it does. And that's why democrats are the ones who are now hated.

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
1.3.4  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  Sparty On @1.3.2    3 years ago

Excellent point Sparty!!!

Professor Principal
1.3.5  TᵢG  replied to  Sparty On @1.3.2    3 years ago
It stinks to high heaven.

Focus on the evidence.    What in their presentation thus far was false?

Professor Principal
1.3.6  JBB  replied to  TᵢG @1.3.5    3 years ago

Nothing! That's why it stinks for Trump Fans...

Professor Guide
1.3.7  Dulay  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.3.1    3 years ago
He should have been on the committee.

Nope. He's an idiot. 

Now do you understand why Trump feels paranoid?

The reason Trump is paranoid is that he expects others to be just like him. 

Professor Guide
1.3.8  Dulay  replied to  Sparty On @1.3.2    3 years ago

Is it regular practice to allow material witnesses to investigate themselves? 

Sparty On
Professor Expert
1.3.9  Sparty On  replied to  TᵢG @1.3.5    3 years ago

Focus on my comment.    Why did they break from tradition and not allow the Republicans chosen to be on the committee and hand pick never Trumpers.

Professor Principal
1.3.10  TᵢG  replied to  Sparty On @1.3.9    3 years ago

Because the committee, like all committees, was formed by the party in power and thus is partisan.

That is why you should ignore all factors other than evidence.   Ergo my suggestion that you focus on the evidence.

Repeating my question: 

What in their presentation thus far was false?

Sparty On
Professor Expert
1.3.11  Sparty On  replied to  TᵢG @1.3.10    3 years ago
Because the committee, like all committees, was formed by the party in power and thus is partisan.

Not how it is traditionally done.     Traditionally the party in power accepts the other parties suggestions on who to seat on such committees.

That is why you should ignore all factors other than evidence.   Ergo my suggestion that you focus on the evidence.

The biases on this committee are so egregious there is no way the evidence is being evaluated fairly.    Only one side is being considered.   Of this I am sure.

And I haven’t bothered to watch any of this kangaroo committee.   I’m sure the evidence this is shown is true but from one perspective only.    Only a fool would think ALL the evidence available is being evaluated fairly by this committee.

Professor Principal
1.3.12  TᵢG  replied to  Sparty On @1.3.11    3 years ago
Traditionally the party in power accepts the other parties suggestions on who to seat on the committee.

You pay much attention to the partisanship at play in D.C. over the past few years?    Give us all a break, Sparty.

The biases on this committee are so egregious there is no way the evidence is being evaluated fairly.  

Evidence was presented to the American public.   It is up to us to evaluate it.   I asked you to note presented evidence that was wrong.

And I haven’t bothered to watch any of this kangaroo committee.

Then you are opining in ignorance.   Your decision is pre-made based on your personal biases.   The very definition of non-objective.

I’m sure the evidence this is shown is true but from one perspective only.  

What bullshit.   When Barr states on video in the deposition that he told Trump that his claims of election fraud was bullshit that is evidence that Trump was informed by a top official that he was wrong.   There is no perspective involved, either Barr is lying or he is being truthful.   If truthful that means Trump was advised that his allegations were not only false but bullshit.   And Barr was not the only official telling Trump that his election fraud Big Lie was nonsense.

Black and white evidence.   No 'perspective' involved on the question of:  'was Trump informed by top advisors that his Big Lie goes against the facts of reality?'.

Professor Guide
1.3.13  Dulay  replied to  Sparty On @1.3.2    3 years ago

What stinks to high heaven is that both Banks and Jordan stated that they intended to concentrate on issues that are NOT a part of the Committee's mandate. 

I suggest you review their documented statements for yourself. Then ask yourself if you would seat AOC or Pramila Jayapal on a Committee after they stated that they intended to sabotage it. 

BTW, Banks has assigned by McCarthy to lead a parallel investigation, yet he's made it clear that what he is actually doing is repeating the security review already done in the Senate that resulted in a bi-partisan report releases last year. It's hard to imagine that Banks and Jordon will come up with something that the Senate hasn't already documented. 

Sparty On
Professor Expert
1.3.14  Sparty On  replied to  TᵢG @1.3.12    3 years ago
You pay much attention to the partisanship at play in D.C. over the past few years?    Give us all a break, Sparty.

I see, so now now you are making excuses for the democrats unprecedented actions seating this committee.    I guess two wrongs do make a right

Evidence was presented to the American public.   It is up to us to evaluate it.   I asked you to note presented evidence that was wrong.

Only carefully sifted and vetted, partisan based evidence will be presented.     Both sides will not be shown.   The Whole story will not be presented.   Again, only a fool thinks it will be.

Then you are opining in ignorance.   Your decision is pre-made based on your personal biases.   The very definition of non-objective.

Hardly.    The only ignorance I see here is the expectation coming from the left that this committee will be fair and unbiased.    Not a chance in hell for that so I won’t waste my time watching this shit show.    Just the latest turd offered up by TDS ridden idiots.


What bullshit.   When Barr states on video in the deposition that he told Trump that his claims of election fraud was bullshit that is evidence that Trump was informed by a top official that he was wrong.   There is no perspective involved, either Barr is lying or he is being truthful.   If truthful that means Trump was advised that his allegations were not only false but bullshit.   And Barr was not the only official telling Trump that his election fraud Big Lie was nonsense.

More TDS driven deflection since this discussion is about the Jan 6th committee not election fraud.    A weak tactic coming from a weak perspective.

Black and white evidence.   No 'perspective' involved on the question of:  'was Trump informed by top advisors that his Big Lie goes against the facts of reality?'

Black and white?    More like black and black or white and white.    Again, only a fool expects a THOROUGH presentation of ALL the facts in this case by the committee selected.      Ain’t gonna happen.   Chronic TDS will not allow it.

Professor Principal
1.3.15  TᵢG  replied to  Sparty On @1.3.14    3 years ago
I see, so now now you are making excuses for the democrats unprecedented actions seating this committee.

Obviously you do not see.   I stated the fact that all of these committees are partisan.   That is not an excuse, that is a fact.    I also stated that I expect these to be partisan based and thus I focus on the evidence and disregard their opinions.

See?   I am just repeating what I wrote which you apparently did not read or could not comprehend.

Only carefully sifted and vetted, partisan based evidence will be presented.     Both sides will not be shown.  

See above.   Of course this is partisan.

You did not even watch the presentation so you have no clue.   Your argument from ignorance is of no value.

Get informed before spouting your bullshit.

And maybe learn how to evaluate evidence objectively and not rely upon a partisan lens to do your thinking for you.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
1.3.16  Sparty On  replied to  TᵢG @1.3.15    3 years ago
Obviously you do not see.   I stated the fact that all of these committees are partisan.   That is not an excuse, that is a fact.    I also stated that I expect these to be partisan based and thus I focus on the evidence and disregard their opinions. See?   I am just repeating what I wrote which you apparently did not read or could not comprehend.

[deleted]  I’ve laid out the problem with how that committee was selected several times now and you’ve just ignored it.    SOSDD considering.    I’m done wasting my time on you

That said I’ll leave you with that last word you covet so much but as usual I stand by each and every comment I’ve made here.   Top to bottom.

Professor Principal
1.3.17  TᵢG  replied to  Sparty On @1.3.16    3 years ago
I’ve laid out the problem with how that committee was selected several times now and you’ve just ignored it.

I have repeatedly stated the committee is partisan and that is to be expected.   I have further stated that I go by the evidence and do not rely upon the committee's interpretations.   A rational mind can deal with biased scenarios, factor that in, and draw objective conclusions.

How many times must someone state something to you before you acknowledge it?   

Pretending that a point was not made is dishonest.

Professor Principal
1.3.18  JohnRussell  replied to  Sparty On @1.3.16    3 years ago

Jim Jordan talked to trump numerous times on Jan 6. We can assume he wasnt disagreeing with Trump. 

He was completely unqualified to sit on the Jan 6 committee. 

End of story. 

Sparty On
Professor Expert
1.3.19  Sparty On  replied to  JohnRussell @1.3.18    3 years ago

So everyone who talked to Trump Jan 6th should be disqualified?    

Let’s see that entire list of people and make sure none of them are on the committee and/or had anything to do with selecting the committee.

Whats your excuse for Banks?    Never mind.   [deleted]

And that’s all she wrote ....

Professor Principal
1.3.20  JohnRussell  replied to  Sparty On @1.3.19    3 years ago
So everyone who talked to Trump Jan 6th should be disqualified?  

Jim Jordan is a known Trump lackey. Thats why he talked to him numerous times on Jan 6. 

Sparty On
Professor Expert
1.3.21  Sparty On  replied to  JohnRussell @1.3.20    3 years ago

He’s one minority party member.    If the Dems case is so solid what could he hurt?    What are you afraid of John?

Professor Principal
1.3.22  JohnRussell  replied to  Sparty On @1.3.21    3 years ago

Why did McCarthy want a known Trump lackey on the committee?

Sparty On
Professor Expert
1.3.23  Sparty On  replied to  JohnRussell @1.3.22    3 years ago

Be happy to answer your question John.    Right after you answer my questions first, that were posed before yours.    Two or three them unanswered at last count

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
1.3.24  Sean Treacy  replied to  JohnRussell @1.3.22    3 years ago

Balance. Why did pelosi want dishonest hacks like Adam schiff ?

Professor Guide
1.3.26  Dulay  replied to  Sparty On @1.3.21    3 years ago

Again Sparty, Jim Jordan is a material witness. That has been a known fact since before the Select Committee was seated. 

Sparty On
Professor Expert
1.3.27  Sparty On  replied to  Dulay @1.3.26    3 years ago

Again Dulay, what are you afraid of?    

They have a 7-2 majority no matter what.   Their case is open and shut right?    Every member seated on that committee has an anti trump bias.    All foxes in the hen house promising not to scarf any hens .....

Also this isn’t a jury trial and the congressional committee members are not jurors.    A small detail ignored by Pelosi and all the worker drones swarming around her hive.

Professor Guide
1.3.28  Dulay  replied to  Sparty On @1.3.27    3 years ago
Again Dulay, what are you afraid of?    

Poisonous snakes. You? 

Also this isn’t a jury trial and the congressional committee members are not jurors.

Then what does it matter if they ARE bias Sparty? 

Sparty On
Professor Expert
1.3.29  Sparty On  replied to  Dulay @1.3.28    3 years ago
Poisonous snakes. You?

Yeah, run away from the questions.    Typical. 

Then what does it matter if they ARE bias Sparty?

I see, so Jordan can’t be seated because of possible pro Trump biases but Democrats with anti Trump biases can be seated.    Now that is rich.

Yup, that pretty much defines what many liberals expect and proves how fucked in head they really are.

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
1.3.30  A. Macarthur  replied to  Sparty On @1.3.29    3 years ago

Conflict of Interest ‐ when an Investigator is, or may be, in a position to influence activities or decisions in ways that could lead to personal gain for the Investigator or the Investigator's family, or give an improper advantage to third parties in their dealings.

Jordan is a "person of interest" at the least, and a potential "suspect" in a seditious conspiracy, THUS, HE CAN'T BE SEATED AS PART OF AN INVESTIGATIVE BODY OF WHICH IS INVESTIGATING HIM along with numerous others.

I won't be back to trying to discuss point-counter-point with those who don't discuss point-counter-point, rather, who make "dismissive" (non) arguments.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
1.3.31  Sparty On  replied to  A. Macarthur @1.3.30    3 years ago

Nice drive-by platitude but here is the problem with your analysis.    Nearly every member seated on that commission has a conflict of interest.    It’s called an anti Trump bias.

Been good talking to ya Mac, y’all come back now ya hear?

Professor Guide
1.3.32  Dulay  replied to  Sparty On @1.3.29    3 years ago
Yeah, run away from the questions.    Typical. 

Yeah, refuse to accept truthful answers to questions. Typical. 

I see, so Jordan can’t be seated because of possible pro Trump biases but Democrats with anti Trump biases can be seated.    Now that is rich.


Yup, that pretty much defines what many liberals expect and proves how fucked in head they really are.

Actually, what that statement pretty much defines is obtuseness of most of your comments. I have pointed out more than once now that Jordan is a material witness yet you keep insisting that his exclusion is all about his pro Trump bias ad nauseam. My posit is fact based, yours is emotions based. 

Professor Participates
1.3.33  Snuffy  replied to  Sparty On @1.3.31    3 years ago
Nearly every member seated on that commission has a conflict of interest.

So very true.  This should have been set up as an independent commission similar to the 9/11 Commission rather than how this was built.  But it's obvious to me that the primary purpose of this commission was to further sully the name of Trump to prevent him from running again in 24.  It shows to me that the Democrats are just scared of Trump. 

Professor Principal
1.3.34  TᵢG  replied to  Snuffy @1.3.33    3 years ago

Does it bother you that Trump convinced millions of Americans that our system was corrupt and worked them up into a frenzy on the utterly false, baseless claim?   Does it bother you that it was the sitting PotUS who instigated and perpetuated this Big Lie crap, engaged in dozens of frivolous lawsuits, attempted to coerce government officials to find votes for him and attempted to suborn his own V.P. to commit an unconstitutional act which would, in theory, allow him to 'win' by disregarding certified votes?

It is disturbing that some focus on the committee's obvious, predictable and entirely expected bias as if that is the issue.   The issue is the actions and words of the then sitting PotUS and the correlation of his words and deeds to the behavior of his supporters ... in particular, with the insurrection on the 6th.

Professor Participates
1.3.35  Snuffy  replied to  TᵢG @1.3.34    3 years ago

Does it bother me?  Fuck yes...   it also bothers me that some seek to twist what was said into something else.  The simple fact that the committee's obvious, predictable and entirely expected bias is allowed is another issue.  There are too many people in this country that will still vote for Trump and will only see this as another attack by the Democrats. It's because of this that I blame the Democrats for immediately jumping to their commission rather than put pressure on the Senate Republicans to come to a compromise on an independent commission.

But don't try to lump everybody into the same bucket just because they are not spouting the words  you want to hear.

Professor Principal
1.3.37  TᵢG  replied to  Snuffy @1.3.35    3 years ago
It's because of this that I blame the Democrats for immediately jumping to their commission rather than put pressure on the Senate Republicans to come to a compromise on an independent commission.

There is no way that the GoP would participate in an investigation of the 6th.   Note that the GoP continues to hold Trump as its leader.

Professor Principal
1.3.38  TᵢG  replied to  Texan1211 @1.3.36    3 years ago
Millions were in a frenzy?

Are you aware that over 74 million people voted for Trump?   Millions of people = simply 1.35% of Trump voters.   

Given that Trump remains a major influence on the GoP, is its defacto leader and potential candidate for 2024 one can reasonably conclude that most of those 74 million are still highly influenced by Trump.

It is not even close to exaggeration to note that Trump triggered millions of people.    That is probably a conservative estimate.   I did the math for you.

Professor Principal
1.3.40  TᵢG  replied to  Texan1211 @1.3.39    3 years ago

Do you think that less than one million people in the USA believe Trump's claim that our system was rigged and that he is the legitimate PotUS?

Professor Principal
1.3.42  TᵢG  replied to  Texan1211 @1.3.41    3 years ago

Worked up into a frenzy = Believing that the USA electoral system is rigged and cannot be trusted and that the votes of 74 million people were disenfranchised and that Biden is not a legitimate PotUS.

Professor Principal
1.3.44  TᵢG  replied to  Texan1211 @1.3.43    3 years ago

Anyone who holds that Trump is the legitimate PotUS, believes that the election was rigged and that our system is corrupt and that Biden is not the legitimate PotUS is thinking irrationally and emotionally and thus has been worked up into a frenzy.   

Apparently you have no clue how easy it is, given 74 million voters, for 1.3% of them to be influenced by Trump to hold irrational thoughts that trigger anger, etc. at the injustice Trump proclaimed.

One can just observe the comments here with people irrationally defending Trump with comments that are dripping with emotion.   That, and the math I did for you, should give you a clue.

Professor Principal
1.3.46  TᵢG  replied to  Texan1211 @1.3.45    3 years ago

I cannot do your thinking for you Texan.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
1.3.48  Sparty On  replied to  Dulay @1.3.32    3 years ago

You are spinning like a whirling dervish.


Professor Guide
1.3.49  Dulay  replied to  Sparty On @1.3.48    3 years ago

Translation: You've got NOTHING to refute my statement, so you deflect, AGAIN. 

Sparty On
Professor Expert
1.3.50  Sparty On  replied to  Dulay @1.3.49    3 years ago

You need a new shtick.    

This one isn’t just stale, it’s dust.

Professor Guide
1.3.51  Dulay  replied to  Sparty On @1.3.50    3 years ago
You need a new shtick.    
This one isn’t just stale, it’s dust.

Subterfuge. jrSmiley_84_smiley_image.gif

Sparty On
Professor Expert
1.3.52  Sparty On  replied to  Dulay @1.3.51    3 years ago


Professor Guide
1.3.53  Dulay  replied to  Sparty On @1.3.52    3 years ago


Professor Principal
1.3.54  Ender  replied to  Dulay @1.3.53    3 years ago

That sounds like it could be a show on MTV....

Split Personality
Professor Guide
1.3.55  Split Personality  replied to  Ender @1.3.54    3 years ago

supercalifragilistic expialidocious !

Sparty On
Professor Expert
1.3.56  Sparty On  replied to  Dulay @1.3.53    3 years ago


Professor Guide
1.3.57  Dulay  replied to  Ender @1.3.54    3 years ago

It's actually the nickname for the 'Tucker Carlson Tonight'. 

Professor Guide
1.3.58  Dulay  replied to  Sparty On @1.3.56    3 years ago


Sparty On
Professor Expert
1.3.59  Sparty On  replied to  Dulay @1.3.58    3 years ago


Professor Guide
1.3.60  Dulay  replied to  Snuffy @1.3.35    3 years ago
It's because of this that I blame the Democrats for immediately jumping to their commission rather than put pressure on the Senate Republicans to come to a compromise on an independent commission.

So, you're blaming the Democrats because they are unable to get Republicans to do the right thing?

Professor Principal
2  JohnRussell    3 years ago
"Go home with love."

When Trump told his followers at the Capitol to "remember this day forever" (appx 6.pm. ), he knew that 140 cops had been injured (by his followers) and that at least two people had died. 

He is a sociopath. 

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
3  Jeremy Retired in NC    3 years ago
Ms Cheney, one of the two Republicans on the committee, all of whom were picked by Pelosi, 

Pelosi drunkenly hand picking members from the opposite side of the aisle eliminates any chances of this being considered "bi-partisan".  But that hasn't stopped the left from blathering on and on about it.

We also learned from Cheney that this was just one installment of 7.

So 7 episodes of the new version of "Jersey Shore" with Pelosi playing the drunkard Snooki.  

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
3.1  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @3    3 years ago
Pelosi drunkenly hand picking members from the opposite side of the aisle eliminates any chances of this being considered "bi-partisan".  But that hasn't stopped the left from blathering on and on about it.

I'm sure many people tuned out for that reason alone

Professor Principal
3.2  Ender  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @3    3 years ago

Can't find anything constructive to say so accuse Pelosi of being drunk.

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
3.2.1  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  Ender @3.2    3 years ago

And that is what you focus on?  And you think I have nothing constructive?  

Professor Principal
3.2.2  Hallux  replied to  Ender @3.2    3 years ago

That was indeed a bizarre comment [deleted]

Professor Principal
3.2.3  Ender  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @3.2.1    3 years ago

What? That is what you focused on. And then try to make it my fault for pointing out the stupidity in your post.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
3.2.4  Sparty On  replied to  Ender @3.2    3 years ago

No, the drunk in that family is her husband ..... who mamma is working on getting badged out of a DUI as we speak.

Professor Quiet
4  Jasper2529    3 years ago
inarticulate Chairman Bennie Thompson of Mississippi.

Inarticulate, for sure. One example -- In his opening comments, he said, "axed" instead of asked. For someone with a BA in Political Science, an MS in Educational Administration, was a school teacher, and has held political offices since 1969, he doesn't show a basic command of the English language. Sad.

Professor Principal
4.1  Ender  replied to  Jasper2529 @4    3 years ago


Professor Quiet
4.1.1  Jasper2529  replied to  Ender @4.1    3 years ago

That was in a little tweet, not in an opening statement in a congressional hearing during prime time international/national TV programming. lol

Professor Principal
4.1.2  Ender  replied to  Jasper2529 @4.1.1    3 years ago

So that makes it ok....How about this...

Sparty On
Professor Expert
4.1.3  Sparty On  replied to  Ender @4.1    3 years ago

Trump is a master orator compared to Biden.

Professor Principal
4.2  TᵢG  replied to  Jasper2529 @4    3 years ago
In his opening comments, he said, "axed" instead of asked.

He said "axed" repeatedly throughout.   That pronunciation is very common given his ethnicity.   You know this.   Regardless of education level, people pronounce words differently based on their upbringing and the area of the country from which they originated.   

The "axed" bugged me too, but I do not presume, based on that, that the man is a moron who does not have a basic command of the English language.

Note the last spoken sentence in this clip:

Professor Expert
4.2.1  sandy-2021492  replied to  TᵢG @4.2    3 years ago

I remember much being made of George W. Bush's inability to say "nuclear" properly.  That was silly, too.

Professor Principal
4.2.2  TᵢG  replied to  sandy-2021492 @4.2.1    3 years ago

I agree.   It is strange that some people focus on nit-picky nonsense while ignoring the factors that ultimately matter.

Like criticizing Trump for cheating at Golf when his whole life is based on layers upon layers of outrageous lies.   Focus on the lies that actually matter and ignore minor failures.   If one brings out the minor, it tends to convince people that ALL the claims are just done in spite.   This is counterproductive.

Professor Quiet
4.2.3  Jasper2529  replied to  TᵢG @4.2    3 years ago
That pronunciation is very common given his ethnicity.   

IMO, that's a very condescending comment to make about minorities.

You know this.

Actually, no. I have a plethora of family, friends, and former employees from all over the US who are of minority races and none of them ever said "axe" for "ask".

Professor Principal
4.2.5  TᵢG  replied to  Jasper2529 @4.2.3    3 years ago
IMO, that's a very condescending comment to make about minorities.

That is just flat out deflection.   There is nothing condescending about stating the fact that "ask" is often pronounced "axe" in various cultures within the USA.   And I delivered a video clip from "My Cousin Vinny" that emphasized the point that it is not simply race but culture (unless you think the Marisa Tomei character was black).

Actually, no. I have a plethora of family, friends, and former employees from all over the US who are of minority races and none of them ever said "axe" for "ask".

So based on your statistically unsound anecdotal experiences you argue that "axe" instead of "ask" suggests a failure of intellect / intelligence vs. a byproduct of culture.

Open your eyes just a tiny bit.    

Ultimately you are the one who implied a lack of intelligence / education regarding a black man simply because he pronounces 'ask' as 'axe'.   Whereas I noted that this is not at all uncommon in the USA based on one's upbringing and that one should not infer inferior intelligence / education merely from styles of speech.


20 of the most commonly mispronounced words in the English language

7 Ask

Sometimes, short words are even harder than long ones. A lot of people confuse this word with “axe”, the sharp tool used to chop wood, which has the same syllable sounds in the reverse order.

10 Most Commonly Mispronounced Words in the English Language

6. Ask

Proper pronunciation is: AH-SK

You would be surprised by how many native as well as non-native English speakers pronounce this word as ‘axe’ instead of ‘ah-sk’, no one really knows how this pronunciation became common, but many agree that the word ‘ask’ is oddly uncomfortable to pronounce and therefore decide to go with ‘axe’, instead.

Professor Principal
4.2.6  Ender  replied to  TᵢG @4.2.5    3 years ago

I said yall earlier. I really only hear that down here.

Professor Expert
4.2.7  sandy-2021492  replied to  TᵢG @4.2.2    3 years ago
Like criticizing Trump for cheating at Golf when his whole life is based on layers upon layers of outrageous lies.

Well, I might disagree a bit here.  I think they're often mentioning cheating at golf as illustrative of his character in general.  Golf is by its nature a sport whose rules are enforced mainly by its participants, except in tournaments popular and lucrative enough to be televised.  Serious golfers take honorably following the rules, well, seriously.  Cheaters are assumed to be dishonest people in general, because it's known that they're dishonest on the course, where honesty is expected even when one is playing alone.

Professor Principal
4.2.8  TᵢG  replied to  sandy-2021492 @4.2.7    3 years ago

But we all already knew that Trump is a liar and cheater.   If someone already has major factors that establish a lack of character, throwing in minor factors is counterproductive.

Criticizing Jeffrey Epstein for cheating at poker, for example, distracts from and diminishes the major league exploitations that he engaged in.


Professor Principal
4.2.9  JohnRussell  replied to  TᵢG @4.2.8    3 years ago

I disagree. Sandy is right. Golf is a self-policed game. It is relatively easy to cheat on your score in a friendly match. This causes honest people no particular burden because they dont want to win by cheating. Trump wants to win and cheating is no obstacle at all. Carries over into all he does. 

Professor Expert
4.2.10  sandy-2021492  replied to  Ender @4.2.6    3 years ago

There are a lot of phrases southerners use when talking to other southerners that aren't exactly standard English.


"Used to could."

"Fixin' to."

"Storm's a-coming."

Some are holdovers that were considered to be standard English centuries ago, but are no longer (such as adding an "a" and a dash before a verb).  Some are just unique to the area, and possibly unique to a locality in the south rather than the entire region.

That doesn't mean we aren't capable of using standard English as well as anybody else.

Professor Principal
4.2.11  TᵢG  replied to  JohnRussell @4.2.9    3 years ago

Trump was a known liar and cheater writ large.   Focusing on cheating at Golf does not establish any new facts.   What it does do, however, is present the impression that cheating at Golf is the standard / typical level of Trump's dishonesty.

Not even close.  

Stick with the major league lying and cheating so as to keep the public perception at the proper level.

Professor Principal
4.2.12  JohnRussell  replied to  TᵢG @4.2.11    3 years ago
What it does do, however, is present the impression that cheating at Golf is the standard / typical level of Trump's dishonesty.

You are overblowing all of this. No one that I know of has claimed that cheating at golf is Trump's biggest offense. Its just an interesting piece. 

Professor Principal
4.2.13  TᵢG  replied to  JohnRussell @4.2.12    3 years ago
No one that I know of has claimed that cheating at golf is Trump's biggest offense.

I did not write nor did I even get close to imply "biggest offense", I wrote that criticizing Trump for a minor offense like cheating at Golf does not establish any new facts and instead makes it look as though cheating at Golf is the normal scale of his lack of integrity.

His normal scale is pathological lying writ large.

Criticize him for his almost daily failings at that level.   Trivial criticism causes people to start dismissing ALL criticism.

PhD Guide
4.2.14  Thomas  replied to  JohnRussell @4.2.12    3 years ago

Cheating at golf, a little lie, gets normalized along with everything else that he has done, the big lie, and it all becomes compressed into the false equivalence that we see with regularity here. Then you end up with the chorus of so what. 

We need to recognize when things are being compressed and insist on full dynamic range because that is how to discern the trivial noise from the serious tunes.

Besides, one does not have to follow down the rabbit hole quite so far if we just stick to the other, major lies....

Professor Principal
4.3  Hallux  replied to  Jasper2529 @4    3 years ago
he said, "axed" instead of asked.

Oh goody, the pronunciation police have come out to play.

Professor Guide
4.5  Dulay  replied to  Jasper2529 @4    3 years ago


Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
4.5.1  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  Dulay @4.5    3 years ago

Is today self reflection day? Good job.

Professor Guide
4.5.2  Dulay  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @4.5.1    3 years ago
Is today self reflection day?


Good job.

Compared to your comments, everything is. 

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
4.5.3  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Dulay @4.5.2    3 years ago
Compared to your comments, everything is. 

Aren't we insulting today?

It must be great to have liberal privilege.

Professor Guide
4.5.4  Dulay  replied to  Vic Eldred @4.5.3    3 years ago
Aren't we insulting today?

'We' who Vic? 

It must be great to have liberal privilege.

I wouldn't know. 

Professor Quiet
5  Sunshine    3 years ago

Well Congressional Democrats have taken the dog and pony show to the level they have desired for a long time.

Tonight there will be special effects with a hologram of Stalin.

Professor Quiet
5.1  Jasper2529  replied to  Sunshine @5    3 years ago
Well Congressional Democrats have taken the dog and pony show to the level they have desired for a long time.

Pelosi has 6 more lined up. I hope that at least one of them will show us something that the majority of American voters care about in 2022.

Professor Quiet
5.1.1  Sunshine  replied to  Jasper2529 @5.1    3 years ago

The perps have been arrested or sentenced.

Only the TDS inflicted are salivating over the hearings.  The rest have lives to get on with and high gas prices and inflation to deal with.

Wasting taxpayers money again over this nonsense.

Sophomore Silent
5.1.2  JaneDoe  replied to  Sunshine @5.1.1    3 years ago
The rest have lives to get on with and high gas prices and inflation to deal with.

Exactly! We rats have to keep the wheels spinning. Go to work so you can afford gas to go to work and hopefully be able to buy something other than ramen noodles for the family. 

I am so sick of our elected officials.

Professor Quiet
5.1.3  Sunshine  replied to  JaneDoe @5.1.2    3 years ago

Imagine if they put forth this much effort, time, and money into school safety how many children would be alive and well.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
6  author  Vic Eldred    3 years ago

In conclusion:

We can all see how frivolous and illogical the American left is. They would rather see their fellow Americans suffer and have lives ruined if it means electing someone they have a rabid hate for. We have over 8% inflation, gas prices hovering around $5 per gallon, rampant crime and a wide open southern border, yet they babble about cheating at golf and lying. Well, to utilize some of Abraham Lincoln's logic, I say: find me golf cheats who did what Trump did for this country and let us elect them to all the highest offices in the land.

Professor Principal
6.1  Ender  replied to  Vic Eldred @6    3 years ago

And what are republicans doing about inflation? What is the republican plan for gas prices? That's right, nothing....

Sparty On
Professor Expert
6.1.1  Sparty On  replied to  Ender @6.1    3 years ago

Bullshit, Mr transitionary inflation owns this.    Reps would not have shut down the oil industry like Biden did.

There’s your answer.

Professor Principal
6.1.2  TᵢG  replied to  Sparty On @6.1.1    3 years ago
 Reps would not have shut down the oil industry like Biden did.

What is stopping the oil industry from producing?   There is an answer based on fact and the correct answer is NOT that Biden is preventing them.   Biden's actions would at best affect the future production of oil, not the immediate (current) production.

Professor Principal
6.1.3  Ender  replied to  TᵢG @6.1.2    3 years ago

I read a few articles talking about that. Basically said what they are doing is sitting on capitol. They lost billions during the pandemic. With todays prices and the cost to build, refine, would it be worth it to spend the capitol on flow that could reduce in price by the time it comes online.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
6.1.4  Sparty On  replied to  TᵢG @6.1.2    3 years ago

The Biden admin is on record, in action and words, as very unfriendly to the fossil fuel energy industry.    Why should they invest in years long projects with a admin like that?    Would you?

He’s sucking on the big green titty right now .... no matter what it costs the American people.

Professor Principal
6.1.5  TᵢG  replied to  Ender @6.1.3    3 years ago

The key factor is that the pandemic caused the energy industry (especially oil) to cut back on production.   It takes a while to shut down production so they were over-producing for months.   Then when demand started picking up they would —if they believed it was a good business decision to do so given the potential of another rogue variant— need to ramp up.   Ramping up takes time, money and involves risk.   On top of that they are faced with labor shortages.

And then we have the influence of the stock market which does not work well with risk.

None of these factors, except the stock market to a limited degree, have anything to do with Biden.   The problem is ultimately that the business conditions are not favorable for oil companies to ramp up to current demand and these companies have a great excuse to shield their self-interest choices — the pandemic.

Professor Principal
6.1.6  TᵢG  replied to  Sparty On @6.1.4    3 years ago
Why should they invest in years long projects with a admin like that?

As I noted, Biden's effect would be for the future, not the present.   Biden is likely to be gone in two years ... that is a blip.   Biden does not factor into the reasons for current high fuel prices;  he would, at best, factor into future fossil fuel supply.   And when the pandemic is no longer a factor, oil companies have plenty of sites to drill if they believe the market is there to meet their business needs.  

Professor Principal
6.2  TᵢG  replied to  Vic Eldred @6    3 years ago
They would rather see their fellow Americans suffer and have lives ruined if it means electing someone they have a rabid hate for.

You are putting words in the mouths of 'the left'.   You also entirely ignore the fact that effects of COVID linger in our economy and were the major factor in our economic problems.   Instead you naively ascribe 100% of the blame on Biden and naively presume powers of the presidency that do not exist.

I see you stating that you would vote into the office of the presidency a proven pathological liar and malignant narcissist who is the ONLY PotUS to attempt to steal a presidential election, who refuses to concede (thus refuses to recognize the legitimate PotUS) and continues to claim that the US electoral system is rigged almost 1½ years after leaving office.

Anyone who would seek to vote Trump into office as PotUS, knowing what is known today, is both irresponsible and unpatriotic.   Disgustingly so.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
6.2.1  Sparty On  replied to  TᵢG @6.2    3 years ago
Anyone who would seek to vote Trump into office as PotUS, knowing what is known today, is both irresponsible and unpatriotic.   Disgustingly so.

Opinions do vary, meanwhile the left fiddles away as Biden is bumbling his way towards destroying the American people’s standard of living.  Those of who volunteered to serve this country don’t need to be preached to by random internet wizards about patriotism.

Elections in August and November will show how far off the mark you are.


Professor Principal
6.2.2  TᵢG  replied to  Sparty On @6.2.1    3 years ago
... how far off the mark you are.

You presume and fail yet again in doing so.

Opinions do vary, ...

A tired cliche that offers nothing of value.

Those of who volunteered to serve this country don’t need to be preached to by random internet wizards about patriotism.

You should be doubly ashamed if you would seek to vote Trump into the presidency (and thus CiC).

Sparty On
Professor Expert
6.2.3  Sparty On  replied to  TᵢG @6.2.2    3 years ago

The failure is yours .... again.      So preach to someone else who gives a shit what you think.    I don’t .... not even close.

Professor Principal
6.2.4  TᵢG  replied to  Sparty On @6.2.3    3 years ago

What a lame 'rebuttal'.   Good grief man, why even bother to reply?

Sparty On
Professor Expert
6.2.5  Sparty On  replied to  TᵢG @6.2.4    3 years ago

Yeah, I’ve been thinking the same thing about you for last two or three posts.

Professor Guide
6.3  Dulay  replied to  Vic Eldred @6    3 years ago

That would more properly be labeled 'in delusion'. 


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