The Summer of Discontent

The suffering & grief is not limited to the average American. Now democrats are anxious about the coming midterms and beyond. More staffers have now left Biden than either Obama or Trump. Remember when the leftist media made a mountain of every staffer leaving Trump? Democratic candidates are distancing themselves from Biden. Moderate Senate democrats refuse to put themselves on the line for any more wild cash giveaways. Biden says that he intends to run again. The truth is that he is for all intents and purposes a lame duck if he makes it to the end of his term. His handling of events was poor and his cognitive abilities are obviously an issue, but the real problem has been his radical policies.
His dishonest attempts to spin away each and every crisis that those policies created has left him as the most unpopular president in American history. This past week we heard rumblings from democratic strategists. We even saw the first challenge from the governor of what sadly passes for the state of CA. You know, the place every one is fleeing. Gov Newsom wants to give us more of the same in 2024, except he won't need handlers. Newsom you may recall he needed democrats to pull out all the stops to overcome a recall by the citizens of CA.
The Week:
Iran close to Nuclear Bomb: "Iran has appreciably increased its stockpile of highly enriched uranium and is coming dangerously close to having enough weapons-grade material to produce a nuclear bomb, according to a report on Thursday. A confidential report by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to its members said Tehran had 33.2 kilograms (73 pounds) of 60 percent enriched material as of Feb. 19. It’s the highest level of enriched uranium ever recorded in Iran, up from the 17.7 kilograms (39 pounds) the agency recorded in early November, the Wall Street Journal reported."
Bad news for Israel and Biden. Sixteen democrats led by Sen Bob Menendez oppose any more "deals" with the terrorist state.
Woke justice in NYC: A thug named Austin Simon tried to rob & harm a 51 year old man working in a bodega in Harlem Friday night. Jose Alba was attacked by an enraged career criminal, Austin Simon, who went behind the counter and choked him over a bag of chips. Alba defended himself, and Simon died. DA Alvin Bragg has charged him with murder. City Councilman Robert Holden showed support for the suspect. On Twitter, he wrote, "Career criminals are let right out of jail without bail, while a store clerk who apparently acted in self defense is on Rikers Island."
It gets worse - As Alba sits in jail, GoFundMe ( obviously another left leaning organization) has deleted the legal defense fund page for Alba. Last night Tucker Carlson released the names of the three directors of Go Fund Me . Elsewhere in NYC, three young women who were charged for sauce decided to trash the fast food establishment that charged them. No police were seen in the area. The incident has now gone viral on You Tube.
Biden exports 5 Million barrels of oil from the strategic oil reserve: "The Biden administration exported more than 5 million barrels of oil from its emergency reserves that were released in order to combat sky-high gas prices here at home , according to a report. The US sent the oil, which was taken from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) that the Biden administration tapped into in hopes of getting mounting energy prices under control, to Asia and Europe, Reuters is reporting."
A great deal for China, but that's what they paid Hunter (and Joe) for, right? Speaking of Hunter Biden, is being investigated by Joe Biden's own AG will be a supreme test of integrity for the DOJ? I wonder how it will go?
Director Wray's China warning: "FBI Director Christopher Wray on Wednesday said China poses the "biggest long-term threat" to the economic and national security of the United States and Western allies, and warned that Beijing is "trying to shape the world" by interfering in politics, business and more.
Wray’s warning comes just months after the Biden Justice Department, which oversees the FBI, ended the Trump-era "China Initiative" program aimed at preventing spying by the Chinese Communist Party. The Biden administration, instead, replaced it with a broader approach to counter "nation-state threats."
What have we learned?
Boris Johnson was forced to resign yesterday. It seems that the Conservative elected to lead on Brexit wasn't much of a Conservative after all. Conservatives will elect a new leader, but I'll bet Joe Biden is delighted that the US doesn't have snap elections over votes of confidence. The American people must suffer & wait for 2024!
Oregon's Department of Education allocated nearly $2 million for a fellowship that would train K-12 educators from diverse backgrounds to reject the "eurocentric worldview" of "individualism." Why do we allow it? Will a President DeSantis put an end to it like he did in Florida?
We also learned that we were sold a bill of goods on the case of a drugged up sicko who randomly shot people on the 4th. It turns out that he was very sick and his parents knew it and covered for him. The father is now under criminal investigation.
In the case of Jose Alba we learned that groups whom the left regard as special groups have special rights. Those who childishly demand the last word can't change that fact.
Cartoon of the week:
Honorable Mention:
Washington congressional candidate Corey Gibson
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We can now look forward to the GDP numbers for the second quarter coming out at the end of the month.
funny cartoon. where does the trumpster brain trust think the oil in the keystone pipeline was headed?
You already know that answer. The Keystone Pipeline would have created thousand of jobs, it would have added $3 Billion to the US economy, it would have supported many other industries and was a safe & cheap way to transport gas. Of course, if you are a green energy zealot or answer to them, you wouldn't want it.
Now for my question: Why is Biden selling oil from the nation's strategic oil reserve to countries like China, when he said he was using it for US gas consumers?
To refineries on the Gulf Coast?
Seems Democrats and the left think all overseas. Of course they are wrong.
When it comes to facts Democrats don't have any.
He isn't. The capitalists whom you love so much are. Think "Open Market"
That's a very revealing comment
you need an open mind to learn Truth, and for some, an open mind allows for theirs, to fall out, but now, they don't mind....or have one.
They can't do that without POTUS authorization can they?
Exactly, look at the map and see that the proposed pipeline crossed the Pacific to send the oil to China.
The largest refinery on the Gulf Coast is owned by the Saudis.
you didn't answer my question, why would I answer yours?
How so?
I am an equal opportunity asshole. Where I see incongruous actions or methods, I point them out.
Humankind is brilliant in that it can create devices (money, economies, systems of government, the internet, et al) which it proudly proclaims, "Humans made that!" but then seems bumfuzzeled when it does not act the way they want. Then, even though they made the thing from concept to completion, seem to be held inside of the thing's workings and proclaim helplessness to alter the thing's outcomes... This, to me, is the most tragically comic of outcomes: We are apparently helpless in the face of our own creations, not realizing that we can, in fact, change the outcome.
I am fairly certain that the president or congress would need to specifically state that the oil be used in a certain way.
Sorry. Forgot to link.
Sorry Vic those are all lies. Keystone was a boondoggle.
Exactly, those silly Canadians in Alberta blew $1.5 billion (US) on that boondoggle.
November 7th is now, officially, Victims of Communism Day in Florida.

More than 650,000 Cubans fled a murderous Communist regime.
That should be a global holiday, as tens of millions have been killed worldwide by Communists.
It's without a doubt the world's greatest evil
Totalitarian rules!
R? Republicans are the New Fascists!
it-ari-an Regime...
Next MD will start an social website, and since "Truth" is already taken, He will call it "Pravda"
Pretty sure that far right wing fascism is the world's greatest evil.
What happened to climate change?
“…far right wing fascism is the world's greatest evil.”
Indeed. Europe, South America, and here in the U.S.
We are at a crossroads…do we embrace the simple fact that we are now a global society, accepting the challenges that that brings, or do we in ignorance deny it and burn it all down rather than adapt to the reality?
Defeated in 1945, at the same time that nuclear weapons were made available to and protected radical leftist Communism forever thereafter.
You know I used to follow objectavist ethics, don't you?
Oh, yes. I was a good little Rand-bot.
That worked until after college, when confronted with the real world, I began to question everything. I saw the rise of Rush limpballs. WTF was that? This guy makes specious arguments and is lauded for doing so. It took a bit to tear his dislogic down, but I deconstructed it. Up to that point,I had considered myself mostly republican leaning. As I said though, I began to question.
The overreaching arc of republican legislation since the "Contract With America" days has been to deny American Citizens whom the Republican party disagreed with rights and freedoms that, when exercised, have absolutely no impact upon anyone else. This is morally, ethically and humanely wrong.
As a matter of fact, the quote which you give from Ms. Rand is so ironically apropos in that you, and others with the same mindset, are seeking to control not only things that people say and do, but seeking this through governmental means.
Pure and unadulterated control of the thoughts and actions of people through governmental controls is exactly what you and your party seek to instill and install in the USA. You can deny it all that you want. It is categorically obvious from the character and content of your posts.
I heartily say, Fuck Off!
Except Nazism is still a thing and the GOP seems to be embracing its supporters.
Ummm, really not sure what the fuck you are trying to say there.
Waiting for the President's speech on protecting abortion rights.
We'll have all the stumbling & bumbling right here.
I thought it was already, at least from what's posted.
Present company excluded of course.
Failed in his attempt to alter the constitution to allow Japan to take aggressive military action.
You want us to that for them?
I would prefer it if no one took aggressive military action.
There is only one reason that Germany and Japan have not restored their own military defense - since 1945 we have done it for them.
Not accurate, the main reason is that we wouldn't let them. We have been actively preventing them from rearming since the end of WW2, primarily through our occupations (and yes to a degree we still do considering our military presence in those countries). Additionally, we have a strategic interest in protecting those areas when it comes to dealing with other threats.
1) We shouldn't be paying for their defense. It must be great for first world nations to have 0 defense budget.
2) Our national threats today all come from either Communist nuclear powers or radical Islamist states. We cannot be stationing 40,000 troops in Germany when our main threats are in the Pacific region. Especially when the moron Joe Biden has all branches of the military scratching for volunteers.
3) Japan and South Korea need to be our primary forward bases.
4) We need a beefed up Pacific Fleet and we need Japan to raise a substantial military force. We also need to deploy nuclear missiles in Japan, South Korea and Australia.
“Our national threats today all come from either Communist nuclear powers or radical Islamist states.”
Or perhaps the greatest threat…internally fomented dissent leading to irreparable division and eventual apathy.
The seeds have been planted and plenty of fertilizer being spread. We will reap what we have sown.
I think you'll witness a lot or the reaping in about 4 months.
Thus proving the point.
The point being that the divisive, dirty democrats will reap what they have sown?
meh, too far to travel to eradicate commies and radical muslims. I'll just be patient and prepare for the coming mass extermination of xtian nationalists, after a few more of them breach the wall. /s
Speaking of travel, Thursday can't arrive fast enough!
Circle jerk in a yurt?
You project too much.
This is the result of making criminals out to be victims.
And allowing a Hungarian Currency trader to provide campaign finance for progressive DA's.
Biden is giving the Medal of Freedom — America's highest civilian honor — to Megan Rapinoe, a woman who bullied her teammates into kneeling for the national anthem.
I lost any respect for that "award" when Biden received it.
I keep forgetting that he got an award for something
I think he got it for breathing without being told to.
Then he must have got it about 5 years ago. A good enema would have been a better idea.
I don't think the enema would work. His head is in the way.
I lost all respect for the reward when Trump gave it to Rush.
I never had much respect for it in the first place.
That teammate would be Hope Solo who was no longer playing for the team when Ms Rapinoe first took a knee. Ms. Solo has an 'interesting' arrest history. But hey, Donald didn't like Megan and you are just slumming on the bandwagon.
Sorry, the Post lied one too many times.
Unlike the sources you use ... @!@
It doesn't matter who it is. Once they lie for 4 solid years, I boot 'em.
Yeah, well I laughed when Subway booted her as their spokesperson!
That can't be true since you continue to use Fox as a source.
That kind of talk is beneath me.
I am well aware of the fact that you avoid addressing the hypocrisy in you posts Vic.
DeSantis Effect: Florida books record $21.8 billion budget surplus

Instead of bragging about this budget surplus DiSantis could raise teacher pay which is one of the lowest in the country and do something about our teacher shortage which could reach 9,000 by the end of 2022.
Of course, we have one of the highest uninsured populations in the country. Since Florida would not expand the Medicaid program under the ACA.
That's one thing about CA, they pay their teachers well. What is CA now, 46th in education???
We're talking about FL, Vic. Nice try at a strawman though.
My point was very relevant. Pay rates have had little impact on the quality of education.
Nothing like deflecting off topic on your own seed. LOL! I like the Scarecrow
"Instead of bragging about this budget surplus DiSantis could raise teacher pay which is one of the lowest in the country and do something about our teacher shortage which could reach 9,000 by the end of 2022."
I'm aware of the increases, but we still have a huge shortage of teachers.
I'm aware of the Florida rankings and I want to keep it that way, and pay increases will, hopefully, help close the gap on our shortage of teachers.
If that is true why is Florida increasing teacher pay, if it has little impact why increase it?
It seems the pay is very low they are unable to attract new qualified teachers (per DeSantis) so they are increasing pay for new teachers.
It seems that pay has a great deal to do with it.
APPARENTLY, DeSantis thinks it's needed.
That sounds like your view of things, I gave you the answer that 3 of you are now so irate about.
Well, apparently you've contradicted yourself. Either DeSantis thinks that it's needed or he doesn't. Which is it?

Next time you want to take a shot at a superior state & Governor, you'll think twice.
Right here is where he said: "DiSantis could raise teacher pay" and over here is where he said: "APPARENTLY, DeSantis thinks it's needed."
That doesn't make much sense Perry
26th is teacher pay, out of 50, is one of the lowest? Lol, what a freaking joke that comment was.
I trust that many would disagree.
Ok, here is the ridiculous idiot in the White House with his un-Constitutional Executive Order on abortion.
He just claimed that his fucking "economic plan" is working !!!!!
To be fair, maybe his economic plan was to put the middle class through great hardship and destroy the poor?
If so, it’s working great!
At the very least he was trying to force the country to move to green energy. You know, the place where we are about 2 decades away from.
Old Joe should have taken the advice of Frank Lopez:
"Hey, Tony. Remember when I told you when you first started working for me, the guys that last in this business, are the guys who fly straight. Low-key, quiet. But the guys who want it all, chicas, champagne, flash... they don't last."
The broader right to "privacy?" ?????
Listening to clueless Joe, one may recall Voltaire's advice:
"I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O Lord make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it."
"Ten years old!"
"Was forced to travel to another state...
"Ten years old!"
Biden just asked "what century are we in?"
He said, "looking at the faces in the room, the press probably knows more about what I'm going to sign than I do."
Holy shit!
He now signs some ridiculous executive order supposedly ensuring a woman's health care.
He was now asked a question about what happened in Japan. On cue, he is talking about the weapon used.
What a tool for the left he was.
Joe Biden finishes reading a sentence from the teleprompter with "...end of quote. Repeat the line."
Oh, he's running for the door!
Here comes Jonathan Turley on Fox News to clean up.
First : "Biden clearly misunderstood Griswold."
Second: "The President is wrong when he says that the Supreme Court ignored that the history of not criminalizing early abortions. That is not true. The Court discussed the "quickening" issue in early American and English cases."
Finally: ..."As expected, the President is signing an executive order to protect the travel of women across state lines, a right already clearly and completely protected by the Constitution..".
Clarke, is often misunderstood, but Aunt Edna, and Her Lit6tle Dog, Too, understood him a;; too well
Misunderstanding is one thing. Getting something completely backwards is another.
That press conference was kind of a rip-off. I was laughing so hard and then Joe was gone. Believe it or not, I kind of wanted more.
In listening to Biden's speech this morning, about the only thing I agreed with is that abortion should be codified at the national level. But to do that, congressional leadership would need to kick the extremists to the side and come up with a compromise that both parties could agree with and I really don't see leadership from either side doing that. After all this is an election year and they are too afraid they may lose out on some extremist votes if they do that and allowing the use of abortion as a tool to bash the other side is a proven commodity they can and will continue to use.
And once again the American public pays the price...
The problem has been that activist Courts have taken on what Congress was unable to do. That is wrong and that is why Justice Thomas wants to revisit those decisions.
“…congressional leadership…”
…the oxymoron of all morons…
The Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled 4-3 on Friday that absentee ballot drop boxes are illegal under Wisconsin law.

'cause regular mail is so secure, lol
'cause voting in person is the most secure.
Well, the GOP might disagree. Did they ever finish dismantling that emergency mail separating machinery yet ?, cause the regular "mail/male" are often the opposite of secure, and pure. Cause when 45 wishes to appoint an idiot to head or Post Office during an unprecedented inn present times, world wide shutdown with Scientific EVIDENCE that we should be sending in ballots via the Mail Boxes to avoid spreading KILLer Covid amongst US, it was the ONLY LOGICAL THING TO DO , NO ! ?
bet they even know how many licks it takes, before he or she gives a hoot, about getting to the center of all of these revelations and eventual, proclamations, and of course, the center iof a Tootsie pop...
And yet that was the choice du jour in 2020. And it wasn't the GOP that pushed it and changed laws to facilitate even more with less authentication.
Was it more secure than dropboxes ?
Mark Zuckerberg financing and staffing state elections./ S
"The statute book says absentee ballots “shall be mailed by the elector, or delivered in person, to the municipal clerk.” As the majority opinion wryly points out : “An inanimate object, such as a ballot drop box, cannot be the municipal clerk.” Although drop boxes were meant to make voting easy, the majority is correct: “Good intentions never override the law.”
The court also ruled voters must “personally” deliver their ballots to the clerk, which will deter vote harvesting. The majority takes no stance on whether third parties may legally “place an absentee ballot in the mail on the voter’s behalf,” but the writing is on the wall.
The ruling will also probably heighten the Republican appetite to overhaul the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC). The court says the 2020 drop box memos were issued by WEC administrative staff, “who did not cite any statutes whatsoever to support their invention.”
Huh ?
Prayers for Shinzo

Couldnt Scavino scrounge up a photo of Abe without Trump in it?
Obviously, you don't know Dan.
Oh I do. They had to surgically remove Scavino's tongue from Trumps nether regions.
Who made that phrase famous here on NT?
Funny that a lot of people feel the same way about el Presidente Joe Biden.
In 1964, Ringo Starr snapped a photo of some high school students who had skipped class to see the Beatles during their first trip to the US. 50 years later, the group reunited and recreated the photo.

@The EricAlper
where's the other guy in the back seat ?
Probably no longer with us.
Do you think he was a victim?
and the rest oppressors?
"Boris Johnson was forced to resign yesterday. It seems that the Conservative elected to lead on Brexit wasn't much of a Conservative after all."
How so, did he not lie often enough?
can't trump Trump, when it comes to LYING !
No one beats Biden for lying.
Trump BEAT HIM by a 100 miles. Over 30,000 averaging like 20 + per day. Thats like 17 MORE LIES PER DAY, from TRUMP!
I keep forgetting Joe doesn't lie- he just "misremembers" a lot; is "Joe being Joe"; another "Bidenism"; and anything else the media can come up with to explain away his lies.
Biden has been lying for his entire political career- which has been far longer than Trump's.
Leftist alternate reality is getting really damn old. Midterms will hopefully jar your asses back to the real world.
Former President Clinton still remains ranked in the top 20 of presidential popularity [yikes] .. he was accused of rape and sexual misconduct [no one believed the victim back then] and Monica Lewinsky was vilified [by H. Clinton on whatever 'news' program that would let her spout her conspiracy theories] for her part in the blow job lie, all the while Clinton was the victim in some individual's eyes because he was 'seduced' .. Biden sniffs hair and massages shoulders .. Trump fits in the middle somewhere, not sure if his lies and exploits top Clinton's or not... could be a tie...
Abraham Lincoln and George Washington rank 1 and 2 respectively ... Obama 10 and George H W Bush at 21 ... so I still have faith in some Americans opinions