The Pandemic and it's aftermath. A look back.

I think it's time to start to estimate all the damage caused by the pandemic of 2020, as well as to consider how far we are from restoring some sense of normalcy. This was an epic tragedy that one could argue was preventable. The Chinese government initially tried to protect it's own country, as it allowed flights to go out to all parts of the world. The CCP also deliberately tried to hide how the Pandemic happened.
Let us begin with the initial consequences:
According to the CDC, as of July 27, 2022: 1,026,723 Americans have died from it.
Then there were the economic consequences. The robust US economy of 2019 was completely shut down in March of 2020 at the suggestion of Dr Anthony Fauci. The shut down was supposed to be for a few weeks, but weeks became months. Small businesses and entry level workers were the first casualties. Some were permanent casualties. In addition the CDC was woefully unprepared and the government had to splurge on masks, ventilators and vaccine research. Multiple $Trillion recovery packages have only led us to 9% inflation and a Recession.
The demise of Donald Trump. The shut down of the US economy is arguably the key reason that Donald Trump went from 2019 favorite to be re-elected to the fall guy for the pandemic. Jane Fonda called it. The pandemic put an end to America's restoration and put the radical left right into power. Part of his enduring legacy will be the vaccines that he advanced in the record time of 10 months.
Deep Division: As if we didn't have enough division, Joe Biden further divided the country over vaccination. Those who got vaccinated were good and those who didn't were blamed. People lost their jobs over it! A mandate was imposed on the military over it!
Joe Biden, who got every vaccine available recently got covid. Shortly thereafter we heard Dr. Deborah Birx finally, at long last, admit that the vaccines were not as effective as many were led to believe and admitted health officials overplayed it. That admission is a small footnote for our dishonest media.
Broken families. How many had to choose between income and having one parent stay at home when the Teacher's Union kept schools closed? The kids lost a year of schooling and there was a psychological cost to both children and parents. Parents did get to find out about the radical poison their kids were being served via remote learning. One of the few pluses of this historic tragedy.
Daily life. The airlines, the travel industry and the entertainment industry have yet to recover. All are shorthanded as help is hard to come by. There are still shortages of certain food items and basic necessities like baby formula. Gasoline has become needlessly expensive. Another casualty of the 2020 election, which gave us policies that saddled the country with a wide open border and rampant crime. Fentanyl is also coming over the southern border. Should I call it China's second gift to the US?
When will we recover?
It did tremendous damage.
Maybe we should get to the bottom of how it happened.
Unfortunately I don't believe we will ever get the full truth of what and how this happened. This was politicized right from the start with a lot of evidence destroyed and covered up. If governments were truly for the benefit of the people we would be able to get to the bottom of this, but unfortunately governments are run by people who will protect their own power.
The former director of the CDC, Robert Redfield "believes the novel coronavirus originated inside a lab in Wuhan, China and “escaped,” and was potentially spreading as early as September 2019."
He also believes that despite those who want to hide it's origins, science will one day reveal the answer.
Oh those leftist Chief Residents can be tough. Did they toss any Molotov cocktails at him? How about at a Wendys?
trumpski was advised of the pandemic potential 6 months before he acknowledged it. he allowed passage to the US of infected citizens without benefit of a quarantine period here. he placed the stock market above the population in terms of protection. he fought the advice of the CDC throughout the remainder of his term. he took credit for the vaccine work that was already in process when he was still in denial. he encouraged his sycophants to disregard public health concerns. he victimized leading health authorities by blaming them in an attempt to deflect any personal responsibility for his gross negligence and complete incompetence as a leader.
Wow. You really got the attention of the trolls trying to downplay fact with their imagination.
Is it my imagination that Woodward taped Trump saying he delayed properly dealing with the virus because he didn't want people to panic?
Oooops! Posted that before I read John's next comment.
That may be a hard sell, don't you think?
Donald Trump a hero of the pandemic? What a strange thought.
Trump was caught on audio telling Bob Woodward that he was playing down the danger of coronavirus to the public. Why would he do that? Because he feared a large scale response to covid would hurt his re-election chances.
Beyond that, Trump promoted quack therapies to fight the disease. Trump even introduced the far right nut case Mike Lindell at one of his daily covid press conferences, most of which were dedicated to various flunkies saying Trump was doing a great job.
The truth is glaring.
Trump listened to the health "experts" knowing the political cost.
He did what Dr Fauci said was impossible - he got us a vaccine in 10 months.
Really? Is he a scientist now? He gave the ok, which any president would have done.
Trump spent most of 2020 trying to minimize covid. That is an objective fact. Of course some people think that was a good thing.
That's sad.
Who else would clear regulations & obstacles? If we waited for the FDA, we'd still be waiting. He got it done. That must really suck for Trump haters?
Trump spent most of 2020 trying to minimize covid.
Your POS president had more deaths with all the resources. In short, the media lied as usual.
John, you can be happy now. You finally got rid of him.
Athough there are many "conservatives" here who accept Trump as the leader of the Republican Party, you are the only one who actively tries to tell everyone how great he is.
It's embarrassing.
What's embarrassing are those who ignore what the country is going through.
The entire world went through the effects of covid. Why should the United States be any different? It was/is a once in a century medical event. The people in charge of dealing with it, aka the nation's medical experts, did the best they could.
I will say Trump had the misfortune to be president when it happened, but if he did such a great job why is his covid reponse cited as one of the reasons he lost the election? People have eyes and ears and saw what happened and heard what he said .
Should nothing bad ever happen to the United States? and if it does is it always the "left's " fault?
I confined this to the US.
The people in charge of dealing with it, aka the nation's medical experts, did the best they could.
I think that's reasonable to an extent. Birx has recently come clean - she said they overplayed it. Dr Fauci was responsible for shutting down the economy with zero evidence that it would do any good. He may be responsible for a lot more than that. We do intend to find out.
I will say Trump had the misfortune to be president when it happened, but if he did such a great job why is his covid reponse cited as one of the reasons he lost the election?
I did cite the reason. I was very specific. He listened to Fauci and shut down a thriving economy.
Should nothing bad ever happen to the United States?
You should know better than to ask me that question. The Pandemic could have and should have been contained in China. As for the vast majority of "bad things" that have happened to the US since 1968, I lay them squarely at the feet of the American left.
I believe the governors of the various states were responsible for shutting down businesses , schools , and churches. That is the reason the restrictions went into effect in different places at different times. Some of the governors waited and waited to impose restrictions, so I guess Fauci was not all powerful.
Most likely, anyone who lost their business or job blamed the President. Don't forget, the media made sure of that.
For now! The 2024 election cycle is still far away.
I know it sounds far fetched, by I think if it comes down to it, DeSantis will beat Trump in a primary.
He's a strong 2024 contender for the Republican Party. Short List: Open state during the pandemic, strong economy, restrictions on CRT/DEI and strong educational emphasis on STEM, hundreds of thousands from CA, NY, and other blue states relocating to FL. This is why the left hates him.
So far, the only potential candidates pushed by the Democrat Party are a combination of Marxists/Commies, geriatric aged, youngsters with zero accomplishments, and those who use word salads: Biden, Harris, Buttigieg, Warren, Bernie, and ... drum roll, please ... AOC.
None of them are electable and another pandemic won't help them.
We see how far your reasonableness goes , aka nowhere.
Who will the dems nominate? That seems to be the big problem.
Yet blue states and cities are re-instituting mandates so they can prolong the destruction of small businesses and further stunt our young children's educational and psychological development.
The virus was first observed in Wuhan, China. Wuhan is home to the Wuhan Institute Of Virology.
The lab was studying coronaviruses in bats, which could have included gain-of-function experiments.
It is highly plausible that a virulent new virus created in the lab escaped and spread.
Do you know why that is such a dangerous story?
The very man who believed in that type or research, despite the risks, may have given the ok to funding.
Wait for it:
That would mean he bears some responsibility for millions of deaths!
The House will be looking into it next year. Perhaps you can appear as a witness for Dr Fauci?
In the next Congress, Rand Paul is likely to sound a lot like Clarence Darrow.
Dr Fauci thinks he's going to quietly retire when Biden leaves.
I have a hunch that the good doctor's troubles have just begun.
Save that for the two echo chambers
No. You'll find them full of repetitive backslaps and members that only talk there. At least you have guts.
You have proved otherwise
Didn't you just plow 6 pictures into that echo chjamber?
Let's just say that I've never seen you provide a link and let it go. We don't want to get in trouble do we?
One name: FAUCI ... tied to NIAID/NIH gain of function research in China and US labs.
Prove it.
Prove it!
I don't see any proof that anything I've said is untrue, which means that you are unable to prove your assertion. Thanks, Tessy; have a good day.
The “it’s okay to riot” but dangerous to protest lockdowns did untold damage to public health leadership.
It sounds like something Bill Ayers might be teaching over at the University of Illinois.
Nobody wanted to harm the economy. Worldwide leaders took actions that collectively compromised the world economy. Governors and business leaders across the nation as well as individuals concerned about spreading the virus took actions that compromised the domestic economy. It was a pandemic and leaders were doing their best to stop a very bad situation from growing worse.
Dr. Fauci did not cause the world to shut down the world economy; this would have happened if Fauci did not even exist. The reality of the pandemic is true regardless of the opinions of a single man or the entire CDC or WHO.
The world was dealing with an emergency and had to learn about the nature of the pandemic in real time. Odd how some seem to expect that science, worldwide, magically has all the answers. Research takes time; development based on the research (engineering and manufacturing) takes time.
I think you are spot on here. Trump exacerbated this by trying to talk up the economy. Not only was he utterly wrong in his soothing words but his downplaying of the pandemic encouraged millions to NOT take the pandemic as seriously as they should have.
Except for special conditions such as already having immunity, medical incompatibility with the vaccine, etc., it was irresponsible and just plain stupid to NOT get vaccinated.
Partisans would have blamed Biden no matter what he did. He pushed hard to ensure that every American had free access to the vaccine so that they could protect themselves, family and (in so doing) help protect others. Yet he is blamed for pushing too hard. Had he made any mistake in the distribution of the vaccine (or if the process had failed due to unexpected spoilage, resource constraints, etc.) he would have been blamed for not working hard enough.
The fact that vaccinated individuals can be infected is well known. This should not surprise anyone. Biden is human and interacts with many people. The vaccines mitigate the infection growing worse and exacerbating the spreading of same ... they do not prevent infection. The vaccine does not prevent one from being infected since being infected means that the virus is in your body (e.g. in your nasal cavity) but it absolutely enables our immune systems to eliminate the infection and greatly reduces the symptoms in most people.
This is what she actually said:
During the pandemic and prior to having solid empirical data, lots of people were offering their best advice. It is no surprise that people offered differing opinions and that some were wrong. The vaccines are, point of fact, effective at mitigating the effects of the virus.
Yeah the pandemic disrupted the world and that disruption has negative consequences. And if we took no action and continued life as usual, do you expect that the infection rate (and death rate) of the pandemic would be the same, decrease or rise ?
Again, yes the effects of the pandemic linger. The pandemic disrupted the world economy. It caused major supply lines to wither, plants to shut down, etc. It also caused a reduction in the workforce as many retired. When we got past the worst, and demand came back, the supply lines were not there and neither was the labor force. The lack of supply vs. demand triggered inflation. And, IMO, the inflation coupled with COVID became an excuse for companies (and suppliers in the chain) to raise prices without the usual backlash.
We are recovering now. It takes time. Some conditions, however, will be with us for a very long time. Inflation will reduce but prices will never get back to pre-pandemic levels. Employees will continue to return to the job site but many will continue to work at home. Travel for business will never be the same as businesses now have broken the myth that one must press-flesh to conduct business. We will rebuild the work force with competent, experienced people because ultimately the trend is fewer jobs for more people. Our next mega economic problem will be under-employment because AI is taking out higher-level jobs which will NOT be replaced while our population continues to grow.
First, Dr Fauci was only giving advise to the US President. Second, not every country chose to shut down.
The world was dealing with an emergency and had to learn about the nature of the pandemic in real time. Odd how some seem to expect that science, worldwide, magically has all the answers. Research takes time; development based on the research (engineering and manufacturing) takes time.
In other words Fauci knew nothing of the economic consequences and very little about the strange pandemic he was giving advise on.
Trump exacerbated this by trying to talk up the economy.
It's not about talk. It was the shut down.
Except for special conditions such as already having immunity, medical incompatibility with the vaccine, etc., it was irresponsible and just plain stupid to NOT get vaccinated.
Partisans would have blamed Biden no matter what he did. He pushed hard to ensure that every American had free access to the vaccine so that they could protect themselves, family and (in so doing) help protect others. Yet he is blamed for pushing too hard. Had he made any mistake in the distribution of the vaccine (or if the process had failed due to unexpected spoilage, resource constraints, etc.) he would have been blamed for not working hard enough.
Birx finally admitted the truth: "health officials overplayed it." Don't tell us about Biden pushing hard. He wasn't pushing hard as a candidate!
During the pandemic and prior to having solid empirical data, lots of people were offering their best advice. It is no surprise that people offered differing opinions and that some were wrong.
Then why demonize people and take away people's jobs ???
And if we took no action and continued life as usual, do you expect that the infection rate (and death rate) of the pandemic would be the same, decrease or rise ?
I guess we'd have to look at counties like Sweden, who chose a different course, YET ENDED UP IN THE SAME PLACE.
Again, yes the effects of the pandemic linger. The pandemic disrupted the world economy. It caused major supply lines to wither, plants to shut down, etc. It also caused a reduction in the workforce as many retired. When we got past the worst, and demand came back, the supply lines were not there and neither was the labor force. The lack of supply vs. demand triggered inflation. And, IMO, the inflation coupled with COVID became an excuse for companies (and suppliers in the chain) to raise prices without the usual backlash.
Gee, I could have gotten that from the Biden website.
You state this as if a rebuttal. I never suggested Fauci advised the planet nor did I claim every country shut down. Right off the bat your 'rebuttal' leaps to a strawman.
EVERYBODY on the planet was learning in real time. And Fauci was not an economic advisor. His focus (as was the CDC) was on mitigating the spread of the virus.
Non sequitur and feeble. Governors in the states and business leaders effected the shut down (as I noted).
And you are just going to blindly focus on those words within a single sentence, exaggerate them to meet your desired meaning, and ignore everything else she said in that quote. Confirmation bias.
People who refused to get vaccinated and then walked around in the population were being irresponsible (putting others at risk by carrying a potentially large amount of infection) and stupid (not taking precautions to protect themselves from serious symptoms).
Vaccinated people are less likely to be infected and will have reduced levels of infection (and thus less likely to infect others). That is because their immune system is fighting an infection as soon as it occurs rather than festering within an unvaccinated body.
Different culture, different circumstances. Many Swedes voluntarily stayed home and took precautions. Many Americans did the exact opposite.
Vic wants to simultaneously claim that Trump deserves great praise for the development of the vaccine and that the vaccines didnt have much effect and were overplayed by the medical community.
What else is new?
Both happen to be true.
The main benefit of the vaccines was that you weren't going to get as sick as you would without them.
The new strains seem to be less severe.
Scary how quickly everyone jumps on board with something. We are apparently seeing an uptick in cases, prompting some local governmental buildings to reinstate the old covid protocols; show proof of vaccination or proof of a negative test within 72 hours, mask up, etc.
I had to visit a state facility recently, and they wanted me to send them "proof" prior to my visit. Instead, I sent them individual links to our state department of health's weekly updates, all the way back through the first week of April. (would have done more, but surely 14 weeks worth of info should do it)
Point? The state tracks weekly infections and hospitalizations, and breaks those down by fully vaccinated, partially vaccinated and unvaccinated. May not be the same everywhere, but here...the breakdown in percentage of infections and hospitalizations mirrors the vaccination status percentages. Go figure. Yet, our state is still implementing policies that treat vaccinated people as if they are immune. Not only are they not immune, but they are being hospitalized at apparently the same rate as the unvaccinated.
The CDC's statistics nationwide do not bear this out.
Never said they did, but actually limited my statement to my location, by stating the following:
Feel free to take any concerns you have with the statistics up with persons responsible for putting together the reports I provided links to above.
Those are not "nationwide" numbers, but numbers from participating hospitals, from 14 states, as stated at the top of the page:
Dig further in the CDC's site:
Don't miss that last bit.
But ... but ... but ... around a year ago, Biden said Covid was a disease of the UNvaccinated! I really wish he and Fauci would get their lies straight.
Thanks for that reminder and welcome to an open forum.
How can it be a deflection when the video I posted in comment 10.3 exposes Biden's own words? In the real world, that video proves that I am accurate.
OK ... here we go! The infamous Birx has a new book, Silent Invasion , in which she reveals how she and Fauci subverted the Trump administration and the general public regarding Covid ...
Aftermath? What aftermath? It’s killing over 400 Americans every day. Almost 2400 worldwide. Every. Day.
Terrorists killed almost 3,000 people on 9/11 and we remember that shit forever. We pass laws limiting freedom. I can’t walk my wife or daughter to the gate at the airport. If I can get through or I’m the one flying, I have to take off my shoes and my belt, and submit to scans and pat-downs. Every time I pack a laptop computer, TSA breaks into my suitcase to examine it.
And this is forever.
But Covid kills 3000 Americans every week and these assholes are all “nothing to see here - it’s over - and don’t make me wear a mask, you monsters!”
The world is getting more stupid by the hour.