
In Memoriam


Category:  Op/Ed

By:  vic-eldred  •  3 years ago  •  150 comments

In Memoriam
“Some are born great, others achieve greatness.” ― William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night

The link to the quote:  https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/156187-some-are-born-great-others-achieve-greatness

I am 70 years old and the Queen who died on September 8th became Queen the year I was born. Her reign saw dramatic changes, some were positive, most were not. The British Empire was already gone and Europe was still trying to rebuild when she assumed the British Throne. She was the longest serving Monarch in British history. In the end the civilization she once knew would be replaced by a decadent world. In between she also endured personal problems as the marriages of three of her offspring fell apart and Princess Diana was killed in a tragic accident. She was the Monarch when Britain entered the EU and still Queen when Britain exited it. The country she grew up in had rigid class divisions and the one she left was a very equal society. (one of the few positives.)


Through it all she showed exemplary conduct. And she might say about her role: Never complain and never explain. There should be the guiding light for all of us! The problem for those who try to replace her is that she was so much more popular than the Monarchy itself. She was an advocate for the old western values and that cause must be defended.

Britain will begin a 10-day mourning period that will culminate in Queen Elizabeth’s state funeral. In her last official act on Tuesday, the Queen appointed Liz Truss as the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Today marks the end of a bygone era.

Queen Elizabeth II (1926-2022)

The Week:

Soft on crime policies fallout:  "A   Memphis    TV reporter  broke down live on air as she covered a mass shooting that killed four people and wounded three others in the city. Joyce Peterson, a journalist with WMC in the city choked up as she reported on the violence, which came two days after the body of murdered school teacher   Eliza Fletcher  was found. This is an extremely dangerous situation. And I know …,” Peterson said into the camera as the events of this week appeared to catch up with her. Memphis is tired right now. Yeah. I’m good. I’m with you all,” she said. “Memphis is tired right now. ... It’s difficult right now. Bear with me. It’s a very nerve-wracking night.”

"The suspect was eventually taken into custody following a pursuit and has been charged with first-degree murder. Memphis Mayor Jim Strickland says that Kelly was released from prison less than six months ago. He was charged with criminal attempted first-degree murder but pleaded guilty to a lesser charge of aggravated assault in April 2021. Kelly was sentenced to three years in prison but was released after only serving 11 months of his sentence.


DOJ to appeal order approving "Special Master" in document dispute:  This is a surprise to nobody. At this point a Special Master would be of little value. It has been over 3 weeks since the FBI's infamous raid and everything the FBI took has been gone through and probably duplicated by now. This will only delay the already drawn out drama until after the midterm elections. With the election 2 months away, we can expect to hear more salacious drama from the Jan 6th Committee very soon.

DOJ leaks more information:  After a Judge appointed a Special Master in the document dispute case, another story of nuclear secrets involving a foreign country was leaked to the Washington Post. The leak could only come from one place.

Protecting the Deep State:  "  House Democrats are expected   to pass legislation next week that would make it harder for the president to change procedures within the federal workforce, a sign that Democrats are hedging their bets against the return of former President Donald Trump. Just before Trump left office, he signed an executive order setting up a new classification of federal workers known as Schedule F. The order instructed federal agencies to place thousands of workers into this category, which would strip them of the due process rights afforded to most federal workers and make it easier for them to be fired."


They really do fear the return of Trump!

The Russian Army in retreat:  "Ukrainian forces surprised occupying Russians with a one-two punch Thursday, pushing deep into enemy territory to open a second front in   Kyiv’s counterattack  . Ukrainian authorities announced the liberation of 20 villages in the northeast, outside Kharkiv, as the military pushed for the occupied city of Izyum — all while   continuing a fierce fight for Kherson in the south.  Oleksiy Hromov, a deputy chief with the general staff of the armed forces of Ukraine, said Thursday that his nation’s forces — pushing toward the Donbas from Kharkiv — had penetrated more than 30 miles beyond Russia’s defensive line.


It's been a nightmare for Putin.

What Have We Learned?

As another week comes to an end, we can congratulate one another for surviving another seven days of slings & arrows. Horrendous crimes have been committed throughout the country by those who were given reduced sentences for similar crimes. The pendulum cannot begin to swing back until after the midterms. The House of Representatives needs to be restored to Republican control. States need Republican Governors. Police departments need funding and the support of public officials. 

In Memphis we had a female jogger kidnapped and murdered, followed up by a thug who went on a shooting spree killing 4 and wounding 3. Both incidents were preventable. Progressives kept the perpetrators out on the street. Yes, they are responsible!

Then there is the story that the media hid the most. A Las Vegas investigative reporter was murdered by the democrat politician he was investigating. While the left wing media demands accountability from Police dealing with inner-city thugs, the same so-called journalists place the murder of one of their own on page 3, apparently because a democrat was involved.

Last but not least are those who will not accept facts when the facts are presented to them. They want to ignore the fact that the Hunter Laptop story was effectively quashed during the 2020 election. They deny to this very day, that the Russia/collusion hoax was a hoax, they deny that the southern border is open, they deny that the Teachers Union wrote a school policy for the CDC. Yesterday they denied that leaks are coming from the DOJ. They are presented with the proof and simply ignore it. Others claim to be educated in "critical thinking" and say that they can't be bothered with what they regard as unreasonable opinions. Others call everything they don't like: "conspiracy theories" and others make endless excuses for the inexcusable (IE half the country being called "semi-Fascist.")

Cartoon of the Week:


Honorable Mention:

Tucker Carlson for his Wednesday evening expose of John Fetterman

(Warning: We had one who couldn't sit through it!)


jrDiscussion - desc
Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1  author  Vic Eldred    3 years ago

In reference to one of the aforementioned Memphis murders:

"Cleotha Abston was a predator. He was an evil man. At a young age, Abston was arrested for, among many, many other things, stealing, aggravated assault weapons charges, carjacking and rape. In 2000, he was convicted of kidnapping a local attorney at gunpoint downtown and forcing him into the trunk of his own car.  Crimes  like that are now common in Memphis. Last year, the city reported more than 100 kidnappings, but like most lifelong criminals, Cleotha Abston was never fully punished for what he did. 

He was released years before the end of his prison sentence. Nor was he in any way sense reformed by his experience behind bars. Abston was well known in his apartment complex as of last week for his sexual aggression and his perversity. He terrified his neighbors, but no one from any part of the justice system seems to have intervened. 

Early last Friday morning, Eliza Fletcher and Cleotha Abston met for the first and last time.. As her husband and two young children slept at home, Eliza Fletcher went for an early morning run through her neighborhood. Cleotha Abston followed her, stalking her every move from a black SUV. According to the indictment, as Fletcher jogged by, Abston leapt out, beat her bloody, smashed her cell phone, then dragged her into his vehicle. Within an hour,   Eliza Fletcher was dead . She'd been sexually assaulted and murdered. Police arrested Abston soon after based on surveillance video, but he refused to say what had happened to Eliza Fletcher, so her family waited in agony, but he didn't care. He never spoke.  

Yesterday, authorities finally   found Eliza Fletcher's body . She'd been thrown like garbage behind an abandoned building in a key part of town. The whole story could not be more shocking or more horrible, but here's what may be the scariest part. Some people didn't seem particularly shocked or horrified by it. 

In the hours after Eliza Fletcher's disappearance, Biden voters on social media seemed to dismiss the crime on racial grounds. "Why are we paying so much attention to the kidnapping of an attractive, privileged White woman? That's racist." Others seem to blame Fletcher for the atrocity committed against her. "Why was she jogging at that hour, anyway? In Memphis? Come on." 

The point they're making was clear: "Everyone knows the rules. Eliza Fletcher violated those rules. You can't go outside his certain hours in certain places in America, obviously, and if you do, if you violate the rules, you run the risk of being raped and murdered. That's how things work in this country. So, adapt. Accept it. Move on.".  

Tucker Carlson reached out to Memphis officials in an attempt to find out why such dangerous criminals were released early. Thus far nobody has returned his call.

Junior Silent
1.1  squiggy  replied to  Vic Eldred @1    3 years ago
so much attention to the kidnapping of an attractive, privileged White woman?

... wearing a sports bra at 4:30 in the morning. Unbelievable.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.1.1  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  squiggy @1.1    3 years ago

That must be what did it?

Professor Principal
1.2  devangelical  replied to  Vic Eldred @1    3 years ago
half the country being called "semi-Fascist."


Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.1  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  devangelical @1.2    3 years ago

Oh here's some cartoons.

For those who have no thoughts 

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.3  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Tessylo @1.2.2    3 years ago

Another who only wants to taunt.

Professor Principal
1.2.4  devangelical  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.1    3 years ago
Oh here's some cartoons. For those who have no thoughts 

says the guy that posts a cartoon of the week on the weekly whine article...

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.5  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  devangelical @1.2.4    3 years ago

And you don't know the difference between the author posting a cartoon in the body of an article and your own endless taunting?

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.7  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Tessylo @1.2.6    3 years ago

Oh, you can't hide behind de Montesquieu

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
1.2.9  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Tessylo @1.2.6    3 years ago

Why quote old, European, White men?

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
1.2.10  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.1    3 years ago
Oh here's some cartoons. For those who have no thoughts 

Okay, instead of cartoons pointing out Republicans monumental hypocrisy, how about some direct quotes...

"(Democrats want to) destroy our second amendment, attack the right to life, and replace American freedom with left-wing fascism.  Fascists, they are fascists ." - Donald Trump 2020

2020 video of Trump calling Democrats' fascists' resurfaces after Republicans slammed President Biden for saying MAGA ideology was 'semi-fascism' (yahoo.com)

"Our radical Democrat opponents are driven by hatred, prejudice and rage" " They want to destroy you and they want to destroy our country  as we know it. Not acceptable, it’s not going to happen. Not going to happen." - Donald Trump 2019

Trump, launching re-election bid, says Democrats 'want to destroy our country' (nbcnews.com)

It is pretty funny that you post a conservative cartoon and then claim that those using cartoons "have no thoughts"... Just another example of rightwing conservative hypocrisy.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.11  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @1.2.10    3 years ago

First of all DP, I can't be the only one who has to post a link to a quote.

How about you post some links to those quotes so we at least have some context?

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
1.2.12  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.11    3 years ago
How about you post some links to those quotes so we at least have some context?

Done. It's hilarious watching you look for any way to squirm your way out of facts.

Trump was divisive, are you trying to claim otherwise? He was of course a uniter for white nationalists, white supremacists, confederate loving bigots, wannabe Nazi's and other rightwing fascists, so no doubt those he united would be unable to see the irony of conservatives screaming that Biden is divisive.


Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.13  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @1.2.12    3 years ago
Trump was divisive

In that clip he was divisive. However, I don't recall him campaigning as a unifier, do you?

Trump was divisive, are you trying to claim otherwise? He was of course a uniter for white nationalists, white supremacists, confederate loving bigots, wannabe Nazi's and other rightwing fascists

And I almost gave you credit for making a point. Some never fail to go overboard.

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
1.2.14  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.13    3 years ago
In that clip he was divisive. However, I don't recall him campaigning as a unifier, do you?

Ah, so now it's good that Trump was a divider because he wasn't claiming to be a uniter. What hilariously twisted illogic.

And I almost gave you credit for making a point. Some never fail to go overboard.

What's really funny is that you make my point for me. You say above Trump didn't campaign "as a unifier" and then try to reject the reality that he did in fact run as a unifier of his base which does include white nationalists, white supremacists, confederate loving bigots, wannabe Nazi's and other rightwing fascists.

The Leader of the American Nazi Party Supports Trump (esquire.com)

Ku Klux Klan newspaper declares support for Trump | Reuters

Former KKK leader endorses Trump for president again – and Tucker Carlson for VP | The Independent | The Independent

The White Nationalists Who Support Donald Trump - ABC News (go.com)

Professor Participates
1.2.15  bugsy  replied to  devangelical @1.2.4    3 years ago
says the guy that posts a cartoon of the week on the weekly whine articl

A hell of a lot better than some posting dumb ass videos in other parts of the site.

Professor Principal
1.2.16  devangelical  replied to  bugsy @1.2.15    3 years ago

thanks for watching.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.17  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @1.2.14    3 years ago
What hilariously twisted illogic.

What is truly twisted is not knowing the difference.

and then try to reject the reality that he did in fact run as a unifier of his base which does include white nationalists, white supremacists, confederate loving bigots, wannabe Nazi's and other rightwing fascists.

He's not to blame for that just like Obama and Biden aren't to blame for BLM endorsing them...Oh wait they did invite BLM to the WH!

And Obama went further than that:



Now that I think about it...Obama can be blamed for attracting extremists!

Professor Participates
1.2.18  bugsy  replied to  devangelical @1.2.16    3 years ago
thanks for watching.

I can assure you no one, especially me, is watching them.

Professor Principal
1.3  devangelical  replied to  Vic Eldred @1    3 years ago


Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.3.1  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  devangelical @1.3    3 years ago

They never learn do they?

The person who allowed you to do that was trying to be fair, but as always you abuse it and now she'll have to defend it.

Professor Principal
1.3.2  devangelical  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.3.1    3 years ago


Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.3.3  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  devangelical @1.3.2    3 years ago

What did she say?

Professor Principal
1.4  JohnRussell  replied to  Vic Eldred @1    3 years ago

This graph depicts murder rates in the United States from 1950 to 2018.  I think there a couple interesting thing to draw from this information. Although the graph only goes year by year starting with the year 2000, we can observe the starkly elevated levels of murder in the 70's, 80's and 90's compared to "recent" years. And by the way, the murder rate for 2019 was 5.07 and for 2020 it was 6.52, both well below the much higher rates from previous decades. From 1970, to 1995, the period of the noticeably highest US murder rates, a Republican was president of the United States for 18 of those 25 years. 

The other thing I would say is to question the real meaning of murder statistics, and crime statistics in general. At the worst point on this graph, the murder rate was 10.4 per 100,000 population, and at the lowest point (1960) it was 5.0.  Although one could say that the higher rate is double the lower rate , there is another way of looking at this that doesnt seem anywhere near as bad. In the 1980's, 99,990 out of every 100,000 Americans were not murdered, and in 1960 , 99,995 Americans were not murdered.  Is this really a dramatic difference worth everyone pulling their hair out over? It is the difference between there being 5 murders per year and 10 murders per year in a city the size of Green Bay Wisconsin. Its just not staggeringly different. 


Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
1.4.1  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  JohnRussell @1.4    3 years ago
  Is this really a dramatic difference worth everyone pulling their hair out over?

No way, 5,000 more killed per year isn't worth even pulling one's hair let alone out.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.4.2  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  JohnRussell @1.4    3 years ago

Your chart is deceptive because it looks only at murder and it broadly looks at it nationwide.

Check out overall crime in US cities:

In 2020 alone, there were over 3.9 million incidents reported to the FBI by local law enforcement agencies. To understand how crime has changed in American cities, we analyzed the past decade’s worth of crime data from the FBI to determine which types of crimes are rising (or falling) in about 3,000 cities with populations of 10,000 people or more.

  • On average, violent crime has climbed by 12 percent in U.S. cities, while property crime has declined by 33 percent since 2010. Robbery rates fell in the average U.S. city by 23 percent, while murder, rape, and aggravated assault all climbed by 25 percent or more.
  • Motor vehicle theft was the only type of property crime to rise in the average city over the past decade, increasing by 48 percent.
  • Out of America’s largest metropolises, Detroit led the nation in both murder and rape in 2020. Seattle had the most reported burglaries, and Memphis, Tennessee had the most larceny-theft incidents.
  • Out of all cities with smaller populations (between 100,000 and 249,999 people), two Louisiana cities had the highest murder rates: Baton Rouge and Shreveport. Two similarly-sized California cities, Richmond and Hayward, topped the list for motor vehicle theft.
  • The murder rate in small cities (those with population levels between 100,000 and 249,999), climbed by more than 80 percent on average between 2010 and 2020.

Professor Principal
1.4.3  JohnRussell  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @1.4.1    3 years ago

The difference between 5 per 100,000 and 10 per 100,000 is not 5,000, it is 5. 

Professor Principal
1.4.4  JohnRussell  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.4.2    3 years ago

People who study crime and crime statistics almost universally say that year to year changes are almost meaningless.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.4.5  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  JohnRussell @1.4.4    3 years ago

Minorities living in major cities might tend to disagree with that.

Professor Principal
1.4.6  JohnRussell  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.4.2    3 years ago

Crime Rate by State 2022

Crime is alive and well in the United States . As a nation, we have relatively high crime rates ; however, they have decreased significantly over the past 25 years. The crime rate in the U.S. is about 47.70 per 100,000 people. The American government categorizes crime in two ways. A criminal act is either a violent crime or a property crime. The four criminal behaviors that fall into the category of violent crime include: aggravated assault, robbery, homicide, whether intentional or accidental, and rape.

It serves right wing reactionary purposes to act as if the US is living through an unparelled era of crime, violence and disrespect for law. They like to blame all this on "wokeism" , social justice, and the Democrats. 

Unfortunately , for them, historical crime statistics over the past 50 years do not bear out their anguish and anger.  To my knowledge, none of the nations largest cities have experienced all time high murder rates in the past few years, they all had higher rates in the 80's and or 90's. 

I dont recall too many in the reactionary right of today complaining about crime rates at the time. 

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.4.7  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  JohnRussell @1.4.6    3 years ago
It serves right wing reactionary purposes to act as if the US is living through an unparelled era of crime, violence and disrespect for law. They like to blame all this on "wokeism" , social justice, and the Democrats. 

Simply look at cities that have woke DA's.

Here is exhibit A, Los Angeles:


Junior Silent
1.4.8  squiggy  replied to  JohnRussell @1.4.6    3 years ago

Wokeism? When I look at this week's spate of murders, I think of recidivism.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
2  Buzz of the Orient    3 years ago

You quote from Shakespeare's Twelfth Night.  In my one stint of acting I played the part of Sir Toby Belch while I was in High School.   A story attaches to this, but if you feel this is WAY off topic, go ahead and delete it.  The Master (it was a private English style boys school - similar to the one in Goodbye Mr. Chips) who directed the play was a young teacher recently from England and he was my favourite teacher of all time.  He taught math and threw the chalk at boys who were dozing or couldn't answer a simple question.  He coached our football team and took home the rulebook to learn our Canadian football rules in one night.  He was my Mr. Chips.  For 40 years I had no contact with him and then as a school "old boy" I received an invitation to attend his retirement banquet.  I walked up to him, he took one look at me and bellowed "Sir Toby Belch"!!!

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
2.1  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @2    3 years ago

Lol...Great story Buzz!

How much chalk do you think he'd go through over here?

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
2.1.1  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Vic Eldred @2.1    3 years ago

He could certainly increase the chalk retailers' profit considerably.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
2.1.2  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @2.1.1    3 years ago

I think I'd like him too.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
3  author  Vic Eldred    3 years ago

Schumer in tough spot over Manchin promise


Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
4  author  Vic Eldred    3 years ago

A word on Britain. I did not want to mix it in with my thoughts on the Queen.

It was a small sea-fearing country in the north Atlantic that once ruled much of the world and ruled it with decency as no other empire had. Yesterday the last living link to a truly "Great Britain" died. The proof is there for all to see. After the continent of Africa was on it's own, it turned to terrible dictators and just about every one of those countries have quietly experienced poverty and chaos. Unfortunately strong countries have a way of dominating weak ones. The new colonial power in Africa is China. I doubt China will leave more than it took as Britain did.

India is the prime example. It inherited a common language, a legal system, schools, churches and an entire civilization. Most of what the Brits built is still there and has yet to be improved upon. So when we hear the lefties blast the Queen for what came before, maybe we can give them a history lesson. Either way, the Empire was gone before Elizabeth became Queen.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
4.1  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Vic Eldred @4    3 years ago

Oh ya, the Brits also ended the traditional murder of widows in India

Professor Principal
4.2  JohnRussell  replied to  Vic Eldred @4    3 years ago

If the British empire was so great I'm sure you must be upset that 1776 ever happened. 

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
4.2.1  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  JohnRussell @4.2    3 years ago

In 1833 Britain abolished slavery. Did you even know?  What did Kendi say about it?

Professor Principal
4.2.2  JohnRussell  replied to  Vic Eldred @4.2.1    3 years ago
In 1833 Britain abolished slavery.

And ? What is your point? 

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
4.2.3  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  JohnRussell @4.2.2    3 years ago

I believe I made it in Post 4.  The British Empire was unique in that it gave more than it took!

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
4.2.4  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Vic Eldred @4.2.3    3 years ago

Also unique, was the fact that a little island nation was capable of building an empire that at it's peak was the largest empire the world has ever seen, covering around a quarter of Earth’s land surface and ruling half a billion people.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
4.2.5  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @4.2.4    3 years ago

Britannia rules the waves!

Professor Quiet
4.2.6  Jasper2529  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @4.2.4    3 years ago
The saying “The Empire on which the sun never sets” has been used to explain the vastness of the British Empire.

Historians established that roughly 25% of the earth landmass was in control of the British. The region was so extensive that at any one time there was daylight in one of the territories.

The phrase was first made by Fray Francisco de Ugalde, Spanish, to King Charles 1. The phrase was later used when Britain acquired other territories. In 1852, Alexander Campbell used the phrase to express the dominion of Britain and America.

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
4.2.7  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Jasper2529 @4.2.6    3 years ago

Indeed.  While there have been other empires, the Ottoman Empire, Chinese Empire and the Mughal Empire, those were smaller and began from much larger countries.  The British Empire sprang from a land smaller than Kansas.  Indeed an amazing history.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
4.3  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Vic Eldred @4    3 years ago
"After the continent of Africa was on it's own,..."

i.e. "After the continent of Africa was on it is own?"

Just a bit of info - It was Prime Minister Benjamin D'Israeli who made Queen Victoria Empress of India.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
4.3.1  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @4.3    3 years ago
i.e. "After the continent of Africa was on it is own?"

I'll watch that from now on.

It was Prime Minister Benjamin D'Israeli who made Queen Victoria Empress of India.

And it was Jacob Zuma who ran South Africa into the ground!

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
4.4  Sean Treacy  replied to  Vic Eldred @4    3 years ago

A Professor of "critical discourse studies" Uju Anya,  tweeted something so vile that  twitter censored a left winger.

"I heard the chief monarch of a thieving raping genocidal empire is finally dying. May her pain be excruciating.," 

Say what you want about British Colonialism,  but blaming it on Queen Elizabeth might be the dumbest take of all time.  So much ignorance should be fatal.  It's like blaming Barack Obama anf wnating him tortured for Vietnam. 

Unsurprisingly, she's a full blown race obsessed nut job who hates white mothers of bi racial children, writing that "race matters in their Mandingo BBC fantasies of Black men they have babies with. But the love of blackness ends at the loving of black dick, not loving black children," with many more similar examples.

Our educational system is broken if ignorant racists like this are in charge of teaching children. Imagine paying $60,000a year for that. 

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
4.4.1  Sean Treacy  replied to  Sean Treacy @4.4    3 years ago

Here's another University Diversity Officer spewing hatred:

Queen Elizabeth II, the longest-ruling British monarch, has [finally] died at 96. Good riddance, colonizer.

Tax dollars pay this idiot's salary

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
4.4.2  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Sean Treacy @4.4.1    3 years ago

The hatred and and ignorance runs deep is some:

Good riddance, colonizer.

What new colonies did the UK acquire after Queen Elizabeth took the throne?

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
4.4.3  Sean Treacy  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @4.4.2    3 years ago

The lack of understanding of history or Queen Elizabeth’s role in the British state is something to behold.

but these are people whose very career is premised on assigning blame to groups without  worrying about individual rights or responsibilities.

Professor Quiet
4.4.4  Jasper2529  replied to  Sean Treacy @4.4    3 years ago
A Professor of "critical discourse studies" Uju Anya,  tweeted something so vile that  twitter censored a left winger.

I saw commentary on those disgusting tweets.

Professor Principal
5  JohnRussell    3 years ago
 In the end the civilization she once knew would be replaced by a decadent world.

You might be happier if you went back to the world of the first Queen Elizabeth, maybe even take in a play written and performed by that young upstart William Shakespeare.


Through it all she showed exemplary conduct. And she might say about her role: Never complain and never explain.

For much of human history kings and queens didnt have to explain much -   "off with their heads". 

She was an advocate for the old western values and that cause must be defended.

By definition , monarchy is an argument for classism. Someone else is better than you, or vice versa, by virtue of what class they were born into.  The world doesnt need or want those sort of values anymore. 

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
5.1  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  JohnRussell @5    3 years ago
By definition , monarchy

By definition western values promote common decency.

As opposed to Marxism which denies everyone their humanity!

Professor Principal
6  JohnRussell    3 years ago
With the election 2 months away, we can expect to hear more salacious drama from the Jan 6th Committee very soon.

It is very telling that you describe revelations of Trump's criminal behavior and his attempt to overthrow the US government as "salacious drama".  LOL

Definition of   salacious

1 arousing or appealing to sexual desire or imagination
salacious   headlines
salacious   lyrics
Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
6.1  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  JohnRussell @6    3 years ago

An attempt to overthrow the US government is a clear cut crime.

Where is the indictment?

Professor Principal
6.1.1  devangelical  replied to  Vic Eldred @6.1    3 years ago

the DOJ is meticulously crossing every "T" and dotting every "I" in addition to removing every non-applicable legal stalling hurdle along the way. personally, I think the DOJ should toss the traitor into jail to await trial. that's where any other person in this country would be if caught in possession of just 1 page of any of those classified documents.

Professor Quiet
6.1.3  Ronin2  replied to  devangelical @6.1.1    3 years ago

The DOJ is looking at information it has no damn right to have! Trump's tax records, attorney/client papers (so much for confidentiality- Democrats have tossed that out the window), and executive privilege (Hope Brandon likes a taste of his own medicine once a Republican is in the White House and decides to revoke his. Should make for an interesting show to see how many classified documents Brandon tries to escape with- that he declassified while in office.).

The DOJ is proving to the whole world that the US is nothing more than a banana Republic with a two tier justice system.

should toss the traitor into jail to await trial. that's where any other person in this country would be if caught in possession of just 1 page of any of those classified documents.

Forgetting about Hillary Clinton, Anthony Weiner, and a whole host of Democrats she transmitted classified documents using a private unsecured server? Oh that is right, the supposedly non partial FBI and Comey deemed that her possessing and transmitting classified material across an unsecured private server wasn't a prosecutable crime.

Democrats believe the law never applies to them. They use the FBI and DOJ to make sure that it doesn't.

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
6.1.4  Greg Jones  replied to  devangelical @6.1.1    3 years ago

Thankfully, the US is not a banana republic and all private citizens are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law by due process.

Since Hillary was never held accountable for her egregious and careless conduct regarding classified materials, it is doubtful that a reasonable prosecutor will take up the case against Trump.  A precedent was set in Clinton's case.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
6.1.5  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Greg Jones @6.1.4    3 years ago

How will Garland ever be able to reckon the two things?

Professor Principal
6.1.6  devangelical  replied to  Ronin2 @6.1.3    3 years ago

gee, he should have packed more carefully, you know, instead of the last minute before he gets evicted kind if packing that was done.

Professor Guide
6.1.7  Dulay  replied to  Ronin2 @6.1.3    3 years ago
The DOJ is looking at information it has no damn right to have! Trump's tax records, attorney/client papers (so much for confidentiality- Democrats have tossed that out the window), and executive privilege (Hope Brandon likes a taste of his own medicine once a Republican is in the White House and decides to revoke his. Should make for an interesting show to see how many classified documents Brandon tries to escape with- that he declassified while in office.).

Trump had all the time in the world to mitigate that. Trump was instructed to sequester the documents he took from the WH and secure them. It seems Trump was too busy golfing to do so. If private documents were intermixed with Presidential records and classified documents, that is Trump's fault. 

As for 'executive privilege', that is held by the sitting POTUS, NOT Trump. Get educated. 

The DOJ is proving to the whole world that the US is nothing more than a banana Republic with a two tier justice system.

The DOJ didn't do that, Judge Cannon did that. 

Forgetting about Hillary Clinton...

Forgetting about two of Trump's SoS investigating and the report clearly stating that "There was no pervasive evidence of systemic, deliberate mishandling of classified information."

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
6.1.8  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Dulay @6.1.7    3 years ago
Trump had all the time in the world to mitigate that. Trump was instructed to sequester the documents he took from the WH and secure them. It seems Trump was too busy golfing to do so. If private documents were intermixed with Presidential records and classified documents, that is Trump's fault. 

I think Garland sees it that way. 

As for 'executive privilege', that is held by the sitting POTUS, NOT Trump.

You mean a President DeSantis could deny a former president "executive privilege" over the Hunter Biden files?  Interesting!

Get educated. 

Oh, there's the obligatory insult.

The DOJ didn't do that, Judge Cannon did that. 

No, Dulay, you couldn't be more wrong.

Forgetting about two of Trump's SoS investigating and the report clearly stating that "There was no pervasive evidence of systemic, deliberate mishandling of classified information."

But that was different from section (f) of the statue. I guess now the standard requires intent.

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
6.1.9  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  devangelical @6.1.1    3 years ago
DOJ is meticulously crossing every "T" and dotting every "I"

It's taken 7 years. But then again when you make that many accusations and run that many "investigations" it is hard to keep track of what is what.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
6.1.10  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @6.1.9    3 years ago

That's why it's taking so long. They want to make sure a DC jury will prosecute Donald Trump.

What a joke!

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
6.1.11  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  Vic Eldred @6.1.10    3 years ago

You can only throw so much shit against the wall with nothing sticking.  You would think that they would get the point already.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
6.1.12  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @6.1.11    3 years ago

Their opinion of the people is extremely low, Maybe after Nov 8th, they'll give the voting public a bit more respect.

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
6.1.14  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  Vic Eldred @6.1.12    3 years ago

They won't give any more respect.  The only thing that will happen is an increase in the whining we have been seeing since 20116.  We can only hope they develop the ability to move on to current problems.

Professor Guide
6.1.15  Dulay  replied to  Vic Eldred @6.1.8    3 years ago
I think Garland sees it that way. 

Good for you. 

You mean a President DeSantis could deny a former president "executive privilege" over the Hunter Biden files?  Interesting!

I mean what I said Vic. Executive privilege rests with the sitting POTUS. 

Oh, there's the obligatory insult.

It's a suggestion I often make to Ronin. 

No, Dulay, you couldn't be more wrong.

Though your assessment is. 

But that was different from section (f) of the statue. I guess now the standard requires intent.

Blather on Vic. 

Freshman Silent
6.1.16  dennissmith  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @6.1.9    3 years ago

7 years is not enough for the Dems to come up with something. Wasing time and money is their answer to all things Trump. Nothing to show for it as usual. Just more "we need more time" 

Freshman Silent
6.1.17  dennissmith  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @6.1.14    3 years ago

Don't hold your breath for Dems to come to their senses.

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
6.1.18  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Tessylo @6.1.2    3 years ago

Suckers game.

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
6.1.19  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  dennissmith @6.1.16    3 years ago

It took less time to investigate and identify key players for 9/11.  

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
7  author  Vic Eldred    3 years ago

Twitter removes Carnegie Mellon professor's post wishing Queen Elizabeth II 'an excruciating death'


Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
7.1  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Vic Eldred @7    3 years ago

It's an unusual pathology that enjoys the thought of a painful death for others.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
7.1.1  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @7.1    3 years ago

And they are the ones calling everyone else "semi-Fascists."

Professor Principal
7.1.2  devangelical  replied to  Vic Eldred @7.1.1    3 years ago

meh, it's either that or autocratic lowlife pieces of shit that think republican presidents are above the law. what's your preference?

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
7.1.3  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  devangelical @7.1.2    3 years ago
meh, it's either that or autocratic lowlife pieces of shit that think republican presidents are above the law.

Or white Christian nationalists trying to turn us into a rightwing conservative Christian theocracy...

"A week before the Capitol attack, on a video call organized by a member of a Christian nationalist group, a Pennsylvania state senator (Doug Mastriano) who is the Republican candidate for governor in the battleground state prayed that supporters of Donald Trump would “seize the power” on 6 January 2021 ."

"Mastriano’s 6 January prayer,   first reported by Rolling Stone   on Friday, was delivered during a Zoom call, titled Global Prayer for Election Integrity, organized by what the magazine called “a prominent figure in the far-right New Apostolic Restoration movement”.

Christian nationalism is a central tenet of NAR [which] emerge[ed] from charismatic Christianity (think: Pentecostalism) and is anchored in the belief that we are living in an age of new apostles and prophets, who receive direct revelations from the holy spirit ."

“NAR adherents hold that the end times are fast approaching, and their calling is to hasten the second coming of Christ by re-fashioning the modern world in a biblical manner .”

During the 'Global Prayer' zoom call Republican State Senator Mastriano prayed that " we’ll seize the power " and "for the leaders and also in the federal government, God, on the sixth of January that they will rise up with boldness .”

Doug Mastriano prayed for Trump to ‘seize the power’ before Capitol attack (msn.com)

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
7.1.4  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @7.1.3    3 years ago
Or white Christian nationalists trying to turn us into a rightwing conservative Christian theocracy...

Fortunately, prayer is a very inept way of achieving that.  You can sleep easy.

Professor Principal
7.1.5  devangelical  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @7.1.3    3 years ago

I hope their savior is proficient at re-assembling organic puzzles for people "he doesn't know".

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
7.1.6  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  devangelical @7.1.5    3 years ago

Is hope more useful than prayer for you?  They both seems ineffective to me unless it just makes you feel better - mental health self-treatment?

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
7.1.8  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @7.1.4    3 years ago
Fortunately, prayer is a very inept way of achieving that.  You can sleep easy.

It is, however, a powerful indication of their desire and intent. There are tens of millions of Americans who follow and support rightwing conservative Christian nationalist candidates who share their beliefs. And through their votes and prayers, they are pushing for more extreme right wing Christian nationalists in power, and they clearly have no problem with "seizing power" as many of Trumps faithful tried to do on his behalf. Patriotic constitution loving Americans can't afford to "sleep easy" with such religious extremist scum bags readying knives at our backs.

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
7.1.10  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  Texan1211 @7.1.7    3 years ago
That is one hell of a conspiracy theory.

“NAR adherents hold that  the end times are fast approaching, and their calling is to hasten the second coming of Christ by re-fashioning the modern world in a biblical manner  .”

"The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) is a dominionist movement which asserts that God is restoring the lost offices of church governance, namely the offices of   Prophet   and   Apostle.

Leading figures in this seemingly loosely organized movement claim that these prophets and apostles alone have the power and authority to execute God’s plans and purposes on earth. They believe they are laying the foundation for a global church, governed by them ."

New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) - Berean Research

And if some of the leaders of this movement are already in powerful political positions like a Republican State Senator running for Governor, I don't see it as being much of a conspiracy theory. They are an organized group with millions of followers who have stated their intentions, they're not like the pure fantasy 'deep state' so many rightwing conservatives froth at the mouth over.

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
7.1.12  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @7.1.8    3 years ago
It is, however, a powerful indication of their desire and intent.

Or a cheap, hollow show of going through the motion.  

There are tens of millions of Americans who follow and support rightwing conservative Christian nationalist candidates who share their beliefs

I haven't seen those numbers, perhaps hyperbole.  

no problem with "seizing power" as many of Trumps faithful tried to do on his behalf.

Again, obviously inept.

Patriotic constitution loving Americans can't afford to "sleep easy" with such religious extremist scum bags readying knives at our backs.

I've taken an oath to uphold the Constitution on multiple times and am currently working under such an oath.  I have no knife at my six as I'm in a One Team, One Fight group.

Professor Participates
7.1.13  bugsy  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @7.1.8    3 years ago
It is, however, a powerful indication of their desire and intent. There are tens of millions of Americans who follow and support rightwing conservative Christian nationalist candidates who share their beliefs. And through their votes and prayers, they are pushing for more extreme right wing Christian nationalists in power, and they clearly have no problem with "seizing power" as many of Trumps faithful tried to do on his behalf. Patriotic constitution loving Americans can't afford to "sleep easy" with such religious extremist scum bags readying knives at our backs.

Instead of replying to each sentence, as it would be easy to debunk each one of them, I'm just going to leave it at this...


Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
8  author  Vic Eldred    3 years ago


Steve Bannon's three-count indictment, unsealed this morning, includes charges of money laundering in the first and second degrees and conspiracy in the fourth degree.

Professor Principal
8.2  devangelical  replied to  Vic Eldred @8    3 years ago

I'm sure he'd appreciate a contribution to his federal commissary account for some lube. I'm pretty sure his new prison fan club will have their own condoms. I don't really think he'll have time to access any accounts after he arrives at his next prison stop.

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
8.2.1  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  devangelical @8.2    3 years ago
I'm sure he'd appreciate a contribution to his federal commissary account for some lube.

I'm surprised that you would think about wanting to tap that.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
11  author  Vic Eldred    3 years ago

British Prime Minister Truss lifts fracking ban amid energy crisis


Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
12  author  Vic Eldred    3 years ago

"Oberlin College has agreed to pay $36.59 million to a nearby bakery that accused the school, known for its progressive politics, of defaming and falsely accusing the business of racism after a worker caught a black student shoplifting."


Professor Quiet
12.1  Ronin2  replied to  Vic Eldred @12    3 years ago

My friend's wife works at Oberlin College in the library. Being Democrats they are exceedingly unhappy about the college agreeing to pay. Could be why the college is continuing to deny pay and benefit increases to employees.

Even though the college has increased tuition fees steadily.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
12.1.1  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Ronin2 @12.1    3 years ago

Thanks for the insight.

It's truly amazing how many millions of otherwise rational human beings have been indoctrinated by the university.

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
12.1.2  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Ronin2 @12.1    3 years ago
Being Democrats they are exceedingly unhappy about the college agreeing to pay.

They don't want to abide by the law.

Professor Principal
12.1.3  Hallux  replied to  Vic Eldred @12.1.1    3 years ago

Oberlin College has never had millions of students throughout its history, time to stop exaggerating Vic. 

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
12.1.4  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Hallux @12.1.3    3 years ago

It maybe time for you to stop playing word games. You knew I meant all colleges. 

Careful......Don't go off topic again.

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
12.1.5  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Hallux @12.1.3    3 years ago
Oberlin College has never had millions of students throughout its history,

Good things as it apparently no longer values honesty and intellectual integrity.  They graduate some fine musicians though.

Professor Principal
12.1.6  Hallux  replied to  Vic Eldred @12.1.4    3 years ago
Careful......Don't go off topic again.

How totalitarian of you! To quote your exact words, "It's truly amazing how many millions of otherwise rational human beings have been indoctrinated by the university". It's your effing topic and it is not my effing job to decipher what you meant after the fact.

Have a proverbial day.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
12.1.7  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Hallux @12.1.6    3 years ago

You too.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
12.2  Sean Treacy  replied to  Vic Eldred @12    3 years ago
berlin College has agreed to pay $36.59 million to a nearby baker

That's like writing  a murderer agreed to go jail for life after being convicted at trial. 

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
12.2.1  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Sean Treacy @12.2    3 years ago

Good analogy, agreed after exhausting all appeals and putting this family through hell.  But hey, it was all for progressive values so it's OK.

Professor Principal
12.2.2  Hallux  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @12.2.1    3 years ago

If you were being sued for millions, would you not exhaust all appeals? 

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
12.2.3  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Hallux @12.2.2    3 years ago

I wouldn't have caused the suit by acting different after the initial incident or after the family tried to reach an understanding with the university.  By no, they are either we’re unwilling to look at the evidence with an open mind or worse, didn’t care as it was more important to send the correct message to their students than worry about the effects on these townies.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
13  author  Vic Eldred    3 years ago

"From our extensive review, we have not found any evidence to corroborate the allegation that fans engaged in racial heckling or uttered racial slurs at the event."

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
13.1  Sean Treacy  replied to  Vic Eldred @13    3 years ago
From our extensive review, we have not found any evidence to corroborate the allegation that fans engaged in racial heckling or uttered racial slurs at the event.

Yet it was made national news without any corroboration. 

Damn sure those "news" organizations won't devote similar time and space to correct the record. 

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
14  author  Vic Eldred    3 years ago


Professor Principal
14.1  JohnRussell  replied to  Vic Eldred @14    3 years ago

Thats a load off my mind. 

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
15  Drinker of the Wry    3 years ago
Oberlin College has agreed to pay $36.59 million to a nearby bakery that accused the school, known for its progressive politics, of defaming and falsely accusing the business of racism after a worker caught a black student shoplifting."

My wife was born and grew up in Oberlin Ohio.  When we were in the US, we would see relatives there twice a year and I always enjoyed Gibson's Bakery and little grocery store.  I also was frequently amused by some of the concerns expressed by the faculty and students at the little liberal university. 

One amusing incident involved menu/recipe microaggressions at the dining hall:

The core student grievance, as reported by Clover Lihn Tran at The Oberlin Review: Bon Appétit, the food service vendor, “has a history of blurring the line between culinary diversity and cultural appropriation by modifying the recipes without respect for certain Asian countries’ cuisines. This uninformed representation of cultural dishes has been noted by a multitude of students, many of who have expressed concern over the gross manipulation of traditional recipes.”

Gibson's was established in the late 1800's and has been run by a local family for 5 generations.  Oberlin is a small town and half the residents are students.  Like other little business there, shoplifting is a big problem.  Around six years ago the caught a Black student trying to buy a bottle of wine with a fake ID and two more bottles in his coat.  The kid and two friends then started assaulting the clerk.  A year later, all three students pled guilty.

In the mean time, the university president condemned the store and it's workers as racists.  The university assisted the stunts in organizing protests outside of the store and started a boycott. After a year of failed negations with the university, Gibson's  filed a civil complaint against the school for libel, slander, interference with business relationships, and interference with contracts. 

One and a half years later, the school lost the law suit and Gibson's was awarded $11M.  The school appealed and lost the appeal last Spring.  They then appealed to the state supreme court which has refused to hear the case. 

During the last six years that this has dragged on, two of the principal family members have died.

Recently, Oberlin’s president said: “none of this will sway us from our core values.”

Apparently, those values include arrogance, prejudgments, and refusal to evaluate evidence.  The progressive equivalent of climate deniers.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
17  author  Vic Eldred    3 years ago


Writing exclusively for DailyMail.com, former President Donald Trump has paid a moving tribute to Queen Elizabeth II. Trump is pictured with the Queen and his wife Melania at a state banquet held at Buckingham Palace in June 2019.


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