
For The GOP A Night Of Underperformance and A New Front Runner.


Category:  Op/Ed

By:  vic-eldred  •  3 years ago  •  249 comments

For The GOP A Night Of Underperformance and A New Front Runner.
But powerful narratives have a way of burying caveats and doubts, and right now it looks as if DeSantis will be able to sell himself as the Republican who overperformed amid general underperformance, the only Republican who fully exploited the openings the Biden Democrats gave the G.O.P., the Republican who actually achieved the kind of realigning victory that Trumpism’s theoreticians kept promising was just around the corner.But the script has been written, the stage prepared: Now we’ll see...

Link to Quote:  https://www.charlottedems.com/did-ron-desantis-just-become-the-2024-republican-front-runner/

Based upon the circumstances, election night should have been a huge night for the GOP. It wasn't. That is very bad news for the United States of America. Republicans may get to take the House of Representatives and/or the US Senate. In two western states, that can't seem to conduct an election in a timely fashion, the vote counting drags on. The next election cycle will provide a better map for the GOP, but this was clearly the election that provided Republicans a great opportunity, yet somehow, they failed to capitalize on it. All that being said, there was one bright side for the GOP and that was the great State of Florida.


In Florida, Governor DeSantis and Senator Marco Rubio buried their opposition, as did almost every other Republican in the state. E very Republican running for statewide office won by at least 16 points. Even blue Miami Dade County saw the light. Ron DeSantis, who won 59% of the vote, did via his performance as Governor. He stood up to the woke extremists at every turn. He kept Florida schools open and people working throughout the pandemic. He made Florida into the model of what America should be. He did a few other things that some may have not noticed. He has declined to appear at Trump rallies. Despite the former President tossing a few insults and threats his way, DeSantis hasn't even mentioned Trump's name. The MAGA standard, whether Trump likes it or not, has passed to DeSantis.

For the next two years DeSantis only has to keep Florida on the right track and stay out of any fights with Trump. The current DOJ has a target on Trump's back. Hopefully, they will prevent him from being able to run for the Presidency again.
Just two days ago Joe Biden said this: “We just have to demonstrate that he will not take power if he does run, making sure he — under legitimate efforts of our Constitution — does not become the next president again.”

Biden suggests Trump will ‘not take power’ again if he runs in 2024 | The Hill

That would solve the problem almost perfectly. There is actually a perfect end to that story. I hate to say what that is but let us keep in mind that Donald Trump is 76 years sold and he doesn't really take good care of himself. Something may happen and enshrine him in the memory of many Americans and all the smoke & noise would end.

The Week:

Sloth-Like vote counting  : " Amazingly, Nevada’s one million ballots were still being counted nearly full two days after Election Day with 165,700 ballots still waiting. A press conference held Thursday demonstrated the media's effort to get clear answers about the number of ballots that remain uncounted, The Washington Free Beacon reported" "I n neighboring Arizona, Sen. Mark Kelly was maintaining a lead of approximately 95,300 votes when AFN reviewed that race Thursday. But a huge number of ballots, 670,483, remained to be counted in that race, NBC News reported."

U.S. Senate hangs on sloth-like vote counting and high-dollar runoff (afn.net)

" A federal judge in Texas struck down     President Biden's    student loan handout in a Thursday night ruling. Biden's plan, which aims to cancel up to $20,000 in student loan debt for Pell Grant    recipients in college    and up to $10,000 for others who borrowed using federal student loans."

Biden's student loan handout struck down by federal judge in Texas | Fox Business

Fetterman elected to US Senate: Believe it or not the man who is opposed to fracking was elected to the second most important energy producing state!

"Conser vatives on Twitter tore into  Montana residents  after they voted "No" on a Republican-backed referendum to ensure medical care for babies delivered alive at any point in pregnancy, including those delivered after botched abortions."

Montana shamed as residents vote ‘No’ on measure to protect babies after they’re born: ‘Unimaginable’ | Fox News

What Have We Learned:

This was a very unique election. Fot the first time the a large segment of the voters did not vote in their own best interests. They voted the party line. The strategy employed by Joe Biden and others within the democratic party was not to try to persuade the middle, but instead was to once again pander to the democratic party's far left base. When one thinks about it, it made sense. The Biden administration did what Republican administrations seldom do. It pushed a very partisan/extreme agenda, which as Biden recently admitted, was aimed at shutting down American oil & coal production. The southern border was openned. The DOJ/FBI was weaponized against parents & political oponents. CRT was taught in schools. Vaccine mandates were enacted. Progressives were proud of that record and according to the results of the election, there are more of them than ever before. 

What Abraham Lincoln said in his "House Divided" speech remains true: "A house divided against itself cannot stand." I do not expect the Union to be   dissolved   - I do not expect the house to   fall   - but I do expect it will cease to be divided."

"It will become   all   one thing, or   all   the other."

Source: Neely, Mark E. Jr. 1982.    The Abraham Lincoln Encyclopedia  . New York: Da Capo Press, Inc.

Illinois Republican State Convention, Springfield, Illinois June 16, 1858

Cartoon of the week:


Honorable Mention:

U.S. District Judge Mark Pittman


jrDiscussion - desc
Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1  author  Vic Eldred    3 years ago

All eyes now turn to the state of Georgia for the runoff between the radical Sen. Raphael Warnock and Herschel Walker. Neither candidate got 50% of the vote, so Republicans need to pay attention: This election will determine who controls the US Senate and will determine the fate of the country.

Professor Principal
1.3  devangelical  replied to  Vic Eldred @1    3 years ago
bad news for the United States of America.

obviously the majority of sane americans disagree, ... again...

two western states, that can't seem to conduct an election in a timely fashion, the vote counting drags on.

arizona and nevada. gee, that's a real head scratcher, based upon 2020 republican created fiascos there ...

the election that provided Republicans a great opportunity, yet somehow, they failed to capitalize on it

I'm sure they'll find their scapegoat soon, oh wait, nevermind...

one bright side for the GOP and that was the great State of Florida.

woo hoo, at least the autocratic gerrymandering worked out there, at the cost of losing PA and MI...

Despite the former President tossing a few insults and threats his way, DeSantis hasn't even mentioned Trump's name. The MAGA standard, whether Trump likes it or not, has passed to DeSantis.

on my drive this morning I was tuned to the comedy channel, but I switched over to right wing radio as it was much more hilarious. something to do with the never won the popular vote, twice impeached, 1 term loser of a POTUS attacking the new leadership of the GOP in a middle of the night narcissistic rant from his failing social media platform. the amount of yelling and screaming, rino accusations and loyalty questioning was music to my ears. for some reason the trump quote "suckers and losers" immediately came to mind. seems like that fracture in the GOP has now become an ever widening abyss. somehow I don't see ron desanctimonious adopting that maga brand now.

DeSantis only has to keep Florida on the right track and stay out of any fights with Trump. The current DOJ has a target on Trump's back.

FOX, WSJ, NYP (rupert murdoch) have effectively put trump on the exit ramp this week and signaled to the most gullible that the perfect scapegoat has been found and to reform their lines behind ronny 2.0, greasing the rails for the DOJ to dispose of their fallen hero for them in a politically permanent manner. have this administration take out their trash without getting their hands dirty and then use the symbolism against them for 2 years worth of pointless investigative circle jerking, instead of doing their legislative jobs in congress.

Hopefully, they will prevent him from being able to run for the Presidency again.

if you recall, democrats tried to do that twice. the republicans that could see trump for what he was 2 years earlier were ostracized and some were ceremoniously drummed out of the party. now that same maga partisan GOP lynch mob has somehow come to accept what those republicans knew back then. are apologies in order for having that foresight? will they be invited back?  somehow, I don't think so...

Donald Trump is 76 years sold and he doesn't really take good care of himself. Something may happen and enshrine him in the memory of many Americans

I'd settle for a stretch at club fed until he got carried out, but if it's any other way, I hope it's caught on 4K video...

shutting down American oil & coal production. The southern border was openned. The DOJ/FBI was weaponized against parents & political oponents. CRT was taught in schools. Vaccine mandates were enacted

please continue to beat those tired memes for the next 2 years, and then watch what happens... again...

republicans had better hope that democrats will once again solve the problems trump has created for them by sticking that former POS/POTUS in a place where he can't be heard. trump's mouth will cost them a georgia senate seat again.

Junior Silent
2  squiggy    3 years ago

"...the man who is opposed to fracking..."     ...   in a country that elected a president opposed to oil. Anything's possible in America.

Professor Principal
2.1  devangelical  replied to  squiggy @2    3 years ago

republican conspiracy morons whining about the 1 week length of time to tabulate the votes in arizona after their election denying legislature spent $9 million to have cyber ninjas take almost 100 days to audit the votes in 1 county last year. seems like anything is possible.

Professor Principal
3  JohnRussell    3 years ago

1. Ron DeSantis has virtually no personal charisma. While charisma is not always a requirement in a national politician, the lack of it is a minus. Hillary Clinton has more charisma than Ron DeSantis for cripes sake. 

2. DeSantis is completely untested outside of Florida, and because he does not allow himself to be questioned by anything but friendly reporters, it is unknown if he can take a political punch. 

3. DeSantis is an extremist, and it will be easy for any Democratic national candidate to paint him as such. 

4. It is more likely than not that Trump will try and ruin DeSantis' career over the next year and a half or so. Donald Trump on a burn it all down mission can and will do immense damage to DeSantis prospects. 


Professor Quiet
3.1  Ronin2  replied to  JohnRussell @3    3 years ago

1. Hillary Clinton has negative Charisma- and is so abrasive that she made Trump look good. That is right; Trump was less toxic than Hillary. Also, how can anyone that backed Biden- prior to his being elected- criticize anyone for having no personality? Biden was the king of bland- he could blend into the background better than anyone. That is the reason he was elected. Who could have predicted he would go full on radical leftist Fascist? Of course anyone with a pulse knew he was a Human Fuck Up Machine. Obama even openly admitted it; yet Biden was elected and Brandon was born.

2. Name the Democrat that could run that has been tested? If it is Brandon, please, please, please let that leftist Fascist run again. No one will buy his milk toast act. He won't be able to hide in his basement again. The majority of the people in this country say it is going in the wrong direction- he is the leader- no matter how Democrats try to claim Trump is. Brandon has no record to run on.


4. Thought Jan 6th Committee, the overly partisan POS Garland, and the rest of the Democrat Fascist cabal was supposed to take care of Trump? Do you no longer believe in the Fascists' ability to get rid of Trump? Maybe a few more full blown FBI raids will do it? The only one worried about Trump is you; the Democrats that hope to continue to ride on Trump's coattails; and the left wing bobblehead talking heads in the media.


Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
3.2  Sean Treacy  replied to  JohnRussell @3    3 years ago

1.  well, he doesn't seem to sniff women's hair. Nor does he constantly lie about his athletic, family, academic, and  political history every time he opens his mouth. Guess he'll have to develop some of that "charisma." .

2.   Is this a joke? A supporter of hidin Biden wonders if the guy the national media spent the last three attacking can take a punch?

3.  Of course, of course. Every republican, ever is an extremist. We know the playbook.  

4.  That, at least, is true. 

Professor Principal
3.2.1  JohnRussell  replied to  Sean Treacy @3.2    3 years ago

David Jolley , who was a Florida Republican until he couldnt stomach Trumpism any longer, says DeSantis has a "glass jaw". 

I'm not a Florida Republican but I've always gotten that impression too. 

Professor Quiet
3.2.2  Ronin2  replied to  JohnRussell @3.2.1    3 years ago

Who John?


DeSantis has been targeted by the leftist media since he became a potential front runner and he hasn't flinched. He has ignored Trump; and made Trump look feeble. Something no other Establishment politician has done. 

You support Brandon the fragile. When he isn't falling over himself literally, he is doing so verbally. We will see how "Big Man" likes the glaring spot light when Republicans tie him to Hunter's money laundering and power pedaling to Chinese, Ukrainians, and Russians. He isn't going to be able to hide in his basement this time around. 

Tell us all who the Democrat nominee is going to be? So far all of the supposed front runners have proven to be disasters. 

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
3.2.3  Sean Treacy  replied to  JohnRussell @3.2.1    3 years ago
 who was a Florida Republican until he couldnt stomach Trumpism any longer, sa

Of course he does. It will be something to see all the " conservatives" who supposedly left the party over Trump do his work for him by attacking DeSantis.

Morning Joe did yeoman's work for  Trump in 2015 and the 2016 primaries.  seems like he's getting started even earlier this time around. 

DeSantis has been attacked more in the last 4 years by the media, corporations and other cultural gatekeepers than Biden has in his entire 50 years in politics.  I think he can take a punch. 

Professor Principal
3.2.4  JohnRussell  replied to  Sean Treacy @3.2.3    3 years ago
DeSantis has been attacked more in the last 4 years by the media, corporations and other cultural gatekeepers than Biden has in his entire 50 years in politics.  I think he can take a punch. 

Ridiculous. For one thing people who dont follow politics like we do have most likely never heard of Ron Desantis until the other day. Biden was vice president of the United States for 8 years. The idea that DeSantis is the most attacked politician in America is preposterous. Obama gets attacked more than DeSantis and he's been out of office for 6 years. 

Professor Principal
3.2.5  JohnRussell  replied to  JohnRussell @3.2.4    3 years ago

BTW , have you ever heard of right wing media? There are shows in right wing media and internet that reach tens of millions of people a day (combined). They usually do little else but attack liberal and Democratic politicians. Ever heard of Rush Limbaugh? 

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
3.2.6  Sean Treacy  replied to  JohnRussell @3.2.4    3 years ago
For one thing people who dont follow politics like we do have most likely never heard of Ron Desantis until the other day.

Anybody who watches tv has seen desantis attacked. How many hit pieces has sixty minutes run on him?  How many jokes on late night tv?

Obama gets attacked more than DeSantis and he's been out of office for 6 years.

When was the last time Obama was attacked by any msm organization? When a late night show makes him the but of a joke, it will be the first one.  Criticism of Obama from the MSM consists of calling Obama "too smart"?  Or  "too cool "  

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
3.2.9  Perrie Halpern R.A.  replied to  Sean Treacy @3.2.6    3 years ago
When was the last time Obama was attacked by any msm organization? When a late night show makes him the but of a joke, it will be the first one.  Criticism of Obama from the MSM consists of calling Obama "too smart"?  Or  "too cool " 

Sean, no one in the MSM has attacked DeSantis either, other than his unwanted flight to Martha's Vinyard. 

I think John is referring to this:

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
3.2.10  Sean Treacy  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A. @3.2.9    3 years ago
o one in the MSM has attacked DeSantis either

I don't know what to say to this. I really don't understand how anyone who lived through covid, with the constant media attacks on Desantis can possibly claim that. 

This site's archives from 2021 alone should be enough to disprove that

Professor Principal
3.2.13  Hallux  replied to    3 years ago
Deathsantis  !

There is also DeSanctimonious which came from MSM leader Trump.

Professor Principal
3.2.16  Hallux  replied to    3 years ago

Yes, yes, I know full well that y'all have a partisan definition of MSM. As to a "NEED" to talk about Donald, in my waning years I find a need to talk about anything and anyone that causes paroxysms of mirth to my ulnar nerve.

Professor Principal
3.2.17  JBB  replied to  Sean Treacy @3.2.3    3 years ago


Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
3.2.20  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Hallux @3.2.16    3 years ago

Paroxysms of mirth to my ulnar nerve were always welcome but now all the more so.

Professor Principal
3.2.21  JBB  replied to    3 years ago

And so, we are supposed to believe that poor Ron Desantis has been abused way worse than any Democrats have been in "the last fifty years"? Get Da F Outta Here!

Split Personality
Professor Guide
3.2.23  Split Personality  replied to  Sean Treacy @3.2.6    3 years ago
When a late night show makes him the but of a joke, it will be the first one.  Criticism of Obama from the MSM consists of calling Obama "too smart"?  Or  "too cool " 

Another baseless claim? Color me shocked.

1. Stewart kicked off the year by ripping Obama’s State of the Union address, applauding the president’s strategy to “announce goals so vague there’s no way to gauge if he’s actually achieved them.”

2. Colbert asked Obama (to his face) if he was still president after his party’s humiliation in the midterms: “That shellacking didn’t rattle the presidential seal off your podium?”

3. When Stewart—and everyone else in the world— called Obama out for blatantly flip-flopping on taking executive action on immigration reform.

6. Obama cancelled his appearance on Jimmy Kimmel, and Kimmel retaliated by making fun of Obama’s penchant for attending fundraisers: “I feel like the president only comes to LA for money. He’s like a college student who comes home to do laundry and steal food from the refrigerator.”

18 times the late-night shows actually made fun of Obama and Democrats this year | Washington Examiner

(It'll be Mr. Obama's first time as president on Kimmel -- he had planned to appear on the show last year but canceled . Thursday's appearance marks at least his tenth time on late night.)

Knoller's numbers: President Obama's late-night TV appearances - CBS News

and this was just in 2014.

Besides Obama, only John F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton

appeared regularly on non political traditional shows. 

None were so thin skinned that they could not handle deserved criticism.

Professor Principal
3.2.24  JBB  replied to    3 years ago


Professor Quiet
3.2.26  Ed-NavDoc  replied to  JohnRussell @3.2.1    3 years ago

Looks like that glass jaw is also tempered and bullet proof.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
3.2.27  Sean Treacy  replied to  Split Personality @3.2.23    3 years ago

Thank you for making my point.  Out of the thousands upon thousands  of jokes told on late night tv in 2014, you couldn't even find 20 jokes about Obama.

The existence of the article makes my point.   Surprised you don't see that. 

Professor Principal
3.2.28  Ender  replied to  Split Personality @3.2.23    3 years ago
Besides Obama, only John F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton appeared regularly on non political traditional shows

Playing the sax on MTV...

Professor Principal
3.2.29  Ender  replied to  JBB @3.2.21    3 years ago

DeSantis is now the new conservative golden boy.

I wonder if he would even run for president. Seems he is happy where he is at.

To me it would be a bad look running for governor and winning the seat just to use the next two years campaigning for another job.

AKA Sarah Palin.

Professor Quiet
3.2.31  Jasper2529  replied to  Texan1211 @3.2.30    3 years ago

Although she didn't resign to run for the presidency, Hillary Clinton resigned in the middle of her 2nd Senate term to move up to Secretary of State. 

And ... in order to run for senator from NY, she bought a house in NY less than a year before she ran.

Split Personality
Professor Guide
3.2.32  Split Personality  replied to  Sean Treacy @3.2.27    3 years ago

Poor Sean...

You said 

When a late night show makes him the but(t) of a joke, it will be the first one. 

I provided evidence that you were wrong.

Pretty straight forward and that was just from 2014.

Obama was also a regular guest at the Whitehouse Correspondents Dinner

where he was also a good sport about being the butt of many jokes.

Surprised you don't see that

Professor Principal
4  Hallux    3 years ago

All the way from tsunami to bilge water backwash ... I get the feeling you have donned a lifejacket Vic and it is not a good look. Having gone all the way from Putin holding all the cards to Republicans holding all the cards perhaps it is time for some serious revaluation ... all those cards were jokers and none of them were wild.

As to DeSantis, he was matched by Whitmer.

Professor Quiet
4.1  Ronin2  replied to  Hallux @4    3 years ago

You mean Whitless?

Sorry, she won't have someone as nice as and politically unsavvy as Tudor Dixon to run against if she decides to try. Nor will she have someone the Republican Establishment abandons financially. Whitless has a political record that only Brandon love. 

Please let her run. I would love to post all of her train wreck stories.

From protecting fresh water mussels that caused two dams to burst. Mussels are far more important than that the people of Midland that were living downstream when the damns burst


To violating her own Covid mandates repeatedly.

11. Governor Gretchen Whitmer

In May, the Michigan governor hit the bar with friends in violation of her own restrictions. She has also admitted to traveling to Florida to visit her sick father despite the state discouraging Michiganders from similar travel. The governor also banned large gatherings yet decided to attend President Biden’s inauguration .

Never forget that Whitless forced retirement and nursing homes to take people that tested positive for Covid 19 when they couldn't handle them. She killed old age residents; and only the highly partisan POS Garland saved her from a Federal investigation and charges.

The Justice Department told Gov. Tom Wolf’s office on Thursday that it has decided not to open an investigation into whether Pennsylvania violated federal law by ordering nursing homes to accept residents who had been treated for COVID-19 in a hospital.

The letter comes 11 months after the department told the governors of Pennsylvania, Michigan, New Jersey and New York that it wanted information to determine whether orders there “may have resulted in the deaths of thousands of elderly nursing home residents.”

The one-page letter, from Steven H. Rosenbaum, chief of the department’s special litigation section, said they had reviewed information supplied by Pennsylvania, as well as “additional information available to the department.”

Michigan received an identical letter Thursday. But New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy’s office said it had not received one while New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s spokesperson Richard Azzopardi said he was checking to see if that administration had received one.

Bring on Whitless. Let the whole world know she is the second coming of the Human Fuck Up Machine.

Professor Principal
4.1.1  Hallux  replied to  Ronin2 @4.1    3 years ago

I was not touting Whitmer ... merely pointing out equal outcomes. As to your list of supposed sins, were I not busy grouting tiles I am sure I could come up with a similar list of DeSantis misdeeds. You will let us all know if Whitmer has the temerity to release an ad similar to the one by DeSantis comparing him to some 8th day fighter created by 'God' to 'save' the world (aka America) from 'far left pinko' dust bunnies. But hey, you got 2 more years to preach about the second coming of the 'wave'.

Professor Principal
4.1.2  Kavika   replied to  Ronin2 @4.1    3 years ago

The Republicans took a real ass kicking in Michigan. Dems now control all levers of power in Michigan.

Professor Quiet
4.1.3  Ronin2  replied to  Kavika @4.1.2    3 years ago

Democrats removed the top 3 GOP candidates for governor through a signature dispute. The Establishment Republicans sat on the sidelines and let their top choices drown in the courts. Pretty damn easy to get an ass kicking when you start with a stacked deck.

Democrats spent millions in Michigan giving free advertising to MAGA Republicans they deemed "threats to Democracy" including Gibbs and Tudor Dixon. Must have really pissed off Meijers who worked with Democrats in Congress; and even voted to impeach Trump. But getting a candidate they could defeat was more important than insuring a "threat to Democracy" didn't make it into Washington to Democrats.

Establishment Republicans screwed the pooch in Michigan by withdrawing funding from MAGA Republicans; having ex Republicans back Democrats; and basically sitting on the sidelines. They handed Michigan to the Democrats. Not that they had to try hard with the new districts. Democrats really pulled a fast one by convincing voters to back the same districting system as CA and PA based on population instead of voters. It lumped all the conservatives in the UP and upper Michigan who do vote into large districts; and gave Detroit a shitload of districts with far less total voters. 

So the Fascists won. Hurray for them. They can't stop people from voting with their feet and leaving their fucked up rule.

Want to place bets on how much Whitless and the Fascist Dems can fuck up Michigan in the next 6 years? 

Professor Principal
4.1.4  Kavika   replied to  Ronin2 @4.1.3    3 years ago
Democrats removed the top 3 GOP candidates for governor through a signature dispute. The Establishment Republicans sat on the sidelines and let their top choices drown in the courts. Pretty damn easy to get an ass kicking when you start with a stacked deck.

That sure sounds like a load of BS, but hey any excuse in an ass beating. 

5 GOP candidates in Michigan ineligible after fraud, election office says

Professor Principal
4.1.5  devangelical  replied to  Kavika @4.1.4    3 years ago

criminal acts by GOP candidates and elected officials are now recognized as a party virtue.

Professor Quiet
4.1.6  Sunshine  replied to  Kavika @4.1.4    3 years ago
5 GOP candidates in Michigan ineligible after fraud, election office says

None of them have been convicted of fraud, but hey you know who falls for Post's headlines...

  There is no reason to suspect candidates or campaigns “were aware of the activities of fraudulent-petition       circulators,” the report says. 5 GOP Michigan Gov Candidates May Be Disqualified Over Fraudulent Petitions (yahoo.com)

We did have a Democrat convicted of election fraud.

Professor Quiet
4.1.7  Ronin2  replied to  Kavika @4.1.4    3 years ago

Try again. The candidates aren't being charged with anything the paid polling company they all used might be.

Democrats didn't even want to try and go through the signatures. Again, pretty damn easy when Fascists slant the playing field in their favor.

The bureau said  Craig submitted  10,192 valid signatures — well short of the 15,000 needed. It tossed 11,113 signatures, including 9,879 that were allegedly fraudulently collected by 18 paid circulators.

Accrording to the staff,  Johnson turned in  13,800 valid signatures. They threw out 9,393, including 6,983 that they said are fraudulent and were gathered by many of the same people who also forged signatures that Craig submitted.

Johnson, a business owner, filed a lawsuit Friday to try to get on Michigan's August primary ballot, the first of many likely legal challenges from the barred candidates. He asked the state Court of Appeals to intervene and order the Board of State Canvassers to put him on the ballot. Craig, a former Detroit police chief with significant name recognition, also plans to go to the courts.

Johnson's legal team said the state improperly struck entire sheets, foreclosing the possibility that signatures of some voters were valid, and should instead have inspected each petition line by line.

"They failed to carry their burden of establishing the invalidity of enough of Mr. Johnson's signatures by clear, competent and convincing evidence," the lawsuit states.

Craig , in a press release, echoed Johnson's argument objecting to the rejection of entire pages of signatures and also slammed the Board of Elections for not informing the campaigns about its suspicion of fraud in the petitions until two days before its public hearing.

There seems to be no dispute that fraudulent signatures were on the petitions, though there's no evidence that the candidates were aware of it.

Lawyers for the Michigan Republican Party and some of the candidates argued that state elections officials made a mistake when they threw out all signatures collected by circulators they determined had committed forgery. Instead, no signature should have been thrown out as fake unless it was individually compared with the signature the state has on file in the Qualified Voter File, they argued.

Issues included accusations of a practice known as "round robin-ing." That's when circulators take turns signing a petition with names from a list, sometimes switching pen colors. Other times, circulators allegedly turned in similar signature sheets for multiple campaigns.

The signature gatherers had worked across several campaigns. The state attorney general's office is looking into possibly pressing charges against them.

The Bureau of Elections report noted it "does not have reason to believe that any specific candidates or campaigns were aware of the activities of fraudulent-petition circulators," but after throwing out sheets of signatures from the circulators, the bureau found many candidates fell below the required threshold to run for office.

Those included GOP gubernatorial hopefuls Craig and Johnson. Dixon survived her challenges. Michigan State Police Capt. Michael Brown   ended his campaign   rather than associate his candidacy with signature fraud.

The Bureau of Elections report was sent to the Board of State Canvassers, which, during   an eight-hour meeting   on May 26, deadlocked on how to handle the affected campaigns for governor.

The two Democratic members of the board voted against allowing the candidates ballot access. The two Republican members voted the opposite way, taking issue with the practice of throwing out sheets of signatures turned in by suspected fraudsters rather than checking every petition sheet line-by-line.

The tie meant that the candidates were to be blocked from the primary ballot.

Common Cause, a nonpartisan group focused on upholding democracy, shared concerns over whether the process was rushed.

"This action is unprecedented, with challengers finding out about their alleged indiscretions just days before pleading their cases to the Board of Canvassers," Quentin Turner, Common Cause Michigan's policy director, said in  a statement .

Democrats are truly Fascists- but it isn't surprising to find their lemmings defending them.

There is one thing I forgot- Michigan is an open primary state. You don't have to be a Republican to vote in the Republican Primary. Anyone can ask for a Republican primary ballot- even Democrats. With the top 4 spots in the state running unopposed- how many Democrats crossed over?

Professor Principal
4.1.8  Kavika   replied to  Ronin2 @4.1.7    3 years ago

So, you're saying the republicans aren't smart enough to figure out how to win. 

Works for me.

Professor Principal
4.1.9  Kavika   replied to  Sunshine @4.1.6    3 years ago

Well good for them, the Republicans still got their asses kicked. 

The elections bureau noted that this level of fraud — both in the number of invalid signatures submitted and the number of campaigns affected — was unprecedented. Some of the fraudulent petition sheets tended to show “no evidence of normal wear,” or showed evidence of having been “round-tabled,” a practice in which each person in a group takes turns signing one line of a petition in an attempt to make the signatures appear authentic, the bureau said.
Professor Principal
4.1.10  Ender  replied to  Kavika @4.1.9    3 years ago

Can only laugh when people call fraud, fraud....

Professor Quiet
4.1.11  Ed-NavDoc  replied to  Kavika @4.1.2    3 years ago

What you say is true.  But the good thing is that political power is a transitory thing 

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
5  Greg Jones    3 years ago

Trump caused the Georgia Senate to go blue last time....and he will likely try to meddle there again, sabotaging Walker this time around. There was a lot anti-Trump voting this time. He cares not for our country or the Republican Party...and there is no way he can win another national election. Resistance to to his arrogant stupidity and bullying is growing.

Contrary to the uninformed opinions of some, DeSantis will become the standard bearer of the GOP

Professor Quiet
7  Jasper2529    3 years ago
"  A federal judge in Texas struck down        President Biden's     student loan handout in a Thursday night ruling. Biden's plan, which aims to cancel up to $20,000 in student loan debt for Pell Grant        recipients in college       and up to $10,000 for others who borrowed using federal student loans."

It appears that these people with student loan debt really don't need Biden's freebie.

Further reading:

And ...

To find how recipients would use the extra money they would have each month, in October, Intelligent.com surveyed 1,250 individuals who have applied or plan to apply for Biden’s student loan forgiveness program. Key findings:
  • 73% of applicants say they are likely to spend their extra money on non-essentials, including vacations, smartphone, drugs/alcohol
  • Men more likely than women to spend the money on non-essentials (84% vs 65%)
  • 2x as many Democrats than Republicans say it’s acceptable to spend the money on non-essentials
  • 77% of applicants say they could use money more wisely
  • 4 in 10 say student loans haven’t negatively affected their lives

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
7.1  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Jasper2529 @7    3 years ago

Biden doesn't care. It got the desired effect. He got all those young voters to robotically vote democrat

Professor Quiet
7.1.1  Jasper2529  replied to  Vic Eldred @7.1    3 years ago
Biden doesn't care.

This is what happens to elderly, cognitively-challenged people. They also don't know where they are (Cambodia/Colombia, for example).

It got the desired effect. He got all those young voters to robotically vote democrat

Indeed. His handlers know that younger people (18-40) have been indoctrinated in school. They've been trained to believe only progressive news sources. Because of that, they believe that "the government" offers "freebies" and don't know that "the government" equals US taxpayers.

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
7.1.2  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Jasper2529 @7.1.1    3 years ago

Who doesn’t like free chicken?

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
7.1.3  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Jasper2529 @7.1.1    3 years ago
They also don't know where they are (Cambodia/Colombia, for example).

I know it! Lol. He wanted to thank the leader of Columbia! Lol.

Indeed. His handlers know that younger people (18-40) have been indoctrinated in school. They've been trained to believe only progressive news sources. Because of that, they believe that "the government" offers "freebies" and don't know that "the government" equals US taxpayers.

We await that future generation who will question authority & academia. It is already very late in the day!

Professor Quiet
7.1.4  Jasper2529  replied to  Vic Eldred @7.1.3    3 years ago
We await that future generation who will question authority & academia. It is already very late in the day!

At one time, those generations existed. We were taught critical thinking (how to think for ourselves after reviewing data) and not believe everything the government and media told us to think/believe.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
7.1.5  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Jasper2529 @7.1.4    3 years ago

Today's "critical thinker" hates when questions are asked.

Professor Principal
7.1.6  devangelical  replied to  Jasper2529 @7.1.4    3 years ago

... tuning in to FOX news and lapping up right wing bullshit isn't a critical thinking skill.

Professor Quiet
7.2  Ed-NavDoc  replied to  Jasper2529 @7    3 years ago

I thought Pell Grants did not have to be paid back, hence the word grant.

Professor Quiet
7.2.1  Jasper2529  replied to  Ed-NavDoc @7.2    3 years ago

My own kids were in college over a decade ago, but at the time, we didn't qualify for Pell Grants. According to the government, my wife and I earned too much money.  It seems like the rules might have changed and now grads get reimbursed for money they didn't have to pay back to begin with?

Professor Expert
7.2.2  sandy-2021492  replied to  Ed-NavDoc @7.2    3 years ago

Pell Grants are not paid back.

Professor Expert
7.2.3  sandy-2021492  replied to  Jasper2529 @7.2.1    3 years ago
It seems like the rules might have changed and now grads get reimbursed for money they didn't have to pay back to begin with?

Your quoted comment says nothing of the kind.  It says Pell Grant recipients will be eligible for forgiveness of $20K in student loans.  Nothing about reimbursement for grants, which are not loans.

Professor Principal
7.2.4  devangelical  replied to  sandy-2021492 @7.2.3    3 years ago

I think pt barnum explained republican voters best...

Professor Quiet
7.2.5  Jasper2529  replied to  sandy-2021492 @7.2.3    3 years ago
Your quoted comment says nothing of the kind.  It says Pell Grant recipients will be eligible for forgiveness of $20K in student loans.  Nothing about reimbursement for grants, which are not loans.

Are you trying to say that forgiveness and reimbursement are not the same thing? Both mean that the person does not have to pay.

Please consider reading one of the embedded links ...

Back in August, the Biden Administration announced it was making good on its campaign promise to provide some relief to student loan borrowers. The action extended the current pause on federal loan payments through the end of 2022 and offered loan forgiveness up to $10,000 for individual borrowers who earn less than $125,000 per year and up to $20,000 for qualifying Pell Grant recipients.

Professor Expert
7.2.6  sandy-2021492  replied to  Jasper2529 @7.2.5    3 years ago

I'm saying that grants, because they aren't loans, are not part of loan forgiveness.  They were "forgiven" at the time of disbursement.  They were never considered to be a part of student loan debt.

Having received a Pell Grant qualifies a loan recipient for a larger amount of loan forgiveness, but the Pell Grant is not part of that forgiveness, because it wasn't a loan to start with.  The Pell Grant is merely a criterion for an extra $10K in forgiveness, not part of the debt being forgiven, as revealed by a careful reading of your quote.  It was never part of that student's debt to begin with.

You're equating grants with loans, which is incorrect.

Professor Quiet
7.2.7  Jasper2529  replied to  sandy-2021492 @7.2.6    3 years ago
You're equating grants with loans, which is incorrect.

Wrong again, sandy, so stop inventing things I never said. I merely quoted what the Biden Administration stated and promised and the MSM willingly regurgitated. 

Professor Expert
7.2.9  sandy-2021492  replied to  Jasper2529 @7.2.7    3 years ago

You're saying that the loan forgiveness program includes Pell Grants.  It does not.  

It seems like the rules might have changed and now grads get reimbursed for money they didn't have to pay back to begin with?

There.  Those are your words.  The "rules have changed" bit is an invention on your part, not mine.

No, the rules have NOT changed, and grads are not now getting reimubursed for money they didn't have to pay back to begin with.  Why?  Because it was a grant, not a loan.  Loans require promissory notes that those taking them out have to sign.  Those promissory notes did not contain the amount disbursed in the Pell Grant, because it was an entirely separate source of funding from the loans, and had nothing to do with those loans.

Those receiving loan forgiveness are not having their Pell Grants "reimbursed" because those Pell Grants were never part of the loans.  Whether or not a grad received a Pell Grant is being used as a criterion to determine how much loan (not grant) forgiveness a grad receives, likely because it's a measure of how economically disadvantaged that grad was at the time that he or she took out loans that didn't include the amount disbursed to the student or his/her school from the Pell Grant program.

Nobody has "regurgitated" your version, as that's not what your quotes say, anyway.  They say that Pell Grant recipients get a higher amount in loan forgiveness, not that Pell Grants are included in the loan forgiveness.  That was your incorrect interpretation.

Professor Quiet
7.2.10  Ed-NavDoc  replied to  sandy-2021492 @7.2.2    3 years ago

You are correct. Pell Grants are essentially government freebies for college costs up to $10,000 I believe. My oldest grandson started college in 2017 and got Pell Grants for him to attend the local junior college. No payback.

Professor Quiet
7.2.11  Jasper2529  replied to  sandy-2021492 @7.2.9    3 years ago
It seems like the rules might have changed and now grads get reimbursed for money they didn't have to pay back to begin with?
There.  Those are your words.  The "rules have changed" bit is an invention on your part, not mine.

Do you not understand that I phrased my comment as a question. Notice the question mark and that I said "It seems like ..." . That, sandy, does not mean that I agree or disagree. It was simply an observation.

Find someone else's ankles to chew on, because I don't dance to that tune.

Professor Expert
7.2.12  sandy-2021492  replied to  Jasper2529 @7.2.11    3 years ago

I answered the "question" in my first reply to you.  You did not accept that answer, but kept arguing that your incorrect interpretation was correct, and was what the media had been reporting, when it is not, if one only reads carefully.

Professor Expert
7.2.13  sandy-2021492  replied to  Ed-NavDoc @7.2.10    3 years ago

I don't know what the current limits on the Pell Grant program are.  I received them when I was in college, but IIRC, the limits were much lower.  For some reason, $700 per academic year comes to mind, but that was a longer time ago than I care to think about, and I could very well be wrong.

pat wilson
Professor Participates
7.2.14  pat wilson  replied to  sandy-2021492 @7.2.12    3 years ago

Would you like to borrow my Sylvester banging his head against a pole gif ?

Professor Expert
7.2.15  sandy-2021492  replied to  pat wilson @7.2.14    3 years ago


Professor Expert
7.2.16  sandy-2021492  replied to  sandy-2021492 @7.2.13    3 years ago

I just looked it up.  Apparently, the max would have been $2400 during my freshman year.  I received less total in Pell Grants over my entire 4 years of undergrad, so the $700 may have been what I personally received, not the maximum allowable.

Professor Quiet
7.2.17  Jasper2529  replied to  sandy-2021492 @7.2.12    3 years ago
You did not accept that answer, but kept arguing

I make it a point to never argue, because it serves no purpose. However, I do enjoy respectful discussions.

As I stated in comment 7.2.11   ...

Find someone else's ankles to chew on


Professor Principal
7.2.18  devangelical  replied to  Texan1211 @7.2.8    3 years ago

someone that has made claims about what would happen this election for the last 6 months, and  totally failed with those predictions, has zero credibility in their claims for the next 6 months. 

Professor Principal
7.2.19  JBB  replied to  sandy-2021492 @7.2.9    3 years ago

In this world where a teaching certificate from a third tier state college costs  over a hundred grand, the gop begrudges our school teachers and public servants a measly ten grand that they might spend on anything except the bare necessities! How dare these low paid and yet well educated Americans eat out or go to a movie? Only born privilege deserves that! (Sarc Alert)

Really olde people think ten grand is a lot!

They remember when it would buy a car...

Professor Expert
7.2.20  sandy-2021492  replied to  Jasper2529 @7.2.17    3 years ago

Respectful discussions don't start off with incorrect, pejorative interpretations masquerading as "questions" and continue with objections to corrections of those interpretations.

Professor Principal
7.2.22  devangelical  replied to  pat wilson @7.2.14    3 years ago

the republican version of russian roulette is a revolver with one empty chamber.

Professor Principal
7.2.23  JBB  replied to  devangelical @7.2.18    3 years ago

Texan has been gloating about the gop's inevitable red wave in 2022 for two years!

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
7.2.24  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  JBB @7.2.19    3 years ago
In this world where a teaching certificate from a third tier state college costs  over a hundred grand,

Why does it cost over a hundred grand?

Professor Quiet
7.2.27  Jasper2529  replied to  Texan1211 @7.2.8    3 years ago
Someone once said the downfall of democracy begins when the electorate realizes it can vote itself a share of the treasury.

This comes close ...

“The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.”
―  Alexis de Tocqueville

Professor Principal
7.2.29  JBB  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @7.2.24    3 years ago

Because room, board, tuition, books and fees average $12,500 per semester...

If a poor kid lives at home and attends a community college it is still half of that...

Professor Quiet
7.2.30  Jasper2529  replied to  Texan1211 @7.2.28    3 years ago
Kind of sounds like Biden's plan for student loan forgiveness.

And his unconstitutional bribing for mid-term votes via "student loan forgiveness" that everyone else would have had to pay. He, his handlers, and followers truly believe Americans are stupid.

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
7.2.31  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  JBB @7.2.29    3 years ago

I know the costs, I have a daughter still in grad school, I wonder if you knew why tuition and room and board were so much more expensive now than 40 years ago,

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
7.2.34  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Texan1211 @7.2.32    3 years ago

In real dollars, since the 1980’s, the cost of public school rose by 213%.

Professor Principal
7.2.35  JBB  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @7.2.31    3 years ago

Forty five years ago it cost me about $1,500 per semester at my state university. But, a new Pontiac Lemans only cost about $3,500 and a new three bedroom house was about $25,000. Everything has gone up by about a factor of ten, except for the minute wage, since way back then...

Professor Principal
7.2.36  JBB  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @7.2.31    3 years ago

Back in 1957 my Mother taught 7th to 12th grade English for a small rural Oklahoma public school system. She was only paid $100 per month minus her taxes, union dues and retirement. Her take home pay was about sixth five bucks. And, those were good times...

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
7.2.37  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  JBB @7.2.35    3 years ago

How about bloated student amenities, a huge increase of administration, rising student aid, and lower state funding?

Professor Principal
7.2.38  JBB  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @7.2.37    3 years ago

I do not know? How about them? Kids today expect lots more and way better. It probably has lots to do with how they are raised. The ancient structure that housed my college fraternity was drafty and spartan, but it only cost us $35 each per month. The members now live in deluxe suites in a modern twenty million dollar mega mansion. Times change.

Professor Quiet
7.2.39  Jasper2529  replied to  JBB @7.2.29    3 years ago
Because room, board, tuition, books and fees average $12,500 per semester... If a poor kid lives at home and attends a community college it is still half of that...

ALL students must to pay for tuition, books, and fees, JBB. There's no free lunch, but students DO have the option to GET A JOB to pay for their education instead of whining that they're poor and unprivileged.

My parents didn't qualify for college loans for me, so I got jobs in the cafeteria and library to help out. This isn't rocket science.

Professor Principal
7.2.40  JBB  replied to  Jasper2529 @7.2.39    3 years ago

Yes, in the mid nineteen seventies I was able to put myself through a major state university because I was earning 4-5 dollars per hour for doing hard backbreaking manual labor, which was the going rate.

It takes $40-50 dollars per hour to equal that now yet those jobs only pay $10-15. 

Pay inequality got way worse since 1980!

Professor Principal
7.2.41  JBB  replied to  Jasper2529 @7.2.39    3 years ago

Old folk lose touch with what things cost.

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
7.2.42  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  JBB @7.2.41    3 years ago
Old folk lose touch with what things cost.

So do young folks when someone else pays the bill.

Professor Principal
7.2.43  JBB  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @7.2.42    3 years ago

Does your daughter pay her own way?

Could she work her way through now?

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
7.2.44  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  JBB @7.2.40    3 years ago
It takes $40-50 dollars per hour to equal that now

$5 in 1975 is equal to $27.70 today.  It was $24.76 before the last two years of inflation.

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
7.2.45  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  JBB @7.2.43    3 years ago

She has worked part time providing recreational therapy for developmentally challenged children since sh was in high school.

My wife and I started a VA 529 plan when she was born.

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
7.2.46  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  JBB @7.2.38    3 years ago
Kids today expect lots more and way better.

Including someone else paying their bills.

Professor Quiet
7.2.47  Ed-NavDoc  replied to  sandy-2021492 @7.2.16    3 years ago

I could have been mistaken, but amounts do change over the years. When my grandson said 10k he might have meant over a two year period.

Professor Quiet
7.2.48  Jasper2529  replied to  JBB @7.2.41    3 years ago

They do? I never knew any "old folk" who were that dumb.

Professor Expert
7.2.49  sandy-2021492  replied to  Ed-NavDoc @7.2.47    3 years ago

I would expect the amount he received to be higher than the amount I received.  After all, I was in college (mumble mumble mumble) years ago.

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
7.2.51  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Texan1211 @7.2.50    3 years ago

In a New York minute.

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
8  Greg Jones    3 years ago

Welcome to the weird and wacky world of progressive-ism.    jrSmiley_10_smiley_image.gif

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
8.1  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Greg Jones @8    3 years ago

It's the era of the left!

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
9  Buzz of the Orient    3 years ago

Just a few points from a non-American viewer from afar, if I may...

1.  "Based upon the circumstances, election night should have been a huge night for the GOP. It wasn't. That is very bad news for the United States of America." 

Good thing you posted this article as an opinion.

2.  "The current DOJ has a target on Trump's back. Hopefully, they will prevent him from being able to run for the Presidency again."

That is actually a very common-sense Republican realization - the present opinion is that Biden would probably beat him with a big margin in 2024.

3.  "What Abraham Lincoln said in his "House Divided" speech remains true: "A house divided against itself cannot stand."   I do not expect the Union to be dissolved - I do not expect the house to fall - but I do expect it will cease to be divided."  "It will become all one thing, or all the other."

Although it is doubtful that Lincoln also said "You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time", it certainly became a truism  established by the midterm election results. 

pat wilson
Professor Participates
9.1  pat wilson  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @9    3 years ago
1.  "Based upon the circumstances, election night should have been a huge night for the GOP. It wasn't. That is very bad news for the United States of America." 

No, it was very bad news for the GOP. It was excellent news for the United States. Voters rejected MAGAism, trump, trump chaos and the general threat to our democratic republic.

Why would you say their loss is very bad news for the United States of America ?

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
9.1.1  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  pat wilson @9.1    3 years ago

What???  I never said that -  I posted that quotation from the article so I could address it, and I meant that the quotation was a part of an article that was an opinion only, and the quoted comment is one I don't agree with because it wasn't bad news, it was good news, and in fact the results in my opinion have increased my respect for the American voters for NOT permitting a red tsunami to flood America.  My comment was meant for others to understand that it was a good thing that it was an opinion only and in fact America is better off if the opposite is true  Do you disagree with that?

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
9.1.2  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @9.1.1    3 years ago

She doesn't always get it, but both of you are wrong.  History will show it.  This was rock bottom for the US.

pat wilson
Professor Participates
9.1.3  pat wilson  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @9.1.1    3 years ago
Just a few points from a non-American viewer from afar, if I may...

Your words

pat wilson
Professor Participates
9.1.4  pat wilson  replied to  Vic Eldred @9.1.2    3 years ago
She doesn't always get it,

You don't have any room to talk about "getting it" right now, lol.

PhD Quiet
9.1.5  igknorantzrulz  replied to  pat wilson @9.1.4    3 years ago

Cause he can’t ever give it, and not that you would ever want it from someone detached from the world they supposedly exists in, as takes on the actuality of an actual reality are artificial intelligence, minus the intelligence 

Thrawn 31
Professor Participates
9.1.6  Thrawn 31  replied to  Vic Eldred @9.1.2    3 years ago

Vic, you are wrong on just about everything, nearly 100% of the time. Honestly do you ever predict anything accurately?

Professor Principal
9.1.7  devangelical  replied to  Vic Eldred @9.1.2    3 years ago
This was rock bottom for the US.

rock bottom was 1/6/21. with the stench of unamerican insurrectionists still lingering ...

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
9.1.8  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  pat wilson @9.1.3    3 years ago

Surely you learned in school what quotation marks mean.

pat wilson
Professor Participates
9.1.9  pat wilson  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @9.1.8    3 years ago

I also know the english language.

pat wilson
Professor Participates
9.1.10  pat wilson  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @9.1.8    3 years ago

You are the non-american viewer from afar are you not ?

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
9.1.11  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  pat wilson @9.1.9    3 years ago

So do I, and I even TAUGHT it.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
9.1.12  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  pat wilson @9.1.10    3 years ago
"You are the non-american viewer from afar are you not ?"

Yes, I am.  So what?  Take note that I put YOUR words in quotation marks and italics, as I did the words I quoted from the article, because THEY WERE NOT MY WORDS.  

Okay, your turn.

pat wilson
Professor Participates
9.1.13  pat wilson  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @9.1.12    3 years ago
Okay, your turn.

Nah, you win. What would you like, a Brownie button or a kewpie doll ?

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
9.1.14  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  pat wilson @9.1.13    3 years ago

Nobody "wins", but if I win a prize, I would rather it be your friendship. 

Professor Principal
9.1.15  Ender  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @9.1.14    3 years ago

Aw. Nobody ever says that to me...(sniff)...

pat wilson
Professor Participates
9.1.16  pat wilson  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @9.1.14    3 years ago

Thank you Buzz. Sorry for the snark. It's been a challenging day.

Professor Quiet
9.1.17  shona1  replied to  pat wilson @9.1.16    3 years ago

Arvo Pat..

Yep we all have crap days..but things do get better..just wait abit...🐨🐨🐨

You can always tell Buzz off because he (and I) use to get into trouble for not using enough paragraphs..

And he still regularly does it...was nearly going to tell him off the other day..🤣🤣

Professor Quiet
9.1.18  shona1  replied to  Ender @9.1.15    3 years ago

Arvo Endie...

I will be your friend...just glad you are 15,000ks away though..🐨

But distance does make the heart grow fonder..🦘

pat wilson
Professor Participates
9.1.19  pat wilson  replied to  shona1 @9.1.17    3 years ago


Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
9.1.20  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  shona1 @9.1.17    3 years ago

jrSmiley_10_smiley_image.gif     I plead guilty.

Professor Quiet
9.1.21  shona1  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @9.1.20    3 years ago

And you yell..alot!!.

Upper case is not good etiquette...but you did say your eyesight is failing.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
9.1.22  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  shona1 @9.1.21    3 years ago

Okay okay, I'll use bold instead - how else to emphasize?  At least I use British English (the original form of the language, the real thing) - we, and your compatriot Way, could be the only ones who do.

Professor Principal
9.1.23  Gsquared  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @9.1.22    3 years ago

Sorry, but you use the archaic form of the language.  You and your childhood friend, Chaucer.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
9.1.24  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Gsquared @9.1.23    3 years ago

You mean my old friend Geoffrey?  He didn't use the  archaic form in the A Knight's Tale movie.  

Anyway, Webster had to simplify the spelling for Americans - too many kids must have been failing English in school. 

Professor Quiet
9.1.25  shona1  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @9.1.22    3 years ago

Hmm...nope you have been partly contaminated..

Emphasize! You have gone all "z"..

Way and I are it, I am afraid...

We will hold up the Brit end...😃

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
9.1.26  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  shona1 @9.1.25    3 years ago

I'm a hybrid.  I was born and grew up an hour's drive from the USA.  We drove on the right hand side of the road, and I prefer that my name is Buzz and not Buss.  Lorries were trucks and boots were trunks.  It's hard being stuck in the middle. 

Professor Quiet
9.1.27  shona1  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @9.1.26    3 years ago

Hybrid..🤣 Best of both worlds..maybe?

Always been trucks here, never lorries..

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
9.1.28  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  shona1 @9.1.27    3 years ago

When it came to cars, Canada was the same as the USA - i.e. trucks and trunks, but I think we really screwed them when we changed from miles to km - get them for speeding on the highways all the time.  It was no use for them to say "But the sign said 100".  LOL

Professor Principal
10  JBB    3 years ago


Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
10.1  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  JBB @10    3 years ago

Yep, Oz is returning to his home in New Jersey, carrying his carpetbag with him.


Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
10.1.1  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @10.1    3 years ago

Oh yes, Oz was from New Jersey and he kind of took the summer off from campaigning. That explains the logic of people from the state, which is the second largest producer of total energy in the nation, voting for a man who is totally against fracking. The same man who wanted to disarm police and free criminals.

Unfortunately, Buzz, there was a lot more involved here than meets the eye.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
10.1.2  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Vic Eldred @10.1.1    3 years ago

I think it took the Trump's kiss of death and the conservative SCOTUS judges for the result.  But don't fret, Marjorie Taylor Greene got elected.  LOL

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
10.1.3  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @10.1.2    3 years ago

Maybe it is all about Trump, the grand villian who brought out those 80 million, who disregarded the substance of his presidency?

All I know is that every great civilization reaches this point.  For the Romans it came in the year 410. For Great Britain it came with WWII.

I knew American civilization well and I will tell my decendants all about it.

Professor Principal
10.1.4  JBB  replied to  Vic Eldred @10.1.3    3 years ago

Your descendants...original

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
10.1.5  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Vic Eldred @10.1.3    3 years ago

Vic, maybe you should make an appointment with a psychiatrist, I'm concerned that you're starting to sound suicidal.


Professor Principal
10.1.6  JohnRussell  replied to  Vic Eldred @10.1.3    3 years ago

You associate "American civilization" with conservatism, and far right conservatism at that. 

I associate American civilization with civil rights, women's rights, indigenous people's rights, the labor movement, and economic justice.

America is not a white country anymore, which causes many on the far right to refer to the "end of civilization". In fact white supremacy groups are obsessed with it. 

Professor Principal
10.1.7  Kavika   replied to  Vic Eldred @10.1.3    3 years ago
I knew American civilization well and I will tell my decendants all about it.

You know your version of it, but you do not know the real American civilization at all. For one that states ''America isn't worth saving,'' you're lack of knowledge of America fits well with your unAmerican comment.

Professor Principal
10.1.8  JBB  replied to  JohnRussell @10.1.6    3 years ago

The clear message of November 8th is that the voters want no more of Trump, are sick of being lied to and will not tolerate Kevin McCarthy and the gop dragging the nation though the mud anymore. The unearned retributions against Biden, the FBI and Democrats promised by the gop pre-election are dead in the water post-election! If the gop has no post-Trump plans to lead America in the twenty first century the gop in no longer relevant to most voters.

Their voter suppression only goes so far!

Professor Principal
10.1.10  JBB  replied to  Texan1211 @10.1.9    3 years ago

The gop's voter suppression was very effective in Florida, Texas and Georgia in 2022, but it will be less and less effective as time goes by. The gop cannot go on winning, even there, forever with only the support of a minority of voters...

Professor Principal
10.1.12  JBB  replied to  Texan1211 @10.1.11    3 years ago

No, but you are...

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
10.1.14  Sean Treacy  replied to  JBB @10.1.10    3 years ago
he gop's voter suppression was very effective in Florida, Texas and Georgia in 2022

Election denial is alive and thriving  on the left. 

Professor Principal
10.1.16  JBB  replied to  Texan1211 @10.1.13    3 years ago

You can see the pyramids from that river!

Professor Principal
10.1.20  JBB  replied to  Texan1211 @10.1.17    3 years ago


Professor Principal
10.1.24  JBB  replied to  Texan1211 @10.1.19    3 years ago

Were the draconian voter suppression efforts implemented by Abbott in Texas, and Desantis in Florida effective, or not?

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
10.1.28  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  JBB @10.1.24    3 years ago

Please describe the draconian voter suppression.  Specifically how did it target Democratic voters in both states?

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
10.1.31  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Texan1211 @10.1.29    3 years ago

He doesn’t want to face the possibility the Dems had less exciting candidates in those two states, and or and weaker get-out the vote drive. 

Professor Principal
10.1.32  JBB  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @10.1.28    3 years ago

Shorter voting hours, voter purges, less early voting, closing voting locations plus passing laws to intimidate voters like making it illegal to give water to voters waiting in line and arresting people who served their time for trying to register. Such draconian measures worked in Texas, Florida, Oklahoma, Georgia and other red states but will play out if the gop continues to shed its voters...

Professor Principal
10.1.33  JBB  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @10.1.31    3 years ago

Who isn't facing facts? The gop still won in the red states that suppressed voting. It worked, but also is an unpopular tactic...

Professor Principal
10.1.36  JBB  replied to  Texan1211 @10.1.34    3 years ago

Didn't the gop win in Florida and Texas?

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
10.1.37  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  JBB @10.1.32    3 years ago
Shorter voting hours

In Texas, poll  SB 1 restricts early voting to a newly established window of 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.  in purple VA, polls were open 6. a.m to 7 p.m.

Voter purges?

How did Texas purge voters?

intimidate voters like making it illegal to give water to voters waiting in line

No one passes out water in my poll line, I usually bring coffee in my travel mug.

arresting people who served their time for trying to register

I found nothing on this in last years Texas bill.

Texas Democrats admit to faltering on messaging and voter turnout, contributing to resounding midterm losses

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
10.1.38  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  JBB @10.1.36    3 years ago

Yes, they did proving that you read election results, good job JBB,

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
11  Drinker of the Wry    3 years ago

I think the Repubs greatly underperformed for three reasons:

  • Larger amount of bad candidates than usual
  • Abortion issue, not just the ruling but states rushing to implement not just restrictions but ban it, then you had SEN Graham talking about a national ban in the closing weeks
  • Trump, from the bad candidates that he picked to his character and history looming over the race, he was a reminder to voters, should we risk Repubs back in power two years after 6 Jan.
PhD Quiet
11.1  igknorantzrulz  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @11    3 years ago

Did someone change their flavor if Kool Aid …?

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
11.1.1  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  igknorantzrulz @11.1    3 years ago

I drink Wry and I haven’t changed brands.  Your assumptions about me are mistaken.

PhD Quiet
11.1.2  igknorantzrulz  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @11.1.1    3 years ago

B leave it ore knot , either have eye, asz I try and be consistent at my inconsistency’s that cause me to float with currents that reverse coarser courses I set sale for while throwing Caution to the wind up propulsion system that I systematically record so as I technically throw Caution Tape that I recorded, to the winds of change, that I’m knot in all ways, a big Fan of, cause that would blow, and that sucks , unless you are a big fan of vacuums, cause it blows whence they knot suck, but, I would certainly appreciate some actually changing, a tad bit, cause, there has been (cause) enough, to wish four more , unless , 1 only has three….

pat wilson
Professor Participates
11.1.3  pat wilson  replied to  igknorantzrulz @11.1.2    3 years ago

Oh man jrSmiley_86_smiley_image.gif

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
11.1.4  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  igknorantzrulz @11.1.2    3 years ago


Thrawn 31
Professor Participates
11.2  Thrawn 31  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @11    3 years ago

Dude, you were MAGA as fuck until Wednesday morning lol. Are you finally coming back to positions that are at least somewhat palatable to the majority of Americans?

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
11.2.1  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Thrawn 31 @11.2    3 years ago
Dude, you were MAGA as fuck until Wednesday morning lol

I have no idea why you would think that.  Are you letting your biases run away with you?  I have never voted for Trump and believe he is completely unfit for office.

Are you finally coming back to positions that are at least somewhat palatable to the majority of Americans?

I guess that would depend on the issue.  I certainly don’t believe that you know what’s palatable to the majority of Americans after you wild guess about me, lol.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
11.3  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @11    3 years ago

You could be right but I doubt it.

I think we have entered an era where people vote from home with the simple view that it's "us against them."

Professor Principal
11.3.1  JBB  replied to  Vic Eldred @11.3    3 years ago

We should already be voting securely and easily online from anywhere same as we now do our investing, banking and taxes.

To oppose this is to be "antidemocratic"!

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
11.3.2  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  JBB @11.3.1    3 years ago

That is very important. Those who typically forget or lack the enthusiam to go to the polls to vote, must have a ballot sent to them.

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
11.3.3  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Vic Eldred @11.3    3 years ago

I voted in a booth but many times lately, I’m voting against someone rather than for someone.

The Repubs lost bigly from state legislatures to governors to the US Senate.  They will live with the Trump legacy for a decade.

Professor Principal
11.3.4  JBB  replied to  Vic Eldred @11.3.2    3 years ago

Voting should be and could be much easier.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
11.3.5  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @11.3.3    3 years ago
The Repubs lost bigly from state legislatures to governors to the US Senate.

And at a time when everything favored them.

We may be on the verge of one party rule.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
11.3.6  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  JBB @11.3.4    3 years ago

Easy is fine, but it can't be just easy:

Professor Principal
11.3.7  JBB  replied to  Vic Eldred @11.3.6    3 years ago

We can safely and securely do our taxes, banking and investing online. We could safely and securely vote online, also...

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
11.3.8  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  JBB @11.3.7    3 years ago

Perhaps, but the the CCP has all of my government personnel record info along with 22.1 million other records when the Chinese hacked the Office of Personnel Management.

Professor Principal
11.3.9  Kavika   replied to  Vic Eldred @11.3    3 years ago
I think we have entered an era where people vote from home with the simple view that it's "us against them.''

Which is something that you have regurgitated many times on NT with your ''evil left''. 

Self awareness is certainly missing in your comment.

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
11.3.11  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Texan1211 @11.3.10    3 years ago

There would be far more worry about fraudulent elections if we voted on line.  We would have to have some token with electronic ID to prove who was casting the vote.

Professor Principal
12  Gsquared    3 years ago
Based upon the circumstances, election night should have been a huge night for the GOP. It wasn't. That is very bad news for the United States of America.

That is THE BEST POSSIBLE NEWS for the United States of America.

Any victory for the GOP is, almost without exception, terrible, horrific news for the United States of America.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
12.1  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Gsquared @12    3 years ago

I would have thought that the BEST POSSIBLE NEWS for the United States of America would be both the House and the Senate achieving sufficient majorities to cancel saboteurs like Manchin. 

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
12.2  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Gsquared @12    3 years ago


Professor Principal
13  Kavika     3 years ago

The underperformance by the Republicans continued tonight when Cortez Masto prevailed in the NV senate. ..

Professor Principal
13.1  devangelical  replied to  Kavika @13    3 years ago

if we can take georgia, senate obstructionist scum won't even need to show up to work for the next 2 years.

Professor Principal
13.1.2  devangelical  replied to  Texan1211 @13.1.1    3 years ago

kind of looks like those that are subsidizing and profiting off the inflation will be giving most of that money back now, don't it?

Professor Principal
14  Kavika     3 years ago

The dems won the Sec of State office in both AZ and NV against MAGA opposition.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
15  author  Vic Eldred    3 years ago

In the House races, the Republicans have been stuck at 211 for days now. How many House races are yet to be decided?  Twenty?  I don't even know if the Republicans can pick up 7 seats at this point. Just like in 2020, all of those late, after election day, last to be counted votes have been overwhelmingly for democrats.

This is an election that is what one might call perplexing!

Professor Principal
15.1  Kavika   replied to  Vic Eldred @15    3 years ago

Is this another conspiracy theory, Vic?

Professor Principal
15.1.1  JohnRussell  replied to  Kavika @15.1    3 years ago

According to people   [removed]   there are massive steal the election conspiracies that span America from sea to shining sea and endure over multiple elections. It is insanity. 

Professor Principal
15.2  devangelical  replied to  Vic Eldred @15    3 years ago

gee, sounds like somebody probably needs to get sidney and rudy on the phone...

Professor Guide
15.3  MrFrost  replied to  Vic Eldred @15    3 years ago
last to be counted votes have been overwhelmingly for democrats.

That's because Democrats overwhelmingly vote by mail. Duh. 

PhD Quiet
15.3.1  igknorantzrulz  replied to  MrFrost @15.3    3 years ago

Don’t ruin his run away conspiracy driven imagination that Trump has implanted to justify every Republican loss achieved by Democratic frauds and steals, brought to US All, by the guy too illiterate to write the Art of the Deal, for the Art of the Steal, wood have bin a more apropos Title, from the former pos POTUS, who stole from charities, sucker donors who thought they were getting to the bottom of the “Stolen” election whilst Trump diverting those monies to the Art of the Science that might enable him to experience an erection and while they’re at it, hopefully an Abbey Normal Brain Dissection, to remove that hollow cranium infection and possibly locate why the ethic and moral migration started just after birth, and oh 


Professor Guide
16  MrFrost    3 years ago

Walker delivers speeches that only decades of concussions can deliver. 

Professor Principal
16.1  devangelical  replied to  MrFrost @16    3 years ago

I have watched more that one discussion among black pundits on news outlets talking about the proliferation of black republican candidates that fit within the racist stereotypes of black people by their white republican peers.

PhD Quiet
16.1.2  igknorantzrulz  replied to  Texan1211 @16.1.1    3 years ago

Only nieces and nephews 

Junior Silent
16.2  squiggy  replied to  MrFrost @16    3 years ago
Walker delivers speeches that only decades of concussions can deliver. 

It's ironic, or not, that those so offended by Fetterman jokes find this one amusing.


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