Trump insinuates Obama is Biden's 'boss'
Category: News & Politics
Via: vic-eldred • 2 years ago • 154 commentsBy: Tara Suter (The Hill)

Former President Trump insinuated former President Barack Obama is President Biden’s boss at an event in New Hampshire Monday .
“You’ve been ripped off by everybody and betrayed by the corrupt globalists, Washington, Wall Street people, those combinations of Washington, Wall Street, they’re the worst of all. And it’s never been worse than it is now under crooked Joe Biden, and frankly, his boss, Barack Hussein Obama,” Trump said at the event. “I think it’s his boss.”
Trump and Biden are likely set to face off in next year’s presidential election as their party’s respective nominees. Biden’s once-closest challenger, Robert F. Kennedy, is running as an independent and Trump is leading the Republican primary field, polling at an average of 44.8 percent ahead of his next challenger, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, according to FiveThirtyEight.
Trump has taken swings at Biden for alleged mental impairment in the past, sometimes calling him a “Manchurian candidate.”
“[W]e have a man who is totally corrupt and the worst president in the history of our country, who is cognitively impaired, in no condition to lead, and is now in charge of dealing with Russia and possible nuclear war,” Trump said in a speech last month.
Biden’s age and cognitive health has been a major area of concern for voters as the 2024 election season has heated up. A CNN Poll last month found 56 percent of Democrats expressing concerns about his physical and mental competence. The White House has pushed back on concerns about Biden’s age.
“Look, here’s what I know, here’s what I can speak to. I can speak to that — a president who has wisdom,” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said recently . “I can speak to a president who has experience. I can speak to a president who has taken historic action and has delivered historic pieces of legislation. And that’s important.”

As usual, Trump nailed it.
There is something seriously wrong with you.
May I?
Your political philosophy at this time seems to based on personal subservience to the mentally ill.
This is and was predictable.
Now that Trump is almost certainly going to be the GOP nominee, all those who said they do not want Trump as PotUS are (for the most part) going to now fall in line and provide absolute, unending support for Trump. And truth will be mere collateral damage.
This behavior is an extremely good example of blind partisanship.
To be fair, Democrats that would rather someone other than Biden run will do the same, but I never took most of the partisan populists at their word they didn't support Trump anyway.
Just when I suspect you have no sense of humor you say something like that. Thanks
Yes, it is not just the GOP that is afflicted with blind partisanship.
I am giving up on MAGA. REASON: Irreconcilable differences.
I'd vote for Obama in a nanosecond.
I'm sure of that.
Indeed. All any intelligent, observant American needs to do is research that many of the people in Biden's administration are Obama's people. Some have been ... or are ... working behind the scenes and rarely get press coverage. Susan Rice is one example.
So what? Just one more thing to complain about in an otherwise normal set of circumstances, eh? Whoever said that a president had to muster up new and different people to be in his/her political surroundings?
Is there anything about democrats conservatives won't complain?
All of my comments state facts, so please calm down. I haven't complained about anything.
I'm not a member of any political party, so you'll have to pose your question to your alleged "conservatives".
This is amazing. I could start a count of the MAGA enablers on this site who claim not to be Trump supporters and now some are denying conservatism. A new ploy has landed on NT. I have been observing this tactic since its "arrival."
Everybody! Welcome our new cache of Independents on the site. /s.
Good observation. Now, how many will claim they will not vote for Trump if he is the nominee?
Is he the nominee?
Find someone else to place off-topic attack comments on, CB. I'm not interested in playing that game.
You need someone to explain to you how the nomination process works?
Hint: Trump is not yet the nominee.
But if he becomes the nominee, I think most people here will accurately predict who in this forum will be voting for him to be PotUS.
As soon as Iran gets the bomb, we will be hearing there is nothing we can do, there is a reason Obama used Iran as a counterbalance.
I think they are ashamed of Donald Trump (finally) and are getting tired of defending him. With this in mind, it would seem our MAGA supporters want to limit associating with such a 'hot mess' in the virtual sphere, but can't cut the umbilical cord which connects transacting with him entirely.
MAGA -NT is definitely, most definitely, going to vote for Trump if he is the nominee in 2024! The game appears to be afoot to deceive the public into thinking that Trump is losing his base. I will never believe 'em. MAGA is not dependable when it comes to telling the truth!
Look at a poll or two would you?...
With over a year out, none are accurate. Perhaps 2 weeks out and then only LV polls.
Agreed, they're main use this far out is to track trends, much like social media...
NTers (MAGA supporters) did a private poll on Trump?
You missed it?....
Yes. You have it and can point to it online? Is it really helpful to me to see it?
In spirit, I agree. I think what we are and will continue to see from the otherwise rational GOP members is an emotional expression stemming from cognitive dissonance.
They know Trump should never be allowed the power of the presidency yet he is (in the future, likely) their nominee. They are stuck with him.
So the choice is to be a loyal partisan and be an all-in Trump supporter, go silent and maybe not vote, or remain vigil in your objection to Trump and vote third party or for the D nominee.
Most, it would seem, will just dive into deep cognitive dissonance and go all-in for Trump and attempt to defend the indefensible.
So he is NOT the nominee and you are running off fantasy and making things up as you go.
We see how that went for the economy and the southern border.
Will you allow this verbiage: Presumptive nominee in discussion, Jeremy?
I sense deliberate deception from MAGA supporters/enabler on NT. Nobody in his or her right mind can FORGIVE daily abuses of civility, human rights, and civil rights across the board ("blank forgiveness") for a man who has modeled himself as a law unto himself, unless those individuals align with Trump in wishing to be law unto themselves—individually.
It's a twisted worldview that does not accept that we have institutions of government that intend to keep us all safe and sound, and relatively at the best peace we can hope for—even from ourselves! A twisted frontier' mentality where every man is a law unto him and every woman a follower of a man. Thus, we should all strap on our equivalent guns and holsters and go forth conquering and demanding.
I didn't ask if he was the "presumptive" anything. I ask if he was the nominee.
The problem, here, is that you fail to accurately read what I write.
I have never claimed that Trump IS the nominee. I have consistently stated that he is extremely likely to BE the nominee.
Here is a hint, if you really want to attack someone on chickenshit, first be sure you know what the fuck you are talking about.
To be crystal clear I will show where you failed to properly read basic English:
You still are not sure?
The nominee is chosen by the primaries. The primaries have not yet started (they will occur during the first six months of 2024). Currently, Trump is leading because of polling, not because of primary votes.
He is thus NOT the nominee, but the polls suggest that (barring some very exceptional event) he will be.
Since you didn't answer the question of what you would allow in the affirmative or negative.
Who CARES? 'Everybody' is vouching from the lead in the polls Trump over his republican rivals that he will be the presumptive nominee after the primaries end (in likely short order). We are not 'wizards' to make Trump the NOMINEE ahead of the time. But, we can and will address what is presumed to be as we please! Get over it!
Emphatically. MAGA is aggressively contrarian, combative, bombastic, and on a political 'war' footing at all times.
Exactly, they are 180 degrees out from our progressives.
You mean like you failed to understand a simple question in 1.3.6 where I ask you if he was the nominee. Instead you read way to far into it and talked yourself into circles and still didn't give the answer.
Now you worked yourself up into a tizzy and wasted all that time just to say a one word answer.
The question is simple. Is he the nominee? Has he been nominated? Short. Simple. To the point. I don't care who "everybody is vouching for".
So why play "what if" games?
You did not understand my answer?:
Now, read the above real carefully. Especially the third sentence that starts with "Hint:". See how that states that Trump is not yet the nominee. That means that he is not the nominee at present.
Wow, this is hard work getting you to read an answer. Here, I will remove all that icky explanation stuff designed to help you understand the nomination process and just show you the only information you care about:
Now, does this help you?
I ask you a simple 4 word question. What I received was a long drawn out essay saying nothing. And here I thought keeping it simple for you would help you out.
A simple "NO" would have sufficed as an answer.
You asked if Trump is the nominee.
That is a stupid question. Everyone should already know that the nomination process has not started and thus Trump is NOT the nominee.
And since I have never claimed that he is the nominee, your question was a non sequitur.
So I explained how the nomination process works so that you need not ask such a stupid question again. You're welcome.
Yes I did. You gave me a long drawn out essay just to say "no he's not the nominee" , which I acknowledged back in 1.3.19. But I guess you were too busy trying to think of your next rambling essay to see it.
You're being contrarian. Pretending to not understand how these things work. That's okay. It won't change how discussion goes, nevertheless. We just understand that you are not interested in a real one. MAGA is here to 'throw bombs.'
[deleted] "well. . . not this but that" and "not that but. . that over there" and it accomplishes nothing. It adds nothing meaningful. It does subtract from the substance of discussion, nonetheless. It's contrarian, per se.
I ask a simple question. I get books talking around an answer from TiG, to which I acknowledged, and you asking if I'm leaving anything out. I'm not leaving a goddamn thing out.
If what I do really bothers you that much, there is the ignore function.
Simple question. Should have gotten a simple answer. But, here we are.
You received a simple answer right off the bat. How could you possibly miss this?:
Not really. Honestly I don't really care about your opinion (on anything). I ask for a factual answer and you all couldn't provide one.
I know exactly how it works. I ask you a simple question and you take it and run with it like I'm trying to steal military secrets. Should I preface my questions to you all with "TRIGGER WARNING"?
A simple question is asked, a simple answer would have sufficed. Then the discussion can go on from there. You two threw out the possibility of a real discussion with your responses. That's a problem for you to work out. I'm done with it.
And everyone reading this thread can see that you keep repeating a blatant lie. To what end? How is this valuable to you or anyone else?
So what are you rambling on about?
Exactly what lie?
I ask if he was the nominee. To which you said No. There is no lie in there.
Apparently it is to you. Or you would have let it go at 1.3.19.
You have been claiming that I did not answer your (stupid) question, yet I answered you on my first reply to you:
See 1.3.19
Narcissists can't "Let things Go" !
Kinda reminds one of the "Trump Thought Process" ?
Another lie.
Opinioins will vary.
They disguise their lies by calling them "opinions".
Opinions do vary.
Trump last night -
"Barack HUSSEIN Obama ! "Barack HUSSEIN Obama ! "Barack HUSSEIN Obama ! "Barack HUSSEIN Obama ! "Barack HUSSEIN Obama !
lol. Throw a butterfly net over this crazed man.
I will leave this to folly, then. I have enough of a 'hit' because of this as it is! And yes, it's my fault and my problem and I will deal with its consequences.
If it is news every time Trump tells a whopper lie or says something monumentally stupid then the MAGAs have got to stop complaining whenever his lousy name comes up for deserved criticism.
Former President Obama on Monday sharply condemned Hamas’s “brazen terrorist attacks” against Israel, which have left hundreds dead in recent days.
“All Americans should be horrified and outraged by the brazen terrorist attacks on Israel and the slaughter of innocent civilians. We grieve for those who died, pray for the safe return of those who’ve been held hostage, and stand squarely alongside our ally, Israel, as it dismantles Hamas,” Obama said in a post on X, formerly known as Twitter.
All I can say is if I were Jewish, I'd NEVER vote for Obama or Biden.
It's such a totally different stance than you hold as a gentile......
You only need to look at their Iran policy.
You seem to think that they are traditional democrats. The last of them was named Bill Clinton. (An extinct species)
You seem to have missed the joke.. the humorous part being the idea that you would ever vote for Obama or Biden anyway.
If you were Jewish we would revoke your Bar Mitvah certificate.
he's still looking for the mythical kosher butcher in boston that sells sausage out the back door on saturdays.
LOL. I've had a really bad morning until I read that and burst out laughing. Thanks for getting me back into a good mood again.
Making stuff up again I see.
JBB did not make this up, this is grounded in reality. In some cases these have been adjudicated, others are formal indictments pending trial and others are either as stated or based on strong evidence.
Trump is old.
He is under indictment with 91 charges in total.
His Big Lie campaign did attempt to steal a US election and thus have him be an illegitimate PotUS.
Trump was recently found liable for sexual abuse of E. Jean Carroll:
Trump has been accused of sexual assault by many women:
Trump's organization was found guilty of tax fraud:
Trump did make fun of McCain because he was captured:
... and there are credible allegations of him calling POWs suckers, and did not want disabled veterans visible because it looked bad for him, etc.:
Trump allegedly shared sensitive submarine information with an Australian billionaire member of Mar-a-Lago:
On voice, Trump shared classified information with an unclassified journalist:
In the past, anyone with even a small fraction of the above would never be considered for PotUS (consider Gary Hart), yet the contemporary GOP is all in for this lying narcissist asshole traitor.
So what? Your logic is flawed.
To paraphrase one of the greatest movies ever, " Logic, we don't need no stinking logic"
Have you ever heard of ISIS? Remember who let it grow and who killed it.
Now that is one major league deflection!
This comment has nothing to do with what TIG posted.
We have to put up with such junk from the right 24/7/365 on this site.
My logic? My post substantiated the claims made by JBB's meme.
This was an exercise in providing evidence for claims.
Instead of thoughtfully rebutting the evidence, the best you can offer is to make the vacuous claim that my "logic is flawed".
What did you expect such a feeble comment to accomplish?
Lol …. When getting aged, never trust a fart ….
Yes it was a good PSA. As you get older it is important to be aware of what may squeak out. Of course some folks don't care what squeaks out.
Hell of a lot more relevant than parroting PD&D all the time...........and the majority of your commentary.
you're FINALLY starting to get it.
As Jack Nicholson said in The Bucket List: "As you get older, Never pass up a bathroom, never waste a hard-on, and never trust a fart."
As an 86 year old I can say truer words were never spoken.
Nice photoshop. Now do one with actual facts.
Could you be more specific? Which ones of the items in JBB's post are you disputing?
All of them. Mere accusations.
You don't understand a simple sentence?
So... Trump's not old?
Denying reality is never good.
But you do it every day.
I don't speak MAGA, where definitions change at a whim.
So you are saying that Trump is only being accused of being old? He's not really 77 years old?
So tell me, how many genders have the left defined now?
Hiding behind a vague allegation.
Be specific.
“So tell me, how many genders have the left defined now?”
So tell me, how many individuals have had their rights denied now?
I get it. Too many big words in there for the normal leftist.
So tell me, what does that have to do with anyone changing definitions at a whim?
The right wing war on Halloween is just beginning, they don't want anyone to be anything.
Less than a tenth of the number of definitions the right have given to the word "woke".
And they are all misspelled.
I am looking forward for you to substantiate that claim.
And Barbie, the original material girl, they can’t help themselves.
Mocking children? Or mocking Halloween?
MonsterMash, please. We ought to be TOLERANT of each other because we ALL are different and good people, eh?
It's been going on for 50 years or more. Where have you been?
You haven't seen all the Halloween carnivals renamed "Fall Festivals" because self-righteous Je-zoids don't want to "celebrate the devil"?
Wait, what? "War on Halloween"?
Why? That's not tolerant. You want us to tolerate YOU, eh? Or, is THAT a reason for us to COMPLAIN about conservatives? Toleration is a two-way street and you plan for me is to block my street! That is not going to happen!
MAGA comes here daily with many attempts to make inverse arguments, but the attempts are weak. Because when somebody is engaging in an activity that is WRONG, it is the duty of others to alert and inform them of it. Not to let it continue unabated in more or less its intensity!
As for getting along with conservatives, drop the damn 'rocks' y'all pack around and throw at your fellow citizens and we can talk about political peace. Like it was before MAGA arrived on the political 'front'!
You completely just proved my point! LMAO!!
Your lists are always so complete and fairly constructed ……. /s
Biden is merely a puppet. It's very obvious someone with a brain is pulling the strings.
The most likely candidate would be Obama. He was raised as a Muslim and probably still get misty-eyed at the sound of the calls to prayer, and I'm sure he still despises Israel and the Jews.
Infowars is thataway.
Let's take a short walk back in history to 2010 ...
[Deleted] If not, why do you care that he likes the sound of Muslim call to prayer? [Deleted]
I would imagine Israel proper likes the sound of Muslim calls to prayer too since that nation is perpetually surrounded by mosques and Muslims!
I spent time in the middle east... It actually is pretty cool.
Then why would he sign billion dollar weapons deal with Israel? Weird huh?
This came up in a long interview with Pulitzer Prize winning Obama biographer David Garrow, It's Obama staffers all the way down in the Biden admin, and explains their obsession with another Iran agreement.
Nobody in their right mind buys that Obama is in charge, Biden is too fucking stupid and doing too may stupid things to be getting his directions from Obama, That is of course unless he is just too damn stupid to follow simple directions.
Never underestimate Joes ability to fuck thing s up.
Barack Obama,
He obviously knows what he is talking about.
Still dragging out that rusty saw? There is zero proof that Obama said that.
You have to understand that they are still pissed that Trump lost the election.