Middle East Escalation

Link to Quote: US confirms Huthis shot down American drone off Yemen (yahoo.com)
Yesterday another Iranian backed group, the Houthis shot down a US military surveillance drone off the coast of Yemen. The cost of one of these drones, which could also be armed is $32 million. The question now is what will our leader, the one now called "Genocide Joe," do about it? When American bases were being attacked, I was at first happy to see a bit of a US response, until I found out our jets were hitting a warehouse in Syria. That response obviously didn't move Iran. Now After the US bases have continued to be attacked the US response was once again the demolishing of another ammo depot in Syria.
What the hell is Joe Biden afraid of?
Will he not protect American troops and assets?
Meanwhile I'm happy to see that Israeli forces have destroyed 130 tunnel entrances in Gaza. Today's optimistic note.
In other news Subpoenas are on the way for Robert Walker, Hunter Biden and Jim Biden. I hope the House Committee continues with the standard established by the prior House when they prosecuted Peter Navarro for refusing to comply with a subpoena. Homeland Security Chief Mayorkas was again on the hot seat and another committee examined the lack of free speech on American College Campuses.
The RNC held their third debate in historic Hialeah Florida. Sacred ground for me. Ah don't I wish I was able to follow that pilgrimage back in the 1950's
Good morning

Yesterday was a little unique. I don't think I was ever subjected to so many personal attacks at once. I'm fondest of the one that told me to go back to the 1850's, which was about ten years before many Indian tribes fought for the Confederacy.
I'm wondering how many people still like their eggs sunny side up? I still do. There is a supermarket near me that sells Duck eggs. I tried them the other day. They are perfect for sunny side up. The Duck eggs are much tougher, harder to crack, but the yokes much less likely to break apart. Perfect for that type of breakfast. On the downside someone told me that they are also a bit more fattening than chicken eggs. I just thought I'd pass it along.
Actually, I say ''go back to bed'' or back to the 1950s or 1850s. You chose the 1850s which was your choice. BTW, five tribes fought for the Confederacy out of over 600. Two of those tribes the Cherokee and Choctaw tribes split on their support of the Confederacy.
If you going to bring up military service and the Confederacy the vast majority of those in the Confederacy were white.
Another fact that you may not be aware of is that American Indians serve in the military at a higher rate per capita than any other ethnic group. You should have tried it, it may have improved your knowledge of military strategy.
The strikes against US troops came from Syria, not Iran so common sense would tell you to attack the area that the attacks came from, not Iran. Since you're so willing to attack Iran are you willing to see an all-out war with them? or are you willing to send your kids/grandkids to fight in Iran? Probably not since that isn't your style.
The goal currently is to keep the Middle East from exploding into and regional war or even beyond that. A direct attack on Iran would create just that. A measured response, as the US is doing is the way to avoid that disaster.
Actually, I do know that. I happen to credit most of them.
The strikes against US troops came from Syria, not Iran so common sense would tell you to attack the area that the attacks came from, not Iran. Since you're so willing to attack Iran are you willing to see an all-out war with them? or are you willing to send your kids/grandkids to fight in Iran? Probably not since that isn't your style.
No matter where your president chooses to attack, shouldn't the target be something more substantial than a warehouse?
I thought you were against putting troops in harm's way as a show of force. If you are not going to defend them take them out of there.
The goal currently is to keep the Middle East from exploding into and regional war or even beyond that.
That is the policy of the administration. An attack on US forces kind of defeats that goal don't you think?
A direct attack on Iran would create just that.
A direct attack on Iran is the last thing Biden or Obama would ever do.
A measured response, as the US is doing is the way to avoid that disaster.
Bombing warehouses is hardly a measured response. At some point an American soldier is going to be killed. That is when I want to hear your excuses or maybe another veiled insult.
No bad you don't credit all of them, since they did do something others didn't do.
Not necessarily, depends on what is in the warehouse.
You thought wrong again.
Says the Great Karnac.
If your response was followed we could be sure that a number of Americans would be killed within minutes. No excuses that would belong to the US administration in power in 1983.
A veiled insult, oh my says the person who tries and fails with his veiled insults.
I always make an exception for you, of course.
Not necessarily, depends on what is in the warehouse.
LMAO. I'm sure there are no Hezbollah fighters in there, nor much ammo since they know where those expensive bombs are going. It almost invites Iran to persist. Don't forget.... People like me will keep pointing to it.
You thought wrong again.
I guess I overestimated you. I thought you understood human nature.
If your response was followed
It was followed when Soleimani was killed. Please note no Americans were killed because Iran understood that the next target would be Ali Khamenei.
Of course you will, flailing away with nothing for experience is the way of some.
Yes, people that have no understanding of the military or tactics and deal strictly with a partisan point of view will keep pointing out their own lack of knowledge.
Guess again.
Oh there you go again aren't you aware of the Iranian response to that?
More than 100 U.S. troops diagnosed with brain injuries from Iran attack
And as I said
Yes, I know you did but you also avoided that Iran attacked with ballistic missiles on two US bases to avenge the death of Solameni and your hero, Trump did nothing in return.
LOL, pretty lame response on your part, 'cause you know those TBIs really aren't much of an injury. /s
They are attacking US bases now ALSO WITH BRAIN INJURIES without any provocation at all.
Your leader is weak. Trump was strong.
Soleimani was widely seen as the second most powerful figure in Iran, behind the Ayatollah Khamenei. The Quds Force, an elite unit of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, reported directly to the ayatollah and Soleimani was hailed as a heroic national figure.
Tweeting again on Friday, Mr Trump said Soleimani had "killed or badly wounded thousands of Americans... and was plotting to kill many more" and "should have been taken out many years ago".
"While Iran will never be able to properly admit it, Soleimani was both hated and feared within the country," he said.
Qasem Soleimani: US kills top Iranian general in Baghdad air strike - BBC News
Biden is your leader as well unless you want to give up your American Citizenship, Vic.
If Trump was so strong why didn't retaliate against Iran? was it because he is weak?
I don't think we have reached the point where I have to recognize Biden and his authoritarian regime to maintain my citizenship. I'm sure they are working at making it a requirement.
If Trump was so strong why didn't retaliate against Iran?
He killed Iran's #2 man and destroyed ISIS. What has your guy done?
Ahhh yes, Trump the military genius... The guy that wanted to set off nukes in the ME. He's a tough guy.
Well, the proof is in the pudding.
Compare the world under Trump to the world now.
Oh yes, not only did they cry, they tried for years to overturn the 2016 election.
Sat back and ate his pudding while Russia invaded Ukraine and as Hamas bombed Israel. And here we were all told WW3 would erupt under Trump.
You're so far into the partisan weeds here...
How could we forget that!
Reality is pro Trump in this case.
Oh, yea, the Democrats Big Lie(s)
Um-hum. Everything they accused Trump of, they have already done.
All of a sudden its a criminal offense.
Biden and his authoritarian regime....Can you list the rights you've lost, I know I haven't lost any.
The killing of Iran's #2 man didn't do anything since Iran is still a power in the ME and is still funding terrorist groups, Hamas/Hezbollah for example. He didn't destroy ISIS who is still operating in many countries and it was the Iraq and Kurds that did that, the Kurds, the one your hero deserted.
He beat your guy, Trump in the 2020 election.
And expect everybody to turn a blind eye to it.
So that's the standard now. No policy "does anything" unless Iran is no longer a regional power.
Here do some reading:
Under Biden, Americans are not free | The Hill
You should stop making shit up and trying to link it to me, Sean. You look foolish.
Isnt Andy Biggs, the author of that op-ed, the one who first called the Jan 6th rioters "tourists" ? Why should anyone take anything he says seriously ?
His military advisors saved us from his chaos.
I'm sorry you don't understand the words you use.
Why hasn't Biden done anything despite 40 plus attacks on American troops from Iranians proxies? Iran is still a regional power....
An opinion piece from congressman Andy Briggs of the Freedom Caucus, yep that is an unbiased opinion with facts...LOL.../s
When you get some actual facts post them, Vic.
Too bad Biden didn't listed to those advisors when he decided to retreat from Afghanistan killing 13 service members and hundreds of Afghani.
That did not fly, so now they are called hostages. Soon they will be called Sebastianists.
“Andy Biggs”…?
…’you’re killing me Smalls’…
Do you mean on Election Night ...
or those who were still screaming a year later?
He was the strongest President in your lifetime
Let's see Russia didn't dare make a move. Iran was starving because of Trump's sanctions. They couldn't do much. China got hit with tariffs, North Korea got the message, we had the Abraham Accords and ISIS was beaten and Soleimani was eliminated.
Now we have the world on fire.
You don't see it, huh?
Of course not. [Deleted]
Kav, from what I've read, Iran is backing the attacks.
Evidently Genocide Joe's head is up there too because Iranian backed forces continue to attack US bases.
Bombing empty warehouses doesn't seem to deter them.
In 2009, as the new Sec of State, Clinton presented Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov with a mounted red button emblazoned with the word “reset” in English and the Russian word “peregruzka” as she meant to start off on a better foot with the Russians. The button puzzled Lavrov since the term Team Clinton chose meant “overload”, not “reset”.
An example of where she “wasn’t right about everything”.
Yes, that frequently happens with your comments.
German — Ja.
Spanish — Sí
French — Oui.
Italian — Si.
Portuguese — Sim.
Swedish — Ja.
Turkish — Evet.
Polish — Tak.
Exactly, you’re too deep for me.
Ah, when it comes to eggs for breakfast they're included in every breakfast I eat. I almost always prepare my own breakfasts because my wife prefers a more Chinese diet. Today it was scrambled eggs, buttered toast with marmalade and jam, cherry tomatoes, a mug of coffee and a glass of orange juice. I vary the egg recipe among sunny side up, easy over, soft boiled, cheese omelette, ham and cheese omelette (a double sin), French toast now and then, and on Saturdays oatmeal including banana slices, goji berries and 6 little bird eggs, and sometimes pancakes (which include an egg in the mix). Once in a while my wife makes egg souffle using a big goose egg that includes some goji berries, and on festival days I love to eat tangyuan with at least one egg. Quite often we use duck eggs, which I like cause they're bigger, but I never soft boil them because it's hard as hell to peel them without blowing it.
I would only use the Duck eggs in the way I described. I find that adding butter to scrambled eggs gives them a much better taste.
I'll try using some butter next time I do scrambled eggs.
After two generations of being told that lard, butter, cream and bacon grease were deadly to our health Americans have embraced them all again as natural.
Out with the margarine, cooking spray and fake creamers! In with good old FAT!
Everything in moderation, of course...
That is what America is known for /s.
I recently had the best scrambled eggs I ever had at a Disneyworld restaurant. I wanted to know how they did it. They told me butter was added.
I always cook eggs in butter. Wouldn't have it any other way.
LOL. I have to admit I use margarine on my toast, but I use butter for pretty well everything else.
Gee, that's funny, before all those warnings people looked so much healthier.
Have to be careful not to quack them!
This sort of warmongering belonged on the Republican debate stage last night, where most of the candidates voiced support for launching a military attack on Iranian soil.
We won't have to worry about that with Genocide Joe. How about doing something to protect our men & women in uniform?
Just rush in and bomb bomb bomb. That is the right wing way. Does it ever occur to you that we have an entire military that dictates what will be an appropriate response to attacks on our troops? It doesnt happen with the speed you would like because there is a strategy of not escalating the scale of a war based on a few attacks. If a few American troops are killed now, will it be better when hundreds, or more, are killed when a full blown regional war breaks out in the middle east and we do put troops on the ground?
They don't dictate. LBJ micromanaged the Vietnam War and Obama had rules in effect that had the military waiting for a WH decision on every little response. The last time we let the Generals completely run the war was in WWII.
It doesnt happen with the speed you would like because there is a strategy of not escalating the scale of a war based on a few attacks.
You are talking about the Biden/Obama policy, which is still in bed with Iran.
If a few American troops are killed now, will it be better when hundreds, or more, are killed when a full blown regional war breaks out in the middle east and we do put troops on the ground?
We protect the brave men and women who serve the nation. We already have troops on the ground. We must protect them.
Are they not equipped to protect themselves, no guns, no artillery, no airforce, no navy with their carries Ford and Eisenhower each with their collection of support vessels?
A quick count of only those assets in the M.E. known to the general public includes:
9 Naval Bases
17 Air Force Bases
4 Army Bases
The U.S. government , and I assume the military commanders who want to keep their troops safe, do not want to recklessly escalate the situation into all out war in the middle east. Many on the political right think they are wimps. Nothing new there though.
They also have to work within the Rules of Engagement. During a tour in Afghanistan we were conducting night raids on known and suspected Taliban locations. And were very successful, attacks on coalition forces were very low across the board and we were getting some very good intel from those captured. During some meeting with Taliban leaders they complained about our operations. Shortly after, the Rules of Engagement changed to a point that we were on the defense. If we witnessed an IED being emplaced, we were forbidden to engage unless they shot at us first. If we come across an "IED Factory" we couldn't do anything. Just walk away leaving everything in place.
Where do the Rules of Engagement come from? Some idiot politician who has not been anywhere on the battlefield with no concept of what is / was going on. And for what? Some compromise that wouldn't benefit us on ground at all.
So the commanders know exactly what they need to do. They are restricted by some blithering idiot 3000 miles away.
The political right are in abject disarray and sunken have to the point of blaming Biden for the very things they would have praised their 'spiritual' leader.
And THAT is exactly why "winning" is an uphill climb............more like a vertical wall climb. They pulled the same shit in Iraq. Instead of just blowing the hell out of everything and anything, we had to watch our "P's and Q's"
Same sort of thing in Viet Nam. Couldn't bomb capital cities within a certain radius.
When the Rules of Engagement were changed like that, we saw an immediate increase in Taliban activity and we were attacked more often because they knew our restrictions.
I don't think it's fear holing Joey back. I think it's that he really has no idea what is going on.
He won't protect American's here in the US, why would deployed service members be any different?
Good point.
1950's women, 1950's culture, 1950's race tracks.
You really need someone to invent a time machine.
They did make it a historic site.

And don't forget...I still make eggs sunny side up!
This as our President and our nation lead the world in a two front ideological war against Russian expansionism and Islamic extremism during a soaring post-Covid economic recovery?
Even Trump knew better than to start Iran War!
Israel serves just fine as the US proxy in the ME.
Are you still doing great?
Wonderful! So sorry you are so unhappy...
But I thought you lived in the Bronx?
What is your misguided point now?
My Bronx neighborhood is beautiful!
It must be. Enjoy.
I have got Bronx Park, The NY Botanical Gardens, The Bronx Zoo, Orchard Beach, Yankee Stadium, The rejuvenated Bronx River and Arthur Avenue in my hood...
The best Drs and hospitals in the world.
If you ain't been uptown you ain't cool...
What you got to be so damn proud of?
A lot more than you.
Not if I am happy and you are miserable...
I'm not miserable, nor do I believe you're happy.
I see you have reached the na na nana poo poo level of conversation. One rung at a time Vic ... one rung at a time ... @!@
There are some places even illegal "migrants" won't go .................
I adopted that from one of our little lefties. She may log in at lunch time.
Probably not as much as Florida and Texas spent to send them to NY in the first place.
Remember, neither Florida nor Texas invited them. On the other hand, New York did. And now they are crying about having to actually step up and do something to back up their promises.
What's for lunch?
Mirror holds your answer.
We miss you.
Congrats on finding employment, I’ll that’s a big relief.
You’ve got the biggest and the best - you go girl.
Deploy troops to a shithole and they'll be shit on. What did everyone think would happen?
Biden is stuck in the quagmire of shithole politics. Aircraft carriers aren't going to intimidate goat herders; that's the problem with asymmetric warfare. And sending in more troops only provides more targets. Biden's problem is that the expedient big government solution for an insurgent opposition is totalitarian genocide.
Their aircraft and guided missiles will. Ever have even an unarmed F-18 fly low over your head unaware that it was about to do so? I can only imagine the feeling of a spanking new A-10 flying the same route.
So, the rationale behind deploying aircraft carriers is to terrorize sheep herders? Hamas achieves the same sort of intimidation using sewer pipe and kerosene.
Ever have a band of masked marauders destroying, burning, and pillaging neighborhoods? We've experienced that sort of intimidation on US streets in US cities. That's been sufficient to coerce the US government.
Great close air support craft but none are new. The last one rolled off of the assembly line about 40 years ago.
The latest upgraded version came online in 22-23. The one from 40 years ago wouldn't last a minute against the latest:
They are only good if our enemies think we'll use them.
Oh yeah, those old dogs are the newest attack dogs on the battlefield. Tie the Warthog with the latest version of Spooky (AC 130 J) for close air ground support.
Military aircraft and ground combat vehicles are always being upgraded. The A-10c upgrade started 2006. The Army loves the aircraft as the AF fights to retire it.
This just in:
T EL AVIV — Israel will implement four-hour pauses in fighting in parts of the northern Gaza Strip each day, White House National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby said on Thursday.
Already, tens of thousands of people have fled from northern Gaza to the south in recent days, taking advantage of battle pauses, the Israeli military has said. Today's agreement means that going forward, an announcement will be made three hours before each pause.
Israel agrees to maintain daily pauses in fighting in northern Gaza, U.S. says (msn.com)
That's Genocide Joe at work.
[Removed, do not call members names]
That sounds like a pretty good compromise to me as long as Israel keeps after Hamas until they are eliminated and removed from any sort of power in Gaza. It shows that Israel is willing to compromise when it comes to preserving civilian lives, whereas groups like Hamas are not. Hamas is bent on genocide, not Israel and certainly not the US, even Biden, IMHO. What am I missing here?
It would have been nice if Hamas gave something. It's another unilateral compromise by Israel.